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Microsoft AppIication VirtuaIization 4.6
Sequencing Guide

White Paper Descriptor
1hls whlLepaper ls deslaned Lo provlde admlnlsLraLors wlLh auldance for sequenclna appllcaLlons Lo creaLe vlrLual
packaaes LhaL can be dellvered Lo Lhe end user 1hls documenL dlscusses seLLlna up Lhe Sequencer sequenclna
besL pracLlces an example of sequenclna lmporLanL lnformaLlon relaLed Lo updaLlna packaaes and flnallv
examples of advanced CSu scrlpLlna

CopvrlahL 2008 MlC8CSCl1 CC8C8A1lCn


1 |ntroduct|on to App||cat|on 8equenc|ng................................................................7
2 8equencer workstat|on 6onf|gurat|on ..................................................................7
3 New features of App-V 4. 8equencer ................................................................. 10
3.1 Crardes lo lre 3ecuerce( |r 1. .............................................................. 10
3.1.1 lrp(oved ul .................................................................................... 10
3.1.2 3uppo(l lo( 1-o|l App||cal|ors ard 1-o|l 0pe(al|rd 3vslers ....... 10
3.1.3 NeW ard Ex|sl|rd App-\ 3ecuerced Pac|ades............................. 11
3.1.1 NeW 03 \a|ue Tads lo 3uppo(l 1-o|l 0pe(al|rd 3vslers ............ 12
3.1.5 Rerova| ol 8|oc| 3|ze 3e|ecl|or.................................................... 12
3.2 App-\ 1-o|l 3ecuerc|rd ard 3x3 Corl||cl 0elecl|or ............................... 13
4 Recommended est Pract|ces for 8equenc|ng ................................................... 14
5 6|ass|fy|ng App||cat|ons for 8equenc|ng ............................................................ 17
8equenc|ng L|m|tat|ons ....................................................................................... 18
7 8equenc|ng Phases ............................................................................................. 19
.1 lrsla||al|or Prase ....................................................................................... 19
.2 Laurcr Prase ............................................................................................ 21
.3 Cuslor|zal|or Prase ................................................................................. 25
.1 3ave Prase ................................................................................................ 2
8 8amp|e 8equenc|ng ............................................................................................. 27
.1 we|core 3c(eer ........................................................................................ 2
.2 Pac|ade lrlo(ral|or .................................................................................. 2
.3 Advarced 0pl|ors ...................................................................................... 29
.1 Vor|lo( lrsla||al|or ..................................................................................... 30
.1.1 App||cal|ors lral Recu|(e a Reoool ................................................ 30
.5 Corl|du(e App||cal|ors ............................................................................... 32
. Laurcr App||cal|ors ................................................................................... 33
. Pac|ade 0ep|ovrerl ................................................................................. 31
. 3av|rd lre Pac|ade ................................................................................... 35
9 App||cat|on Package Upgrade ............................................................................. 3
9.1 updal|rd a Pac|ade lral W||| Rep|ace lre Ex|sl|rd Pac|ade ..................... 3
9.2 updal|rd a Pac|ade lral W||| Rur al lre 3are T|re as lre Ex|sl|rd
Pac|ade............................................................................................................... 3
10 0ynam|c 8u|te 6ompos|t|on ................................................................................ 38
10.1 Advarlades .............................................................................................. 3

10.2 C(eale a 3ecorda(v Pac|ade lo( 3ra(ed 8ase App||cal|or us|rd 0vrar|c
3u|le Corpos|l|or ............................................................................................... 39
10.3 C(eale a 3ecorda(v Pac|ade lo( a 3ra(ed V|dd|eWa(e o( ul|||lv us|rd
0vrar|c 3u|le Corpos|l|or ................................................................................ 10
10.1 0el|r|rd lre 0eperdercv |r lre P(|ra(v Pac|ade................................... 10
10.5 0vrar|c 3u|le Corpos|l|or Too| ............................................................. 12
11 6ompress|on of the 8FT ...................................................................................... 44
12 Advanced 080 8cr|pt|ng ..................................................................................... 45
12.1 030 3c(|pls ............................................................................................. 1
12.2 030: 3CRlPT800Y vs lREF................................................................. 1
12.3 <3CRlPT800Y> Exarp|es ..................................................................... 19
12.1 <lREF> Exarp|es .................................................................................. 50
12.5 <PARAVETER3> Exarp|es ................................................................... 51
12. <w0RKlN00lR> Exarp|es - 3pec|lv|rd a wo(||rd 0|(eclo(v ............... 51
12. <RE0l3TRY> Exarp|es - Red|sl(v Cuslor|zal|ors ............................... 52
12. Laurcr|rd Loca| App||cal|ors .................................................................. 52
12.9 3ell|rd Erv|(orrerl \a(|ao|es ................................................................. 53
12.10 Laurcr|rd App||cal|or v|a Nor-0elau|l P(ov|de( Po||cv ......................... 53
12.11 Rurr|rd ar App||cal|or as a C0N30LE app||cal|or.............................. 51
12.12 030 XVL 3vrlax Crec| ........................................................................ 55
13 Advanced 8equenc|ng Techn|ques ..................................................................... 5
13.1 3ecuerc|rd App||cal|ors Tral Carrol lrsla|| lo 0:\ ................................. 5
13.2 3ecuerc|rd weo-8ased App||cal|ors ...................................................... 5
13.3 3ecuerc|rd App||cal|ors lral Recu|(e Access lo Loca| 0ev|ces ard/o(
Resou(ces ........................................................................................................... 5
13.1 3ecuerce( Lod F||es ................................................................................ 5
14 F|nd|ng Add|t|ona| |nformat|on ............................................................................ 59
11.1 E((o( Codes ard lre V|c(osoll KroW|edde 8ase ..................................... 59
11.2 App-\ Tear 8|od ..................................................................................... 0
11.3 App-\ Re|aled Tecrr|ca| 0|scuss|or Fo(urs ard weo 3|les ................. 0
15 Append|x A - 6reat|ng a 0ummy 006.............................................................. 1
1 Append|x - 6reat|ng a 0ummy Pr|nter ............................................................. 9

ntroduction to Application Squncing
1he MlcrosofL AppllcaLlon vlrLuallzaLlon (Appv) Sequencer ls a componenL of Lhe Appv sulLe used Lo packaae
appllcaLlons Lo be deploved Lo svsLems uslna Lhe Appv CllenL roperlv sequenclna appllcaLlons ls Lhe kev Lo a
successful Appv lmplemenLaLlon As such lL's lmporLanL Lo follow MlcrosofL's recommended pracLlces and be
aware of Lhe dlfferenL opLlons when sequenclna 1hls documenL covers seLLlna up Lhe Sequencer sequenclna besL
pracLlces an example of sequenclna lmporLanL lnformaLlon relaLed Lo updaLlna packaaes and flnallv examples of
advanced CSu scrlpLlna
Squncr Workstation Configuration
roper conf|gurat|on of the sequenc|ng stat|on |s |mperat|ve to ensure that app||cat|ons w||| funct|on proper|y
when |aunched on a c||ent M|crosoft recommends the fo||ow|ng conf|gurat|on when sequenc|ng

equence on a mach|ne that matches the operat|ng system (C% and conf|gurat|on of the target
c||ents lL ls ofLen posslble Lo sequence on one CS and run Lhe vlrLuallzed appllcaLlon on a
dlfferenL CS however Lhls scenarlo ls boLh appllcaLlon and CSdependenL and ls noL auaranLeed
Lo work for all appllcaLlon/CS comblnaLlons slnce Appv ls noL a aeneralpurpose CS
compaLlblllLv soluLlon lf problems are encounLered Lhe appllcaLlon mav be requlred Lo be
sequenced on Lhe same CS envlronmenL LhaL Lhe Appv CllenL ls runnlna on order Lo resolve
Lhose problems
nc|ude M|crosoft Cff|ce on the base sequencer |mage |f M|crosoft Cff|ce w||| be |nsta||ed
trad|t|ona||y on a|| desktops |n the organ|zat|on Manv appllcaLlons wlll lnsLall dlfferenLlv lf Lhev
recoanlze LhaL MlcrosofL Cfflce ls alreadv lnsLalled on Lhe machlne 1hus lf an appllcaLlon ls
expecLed Lo lnLearaLe wlLh MlcrosofL Cfflce lL's besL Lo aLLempL sequenclna on a machlne wlLh
Cfflce alreadv lnsLalled and acLlvaLed 1hls assumes LhaL a MlcrosofL Cfflce sulLe wlll be lnsLalled
locallv on all cllenL Cs ln addlLlon vou mav wanL Lo lnsLall anv oLher proarams LhaL could be
used bv Lhe appllcaLlon vou are sequenclna lf Lhev are noL aolna Lo be a parL of Lhe sequence
reate an CD8 D- sett|ng as part of the equencer base |mage lf no Cu8C uSn seLLlna exlsLs
on Lhe base Sequencer lmaae and Lhe appllcaLlon belna packaaed creaLes one Lhe enLlre realsLrv
kev assoclaLed wlLh Cu8C seLLlnas wlll become vlrLuallzed 1hls wlll prohlblL Lhe packaaed
appllcaLlon from seelna anv Cu8C uSn seLLlnas LhaL exlsL on Lhe base cllenL machlne lf an Cu8C
enLrv alreadv exlsLs on Lhe Sequencer machlne onlv Lhe Cu8C seLLlnas wlll become vlrLuallzed
and Lhe Cu8C seLLlnas on Lhe cllenL wlll be meraed wlLh Lhe Cu8C seLLlnas ln Lhe packaae
O 1he followlna locaLlons can be checked Lo deLermlne Cu8C lnformaLlon was capLured
4 Search for odbclnl lL wlll be locaLed ln Lhe vlSCSluL_WlnuCWS folder
4 LMSofLwareCu8CCu8ClnlCu8C uaLa Sources
4 CuSl1_SluSofLwareCu8CCu8Clnl
lor sLepbvsLep lnsLrucLlons on how Lo seLup a dummv Cu8C enLrv see Appendlx A

dd a dummy pr|nter dev|ce as part of the equencer base |mage rlnLers acL ln Lhe same
manner as Cu8C seLLlnas lL ls necessarv Lo lnclude a dummv prlnLer devlce ln Lhe Sequencer C
lmaae lor sLepbvsLep lnsLrucLlons on how Lo creaLe a dummv prlnLer devlce refer Lo Appendlx

etup your sequencer mach|ne w|th mu|t|p|e part|t|ons lL ls recommended LhaL Lhe Sequencer
machlne be conflaured wlLh aL leasL Lwo prlmarv parLlLlons 1he flrsL parLlLlon C should have Lhe
operaLlna svsLem lnsLalled and should be formaLLed as n1lS 1he second parLlLlon should be
asslaned Lhe drlve leLLer LhaL wlll maLch Lhe vlrLual drlve leLLer asslaned on Lhe cllenL 1he defaulL
value ls C 1hls asslanmenL ls used as Lhe desLlnaLlon paLh for Lhe appllcaLlon lnsLallaLlon and
should also be formaLLed as n1lS

onf|gure the temp d|rector|es to ensure successfu| sequenc|ng and |mprove performance 1he
Sequencer uses Lhe 1M 1LM and lLs own ScraLch ulrecLorv for Lemporarv flles 1hese
locaLlons should conLaln free dlsk space equlvalenL Lo Lhe esLlmaLed lnsLallaLlon slze 1he ScraLch
ulrecLorv ls where Lhe Sequencer wlll Lemporarllv sLore flles aeneraLed durlna Lhe sequenclna
process ?ou can check Lhe locaLlon of Lhe ScraLch ulrecLorv bv launchlna Lhe Sequencer cllcklna
CpLlons from Lhe 1ools menu cllcklna Lhe aLhs Lab and Lhen noLlna Lhe ScraLch ulrecLorv box
laclna Lhe Lemp dlrecLorles and Lhe ScraLch ulrecLorv on dlfferenL hard drlve splndles can
lmprove performance durlna sequenclna

equence us|ng V|rtua| MosL appllcaLlons wlll be sequenced more Lhan once 1hls mav be
due Lo addlLlonal conflauraLlon chanaes or slmplv sLarLlna over Lo correcL a mlsLake 1he polnL ls
LhaL vou wlll be aolna back Lo vour orlalnal conflauraLlon on Lhe C several Llmes 1o help
faclllLaLe Lhls vou mav wanL Lo use a vlrLual machlne 1hls wlll leL vou sequence an appllcaLlon
and wlLh a slmple cllck of a buLLon reverL back Lo a clean sLaLe so vou can conLlnue sequenclna
wlLh no down Llme AddlLlonallv whenever vou sLarL a new sequence sLarL wlLh a clean
sequenclna svsLem

hut down Cther rograms rocesses and scheduled Lasks LhaL normallv run on vour compuLer
can slow down Lhe sequenclna process and cause lrrelevanL daLa Lo be aaLhered durlna
sequenclna 1hese proarams should be shuL down before vou bealn sequenclna Some of Lhese
proarams lnclude

