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Waves Gelombang

2. B (i): The particles of medium vibrate perpendicularly with the direction of the propagation of the waves.
B(i): Zarah medium bergetar berserenjang dengan arah perambatan gelombang.

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The ripples formed travel outwards, starting from the point where the stone touches the surface of water.
Riak yang terbentuk bergerak di luar, bermula dari titik di mana batu itu bersentuhan dengan permukaan air.

B (ii): The particles of the medium vibrate in parallel with the direction of the propagation of the waves.
B(ii): Zarah medium bergetar secara selari dengan arah perambatan gelombang.


Transverse waves
Gelombang melintang

Longitudinal waves
Gelombang membujur

1.1 (I) Aim: Method:


To study the characteristics of waves

Untuk mengkaji ciri-ciri gelombang

Perpendicular to the direction of the wave motion

Berserenjang dengan arah gerakan gelombang

Parallel to the direction of the wave motion

Selari dengan arah gerakan gelombang

1. The following activities were carried out.

Aktiviti berikut dijalankan.

4. (a) Transverse waves

Gelombang melintang

2. The observations were recorded in the spaces provided.

Pemerhatian direkodkan dalam ruang yang disediakan.

(b) The ant will move from side to side, perpendicular to the waves motion.
Semut akan bergerak dari sisi ke sisi, berserenjang dengan gerakan gelombang.

Observations: A The flame of the candle vibrates away and towards the loudspeaker.
Nyalaan lilin bergetar menjauhi dan menujui pembesar suara.

Conclusion: 1. Waves transfer energy without transferring matter.

Gelombang memindahkan tenaga tanpa pemindahan jirim.

2. (a) A transverse wave is a type of wave where the particles of the medium vibrate perpendicularly to the direction of the propagation of the wave.
Gelombang melintang merupakan sejenis gelombang di mana zarah medium bergetar berserenjang dengan arah perambatan gelombang.


(b) A longitudinal wave is a type of wave where the particles of the medium vibrate in parallel with the direction of the propagation of the waves.
Gelombang membujur merupakan sejenis gelombang di mana zarah medium bergetar secara selari dengan arah perambatan gelombang.

White string Tali putih

(II) A Aim: To study the characteristics of waves and damping of waves

White string Tali putih

Untuk mengkaji ciri-ciri gelombang dan pelembapan gelombang

Method: 1. The apparatus was arranged as shown in the diagram (a). Discussion: 1. Since the flame vibrates, there must be a transfer of energy to the flame. Energy is transferred from the vibrating cone of the loudspeaker to the flame through sound waves.
Oleh kerana nyalaan bergetar, terdapat pemindahan tenaga kepada nyalaan. Tenaga dipindahkan dari kon pembesar suara yang bergetar ke nyalaan melalui gelombang bunyi. Radas disusun seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah (a).

2. The 50 g weight was released so that it oscillated vertically.

Pemberat 50 g dilepaskan supaya berayun secara menegak.

3. The time taken for 10 complete oscillations was taken using a stopwatch.
Masa yang diambil untuk 10 ayunan lengkap diambil dengan menggunakan jam randik.


Physics Form 5 Answers

4. The spring was oscillated and the amplitude of the oscillation was observed.
Spring berayun dan amplitud ayunan diperhatikan.

5. The procedure was repeated using a simple pendulum as shown in the diagram (b).
Prosedur diulang dengan menggunakan bandul ringkas seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah (b).

Observation: Pendulums A, B, C and D were forced to oscillate. Pendulums A, B and D oscillated with small amplitude. The amplitudes of pendulum C increased slowly until it was bigger than the amplitude of pendulums A, B and D.
Bandul A, B, C dan D dikenakan daya untuk berayun. Bandul A, B dan D berayun dengan amplitud yang kecil. Amplitud bandul C bertambah dengan perlahan-lahan sehingga amplitud bandul C menjadi lebih besar daripada amplitud bandul A, B dan D.

Results: 1. 8.0 s 8.0 2. = 0.8 s 10 1 3. = 1.25 Hz 0.8 4. 14.0 s 14.0 = 1.4 S 10 1 6. 0.71 Hz 1.4 5. Discussion: 1. As the number of oscillation increases, the amplitude becomes smaller.
Apabila bilangan ayunan bertambah, amplitud menjadi semakin kecil.

Discussion: 1. Damping in an oscillating system occurs when the system loses energy to the surrounding, usually in the form of heat energy. This is due to the loses of energy in the oscillating system by factors such as air resistance and friction in various parts of the system.
Pelembapan dalam sistem berayun wujud apabila sistem itu hilang tenaga ke persekitaran, selalunya dalam bentuk tenaga haba. Ini adalah kerana tenaga hilang dalam sistem berayun disebabkan oleh faktor-faktor seperti rintangan udara dan geseran di pelbagai bahagian sistem itu.

2. Pendulum C had the same length as pendulum P, both the pendulums had the same natural frequency. This caused pendulum C to receive more energy from pendulum P compared to the other pendulums.
Bandul C mempunyai panjang yang sama seperti bandul P, kedua-dua bandul mempunyai frekuensi semula jadi yang sama. Ini menyebabkan bandul C menerima lebih banyak tenaga daripada bandul P berbanding dengan bandul-bandul lain.

2. Energy is lost from the oscillating system to the surrounding due to internal resistance and external resistance.
Tenaga hilang daripada sistem berayun ke persekitaran disebabkan oleh rintangan dalam dan rintangan luar.

3. Resonance

3. (a) The retort clamp was adjusted to a suitable height so that the oscillating spring would not hit the base of the retort stand.
Pengapit retort dilaraskan kepada ketinggian yang sesuai supaya spring berayun tidak melanggar dasar kaki retort.

Conclusion: 1. Period


(b) The thread of the pendulum was tied firmly to the retort clamp so that its length was always the same.
Benang bandul diikat dengan kukuh pada pengapit retort supaya panjangnya sentiasa sama.

0.8 s 1.4 s 2. smaller / kecil loss / hilang heat / haba 3. resonance / resonans maximum / maksimum 1.2

1.25 Hz 0.71 Hz

B Aim: To observe resonance in an oscillating system

Untuk memerhati resonans dalam sistem berayun

Method: 1. A Bartons pendulum was set up as shown in the diagram. Except for P and C, all the other pendulums were of different lengths.
Bandul Barton disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah. Kecuali P dan C, semua bandul lain mempunyai panjang yang berlainan.

(I) Aim: To study the characteristics of reflection of

Untuk mengkaji ciri-ciri pantulan

I plane water waves in a ripple tank

gelombang satah air dalam tangki riak cahaya gelombang bunyi

II light

2. Pendulum P was set into oscillation.

Bandul P disediakan untuk berayun.

III sound waves

3. The oscillations of the other pendulums were observed.

Ayunan bandul-bandul lain diperhatikan.

Method: 1. The ripple tank was set up as shown in the diagram.

Tangki riak disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.


Physics Form 5 Answers

2. The legs of the ripple tank were adjusted so that the base of the tank was horizontal.
Kaki-kaki tangki riak dilaraskan supaya tapak tangki mengufuk.

until the loudest ticking sound of the stopwatch was heard.

Tiub kadbod lain dilaraskan dengan salah satu telinga yang diletakkan berdekatan dengan salah satu hujung tiub dan dilaraskan sehingga bunyi detik jam randik yang paling kuat didengar.

3. A horizontal beam vibrator was used to create plane waves.

Penggetar alang mengufuk digunakan untuk membentuk gelombang satah.

4. The speed of the vibrator was adjusted to produce a set of waves that can be clearly seen with the help of a stroboscope.
Laju penggetar dilaraskan untuk menghasilkan satu set gelombang yang dapat dilihat dengan jelas dengan bantuan stroboskop.

4. The angle of reflection, r, of the sound wave was measured.

Sudut pantulan, r, bagi gelombang bunyi diukur.

5. Steps 2 to 4 were repeated for i = 45 and 60.

Langkah-langkah 2 hingga 4 diulang bagi i = 45 and 60.

Results: i r Discussion: 1. The angle of incidence, i is the same as the angle of reflection, r.
Sudut tuju, i adalah sama seperti sudut pantulan, r.

5. A straight reflector was placed so that the angle of incidence of the waves, i = 30o.
Pemantul lurus diletakkan supaya sudut tuju gelombang, i = 30o.

30 30

45 45

60 60

6. The angle of reflection, r, of the waves was measured.

Sudut pantulan, r, bagi gelombang diukur.

7. The wavelength of the incident waves and the reflected waves were observed carefully and compared.
Panjang gelombang bagi gelombang tuju dan gelombang terpantul diperhatikan dengan berhati-hati dan dibandingkan.

2. The wavelengths are the same.

Panjang gelombang adalah sama.

8. Steps 5, 6 and 7 were repeated for i = 45o and 60o.

Langkah-langkah 5, 6 dan 7 diulang bagi i = 45 and 60.

3. The frequency of the waves depends on the vibrating frequency of the source of the waves.
Frekuensi gelombang bergantung pada frekuensi bergetar sumber gelombang.

Results: 1.

30 30

45 45

60 60

2. Both waves are the same.

Kedua-dua gelombang adalah sama.

4. Since v = f , if f and are unchanged, v will also be unchanged. Hence, the speed of the incident waves and the reflected waves are the same.
Oleh kerana v = f , jika f dan tidak berubah, v juga tidak berubah. Maka, laju gelombang tuju dan gelombang terpantul adalah sama.

(II) Method: 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram.

Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.


Direction of propagation of wave Arah perambatan gelombang N

2. The activity was carried out to determine the angle of reflection, r, corresponding to the angle of incidence of light, i = 30, 45 and 60.
Aktiviti ini dijalankan untuk menentukan sudut pantulan, r, sepadan dengan sudut tuju cahaya, i = 30, 45 and 60.

Wave front Muka gelombang

i r Reflector Pemantul

Results: i r (III) Method: 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram.
Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

30 30

45 45

60 60

Conclusion: 1. The angle of incidence and the angle of reflection of waves are the same.
Sudut tuju dan sudut pantulan gelombang adalah sama.

2. The wavelength, frequency and speed of the incident waves and the reflected waves are the same.
Panjang gelombang, frekuensi dan laju bagi gelombang tuju dan gelombang terpantul adalah sama.

2. The cardboard tube was arranged with the stopwatch at an incident angle, i = 30.
Tiub kadbod disusun dengan jam randik pada sudut tuju, i = 30.

3. The direction of incident waves and the reflected waves are different.
Arah bagi gelombang tuju dan gelombang terpantul adalah berbeza.

3. The other cardboard tube was adjusted with one of the ears placed close to one end of the tube and adjusted


Physics Form 5 Answers

Precautions: 1. Activity (I) was carried out in an environment where there would be no wind so that the wave front could be seen more clearly.
Aktiviti (I) dijalankan di persekitaran di mana tidak terdapat angin supaya muka gelombang dapat dilihat dengan lebih jelas.

Plat kaca berbentuk trapezium itu digantikan dengan plat kaca cembung dan kemudian plat kaca cekung. Bagi setiap kes, muka gelombang di kawasan tangki yang dalam dan cetek diperhatikan.

Deep area Kawasan Shallow area Kawasan cetek dalam Deep area Shallow area Kawasan Kawasan cetek dalam

2. In Activity (II), the plane mirror was arranged to stand vertically so that the incident ray and the reflected ray were on the horizontal plane.
Dalam Aktiviti (II), cermin satah disusun secara menegak supaya sinar tuju dan sinar terpantul berada pada satah mengufuk.

3. Activity (III) was carried out in a quiet place so that the sound of the ticking stopwatch was heard more clearly.
Aktiviti (III) dijalankan di tempat yang senyap supaya bunyi jam randik berdetik didengar dengan lebih jelas.

Incident wave Gelombang tuju Incident wave Gelombang tuju

Incident wave Gelombang tuju


Activity Untuk mengkaji ciri-ciri pembiasan

Aim: To study the characteristics of refraction of I plane water waves in a ripple tank
gelombang satah air dalam tangki riak cahaya gelombang bunyi
Deep area Shallow Kawasan area dalam Kawasan cetek

II light

III sound waves

Deep area Kawasan dalam

(I) Method: 1. The ripple tank was arranged as shown in the diagram.
Tangki riak disusun seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

Incident wave Gelombang tuju

2. The legs of the ripple tank were adjusted so that the base of the tank was horizontal.
Kaki-kaki tangki riak dilaraskan supaya tapak tangki mengufuk.

3. The tank was filled with water. The trapezium-shaped glass plate was placed in the ripple tank to create a shallow area.
Tangki diisi dengan air. Plat kaca berbentuk trapezium diletakkan dalam tangki riak untuk membentuk kawasan cetek.

Deep area Kawasan dalam

Shallow area Kawasan cetek

Deep area Kawasan dalam

Discussion: 1. The wavelength of the waves in the shallow area is smaller than that in the deep area.
Panjang gelombang bagi gelombang di kawasan cetek adalah lebih kecil daripada gelombang di kawasan dalam.

4. A horizontal beam vibrator was used to create plane (straight) waves.

Penggetar alang mengufuk digunakan untuk membentuk gelombang satah (lurus).

2. They are the same. Frequency of the waves is the same as the frequency of the vibrating source.
Gelombang-gelombang itu adalah sama. Frekuensi gelombang adalah sama dengan frekuensi sumber bergetar.

5. The speed of the vibrator was adjusted to produce a set of waves that could be clearly observed on the screen with help of a stroboscope.
Laju penggetar dilaraskan untuk menghasilkan satu set gelombang yang boleh diperhatikan dengan jelas pada skrin dengan bantuan stroboskop.

3. As v = f and f is a constant, therefore v . Hence, the waves is faster in the deep area compared to the shallow area.
Jika v = f dan f adalah malar, maka, v . Maka, gelombang adalah lebih cepat di kawasan dalam berbanding dengan kawasan cetek.

6. The position of the glass was adjusted with its edge parallel with the vibrator and the wave fronts in the deep and shallow areas of the tank were observed.
Kedudukan kaca dilaraskan dengan sisinya selari dengan penggetar dan muka gelombang di kawasan tangki yang dalam dan cetek diperhatikan.

4. The direction of propagation of waves changes. The waves undergo refraction.

Arah perambatan gelombang berubah. Gelombang mengalami pembiasan.

7. The trapezium-shaped glass plate was replaced with the convex glass plate and then with the concave glass plate. For each case, the wave fronts in the deep and shallow areas of the tank were observed.

(II) Method: 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram.

Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.


Physics Form 5 Answers

2. A ray of light was directed at an incident angle, i = 30 to the glass block and the ray that entered the glass block was observed. The angle of refraction, r, was recorded.
Sinar cahaya diarahkan pada sudut tuju, i = 30 ke blok kaca dan sinar yang memasuki blok kaca diperhatikan. Sudut pembiasan, r, direkodkan.

Isyarat audio yang paling kuat yang dikesan oleh mikrofon diperoleh pada titik di mana pembesar suara, belon dan mikrofon berada dalam satu garis lurus.

2. When the balloon was removed, the audio signal detected by the microphone was weaker.
Apabila belon dialihkan, isyarat audio yang dikesan oleh mikrofon semakin lemah.

3. Step 2 was repeated for i = 45, 60 and 75.

Langkah 2 diulang bagi i = 45, 60 dan 75.

Discussion: 1. Carbon dioxide is denser than the surrounding air.

Karbon dioksida lebih tumpat daripada udara di persekitaran.

Observation: 1.
Glass Block Blok kaca Incident ray Sinar tuju

2. The sound waves from the loudspeaker were focused by the balloon filled with carbon dioxide at the point where the microphone was placed.
Gelombang bunyi daripada pembesar suara difokuskan oleh belon berisi karbon dioksida pada tiitk di mana mikrofon diletakkan.


i r

30 19

45 28

60 36

75 40

3. The direction of propagation of sound waves changes. The waves undergo refraction.
Arah perambatan gelombang bunyi berubah. Gelombang mengalami pembiasan.

Discussion: 1. i is greater than r.

i lebih besar daripada r.

2. The direction of propagation of light waves changes. The waves undergo refraction.
Arah perambatan gelombang cahaya berubah. Gelombang mengalami pembiasan.

Conclusion: When the waves travel from one medium to another of different density at non-zero angle of incidence, they change the direction and this phenomenon is known as the refraction of waves.
Apabila gelombang bergerak dari satu medium ke satu lagi medium lain yang mempunyai ketumpatan yang berlainan pada sudut tuju bukan sifar, gelombang-gelombang itu mengubah arah dan fenomena ini dikenali sebagai pembiasan gelombang.

(III) Method: 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram. The oscilloscope was adjusted to detect the sound waves emitted from the loudspeaker.
Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah. Osiloskop dilaraskan untuk mengesan gelombang bunyi yang dipancarkan oleh pembesar suara.

Precautions: 1. Activity (I) was carried out in a dark place and the surrounding air was calm so that the pattern of waves could be seen clearly on the screen.
Aktiviti (I) dijalankan di tempat gelap dan udara di persekitaran tenang supaya corak gelombang dapat dilihat dengan jelas pada skrin.

2. The amplitude of the sound waves shown by the oscilloscope was observed.
Amplitud gelombang bunyi yang ditunjukkan oleh osiloskop diperhatikan.

2. Activity (II) was carried out in a dark place so that the refracted rays could be seen clearly.
Aktiviti (II) dijalankan di tempat gelap supaya sinar terbias dapat dilihat dengan jelas.

3. The position of the microphone was adjusted by moving nearer to the balloon or further away from it until the biggest amplitude of the waves was observed on the oscilloscope.
Kedudukan mikrofon dilaraskan dengan menggerakkan lebih dekat atau lebih jauh daripada belon sehingga amplitud gelombang terbesar diperhatikan pada osiloskop.

3. Activity (III) was carried out in a quiet environment so that the signal on the CRO was clear.
Aktiviti (III) dijalankan di persekitaran senyap supaya isyarat pada OSK adalah jelas.

4. The balloon was removed and the amplitude of the waves was observed again. This amplitude was compared with that observed in step 3.
Belon dialihkan dan amplitud gelombang diperhatikan sekali lagi. Amplitud ini dibandingkan dengan pemerhatian dalam langkah 3.


Activity Untuk mengkaji ciri-ciri belauan

Aim: To study the characteristics of diffraction of I plane water waves in a ripple bank
gelombang satah air dalam tangki riak cahaya gelombang bunyi

II light

Observations: 1. The strongest audio signal detected by the microphone was obtained at a point where the loudspeaker, balloon and microphone were in a straight line.

III sound waves


Physics Form 5 Answers

(I) Method: 1. The ripple tank was arranged as shown in the diagram.
Tangki riak disusun seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

2. The waves become more spreaded as the gap or obstacle becomes smaller.
Gelombang menjadi semakin merebak apabila celah atau penghalang menjadi semakin kecil.

2. The legs of the ripple tank was adjusted so that the base of the tank was horizontal. The tank was filled with water.
Kaki-kaki tangki riak dilaraskan supaya tapak tangki mengufuk. Tangki itu diisi dengan air.

3. The phenomenon of the diffraction of waves is the spreading out of waves when they move through a gap or around an obstacle.
Fenomena belauan gelombang merebak apabila gelombang bergerak melalui celah atau penghalang.

3. A horizontal beam vibrator was used to create plane (straight) waves.

Penggetar alang mengufuk digunakan untuk membentuk gelombang satah (lurus).

4. They are the same.

Gelombang-gelombang itu adalah sama.

5. They are the same because the waves originated from the same vibrating source.
Gelombang-gelombang itu sama kerana gelombanggelombang itu berasal dari sumber bergetar yang sama.

4. The speed of the vibrator was adjusted to produce a set of waves that could be clearly observed on the screen with the help of a stroboscope.
Laju penggetar dilaraskan untuk menghasilkan satu set gelombang yang boleh diperhatikan dengan jelas pada skrin dengan bantuan stroboskop.

6. Since f and are unchanged, the speed of the incident waves and the diffracted waves is the same.
Oleh kerana f dan tidak berubah, laju gelombang tuju dan gelombang terbelau adalah sama.

5. The position of the barriers was adjusted for different width of the gap.
Kedudukan penghalang dilaraskan bagi lebar celah yang berlainan.

7. The energy per unit area of the diffracted waves is less compared to the incident waves. The amplitude of the diffracted waves is smaller compared to the incident waves.
Tenaga per unit luas bagi gelombang terbelau adalah kurang berbanding dengan gelombang tuju. Amplitud gelombang terbelau adalah lebih kecil berbanding dengan gelombang tuju.

6. The wave fronts that emerged from the gap were observed.
Muka gelombang yang muncul dari celah diperhatikan.

7. The width of the gap was fixed and the frequency of the vibrator was adjusted.
Lebar celah ditetapkan dan frekuensi penggetar dilaraskan.

(II) Method: 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram.

Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

8. The wave fronts that emerged from the gap were observed.
Muka gelombang yang muncul dari celah diperhatikan.

2. A ray of light was directed from the laser pen through the single-slit onto the screen.
Sinar cahaya diarahkan dari pen laser melalui celah tunggal ke atas skrin.

9. The barrier of different width was placed and the shadow of the barrier was observed.
Penghalang dengan lebar yang berbeza diletakkan dan bayang-bayang penghalang itu diperhatikan.


3. The distance and the positions of the pen and the single-slit were adjusted until a clear pattern of the light from the laser beam was observed on the screen.
Jarak dan kedudukan pen dan celah tunggal dilaraskan sehingga corak cahaya daripada alur laser diperhatikan dengan jelas pada skrin.

