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From the first day of the week to weekend.

I had many thought about the job, future, sometime I felt sad, but when I decide d sometime. By anyway I must to do it. My mother always said: "you shouldn't find a job, and you must learn any infomat ions about family, It repaired for the interview at embassies". When U said "honey,you should find a job", at this time, I thought I'm very usel ess. I applied CV to many company but their work needn't all of my certificate a nd they want to recruiment the people who are have three or four experiences, An d I saw, the salary is very low and haven't allowances. I really really love you, so I don't want to do everything you don't like. Somet ime I got you but you made me felt you aren't like that. It just my felt. And, when you was driving moto to your company or when you finished work I worri ed to you because the distance from your home to the company are not nearly post cac bai hoc anh van khong can phai mong doi nua,cu nhu nguoi khong hon ma song,cuoc doi chang ai thu ong minh bang chinh ban than minh

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