4 Wlndows uefender
4 AnLlvlrus sofLware
4 ulsk defraamenLaLlon sofLware
4 Wlndows Search
4 MlcrosofL updaLe
4 Anv open Wlndows Lxplorer sesslon
-ote 1he Sequencer worksLaLlon should be fullv scanned for vlruses and malware
and Lhen Lhe anLlvlrus and anLlmalware sofLware should be dlsabled before creaLlna
a snapshoL lmaae of Lhe Sequencer worksLaLlon



w faturs of App-V . Squncr
AppllcaLlon vlrLuallzaLlon 46 adds supporL for 64blL operaLlna svsLems and 64blL appllcaLlons ConflauraLlon and
undersLandlna of Lhe chanaes for Appv 46 as Lhev perLaln Lo Lhe Sequencer are lmporLanL Lo successfullv
deplovlna Appv 46 and supporLlna vlrLual appllcaLlons 1he followlna secLlon descrlbes speclflc deLalls abouL Lhe
46 Sequencer
. Cbangs to tb Squncr in .
1he followlna llsL descrlbes Lhe chanaes Lo Lhe Appv 46 Sequencer LhaL wlll be deLalled ln Lhe secLlon
lmproved ul Lo slmpllfv sequenclna process
SupporL for 64blL appllcaLlons and 64blL operaLlna svsLems
new CS value Laas ln Lhe CSu Lo accommodaLe 64blL operaLlna svsLems
8emoved block slze selecLlon
.. provd U
1he Appv 46 Sequencer lnLerface was chanaed Lo lmprove Lhe sequenclna experlence SecLlon 8 ln Lhls
documenL provldes a deLalled walkLhrouah of Lhe sequenclna lnLerface More lnformaLlon abouL Lhe chanaes Lo
Sequencer lnLerface ls avallable aL hLLp//bloasLechneLcom/sofLarld/archlve/2009/08/23/sequencerulchanaes
.. Support for -bit Applications and -bit Uprating Systs
Sequenclna 64blL appllcaLlons requlres sequenclna on a 64blL operaLlna svsLem 1he resulLlna packaae can onlv
be deploved Lo a 64blL operaLlna svsLem wlLh Lhe 64blL Appv 46 CllenL All oLher recommendaLlons for
sequenclna lncludlna sequenclna on Lhe same CS as Lhe LaraeL CS sLlll applv


.. w and Existing App-V Squncd Packags
1he aoal of Appv 46 ls Lo ensure LhaL Lhe LranslLlon wlll have mlnlmal lmpacL on an oraanlzaLlon ackaaes LhaL
have been sequenced wlLh prevlous verslons of Lhe Appv Sequencer can be deploved Lo Appv 46 CllenLs wlLh
onlv chanaes Lo Lhe CSu flles Lo lnclude Lhe new C Va|ue Laas LhaL supporL 64blL operaLlna svsLems (whlch are
descrlbed nexL ln Lhls secLlon) 1he followlna ls a supporL maLrlx of coexlsLence wlLh preexlsLlna and new Appv
sequenced packaaes

1ab|e 1 equenc|ng upport Matr|x

-ote 1he co|umn "equenced w|th 42" a|so |nc|udes ppV 41 1 sequences
-ote t |s recommended to on|y sequence 32b|t app||cat|ons on 32b|t sequencers as 32b|t app||cat|ons
sequenced on a 64b|t sequencer are on|y supported on 64b|t c||ents
ln summarv sequenced packaaes creaLed wlLh prevlous verslons of Lhe Appv Sequencer 41 S1 and laLer should
work wlLh Lhe Appv 46 CllenL Some appllcaLlons LhaL have been sequenced ln prevlous verslons of operaLlna
svsLems mav need Lo be sequenced aaaln lf deplovlna Lo newer operaLlna svsLems


.. w US Valu Tags to Support -bit Uprating Systs
1he followlna Lable shows Lhe dlfferences beLween C Va|ue Laas from prevlous verslons of Appv Lo Appv 46
C Va|ue ppV 46 ppV 45
W|nk Wlndows x rofesslonal 32blL Wlndows x rofesslonal
W|nk64 Wlndows x rofesslonal 64blL n/a
W|n20031 Wlndows 2003 1ermlnal Server 32blL Wlndows 2003 1ermlnal Server
W|n2003164 Wlndows 2003 1ermlnal Server 64blL n/a
W|nV|sta Wlndows vlsLa 32blL Wlndows vlsLa
W|nV|sta64 Wlndows vlsLa 64blL n/a
W|n20081 Wlndows 2008 1ermlnal Server 32blL Wlndows 2008 1ermlnal Server
W|n2008164 Wlndows 2008 1ermlnal Server 64blL n/a
W|n2008k2164 Wlndows 2008 82 1ermlnal Server 64blL n/a
W|n7 Wlndows 7 32blL Appv Cu1
W|n764 Wlndows 7 64blL n/a
1ab|e 2 C Va|ue tags
.. Roval of Block Siz Slction
Appv 46 removes Lhe selecLlon of block slze when sequenclna All Appv 46 packaaes are sequenced wlLh 648
block slze for opLlmal neLwork performance


. App-V -bit Squncing and SxS Conflict Dtction
Sequenclna wlLh a 64bL Sequencer ls Lhe same process as 32blL sequenclna owever ln some cases Lhe
Sequencer wlll deLecL a confllcL when performlna prlvaLlzaLlon of SldebvSlde (SxS) assemblles durlna normal
sequenclna 1vplcallv Lhe Sequencer creaLes prlvaLe sldebvslde assemblles for all publlc assemblles LhaL are used
bv Lhe packaae owever lL ls noL posslble Lo creaLe 32blL and 64blL verslons of prlvaLe assemblles ln Lhe same
dlrecLorv When Lhe Sequencer deLecLs LhaL a dlrecLorv would conLaln boLh Lhe 32 and 64blL prlvaLlzed verslons
of Lhe same publlc assemblv Lhe Sequencer wlll reporL a SxS prlvaLlzaLlon confllcL and dlsplav Lhe dlaloaue below

|gure 1 |deby|de onf||ct Detect|on Message

When Lhls occurs lL ls recommended LhaL vou perform Lhe followlna sLeps
1 SLop sequenclna and reverL Lhe sequenclna worksLaLlon back Lo Lhe base conflauraLlon
2 naLlvelv lnsLall elLher Lhe 32blL or 64blL confllcLlna assemblv on Lhe sequenclna sLaLlon as a publlc SxS
uLL (64blL assemblv ls recommended for Lhe naLlve lnsLallaLlon)
3 Sequence Lhe appllcaLlon LhaL caused Lhe confllcL deLecLlon
4 naLlvelv lnsLall Lhe publlc assemblv from sLep 2 on Lhe each cllenL before deplovlna Lhe packaae
-C1L f perform|ng command||ne sequenc|ng the message w||| appear |n the |og f||e
1hls process ensures LhaL onlv one verslon of Lhe prlvaLe assemblv aeLs capLured ln Lhe packaae vlsual SLudlo
2008 ls an example of an appllcaLlon LhaL would dlsplav Lhls behavlor lf lnsLalllna on a 64blL operaLlna svsLem ln
order Lo compleLe Lhe Lasks above Lhe speclflc assemblv for 64blL or 32blL LhaL wlll be lnsLalled naLlvelv on Lhe
Sequencer and cllenL compuLers wlll need Lo be locaLed lor vlsual SLudlo 2008 Lhe 64blL assemblv can be found
aL hLLp//wwwmlcrosofLcom/downloads/deLallsaspx?famllvld8u2A6171L2u642308809


Rcondd Bst Practics for Squncing
1hls secLlon covers MlcrosofL's recommended besL pracLlces for sequenclna appllcaLlons
lL ls recommended LhaL vou famlllarlze vourself wlLh Lhe lnsLallaLlon and execuLlon of Lhe appllcaLlon prlor Lo
sequenclna 8e sure Lo read all lnsLallaLlon lnsLrucLlons assoclaLed wlLh Lhe appllcaLlon lL ls also recommended
LhaL vou learn how Lhe appllcaLlon runs and Lhe componenLs of Lhe appllcaLlon LhaL Lhe user wlll need
1o lmprove Lhe process of sequenclna an appllcaLlon one should documenL sLepbvsLep Lhe lnsLallaLlon and posL
conflauraLlon procedures for Lhe appllcaLlon SLepbvsLep documenLaLlon wlll ensure LhaL no unnecessarv
LroubleshooLlna occurs durlna Lhe sequenclna process slnce no lmporLanL sLeps wlll be sklpped Alwavs documenL
Lhe sequenclna process sLepbvsLep creaLlna a reclpe" uslna a sLandardlzed LemplaLe uocumenLlna Lhe
sequenclna process sLepbvsLep wlll allow vou Lo hand Lhe reclpe Lo someone else ln vour oraanlzaLlon and have
Lhem recreaLe Lhe same packaae
lLems Lo documenL ln a reclpe lnclude
WhaL appllcaLlon componenLs are needed and wlll be requlred Lo compleLe Lhe lnsLallaLlon of Lhe
WhaL updaLes such as addlna new flles Lo Lhe packaae need Lo be performed ln Lhe Sequencer afLer
Lhe lnsLallaLlon?
WhaL posLlnsLallaLlon conflauraLlon sLeps need Lo Lake place ln Lhe Sequencer?
ow do users commonlv use Lhls appllcaLlon lmmedlaLelv afLer lLs launch?
uoes Lhls appllcaLlon do someLhlna LhaL Appv currenLlv does noL supporL? lf so check Lhe MlcrosofL
nowledae 8ase Lo see lf a workaround ls avallable
8ecommended seLLlnas conflauraLlons and process lnclude
When sequenclna on Wlndows vlsLa or Wlndows 7 ensure sure vou have user AccounL ConLrol (uAC)
enabled on Lhe sequenclna machlne lf Lhe cllenL machlne vou are deplovlna Lhe appllcaLlon Lo wlll
have uAC enabled as well
use Lhe CommenLs fleld ln Lhe Sequencer (AbsLracL 1aa) Lo noLe anv deLalls abouL Lhe packaae vou
mav wanL Lo lnclude 1hls wlll allow vou Lo revlslL Lhe Sequence laLer and have a record of Lhls
1he lnsLallaLlon drlve on vour Sequencer should maLch Lhe vlrLual drlve on Lhe cllenL ln some cases
Lhls mav noL be posslble (lf sav packaalna for mulLlple oraanlzaLlons) and vou mav be requlred Lo ao
back and edlL Lhe vlrLual realsLrv or some lndlvldual flles Lo polnL Lo Lhe correcL locaLlons
Sequence Lo a unlque 83 dlrecLorv name 1hls applles Lo boLh Lhe AsseL and lnsLallaLlon ulrecLorles
('CM?A' ls correcL 'CMv AppllcaLlon' ls lncorrecL CM?A001 ls also correcL)