4. The width of the single-slit was adjusted and the pattern on the screen was observed for different width of the slit.
Lebar celah tunggal dilaraskan dan corak pada skrin diperhatikan bagi lebar celah yang berlainan.

5. The single-slit was replaced with a piece of blackcoloured paper which has a tiny pinhole on it.
Celah tunggal digantikan dengan sekeping kertas yang berwarna hitam yang mempunyai lubang jarum halus di atasnya.

6. A ray of light was directed from the laser pen through the pinhole and the pattern formed on the screen was observed. Discussion: 1. The waves emerging from the gap spreaded out.
Gelombang yang muncul dari celah merebak. Sinar cahaya diarahkan dari pen laser melalui lubang jarum itu dan corak yang terbentuk pada skrin diperhatikan.

7. The pinhole was enlarged and step 6 was repeated.

Lubang jarum itu diperbesar dan langkah 6 diulang.


Physics Form 5 Answers

Observations: (a) (b)

3. However, due to the spreading of the waves, the energy per unit area of the diffracted waves is less than the incident waves. Hence, the amplitude of the diffracted waves is smaller compared to the incident waves.
Namun begitu, oleh kerana gelombang merebak, tenaga per unit luas bagi gelombang terbelau adalah kurang daripada gelombang tuju. Maka, amplitud gelombang terbelau adalah lebih kecil berbanding dengan gelombang tujunya.



Precautions: 1. Activity (I) was carried out in a dark place and the surrounding air was calm so that the pattern of waves could be seen clearly on the screen.
Aktiviti (I) dijalankan di tempat gelap dan udara di persekitaran tenang supaya corak gelombang dapat dilihat dengan jelas pada skrin.

Discussion: 1. Light undergoes diffraction when it passes through a narrow slit.

Cahaya mengalami belauan apabila cahaya melalui celah sempit.

2. Diffraction pattern becomes less distinct.

Corak belauan menjadi semakin kurang jelas.

2. Activity (II) was carried out in a dark place so that the diffracted pattern could be seen clearly.
Aktiviti (II) dijalankan di tempat gelap supaya corak terbelau dapat dilihat dengan jelas.

3. Diffraction of light occurs.

Belauan cahaya berlaku.

4. Diffraction pattern becomes less distinct.

Corak belauan menjadi semakin kurang jelas. (III)

3. Activity (III) was carried out in an isolated building so that the sound heard was not due to reflection of any nearby building.
Aktiviti (III) dijalankan di bangunan terasing supaya bunyi yang didengar tidak disebabkan oleh pantulan dari bangunan yang berdekatan.

Method: 1. The outdoor activity was carried out as shown in the diagram.
Aktiviti luar dijalankan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.



2. Music from the cassette or CD player was listened at a position that was blocked by the adjacent building as shown in the diagram.
Muzik daripada kaset atau pemain CD didengar pada suatu kedudukan yang dihalang oleh bangunan yang bersebelahan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

Aim: To study the interference pattern of

Untuk mengkaji corak interferens

I water waves in a ripple bank

gelombang air dalam tangki riak cahaya gelombang bunyi

II light

Observation: Music from the CD player was heard.

Muzik daripada pemain CD didengar.

III sound waves (I) Method:

Discussion: 1. Music from the CD player could be heard even though it was blocked by the building, showed that diffraction of sound waves had occurred.
Muzik daripada pemain CD dapat didengar walaupun muzik itu telah dihalang oleh bangunan, menunjukkan bahawa belauan gelombang bunyi telah berlaku.

1. The ripple tank was arranged as shown in the diagram.

Tangki riak disusun seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

2. The legs of the ripple tank were adjusted so that the base of the tank was horizontal.
Kaki-kaki tangki riak dilaraskan supaya tapak tangki mengufuk.

Conclusion: 1. Diffraction of waves occurs when there is a spreading out of waves after they move through a gap or move around an obstacle.
Belauan gelombang berlaku apabila gelombang merebak selepas gelombang itu bergerak melalui celah atau penghalang.

3. Two spherical dippers were attached to the beam vibrator so that the bottom of the spheres touch the surface of the water in the ripple tank.
Dua pencelup sfera dilekatkan pada penggetar alang supaya dasar sfera menyentuh permukaan air dalam tangki riak.

2. The wavelength, frequency and speed of the diffracted waves are the same as that of the incident waves.
Panjang gelombang, frekuensi dan laju gelombang terbelau adalah sama seperti gelombang tujunya.

4. The speed of the vibrator was adjusted to produce two sets of waves that could be clearly observed on the screen with the help of a stroboscope.
Laju penggetar dilaraskan untuk menghasilkan dua set gelombang yang dapat diperhatikan dengan jelas pada skrin dengan bantuan stroboskop.


Physics Form 5 Answers

5. The interference pattern formed by the superposition of the two sets of waves was observed.
Corak interferens yang dibentuk oleh superposisi bagi dua set gelombang diperhatikan.

4. The double-slit was replaced with another double-slit that had a bigger separation between the slits, a and steps 2 and 3 were repeated.
Dwicelah digantikan dengan satu lagi dwicelah lain yang mempunyai jarak pemisahan yang lebih besar di antara celah, a dan langkah-langkah 2 dan 3 diulang.


Observations: (a)


Dipper Pencelup

Discussion: 1. (a)
+ =

Discussion: 1. Alternate bright fringes and dark fringes were formed.

Pinggir cerah dan pinggir gelap terbentuk berselang-seli.

2. A bright fringe was observed when constructive interference occurred. A dark fringe was observed when destructive interference occurred.
Pinggir cerah diperhatikan apabila interferens membina berlaku. Pinggir gelap diperhatikan apabila interferens memusnah berlaku.

Constructive interference
Interferens membina

+ =

3. The distance between two adjacent bright fringes becomes smaller.

Jarak di antara dua pinggir cerah yang bersebelahan menjadi semakin kecil.

Constructive interference
Interferens membina

(III) Method: 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram in an open space.

+ =

Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah dalam ruang terbuka.

2. The two identical loudspeakers were connected to the signal generator. Destructive interference
Interferens memusnah Dua pembesar suara yang serupa disambungkan kepada penjana isyarat.

2. (a) Oscillating vertically with big amplitude

Berayun secara menegak dengan amplitud besar

3. The two loudspeakers were adjusted so that they were 1.5 m apart.
Dua pembesar suara dilaraskan supaya jarak di antara dua pembesar suara itu 1.5 m.

(b) At rest / not moving

Dalam keadaan rehat / tidak bergerak

(II) Method: 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram.

Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

4. The signal generator was adjusted to a frequency of about 400 Hz.

Penjana isyarat dilaraskan kepada frekuensi yang lebih kurang 400 Hz.

2. A ray of light was directed from the laser pen through the double-slit onto the screen.
Sinar cahaya diarahkan dari pen laser melalui dwicelah ke atas skrin.

5. A string was tied to two vertical sticks so that it was parallel to the edge of the table and was of the same height as the loudspeakers. The string was positioned about 2 m from the loudspeakers.
Tali diikat pada dua kayu menegak supaya tali itu selari dengan sisi meja dan sama tinggi dengan pembesar suara. Kedudukan tali adalah lebih kurang 2 m dari pembesar suara.

3. The distance and the positions of the pen and the double-slit were adjusted until a clear interference pattern of the light from the laser beam was observed on the screen.
Jarak dan kedudukan pen dan dwicelah dilaraskan sehingga corak interferens cahaya daripada alur laser diperhatikan dengan jelas pada skrin.

6. A microphones was connected to the cathode ray oscilloscope that was adjusted to indicate sound signals from the loudspeakers.
Mikrofon disambungkan kepada osiloskop sinar katod yang dilaraskan untuk menunjukkan isyarat bunyi daripada pembesar suara.


Physics Form 5 Answers

7. The microphone was moved slowly along the string.

Mikrofon digerakkan dengan perlahan-lahan sepanjang tali.

8. The signals shown on the screen of the CRO were observed.

Isyarat yang ditunjukkan pada skrin OSK diperhatikan.

4. The sound produced by the loudspeaker and the sine wave on the screen of the CRO were observed. The observations were recorded in the table provided.
Bunyi yang dihasilkan oleh pembesar suara dan gelombang sin diperhatikan pada skrin OSK. Pemerhatian direkodkan dalam jadual yang disediakan.

Observation: 1. Alternate strong and weak audio signal was detected.

Isyarat audio yang kuat dan lemah dikesan berselang-seli.

5. The volume of the audio signal generator was adjusted to a fixed value but its frequency was gradually increased.
Bunyi penjana isyarat audio dilaraskan kepada suatu nilai tetap tetapi frekuensinya ditingkatkan secara beransur-ansur.

2. Strong signal was detected when constructive interference occurred. Weak signal or no signal was detected when destructive interference occurred.
Isyarat kuat dikesan apabila interferens membina berlaku. Isyarat lemah atau tiada isyarat dikesan apabila interferens memusnah berlaku.

6. The sound produced by the loudspeaker and the sine wave on the screen of the CRO were observed. The observations were recorded in the table provided.
Bunyi yang dihasilkan oleh pembesar suara dan gelombang sin diperhatikan pada skrin OSK. Pemerhatian direkodkan dalam jadual yang disediakan.

Precautions: 1. Activity (I) was carried out in a dark place and the surrounding air was calm so that the pattern of waves could be seen clearly on the screen.
Aktiviti (I) dijalankan di tempat gelap dan udara di persekitaran tenang supaya corak gelombang dapat dilihat dengan jelas pada skrin.

Observations: Change in the sound produced by the loudspeaker

Perubahan bunyi yang dihasilkan oleh pembesar suara

Change in the sine wave on the screen of the CRO

Perubahan gelombang sin pada skrin OSK

2. Activity (II) was carried out in a dark place so that the interference pattern could be seen clearly.
Aktiviti (II) dijalankan di tempat gelap supaya corak interferens dapat dilihat dengan jelas.



Lebih nyaring


Tidak berubah

3. Activity (III) was carried out in an open space so that there were no reflection from nearby buildings which could affect the experiment.
Aktiviti (III) dijalankan dalam ruang terbuka supaya tiada pantulan dari bangunan yang berdekatan yang akan mempengaruhi eksperimen.

Higher pitch
Kelangsingan yang lebih tinggi

Tidak berubah


Discussion: 1. (a) When the amplitude of the sound waves increases, its loudness increases.
Apabila amplitud gelombang bunyi bertambah, kenyaringannya bertambah.


Activity Untuk mengkaji kesan

Aim: To study the effect of I amplitude on the loudness

amplitud ke atas kenyaringan

(b) When the frequency of the sound waves increases, its pitch increases.
Apabila frekuensi gelombang bunyi bertambah, kelangsingannya bertambah.

II frequency on the pitch of sound Method:

frekuensi ke atas kelangsingan bunyi

Conclusion: 1. The loudness of a sound depends on its amplitude. When the amplitude increases, its loudness increases.
Kenyaringan bunyi bergantung pada amplitudnya. Apabila amplitud bertambah, kenyaringannya bertambah.

1. The apparatus was arranged as shown in the diagram.

Radas disusun seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

2. The audio signal generator and the CRO were adjusted so that a sound was produced by the loudspeaker and a sine wave was observed on the screen of the CRO.
Penjana isyarat audio dan OSK dilaraskan supaya bunyi dihasilkan oleh pembesar suara dan gelombang sin diperhatikan pada skrin OSK.

2. The pitch of the sound depends on its frequency. When the frequency increases, its pitch increases.
Kelangsingan bunyi bergantung pada frekuensinya. Apabila frekuensi bertambah, kelangsingannya bertambah.

3. The frequency of the audio signal generator was adjusted to a fixed value but its volume was gradually increased.
Frekuensi penjana isyarat audio dilaraskan kepada suatu nilai tetap tetapi bunyinya dikuatkan secara beransur-ansur.



Aim: To study the components and the characteristics of the electromagnetic spectrum
Untuk mengkaji komponen dan ciri-ciri spektrum elektromagnet


Physics Form 5 Answers




Radio waves
Gelombang radio

The longest wavelength and the lowest frequency in the EM spectrum

Panjang gelombang yang paling panjang dan frekuensi yang paling pendek dalam spektrum EM

For communication aircraft and ships, used in broadcasting in television and radio stations
Untuk komunikasi pesawat udara dan kapal, digunakan dalam siaran televisyen dan stesen radio

Gelombang mikro

Wavelength shorter than radio waves

Panjang gelombang lebih pendek daripada gelombang radio

Satellite-based communication, microwave ovens and mobile phones

Komunikasi satelit, ketuhar gelombang mikro dan telefon bimbit

Infrared waves
Gelombang inframerah

Also known as infrared radiation. Shorter wavelength than microwaves

Juga dikenali sebagai sinaran inframerah. Lebih pendek daripada gelombang mikro

Cooking, night vision and remote control for television

Memasak, penglihatan malam dan kawalan jauh televisyen

Visible light
Cahaya nampak

Can be detected by human and animal eyes. Shorter wavelength than infrared waves
Dapat dikesan oleh mata manusia dan haiwan. Panjang gelombang lebih pendek daripada gelombang inframerah

Enable vision, photography and photosynthesis

Membolehkan penglihatan, fotografi dan fotosintesis

Ultraviolet light
Cahaya ultraungu

Shorter wavelength than visible light. Also known as ultraviolet radiation

Panjang gelombang lebih pendek daripada cahaya nampak. Juga dikenali sebagai sinaran ultraungu

Killing germs and bacteria for sterilisation of surgical tools and plant seedlings
Membunuh kuman dan bakteria untuk pensterilan alat pembedahan dan biji benih tumbuhan


Shorter wavelength than ultraviolet light. Very high frequency, hence, high energy and penetrating power
Panjang gelombang lebih pendek daripada cahaya ultraungu. Frekuensi sangat tinggi, maka, tenaga dan kuasa penembusan tinggi

Medical field X-ray photography, inspect baggage in airport, inspect metal casting and welded joints to avoid possible faults
Bidang perubatan fotografi sinar-X, mengesan bagasi di lapangan terbang, mengesan acuan logam dan sendi kimpalan untuk mengelakkan kesilapan yang mungkin berlaku

Gamma ray
Sinar gama

The shortest wavelength and the highest frequency in the EM spectrum. High energy and penetrating power
Panjang gelombang yang paling pendek dan frekuensi yang paling tinggi dalam spektrum EM. Tenaga dan kuasa penembusan tinggi

Cancer treatment, sterilisation of surgical tools and food

Rawatan kanser, pensterilan alat pembedahan dan makanan

Mastery Exercise Objective Questions 1. A 6. D 11. D 2. B 7. B 12. B 3. A 8. A 13. D 4. C 9. C 14. B 5. A 10. D 15. B

(b) Reflection

(c) (i)

Tidak berubah

(ii) Unchanged
Tidak berubah

Subjective Questions Section A / Bahagian A 1. (a)

Wave fronts Muka gelombang

2. (a)





N Barrier / Penghalang

(b) The depth of the sea decreases as it approaches the shore.

Kedalaman laut berkurang apabila gelombang laut mendekati pantai.

A 10

Physics Form 5 Answers


Incident waves Gelombang tuju Diffracted waves Gelombang terbelau

(b) (i)

Diagram 3.2 The wave moves along the slinky spring. [1]
Rajah 3.2 Gelombang bergerak sepanjang spring slinki.

The particles of the spring vibrate in the direction perpendicular to the direction of the wave. [1]
Zarah-zarah spring bergetar dalam arah yang berserenjang dengan arah gelombang.

3. (a) (i)

Diagram 3.3 The wave moves along the slinky spring. [1]
Rajah 3.3 Gelombang bergerak sepanjang spring slinki.

The particles of the spring vibrate in the direction parallel to the direction of the wave.
Zarah-zarah spring bergetar dalam arah yang selari dengan arah gelombang.


(ii) Bright fringe : Constructive interference of light occurs.

Pinggir cerah : Interferens membina bagi cahaya berlaku.

In the propagation of a wave, energy is transferred along the direction of the wave but the particles of the medium do not travel along with the wave. [1]
Semasa perambatan gelombang, tenaga dipindahkan sepanjang arah gelombang tetapi zarah-zarah medium tidak bergerak sepanjang gelombang

Dark fringe : Destructive interference of light occurs.

Pinggir gelap : Interferens memusnah bagi cahaya berlaku.

(ii) Diagram 3.2 Transverse wave

Rajah 3.2 Gelombang melintang

[1] [1] 7

(b) a = 0.4 mm, D = 4 m 2.1 x= = 0.7 cm 3 ax 0.4 103 0.7 102 = = D 4 = 7 107 m Section B / Bahagian B 4. (a) (i) A wave is a travelling disturbance through a medium from a vibrating or oscillating source. [1]
Gelombang merupakan gangguan yang bergerak melalui medium dari satu sumber bergetar atau berayun.

Diagram 3.3 Longitudinal wave

Rajah 3.3 Gelombang membujur

(c) (i)

Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves / travel through vacuum with a speed of 3.0 108 m s1 / do not carry any charge / consist of a combination of oscillating electric field and magnetic field (Any 2 of these). [2]
Gelombang elektromagnet merupakan gelombang melintang / bergerak melalui vakum dengan laju 3.0 108 m s1 / tidak membawa sebarang cas / terdiri daripada kombinasi medan elektrik dan medan magnet (Mana-mana satu).

(ii) Microwaves are suitable for transmission. [1]

Gelombang mikro sesuai untuk penghantaran.

(ii) To create the wave in:

Untuk membentuk gelombang dalam:

Diagram 3.2, the student needs to give the slinky spring a quick jerk in the direction perpendicular to the spring. [1]
Rajah 3.2, pelajar perlu memberikan sentakan cepat pada spring slinki dalam arah yang berserenjang dengan spring.

When the transmitted waves hit an aeroplane, they are reflected by the body of the aeroplane. [1]
Apabila gelombang penghantaran mengenakan kapal terbang, gelombang dipantulkan oleh jasad kapal terbang.

Diagram 3.3, the student needs to give the slinky spring a quick push in the direction parallel with the spring. [1]
Rajah 3.3, pelajar perlu memberikan tolakan cepat pada spring slinki dalam arah yang selari dengan spring.

The reflected waves are received by a receiver attached to the transmitter.


Gelombang terpantul diterima oleh penerima yang dilekatkan dengan penghantar.

By knowing the speed, v, of the waves and the time, t, taken for the waves to travel from the transmitter and reflected back to the receiver, the distance of the aeroplane

A 11

Physics Form 5 Answers

from the transmitter, s, can be determined by the formula 2s = v t. [3]

Dengan mengetahui laju, v bagi gelombang dan masa, t, yang diambil oleh gelombang untuk bergerak dari penghantar dan dipantulkan kembali kepada penerima, jarak di antara kapal terbang dan penghantar, s boleh ditentukan oleh formula 2s = v t.

(iv) Wavelength remains unchanged.

Panjang gelombang kekal tidak berubah.

[1] [1] [1]

Frequency remains unchanged.

Frekuensi kekal tidak berubah.

Speed remains unchanged.

Laju kekal tidak berubah.

The transmitter system and receiver system must be able to rotate in all directions, to detect aeroplanes at different locations. [1]
Sistem penghantar dan sistem penerima mestilah dapat berputar dalam semua arah, untuk mengesan kapal terbang pada lokasi yang berbeza.

Amplitude becomes smaller compared to the incident waves. [1]

Amplitud menjadi lebih kecil berbanding dengan gelombang tuju.

10 (b) (i) Activity 2

Aktiviti 2


The information concerning locations and distances are given and computed with the help of computers. [1]
Maklumat mengenai lokasi dan jarak diberi dan dikira dengan bantuan komputer.

The frequency of the waves is constant, same as the frequency of the oscillating spring. [1]
Frekuensi gelombang adalah malar, sama frekuensi dengan spring berayun.

10 Section C / Bahagian C 5. (a) (i) Diffraction is the spreading out of waves when they move through a gap or around an obstacle. [1]
Belauan merupakan penyebaran gelombang apabila gelombang bergerak melalui celah atau penghalang.

Due to the change of speed, the wavelength decreases as the waves move towards the shallow end of the tank. [1]
Disebabkan oleh perubahan laju, panjang gelombang berkurang apabila gelombang itu bergerak ke hujung tangki yang cetek.

(ii) Activites 1 and 4

Aktiviti 1 dan 4


(ii) The set shown in Diagram 4.2 will show a bigger effect of diffraction. This is because the narrower the gap, the more the waves spread out. [2]
Set yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 4.2 akan menunjukkan kesan belauan yang besar. Ini adalah kerana semakin sempit celah, semakin banyak gelombang yang merebak.

In both the activities, the objects oscillated with decreasing amplitude. [1]
Dalam kedua-dua aktiviti, objek berayun dengan amplitud yang semakin berkurang.

(iii) Activity 3
Aktiviti 3


(iii) Diagram 4.1 shows the diffracted waves curving at the edge only.
Rajah 4.1 menunjukkan gelombang terbelau melengkung pada bahagian sisinya sahaja.

Coherent waves emerging from the two loudspeakers overlap with each other.
Gelombang koheren muncul daripada dua pembesar suara itu saling bertindih.


Diagram 4.2 shows the diffracted waves becoming circular waves.

Rajah 4.2 menunjukkan gelombang terbelau menjadi gelombang membulat.

The microphone detects loud and weak sounds which correspond to constructive and destructive interferences. [1]
Mikrofon mengesan bunyi kuat dan lemah sepadan dengan interferens membina dan memusnah.

