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Hi , I created a module pool Program , I hav taken one parameter ..

How to do the validation for this paramater in screen . And if Im taking a set of parameter - how to do the validation .. Regards, Narender Subbu P
Posts: 1,709 Registered: 4/29/05 Forum Points: 2,792

Re: validation in Module pool Program

Posted: Jan 12, 2007 3:15 AM in response to: Narender B


Hi, Do the validation in the CHAIN...ENDCHAIN stmt. Regards Subramanian Narender B

Posts: 23 Registered: 9/18/06 Forum Points: 2

Re: validation in Module pool Program

Posted: Jan 12, 2007 3:48 AM in response to: Subbu P


hi Subramanian , Chain Endchain is used for a set of parameter , Just I want to validate a single parameter ... Regards, Narender muralikrishna k...
Posts: 2,431 Registered: 9/11/06 Forum Points: 3,684

Re: validation in Module pool Program

Posted: Jan 12, 2007 4:00 AM in response to: Narender B


Naren, Use FIELD field name MODULE MODULE_3. Pls. Mark if useful.

Lindsay Hoare
Posts: 16 Registered: 5/26/05 Forum Points: 36

Re: validation in Module pool Program

Posted: Jan 12, 2007 4:02 AM in response to: Narender B


Hi, you just need to put a validation module in the PAI in the screen flow logic. eg if your field is zzz-field1, use a statement in the PAI like this: FIELD ZZZ-FIELD1 MODULE VALIDATE_FIELD1. or, to only process conditionally, use FIELD ZZZ-FIELD1 MODULE VALIDATE_FIELD1 ON INPUT or FIELD ZZZ-FIELD1 MODULE VALIDATE_FIELD1 ON REQUEST. if your module then generates an error message this field will be highlighted for action. if you have several fields you need to chain them eg ZZZ-FIELD1 and ZZZ-FIELD2: CHAIN. FIELD: ZZZ-FIELD1, ZZZ-FIELD2. MODULE VALIDATE_FIELDS ON CHAIN-INPUT " (or ON CHAIN-REQUEST) ENDCHAIN. Satya Priya Vep...
Posts: 307 Registered: 5/13/06 Forum Points: 412

Re: validation in Module pool Program

Posted: Jan 12, 2007 4:02 AM in response to: Narender B


Hi Narender, U need to do the validation in PAI event of the screen as below : PROCESS AFTER INPUT. MODULE user_command_0100. *** input check for field cvp number

FIELD : cvp_no. "Screen Field needs to be validated MODULE show_cv_desc. And the module definition is as follows : MODULE show_cv_desc INPUT. ws_repid = sy-cprog. ws_num = '1000'. i_dynfields-fieldname = 'CVP_NO'. APPEND i_dynfields. CALL FUNCTION 'DYNP_VALUES_READ' EXPORTING dyname = ws_repid dynumb = ws_num TABLES dynpfields = i_dynfields EXCEPTIONS invalid_abapworkarea = 1 invalid_dynprofield = 2 invalid_dynproname = 3 invalid_dynpronummer = 4 invalid_request = 5 no_fielddescription = 6 invalid_parameter = 7 undefind_error = 8 double_conversion = 9 stepl_not_found = 10 OTHERS = 11. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. READ TABLE i_dynfields WITH KEY fieldname = 'CVP_NO'. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. cvp_no = i_dynfields-fieldvalue. ENDIF. ENDIF. ***********Validation if cvp_no = '0013'. message e000(zocm) with 'Wrong Entry'. " If the user enters 0013 for cvp_no endif. ENDMODULE. " show_cv_desc INPUT Please do reward helpful answers. Gopi Narendra Re: validation in Module pool Program

Posts: 2,063 Registered: 5/22/06 Forum Points: 3,712

Posted: Jan 12, 2007 4:29 AM in response to: Narender B

in the PAI.. module check_data. select single * from <table> where <tablefield> = <screenfield-value>. if sy-subrc = 0. else. message E000(00) with '<ScreenField-Value> does not exit'. endif. endmodule. in the flow logic for the screen. write as chain. field : <screenfield>. module check_data. endchain. Regards Gopi Jayanthi Jayara...
Posts: 3,763 Registered: 2/24/05 Forum Points: 5,420

Re: validation in Module pool Program

Posted: Jan 12, 2007 4:35 AM in response to: Narender B


Hi, In PAI, FIELD fieldname MODULE validate. MODULE validate INPUT. the validation here.... ENDMODULE. "Validate INPUT Shiba Prasad Du...
Posts: 2,911 Registered: 11/25/06