Sequence Lo a folder ln Lhe rooL of Lhe drlve noL Lo a subdlrecLorv ('CM?A' ls correcL 'C' ls
lncorrecL 'C1emp_!unkM?lCLu' ls lncorrecL) lf Lhe sulLe has mulLlple parLs lnsLall each
appllcaLlon ln a subdlrecLorv of Lhe AsseL ulrecLorv lor example lf a packaae conLalns a Llne of
8uslness AppllcaLlon alona wlLh Lhe Cracle CllenL use CAppSulLe as Lhe AsseL ulrecLorv sequence
Lhe LC8 appllcaLlon Lo CAppSulLeLC8 and sequence Lhe Cracle cllenL Lo
Alwavs use aloballv unlque paLhs and packaae names across Lhe seL of appllcaLlon sequenclnas uo
noL lnsLall for example mulLlple MlcrosofL Cfflce sequenclnas Lo Lhe same AsseL ulrecLorv name use
a sLandardlzed namlna scheme for Lhe AsseL ulrecLorv LhaL can be lncremenLed for new revlslons for
example CCllxv1 or CCllx001 lallure Lo make Lhese unlque can cause confllcLs wlLh vour
Conflaure and LesL Lhe appllcaLlon ln Lhe lnsLallaLlon hase CompleLlna Lhe lnsLallaLlon of an
appllcaLlon ofLen requlres performlna several manual sLeps LhaL are noL parL of Lhe appllcaLlon
lnsLallaLlon process 1hese sLeps can lnvolve conflaurlna a connecLlon Lo a 'backend' daLabase
copvlna updaLed flles eLc uo Lhls conflauraLlon ln Lhe lnsLallaLlon hase and run Lhe appllcaLlon Lo
make sure lL works
LxecuLe Lhe appllcaLlon mulLlple Llmes lf necessarv unLll Lhe proaram ls ln a sLaLlc sLaLe ln Lhe
lnsLallaLlon hase lor example run Lhe appllcaLlon mulLlple Llmes Lo aeL pasL all realsLraLlon and
dlaloa box requesLs Some appllcaLlons perform dlfferenL Lasks on flrsL launch second launch and
someLlmes subsequenL launches 1he mulLlple launches wlll make sure LhaL anv posLlnsLallaLlon
Lasks LhaL are requlred bv Lhe appllcaLlon can be compleLed (ea accepLlna a llcense aareemenL or
seLLlna flle Lvpe assoclaLlons)
use Lhe AppllcaLlon Wlzard Lo launch each execuLable ln a sulLe of appllcaLlons 1hls wlll ensure LhaL
each appllcaLlon wlll have Lhe requlred lnlLlal launch daLa on Lhe Appv CllenL
ulsable lnsLall on llrsL use" Some appllcaLlons have Lhe opLlon Lo lnsLall on llrsL use" for cerLaln
componenLs lL ls requlred LhaL none of Lhe componenLs are sequenced wlLh Lhls opLlon lL ls
necessarv Lo choose elLher 8un from Mv CompuLer" (lnsLall Lhls componenL) or noL Avallable" (do
noL lnsLall Lhls componenL) lor appllcaLlon componenLs LhaL wlll noL be used bv anv of Lhe LaraeLed
users lL ls recommended LhaL Lhe componenLs noL be lnsLalled
ulsable AuLo updaLe" feaLures Some appllcaLlons have Lhe ablllLv Lo check a web slLe or a server for
Lhe laLesL appllcaLlon updaLes 1hls feaLure should be Lurned off as verslon conLrol should be
performed vla sequenclna new verslons
CperaLlons made durlna Lhe Launch hase wlll be lncluded ln Lhe prlmarv feaLure block As a aeneral
rule when bulldlna Lhe prlmarv feaLure block make sure vou execuLe Lhe appllcaLlon's mosL common
operaLlons (ea ln MlcrosofL Word open a documenL and mlsspell a word Lo lnclude spell check
funcLlon) so LhaL Lhev are lncluded ln Lhe lnlLlal sLreamlna of Lhe appllcaLlon and vou have an accuraLe
prlmarv feaLure block lf Lhls ls noL done users wlll see delavs as Lhev sLarL Lo use Lhe appllcaLlon and
wlll reaard lL as belna slow lf manv of Lhe feaLures Lhev use are noL ln prlmarv feaLure block
AddlLlonallv lf vou are ln an envlronmenL where bandwldLh ls llmlLed Lhen vou wanL Lo have an
accuraLe prlmarv feaLure block so LhaL users are noL consLanLlv maklna calls Lo Lhe server Lo
download addlLlonal flles ln cache


1here are several onllne arLlcles relaLlna Lo sequenclna besL pracLlces
4 MlcrosofL SupporL hLLp//supporLmlcrosofLcom/kb/932137
4 Appv 1eam 8loa hLLp//bloasLechneLcom/Appv/archlve/2007/07/12/sequenclnabesL


Classifying Applications for Squncing
All appllcaLlons are dlfferenL and Lherefore no appllcaLlon wlll requlre Lhe same amounL of Llme Lo sequence
owever sequenclna esLlmaLes can be puL lnLo Lhree caLeaorles based on Lhe complexlLv of Lhe appllcaLlon slze
(boLh slze on dlsk and number of flles) and flnallv rellance on resources ouLslde of Lhe vlrLual appllcaLlon AnoLher
lLem Lo Lake speclal noLe of before sequenclna bealns noth|ng w||| s|ow down the sequenc|ng process more than
not hav|ng access to someone who |nherent|y understands the fu|| funct|ona||ty of the app||cat|on
1hls secLlon lncludes approxlmaLe sequenclna Llmes owever Lhese are verv aeneral ln naLure Lverv appllcaLlon
wlll be dlfferenL 1he Llmes are presenLed onlv Lo asslsL ln estlmotloo Lhe Llme requlred for a pro[ecL
pp||cat|on 1ype Descr|pt|on 1|me ca|e
|mp|e 1hese appllcaLlons are normallv small An example of an
appllcaLlon ln Lhls caLeaorv would be WlnZlp or Adobe 8eader
1hese appllcaLlons are verv sLralahLforward and normallv
small ln slze (usuallv under 100M8) verv llLLle lf anv
modlflcaLlons are needed Lo run Lhese appllcaLlons
sequenc|ng t|me
|ess than 1 hour
1hls ls probablv Lhe mosL common appllcaLlon Lvpe 1hese
appllcaLlons mlahL requlre some chanaes whlle sequenclna Lo
funcLlon correcLlv ln some cases Lhev mav requlre no
chanaes buL have a laraer lnsLall LhaL Lakes more Llme ln rare
occurrences vou wlll encounLer boLh Chanaes vou mlahL
encounLer ln Lhese packaaes would be on Lhe order of maklna
chanaes Lo Lhe realsLrv alLerlna Lhe osd flle Lo launch wlLh
addlLlonal parameLers and scrlpLs or Lhere mav be addlLlonal
appllcaLlons needed Lo lnsLall LoaeLher as a sulLe so Lhev can
funcLlon LoaeLher

sequenc|ng t|me
14 hours

omp|ex 1hese are larae appllcaLlons or appllcaLlons LhaL Lake four or
more hours Lo lnsLall slanlflcanL amounLs of cusLomlzaLlon Lo
funcLlon ln Lhe vlrLual envlronmenL or boLh ackaaes llke
Lhese wlll normallv be 34 C8 ln slze and mav requlre
compresslon Lo aeL Lhe packaae under Lhe 4C8 Appv llmlL
CLher hurdles vou mav encounLer are Lhe appllcaLlon's
rellance on flles belna ln a speclflc place and funcLlons hard
coded Lo LhaL lnsLall 1hese appllcaLlons mav requlre vou Lo
manuallv edlL baLch and command flles Lo polnL Lo resources
ln Lhe vlrLual envlronmenL lf Lhls ls Lhe case lL ls hlahlv
recommended uLlllzlna a proaram LhaL can scan mulLlple flles
and make several chanaes aL once ?ou also mav be requlred
Lo lnsLall a devlce drlver separaLelv slnce drlvers cannoL be
vlrLuallzed AppllcaLlons of Lhls complexlLv can be sequenced
however lL ls lmperaLlve LhaL before vou bealn all Lhe pleces
musL be ln place All knowledaeable resources should be
enaaaed and avallable sequenclna hardware should be beLLer
Lhan averaae and flnallv sequenclna appllcaLlons such as
Lhese should be done bv an experlenced sequencer who has
used Lhe Appv producL
sequenc|ng t|me
48 hours but
cou|d be |onger
depend|ng on the
s|ze and number
of f||es


1ab|e 3 |ass|f|cat|ons of pp||cat|ons
Squncing Liitations
SomeLlmes Lhere are appllcaLlons LhaL cannoL or should noL be sequenced Also Lhere are cerLaln llmlLaLlons wlLh
Appv ere ls a shorL llsL of appllcaLlon funcLlons and llmlLaLlons of Lhe sofLware
|m|tat|on Descr|pt|on
equenced package over 4G8 (1 has 4G8
W 8v uLlllzlna compresslon wlLhln Lhe Sequencer lL's
posslble Lo Lake appllcaLlons LhaL are laraer Lhan 4C8
and aeL Lhem below Lhe llmlL
W owever afLer compresslon Lhe appllcaLlon musL be
smaller Lhan 4C8
W lf Lhe appllcaLlon ls Loo larae Lhen Lhe sequencer wlll noL
save Lhe appllcaLlon lL wlll however aLLempL Lo
compress Lhe flle

pp||cat|ons that start serv|ces at boot t|me W Appv requlres a loaaed ln user Lo lnlLlaLe Lhe launch of
an appllcaLlon

pp||cat|ons that requ|re dev|ce dr|vers W Appv cannoL vlrLuallze drlvers lL ls posslble Lo bvpass
Lhls lssue and lnsLall Lhe drlver locallv on Lhe LaraeL
W Some usermode devlce drlvers can be vlrLuallzed

pp||cat|ons that are requ|red by severa|
app||cat|ons for |nformat|on or access
W lor example a proaram LhaL wlll lnlLlaLe a command and
launch anoLher proaram normallv vou would lnclude
boLh proarams ln Lhe same sulLe however lf Lhls
appllcaLlon launches or lnlLlaLes commands ln several
appllcaLlons lL mav noL be feaslble for vou Lo lnclude all
of Lhe appllcaLlons ln Lhe same sulLe
W 1hls ls especlallv Lrue lf one of Lhe reasons vou are
deplovlna Appv ls Lo avold appllcaLlon confllcLs Alwavs
remember LhaL Lhe vlrLual bubble" can see Lhe CS and
whaL's lnsLalled on lL buL Lhe CS cannoL see Lhe bubble"
and lnLeracL wlLh lL Cn Lhe same noLe remember LhaL
one bubble" cannoL see anoLher
pp||cat|ons that are a part of the C W Such as lnLerneL Lxplorer

pp||cat|ons that use CM+ W 8ecause CCM+ ls dvnamlc and happens aL runLlme
Lhere's no wav for Lhe Sequencer Lo capLure Lhls
CM D surrogate v|rtua||zat|on W lor example uLLs LhaL run ln ullhosLexe
1ab|e 4 equenc|ng |m|tat|ons


Squncing Pbass
1here are four phases Lo sequenclna a packaae lnsLallaLlon launch cusLomlzaLlon and save 1hls secLlon provldes
a hlahlevel overvlew of each phase
. nstallation Pbas
uurlna Lhe lnsLallaLlon phase Lhe Sequencer wlll be used Lo conflaure Lhe packaae lnformaLlon monlLor Lhe
lnsLallaLlon of Lhe appllcaLlon(s) and flnallv process Lhe lnsLallaLlon lnformaLlon AfLer compleLlna Lhe lnsLallaLlon
phase Lhe Sequencer wlll move Lo Lhe launch phase 1he flaure below descrlbes Lhe operaLlons LhaL occur ln Lhe
lnsLallaLlon phase

|gure 2 wa|kthrough and br|ef descr|pt|on of the d|fferent steps of the |nsta||at|on phase


1 |ntroduct|on to App||cat|on 8equenc|ng ............................................................... 7
2 8equencer workstat|on 6onf|gurat|on .................................................................. 7
3 New features of App-V 4. 8equencer ................................................................. 10
3.1 Crardes lo lre 3ecuerce( |r 1. ............................................................... 10
3.1.1 lrp(oved ul .................................................................................... 10
3.1.2 3uppo(l lo( 1-o|l App||cal|ors ard 1-o|l 0pe(al|rd
3vslers ....................................................................................................... 10
3.1.3 NeW ard Ex|sl|rd App-\ 3ecuerced Pac|ades ............................. 11
3.1.1 NeW 03 \a|ue Tads lo 3uppo(l 1-o|l 0pe(al|rd 3vslers ............ 12
3.1.5 Rerova| ol 8|oc| 3|ze 3e|ecl|or .................................................... 12
3.2 App-\ 1-o|l 3ecuerc|rd ard 3x3 Corl||cl 0elecl|or ................................ 13
4 Recommended est Pract|ces for 8equenc|ng .................................................. 14
5 6|ass|fy|ng App||cat|ons for 8equenc|ng ............................................................ 17
8equenc|ng L|m|tat|ons ....................................................................................... 18
7 8equenc|ng Phases ............................................................................................. 19
.1 lrsla||al|or Prase ....................................................................................... 19
............................................................................................................................. 19
.2 Laurcr Prase ............................................................................................ 21


.3 Cuslor|zal|or Prase ................................................................................. 25
.1 3ave Prase ................................................................................................ 2
8 8amp|e 8equenc|ng ............................................................................................. 27
.1 we|core 3c(eer ........................................................................................ 2
.2 Pac|ade lrlo(ral|or .................................................................................. 2
............................................................................................................................. 2
.3 Advarced 0pl|ors ...................................................................................... 29
.1 Vor|lo( lrsla||al|or ..................................................................................... 30
.1.1 App||cal|ors lral Recu|(e a Reoool ................................................ 30