Wavelength of the diffracted waves remains unchanged. [3]

Panjang gelombang bagi gelombang terbelau kekal tidak berubah.

(iv) Activity 2
Aktiviti 2


The floating object oscillates up and down when the waves pass by it. [1]
Objek yang terapung itu berayun secara menaik dan menurun apabila gelombang melaluinya.

10 Written Practical Section A / Bahagian A 1. (a) (i) x is inversely proportional to a.

x berkadar songsang dengan a.


A 12

Physics Form 5 Answers

1 1 (ii) If a = 2.0 m, a = = 0.5 m1 2


From the graph, x = 1.0 m

Daripada graf


Lamp Lampu

(iii) Gradient of the graph =

Kecerunan graf

1.95 m = 1.95 m2 [3] 1.0 m1 7 [1]

Ripple tank Tangki riak Stroboscope Stroboskop

ax (b) = D D x = a , D = 4.0 m 1 4.0 = Gradient of the x a graph.

Kecerunan graf x

Rubber band Gelang getah Vibrator Penggetar Reflector Pemantul

4.0 = 1.95 Therefore, =


1 a

[2] [1] 4

Screen Skrin

1.95 0.49 m 4.0

(c) This experiment is done in an open space to reduce the effect of reflection.
Eksperimen ini dijalankan dalam ruang terbuka untuk mengurangkan kesan pantulan.

(v) 1. The apparatus is arranged as shown above.

Radas disusun seperti yang ditunjukkan di atas.


2. The legs of the ripple tank are adjusted so that the depth of the water is uniform.
Kaki tangki riak dilaraskan supaya kedalaman air adalah seragam.

Section B / Bahagian B 2. (a) The direction of the reflected waves depends on the direction of the incident waves. [1]
Arah gelombang terpantul bergantung pada arah gelombang tuju.

3. Switch on the motor and adjust the rheostat to produce a low frequency of the waves.
Hidupkan motor dan laraskan reostat untuk menghasilkan satu gelombang berfrekuensi rendah.

(b) The angle of reflection of the waves is equal to the angle of incidence of the waves. [1]
Sudut pantulan gelombang adalah sama dengan sudut tuju gelombang.

4. The reflector is adjusted so that incident angle, i = 30.

Pemantul itu dilaraskan supaya sudut tuju i = 30o.

(c) (i)

To show that the law of reflection is also applicable to water waves.

Untuk menunjukkan hukum pantulan juga boleh dihubungkaitkan dengan gelombang air.

5. Measure the reflected angle, r with a protractor. [1]

Ukur sudut terpantul, r dengan jangka sudut.

6. Repeat by using i = 30, 45, 60 and 75. [1]

Ulang dengan menggunakan i = 30, 45o ,60o dan 75o

(ii) Manipulated variable: Angle of incidence, i

Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan: Sudut tuju, i

Responding variable: Angle of reflection, r

Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas: Sudut pantulan, r

(vi) [1]

Incident angle, i
Sudut tuju, i





Constant variable: Depth of water

Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan: Kedalaman air

(iii) Apparatus and materials: Ripple tank, accessories, stroboscope, protractor, white paper as screen [1]
Radas dan bahan: Tangki riak, aksesori, stroboskop, jangka sudut, kertas putih sebagai skrin

Reflected angle, r
Sudut terpantul, r





(vii) Compare the value of r with the corresponding value of i.

Bandingkan nilai r dengan nilai i yang sepadan.

(iv) Arrangement of apparatus:

Susunan radas:


The result shows that r = i.

Keputusan menunjukkan r = i.

Therefore, the hypothesis is accepted.

Oleh itu, hipotesis diterima.

[2] 12

A 13

Physics Form 5 Answers


Electricity Elektrik

Discussion: 1. There was a force in existence between the electrodes when the E.H.T. was switch on.
Terdapat suatu daya wujud di antara elektrod apabila V.L.T. dihidupkan.

Try This Out...

Rubbing a balloon with a piece of soft cloth causes electrons to move from the cloth to the balloon, giving the balloons an overall negative charge. When two negatively charged balloons are brought near to each other, they will repel one another.
Menggosok belon dengan secebis kain lembut menyebabkan elektron bergerak dari kain ke belon, menjadikan belon-belon itu bercas negatif secara keseluruhan.

2. The talcum powder maps out the electric field lines that cannot be seen.
Bedak talkum memetakan garis medan elektrik yang tidak dapat dilihat.




Aim: To study the electric field and the effects of an electric field
Untuk mengkaji medan elektrik dan kesan medan elektrik

4. (a)

Method: 1. The following activities were carried out.

Aktiviti-aktiviti berikut dijalankan.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Metal plate Plat logam

2. The observations were recorded in the spaces provided.

Pemerhatian direkodkan dalam ruang yang disediakan.

Observations: A

(b) negative / negatif repulsive / tolakan positively / positif repulsive / tolakan (c) It is to enable the flow of charges between the ball and the charged metal plates.
Untuk membolehkan cas mengalir di antara bola dengan plat logam bercas.

5. The heat from the flame of the candle ionised the surrounding air into positive charges and negative charges. Positive charges were attracted by the negative plate whereas negative charges were attracted by the positive plate. The movement of the charges caused the flame to be dispersed into two directions.
Haba daripada nyalaan lilin mengionkan udara di sekeliling kepada cas positif dan cas negatif. Cas positif ditarik ke plat negatif manakala cas negatif ditarik ke plat positif. Pergerakan cas menyebabkan nyalaan disebarkan ke dua arah.

The polystyrene ball oscillated between the two plates, touching one plate after another.
Bola polistirena berayun di antara dua plat, menyentuh dari satu plat ke plat lain.

6. Positive charges are heavier than negative charges. Hence, the momentum of positive charges towards the negative plate is bigger than that of negative charges towards the positive plate.
Cas positif lebih berat daripada cas negatif. Maka, momentum cas positif terhadap plat negatif adalah lebih besar daripada cas negatif terhadap plat positif.

Conclusion: 1. a region where an electric charge experiences a force

kawasan di mana cas elektrik mengalami suatu daya

Candle Lilin

2. repel, attract
menolak, menarik

3. lines of force, positive, negative

garis-garis daya, positif, negatif

A 14

Physics Form 5 Answers

Precaution: Insulated connecting wires were used. When charging and adjusting the electrodes, the E.H.T. was switched off.
Dawai penyambung berpenebat digunakan. Apabila elektrod bercas dan dilaraskan, V.L.T. dimatikan.

Discussion: 1. (a) The values of current at all the positions are the same in a series circuit.
Nilai arus pada semua kedudukan adalah sama dalam litar bersiri.

2.2 Aim:


(b) The bigger the value of the resistance, the higher the potential difference across it.
Semakin besar nilai rintangan, semakin tinggi beza keupayaan yang merentasinya.

To study series circuits and parallel circuits

Untuk mengkaji litar bersiri dan litar selari

2. (a) The bigger the value of the resistance, the smaller the current flowing through it.
Semakin besar nilai rintangan, semakin kurang arus yang mengalir melaluinya.

Method: 1. The following activities were carried out.

Aktiviti-aktiviti berikut dijalankan.

(b) The values of potential difference across the resistors in a parallel circuit are the same.
Nilai beza keupayaan merentasi resistor dalam litar selari adalah sama.

2. The observations were recorded in the spaces provided.

Pemerhatian direkodkan dalam ruang yang disediakan.

Conclusion: Circuit

Results: Series circuit: / Litar bersiri: Ammeter reading: / Bacaan ammeter: Position


Potential difference
Beza keupayaan

Series I/A 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 Parallel

Selari Bersiri

Same value throughout the circuit

Sama nilai dalam litar

A1 A2 A3 A4 Voltmeter reading: / Bacaan voltmeter: Position


Changes. The higher the resistance, the higher the potential difference across it
Berubah. Semakin tinggi rintangan, semakin tinggi beza keupayaan merentasinya.

Changes. The higher the resistance, the smaller the current

Berubah. Semakin tinggi rintangan, semakin kecil arus

Same value across each branch of the circuit

Sama nilai merentasi setiap cabang litar

V/V 0.50 1.20 2.45

V1 V2 V3 Parallel circuit: / Litar selari: Ammeter reading: / Bacaan ammeter: Position


Precautions: 1. All the terminals in the circuits were checked to make sure that the connections were tight to provide good contacts.
Semua terminal dalam litar diperiksa untuk memastikan sambungannya adalah ketat untuk memberikan sentuhan yang baik.

I/A 1.60 0.70 0.30

A1 A2 A3 Voltmeter reading: / Bacaan voltmeter: Position


2. The circuits were switched on only when readings were taken to minimise the heating effect on the circuit.
Litar dihidupkan hanya apabila bacaan diambil untuk meminimumkan kesan haba ke atas litar.

3. The voltmeters and the ammeters were checked and corrected to prevent any zero error. V/V 3.50 3.50 3.50
Voltmeter dan ammeter diperiksa dan dibetulkan untuk mengelakkan ralat sifar.

V1 V2 V3

4. The readings of ammeters and voltmeters were taken with the eye directly above the indicator to prevent parallax error.
Bacaan ammeter dan voltmeter diambil dengan mata terus di atas penunjuk untuk mengelakkan ralat paralaks.

A 15

Physics Form 5 Answers

2.3 Aim:


1. To determine the relationship between the potential difference across a dry cell and the current that flows through it
Untuk menentukan hubungan antara beza keupayaan merentasi sel kering dengan arus yang mengalir melaluinya

2. When the current flowing through the circuit increased, the quantity of charge flowing per unit time increased. Hence, more energy was lost in moving a larger amount of charge across the electrolyte. Because of this, there was a bigger drop in potential difference measured by the voltmeter.
Apabila arus mengalir melalui litar bertambah, kuantiti cas yang mengalir per unit masa juga bertambah. Maka, semakin banyak tenaga yang hilang untuk menggerakkan amaun arus yang lebih besar merentasi elektrolit. Oleh itu, kejatuhan beza keupayaan yang lebih besar diukur oleh voltmeter.

2. To determine the values of the electromotive force and the internal resistance of a dry cell
Untuk menentukan nilai daya gerak elektrik dan rintangan dalam bagi sel kering

Method: 1. The circuit was set up as shown in the diagram. The switch was turned on and the rheostat was adjusted to give a small reading of the ammeter, I.
Litar disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah. Suis dihidupkan dan reostat dilaraskan untuk memberi bacaan kecil pada ammeter, I.

3. By referring to the diagram, the maximum energy per unit charge across the circuit, E, is equal to the current multiplied by the total resistance in the circuit.
Dengan merujuk kepada rajah, tenaga maksimum per unit cas merentasi litar, E, adalah sama dengan arus darab dengan jumlah rintangan dalam litar.

The total resistance = R + r

Jumlah rintangan

2. The readings of the ammeter and voltmeter were taken and recorded as I and V respectively.
Bacaan ammeter dan voltmeter diambil dan direkodkan sebagai I dan V masing-masing.


E = I (R + r) and E = IR + Ir

3. The rheostat was adjusted to produce four more sets of readings of the ammeter and voltmeter and recorded as I and V respectively.
Reostat dilaraskan untuk menghasilkan empat set bacaan ammeter dan voltmeter dan direkodkan sebagai I dan V masing-masing.

According to Ohms law, IR = V,

Berdasarkan hukum Ohm,


E = V + Ir 4. (a) E = V + Ir Therefore, V = E Ir or V = rI + E
Oleh itu, V = E Ir atau V = rI + E

Results: Ammeter reading, I / A

Bacaan ammeter, I / A

0.2 2.6

0.3 2.5

0.4 2.4

0.5 2.2

0.7 1.9

Voltmeter reading, V / V
Bacaan voltmeter, V / V

(b) From the equation in (a), E is the value of the vertical intercept of the VI graph and r is equal to the absolute value of the gradient of the graph.
Daripada persamaan di (a), E merupakan nilai pintasan menegak graf VI dan r sama dengan nilai mutlak kecerunan graf.

Graph of potential difference, V against current, I V / V Graf beza keupayaan, V melawan arus, I 3.0 E

(c) By extrapolating the graph until it cuts the vertical axis, E which is the vertical intercept of the graph is obtained.
Dengan mengekstrapolasi graf sehingga garis itu memotong paksi menegak, E di mana pintasan menegak graf diperoleh.


E = 2.9 V
Kecerunan graf

The gradient of the graph =


Therefore, r = (1.4) Oleh itu, =1.4

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 I/A

2.2-2.9 0.5 0 = 1.4

Conclusion: 1. When a dry cell is connected to a circuit, the potential difference across it drops when the current flowing in the circuit increases.
Apabila sel kering disambungkan kepada litar, beza keupayaan merentasinya jatuh apabila arus yang mengalir dalam litar bertambah.

Discussion: 1. The potential difference across the dry cell decreases as the current flow increases.
Beza keupayaan merentasi sel kering berkurang apabila arus yang mengalir bertambah.

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Physics Form 5 Answers

2. The value of the electromotive force of a dry cell is equal to the vertical intercept of the VI graph whereas the value of its internal resistance, r, is equal to the absolute value of the gradient of the VI graph.
Nilai daya gerak elektrik sel kering adalah sama dengan pintasan menegak graf VI manakala nilai rintangan dalam, r sama dengan nilai mutlak kecerunan graf VI.

4. 1. Air conditioners, lights and fans are switched off when nobody is using them during lunch time or after office hours.
Penyaman udara, lampu dan kipas ditutup apabila tiada sesiapa yang menggunakannnya semasa makan tengah hari atau selepas waktu kerja.

Precaution: The circuit was switched off whenever the readings were not taken from the meters. This is to reduce energy loss in the form of heat to increase the accuracy of the experiment.
Litar dimatikan apabila bacaan tidak diambil daripada meter. Ini adalah untuk mengurangkan kehilangan tenaga dalam bentuk haba untuk meningkatkan kejituan eksperimen.

2. Water heater is switched off when a person is shampooing.

Pemanas air ditutup apabila seseorang itu sedang bersyampu.

3. Television is turned off when nobody is watching it.

Televisyen ditutup apabila tiada sesiapa yang menontonnya.

2.4 Aim:


Mastery Exercise Objective Questions

1. C 6. D 11. D 2. C 7. B 12. D 3. D 8. A 13. D 4. C 9. D 14. B 5. B 10. A 15. C

1. To study the meaning of electrical energy and electrical power

Untuk mengkaji maksud tenaga elektrik dan kuasa elektrik

2. To study the meaning of power rating

Untuk mengkaji maksud perkadaran kuasa

3. To compare the energy used in some common electrical appliances for a fixed period of time
Untuk membandingkan tenaga yang digunakan dalam alat elektrik biasa bagi tempoh masa yang tetap.

Subjective Questions
Section A / Bahagian A

1. (a) (i)

As P = IV, I = Therefore, I =
Oleh itu,

P V 600W = 2.5 A 240V

Discussion: E 1. (a) As V = , but, Q = It Apabila Q tetapi, Therefore, E V = , and E = VIt It dan E VIt (b) P = = t t Hence, P = VI
Maka, Oleh itu,

(ii) P = IV, but according to Ohms law

P = IV, tetapi mengikut Hukum Ohm,



Therefore, P =
Oleh itu,

R (V) and
V2 P

R = = (b) (i)

2. P = 30 W, t = 12 3600 = 43 200 s E = P t = 30 43 200 = 1 296 000 J 3. Appliance Alat Fan / Kipas Television / Televisyen Computer / Komputer Refrigerator / Peti sejuk Air conditioner /
Penyaman udara

(240 V)2 = 96 600 W

Electrical energy transforms to heat energy.

Tenaga elektrik berubah kepada bentuk tenaga haba.

Energy used in 1 hour / J

Tenaga yang digunakan dalam 1 jam / J

(ii) Using formula E = VIt,

Dengan menggunakan formula = E = VIt,

180 000 360 000 720 000 1 080 000 3 600 000 6 480 000 12 960 000

E-Jug : E = 240 3.5 8.0 60 = 403 200 J Super-Boil: E = 240 4.5 6.5 60 = 421 200 J Safe-n-Save: E = 240 6.0 5.5 60 = 475 200 J (iii) E-Jug is the most energy-efficient because it uses the least amount of energy.
E-jug menggunakan tenaga dengan paling efisien kerana E-jug menggunakan amaun tenaga yang paling rendah.

Washing Machine /
Mesin basuh

Water heater / Pemanas air

A 17

Physics Form 5 Answers

2. (a) Resistance of the wire is the gradient of the VI graph.

Rintangan dawai merupakan kecerunan graf VI.

The sum of the potential difference across the two bulbs in the series circuit is equal to the potential difference of the dry cell. [1]
Jumlah beza keupayaan merentasi dua mentol itu adalah sama dengan beza keupayaan merentasi sel kering itu.

(b) P has a bigger cross-sectional area than Q.

P mempunyai luas keratan rentas yang lebih besar daripada Q.

(c) The gradient of the graph for wire P is smaller than that of wire Q. Therefore, the resistance of wire P is smaller than resistance of wire Q.
Kecerunan graf bagi dawai P adalah lebih kecil daripada kecerunan graf bagi dawai Q. Oleh itu, rintangan dawai P adalah lebih kecil daripada rintangan dawai Q.

The current flowing through each bulb in the parallel circuit is higher than the current flowing in the series circuit. [1]
Arus yang mengalir melalui setiap mentol dalam litar selari adalah lebih tinggi daripada arus yang mengalir dalam litar bersiri.

(d) The bigger the cross-sectional area, the lower the resistance of a conductor.
Semakin besar luas keratan rentas, semakin rendah rintangan konduktor.

6 (c) The fan and the heating element are arranged in parallel as shown in the diagram. [1]
Kipas dan unsur pemanas disusun secara selari seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

(e) The combined resistance is lower than that of wire P. It is also lower than that of wire Q. This is because the cross-sectional area of the combined wires is greater than that of each individual wire.
Rintangan bergabung lebih rendah daripada rintangan dawai P. Rintangan bergabung juga lebih rendah daripada rintangan dawai Q. Ini adalah kerana luas keratan rentas dawai bergabung itu adalah lebih besar daripada rintangan setiap dawai individu.

Switch A controls both the fan and the heating element as shown in the diagram. [1]
Suis A mengawal kedua-dua kipas dan unsur pemanas seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.
Fan Kipas Heating element Unsur pemanas Power supply Bekalan kuasa Switch A Suis A

Section B / Bahagian B 3. (a) (i) From electrical energy to heat energy and light energy [1]
Daripada tenaga elektrik kepada tenaga haba dan tenaga cahaya.

Switch B Suis B Switch C Suis C


[1] So that the fan and the heating element can only be switched on when switch A is on. [1] Parallel circuit
Litar selari

Series circuit
Litar bersiri

[3] 4

Supaya kipas dan unsur pemanas hanya dapat dihidupkan apabila suis A dihidupkan.

(b) The bulbs in parallel circuit is brighter than those in series circuit.

Switch B controls the heating element only as shown in the diagram. [1]
Suis B hanya mengawal unsur pemanas seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.


Mentol dalam litar selari adalah lebih cerah daripada mentol dalam litar bersiri.

The bulbs in the same circuit have the same brightness. [1]
Mentol dalam litar yang sama mempunyai kecerahan yang sama.

Switch C controls the mains circuit from the power supply as shown in the diagram.


Suis C mengawal litar sesalur daripada bekalan kuasa seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

The potential difference across each bulb in the parallel circuit is the same as that of the dry cell. [1]
Beza keupayaan merentasi setiap mentol dalam litar selari adalah sama dengan beza keupayaan merentasi sel kering.

The body of the hair dryer is made of insulator like plastic. [1]
Jasad pengering rambut diperbuat daripada penebat seperti plastik.

Insulator like plastic can prevent any current leakage.

Penebat seperti plastik dapat mencegah kebocoran arus.


The potential difference across each bulb in the series circuit is smaller than that of the dry cell. [1]
Beza keupayaan merentasi setiap mentol dalam litar bersiri adalah lebih kecil daripada beza keupayaan merentasi sel kering.

The material of the body must have high melting point to prevent melting. [1]
Bahan jasadnya mesti mempunyai takat lebur yang tinggi untuk mencegah peleburan.

A 18

Physics Form 5 Answers

The material of the body should be poor heat conductor to prevent heating. [1]
Bahan jasadnya seharusnya konduktor haba yang lemah untuk mengelakkan pemanasan.

(ii) Guide for selection: for suitable and for not suitable
Panduan pemilihan: bagi yang sesuai dan bagi yang tidak sesuai

10 Section C / Bahagian C 4. (a) (i) From the graph, when I = 0.20 A, V = 2.4 V [1]
Daripada graf, apabila

Characteristics Resistivity/ Melting Ciri m point / C Wire / Dawai

Density/ kg m3

Rate of expansion

Kerintangan Takat lebur Ketumpatan Kadar /m / C / kg m3 pengembangan

Therefore, the resistance of the filament,

Oleh itu, rintangan filamen,

P Q [1] R

V 2.40 R= = = 12 I 0.20

(ii) The temperature of the bulb increases as the current increases. [1]
Suhu mentol bertambah apabila arus bertambah.

Based on the characteristics, the most suitable wire is R.

Berdasarkan ciri-ciri, dawai yang paling sesuai ialah R.

The gradient of the V-I graph increases as the current increases. [1]
Kecerunan graf V-I bertambah apabila arus bertambah.

Hence, the resistance increases as the temperature of the bulb increases.