Re: validation in Module pool Program

Posted: Jan 12, 2007 5:10 AM in response to: Narender B


Forum Points: 5,492

in PAI you have to validate the field. FIELD f1 MODULE m1 ON REQUEST. things in sqare bracket are optional []. in abap editor it will show MODULE m1 input. <do validation code>. ENDMODULE. regards shiba dutta

Conditional Module Calls

Simple module calls are processed in the sequence in which they appear in the screen flow logic. However, the syntax of the screen language also allows you to make PAI module calls dependent on certain conditions by using the MODULE statement together with the FIELD statement. You can apply conditions to both single fields and groups of fields. Conditional module calls can help you to reduce the runtime of your program, particularly with modules that communicate with database tables.

Conditions for Single Screen Fields

You can ensure that a PAI module is only called when a certain condition applies by using the following statement: FIELD <f> MODULE <mod> ON INPUT|REQUEST|*-INPUT. The additions have the following effects: y ON INPUT The ABAP module is called only if the field contains a value other than its initial value. This initial value is determined by the data type of the field: Space for character fields, zero for numeric fields. Even if the user enters the initial value of the screen as the initial value, the module is not called. (ON REQUEST, on the other hand, does trigger the call in this case.) y ON REQUEST The module <mod> is only called if the user has entered something in the field. This includes cases when the user overwrites an existing value with the same value, or explicitly enters the initial value. In general, the ON REQUEST condition is triggered through any form of "manual input". As well as user input, the following additional methods of entering values also call the module:

y y y y y

The element attribute PARAMETER-ID (SPA/GPA parameters). The element attribute HOLD DATA CALL TRANSACTION ... USING Automatic settings of particular global fields ON *-INPUT The ABAP module is called if the user has entered a "*" in the first character of the field, and the field has the attribute *-entry in the Screen Painter. When the input field is passed to the program, the * is removed. * behaves like an initial field in the ON INPUT condition.

The functions of the FIELD statement for controlling data transport also apply when you use MODULE.

Conditions for Multiple Screen Fields

To ensure that one or more PAI modules are only called when several screen fields meet a particular condition, you must combine the calls in the flow logic to form a processing chain. You define processing chains as follows: CHAIN. ... ENDCHAIN. All flow logic statements between CHAIN and ENDCHAIN belong to a processing chain. The fields in the various FIELD statements are combined, and can be used in shared conditions. CHAIN. FIELD: <f1>, <f 2>,... MODULE <mod1> ON CHAIN-INPUT|CHAIN-REQUEST. FIELD: <g1>, <g 2>,... MODULE <mod2> ON CHAIN-INPUT|CHAIN-REQUEST. ... ENDCHAIN. The additions ON CHAIN-INPUT and ON CHAIN-REQUEST work like the additions ON INPUT and ON REQUEST that you use for individual fields. The exception is that the module is called whenever at least one of the fields listed in a preceding FIELD statement within the chain meets the condition. So <mod1> is called when one of the fields <f i> meets the condition. <mod2> is called when one of the fields <f i> or <g i> meets the condition. Within a processing chain, you can combine individual FIELD statements with a MODULE statement to set a condition for a single field within the chain: CHAIN. FIELD: <f1>, <f 2>,... FIELD <f> MODULE <mod1> ON INPUT|REQUEST|*-INPUT |CHAIN-INPUT|CHAIN-REQUEST. MODULE <mod2> ON CHAIN-INPUT|CHAIN-REQUEST. ENDCHAIN. The module <mod1> is called when screen field <f> meets the specified condition for individual fields. <mod2> is called when one of the fields <fi> or <f> meets the condition. If you use the addition ON CHAIN-INPUT or ON CHAIN-REQUEST with FIELD <f>, the condition also applies to the entire chain and module <mod1> and <mod2> are both called.

In cases where you apply conditions to various combinations of screen fields, it is worth setting up a separate processing chain for each combination and calling different modules from within it. The functions of the FIELD statement for controlling data transport also apply when you use processing chains. Within a processing chain, screen fields are not transported until the FIELD statement. Processing chains also have another function for the FIELDS statements that they contain. This is described in the section on validity checks.