............................................................................................................................. 31
.5 Corl|du(e App||cal|ors ............................................................................... 32
. Laurcr App||cal|ors ................................................................................... 33
. Pac|ade 0ep|ovrerl ................................................................................. 31
. 3av|rd lre Pac|ade ................................................................................... 35
9 App||cat|on Package Upgrade ............................................................................. 3
9.1 updal|rd a Pac|ade lral W||| Rep|ace lre Ex|sl|rd Pac|ade ..................... 3
9.2 updal|rd a Pac|ade lral W||| Rur al lre 3are T|re as lre Ex|sl|rd
Pac|ade ............................................................................................................... 3
10 0ynam|c 8u|te 6ompos|t|on ................................................................................ 38
10.1 Advarlades .............................................................................................. 3
10.2 C(eale a 3ecorda(v Pac|ade lo( 3ra(ed 8ase App||cal|or us|rd
0vrar|c 3u|le Corpos|l|or ................................................................................. 39
10.3 C(eale a 3ecorda(v Pac|ade lo( a 3ra(ed V|dd|eWa(e o( ul|||lv
us|rd 0vrar|c 3u|le Corpos|l|or ........................................................................ 10
10.1 0el|r|rd lre 0eperdercv |r lre P(|ra(v Pac|ade ................................... 10
10.5 0vrar|c 3u|le Corpos|l|or Too| ............................................................. 12
11 6ompress|on of the 8FT ...................................................................................... 44
12 Advanced 080 8cr|pt|ng ..................................................................................... 45
12.1 030 3c(|pls.............................................................................................. 1
12.2 030: 3CRlPT800Y vs lREF ................................................................. 1


12.3 <3CRlPT800Y> Exarp|es ..................................................................... 19
12.1 <lREF> Exarp|es................................................................................... 50
12.5 <PARAVETER3> Exarp|es .................................................................... 51
12. <w0RKlN00lR> Exarp|es - 3pec|lv|rd a wo(||rd 0|(eclo(v................ 51
12. <RE0l3TRY> Exarp|es - Red|sl(v Cuslor|zal|ors ............................... 52
12. Laurcr|rd Loca| App||cal|ors ................................................................... 52
12.9 3ell|rd Erv|(orrerl \a(|ao|es ................................................................. 53
12.10 Laurcr|rd App||cal|or v|a Nor-0elau|l P(ov|de( Po||cv.......................... 53
12.11 Rurr|rd ar App||cal|or as a C0N30LE app||cal|or .............................. 51
12.12 030 XVL 3vrlax Crec| ........................................................................ 55
13 Advanced 8equenc|ng Techn|ques ..................................................................... 5
13.1 3ecuerc|rd App||cal|ors Tral Carrol lrsla|| lo 0:\ ................................. 5
.................................................................................................................... 5
13.2 3ecuerc|rd weo-8ased App||cal|ors ...................................................... 5
13.3 3ecuerc|rd App||cal|ors lral Recu|(e Access lo Loca| 0ev|ces
ard/o( Resou(ces ................................................................................................. 5
13.1 3ecuerce( Lod F||es ................................................................................ 5
14 F|nd|ng Add|t|ona| |nformat|on............................................................................ 59
11.1 E((o( Codes ard lre V|c(osoll KroW|edde 8ase ..................................... 59
11.2 App-\ Tear 8|od ..................................................................................... 0
11.3 App-\ Re|aled Tecrr|ca| 0|scuss|or Fo(urs ard weo 3|les .................. 0
15 Append|x A - 6reat|ng a 0ummy 006 ............................................................. 1
1 Append|x - 6reat|ng a 0ummy Pr|nter ............................................................ 9


. Launcb Pbas
1he nexL phase or launch phase ls used Lo compleLe Lhe followlna Lasks conflaure appllcaLlons launch selecLed
appllcaLlons Lo seL proper prlmarv feaLure block process Lhe packaae and creaLe Lhe packaae

|gure 3 wa|kthrough and br|ef descr|pt|on of the d|fferent steps of the |aunch phase


. Custoization Pbas
uurlna Lhls phase vou can make cusLomlzaLlons Lo vour packaae ln Lhe CSu flles 1he followlna ls a brlef example of
whaL ls ln Lhe CSu flle A more deLalled descrlpLlon can be found ln Lhe Advanced CSu ScrlpLlna" secLlon laLer ln
Lhls documenL

|gure 4 descr|pt|on of CD e|ements


. Sav Pbas
When vou save vour packaae vou wlll have several flles 1he followlna ls a llsL of Lhose flles and descrlpLlons of
each of Lhem

1ab|e 5 equenc|ng Cutput ||es


8 Sapl Squncing
1hls secLlon descrlbes some of Lhe kev polnLs Lo remember durlna sequenclna 1o bealn open Lhe AppllcaLlon
vlrLuallzaLlon Sequencer and selecL reate a ackage from Lhe We|come creen
8. Wlco Scrn
1he Welcome Screen ls new ln Appv 46 and provldes qulck access Lo Lhe common Lasks of creaLlna edlLlna and
uparadlna a packaae

|gure 5 We|come creen
We|come creen
reate a ackage 1he ackaae name musL be unlque MlcrosofL uses Lhe followlna namlna convenLlon
Appname_Appvendor_verslon_Mn1 | vlS where Mn1 lndlcaLes Lhe
appllcaLlon was lnsLalled Lo C and vlS lndlcaLes Lhe appllcaLlon was lnsLalled Lo C
Ld|t a ackage lndlcaLes Lhe person who performed Lhe sequence Lhe daLe Lhe sequence was creaLed
and Lhe verslon of Lhe Sequencer 1hls lnformaLlon ls recorded ln Lhe A8S18AC1 elemenL
of Lhe CSu flle and can be used Lo undersLand Lhe pedlaree of Lhe sequence
Upgrade a ackage Checklna Lhls box wlll dlsplav Lhe Advanced CpLlons dlaloa seen ln 82 below
1ab|e 6 We|come creen omponent Descr|pt|on


8. Packag nforation
CreaLlna a packaae sLarLs wlLh provldlna lnformaLlon abouL Lhe packaae 1he plcLure and Lable below descrlbe Lhe
dlfferenL opLlons LhaL are avallable

|gure 6 ackage nformat|on

ackage nformat|on
ackage -ame 1he ackaae name musL be unlque MlcrosofL uses Lhe followlna namlna convenLlon
Appname_Appvendor_verslon_Mn1 | vlS where Mn1 lndlcaLes Lhe
appllcaLlon was lnsLalled Lo C and vlS lndlcaLes Lhe appllcaLlon was lnsLalled Lo C
omments lndlcaLes Lhe person who performed Lhe sequence Lhe daLe Lhe sequence was creaLed
and Lhe verslon of Lhe Sequencer 1hls lnformaLlon ls recorded ln Lhe A8S18AC1 elemenL
of Lhe CSu flle and can be used Lo undersLand Lhe pedlaree of Lhe sequence
dvanced Mon|tor|ng
Checklna Lhls box wlll dlsplav Lhe Advanced CpLlons dlaloa seen ln 83 below
1ab|e 7 ackage nformat|on omponent Descr|pt|on


8. Advancd Uptions
When advanced opLlons are selecLed ln Lhe packaae lnformaLlon screen Lhe Sequencer wlll be presenLed wlLh
opLlons for MlcrosofL updaLe and 8ebaslna uLLs 1he Lable below descrlbes Lhese selecLlons ln deLall

|gure 7 dvanced Cpt|ons
dvanced Cpt|ons
||ow M|crosoft
Allows MlcrosofL updaLe Lo run as parL of Lhe sequenclna process 1vplcallv Lhls ls used
Lo allow MlcrosofL updaLe Lo updaLe MlcrosofL Cfflce durlna Lhe packaae updaLe
process owever lL ls lmporLanL Lo remember LhaL Lhe Sequencer cannoL capLure CS
kebase D#s 8esulLs ln uLLs belna remapped Lo a conLlauous address space ln 8AM Lo lncrease
efflclencv 1hls opLlon ls prlmarllv used for appllcaLlons belna deploved Lo a 1ermlnal
Server envlronmenL Some appllcaLlons mav noL supporL Lhls feaLure and Lherefore
rebaslna ls dlsabled bv defaulL
1ab|e 8 dvanced Cpt|ons omponent Descr|pt|ons


8. Monitor nstallation
AfLer Lhe packaae lnformaLlon has been collecLed Lhe nexL sLep ls Lo monlLor Lhe lnsLallaLlon of Lhe appllcaLlon
SelecLlna 8ealn MonlLorlna wlll prompL for an lnsLallaLlon dlrecLorv nexL Lhe vlrLual envlronmenL wlll be bullL and
Lhe Sequencer wlll sLarL monlLorlna speclflc locaLlons and processes for acLlvlLv ln Appv 46 one chanae ls LhaL
Lhe MonlLor lnsLallaLlon paae wlll noL mlnlmlze afLer chooslna Lo 8ealn MonlLorlna AfLer selecLlna 8ealn
MonlLorlna mosL operaLlons wlll be recorded as parL of Lhe packaae unless a speclflc excepLlon has been
conflaured on Lhe Sequencer
8.. Applications tbat Rquir a Rboot
Some appllcaLlons wlll requlre a rebooL of Lhe operaLlna svsLem afLer lnsLallaLlon Lo accommodaLe flles LhaL are ln
use durlna lnsLallaLlon LhaL need Lo be replaced 1he Sequencer ls aware of rebooL Lasks and Lhe operaLlna svsLem
wlll noL need Lo be rebooLed Whlle sequenclna an appllcaLlon LhaL requlres a rebooL perform Lhe followlna Lasks
1 When prompLed selecL Lo rebooL 1he Sequencer wlll capLure Lhls requesL and Lhe machlne wlll noL
2 nexL selecL top Mon|tor|ng from Lhe Sequencer
3 1hen selecL 8eg|n Mon|tor|ng aaaln All of Lhe rebooL Lasks wlll be processed once Lhe Sequencer sLarLs
monlLorlna aaaln
4 roceed wlLh addlLlonal lnsLallaLlons or cllck -ext lf no addlLlonal lnsLallaLlons are requlred for Lhe
1he process of Appv sequenclna provldes an addlLlonal beneflL over LradlLlonal sofLware deplovmenL and
lnsLallaLlon AppllcaLlons LhaL requlre a rebooL Lo compleLe Lhe lnsLallaLlon wlll no lonaer requlre Lhe rebooL when
dellvered Lo Lhe cllenL machlnes 1hls ls because Lhe Sequencer wlll monlLor Lhe operaLlons LhaL need Lo be
compleLed durlna rebooL and process Lhem prlor Lo savlna Lhe packaae and prlor Lo dellverv Lo cllenL compuLers


|gure 8 Mon|tor nsta||at|on

|gure 9 nsta||at|on o|der e|ect|on
Mon|tor nsta||at|on
8eg|n Mon|tor|ng Cllck Lhe 8ealn MonlLorlna buLLon Lhen lnsLall vour appllcaLlon When done Cllck Lhe
SLop MonlLorlna 8uLLon
reate |nsta||at|on
AfLer vou cllck 8ealn MonlLorlna" vou wlll be prompLed Lo creaLe Lhe lnsLallaLlon folder
ln verslon 42 Lhls was done when vou cllcked SLop MonlLorlna"
1ab|e 9Mon|tor nsta||at|on omponent e|ect|on


8. Configur Applications
nexL Lhe Sequencer wlll evaluaLe all of Lhe appllcaLlons ldenLlfled durlna monlLorlna AppllcaLlons mav have Lo be
added or removed from Lhls llsL based on whaL ls wanLed ln Lhe flnal packaae 8emember anv appllcaLlon ln Lhls
llsL wlll have an assoclaLed CSu flle creaLed for launchlna Also wlLh Webbased appllcaLlons lL ls ofLen requlred Lo
add lnLerneL Lxplorer as an appllcaLlon because Lhe Webbased appllcaLlon wlll requlre lnLerneL Lxplorer Lo run
properlv Lach appllcaLlon can be modlfled Lo chanae Lhe name lcon LhaL lL uses flle Lvpe assoclaLlons and
locaLlons for shorLcuLs on desLlnaLlon compuLers

|gure 10 onf|gure pp||cat|ons

onf|gure pps
Ld|t pp||cat|ons AL Lhls polnL vou can add or remove lcons for appllcaLlons AddlLlonallv vou can edlL Lhe
flle Lvpe assoclaLlons and Lhe lcon locaLlons on Lhe cllenL
1ab|e 10 onf|gure pp||cat|ons omponent Descr|pt|on