[1] 5

It has low resistivity, high melting point and low rate of expansion. Although it does not have low density, it has other advantage compared to wires P and Q. [5]
R mempunyai kerintangan rendah, takat lebur yang tinggi dan kadar pengembangan yang rendah. Walaupun R tidak mempunyai ketumpatan rendah, R mempunyai kelebihan yang lain berbanding dengan dawai P dan Q.

Maka, rintangan bertambah apabila suhu mentol bertambah.

(b) (i)

Suitable characteristics
Ciri yang sesuai


(c) (i)

Low resistivity
Kerintangan rendah

To reduce the heating effect and energy wastage

Untuk mengurangkan kesan haba dan pembaziran tenaga

V = 240 V, P = 60 W P=VI 60 I= = 0.25 A 240

10 [1] [1] [1] [1]

High melting The wire does not melt point easily and ensure better Takat lebur conductivity in the circuit.
tinggi Dawai tidak mudah melebur dengan mudah dan memastikan kekonduksian yang lebih baik dalam litar

(ii) E = P t = 60 12 3600 = 2 592 000 J

(iii) Most of the energy supplied is wasted as heat energy to the surrounding. [1]
Kebanyakan tenaga yang dibekalkan dibazirkan sebagai haba ke persekitaran.

5 Written Practical Section A / Bahagian A 1. (a) (i) Current, I

Arus, I

Low density
Ketumpatan rendah

Low weight as required by the computer

Ringan seperti yang diperlukan oleh komputer

[1] [1] [1]

Low rate of expansion

Kadar pengembangan rendah

To avoid unnecessary lengthening of the connecting wires that may cause short circuits or stress on the connecting wires.
Untuk mengelakkan pemanjangan dawai penyambung yang tidak perlu dan boleh menyebabkan litar pintas atau tegasan pada dawai penyambung [5]

(ii) Potential difference, V

Beza keupayaan, V

(iii) Type of bulbs, e.m.f. of battery

Jenis mentol, d.g.e. bateri


Number of bulbs
Bilangan mentol

Ammeter readings / A
Bacaan ammeter / A

Voltmeter readings / V
Bacaan voltmeter / V

1 2 3

0.3 0.5 0.8

2.5 2.2 1.8 [3]

A 19

Physics Form 5 Answers (c)


(iv) Arrange the apparatus as shown in the diagram.

Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.


3 0.9

Switch Suis

0.6 1

Constantan wire Wayar konstantan

I/A 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


(d) (i)

As the current increases, the potential difference decreases linearly.



Apabila arus bertambah, beza keupayaan berkurang secara linear.

1. Use a 10 cm constantan wire and adjust the rheostat to a suitable value of current. Read the value of the potential difference from the voltmeter.
Gunakan dawai konstantan 10 cm dan laraskan reostat pada nilai arus yang sesuai.

(ii) From the graph, when I = 0 A, V = 3.0 V.

Daripada graf, apabila

Therefore, e.m.f. = 3.0 V.

Oleh itu, d.g.e.


2. Adjust the rheostat to produce 4 more sets of values of I and V. Record the readings.
Laraskan reostat untuk menghasilkan 4 set nilai I dan V lagi. Rekodkan bacaan.

Internal resistance of the dry cell

Rintangan dalam sel kering

= (gradient of the graph) = 1.5

= (kecerunan graf)

[1] 12

3. Repeat the procedure for the length of the same type of constantan, l = 30 cm and 50 cm. [2]
Ulang prosedur bagi dawai yang sama jenis tetapi panjang, l = 30 cm dan 50 cm.

Section B / Bahagian B 2. (a) The resistance of a conductor depends on its length.

Rintangan konduktor bergantung pada panjangnya.

(vi) The data are tabulated as follows.

Data-data dijadualkan seperti berikut.


l = 10 cm Ammeter reading, I/A

Bacaan ammeter, I / A

(b) The longer the conductor, the higher its resistance. [1]
Semakin panjang konduktor, semakin tinggi rintangannya.

(c) (i)

To determine the relationship between the length of a conductor and its resistance
Untuk menentukan hubungan antara panjang konduktor dengan rintangan

Voltmeter reading, V/V

Bacaan voltmeter, V / V


l = 30 cm Ammeter reading, I/A

Bacaan ammeter, I / A

(ii) Manipulated variable: Length of conductor

Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan: Panjang konduktor

Responding variable: Resistance of conductor

Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas: Rintangan konduktor

Constant variable: Cross-sectional area, type of the conductors and temperature [1]
Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan: Luas keratan rentas, jenis konduktor dan suhu

Voltmeter reading, V/V

Bacaan voltmeter, V / V


l = 50 cm Ammeter reading, I/A [1]

Bacaan ammeter, I / A

(iii) Dry cells, dry cell holder, constantan wire, ammeter, voltmeter, rheostat, connecting wires, crocodile clips and switch

Sel kering, pemegang sel kering, dawai konstantan, ammeter, voltmeter, reostat, dawai penyambung, klip buaya dan suis

Voltmeter reading, V/V

Bacaan voltmeter, V / V


A 20

Physics Form 5 Answers

(vii) For each table, a graph of V-I is plotted.

Untuk setiap jadual, satu graf V-I diplotkan.
V/V 50 cm

Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

2. The current was switched on.

Arus dihidupkan.

3. The plastic plate was tapped slowly and the pattern formed by the iron filings was observed.
Plat plastik diketuk dengan perlahan-lahan dan corak yang dibentuk oleh serbuk besi diperhatikan.

30 cm 10 cm 0 I/A

4. Four compasses were placed around the wire. The directions shown by the compasses were observed.
Empat kompas diletakkan di sekeliling dawai. Arah yang ditunjukkan oleh kompas-kompas itu diperhatikan.

The gradient of the V-I graph is equal to the resistance of the wire. Hence, by comparing the gradient of the graphs, the longer the wire, the higher its resistance. The hypothesis is accepted. [2]
Kecerunan graf V-I adalah sama dengan rintangan dawai itu. Oleh itu, dengan membandingkan kecerunan graf, semakin panjang dawai, semakin tinggi rintangan. Hipotesis diterima.

5. The pattern and direction of the magnetic field were sketched.

Corak dan arah medan magnet dilakarkan.

6. The connections to the d.c. power supply were reversed. The pattern of the iron filings and direction of the compasses were observed.
Sambungan kepada bekalan kuasa a.t. disongsangkan. Corak serbuk besi dan arah kompas-kompas itu diperhatikan.


7. The pattern and direction of the magnetic field were sketched.

Corak dan arah medan magnet dilakarkan.

8. The current was switched off.

Arus dimatikan.


Electromagnetism Keelektromagnetan

(II) 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram.

Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

Try This Out...

Increase in the reading of the electronic balance is due to magnetic force of repulsion between the magnets. The force increases as both of the magnets are moved closer to each other. You can convert the reading from unit grams to Newton.
Pertambahan bacaan neraca elektronik adalah disebabkan oleh daya tolakan di antara magnet-magnet itu. Daya ini bertambah apabila kedua-dua magnet itu bergerak menghampiri satu sama lain. Anda boleh mengubah bacaan daripada unit gram kepada Newton.

2. Steps 2 to 8 in (I) were repeated.

Langkah-langkah 2 hingga 8 di (I) diulang.

(III) 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram.

Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

2. Steps 2 to 8 in (I) were repeated.

Langkah-langkah 2 hingga 8 di (I) diulang.

Observations: (I)



Aim: To study the pattern and direction of the magnetic field due to a current in a
Untuk mengkaji corak dan arah medan magnet yang disebabkan oleh arus dalam

I straight wire
dawai lurus

Current into the paper

Arus masuk ke dalam kertas

Current out of the paper

Arus keluar dari kertas

II circular coil
gegelung bulat


III solenoid

Method: (I) 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram.

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Physics Form 5 Answers


3. The current was switched off and the connections to the power supply were reversed.
Arus dimatikan dan sambungan kepada bekalan kuasa disongsangkan.

4. The current was switched on again and the motion of the short copper wire was observed.
Arus dihidupkan semula dan gerakan dawai kuprum pendek diperhatikan.

Observations: Discussion: 1. When more turns of copper wire are used, a clearer magnetic field pattern can be observed. The magnetic field lines from each turn of wire will combine to produce a stronger magnetic field.
Apabila lebih banyak lilitan dawai kuprum digunakan, suatu corak medan magnet yang lebih jelas boleh diperhatikan. Garis medan magnet daripada setiap lilitan dawai akan bergabung untuk menghasilkan suatu medan magnet yang lebih kuat.

Current in short copper wire

Arus dalam dawai kuprum pendek

Motion of short copper wire

Gerakan dawai kuprum pendek

Current flows in one direction

Arus mengalir dalam satu arah

Moves in one direction

Bergerak dalam satu arah

Current flows in opposite direction

Arus mengalir dalam arah yang berlawanan

Moves in opposite direction

Bergerak dalam arah yang berlawanan

2. The current flowing in the copper wires is quite large. Switching off the current will avoid the copper wires from being overheated.
Arus yang mengalir dalam dawai kuprum agak besar. Matikan arus untuk mengelakkan dawai kuprum daripada menjadi terlalu panas.

Discussion: 1. Yes, the magnetic field due to the magnadur magnets

Ya, medan magnet disebabkan oleh magnet magnadur

3. The shape of the conductor

Bentuk konduktor

4. The direction of the current

Arah arus

2. There are two magnetic fields: the field from the magnadur magnets and the field produced by the current in the copper wire.
Terdapat dua medan magnet: medan daripada magnet magnadur dan medan yang dihasilkan oleh arus dalam dawai kuprum.

Conclusion: The pattern and direction of the magnetic field due to a current in the wire depends on the shape of the wire and the direction of the current.
Corak dan arah medan magnet yang disebabkan oleh arus dalam dawai bergantung pada bentuk dawai dan arah arus.

3. There is a force acting on the copper wire.

Terdapat suatu daya yang bertindak pada dawai kuprum.

4. The direction of the current

Arah arus

Precaution: Ensure that there are no other magnets nearby that may attract the iron filings and prevent them from displaying the pattern of the magnetic field.
Pastikan tiada magnet lain yang berdekatan dapat menarik serbuk besi dan mengelakkannya daripada memaparkan corak medan magnet.

5. A force acts on a wire that carries a current in a magnetic field.

Suatu daya bertindak pada dawai yang membawa arus dalam medan magnet.

Conclusion: A conductor carrying a current in a magnetic field will experience a force. The direction of the force depends on the direction of the current.
Satu konduktor yang membawa arus dalam medan magnet akan mengalami suatu daya. Arah daya bergantung pada arah arus.



Aim: To study the force on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field

Untuk mengkaji daya pada konduktor yang membawa arus dalam medan magnet

Precaution: The insulation on the short copper wire and the copper tracks must be completely removed to have good electrical contact.
Penebatan dawai kuprum pendek dan landasan kuprum mestilah dialihkan sepenuhnya untuk mendapatkan sentuhan elektrik yang baik.

Method: 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram.

Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

2. The current was switched on and the motion of the short copper wire was observed.
Arus dihidupkan dan gerakan dawai kuprum pendek diperhatikan.



Aim: To study the turning effect on a current-carrying coil placed in a magnetic field

A 22

Physics Form 5 Answers Untuk mengkaji kesan putaran ke atas gegelung yang membawa arus dalam medan magnet

is turned on so that a larger force acts on it to begin the rotation.

Gegelung harus berada pada kedudukan mengufuk sebelum suis dihidupkan supaya daya yang lebih besar akan bertindak padanya untuk memulakan putaran.

Method: 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram.

Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

2. The current was switched on. The motion of the coil was observed.
Arus dihidupkan. Gerakan gegelung diperhatikan.



3. The connections to the power supply were reversed. Step 2 was repeated.
Sambungan kepada bekalan kuasa disongsangkan. Langkah 2 diulang.

Aim: To investigate the factors that affect the speed of rotation of an electric motor
Untuk menyiasat faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi laju putaran motor elektrik

Observations: Switch at power supply

Suis pada bekalan kuasa

Method: 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram of Activity 3.3. The coil with 40 turns round the wooden former was used.
Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah Aktiviti 3.3. Gegelung dengan 40 lilitan pada rangka kayu digunakan.




No current
Tiada arus



Current flows
Arus mengalir


2. The voltage of the d.c. power supply was set to 1 V. The current was switched on and the speed of rotation of the motor was observed.
Voltan bagi bekalan kuasa a.t. ditetapkan pada 1 V. Arus dihidupkan dan laju putaran motor diperhatikan.

ON with connections reversed

DIHIDUPKAN dengan sambungan disongsangkan

Current flows in opposite direction

Arus mengalir dalam arah yang berlawanan

Rotates in the opposite direction

Berputar dalam arah yang berlawanan

3. Step 2 was repeated with a voltage of 2 V.

Langkah 2 diulang dengan voltan 2 V.

4. The voltage of the d.c. power supply was set back to 1 V.

Voltan bagi bekalan kuasa a.t. ditetapkan semula pada 1 V.

Discussion: 1. The force on the side of the coil next to the North pole acts in one direction while the side of the coil next to the South pole experiences a force in the opposite direction.
Daya pada sisi gegelung di sebelah kutub Utara bertindak dalam satu arah manakala sisi gegelung di sebelah kutub Selatan mengalami suatu daya dalam arah yang berlawanan.

5. Another pair of magnadur magnets were added to the U-shaped steel yoke as shown in the diagram. The current was switched on and the speed of rotation of the motor was observed.
Sepasang lagi magnet magnadur ditambah kepada dening keluli berbentuk-U seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah. Arus dihidupkan dan laju putaran motor diperhatikan.

2. The pair of forces acting in opposite directions on the two sides of the coil produces a turning effect. This causes the coil to rotate.
Sepasang daya yang bertindak dalam arah yang berlawanan pada dua sisi gegelung menghasilkan kesan putaran. Ini menyebabkan gegelung berputar.

6. One pair of the magnadur magnets were removed. The coil was replaced with another coil of 80 turns of wire. The current was switched on and the speed of rotation of the motor was observed.
Sepasang magnet magnadur dikeluarkan. Gegelung digantikan dengan satu lagi gegelung lain dengan 80 lilitan dawai. Arus dihidupkan dan laju putaran motor diperhatikan.

Observations: d.c. power Magnadur Number of supply magnets turns in coil

Bekalan kuasa a.t. Magnet magnadur Bilangan lilitan gegelung

3. The current in the coil is reversed.

Arus dalam gegelung disongsangkan.

Rotation of coil
Putaran gegelung

4. The coil rotates in the opposite direction.

Gegelung berputar dalam arah yang berlawanan.

1V 2V 1V 1V

1 pair
1 pasang

40 turns
40 lilitan

Medium speed
Laju sederhana

Conclusion: A current-carrying coil in a magnetic field experiences a pair of forces that produce a turning effect.
Gegelung yang membawa arus dalam medan magnet mengalami sepasang daya yang menghasilkan kesan putaran.

1 pair
1 pasang

40 turns
40 lilitan

Higher speed
Laju yang lebih tinggi

2 pair
2 pasang

40 turns
40 lilitan

Higher speed
Laju yang lebih tinggi

Precaution: The coil should be in a horizontal position before the switch

1 pair
1 pasang

80 turns
80 lilitan

Higher speed
Laju yang lebih tinggi

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Discussion: 1. The current is proportional to the voltage supplied.

Arus adalah berkadar terus dengan voltan yang dibekalkan.

ditunjukkan dalam rajah. Pesongan penunjuk galvanometer diperhatikan.

2. The speed of rotation increases when the voltage supplied increases.

Laju putaran bertambah apabila voltan yang dibekalkan bertambah.

4. Steps 2 and 3 were repeated for directions 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Langkah-langkah 2 dan 3 diulang bagi arah 2, 3, 4, 5 dan 6.

Observations: Motion of rod

Gerakan rod

3. The strength of the magnetic field increases.

Kekuatan medan magnet bertambah.

Deflection of galvanometer pointer

Pesongan jarum galvanometer

4. The speed of rotation increases when the strength of the magnetic field increases.
Laju putaran bertambah apabila kekuatan medan magnet bertambah.

Rod at rest
Rod dalam keadaan rehat

No deflection
Tiada pesongan

Direction 1
Arah 1

Deflected in one direction

Terpesong dalam satu arah

5. The speed of rotation increases when the number of turns of the coil increases.
Laju putaran bertambah apabila bilangan lilitan gegelung bertambah.

Direction 2
Arah 2

Deflected in the opposite direction

Terpesong dalam arah yang berlawanan

6. Current in the coil, strength of the magnetic field and the number of turns of the coil
Arus dalam gegelung, kekuatan medan magnet, bilangan lilitan gegelung

Direction 3
Arah 3

No deflection
Tiada pesongan

Direction 4
Arah 4

No deflection
Tiada pesongan

Conclusion: The speed of rotation of an electric motor increases when the current in the coil, the strength of the magnetic field or the number of turns of the coil increases.
Laju putaran motor elektrik bertambah apabila arus dalam gegelung, kekuatan medan magnet atau bilangan lilitan gegelung bertambah.

Direction 5
Arah 5

No deflection
Tiada pesongan

Direction 6
Arah 6

No deflection
Tiada pesongan

Discussion: 1. The magnetic field lines are horizontal lines from the North pole to the South pole.
Garis medan magnet merupakan garisan mengufuk dari kutub Utara ke kutub Selatan.

Precaution: The current should be switched on long enough and the observation is recorded. After that, the current is switched off to avoid overheating the wires of the coil.
Arus harus dihidupkan dengan cukup lama dan pemerhatian direkodkan. Selepas itu, arus dimatikan untuk mengelakkan gegelung dawai daripada menjadi terlalu panas.

2. Electric current
Arus elektrik

3. Directions 1 and 2
Arah 1 dan 2



4. A current flows in the copper rod when its motion cuts across the magnetic field lines.
Suatu arus mengalir dalam rod kuprum apabila gerakannya memotong merentasi garis medan magnet.

Aim: To observe electromagnetic induction in a straight wire and solenoid

Untuk memerhatikan aruhan elektromagnet dalam dawai lurus dan solenoid

(II) Method: 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram.

Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

(I) Method: 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram.

Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

2. The bar magnet was pushed into the solenoid. The deflection of the galvanometer pointer was observed.
Magnet batang ditolak ke dalam solenoid. Pesongan penunjuk galvanometer diperhatikan.

2. The copper rod was stationary between the poles of the magnet. The reading of the galvanometer pointer was observed.
Rod kuprum pegun di antara kutub-kutub magnet. Bacaan penunjuk galvanometer diperhatikan.

3. The bar magnet was stationary in the solenoid. The reading of the galvanometer was recorded.
Magnet batang pegun dalam solenoid. Bacaan galvanometer direkodkan.

3. The rod was moved quickly in Direction 1 as shown in the diagram. The deflection of the galvanometer pointer was observed.
Rod itu digerakkan dengan cepat dalam Arah 1 seperti yang

4. The bar magnet was pulled out of the solenoid. The deflection of the galvanometer pointer was observed.
Magnet batang ditarik keluar dari solenoid. Pesongan penunjuk galvanometer diperhatikan.

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5. The bar magnet was stationary. The solenoid was pushed towards the bar magnet.
Magnet batang pegun. Solenoid ditolak menujui magnet batang.



Aim: To study the factors that affect the magnitude of the induced current
Untuk mengkaji faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi magnitud arus teraruh

6. The solenoid was pulled away from the bar magnet. The deflection of the galvanometer pointer was observed.
Solenoid ditarik menjauhi magnet batang. Pesongan penunjuk galvanometer diperhatikan.

Method: 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram.

Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

Observations: Bar magnet

Magnet batang



2. A bar magnet was pushed very slowly into the solenoid of 600 turns. The maximum reading of the galvanometer was recorded.
Magnet batang ditolak dengan sangat perlahan ke dalam solenoid 600 lilitan. Bacaan maksimum galvanometer direkodkan.

Pushed into the solenoid

Ditolak ke dalam solenoid


Shows a deflection
Menunjukkan pesongan



No deflection
Menunjukkan pesongan

3. The bar magnet was pushed quickly into the solenoid of 600 turns. The maximum reading of the galvanometer was recorded.
Magnet batang ditolak dengan cepat ke dalam solenoid 600 lilitan. Bacaan maksimum galvanometer direkodkan.

Pulled out of the Stationary Pegun solenoid

Ditarik keluar dari solenoid

Deflection in the opposite direction

Pesongan dalam arah yang berlawanan

4. The bar magnet was pushed very slowly into the solenoid of 1200 turns. The maximum reading of the galvanometer was recorded.
Magnet batang ditolak dengan sangat perlahan ke dalam solenoid 1200 lilitan. Bacaan maksimum galvanometer direkodkan.


Pushed towards bar magnet

Ditolak menujui magnet batang

Shows a deflection
Menunjukkan pesongan

5. Rubber bands were used to tie two bar magnets together with like poles side by side.
Gelang getah digunakan untuk mengikat dua magnet batang bersama dengan kutub yang sama bersebelahan.


Pulled away from bar magnet

Ditarik menjauhi magnet batang

Deflection in the opposite direction

Pesongan dalam arah yang berlawanan

6. The two magnets were pushed very slowly into the solenoid of 600 turns. The maximum reading of the galvanometer was recorded.
Kedua-dua magnet itu ditolak dengan sangat perlahan ke dalam solenoid 600 lilitan. Bacaan maksimim galvanometer direkodkan.

Discussion: 1. The galvanometer pointer shows a deflection.

Penunjuk galvanometer menunjukkan pesongan.

Number of bar magnets
Bilangan magnet batang

2. The galvanometer pointer shows a deflection in the opposite direction.

Penunjuk galvanometer menunjukkan pesongan dalam arah yang berlawanan.