Calling Modules after Cursor Selection

You can specify that a module should only be called if the cursor is positioned on a particular screen element. To do this, use the statement MODULE <mod> AT CURSOR-SELECTION. The module <mod> is called whenever the function code of the user action is CS with function type S. If you use this statement, it is best to assign the function code CS to function key F2. This also assigns it to the mouse double-click. The module is called in the sequence in which it occurs in the flow logic. It does not bypass the automatic input checks. Data is transported from screen fields in the order in which it is defined by the FIELD statements. The function code is empty, and neither SY-UCOMM nor the OK_CODE field is affected. You can also combine this MODULE statement with the FIELD statement: FIELD <f> MODULE <mod> AT CURSOR-SELECTION. or, for more than one field: CHAIN. FIELD: <f1>, <f 2>,... MODULE <mod> AT CURSOR-SELECTION. ENDCHAIN. The module <mod> is only called if the cursor is positioned on an input/output field <f> or an input/output field <f i> in the processing chain. You can only apply this statement to input/output fields. The call hierarchy of the different combinations is as follows: y y y If a MODULE... AT CURSOR-SELECTION statement is executed that was combined with FIELD, a statement without FIELD is not executed. If a statement using FIELD appears more than once for the same screen field <f>, only the first statement is executed. If a statement without FIELD occurs more than once, only the last statement is executed.

It is irrelevant whether the statements occur within a CHAIN ... ENDCHAIN block or not.

Conditional module calls PROGRAM DEMO_DYNPRO_ON_CONDITION.


The screen fields INPUT1, INPUT2, and INPUT3 are assigned to the input fields. The function code of the pushbutton is EXECUTE. In the GUI status STATUS_100, the icon (F12) is active with function code CANCEL and function type E. The function key F2 is also active with function code CS and function type S. The F8 key is active with the function code EXECUTE and no special function type. The screen flow logic is as follows: PROCESS BEFORE OUTPUT. MODULE INIT_SCREEN_100. PROCESS AFTER INPUT. MODULE CANCEL AT EXIT-COMMAND. CHAIN. FIELD: INPUT1, INPUT2. MODULE MODULE_1 ON CHAIN-INPUT. FIELD INPUT3 MODULE MODULE_* ON *-INPUT. MODULE MODULE_2 ON CHAIN-REQUEST. ENDCHAIN. FIELD INPUT1 MODULE C1 AT CURSOR-SELECTION. CHAIN. FIELD: INPUT2, INPUT3. MODULE C2 AT CURSOR-SELECTION. ENDCHAIN. MODULE CURSOR AT CURSOR-SELECTION. The program uses information messages to show which modules are called following user interaction and which data is transported. y y y Whenever one of the input fields 1 or 2 is not initial, the system calls the module MODULE_1 for any user interaction. Whenever one of the three input fields is changed, the system calls the module MODULE_2 for any user interaction. Whenever input field 3 contains a * entry, the system calls module MODULE_* for any user interaction.

y y y

If the user chooses F2 or double-clicks a text field on the screen, the system calls the module CURSOR. If the user chooses F2 or double-clicks input field 1, the system calls the module C1. If the user chooses F2 or double-clicks input field 2 or 3, the system calls the module CURSOR. Module C2 is never executed, since the MODULE ... AT CURSOR SELECTION statement occurs twice, and only the last is processed. tm
Flow Logic Keywords You define the flow logic in the flow logic editor of the Screen Painter, using the following keywords: Keyword CALL CHAIN ENDCHAIN ENDLOOP FIELD LOOP MODIFY MODULE ON PROCESS SELECT VALUES Description Calls a subscreen. Starts a processing chain. Ends a processing chain. Ends loop processing. Refers to a field. You can combine this with the MODULE and SELECT keywords. Starts loop processing. Modifies a table. Identifies a processing module. Used with FIELD assignments. Defines a processing event. Checks an entry against a table. Defines allowed input values.

For more information about transaction programming, see the Example of Flow Logic Example The following example shows some use of screen flow logic: *-----------------------------------------------* Sample Code *--------------------------------------------------*Processing Before Screen Output PROCESS BEFORE OUTPUT. MODULE INIT_FIELDS.

ABAP Users Guide

* Self-programmed F1 Help PROCESS ON HELP-REQUEST. FIELD GSSG-BUKRG MODULE V-BUKRG. * Processing after user input PROCESS AFTER INPUT. * Lock customer master record CHAIN. FIELD GSSG-KTNRG MODULE ENQUEUE_CUSTOMER_MASTER. * Read customer master record MODULE READ_CUSTOMER_MASTER. * Read business area MODULE READ_GSSG. ENDCHAIN. * Process function code FIELD OK-CODE MODULE OKCODE ON INPUT.

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