8. Launcb Applications
nexL appllcaLlons can be launched Lo creaLe Lhe prlmarv feaLure block ln a packaae wlLh mulLlple appllcaLlons
one mulLlple or all appllcaLlons can be launched Lo creaLe Lhe prlmarv feaLure block

|gure 11 aunch pp||cat|ons
aunch pp||cat|ons
aunch ere vou wlll launch an appllcaLlon Lo ensure funcLlonallLv AddlLlonallv anv flles LhaL are
execuLed durlna Lhls phase wlll be Laaaed as prlmarv feaLure block Anv remalnlna flles
wlll be Laaaed as secondarv feaLure block lf vou don'L launch anv appllcaLlon Lhen all
flles wlll be a parL of Lhe prlmarv feaLure block
aunch || erforms Lhe same operaLlon as Lhe launch componenL buL launches all ldenLlfled
appllcaLlons ln Lhe packaae 1hls ls useful when Lrvlna Lo creaLe prlmarv and secondarv
feaLure blocks for a larae sulLe of appllcaLlons
1ab|e 11 aunch pp||cat|ons omponent Descr|pt|on


8. Packag Dploynt
upon compleLlon of Lhe sequenclna wlzard Lhe packaae can be furLher conflaured uslna Lhe packaae deplovmenL
Lab of Lhe Sequencer Lhe packaae can be conflaured for proper deplovmenL prlor Lo savlna Lhe packaae 1he
followlna flaure and Lable descrlbe Lhe seLLlnas for deplovmenL ln deLall

|gure 12 Dep|oyment 1ab
ackage Dep|oyment Descr|pt|on
rotoco| SelecL from Lhe followlna proLocols 81S 81SS 11 11S and llLL

ueflne Lhe hosLname of vour Av server Leave Lhe defaulL Sl1_SCl1C8luSL8vL8 lf
vou wlll be deflnlna Lhls varlable on vour cllenL machlnes
ort 1hls wlll be deflned when vou selecL Lhe proLocol LhaL vou wanL
ath 1hls ls Lhe relaLlve paLh of Lhe conLenL of Lhe Appv server
Cperat|ng ystems SelecL Lhe operaLlna svsLems LhaL vou wanL Lhe appllcaLlon Lo run on
Cutput Cpt|ons W Lnforce SecurlLv uescrlpLors When Lhls opLlon ls checked Lhe Sequencer
capLures securlLv descrlpLors aL packaalna Llme and Lhe cllenL enforces Lhem on
Lhe flle svsLem drlve aL runLlme
W CeneraLe MSl ackaae SelecL Lo aeneraLe a MSl packaae for sLandalone
deplovmenL scenarlos
ompress ackage SelecL lf vou need Lo compress Lhe slze of vour packaae noLe LhaL Lhls onlv compresses


Lhe packaae lLself AfLer lL ls sLreamed Lo Lhe cllenL lL wlll expand Lo lLs full slze
1ab|e 12 Dep|oyment 1ab omponent Descr|pt|on
8.8 Saving tb Packag
1he lasL sLep ln Lhe process of sequenclna ls Lo save Lhe packaae Savlna Lhe packaae should be done Lo a dlfferenL
dlrecLorv Lhan Lhe lnsLallaLlon of Lhe appllcaLlon(s)

|gure 13 ackage ave
ackage ave Descr|pt|on
ave AL Lhls sLaae vou're readv Lo save vour packaae Cne easv meLhod of ensurlna LhaL Lhe
fllename and folder vou save ln are unlque ls Lo use Lhe same ACACL nAML LhaL vou
speclfled ln Lhe ackaae lnformaLlon wlzard
1ab|e 13 ackage ave Descr|pt|on


% Application Packag Upgrad
1hrouahouL Lhe llfecvcle of an appllcaLlon lL wlll need Lo be updaLed lL ls lmporLanL Lo undersLand Lhe opLlons
assoclaLed wlLh updaLlna an appllcaLlon and when Lo use Lhem
%. Updating a Packag tbat will Rplac tb Existing Packag
SomeLlmes a packaae needs Lo be updaLed and Lo replace Lhe exlsLlna packaae uparadlna a packaae ls a
necessarv parL of Lhe appllcaLlon llfecvcle when Lhere ls a paLch servlce pack or oLher updaLe from Lhe sofLware
manufacLurer ln Lhls case follow Lhese sLeps when sequenclna and subsequenLlv publlshlna ln producLlon
Copv Lhe packaae Lo Lhe Sequencer
Cpen Lhe packaae for ackaae uparade bv selecLlna uparade a ackaae" from Lhe Welcome
AfLer Lhe lnsLallaLlon launch all shorLcuLs ln Lhe same manner as durlna Lhe orlalnal sequence
Save Lhe packaae ?ou have Lhree opLlons when savlna Lhe packaae Slnce we are replaclna an
exlsLlna packaae vou wlll selecL opLlon 1
1 Save Makes new Sl1/CSus remove Lhe old flles from Lhe dlrecLorv from where
Lhe packaae was unpacked
2 Save As SelecL a new folder makes new Sl1/CSu
3 Save As and selecL Save As new ackaae" Makes new packaae lncludlna a new
Culu ackaae 8ooL 1hls wlll allow vou Lo publlsh Lhe appllcaLlon sldebvslde
wlLh Lhe orlalnal


%. Updating a Packag tbat will Run at tb Sa Ti as tb Existing
SomeLlmes a packaae needs Lo be updaLed buL Lhe buslness communlLv sLlll wanLs access Lo Lhe exlsLlna packaae
1hls could be used Lo lnLroduce a new plloL verslon of Lhe appllcaLlon and evenLuallv deprecaLe Lhe prevlous
verslon afLer proper LesLlna ln Lhls scenarlo follow Lhese sLeps
1 Copv Lhe packaae Lo Lhe Sequencer
2 Cpen Lhe packaae for ackaae uparade
3 SelecL C Lo decode Lhe packaae Lo
4 8un Lhe lnsLallaLlon wlzard and make Lhe approprlaLe chanaes Lo Lhe packaae
3 AfLer Lhe lnsLallaLlon Wlzard run Lhe AppllcaLlon Wlzard Modlfv elLher Lhe name or Lhe
verslon for all of Lhe shorLcuLs as Lhese musL be unlque for each shorLcuL Launch all
shorLcuLs ln Lhe same manner as durlna Lhe orlalnal sequence
6 SelecL Save As" Lo save Lhe packaae Check Lhe Save As new ackaae" checkbox Lo creaLe a
new Culu and a new packaae rooL 8emember Lhe packaae rooL musL be 83 compllanL and

1ab|e 14 ave s D|a|ogue


Dynaic Suit Coposition
uvnamlc SulLe ComposlLlon (uSC) ln AppllcaLlon vlrLuallzaLlon enables vou Lo deflne an appllcaLlon as belna
dependenL on anoLher appllcaLlon such as mlddleware or a plualn 1hls enables Lhe appllcaLlon Lo lnLeracL wlLh
Lhe mlddleware or plualn ln Lhe vlrLual envlronmenL where normallv Lhls ls prevenLed 1hls ls useful because a
secondarv appllcaLlon packaae can be used wlLh several oLher appllcaLlons referred Lo as Lhe prlmarv appllcaLlons
enabllna each prlmarv appllcaLlon Lo reference Lhe same secondarv packaae
?ou can use uvnamlc SulLe ComposlLlon when sequenclna appllcaLlons LhaL depend on plualns such as AcLlvex
conLrols or for appllcaLlons LhaL depend on mlddleware such as CLL u8 or Lhe !ava 8unLlme LnvlronmenL (!8L) lf
each appllcaLlon LhaL used Lhese dependenL componenLs needed Lo be sequenced lncludlna Lhe componenLs
updaLes Lo Lhose componenLs would requlre resequenclna all Lhe prlmarv appllcaLlons 8v sequenclna Lhe prlmarv
appllcaLlons wlLhouL Lhose componenLs and Lhen sequenclna Lhe mlddleware or plualn as a secondarv packaae
onlv Lhe secondarv packaae needs Lo be updaLed
. Advantags
O 8educe Lhe slze of Lhe prlmarv packaaes
O rovldes beLLer conLrol of access permlsslons on Lhe secondarv appllcaLlons
-ote 1he secondary app||cat|on can be streamed |n the norma| way and does not need to be fu||y cached to
A prlmarv packaae can have more Lhan one secondarv packaae owever onlv one level of dependencv ls
supporLed so vou cannoL deflne a secondarv packaae as dependenL on anoLher secondarv packaae Also Lhe
secondarv appllcaLlon can onlv be mlddleware or a plualn and cannoL be anoLher full sofLware producL
lf vou plan Lo make several prlmarv appllcaLlons dependenL on a slnale mlddleware producL be sure Lo LesL Lhls
conflauraLlon Lo deLermlne Lhe poLenLlal effecL on svsLem performance before deplovlna lL


|gure 14 D Usage cenar|os
. Crat a Scondary Packag for Sbard Bas Application using Dynaic
Suit Coposition
1he followlna sLeps descrlbe Lhe proper order Lo creaLe a secondarv packaae llke a llne of buslness appllcaLlon(s)
and prlmarv appllcaLlon (such as Cracle CllenL) ln preparaLlon for comblnlna Lhem uslna uSC 1hese are Lhe hlah
level sLeps for sequenclna
1 Cn a sequenclna compuLer LhaL ls seL up wlLh a clean lmaae lnsLall AppllcaLlon vlrLuallzaLlon Sequencer
and save Lhe compuLer sLaLe
2 lnsLall Lhe shared base (mlddleware) appllcaLlon locallv on Lhe sequenclna compuLer and conflaure lL
3 Sequence Lhe prlmarv appllcaLlon and save Lhe packaae Lo Lhe ConLenL folder on Lhe server
4 8esLore Lhe sequenclna compuLer Lo lLs saved sLaLe from sLep 1
3 SLarL Lhe Sequencer Lo creaLe a new packaae
6 SLarL Lhe Sequencer monlLorlna phase
7 lnsLall Lhe mlddleware appllcaLlon on Lhe sequenclna compuLer and conflaure lL as ln a normal
8 CompleLe Lhe sequenclna process
9 Save Lhe packaae Lo Lhe ConLenL folder on Lhe server
-ote 1o asslsL wlLh manaaemenL of secondarv packaaes lL ls recommended LhaL Lhe packaae name lnclude
Lhe Lerm Secondarv packaae" Lo emphaslze LhaL Lhls ls a packaae LhaL wlll noL funcLlon as a sLandalone
appllcaLlonfor example M|dd|eware -ame econdary package


. Crat a Scondary Packag for a Sbard Middlwar or Utility using
Dynaic Suit Coposition
1he followlna sLeps descrlbe Lhe proper order Lo creaLe a secondarv packaae llke a MlcrosofL Cfflce plualn (Cpen
uocumenL lormaL plualn) and prlmarv appllcaLlon (MlcrosofL Cfflce) ln preparaLlon for comblnlna Lhem uslna
uSC 1hese are Lhe hlahlevel sLeps for sequenclna
1 Cn a sequenclna compuLer LhaL ls seL up wlLh a clean lmaae lnsLall AppllcaLlon vlrLuallzaLlon Sequencer
and save Lhe compuLer sLaLe
2 Sequence Lhe prlmarv appllcaLlon and save Lhe packaae Lo Lhe ConLenL folder on Lhe server
3 8esLore Lhe sequenclna compuLer Lo lLs saved sLaLe from sLep 1
4 lnsLall and conflaure Lhe prlmarv appllcaLlon locallv on Lhe sequenclna compuLer
mportant ou must spec|fy a new package root for the secondary package
3 SLarL Lhe Sequencer monlLorlna phase
6 lnsLall Lhe shared mlddleware or uLlllLv appllcaLlon on Lhe sequenclna compuLer and conflaure lL as
7 Cpen Lhe prlmarv appllcaLlon and conflrm LhaL Lhe plualn ls worklna properlv
8 ln Lhe Sequencer console creaLe a dummv appllcaLlon Lo represenL Lhe secondarv packaae LhaL wlll
conLaln Lhe plualn and selecL an lcon
9 Save Lhe packaae Lo Lhe ConLenL folder on Lhe server
-ote 1o asslsL wlLh manaaemenL of secondarv packaaes lL ls recommended LhaL Lhe packaae name lnclude
Lhe Lerm Secondarv packaae" Lo emphaslze LhaL Lhls ls a packaae LhaL wlll noL funcLlon as a sLandalone
appllcaLlonfor example lua ln name Secondarv packaae