Speed of magnet
Kelajuan magnet

Maximum reading of Number galvanometer of turns of Bacaan maksimum galvanometer First Second solenoid Bilangan attempt attempt Average
lilitan solenoid Cubaan pertama Cubaan kedua Purata

3. A current is induced in a solenoid when there is relative motion between the solenoid and a magnet.
Arus diaruhkan dalam solenoid apabila terdapat gerakan relatif antara solenoid dengan magnet.

1 1 1 2

Slow Perlahan Fast Laju Slow Perlahan Slow Perlahan

600 600 1200 600

16 30 32 28

18 28 32 24

17 29 32 26

Conclusion: Current is induced in a conductor when there is motion that causes the cutting of magnetic flux.
Arus diaruhkan dalam konduktor apabila terdapat gerakan yang menyebabkan pemotongan fluks magnet.

Precaution: Ensure that the connections at the ends of the connecting wires are tight and have good electrical contact.
Pastikan sambungan hujung dawai penyambung adalah ketat dan mempunyai sentuhan elektrik yang baik.

Discussion: 1. (a) The magnitude of the induced current increases when the speed of the magnet increases.
Magnitud arus teraruh bertambah apabila laju magnet bertambah.

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(b) The magnitude of the induced current increases when the number of turns of the solenoid increases.
Magnitud arus teraruh bertambah apabila bilangan lilitan solenoid bertambah.

Discussion: 1. Direct current

Arus terus

(c) The magnitude of the induced current increases when the strength of the magnetic field increases.
Magnitud arus teraruh bertambah apabila kekuatan medan magnet bertambah.

2. Both bulbs are lighted up. Direct current and alternating current can flow through the bulb.
Kedua-dua mentol menyala. Arus terus dan arus ulang-alik dapat mengalir melalui mentol.

2. The speed of the relative motion of the magnet and the solenoid, the number of turns of the solenoid and the strength of the magnetic field
Laju gerakan relatif antara magnet dengan solenoid, bilangan lilitan solenoid dan kekuatan medan magnet

3. (a) Both the direct current and alternating current produce heating effect in a wire.
Kedua-dua arus terus dan arus ulang-alik menghasilkan kesan pemanasan dalam dawai.

Conclusion: The magnitude of the induced current in a solenoid increases when the speed of the magnet, the number of turns of the solenoid or the strength of the magnetic field increases.
Magnitud arus teraruh dalam solenoid bertambah apabila laju magnet, bilangan lilitan solenoid atau kekuatan medan magnet bertambah.

(b) The direct current flows in one direction only. The direction of the alternating current changes with time. The magnitude of the direct current remains constant. The magnitude of the alternating current changes between zero and a maximum value.
Arus terus mengalir dalam satu arah sahaja. Arah arus ulang-alik berubah dengan masa. Magnitud arus terus kekal malar. Magnitud arus ulang-alik berubah antara sifar dengan suatu nilai maksimum.

Precaution: Ensure that the connections at the ends of the connecting wires are tight and have good electrical contact.
Pastikan sambungan hujung dawai penyambung adalah ketat dan mempunyai sentuhan elektrik yang baik.

Conclusion: A direct current flows in one direction only but the direction of an alternating current changes with time.
Arus terus mengalir dalam satu arah sahaja tetapi arah arus ulangalik berubah dengan masa.



Precaution: The voltage supplied to the bulbs must not exceed the voltage rating labelled on the bulbs.
Voltan yang dibekalkan kepada mentol mestilah tidak melebihi perkadaran voltan yang dilabelkan pada mentol-mentol.

Aim: To compare the output generated by a direct current source and an alternating current source
Untuk membandingkan output yang dijanakan oleh sumber arus terus dan sumber arus ulang-alik



Method: 1. The two circuits were set up as shown in the diagram.

Dua litar disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

(I) Aim: To understand the operating principle of a transformer

Untuk memahami prinsip operasi transformer

2. The cathode ray oscilloscope was adjusted to obtain a clear trace on the screen.
Osiloskop sinar katod dilaraskan untuk memperoleh surihan yang jelas pada skrin.

Method: 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram.

Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

3. The traces formed by the output from the battery and the alternating current supply were observed and compared.
Surihan yang dibentuk oleh output daripada bateri dan bekalan arus ulang-alik diperhatikan dan dibandingkan.

2. The current in the primary coil was switched on. The deflection of the galvanometer pointer was observed.
Arus dalam gegelung primer dihidupkan. Pesongan penunjuk galvanometer diperhatikan.

4. The trace displayed on the screen of the oscilloscope was sketched.

Surihan yang dipaparkan pada skrin osiloskop dilakarkan.

3. The galvanometer pointer was observed while the switch remained on.
Penunjuk galvanometer diperhatikan semasa suis masih dihidupkan.


4. The current was switched off. The deflection of the galvanometer pointer was observed.
Arus dimatikan. Pesongan penunjuk galvanometer diperhatikan.

5. The switch was turned on and off repeatedly. The motion of the galvanometer pointer was observed.
Output from d.c. battery Output daripada bateri a.t. Output from a.c. supply Output daripada bekalan a.u.

Suis dihidupkan dan dimatikan berulang kali. Gerakan penunjuk galvanometer diperhatikan.

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Observations: Current in the primary coil

Arus dalam gegelung primer

Galvanometer pointer
Penunjuk galvanometer

(II) Aim: To understand a step-up transformer and a stepdown transformer

Untuk memahami transformer injak naik dan transformer injak turun

Switched on

Deflects in one direction and goes back to zero value

Terpesong dalam satu arah dan kembali pada nilai sifar

Method: 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram, with the 120 turns copper coil as the primary coil and the 400 turns copper coil as the secondary coil.
Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah, dengan gegelung kuprum 120 lilitan sebagai gegelung primer dan gegelung kuprum 400 lilitan sebagai gegelung sekunder.

Remains on
Masih dihidupkan

Remains at zero value

Kekal pada nilai sifar

Switched off

Deflects in the opposite direction and goes back to zero value

Terpesong dalam arah yang berlawanan dan kembali pada nilai sifar

2. The 6.2 V 0.3 A bulbs were screwed into the respective holders.
Mentol-mentol 6.2 V 0.3 A diskrukan ke dalam pemegang masing-masing.

On and off repeatedly

Dihidupkan dan dimatikan berulang kali

Moves to and fro about the zero value

Bergerak-gerak berdekatan dengan nilai sifar

3. The power supply was set to 2 V a.c.

Bekalan kuasa ditetapkan pada 2 V a.u.

Discussion: 1. (a) The magnetic field increases in strength.

Kekuatan medan elektrik bertambah.

4. The power supply was switched on. The brightness of the bulbs was compared.
Bekalan kuasa dihidupkan. Kecerahan mentol dibandingkan.

(b) The strength of the magnetic field remains constant.

Kekuatan medan elektrik kekal malar.

5. The set up of the apparatus was changed so that the 400 turns copper coil became the primary coil and the 120 turns copper coil became the secondary coil.
Susunan radas diubah supaya gegelung kuprum 400 lilitan menjadi gegelung primer dan gegelung kuprum 120 lilitan menjadi gegelung sekunder.

(c) The strength of the magnetic field decreases as the field decays.
Kekuatan medan magnet berkurang semasa medan mereput.

6. The bulbs were replaced with 2.5 V 0.3 A bulbs.

Mentol-mentol itu digantikan dengan mentol 2.5 V 0.3 A.

2. A current is induced in the secondary coil when the magnetic field produced by the primary coil changes.
Suatu arus diaruhkan dalam gegelung sekunder apabila medan magnet yang dihasilkan oleh gegelung primer berubah.

7. The power supply was switched on. The brightness of the bulbs was compared.
Bekalan kuasa dihidupkan. Kecerahan mentol dibandingkan.

3. The induced current in the secondary coil flows in one direction when the primary current is switched on and then in the opposite direction when the primary current is switched off.
Arus teraruh dalam gegelung sekunder mengalir dalam satu arah apabila arus primer dihidupkan dan kemudiannya dalam arah yang berlawanan apabila arus primer dimatikan.

Observations: (a) Number of turns

Bilangan lilitan

Primary circuit
Litar primer

Secondary circuit
Litar sekunder

120 Dim

400 Bright

Brightness of bulb
Kecerahan mentol

Conclusion: A current is induced in the secondary coil when the current in the primary coil is changing. When the current in the primary coil increases, the induced current in the secondary coil flows in one direction. When the current in the primary coil decreases, the induced current in the secondary coil flows in the opposite direction.
Suatu arus diaruhkan dalam gegelung sekunder apabila arus dalam gegelung primer sedang berubah. Apabila arus dalam gegelung primer bertambah, arus teraruh dalam gegelung sekunder mengalir dalam satu arah. Apabila arus dalam gegelung primer berkurang, arus teraruh dalam gegelung sekunder mengalir dalam arah yang berlawanan.

Voltmeter reading
Bacaan voltmeter

2.0 V Primary circuit

Litar primer

6.5 V Secondary circuit

Litar sekunder

(b) Number of turns

Bilangan lilitan

400 Bright

120 Dim

Brightness of bulb
Kecerahan mentol

Voltmeter reading
Bacaan voltmeter

2.0 V

0.6 V

Precaution: The rheostat was used to limit the current in the primary circuit.
Reostat digunakan untuk menghadkan arus dalam litar primer.

Discussion: 1. The voltage across the bulb is proportional to its brightness.

Voltan merentasi mentol berkadar terus dengan kecerahannya.

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2. The number of turns in the secondary coil is more than the number of turns in the primary coil.
Bilangan lilitan dalam litar sekunder lebih banyak daripada bilangan lilitan dalam litar primer.

6. The voltage of the power supply was set to 10 V.

Voltan bekalan kuasa ditetapkan pada 10 V.

3. The number of turns in the secondary coil is less than the number of turns in the primary coil.
Bilangan lilitan dalam gegelung sekunder kurang daripada bilangan lilitan dalam gegelung primer.

7. The power supply was switched on and the readings of the voltmeters were recorded.
Bekalan kuasa dihidupkan dan bacaan voltmeter direkodkan.

8. Steps 6 and 7 were repeated with the 300 turns coil as the secondary coil.
Langkah-langkah 6 dan 7 diulang dengan gegelung 300 lilitan sebagai gegelung sekunder.

Conclusion: A voltage is induced in the secondary coil when the current in the primary coil is changing. A higher voltage is induced in the secondary coil when the secondary coil has more turns than the primary coil.
Suatu voltan diaruhkan dalam gegelung sekunder apabila arus dalam gegelung primer sedang berubah. Voltan yang lebih tinggi diaruhkan dalam gegelung sekunder apabila gegelung sekunder mempunyai lebih banyak lilitan berbanding dengan gegelung primer.

Number of turns of the primary coil, NP Number of turns of the secondary coil, NS Output Input voltage voltage for the for the primary coil, secondary VP / V coil, Vs / V Voltan input



Bilangan lilitan Bilangan lilitan gegelung gegelung primer, Np sekunder, Ns

Precautions: 1. Ensure that the connections at the ends of the connecting wires are tight and have good electrical contact.
Pastikan sambungan hujung dawai penyambung adalah ketat dan mempunyai sentuhan elektrik yang baik.

Voltan output bagi gegelung bagi gegelung primer, sekunder, VP / V Vs / V

300 300 900 900

600 900 600 300

2.0 2.0 10.0 10.0

3.9 5.8 6.6 3.3

0.50 0.33 1.50 3.00

0.51 0.34 1.52 3.03

2. The C-shaped soft iron cores are clipped tightly to reduce leakage of magnetic flux.
Teras besi lembut berbentuk-C berklip dengan ketat untuk mengurangkan kebocoran fluks magnet.

Discussion: 1. The ratios are approximately equal.

Nisbah-nisbah itu lebih kurang sama.





V N Aim: To show the relationship P = P VS NS

Untuk menunjukkan hubungan

Conclusion: The ratio of the primary input voltage to the secondary output voltage is equal to the ratio of the number of turns in the primary coil to the number of turns in the secondary coil.
Nisbah voltan input primer kepada voltan input sekunder adalah sama dengan nisbah bilangan lilitan gegelung primer kepada bilangan lilitan gegelung sekunder.

Method: 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram. The 300 turns copper coil was the primary coil and the 600 turns coil was the secondary coil.
Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah. Gegelung kuprum 300 lilitan merupakan gegelung primer dan gegelung kuprum 600 lilitan merupakan gegelung sekunder.

Precautions: 1. Ensure that the connections at the ends of the connecting wires are tight and have good electrical contact.
Pastikan sambungan hujung dawai penyambung adalah ketat dan mempunyai sentuhan elektrik yang baik.

2. The voltage of the a.c. power supply was set to 2 V.

Voltan bagi bekalan kuasa a.u. ditetapkan pada 2 V.

3. The power supply was switched on and the readings of the voltmeters were recorded.
Bekalan kuasa dihidupkan dan bacaan voltmeter direkodkan.

2. The C-shaped soft iron cores are clipped tightly to reduce leakage of magnetic flux.
Teras besi lembut berbentuk-C berklip dengan ketat untuk mengurangkan kebocoran fluks magnet.

4. Steps 2 and 3 were repeated with the 900 turns coil as the secondary coil.
Langkah-langkah 2 dan 3 diulang dengan gegelung 900 lilitan sebagai gegelung sekunder.


Activity Untuk mengkaji model penghantaran elektrik

5. The set up of the apparatus was changed so that the 900 turns coil became the primary coil while the 600 turns coil became the secondary coil.
Susunan radas diubah supaya gegelung 900 lilitan menjadi gegelung primer manakala gegelung 600 lilitan menjadi gegelung sekunder.

Aim: To study the model of electricity transmission Method: 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram.
Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

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2. The 12 V a.c. power supply in model A and model B was switched on.
Bekalan kuasa a.u. 12 V dalam model A dan model B dihidupkan.

11. D 16. B

12. C

13. B

14. B

15. A

3. The brightness of the bulbs at the power station end and the residential area end were compared for models A and B.
Kecerahan mentol di hujung stesen kuasa dan hujung kawasan perumahan dibandingkan bagi model A dan B.

Subjective Questions
Section A / Bahagian A

1. (a) (i)

A current flows in the coil and a magnetic field is produced.

Suatu arus mengalir dalam gegelung dan suatu medan magnet dihasilkan.

Observation: Power transmission model

Model penghantaran kuasa

(ii) Becomes magnetised Brightness of bulb at power station

Kecerahan mentol di stesen kuasa

Brightness of bulb at residential area

Kecerahan mentol di kawasan perumahan


(iii) Attracted to the soft iron core and moves towards it

Ditarik kepada teras besi lembut dan bergerak menujuinya

(iv) The contacts close to complete the circuit.

Sesentuh tutup untuk melengkapkan litar.

A B Discussion:





(b) The soft iron core becomes a stronger magnet and pulls the soft iron plate with a stronger force, so the starter is switched on faster.
Teras besi lembut menjadi magnet yang lebih kuat dan menarik plat besi lembut dengan daya yang lebih kuat, oleh itu, penghidup dihidupkan dengan lebih cepat.

1. The brightness of the bulb at the power station end indicates the power supplied by the power station to the transmission lines.
Kecerahan mentol di hujung stesen kuasa menunjukkan kuasa yang dibekalkan oleh stesen kuasa ke talian penghantaran.

(c) The key held by the driver switches on a small current. This will switch on a much larger current in another circuit.
Kunci yang dipegang oleh pemandu menghidupkan arus yang kecil. Ini akan menghidupkan arus yang lebih besar dalam litar lain.

The brightness of the bulb at the residential area end indicates the power delivered by the transmission lines to the residential area.
Kecerahan mentol di hujung kawasan perumahan menunjukkan kuasa yang dihantar oleh talian penghantaran ke kawasan perumahan.

2. (a) (i)(ii)
N/ U

2. The voltage of transmission lines of model B is higher than that of model A.

Voltan bagi talian penghantaran model B lebih tinggi daripada voltan talian penghantaran model A.

3. Model B
Model B

Conclusion: Electricity is transmitted with less loss of power when the voltage of transmission lines is higher.
Elektrik dihantar dengan kehilangan kuasa yang berkurang apabila voltan bagi talian penghantaran adalah lebih tinggi.

(b) The current in the steel rod produces a magnetic field. This magnetic field combines with the field of the permanent magnet to produce a resultant catapult field. A resultant force acts on the steel rod.
Arus dalam rod keluli menghasilkan suatu medan magnet. Medan magnet ini bergabung dengan medan magnet kekal untuk menghasilkan medan magnet paduan lastik. Suatu daya paduan bertindak pada rod keluli itu.

Precaution: Be careful not to touch the transmission lines in model B which had a higher voltage.
Berhati-hati supaya tidak menyentuh talian penghantaran model B yang mempunyai voltan yang lebih tinggi.

(c) Reverse the direction of the current

Songsangkan arah arus

(d) (i)

The aluminium rod will move faster.

Rod aluminium akan bergerak dengan lebih cepat.

Mastery Exercise Objective Questions

1. B 6. A 2. B 7. A 3. A 8. B 4. B 9. D 5. C 10. A

(ii) The aluminium rod has a lower resistance and lower density than steel. A larger current will flow in the aluminium rod to produce a larger force. The larger force acting on a lighter rod will produce faster motion.

A 29

Physics Form 5 Answers Rod aluminium mempunyai rintangan yang lebih rendah dan ketumpatan yang lebih rendah daripada keluli. Arus yang lebih besar akan mengalir dalam rod aluminium untuk menghasilkan daya yang lebih besar. Daya yang lebih besar yang bertindak pada rod yang lebih ringan akan menghasilkan gerakan yang lebih cepat.

Both bulbs in P and Q light up with normal brightness. [1]

Kedua-dua mentol dalam susunan P dan Q menyala dengan kecerahan normal.

The ratio in R is higher than that in Q.

Nisbah R lebih tinggi daripada nisbah Q

The bulb in R is brighter than the bulb in Q. [1]

Mentol R lebih cerah daripada mentol Q.

3. (a) (i)

Electromagnetic induction is the production of an e.m.f. across a conductor when there is a changing magnetic flux.
Aruhan elektromagnet merupakan penghasilan suatu d.g.e. merentasi suatu konduktor apabila terdapat fluks magnet yang sedang berubah.

(iii) The higher the ratio, the brighter the bulb.

Semakin tinggi nisbah, semakin cerah mentol.

3 [1]

(ii) Switch OFF

Suis dimatikan

A bulb which lights up brighter has a higher voltage across it. [1]
Mentol yang menyala dengan lebih cerah mempunyai voltan yang lebih besar merentasinya.

Induced e.m.f.
d.g.e. teraruh

Induced current
Arus teraruh

The higher the ratio, the higher the output voltage.

[1] 3

Switch ON
Suis dihidupkan

Semakin tinggi nisbah, semakin besar voltan output.

Induced e.m.f.
d.g.e. teraruh

Induced current
Arus teraruh

(b) The alternating current in the primary coil produces a changing magnetic field. [1]
Arus ulang-alik dalam gegelung primer menghasilkan medan magnet yang sedang berubah.

(iii) Moves to and fro about the zero reading

Bergerak-gerak berdekatan dengan bacaan sifar

Copper rod Rod kuprum Current N Arus U

Switch Suis

This magnetic field is produced in the secondary coil through the soft iron core. [1]
Medan magnet ini dihasilkan dalam gegelung sekunder melalui teras besi lembut.

The magnetic field cuts the secondary coil.

Medan magnet itu memotong gegelung sekunder.


(b) When the switch is ON, an induced current flows in the copper rod. The induced current produces a magnetic field. According to Lenzs law, this magnetic field will combine with the magnetic field from the permanent magnet to produce a resultant force to oppose the motion of the rod.
Apabila suis dihidupkan, suatu arus teraruh mengalir dalam rod kuprum. Arus teraruh itu menghasilkan suatu medan magnet. Menurut hukum Lenz, medan magnet ini akan bergabung dengan medan magnet daripada magnet kekal untuk menghasilkan satu daya paduan yang menentang gerakan rod itu.

Section B / Bahagian B 4. (a) (i) A step-down transformer steps down voltage. [1]
Transformer injak turun menurunkan voltan.

(ii) The ratio of the primary turns to the secondary turns and the brightness of the bulbs in arrangements P and Q are equal. [1]
Nisbah lilitan primer kepada lilitan sekunder dan kecerahan mentol dalam susunan P dan Q adalah sama.

An alternating voltage is induced across the secondary coil.

Q Suatu voltan ulang-alik diaruhkan merentasi gegelung sekunder.