. Dfining tb Dpndncy in tb Priary Packag
ln boLh above examples Lhe prlmarv packaae wlll need Lo be modlfled Lo lncorporaLe Lhe secondarv packaae(s) for
1 Cn Lhe server open Lhe CSu flle of Lhe secondarv packaae for edlLlna (lL ls advlsable Lo use an xML edlLor
Lo make chanaes Lo Lhe CSu flle however vou can use noLepad as an alLernaLlve)
2 Copv Lhe CDL8L nkL llne from LhaL flle
3 Cpen Lhe CSu flle of Lhe prlmarv packaae for edlLlna
4 lnserL Lhe DLL-DL-L Laa afLer Lhe close of $L-V1 Laa aL Lhe end of Lhe Vk1UL-V
secLlon [usL before Lhe $Vk1UL-V Laa


3 asLe Lhe CDL8L nkL llne from Lhe secondarv packaae afLer Lhe DLL-DL-L Laa vou [usL
6 lf Lhe secondarv packaae ls a mandaLorv packaae meanlna LhaL lL musL be launched before Lhe prlmarv
packaae ls launched add Lhe M-D1Ck"1kUL" properLv lnslde Lhe CDL8L Laa lf lL's noL
mandaLorv Lhe properLv can be omlLLed
7 Close Lhe DLL-DL-L Laa bv lnserLlna Lhe followlna
8 8evlew Lhe chanaes made Lo Lhe CSu flle and Lhen save and close Lhe flle 1he followlna example shows
how Lhe added secLlon should appear 1he Laa values shown here are for example onlv

CDL8L nkLrtsp$$v|rt_apps$package1$package1sft GUDD5480
9D459D33DD852988 GUkDLpackage1osguardcp$
CDL8L nkLrtsp$$samp|e_apps$package2$samp|esft GUDD5480
9D459D33DD852988 GUkDLpackage2osguardcp
M-D1Ck1kUL $


. Dynaic Suit Coposition Tool
1he uvnamlc SulLe ComposlLlon Lool provldes a Cul lnLerface LhaL makes lL easler Lo conflaure packaaes Lo Lake
advanLaae of Lhe dvnamlc sulLlna feaLure 1hls Lool also ellmlnaLes Lhe posslblllLv of lncorrecL edlLlna of Lhe CSu
flles requlred Lo Lake advanLaae of dvnamlc sulLlna 1he Lool can be lnsLalled and used from an Appv
ManaaemenL Server or can be lnsLalled remoLelv 1he followlna ouLllnes Lhe sLeps requlred Lo use Lhe uvnamlc
SulLe ComposlLlon 1ool
-ote 1he uvnamlc SulLe ComposlLlon Lool requlres properlv sequenced packaaes LhaL wlll supporL dvnamlc
sulLlna 1he Lool faclllLaLes edlLlna Lhe CSu flles Lo supporL dvnamlc sulLlna onlv
1 uownload Lhe uvnamlc SulLe ComposlLlon 1ool from
2 8un Lhe selfexLracLlna LxL and selecL a desLlnaLlon dlrecLorv for Lhe blnarles
-C1L 1he Dynam|c u|te ompos|t|on too| doesn#t requ|re |nsta||at|on |t |s run d|rect|y from the
d|rectory where |t was extracted
3 Cpen Lhe uvnamlc SulLe ComposlLlon 1ool

4 Cllck on e|ect Lo choose Lhe dlrecLorv where Lhe Appv packaaes for dvnamlc sulLlna exlsL


3 AfLer selecLlna Lhe packaae dlrecLorv selecL Lhe r|mary ackage from Lhe dropdown llsL

6 SelecL and dd Lhe Secondarv ackaae(s) from va||ab|e llsL

7 SelecL Lhe heckbox Lo Lhe lefL of anv Dependenc|es LhaL are mandaLorv or use Lhe || Mandatory $ ||
-onMandatory buLLons Lo Loaale Lhe seLLlna for mulLlple dependencles aL one Llme
8 SelecL ave Lo applv Lhe chanaes Lo Lhe CSu flles Lo supporL dvnamlc sulLlna


-ote 1he Dynam|c u|te ompos|t|on 1oo| creates backup cop|es of the or|g|na| CD f||es w|th the
extens|on 8 1hese f||es can be restored us|ng the too| by se|ect|ng the pr|mary app||cat|on and
se|ect|ng kestore
Coprssion of tb SFT
1he packaae Sl1 flle can be compressed durlna sequenclna Lo reduce Lhe amounL of Lrafflc LhaL wlll be sLreamed
on Lhe neLwork when loadlna Lhe packaae 1he compresslon wlll lmpacL Lhe end cllenL as Lhe cllenL C wlll need
Lo decompress Lhe Sl1 and puL Lhe daLa lnLo Lhe cllenL's cache 1he decompresslon alaorlLhm ls CulnLenslve 1he
defaulL seLLlna ls no Compresslon" and should be lefL unless Lhe LaraeL LAn for sLreamlna ls excesslvelv
bandwldLh llmlLed


Advancd USD Scripting
ln some lnsLances lL mav be necessarv Lo make modlflcaLlons Lo Lhe appllcaLlon Lo aeL lL Lo funcLlon properlv ln Lhe
Appv envlronmenL Cne of Lhe mosL common meLhods ls maklna modlflcaLlons Lo Lhe CSu flle Lo allow cerLaln
acLlons Lo be performed aL a speclfled Llme durlna Lhe execuLlon of Lhe appllcaLlon

ScrlpLlna ln Lhe CSu flle ls an lnvaluable Lool when sequenclna / publlshlna appllcaLlons 1hese scrlpLs can be used
Lo seLup or alLer Lhe vlrLual envlronmenL before an appllcaLlon execuLes or can be used Lo clean up" Lhe
envlronmenL afLer Lhe appllcaLlon LermlnaLes 1hese cusLom modlflcaLlons can be made uslna anv LexL edlLor or
xML edlLor uLlllLv

lL ls lmporLanL Lo undersLand Lhe CSu flles and Lhelr svnLax prlor Lo uslna cusLom scrlpLlna Cnlv experlenced
sequenclna enalneers should make cusLom modlflcaLlons Lo Lhe CSu flle and vou should alwavs creaLe a backup
copv of Lhe orlalnal CSu flle prlor Lo maklna anv modlflcaLlons laclna an lncorrecL svnLax ln an CSu flle could
cause Lhe appllcaLlon Lo noL work properlv or can even prevenL Lhe appllcaLlon from appearlna aL all on Lhe

CD f||e rovldes lnformaLlon necessarv Lo launch Lhe appllcaLlon lncludlna Lhe name of Lhe vlrLual AppllcaLlon
Server from whlch Lo sLream Lhe appllcaLlon and anv uvnamlc SulLe ComposlLlon dependencles Lach appllcaLlon
requlres an CSu flle 1he CSu flle ls wrlLLen ln an xML formaL 1he ma[or secLlons are deLalled below

O C1G 1hls llne dlsplavs Lhe packaae's Cloballv unlque luenLlfler (Culu) name and verslon Lach of
Lhese flelds musL be unlque across all publlshed appllcaLlons
O MLML-11C- 1hls secLlon Lells Lhe AppllcaLlon vlrLuallzaLlon CllenL how Lo run Lhe vlrLual
appllcaLlon lncludlna whaL proLocol Lo use when sLreamlna Lhe appllcaLlon whaL server Lo aeL Lhe
appllcaLlon from wheLher or noL Lo LermlnaLe anv chlld processes when Lhe appllcaLlon closes eLc
O DLL-DL- 1hls secLlon llsLs anv scrlpLs LhaL musL be run prlor Lo launchlna Lhls appllcaLlon lL also
speclfles wheLher a speclflc verslon of Lhe AppllcaLlon vlrLuallzaLlon CllenL musL be lnsLalled on Lhe cllenL
Lo run Lhls appllcaLlon
O GL -ML 1hls llne llsLs Lhe name of Lhe packaae as speclfled durlna sequenclna
O 81k1 1hls secLlon dlsplavs anv commenLs LhaL were llsLed durlna sequenclna ?ou should llsL as
much lnformaLlon here as necessarv Lo descrlbe Lhe sequenclna envlronmenL
O MGM1_nCk1U11 1hls secLlon dlsplavs where Lhe shorLcuLs wlll be placed on Lhe cllenL lor
example Lo place a shorLcuL on Lhe SLarLroaramsvlrLual_AppllcaLlons menu Lhls would dlsplav as
CSluL_8CC8AMSvlrLual AppllcaLlons
O MG1_LC1C- 1hls secLlon llsLs all of llle 1vpe AssoclaLlons LhaL wlll be realsLered on Lhe
cllenL so an appllcaLlon can be launched bv doublecllcklna a flle

A sample CSu flle

8efore we Lalk abouL scrlpLlna here ls a aenerallzed look aL a Lvplcal CSu flle
C1G Culuoppllcotloo Culu nAMLoppllcotloo oome vL8SlCnvetsloo sttloo
CDL8L 8Lllocotloo Culupockooe llLLnAMLoppllcotloo
A8AML1L8Spotometets" S?SCuA8ullLLstote flle/
CS vALuLplotfotm/CS vALuLplotfotm/
WC8lnCul8optloool wotkloo Jltectotv/WC8lnCul8
Vk1UL-V vlttool eovltoomeot coofloototloo optloos


LnvLlS1optloool votlobles/LnvLlS1 8LClS18?optloool voloes/8LClS18?
CLlClLSoptloool pollcles/CLlClLS
CLlLn1vL8SlCn vL8SlCn4300/ SC8l1optloool sctlpts/SC8l1
MGM1_nCk1U11SC81Cu1 JefloltlooSC81Cu1 /MGM1_nCk1U11
8CCluLlS1sbell loteototloo/8CCluLlS1llLLLx1LnSlCnLlS1l1As/llLLLx1LnSlCnLlS1

. USD Scripts
All scrlpLs musL be placed beLween Lhe uLLnuLnC? Laas wlLhln Lhe CSu flles ?ou can choose Lo refer Lo an
exlsLlna scrlpL bv lLs flle name or vou can enLer Lhe exacL svnLax of Lhe commands ln Lhe scrlpL secLlon

When developlna scrlpLs Lhe flrsL sLep ls Lo declde when Lhe scrlpL wlll run uslna Lhe k1 1M-G and LVL-1
Laas Lhe scrlpL can be execuLed aL dlfferenL Llmes durlna Lhe vlrLual appllcaLlon launch

O re tream AfLer Lhe user launches Lhe appllcaLlon buL prlor Lo Lhe appllcaLlon blocks sLreamlna Lo Lhe
cllenL worksLaLlon and Lhe vlrLual envlronmenL belna seLup An example of a reSLream scrlpL mlahL be
sLarLlna a necessarv vn connecLlon Lo connecL Lo a server LhaL Lhe appllcaLlon requlres
O ost tream AfLer Lhe user launches Lhe appllcaLlon and afLer Lhe appllcaLlon blocks sLream Lo Lhe cllenL
worksLaLlon buL prlor Lo Lhe vlrLual envlronmenL belna seLup An example of a osLSLream scrlpL mlahL
be Lo lnsLall a dependenL componenL on Lhe hosL worksLaLlon
O re aunch AfLer Lhe user launches Lhe appllcaLlon and afLer Lhe blLs sLream Lo Lhe cllenL worksLaLlon
and afLer Lhe vlrLual envlronmenL has been seLup WhaLever commands are called ln a reLaunch scrlpL
occur wlLhln Lhe vlrLual envlronmenL An example of a reLaunch scrlpL mlahL be Lo ensure a flle exlsLs or
a realsLrv kev aeLs added Lo Lhe vlrLual envlronmenL
O ost aunch AfLer Lhe appllcaLlon launches buL prlor Lo Lhe user aeLLlna access Lo Lhe appllcaLlon's
lnLerface An example of a osLLaunch scrlpL mlahL be calllna a scrlpL Lo svnchronlze a folder lnslde Lhe
vlrLual envlronmenL wlLh one LhaL ls ouLslde Lhe vlrLual envlronmenL
O ost hutdown AfLer Lhe vlrLual appllcaLlon has been closed An example of a osLShuLdown scrlpL
mlahL be Lo reseL Lhe worksLaLlon back Lo a clean sLaLe Lo remove anv exLraneous flles LhaL Lhe
appllcaLlon lLself mav have dropped onLo Lhe worksLaLlon
-ote 1here ls no reShuLdown scrlpL as lL would be lmposslble Lo know Lhe exacL momenL before Lhe user closes
Lhe appllcaLlon

nexL Lhe scrlpL musL deflne where Lo run Lhe scrlpL 1he CSu scrlpL can be run ln one of Lwo locaLlons elLher
lnslde Lhe vlrLual envlronmenL or ouLslde or on Lhe local operaLlna svsLem ouLslde Lhe vlrLual appllcaLlon vlrLual
envlronmenL 1he kC1L1 Laa ls Lhe onlv xML Laa LhaL deflnes where Lhe scrlpL wlll run elLher lnslde Lhe vlrLual
envlronmenL or ouLslde 1he Lwo seLLlnas for Lhe 8C1LC1 Laa are descrlbed below
O 1kUL Allows Lhe scrlpL Lo run wlLhln Lhe proLecLed envlronmenL 1hls scrlpL placemenL can be verv useful
for LroubleshooLlna