Brass bob Ladung loyang

4 (c) Suggestion


Decrease the number of The wire of the primary coil turns of the primary coil to will be shorter and have a 100 [1] smaller resistance to reduce Kurangkan bilangan lilitan power loss [1]
gegelung primer menjadi 100 Dawai gegelung primer lebih pendek dan mempunyai rintangan yang lebih kecil untuk mengurangkan kehilangan kuasa

Increase the number of The transformer will step up turns of the secondary coil the input voltage from 240 V to 3000 [1] to 3600 V [1]
Tambah bilangan lilitan gegelung sekunder menjadi 3000 Transformer akan menaikkan voltan daripada 240 V menjadi 3600 V

Use thicker wires for both The resistance will be of the primary coil and the smaller to reduce power secondary coil [1] loss [1]

Guna dawai yang lebih tebal Rintangan adalah lebih kecil bagi kedua-dua gegelung primer untuk mengurangkan kehilangan dan gegelung sekunder kuasa

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Physics Form 5 Answers



Suitability of feature
Kesesuaian ciri


Use a laminated soft iron Eddy currents will be core [1] reduced
Guna teras besi lembut berlamina Arus pusar dikurangkan


Coil is rotated at high speed

Wind the secondary coil on Leakage of magnetic flux is top of the primary coil [1] reduced [1]
Lilit gegelung sekunder di atas gegelung primer Kebocoran fluks magnet dikurangkan

Gegelung berputar pada laju tinggi

To produce a higher induced [1] e.m.f. [1]

Untuk menghasilkan d.g.e. teraruh yang lebih besar

Poles of magnet closer to To produce a stronger each other [1] magnetic field
Kutub-kutub magnet lebih dekat antara satu sama lain

Untuk menghasilkan medan magnet yang lebih kuat


10 Section C / Bahagian C 5. (a) (i) The production of an e.m.f. across a conductor when there is a changing magnetic flux [1]
Penghasilan d.g.e. merentasi suatu konduktor apabila terdapat fluks magnet yang sedang berubah

Slip rings are used

Gelang-gelang gelincir digunakan

[1] To produce an alternating voltage [1]

Untuk menghasilkan voltan ulangalik

R is most suitable because

R paling sesuai kerana


(ii) A bare copper rod is placed on two parallel copper tracks. [1]
Sebatang rod kuprum tanpa penebat diletakkan di atas landasan kuprum secara selari.

it uses 900 turns of coil

R menggunakan gegelung 900 lilitan

the coil is rotated at high speed

gegelung berputar pada laju tinggi

This arrangement is placed between the North pole and the South pole of a pair of magnadur magnets. [1]
Susunan ini diletakkan di antara kutub Utara dan kutub Selatan bagi sepasang magnet magnadur.

the poles of the magnet are closer to each other

kutub-kutub magnet lebih dekat antara satu sama lain

slip rings are used

gelang-gelang gelincir digunakan

[1] 10

(c) (i)

Power transmitted, P = IV
Kuasa yang dihantar,

Copper rod Rod kuprum


P=I2R Kuasa yang hilang P = 2.52 50 P = 312.5 W (ii) High voltage so that the current is small
Voltan tinggi supaya arus adalah kecil

400 103 I = 160 103 I = 2.5 A Power loss,

[1] [1] [1] [1] [1] 5

Written Practical
Resistor Resistor

Section A / Bahagian A 1. (a) (i) Number of turns of the solenoid

Bilangan lilitan solenoid

The copper rod is pulled at a constant speed along the copper tracks. [1]
Rod kuprum ditarik pada laju malar sepanjang landasan kuprum.

[1] [1] [1]

(ii) Induced current

Arus teraruh

The copper rod cuts the magnetic flux and a current is induced in the copper rod. [1]
Rod kuprum memotong fluks magnet dan suatu arus diaruhkan dalam rod kuprum itu.

(iii) The strength of the magnet used

Kekuatan magnet yang digunakan

The speed at which the magnet is pushed into the solenoid [1]
Laju di mana magnet ditolak ke dalam solenoid

5 (b) Suitability of feature

Kesesuaian ciri

(b) (i)


Values of I: 16 A, 32 A, 48 A, 64 A, and 80 A [1]

Nilai I: 16 A, 32 A, 48 A, 64 A, dan 80 A

Coil of 900 turns

Gegelung 900 lilitan

[1] A higher e.m.f. will be induced to produce a higher current [1]

D.g.e. yang lebih besar akan diaruhkan untuk menghasilkan arus yang lebih besar


N I/ A

20 16

40 32

60 48

80 64

100 80 [5]

A 31

Physics Form 5 Answers


I/ A 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Permanent magnet Magnet kekal



Copper track Landasan kuprum

Copper rod XY Rod kuprum XY 20 40 60 80 100 N S A Copper track Landasan kuprum


(d) I is directly proportional to N.

I adalah berkadar terus dengan N.

[1] 16

Section B / Bahagian B 2. (a) The magnitude of the magnetic force depends on the current in the conductor [1]
Magnitud daya magnet bergantung pada arus dalam konduktor


(v) Procedure:

(b) The greater the current, the greater the magnitude of the magnetic force. [1]
Semakin besar arus, semakin besar magnitud daya magnet.

1. The switch is turned on and the rheostat is adjusted to obtain a current, I = 0.5 A. The current is then switched off.
Suis dihidupkan dan reostat dilaraskan untuk mendapat arus, I = 0.5 A. Kemudian, arus dimatikan.

(c) (i)


To investigate the relationship between the current in a conductor and the magnitude of the magnetic force that acts on it [1]
Untuk mengkaji hubungan antara arus dalam suatu konduktor dengan magnitud daya magnet yang bertindak padanya

2. The copper rod, XY is placed at its original position. The switch is turned on again. The distance, d, travelled by the copper rod, XY on the copper track is measured with the half-metre rule.
Rod kuprum XY diletakkan pada kedudukan asalnya. Suis dihidupkan semula. Jarak, d, yang dilalui oleh rod kuprum XY di atas landasan kuprum diukur dengan pembaris setengahmeter.

(ii) Variables:
Pemboleh ubah:

Manipulated variable: Current

Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan: Arus


3. Steps 1 and 2 were repeated with current, I = 1.0 A, 1.5 A, 2.0 A, 2.5 A and 3.0 A. [1]
Langkah-langkah 1 dan 2 diulang dengan arus, I = 1.0 A, 1.5 A, 2.0 A, 2.5 A dan 3.0 A.

Responding variable: Magnitude of the magnetic force (Distance travelled by the copper rod on the copper tracks)
Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas: Magnitud daya magnet (jarak yang dilalui oleh rod kuprum di atas landasan kuprum)

(vi) Tabulation of data:

Penjadualan data:

I/A 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 (vii) Analysis of data:
Analisis data:

d / cm

Constant variable: Strength of the magnet

Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan: Kekuatan magnet

(iii) List of apparatus and materials:

Senarai radas dan bahan:

U-shaped permanent magnet, copper rod XY, copper tracks, rheostat, ammeter, d.c. power supply, switch, connecting wires and halfmetre rule [2]
Magnet kekal berbentuk-U, rod kuprum XY, landasan kuprum, reostat, ammeter, bekalan kuasa a.t, suis, dawai penyambung dan pembaris setengah-meter


(iv) Arrangement of apparatus:

Susunan radas:

A graph of d against I is plotted.

Graf d melawan I diplotkan.

[2] 12

A 32

Physics Form 5 Answers


Electronics Elektronik

2. They travel in a straight line.

Sinar katod bergerak dalam garis lurus.

3. They have energy and can do work.

Sinar katod mempunyai tenaga yang dapat melakukan kerja.

Try This Out...

We can see various type of electronic components made of semiconductor materials in the CPU.
Kita dapat melihat pelbagai jenis komponen elektronik yang diperbuat daripada bahan semikonduktor dalam CPU.

4. They are deflected in magnetic fields.

Sinar katod terpesong dalam medan magnet.

5. They are deflected in electric fields.

Sinar katod terpesong dalam medan elektrik.



Precaution: 1. The E.H.T. was always switched off when no observation was recorded.
V.L.T. sentiasa dimatikan apabila tiada pemerhatian direkodkan.

(I) Aim: To study the properties of cathode rays

Untuk mengkaji sifat-sifat sinar katod

Observations: 1. A shadow of the Maltese Cross was observed.

Bayang-bayang Palang Maltese diperhatikan.

2. Be careful not to touch any metal part of the Maltese Cross tube because of the high voltage that was used.
Berhati-hati supaya tidak menyentuh mana-mana bahagian logam tiub Palang Maltese kerana voltan yang tinggi digunakan.

2. A shadow of the Maltese Cross was observed. The screen around the shadow became green.
Bayang-bayang Palang Maltese diperhatikan. Skrin di sekeliling bayang-bayang menjadi hijau.

3. The Maltese Cross was earthed during the experiment.

Palang Maltese dibumikan semasa eksperimen.

3. Two shadows were formed on the screen. The shadow caused by the light remained in the same position but the shadow due to the cathode rays was moved and distorted.
Dua bayang-bayang terbentuk pada skrin. Bayang-bayang menyebabkan cahaya kekal pada kedudukan yang sama tetapi bayang-bayang yang disebabkan oleh sinar katod dialihkan dan diherotkan.

(II) Aim: To study the uses of a cathode ray oscilloscope

Untuk mengkaji kegunaan osiloskop sinar katod

Method: 1. The apparatus was arranged as shown in the diagram. The CRO was switched on and the time-base was switched off.
Radas disusun seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah. OSK dihidupkan dan dasar-masa dimatikan.

Discussion: 1. The Maltese Cross blocked the light ray from the cathode.
Palang Maltese menyekat sinar cahaya dari katod.

2. When a bright spot appeared on the screen, the bright spot was shifted to the centre of the screen by using the X-shift and Y-shift control knobs.
Apabila tompok cerah muncul pada skrin, tompok cerah dianjakkan ke pusat skrin dengan menggunakan tombol kawalan anjakan-X dan anjakan-Y.

2. Cathode rays are negatively charged.

Sinar katod bercas negatif.

3. The Maltese Cross blocked the cathode rays from the screen. The cathode rays that were not blocked caused the screen to show fluorescence.
Palang Maltese menyekat sinar katod dari skrin. Sinar katod yang tidak disekat menyebabkan skrin berpendarfluor.

3. The brightness and sharpness of the spot were adjusted by using the brightness knobs and focus knobs respectively.
Kecerahan dan ketajaman tompok dilaraskan dengan menggunakan tombol kecerahan dan tombol fokus masingmasing.

4. Cathode rays travel in straight lines.

Sinar katod bergerak dalam garis lurus.

5. Cathode rays are deflected in magnetic fields.

Sinar katod terpesong dalam medan magnet.

4. The selector switch was switched to d.c. position and the Y-gain was adjusted to 2 V / division.
Suis pilihan dianjakkan pada kedudukan a.t. dan gandaan-Y dilaraskan kepada 2 V / bahagian.

6. (a) Kinetic energy of the electrons is converted into light energy.

Tenaga kinetik elektron ditukarkan kepada tenaga cahaya.

(b) Cathode rays have energy and can do works.

Sinar katod mempunyai tenaga dan dapat melakukan kerja.

5. The terminals of a dry cell were connected to the Y-input and the Earth terminals of the CRO. The displacement of the bright spot from the zero position was observed and recorded.
Terminal sel kering disambungkan kepada input-Y dan terminal Bumi OSK. Sesaran tompok cerah dari kedudukan sifar diperhatikan dan direkodkan.

7. Cathode rays are deflected in electric fields.

Sinar katod terpesong dalam medan elektrik.

Conclusion: 1. They are negatively charges.

Sinar katod bercas negatif.

6. Step 5 was repeated using two dry cells in series, then three dry cells in series.
Langkah 5 diulang dengan menggunakan dua sel kering secara bersiri, kemudian tiga sel kering secara bersiri.

A 33

Physics Form 5 Answers

7. The Y-gain was adjusted to 1 V / division. Steps 5 and 6 were repeated.

Gandaan-Y dilaraskan kepada 1 V / bahagian. Langkahlangkah 5 dan 6 diulang.



8. The time-base was switched on and the display on the screen was observed.
Dasar-masa dihidupkan dan paparan pada skrin diperhatikan.

The horizontal line was displaced in the opposite direction from the centre of the screen. The magnitude of the displacement remained unchanged
Garisan mengufuk disesarkan dalam arah yang berlawanan dari pusat skrin. Magnitud sesaran kekal tidak berubah

9. The connection to the terminals of the dry cells was reversed and the display on the screen was observed.
Sambungan kepada terminal sel kering disongsangkan dan paparan pada skrin diperhatikan.

11 12

A vertical line at the centre of the screen

Garisan menegak di pusat skrin

10. The selector switch was adjusted to a.c. position and the time-base was switched off.
Suis pilihan dilaraskan pada kedudukan a.u. dan dasar-masa dimatikan.

A sine wave at the centre of the screen

Gelombang sin di pusat skrin

11. The dry cells were replaced with a 2 V a.c. power supply. The screen of the CRO was observed.
Sel kering digantikan dengan bekalan kuasa a.u. 2 V. Skrin OSK diperhatikan.

Discussion: 1. CRO can measure both d.c. and a.c. whereas the moving coil voltmeter can only measure d.c. Furthermore, the range of measurement by a CRO is bigger than the moving coil voltmeter.
OSK dapat mengukur kedua-dua a.t. dan a.u. manakala voltmeter gegelung bergerak hanya dapat mengukur a.t. Tambahan pula, julat ukuran OSK adalah lebih besar daripada voltmeter gegelung bergerak.

12. The time-base was switched on and the screen of the CRO was observed.
Dasar-masa dihidupkan dan skrin OSK diperhatikan.

Results: 2 V / division
2 V / bahagian

2. (i)

Number of dry cells in series

Bilangan sel kering dalam susunan bersiri

Displacement of the bright spot from the centre of the screen

Sesaran tompok cerah dari pusat skrin

Potential difference measured / V

Beza keupayaan yang diukur / V


1 2 3

0.7 1.5 2.2 1 V / division

1 V / bahagian

1.4 3.0 4.4

With the Y-gain adjusted to V Volt / division

Dengan gandaan-Y dilaraskan kepada V Volt / bahagian

Number of dry cells in series

Bilangan sel kering dalam susunan bersiri

Displacement of the bright spot from the centre of the screen

Sesaran tompok cerah dari pusat skrin

Potential difference measured / V

Beza keupayaan yang diukur / V

Vpeak = Magnitude of displacement V Vpuncak Magnitud sesaran V = (d V) volt Vpeak Therefore, Vrms = volt 2
Oleh itu, Vrms = Vpuncak 2 volt

Method: 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram.

Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

1 2 3 Observations: Step

1.5 3.0 4.5

1.5 3.0 4.5

2. Steps 1, 2 and 3 of (II)(a) were repeated. The timebase was switched on and set to 10 ms /division.
Langkah-langkah 1, 2 dan 3 bagi (II)(a) diulang. Dasar-masa dihidupkan dan ditetapkan pada 10 ms / bahagian.


3. The ticker-timer was switched on and the signal displayed on the screen of the CRO was observed.
Jangka masa detik dihidupkan dan isyarat yang dipaparkan pada skrin OSK diperhatikan.

The bright spot changed to a horizontal line. Its displacement remained unchanged
Tompok cerah berubah kepada garisan mengufuk. Sesaran kekal tidak berubah

4. The distance, d, between the two adjacent peaks of the signal was estimated. The value was recorded.
Jarak, d di antara dua puncak isyarat bersebelahan dianggarkan. Nilai itu direkodkan.

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Physics Form 5 Answers

5. The time interval between the two ticking sounds was estimated from step 4.
Sela masa antara dua bunyi detik dianggarkan daripada langkah 4.

time-base used. The frequency of the wave, f, can be determined using the formula f = 1/T.
Daripada paparan, tempoh, T, bagi gelombang dapat ditentukan dengan mendarabkan jarak di antara dua puncak bersebelahan bagi bentuk gelombang dengan skala dasarmasa yang digunakan. Frekuensi gelombang, f dapat ditentukan dengan menggunakan formula f =1/T.

Results: 1. 2 2. 2, 20 Discussion: 1. A CRO is more sensitive than a stopwatch because it can measure a much shorter time interval. Furthermore, the short time interval cannot be measured accurately using a stopwatch because of slow human reaction in controlling the stopwatch.
OSK lebih sensitif daripada jam randik kerana OSK dapat mengukur sela masa yang lebih singkat. Selain itu, sela masa singkat tidak dapat diukur dengan tepat dengan menggunakan jam randik kerana tindak balas manusia yang lambat untuk mengawal jam randik itu.

Conclusion: 1. Measure potential difference

Mengukur beza keupayaan

2. Measure short time interval

Mengukur sela masa yang singkat

3. Display wave forms

Memaparkan bentuk gelombang

4.2 Aim: I


2. The distance between two adjacent peaks = 3 divisions

Jarak di antara dua puncak bersebelahan = 3 bahagian

To study the current flow in the forward bias and the reverse bias of a semiconductor diode
Untuk mengkaji pengaliran arus pincang ke depan dan pincang songsang bagi satu diod semikonduktor.

Therefore, the time interval between two ticking sounds = 3 5 =15 ms

Oleh itu, sela masa antara dua bunyi detik = 3 5 =15 ms

II To study the use of diodes as rectifier Method:

Untuk mengkaji kegunaan diod sebagai rektifier

Method: 1. Steps 1, 2 and 3 in (II)(a) were repeated.

Langkah-langkah 1, 2 dan 3 di (II)(a) diulang.

2. The output of the signal generator was connected to the Y-input and the Earth terminals of the CRO.
Output penjana isyarat disambungkan kepada input-Y dan terminal Bumi OSK.

1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram (a), using the d.c. terminals of the power supply, so that the diode was forward-biased. The outcome of the bulb was observed.
Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah (a), dengan menggunakan terminal a.t. bekalan kuasa, supaya diod pincang ke depan. Hasil mentol diperhatikan.

3. A sinusoidal wave form was selected on the signal generator.

Gelombang sinusoid dipilih pada penjana isyarat.

2. The connection of the diode was reversed as shown in the diagram (b), so that the diode was reverse-biased. The outcome of the bulb was obserbved.
Sambungan diod disongsangkan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah (b) supaya diod adalah pincang songsang. Hasil mentol diperhatikan.

4. The Y-gain and the time-base of the CRO were adjusted until a suitable wave form was displayed.
Gandaan-Y dan dasar-masa OSK dilaraskan sehingga bentuk gelombang yang sesuai dipaparkan.

5. Other wave forms on the signal generator were selected and each display on the CRO was observed.
Bentuk gelombang lain pada penjana isyarat dipilih dan setiap paparan pada OSK diperhatikan.

3. The power supply was switched to a.c. terminals. The outcome of the bulb was observed.
Bekalan kuasa ditukarkan kepada terminal a.u. Hasil mentol diperhatikan.

Observations: Circuit


Observation on the bulb

Pemerhatian pada mentol

d.c. circuit with diode forward-biased

Sinusoidal waves Gelombang sinusoid Saw-tooth waves Gelombang bentuk mata gergaji Square waves Gelombang bentuk segi empat sama

The bulb lighted up.

Mentol menyala.

Litar a.t. dengan diod pincang ke depan

d.c. circuit with diode reverse-biased

Litar a.t. dengan diod pincang songsang

The bulb did not lighted up.

Mentol tidak menyala.

Discussion: 1. From the display, the period, T, of the wave can be determined by multiplying the distance between two adjacent peaks of the wave form by scale of the

a.c. was used

a.u. digunakan

The bulb lighted up.

Mentol menyala.

A 35

Physics Form 5 Answers

Discussion: 1. The function of the bulb is to show current flow. When the bulb lights up, this shows that a current flowing in the circuit.
Fungsi mentol adalah untuk menunjukkan arus yang mengalir. Apabila mentol menyala, ini menunjukkan bahawa arus mengalir dalam litar.

was adjusted until a suitable sinusoidal wave form was observed on the screen.
Litar disediakan seperti yag ditunjukkan dalam rajah (a). Bekalan kuasa a.u. 2.0 V digunakan. OSK dilaraskan sehingga bentuk gelombang sinusoid yang sesuai diperhatikan pada skrin.

2. A diode conducts current when it is forward-biased. It does not conduct current when it is reverse-biased. A diode conducts alternating current.
Diod mengkonduksikan arus apabila pincang ke depan. Diod tidak mengkonduksikan arus apabila pincang songsang. Diod mengkonduksikan arus ulang-alik.

2. The trace displayed on the screen of the CRO was observed and recorded.
Surihan yang dipaparkan pada skrin OSK diperhatikan dan direkodkan.

3. A 16 F capacitor was connected parallel to R as shown in the diagram (b). The trace displayed on the screen of the CRO was observed and recorded.
Kapasitor 16 F disambungkan secara selari kepada R seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah (b). Surihan yang dipaparkan pada skrin OSK diperhatikan dan direkodkan.

(II) (a) Method: 1. The circuit was set up as shown in the diagram (a). The 2.0 V a.c. of the power supply was used. The CRO was adjusted until a suitable sinusoidal wave form was observed on the screen.
Litar disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah (a). Bekalan kuasa a.u. 2.0 V digunakan. OSK dilaraskan sehingga bentuk gelombang sinusoid yang sesuai diperhatikan pada skrin.


Discussion: 1. The resistor functions as a load so that there is a potential difference across it.
Resistor berfungsi sebagai beban supaya suatu beza keupayaan merentasinya.

2. The diode was connected to the resistor, R as shown in the diagram (b). The trace displayed on the screen of the CRO was observed and recorded.
Diod disambungkan kepada resistor, R seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah (b). Surihan yang dipaparkan pada skrin OSK diperhatikan dan direkodkan.

2. The diode allows current to flow in one direction only.

Diod membenarkan arus mengalir dalam satu arah sahaja.

3. The capacitor smooths out the rectified direct current.

Kapasitor meratakan arus terus yang telah direktifikasikan.

3. A 16 F capacitor was connected parallel to R as shown in the diagram (c). The trace displayed on the screen of the CRO was observed and recorded.
Kapasitor 16 F disambungkan secara selari kepada R seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah (c). Surihan yang dipaparkan pada skrin OSK diperhatikan dan direkodkan.

4. The higher the capacitance, the greater the effect of smoothing out of the rectified d.c.
Semakin tinggi kapasitans, semakin besar kesan perataan a.t. yang telah direktifikasikan.