O L Allows Lhe scrlpL Lo run ouLslde Lhe vlrLual envlronmenL 1hls scrlpL placemenL can be verv
effecLlve when flles need Lo be copled locallv Lo a cllenL buL Lhere ls no need Lo peneLraLe Lhe vlrLual

k1 1M-G"kL" LVL-1"U-n" kC1L1"1kUL"

1he lasL Lwo aLLrlbuLes LhaL affecL Lhe scrlpL operaLlon are 1MLCU1 and W1 1hese Lwo aLLrlbuLes deflne how
much Llme Lhe scrlpL wlll need Lo walL Lo compleLelv execuLe 1he 1lMLCu1 aLLrlbuLe ln seconds deflnes how lona
Lhe cllenL wlll walL A value of 0" deflnes Lhe cllenL wlll walL lndeflnlLelv 1he WAl1 aLLrlbuLe ls sLlll supporLed ln
verslon 43 for backward compaLlblllLv A value of 18uL deflnes LhaL Lhe cllenL should walL for Lhe scrlpL Lo
compleLe before sLarLlna Lhe nexL sLep ln Lhe scrlpL A value of lALSL deflnes LhaL Lhe cllenL can conLlnue onLo Lhe
nexL sLep wlLhouL walLlna for Lhe currenL sLep Lo compleLe

k1 1M-GkL" LVL-1U-n" W1"1kUL" 1MLCU1"0"
1he followlna sequenced llsL descrlbes Lhe full appllcaLlon launch and shuLdown and when Lhe scrlpL evenLs occur
1he llsL also shows wheLher Lhe vlrLual envlronmenL ls loaded and wheLher or noL Lhe scrlpL could access Lhe
vlrLual envlronmenL
1 vlrLual AppllcaLlon Launch / ShuLdown roaresslon
a user cllcks on proaram shorLcuL for a vlrLual appllcaLlon
b retream scr|pt runs (outs|de V|rtua| Lnv|ronment%
c aae sLreams l81
d osttream scr|pt runs (outs|de V|rtua| Lnv|ronment%
e vlrLual envlronmenL (vL) ls loaded
f reaunch scr|pt runs (|ns|de or outs|de V|rtua| Lnv|ronment)
a 1he vlrLual appllcaLlon launches
h ostaunch scr|pt runs (|ns|de or outs|de V|rtua| Lnv|ronment%
l lf backaround sLreamlna ls enabled for Lhe appllcaLlon
l82 wlll sLream lnLo Lhe cllenL cache ln Lhe backaround
[ user exlLs Lhe vlrLual appllcaLlon
k 1he vlrLual envlronmenL ls unloaded
l ostshutdown scr|pt runs (outs|de V|rtua| Lnv|ronment%

-ote 1he cllenL does noL supporL a nU1DCW- evenL wlLh 1lmlna of kL

-ote ScrlpLs can be wrlLLen ln anv lanauaae buL Lhelr lanauaae musL be lnsLalled locallv on Lhe cllenL machlne lor
example lf Lhev are uslna L8L Lhe L8L runLlme musL be locallv lnsLalled on Lhe cllenL machlne


1here are Lwo klnds of scrlpLs k18CD and nkL whlch are descrlbed ln more deLall
1 8Ll normallv used when execuLlna a slnale command
2 SC8l18Cu? used when needlna more complex operaLlons and/or mulLlple commands Lo be run

k18CD nkL
an be used to ca|| an executab|e by search|ng for the
executab|e |n the c||ent#s ath statement
an be used to ca|| an executab|e by search|ng for the
executab|e |n the c||ent#s ath statement
Uses the "" as an escape character and as such
requ|res an extra "" to pass the actua| character
Does not use the "" as an escape character
an be used to pass non executab|e commands such as
the DC make d|rectory (md% 1h|s |s actua||y a part of
the commandcom
annot be used to pass nonexecutab|e commands
such as the DC make d|rectory (md%
When used the contents of the scr|pt are cop|ed to a
temporary bat f||e on the c||ent#s dr|ve
Does not create a temporary bat f||e but |nstead
executes the contents of the scr|pt d|rect|y on the
When used a DC w|ndow appears on the screen
dur|ng the execut|on of the scr|pt#s bat f||e
-o DC w|ndow appears on the screen un|ess the
process be|ng ca||ed |s a conso|e app||cat|on
k18CD nkL
an be used to ca|| an executab|e by search|ng for the
executab|e |n the c||ent#s ath statement
an be used to ca|| an executab|e by search|ng for the
executab|e |n the c||ent#s ath statement
1ab|e 15 CD cr|pt|ng k18CD vs nkL



Lxamp|e 1 8Ck1kLU1 and ULkLU1
lf A8C818LSuL1 ls speclfled Lhe cllenL wlll check Lhe scrlpLs exlL code when lL compleLes lf SuCCLSS8LSuL1 ls
speclfled (and lf A8C818LSuL1 ls noL or lL does noL maLch Lhe scrlpLs exlL code) Lhe cllenL wlll check Lhe scrlpLs
exlL code Lo see lf lL maLches Lhe value ln SuCCLSS8LSuL1

uLLnuLnC? SC8l1 1lMlnC8L LvLn1LAunC 8C1LC118uL WAl118uL 1lMLCu110
ULkLU11 8Ck1kLU10
SC8l18Cu? lf noL CCMu1L8nAML SpeclalCompuLer" exlL 1 exlL 0

A more deLalled explanaLlon of Lhese commands can be found aL

Lxamp|e 2 reaunch|ng ommand rompt
SC8l1 1lMlnC8L LvLn1LAunC WAl118uL 8C1LC118uL

Lxamp|e 3 Lmbedd|ng 8atch ||e ommands w|th|n CD ||e
SC8l1 LvLn1LAunC 1lMlnC8L 8C1LC118uL WAl118uL
net use k w2kpdcnet|ogonn
sfcppVshred|t|n|exe cwordword|n| ||e ocat|ons 1empath ctempn

Lxamp|e 4 reaunch|ng LkL from w|th|n the equence
SC8l1 1lMlnC8L LvLn1LAunC WAl118uL 8C1LC118uL

Lxamp|e 5 reaunch|ng a Data ||e (eg V f||e% from w|th|n the equence
SC8l1 1lMlnC8L LvLn1LAunC WAl118uL 8C1LC118uL


-C1L ln Lhls example Lhe sequenclnaavl launches Lhe locallv lnsLalled Medla laver

-C1L A daLa flle (ea sequenclnaavl) cannoL be speclfled wlLhln Lhe llLLnAML enLrv of Lhe CCuL8ASL Laa as
shown below

L-MLppDataequenc|ngav| -C1 CWLD

Lxamp|e 6 reaunch|ng a ontro| ane| pp|et w|th|n the equence
SC8l1 1lMlnC8L LvLn1LAunC WAl118uL 8C1LC118uL

Lxamp|e 6a reaunch|ng a ontro| ane| pp|et w|th|n the equence
SC8l1 1lMlnC8L LvLn1LAunC WAl118uL 8C1LC118uL
rogram ||esommon ||esystemMap|1033m|cfg32cp|
. HREF> Exapls
Lxamp|e 1 ccess|ng oca| pp||cat|on
SC8l1 1lMlnC8L LvLn1LAunC WAl118uL 8C1LC118uL

Lxamp|e 1a ccess|ng 8atch ||e v|a U-
SC8l1 1lMlnC8L LvLn1LAunC WAl118uL 8C1LC118uL

-C1L 8Ll Laa cannoL be used wlLh Sl1_Mn1 or Lo launch LxL from wlLhln vlrLual envlronmenL


1he A8AML1L8S aLLrlbuLe ls used Lo provlde command llne araumenLs Lo Lhe llLLnAML aLLrlbuLe 1he llLLnAML
aLLrlbuLe polnLs Lo Lhe locaLlon of Lhe proaram Lo execuLe when launchlna Lhe vlrLual appllcaLlon An example ls
placlna fllename ln Lhe A8AML1L8S aLLrlbuLe llke a daLabase flle LhaL wlll be opened when Lhe appllcaLlon ls
-C1L 1he A8AML1L8S Laa wlll noL supporL envlronmenL varlables (ea Sl1_Mn1)

Lxamp|e 1 Gener|c Lxamp|e
kML1LkCkMMk01 -GL-G 2L-Vk_C-1_nk

Lxamp|e 2 aunch|ng Data ||e v|a a ke|at|ve ath
kML1Lk Datac||doc
-C1L 'uaLaclldoc' ls locaLed ln Lhe followlna locaLlon wlLhln Lhe sequence

. WURKDR> Exapls - Spcifying a Working Dirctory
1he WC8lnCul8 Laa deflnes where Lo look for fllenames LhaL are noL alven a full paLh as ln Wlndows ln Lhe flrsL
example below lL ls used make Lhe CLemp dlrecLorv Lhe defaulL locaLlon Lo look for flles lf referenced name wlLh
no paLh
Lxamp|e 1
CCuL8ASL 8LlrLsp//ds1sofL1334/np_ec[sfL?CusLomerSequencer
llLLnAMLnp_ec[noLepadexe A8AML1L8Sc[mLxL
CS vALuLWlnx/

Lxamp|e 2
WCk-GDkprogram f||es|nternet exp|orer$WCk-GDk
CCuL8ASL 8LlrLsp//ds1sofL1334/np_ec[sfL?CusLomerSequencer
llLLnAMLnp_ec[noLepadexe A8AML1L8Sc[mLxL
CS vALuLWlnx/


Lxamp|e 3 Lxamp|e w|th Var|ab|e
CCuL8ASL 8LlrLsp//ds1sofL1334/np_ec[sfL?CusLomerSequencer
llLLnAMLnp_ec[noLepadexe A8AML1L8Sc[mLxL
CS vALuLWlnx/

. RESTRY> Exapls - Rgistry Custoizations
kLGL nVLnM Loftware1est
kLGVUL kLG1LkLG_2 -MLstr|ngno|as$kLGVUL
kLGVUL kLG1LkLG_8-k -MLhex505152$kLGVUL
kLGVUL kLG1LkLG_2Va|ue of Defau|t ey$kLGVUL
.8 Launcbing Local Applications
uslna Lhe llLLnAML aLLrlbuLe Lhe CSu flle for an appllcaLlon does noL have Lo open an execuLable wlLhln Lhe
vlrLual envlronmenL ln Lhe case of Web addlns llke MlcrosofL SllverllahL Lhe llLLnAML aLLrlbuLe would be
polnLed Lo lnLerneL Lxplorer 1here are Lwo examples llsLed below of launchlna local appllcaLlons
-C1L 1he A8AML1L8S Laa wlll noL supporL envlronmenL varlables (ea Sl1_Mn1)

Lxamp|e 1 aunch|ng pp||cat|on that |s |oca| (not part of the equence%
L-MLrogram ||esnternet Lxp|orer|exp|oreexe
vM vALuLWln32
Su8S?S1LM vALuL"Wlndows"/


L-ML rogram ||esW|ndows Med|a |ayerwmp|ayerexe
kML1Lk qappdatasequenc|ngav|
vM vALuLWln32
Su8S?S1LM vALuL"Wlndows"/

-C1L Croaram lllesWlndows Medla laverwmplaverexe ls a local appllcaLlon
.% Stting Environnt Variabls
uslna Lhese sLeps an envlronmenL varlable can be seL whlch could be used bv Lhe appllcaLlon ln Lhe vlrLual
envlronmenL ln Lhls example Lhe svsLem A1 varlable ls appended bv Lhe MounL paLh (for ea C) and vlsual
SLudlo paLh ence Lhe appllcaLlon would use Lhls updaLed A1 envlronmenL varlable when requlred
Lnvl8CnMLn1 vA8lA8LLA1A1Sl1_Mn1vs2003MlcrosofL Subln/Lnvl8CnMLn1
. Launcbing Application via on-Dfault Providr Policy
uurlna lnsLallaLlon of Lhe Appv lnfrasLrucLure a uefaulL rovlder ollcv ls creaLed and asslaned usaae permlsslons
rovlder pollcles can be creaLed and modlfled Lo affecL Lhe auLhenLlcaLlon access permlsslons of vlrLual
appllcaLlons and llcenslna MulLlple provlder pollcles can be creaLed so LhaL one ls used for appllcaLlons where no
llcense enforcemenL ls needed and anoLher where llcense enforcemenL ls enabled ln Lhls scenarlo appllcaLlons
LhaL need Lo use a provlder pollcv LhaL ls noL Lhe defaulL musL have Lhe CSu flle modlfled 1he followlna descrlbes
Lhe chanae Lo Lhe CSu flle for a nondefaulL provlder pollcv (ln bold) where Sales ls Lhe name of Lhe nondefaulL
provlder pollcv