4. Step 3 was repeated by using a 2000 F capacitor.

Langkah 3 diulang dengan menggunakan kapasitor 2000 F.

Conclusion: 1. Allows current to flow in one direction only and can rectify a.c. that is, to convert a.c. to d.c.
Membenarkan arus mengalir dalam satu arah sahaja dan dapat merektifikasikan a.u. iaitu, menukarkan a.u. kepada a.t.


2. There are two types of rectification, the half-wave rectification and the full-wave rectification.
Terdapat dua jenis rektifikasi, rektifikasi separuh gelombang dan rektifikasi gelombang penuh.

3. The capacitor smooths out the rectified d.c.

Kapasitor meratakan a.t. yang telah direktifikasikan.



(b) Method: 1. The circuit was set up as shown in the diagram (a). The 2.0 V a.c. of the power supply was used. The CRO

Aim: To study how a transistor can be used as a current amplifier

Untuk mengkaji bagaimana transistor boleh digunakan sebagai amplifier

Method: 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram.

Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

A 36

Physics Form 5 Answers

2. With switch S1 on and S2 off, the readings of IB and IC, the base current and the collector current were observed respectively.
Dengan suis S1 dihidupkan dan suis S2 dimatikan, bacaan IB dan IC, arus tapak dan arus pengumpul diperhatikan masingmasing.

3. For current to flow in the collector circuit, a current must flow in the base circuit.
Untuk arus mengalir dalam litar pengumpul, arus mesti mengalir dalam litar tapak.

3. Step 2 was repeated with switch S1 off and S2 on.

Langkah 2 diulang dengan suis S1 dimatikan dan S2 dihidupkan.

4. When the base current, IB increases, the collector current, IC also increases.
Apabila arus tapak, IB bertambah, arus pengumpul, IC juga bertambah.

4. With both S1 and S2 on, the values of IB and IC were taken and recorded.
Dengan kedua-dua S1 dan S2 dihidupkan, nilai IB dan IC diambil dan direkodkan.

5. A small increase in the base current, IB results in a big increase in the collector current, IC. Hence, the transistor functions as a current amplifier.
Sedikit pertambahan arus tapak, IB menyebabkan pertambahan besar arus pengumpul, IC. Maka, transistor berfungsi sebagai amplifier arus.

5. Step 4 was repeated by replacing the 220 resistor with 270 , 390 , 820 and 1000 resistors respectively.
Langkah 4 diulang dengan menggantikan resistor 220 dengan 270 , 390 , 820 dan 1000 masing-masing.

Conclusion: 1. For current to flow in the collector circuit, a current must flow in the base circuit.
Untuk arus mengalir dalam litar pengumpul, arus mesti mengalir dalam litar tapak.

6. The unit for IC was converted to mA.

Unit IC ditukarkan kepada mA. Graf IC melawan IB diplotkan.

7. A graph of IC against IB was plotted. Results: Resistor /

Resistor /

2. A small increase in the base current, IB results in a big increase in the collector current, IC.
Sedikit pertambahan arus tapak, IB menyebabkan pertambahan besar arus pengumpul, IC. Transistor berfungsi sebagai amplifier arus.

220 3.5 0.30 300

270 2.6 0.24 240

390 2.0 0.18 180

820 1.0 0.08 80

1000 0.8 0.06 60

3. The transistor functions as a current amplifier.

IB / mA Ic / A Ic / mA Graph:
IC / mA 300 240 180 120 60 0



Aim: To study the functions of AND, OR , NOT, NAND and NOR gates
Untuk mengkaji fungsi-fungsi get DAN, ATAU,TAK, TAKDAN dan TAKATAU

Graph of IC against I B Graf IC melawan IB

Method: 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram.

Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

2. The following activities were carried out.

Aktiviti-aktiviti berikut dijalankan.

3. The observations were recorded in the spaces provided.

Pemerhatian direkodkan dalam ruang yang disediakan.

Observations: Observation
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 IB / mA

Truth table
Jadual kebenaran



Input A
Input A

Input B
Input B


A 0 0 1 1

B 0 1 0 1

Y 0 0 0 1

Discussion: 1. IB is a non-zero whereas IC is equal to 0. This shows that current flows in the base circuit but not in the collector circuit.
IB merupakan nilai bukan sifar manakala IC sama dengan 0. Ini menunjukkan bahawa arus mengalir dalam litar tapak tetapi bukan dalam litar pengumpul.


Off On Off On

Off Off Off On


Dimatikan Tidak menyala Dihidupkan Tidak menyala Dimatikan Tidak menyala



2. Both IB and IC are equal to 0. This shows that no current flows in the base circuit and the collector circuit.
Kedua-dua IB dan IC adalah sama dengan 0. Ini menunjukkan bahawa arus mengalir dalam litar tapak dan litar pengumpul.


Dihidupkan Dihidupkan

A 37

Physics Form 5 Answers


Truth table
Jadual kebenaran

Mastery Exercise Objective Questions

1. 6. 11. 16. A A C B 2. 7. 12. 17. B B A B 3. 8. 13. 18. B B D D 4. 9. 14. 19. B C A D 5. 10. 15. 20. C D C D


Input A
Input A

Input B
Input B


A 0 0 1 1

B 0 1 0 1

Y 0 1 1 1


Off On Off On

Off On

Dimatikan Tidak menyala

Off On On

Dimatikan Dihidupkan Dihidupkan Dimatikan Dihidupkan Dihidupkan

Subjective Questions Section A / Bahagian A 1. (a) (i) Circuit Q

Litar Q



(ii) It allows current to flow through.

Litar Q membenarkan arus mengalir melaluinya.


Input A
Input A


A 0 1

Y 1 0

(b) A semiconductor diode allows current to flow through in one direction only.
Diod semikonduktor membenarkan arus mengalir dalam satu arah sahaja.




Tidak menyala

(c) (i)


Input A
Input A

Input B
Input B


A 0 0 1 1

B 0 1 0 1

Y 1 1 1 0




(ii) Add a capacitor.

Tambah kapasitor.

Off On On

On Off On


Dimatikan Dihidupkan Dihidupkan Dimatikan


Capacitor Kapasitor

Off 2. (a) Switch / current amplifier (any one)

Dihidupkan Dihidupkan Tidak menyala


Input A
Input A

Input B
Input B


A 0 0 1 1

B 0 1 0 1

Y 1 0 0 0

Suis / amplifier arus (mana-mana satu)

(b) (i)
Thermistor Termistor Bulb Mentol S 6V




Off On On

On Off On

Off Off Off

Dimatikan Dihidupkan Tidak menyala Dihidupkan Dimatikan Tidak menyala Dihidupkan Dihidupkan Tidak menyala

(ii) When the thermistor gets hotter, its resistance reduces.

Apabila termistor menjadi semakin panas, rintangannya berkurang.

Discussion: 1. The output of a NOT gate is always the opposite of the input.
Output get TAK sentiasa bertentangan dengan input.

2. The output of a NAND gate is the reverse of the output of an AND gate.
Output get TAKDAN merupakan songsangan output get DAN.

The potential difference across the thermistor decreases. / The potential difference across resistor R increases.
Beza keupayaan merentasi termistor berkurang. / Beza keupayaan merentasi R bertambah.

3. The output of a NOR gate is the reverse of the output of an OR gate.

Output get TAKATAU merupakan songsangan output get ATAU.

This increases the potential difference across the base circuit, VBE.
Suis akan menambahkan beza keupayaan merentasi litar tapak, VBE.

A 38

Physics Form 5 Answers

The transistor is switched on allowing current to flow through the bulb.

Transistor dihidupkan dan membenarkan arus mengalir melalui mentol itu.

(c) Reverse the thermistor with resistor R.

Songsangkan termistor dengan resistor R.

To show the effect of magnetic field on the cathode rays, a strong magnet is placed near the vacuum tube at various places and different polarity. [1]
Untuk menunjukkan kesan medan magnet ke atas sinar katod, satu magnet yang kuat diletakkan mendekati tiub vakum itu di pelbagai tempat dan keterkutuban yang berlainan.

Section B / Bahagian B 3. (a) (i) A beam of negatively charged electrons travelling at high speed.
Satu alur elektron yang bercas negatif bergerak dengan laju yang tinggi.


The effect of the magnetic field on the cathode rays can be observed by observing the shadow formed on the fluorescent screen. [1]
Kesan medan magnet ke atas sinar katod boleh diperhatikan dengan memerhatikan bayangbayang yang terbentuk pada skrin berpendarfluor.

(ii) The cathode rays travel from cathode to anode. [1]

Sinar katod bergerak dari katod ke anod.

Hence, it is negatively charged.

Maka, sinar katod bercas negatif.

[1] (ii) [1]

Cathode Katod 12 V + 2000 V Q Vacuum Vakum Cathode ray Sinar katod Maltese cross Palang Maltese Metal plate Fluorescent screen Plat logam Skrin berpendarfluor Anode P Anod

The shadow formed by cathode rays is identical to that formed by light rays.
Bayang-bayang yang dibentuk oleh sinar katod adalah sama dengan bayang-bayang yang dibentuk oleh sinar cahaya.

Hence, cathode rays travel in straight lines. [1]

Maka, sinar katod bergerak dalam garis lurus.

The cathode rays carry kinetic energy and are converted to light energy upon hitting the fluorescent screen. [2]
Sinar katod membawa tenaga kinetik dan ditukarkan kepada tenaga cahaya apabila menghentam skrin berpendarfluor.

To vacuum pump To pam vakum

7 (b) The circuit heats up the filament.

Litar itu memanaskan filamen itu.

The glass tube is modified so that it is filled with air. [1]

Tiub kaca itu diubahsuaikan supaya diisi dengan udara.


The filament will release free electrons through thermionic emission. [2]
Filamen itu membebaskan elektron bebas melalui pancaran termion.

The tube is attached to a vacuum pump. [1]

Tiub itu dilekatkan pada satu pam vakum.

The circuit is switched on and air is pumped out of the tube. [1]
Tiub itu dihidupkan dan udara dipam keluar dari tiub itu.

3 (c) (i) To show the effect of electric field on the cathode rays, metal plates P and Q are connected to the positive terminal and the negative terminal of an extra high voltage power supply. [1]
Untuk menunjukkan kesan medan elektrik ke atas sinar katod, plat logam P dan Q disambungkan kepada terminal positif dan terminal negatif bekalan kuasa voltan lampau tinggi.

As air is being pumped out, its density becomes lower and lower.
Apabila udara dikeluarkan, ketumpatannya semakin berkurang.


Observe the shadow formed on the fluorescent screen as air becomes less and less dense. [1]
Perhatikan bayang-bayang yang terbentuk pada skrin berpendarfluor apabila ketumpatan udara semakin berkurang.

The effect of the electric field on the cathode rays can be observed by observing the shadow formed on the fluorescent screen, when adjusting the voltage of the power supply and reversing the terminals. [2]
Kesan medan elektrik ke atas sinar katod boleh diperhatikan dengan memerhatikan bayangbayang yang terbentuk pada skrin berpendarfluor, apabila voltan bekalan kuasa dilaraskan dan terminal disongsangkan.

5 Section C / Bahagian C 4. (a) (i) A logic gate is an electronic circuit that has one or more input but with only one output. The input and output will be in one of the two states of digital signals, 0 or 1. [1]

A 39

Physics Form 5 Answers Get logik merupakan satu litar elektronik yang mempunyai satu atau lebih input tetapi hanya mempunyai satu output sahaja. Katakan suis pencucuh yang dihidupkan sebagai input 1, tali pinggang keledar yang dipasang sebagai input 1. Enjin yang dihidupkan sebagai output 1, loceng isyarat dihidupkan sebagai output 1.

(ii) Circuit 1:
Litar 1:

A 0 0 1 1 Circuit 2:
Litar 2:

B 0 1 0 1

X 0 0 0 1

Y 0 1 0 0 [2]

Truth table for safety features conditions:

Jadual kebenaran keadaan ciri keselamatan

Ignition switch
Suis pencucuh

Seat belt
Tali pinggang keledar


Loceng isyarat

1 1 0 0

1 0 1 0

1 0 0 0

0 1 0 0 [2]

A 0 0 1 1 Circuit 3:
Litar 3:

B 0 1 0 1

X 1 0 1 1

Y 1 1 1 0 [2]

Assign the seat belt as condition A and ignition switch as condition B. Assign the engine as outcome X and the buzzer as outcome Y.
Tetapkan keadaan tali pinggang keledar sebagai keadaan A dan suis pencucuh sebagai keadaan B. Tetapkan enjin sebagai hasil X dan loceng isyarat sebagai hasil Y.

A 0 0 1 1

B 0 1 0 1

X 1 0 0 0

Y 0 1 1 1 [2]

The truth table becomes

Jadual kebenaran menjadi

A 1 0 1 0

B 1 1 0 0

X 1 0 0 0

Y 0 1 0 0 [2]

(iii) Safety features conditions:

Keadaan ciri keselamatan:

Ignition switch
Suis pencucuh

Seat belt
Tali pinggang keledar


Loceng isyarat

This truth table is identical to the truth table of Circuit 1. Hence, Circuit 1 is suitable to carry out the task. [1]
Jadual kebenaran adalah sama dengan jadual kebenaran Litar 1. Maka, Litar 1 adalah sesuai untuk melaksanakan tugas itu.






Not fastened
Tidak dipasang

Not on


(b) (i)

Tidak Dihidupdihidupkan kan

14 When input is 1 and 1. That is, it is bright and the gate is open [2]
Apabila input ialah 1 dan 1, iaitu, cerah dan get buka



Not on
Tidak dihidupkan


(ii) When it is dark and the gate is open

Apabila gelap dan get buka

[1] 3


Not fastened
Tidak dipasang

Not on
Tidak dihidupkan


(c) (i) [2]




0 0 1 1

0 1 0 1

0 1 0 0 [2]

Assume ignition switch on to be input 1, seat belt fastened to be input 1, engine turned on to be output 1, buzzer on to be output 1.

A 40

Physics Form 5 Answers (ii) NOR gate Get TAKATAU [1]

(iv) Arrangment of apparatus:

Susunan radas:

3 Written Practical Section A / Bahagian A 1. (a) For current to flow in the collector circuit, current must flow in the base circuit. [1]
Untuk arus mengalir dalam litar pengumpul, arus mesti mengalir dalam litar tapak.
Switch Suis Dry cell Sel kering CRO OSK Y-input / Input-Y Earth / Bumi

(b) IC is directly proportional to IB. (c) (i)

IC berkadar terus dengan IB.


A slight increase in the base current causes a big increase in the collector current. [1]
Sedikit penambahan arus tapak menyebabkan penambahan besar arus pengumpul.

d.c. / a.t.

a.c. / a.u.


(v) Procedure:

(ii) Current amplification = gradient of the graph [1]

Amplifikasi arus = kecerunan graf

Arrange the apparatus as shown in the diagram.

Susunkan radas seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

22.5 Current amplification = 0.20 = 112.5

Amplifikasi arus


Switch on the CRO and switch off the timebase.

Hidupkan OSK dan matikan dasar-masa.

(d) When reading the milliammeters, position the eye directly above the pointer to avoid parallax error. [1]
Apabila membaca miliammeter, kedudukan mata mesti terus di atas penunjuk untuk mengelakkan ralat paralaks.

Shift the bright spot to the centre of the screen which is the zero position by using the X-shift and Y-shift control knobs.
Anjakkan tompok cerah itu ke pusat skrin yang merupakan kedudukan sifar dengan menggunakan anjakan-X dan anjakan-Y

8 Section B / Bahagian B 2. (a) The distance, d, displaced by the bright spot on the CRO depends on the magnitude of the potential difference of the input, V. (b) The distance, d, is directly proportional to the potential difference of the input, V.

Switch the selector switch to d.c. position and the Y-gain to 2 V/division. [1]
Tukarkan suis pilihan pada kedudukan a.t dan gandaan-Y kepada 2 V / bahagian.

Jarak, d yang disesarkan oleh tompok cerah pada OSK bergantung pada magnitud beza keupayaan input V.

Connect the terminals of a new dry cell with a value V = 1.5 V to the Y-input and the Earth terminals of the CRO.
Sambungkan terminal sel kering baru dengan nilai V = 1.5 V kepada input-Y dan terminal Bumi OSK.


Jarak, d, adalah berkadar terus dengan beza keupayaan input V.

(c) (i)

Aim: To study the relationship between d and V [1]

Tujuan: Untuk mengkaji hubungan antara d dengan V

Measure the displacement, d, of the bright spot from the zero position.
Ukur sesaran, d, bagi tompok cerah dari kedudukan sifar.

(ii) Variables:
Pemboleh ubah:

Repeat using 2, 3 and 4 new dry cells corresponding to V = 3 V, 4.5 V and 6 V. [3]
Ulang dengan menggunakan 2, 3, dan 4 sel kering baru sepadan dengan V = 3 V, 4.5 V dan 6 V.

Manipulated: Potential difference of the input, V

Dimanipulasikan: Beza keupayaan input, V

Responding: Distance, d, displaced by the bright spot on the CRO

Bergerak balas: Jarak, d, yang disesarkan oleh tompok cerah pada OSK

(vi) Tabulation of data:

Penjadualan data:

V / volt d / mm [1]




6.0 [1]

Constant: The value of Y-gain

Dimalarkan: Nilai gandaan-Y

(iii) Apparatus and materials:

Radas dan bahan:

Cathode ray oscilloscope, 4 new dry cells, switch and connecting wires [1]
OSK, 4 biji sel kering baru, suis dan dawai penyambung

(vii) Based on the data in the table, d-V graph is plotted. From the graph, d is directly proportional to V and the hypothesis is supported.
Berdasarkan data dalam jadual itu, graf d-V diplotkan. Daripada graf itu, d berkadar terus dengan V dan hipotesis itu diterima.


A 41

Physics Form 5 Answers


Duit syiling yang tinggal disusun supaya bertaburan dengan seragam dalam kotak. Langkah-langkah 2 dan 3 diulang sehingga kurang daripada 10 keping duit syiling yang tinggal dalam kotak.

5. The graph of the number of coins remaining, N against the number of throws, t was plotted.
0 V

Graf bagi bilangan duit syiling yang tinggal, N melawan bilangan lambungan, t diplotkan.


6. The number of throws required for the number of coins remaining to be halved was determined from the graph.
Bilangan lambungan yang diperlukan bagi bilangan duit syiling yang tinggal menjadi separuh ditentukan daripada graf.


Radioactivity Keradioaktifan

Number of throws, t
Bilangan lambungan, t

Try This Out...

The rate at which the water level drops is proportional to the amount of water in the bottle. Initially, when there is a large amount of water in the bottle, the water level drops quickly. After some time, when there is less water in the bottle, the water level drops slowly. The rate at which radioactive substances decay changes in the same way. It is proportional to the number of undecayed atoms present in the substance.
Kadar di mana aras air jatuh berkadar dengan amaun air dalam botol. Pada awalnya, apabila terdapat amaun air yang banyak dalam botol, aras air jatuh dengan cepat. Selepas beberapa ketika, apabila terdapat air berkurang dalam botol, aras air jatuh dengan perlahan-lahan. Kadar di mana bahan radioaktif mereput berubah dengan cara yang sama. Kadar itu berkadar dengan bilangan atom yang belum mereput dalam bahan itu.


Number of coins remaining, 240 171 121 86 N

Bilangan duit syiling yang tinggal, N







N 250

Graph of N against t Graf N melawan t



Activity Untuk mensimulasikan reputan radioaktif bagi atom-atom yang tidak stabil


Aim: To simulate the radioactive decay of unstable atoms


Method: 1. 240 coins were arranged in a box with head facing upwards.
240 keping duit syiling disusun dalam sebuah kotak dengan kepala di sebelah atasnya.


2. The box was closed. The box was held using both of the hands and tossed the coins upwards by giving a quick jerk.
Kotak itu ditutup. Kotak itu dipegang dengan kedua-dua tangan dan duit syiling dilambung ke atas dengan sentakan cepat.


(a) 2 (b) 2 (c) 2 Discussion: 1. No


3. All the coins with tail facing upwards were taken out from the box. The number of coins remaining, N was counted.
Semua duit syiling dengan ekor di sebelah atasnya dikeluarkan dari kotak. Bilangan duit syiling yang tinggal, N dikira.

2. No

4. The remaining coins were arranged to spread out evenly in the box. Steps 2 and 3 were repeated until there were less than 10 coins left in the box.

3. Radioactive decay is a random process. All atoms have an equal chance of decaying at a particular time. It is not possible to predict which atom is going to decay.
Reputan radioaktif merupakan suatu proses rawak. Semua atom mempunyai kemungkinan yang sama untuk mereput

A 42

Physics Form 5 Answers pada masa tertentu. Reputan radioaktif tidak mungkin diramal atom yang manakah akan mereput.

2. (a) (i)

4. The half-life for a particular radioactive decay is a constant.

Setengah hayat bagi suatu reputan radioaktif tertentu adalah malar.

The time taken for the activity of a radioactive source to be reduced to half of its original value.
Masa yang diambil untuk keaktifan sumber radioaktif berkurang menjadi separuh daripada nilai asalnya.

(ii) 12 8 = 4 minutes

5. 2 Conclusion: Radioactive decay is a random process. The number of atoms that have not decayed is halved at equal time intervals known as the half-life.
Reputan radioaktif merupakan suatu proses rawak. Bilangan atom yang belum mereput menjadi separuh pada sela masa yang sama dikenali sebagai setengah hayat.