. Running an Application as a CUSULE application
1L Su8S?S1LM Laa deflnes Lhe Lvpe of appllcaLlon deflned ln Lhe llLLnAML aLLrlbuLe wlll be run wlLh Lwo
posslble elemenLs (w|ndows or conso|e% Lo deflne Lhe Lvpe of appllcaLlon (wlndowswlndows and consoledos)
belna execuLed ln Lhls example Lhe CSu ls descrlblna LhaL Lhe appllcaLlon ls a 16blL uCS appllcaLlon 1he values
for Lhe vMvALuL Laa are Wln16 Wln32 and Wln64 and are case senslLlve
CS vALuLWln2/
CS vALuLWln2Svr/
CS vALuLWln21S/
CS vALuLWln2003Svr/
CS vALuLWln20031S/
CS vALuLWlnx/
VM VULW|n16 Can also be Wln32" or Wln64" r Wk--G! VM Va|ues are case sens|t|ve
U81LM VULconso|e$


. USD XML Syntax Cbck
1o check Lhe xML formaL of an CSu flle chanae Lhe CSu flle exLenslon Lo xML and drop Lhe xML flle lnLo an
lnLerneL Lxplorer wlndow lf Lhere are anv open or mlsslna Laas Lhe flle wlll noL be dlsplaved
noLe xML flle edlLors such as xML noLepad can also be used Lo check xML flle formaL

Lxample xML flle svnLax dlsplav ?xml verslon10 sLandaloneno ?

SCl1C Culu26998703328D41DL2565D27LD08 nAMLW|n2|p
M-1sft Culu98002L9LD4711890808D6DD08
llLLnAMLW|nz|pv1W-232LkL A8AML1L8S
S?SCuA8ullLLW|nz|pv1osguardcp SlZL6225393 /
CS vALuLW|n2 /
CS vALuLW|n2vr /
CS vALuLW|n21 /
CS vALuLW|n2003vr /
CS vALuLW|n20031 /
CS vALuLW|nk /
vM vALuLW|n32
Su8S?S1LM vALuLw|ndows /
LnvLlS1 /
CLlLn1vL8SlCn vL8SlCn2050 /
Sul1L nAMLW|nz|p_W|nz|p_901_M-1 /
1l1LL /
A8S18AC1W|n k p1 L 60 eq 8u||d 300/A8S18AC1
SC81Cu1 LCCA1lCnD_1k1ML-U WC8lnCul8
ulSLA?W|n2|p lCCn1_MML_CUkL$W|n2|p90|co /
SC81Cu1 LCCA1lCnD_DL1CDkL1Ck WC8lnCul8
ulSLA?W|n2|p lCCn1_MML_CUkL$W|n2|p90|co /


Advancd Squncing Tcbniqus
1hls secLlon wlll brleflv cover some sequenclna challenaes and how Lo overcome Lhem lL ls also recommended Lo
be aware of Lhe loas creaLed when sequenclna a llsL of Lhe loa flles relaLed Lo Lhe sequencer process and purpose
. Squncing Applications Tbat Cannot nstall to Q:
AL some polnL whlle sequenclna appllcaLlons vou wlll mosL llkelv run across an appllcaLlon LhaL wlll noL leL vou
lnsLall Lo C (owerolnL vlewer) 1hls bv lLself does noL presenL a problem when sequenclna Lhe appllcaLlon ln
facL onlv one mlnor modlflcaLlon wlll need Lo be made
O When vou hlL Lhe SLarL MonlLorlna" buLLon vou wlll browse Lo Lhe rooL of C
O Make a dlrecLorv for vour appllcaLlon uslna Lhe 83 namlna convenLlon and selecL Lhls dlrecLorv as Lhe
asseL dlrecLorv
O SelecL Ck and conLlnue sequenclna as normal

1here are pro's and con's when sequenclna wlLh Lhls meLhod


. Squncing Wb-Basd Applications
lnLerneL Lxplorer ls nC1 supporLed ln a sequenced appllcaLlon owever vou can sequence plualns or AcLlvex
conLrols for lnLerneL Lxplorer

|gure 15 equenc|ng Web8ased pp||cat|ons rocess
1hls pulls Lhe locallv lnsLalled appllcaLlon lnLo Lhe vlrLual envlronmenL wlLh Lhe addlLlons vou have speclfled ln Lhls
case lL was a Web plualn 1hls leLs vou have a clean and secure lnLerneL Lxplorer LhaL vou can lock down on a
user's machlne and Lhen allow Lhem Lo use Lhe plualns LhaL vou deflne
. Squncing Applications tbat Rquir Accss to Local Dvics and]or
ln manv wavs vou sequence Lhese appllcaLlons no dlfferenL Lhan vou would anv oLher 1he appllcaLlons lnslde Lhe
vlrLual envlronmenL can see Lhe local resources on Lhe CS and can access Lhem uevlces are anoLher maLLer Appv
cannoL vlrLuallze drlvers lf vou can lnsLall Lhe drlver separaLelv from Lhe appllcaLlon Lhen Lhe appllcaLlon wlll fall
Lhrouah Lo Lhe CS Lo look for Lhe drlver and see LhaL lL ls lnsLalled


. Squncr Log Fils
W 5ftseo/ootxt
uescrlpLlon 1he maln loa flle for loaalna on Lhe Sequencer
aLh roaramlllesMlcrosofL AppllcaLlon vlrLuallzaLlon SequencerLoasSfLseqloaLxL
W 5ftrbttxt
uescrlpLlon SLores Lhe acLlons Laken durlna Lhe rebooL processlna
aLh roaramlllesMlcrosofL AppllcaLlon vlrLuallzaLlon Sequencer Appv SequencerLoasSfLrbLLxL
W 5l1co//8ocktxt
uescrlpLlon 8ecords all process sLarLs and sLops seen bv SvsLemCuard
aLh roaramlllesMlcrosofL AppllcaLlon vlrLuallzaLlon Sequencer Appv SequencerLoas
W li/ter/oo
uescrlpLlon A blnarv loa LhaL sLores flle acLlvlLv durlna sequenclna
aLh roaramlllesMlcrosofL AppllcaLlon vlrLuallzaLlon Sequencer Appv SequencerLoas
W li/estxt
uescrlpLlon Loas all flles ln Lhe vlS lL musL be enabled bv seLLlna
SequencerCurrenLverslonConflauraLlonllleManlfesL Lo 1" (8LC_uWC8u)
aLh roaramlllesMlcrosofL AppllcaLlon vlrLuallzaLlon SequencerAppv SequencerLoas llleLxL


Finding Additional nforation
. Error Cods and tb Microsoft Knowldg Bas
MlcrosofL has compleLed Lhe process of mlaraLlna daLa off of Lhe old SofLrlclLv knowledae base 1he knowledae
base conLalns useful lnformaLlon reaardlna plannlna lmplemenLaLlon and LroubleshooLlna Appv A llnk Lo Lhe
MlcrosofL knowledae base follows
ttot coJe lotmots When searchlna Lhe knowledae base for error codes be aware LhaL Lhe flrsL 12 dlalLs are
unlque Lo Lhe verslon of Lhe Appv CllenL sofLware 1he endlna 8 dlalLs of Lhe error code remaln consLanL beLween
all cllenL verslons
When vou search for an error code enLer Lhe lasL 8 dlalLs such as 000ul004
ea xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

|gure 16 amp|e Lrror Message
1he flrsL block of 6 characLers are around Lhe verslon bulld of Lhe plaLform/cllenL 8aslcallv when vou see Lhese
lL's lnformaLlon based and wlll varv dependlna on
W Ma[or verslon
W Mlnor verslon
W aLch verslon
W 8ulld
1he nexL 8lock of 8 CharacLers ldenLlfv
W llle lu
W Llne
W lnfo
1he LasL 8lock of 8 CharacLers show


W roblem Code
1he lasL 10 dlalLs of Lhe error code are consLanL beLween Lhe SofLCrld bullds 8ecause Lhe lasL 10 dlalLs are
conslsLenL we Lend Lo use Lhese for ldenLlfvlna and searchlna our errors 8eaardless of Lhe verslon bullds eLc we
can use Lhls knowledae Lo ldenLlfv problems and lssues as Lhese codes are reused beLween modules
ln addlLlon !usLln Zarb from remlere lleld Lnalneerlna ln Lhe u has wrlLLen an excellenL arLlcle relaLed Lo Lhe
Appv error codes and whaL Lhev mean 1he arLlcle can be found aL
. App-V Ta Blog
1hls ls probablv Lhe slnale areaLesL reposlLorv of Appv relaLed lnformaLlon on Lhe Web 1hls should be Lhe flrsL
sLop for anvone lnLeresLed ln learnlna abouL Appv and sequenclna 1he bloa ls updaLed frequenLlv so keep
checklna lL for more lnformaLlon AddlLlonallv look Lhrouah Lhe archlves for valuable lnformaLlon
O Appv 1eam 8loa hLLp//bloasLechneLcom/Appv/defaulLaspx
O 8SS leed hLLp//bloasLechneLcom/Appv/rssxml

. App-V Rlatd Tcbnical Discussion Forus and Wb Sits
ere ls a llsL of nonMlcrosofL slLes LhaL conLaln lnformaLlon relaLed Lo Lhe Appv producL and sequenclna Some
of Lhese slLes lnclude useful Appv relaLed Lechnlcal dlscusslon forums Whlle Lhese slLes conLaln valuable
lnformaLlon abouL Appv lL should be noLed LhaL Lhese slLes are noL afflllaLed wlLh MlcrosofL ln anv wav and
MlcrosofL cannoL verlfv anv of Lhe lnformaLlon conLalned wlLhln
O hLLp//wwwsofLarldaurucom/
O hLLp//wwwbrlanmaddencom
O hLLp//bloasLechneLcom/vlrLualworld
O hLLp//forumsmlcrosofLcom/1echneL/defaulLaspx?lorumCrouplu497SlLelu17


Appndix A - Crating a Duy UDBC

SLepbvsLep lnsLrucLlons for seLLlna up dummv Cu8C enLrles
1 Cpen Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlve 1ools uaLa Sources (Cu8C) appleL
2 SelecL Lhe user uSn Lab

3 Cllck Add


4 lor SelecL a drlver" selecL SCL Server and cllck llnlsh

3 lor name enLer dummv"
6 lor uescrlpLlon enLer 8equlred for appllcaLlon sequenclna"
7 lor Server enLer dummv"
8 Cllck nexL

9 ueselecL Lhe ConnecL Lo SCL Server Lo obLaln seLLlnas" checkbox
10 Cllck nexL


11 Cllck nexL

12 Cllck llnlsh


13 Cllck C noLe uo noL cllck 1esL uaLa Source" slnce Lhls LesL would fall

-ext create an CD8 ystem D- sett|ng as part of the equencer base |mage as fo||ows
1 SelecL Lhe SvsLem uSn Lab


2 Cllck Add

3 lor SelecL a drlver" selecL SCL Server and cllck llnlsh

4 lor name enLer dummv"
3 lor uescrlpLlon enLer 8equlred for appllcaLlon sequenclna"
6 lor Server enLer dummv"
7 Cllck nexL

8 ueselecL Lhe ConnecL Lo SCL Server Lo obLaln seLLlnas" checkbox
and cllck nexL

9 Cllck nexL

10 Cllck llnlsh

11 Cllck C noLe uo noL cllck 1esL uaLa Source" slnce Lhls LesL would fall

12 Cllck C Lo close Lhe Cu8C appleL


Appndix B - Crating a Duy Printr
SLepbvsLep lnsLrucLlons for seLLlna up a dummv prlnLer
1 Cpen Lhe ConLrol anel ardware and Sound uevlces and rlnLers appleL

2 SelecL Add a rlnLer"

3 SelecL Add a local prlnLer"


4 Cllck nexL

3 lor ManufacLurer selecL "
6 lor rlnLers Laser!eL 3200 Serles CL 3"
7 Cllck nexL


8 lor rlnLer name enLer uummv"
9 Cllck nexL
10 Cn Lhe rlnLer Sharlna" screen cllck nexL

11 Cllck llnlsh
12 Close uevlces and rlnLers appleL

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