(iii) 1600 20 (iv) = 5 half-lives 4 Count rate =

setengah hayat

Kadar pembilangan

1 1600 = 50 25

Precaution: Ensure that all coins showing tail facing upwards are removed after each toss. Some of these coins may be hidden under other coins.
Pastikan semua duit syiling yang menunjukkan ekor di sebelah atasnya dikeluarkan selepas setiap lambungan. Sebilangan duit syiling itu mungkin tersembunyi di bawah duit syiling yang lain.


Counts per second Pembilangan per saat N

Y 0 X Time, t / minutes Masa, t / minit

Mastery Exercise Objective Questions 1. 6. 11. 16. A A A A 2. 7. 12. 17. A D C D 3. 8. 13. 18. D A D C 4. 9. 14. 19. A A A B 5. 10. 15. 20. B D A D 3. (a) (i)

Nuclear fusion is the combining of two lighter nuclei to form a heavier nucleus.
Pelakuran nukleus merupakan gabungan dua nukleus yang lebih ringan untuk membentuk satu nukleus yang lebih berat.

Subjective Questions Section A / Bahagian A 1. (a) (i) Radioisotopes are unstable isotopes which decay and give out radioactive emissions.
Radioisotop merupakan isotop tidak stabil yang akan mereput dan mengeluarkan pemancaran radioaktif.

(ii) At very high temperatures, the nuclei are moving with very large velocities and are able to overcome the repulsion between them.
Pada suhu yang sangat tinggi, nukleus-nukleus itu bergerak dengan halaju yang sangat tinggi dan dapat mengatasi tolakan antara satu sama lain.

(ii) They have the same proton number. The nucleus of bismuth-214 has more neutrons.
Mereka mempunyai nombor proton yang sama. Nukleus bismut-214 mempunyai lebih banyak neutron.

(b) (i)

The loss of mass

Kehilangan jisim

(ii) Loss of mass, m

Kehilangan jisim

= (1.007825 + 2.014102 3.016029)u u.j.a = 0.005898 u


(iii) The atoms have the same number of valence electrons. (b) (i)
Atom-atom itu mempunyai bilangan elektron valens yang sama. 214 210 Tl + 4He 83Bi 81 2 1 jam = 60 minit

= 0.005898 1.66 10-27 kg m = 9.79 10-30 kg Energy released, E = mc 2

Tenaga yang dibebaskan

(ii) 1 hour = 60 minutes Number of half-lives =

Bilangan setengah hayat
20 min

E = 9.79 10-30 (3.00 108)2 E = 8.81 10-13 J

60 =3 20
20 min

Section B / Bahagian B 4. (a) (i) Radioisotopes are unstable isotopes which decay and give out radioactive emissions. [1]
Radioisotop merupakan isotop tidak stabil yang akan mereput dan mengeluarkan pemancaran radioaktif.

100% 50% 25% 12.5% Percentage that has not decayed = 12.5%
Peratus yang belum mereput

20 min

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(ii) Time taken for the activity to decrease from 2000 to 1000 Time taken for the activity to decrease from 1000 to 500

Ensure that no leakage of radiation and the source will not be accessible to unauthorised people. [1]
Pastikan tiada kebocoran sinaran dan sumber tidak dapat diperoleh oleh orang tanpa kebenaran.


Masa yang diambil Masa yang diambil oleh keaktifan oleh keaktifan berkurang berkurang daripada 2000 daripada 1000 menjadi 1000 menjadi 500

Put a radiation hazard sign and safety rules at the door of the laboratory. [1]
Letakkan tanda bahaya sinaran dan peraturan keselamatan di pintu makmal.


10 s 8s

10 s 8s

Users of the laboratory will take the necessary precautions when using the place. [1]
Pengguna makmal akan mengambil langkah berjagajaga yang sewajarnya semasa tempat itu digunakan.

10 Section C / Bahagian C 5. (a) (i) The number of protons and neutrons in a nucleus
Bilangan proton dan neutron dalam nukleus

(iii) The activity decreases with time.

Keaktifan berkurang dengan masa.


The time taken for the activity to be halved is constant. [1]

Masa yang diambil untuk keaktifan menjadi separuh adalah malar.

[1] [2]

(ii) Two -particles and four -particles

Dua zarah- dan empat zarah-

(iv) 8 s (b) (i) Nuclear fission

Pembelahan nukleus

[1] 6 [1] [1]


dan (iv) 210 Po 84

210 83



214 83


210 82



214 82


[2] [1] 6 [1]

206 82

Pb + 4He 2

(ii) New neutrons are produced.

Neutron baru dihasilkan.

(b) (i)

R is the suitable radioactive source.

R merupakan sumber radioaktif yang sesuai.

If the mass is greater than the critical mass, the new neutrons can continue to split into other nuclei. [2]
Jika jisimnya lebih besar daripada jisim genting, neutron baru akan terus membelah menjadi nukleusnukleus lain.

It emits -particles which can penetrate the soil and emerge from the ground. [1]
R memancarkan zarah- yang dapat menembusi tanah dan muncul dari permukaan tanah.

(c) Handle with forceps.

Gunakan forseps.

4 [1] [1]

This is to avoid contamination of the hands through contact with the source.
Ini adalah untuk mengelakkan tangan tercemar melalui sentuhan dengan sumber itu.

It has a sufficiently long half-life for the work of detection to be carried out. The half-life is not too long. After a period of 2 days, the activity of the source will be weak enough not to pose any danger. [1]
R mempunyai setengah hayat yang cukup panjang untuk kerja pengesanan dilaksanakan. Setengah hayat tidak terlalu panjang. Selepas tempoh 2 hari, keaktifan sumber cukup lemah dan tidak membawa sebarang bahaya.

Direct the open end of the source away from people [1]
Arahkan hujung terbuka sumber itu menjauhi orang.

(ii) Geiger-Muller is most suitable.

Tiub Geiger-Muller paling sesuai.


This is to avoid direct exposure to the radiation. [1]

Ini adalah untuk mengelakkan pendedahan langsung kepada sinaran.

It is a very sensitive detector. It can be carried about from place to place. [1]
Tiub Geiger-Muller merupakan pengesan yang sangat peka. Tiub Geiger-Muller boleh dibawa dari satu tempat ke satu tempat yang lain.

Wash hands and forearm after conducting radioactivity experiments.

Cuci tangan dan lengan selepas menjalankan eksperimen keradioaktifan.


(iii) A ratemeter is most suitable.

Meter kadar paling sesuai.


Any possible contaminant will be disposed of immediately. [1]

Sebarang pencemar akan dibuang dengan segera

Store the radioactive sources in a box with lead walls and keep it locked in a cupboard. [1]
Simpan sumber radioaktif dalam kotak dengan dinding plumbum dan letakkan kotak itu di dalam almari yang dikunci.

It gives the count rate directly, whereas the scaler measures the total count over a period of time. [1]
Meter kadar memberi kadar pembilangan secara langsung. Manakala, skalar mengukur jumlah pembilangan dalam suatu tempoh masa.

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(c) The radioactive source is dissolved in the water at the storage tank. [1]
Sumber radioaktif dilarutkan ke dalam air dalam tangki simpanan.

Ac / counts per minute Ac / pembilangan per minit 1000

A Geiger-Muller tube with the ratemeter is moved along the ground above the underground pipes. [1]
Satu tiub Geiger-Muller dengan meter kadar digerakkan sepanjang permukaan tanah di atas paip di bawah tanah.


A large increase in the count rate will show that a leakage has been found. [1]
Penambahan besar bagi kadar pembilangan akan menunjukkan bahawa suatu kebocoran telah dijumpai.



3 (d) (i) m = 226.025403 u (222.017571 u +

u.j.a. u.j.a.



4.002603 u) m = 0.005229 u




m = 0.005229 1.66 10-27 kg m = 8.68 10-30 kg (ii) E = mc 2 E = 8.68 10-30 (3.00 108)2 E = 7.81 10-13 J Written Practical Section A / Bahagian A 1. (a) (i) Time




[1] [1] 4

100 t / minute t / minit

(e) (i) [1] [1]

Ac decreases when t increases.

AC berkurang apabila masa bertambah. 2.2 minit

[5] [1] [1] 11

(ii) 2.2 minutes Section B / Bahagian B

(ii) Activity

(iii) Distance between the source and the GeigerMuller tube [1]
Jarak di antara sumber dengan tiub Geiger-Muller

2. (a) The activity detected is affected by the thickness of the paper. [1]
Keaktifan yang dikesan dipengaruhi oleh ketebalan kertas.

(b) AB = 38 + 40 + 41 + 39 + 42 , AB = 40 5 (c) t / minutes

t / minit

3 [2]

(b) The thicker the paper, the smaller the activity that is detected. [1]
Semakin tebal kertas, semakin kecil keaktifan yang dikesan.

A 1040 789 601 460 355 276 217 172 139

Ac 1000 749 561 420 315 236 177 132 99 [4]

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

(c) (i)

Aim: To investigate how the activity is affected by the thickness of the aluminium [1]
Tujuan: Untuk mengkaji bagaimana keaktifan dipengaruhi oleh ketebalan aluminium

(ii) Variables:
Pemboleh ubah:

Manipulated variable : Thickness of the aluminium plate

Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan: Ketebalan plat aluminium

Responding variable: Activity

Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas: Keaktifan

Constant variable: Distance between the source and the Geiger-Muller tube


Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan: Jarak di antara sumber dengan tiub Geiger-Muller

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(iii) List of apparatus: / Senarai radas: Radioactive source with has a long half-life and emits -particles, Geiger-Muller tube with ratemeter, 6 aluminium plates of different thickness, forceps and retort stands [2]
Sumber radioaktif dengan setengah hayat yang panjang akan memancarkan zarah-, tiub GeigerMuller dengan meter kadar, 6 plat aluminium dengan ketebalan yang berbeza, forseps dan kaki retort

(vii) The graph of activity against the thickness was plotted. [2]
Graf keaktifan melawan ketebalan diplotkan.


PEKA Pull-Out

(iv) Arrangement of apparatus:

Susunan radas:
Geiger-Muller tube Tiub Geiger-Muller Al plate Plat Al Ratemeter Meter kadar

The relationship between electric current and potential difference

Hubungan antara arus elektrik dengan beza keupayaan

Retort stand Kaki retort Beta source Sumber beta Retort stand Kaki retort

Aim: To investigate the relationship between current and potential difference for an ohmic conductor
Untuk menyiasat hubungan antara arus dengan beza keupayaan bagi konduktor ohm



1. Method of controlling the manipulated variable:

Kaedah mengawal pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan:

Inference: The potential difference, V, across an ohmic conductor is influenced by the current, I, flowing through it.
Beza keupayaan, V, merentasi konduktor ohm dipengaruhi oleh arus, I, yang mengalir melaluinya.

An aluminium sheet with thickness t1 was placed between the beta source and the Geiger-Muller tube.
Kepingan plat aluminium dengan ketebalan t1 diletakkan di antara sumber beta dengan tiub Geiger-Muller.

Hypothesis: The potential difference, V, across an ohmic conductor is directly proportional to the current, I, flowing through it.
Beza keupayaan, V, merentasi konduktor ohm adalah berkadar terus dengan arus, I, yang mengalir melaluinya.

2. Method of measuring the responding variable:

Kaedah mengukur pemboleh ubah bergerak balas:

Variables: (a) Manipulated: Current, I

Dimanipulasikan: Arus, I

(b) Responding: Potential difference, V

Bergerak balas: Beza keupayaan, V

The reading of the ratemeter was recorded.

Bacaan meter kadar direkodkan.

(c) Constant: Physical conditions of the ohmic wire

Dimalarkan: Keadaan fizikal dawai ohm

3. Method of repeating the measurement:

Kaedah mengulang pengukuran:

Steps were repeated for aluminium plates of thickness t2, t3, t4, t5 and t6. [1]
Langkah-langkah diulang bagi plat aluminium dengan ketebalan t2, t3, t4, t5 dan t6.

Operational definition: Current is the reading of the ammeter. Potential difference is the reading of the voltmeter.
Arus merupakan bacaan ammeter. Beza keupayaan merupakan bacaan voltmeter.

Experiment planning:
Switch Suis Ammeter A Ammeter Constantan wire Dawai konstantan (10 cm) V Voltmeter Voltmeter Rheostat Reostat

(vi) Tabulation of data: / Penjadualan data: Thickness / mm

Ketebalan / mm

Activity / Counts minute-1

Keaktifan / Pembilangan minit1

t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 2

Apparatus: Dry cell holder, ammeter (01 A), voltmeter (05 V), rheostat, connecting wires and switch
Pemegang sel kering, ammeter (01 A), voltmeter (05 V), reostat, dawai penyambung dan suis

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Materials: 4 pieces of 1.5 V dry cells, 10 cm of constantan wire (s.w.g. 36)

4 biji sel kering 1.5 V, dawai konstantan 10 cm (s.w.g. 36)

Precautions: 1. The ammeter and voltmeter were checked to prevent zero error and adjusted accordingly before carrying out the experiment.
Ammeter dan voltmeter diperiksa untuk mengelakkan ralat sifar dan dilaraskan dengan sewajarnya sebelum eksperimen dijalankan.

Method: 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram.

Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

2. The switch was turned on and the rheostat was adjusted until the ammeter read the current, I = 0.3 A.
Suis dihidupkan dan reostat dilaraskan sehingga arus memberikan bacaan ammeter, I = 0.3 A.

2. The readings of ammeter and voltmeter were taken with the eye directly above the indicator to prevent parallax error.
Bacaan ammeter dan voltmeter diambil dengan mata terus di atas penunjuk untuk mengelakkan ralat paralaks.

3. The reading of the potential difference, V, was taken from the voltmeter. The readings were recorded.
Bacaan beza keupayaan, V, diambil daripada voltmeter. Bacaan direkodkan.


4. Steps 2 and 3 were repeated for I = 0.4 A, 0.5 A, 0.6 A, 0.7 A and 0.8 A.
Langkah-langkah 2 dan 3 diulang bagi I = 0.4 A, 0.5 A, 0.6 A, 0.7 A dan 0.8 A.

The factors affecting resistance

Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi rintangan

5. A graph of V against I was plotted.

Graf V melawan I diplotkan.

Aim: To investigate the factor of length affecting the resistance of a conductor

Untuk menyiasat faktor panjang yang mempengaruhi rintangan konduktor

Results: 1. 2.
V/V 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 I/A


0.3 1.00

0.4 1.30

0.5 1.65

0.6 2.00

0.7 2.30

0.8 2.65

B To investigate the factor of cross-sectional area affecting the resistance of a conductor

Untuk menyiasat faktor luas keratan rentas yang mempengaruhi rintangan konduktor

Graph of V against I Graf V melawan I

C To investigate the factors of the type of conductors affecting its resistance

Untuk menyiasat faktor jenis konduktor yang mempengaruhi rintangannya

D To investigate the factors of temperature affecting the resistance of a conductor

Untuk menyiasat faktor suhu yang mempengaruhi rintangan konduktor

Inference: The length of a conductor affects its resistance.

Panjang konduktor mempengaruhi rintangannya.

Discussion: 1. (a) A straight line passing through the origin

Garis lurus melalui asalan

B The cross-sectional area of a conductor affects its resistance.

Luas keratan rentas konduktor mempengaruhi rintangannya.

C The type of conductor affects its resistance.

Jenis konduktor mempengaruhi rintangannya.

(b) V is directly proportional to I.

V berkadar terus dengan I.

D The temperature of the conductor affects its resistance.

Suhu konduktor mempengaruhi rintangannya.

2. The results of the experiment support the hypothesis.

Keputusan eksperimen menyokong hipotesis.

2.65 3.3 0.8 4. To control the current flow in the circuit 3.

Untuk mengawal arus yang mengalir dalam litar

Hypotheses: The longer the conductor, the higher its resistance.

Semakin panjang konduktor, semakin tinggi rintangannya.

B The bigger the cross-sectional area of the conductor, the lower its resistance.
Semakin besar luas keratan rentas konduktor, semakin rendah rintangannya.

Conclusion: The potential difference, V, across an ohmic conductor is directly proportional to the current, I, flowing through it.
Beza keupayaan, V, merentasi konduktor ohm adalah berkadar terus dengan arus, I yang melaluinya.

C Different type of conductors with the same physical conditions have different resistance.
Jenis konduktor yang berbeza dengan keadaan fizikal yang sama mempunyai rintangan yang berbeza.

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D The higher the temperature of a conductor, the higher its resistance.

Semakin tinggi suhu konduktor, semakin tinggi rintangannya.

Variables: Variables Hypothesis

Hipotesis Pemboleh ubah


Bergerak balas


Length of the conductor

Panjang konduktor

Resistance of the conductor Cross-sectional area, type of the conductor and Rintangan konduktor temperature
Luas keratan rentas, jenis konduktor dan suhu

Cross-sectional area of the conductor

Luas keratan rentas konduktor

Resistance of the conductor Length, type of the conductor and temperature

Rintangan konduktor Panjang, jenis konduktor dan suhu

Type of the conductor

Jenis konduktor

Resistance of the conductor Length, cross-sectional area and temperature

Rintangan konduktor Panjang, luas keratan rentas dan suhu

Temperature of the conductor

Suhu konduktor

Resistance of the conductor Length, cross-sectional area and type of the Rintangan konduktor conductor
Panjang, luas keratan rentas dan jenis konduktor

Experiment planning:
Switch Suis Conductor to be tested Ammeter A Konduktur diuji Ammeter Y X V Voltmeter Voltmeter Rheostat Reostat

obtained by adjusting the rheostat. The readings were recorded.

6 set bacaan arus, I daripada ammeter dan beza keupayaan, V daripada voltmeter diperoleh dengan melaraskan reostat. Bacaan direkodkan.

4. A graph was plotted for each set of data by using the same axes.
Graf diplotkan bagi setiap set data dengan menggunakan paksi-paksi yang sama.

Apparatus: Dry cell holder, ammeter (01A), voltmeter (05V), rheostat, connecting wires and switch
Pemegang sel kering, ammeter (01 A), voltmeter (05 V), reostat, dawai penyambung dan suis

5. The conductors to be tested according to the following hypothesis:

Konduktor diuji berdasarkan hipotesis berikut:

(a) Hypothesis A: Constantan wires, s.w.g. 36 with lengths 10 cm, 20 cm and 30 cm

Hipotesis A: Dawai konstantan, s.w.g. 36 dengan panjang 10 cm, 20 cm dan 30 cm

Materials: 4 pieces of 1.5 V dry cells, constantan wire (s.w.g. 28, 32 and 36), nichrome wire s.w.g. 36, copper wire s.w.g. 36 and 6.2 V 0.5 A bulb
4 biji sel kering 1.5 V, dawai konstantan (s.w.g.28, 32 dan 36), dawai nikrom s.w.g. 36, dawai kuprum s.w.g. 36 dan mentol 6.2 V 0.5 A

(b) Hypothesis B: Constantan wires s.w.g. 28, s.w.g. 32 and s.w.g. 36, 20 cm long each
Hipotesis B: Dawai konstantan, s.w.g. 28, s.w.g. 32 dan s.w.g. 36, dengan panjang 20 cm masing-masing

Method: 1. The apparatus was arranged as shown in the diagram.

Radas disusun seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

(c) Hypothesis C: Constantan wires, nichrome wire and copper wire, each with s.w.g. 36 and 20 cm long
Hipotesis C: Dawai konstantan, dawai nikrom dan dawai kuprum, dengan s.w.g. 36 dan panjang 20 cm masingmasing.

2. The conductor to be tested was fixed across XY.

Konduktor diuji supaya tetap merentasi XY.

3. 6 sets of readings of the current, I from the ammeter and the potential difference, V from the voltmeter were

(d) Hypothesis D: Copper wire s.w.g. 36 and 6.2 V 0.5 A bulb

Hipotesis D: Dawai kuprum s.w.g. 36 dan mentol 6.2 V 0.5 A

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Results: Current, I/A

Arus, I / A

Graph: Potential difference, V / V for s.w.g. 36 constantan wire

Beza keupayaan, V / V bagi dawai konstantan s.w.g. 36
V/V Graph of V against I Graf V melawan I

10 cm 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 Graph:


20 cm 1.00 1.30 1.65 2.00 2.30 2.70

30 cm 1.70 2.25 2.75 3.30 3.90 4.50

s.w.g. 36

0.60 0.85 1.05 1.25 1.40 1.65

2 s.w.g. 32 1 s.w.g. 28 I/A



Results: Potential difference, V / V for 20 cm long and s.w.g. 36 conductors

Beza keupayaan, V / V bagi konduktor s.w.g. 36 dengan panjang 20 cm

Graph of V against I Graf V melawan I

Current, I/A
Arus, I / A
30 cm




0.30 0.35 0.40

1.00 1.20 1.30 1.60 1.65 1.90

0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.30 0.35

2.10 2.60 2.80 3.20 3.55 4.00

20 cm

0.45 0.50 0.55

10 cm

0 0.5 1.0 I/A V/V Graph of V against I Graf V melawan I Nichrome Nikrom

Results: Current, I/A

Arus, I / A

Potential difference, V / V for constantan wire, 20 cm long

Beza keupayaan, V / V bagi dawai konstantan panjang 20 cm

4 3 2 1 0

s.w.g. 28 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.25 0.35 0.50 0.55 0.70 0.75

s.w.g. 32 0.50 0.65 0.85 1.00 1.15 1.30

s.w.g. 36 1.00 1.30 1.65 2.00 2.30 2.70

Constantan Konstantan

Copper Kuprum 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6


Results: I/A V/V 0.16 0.50 0.20 0.85 0.24 1.35 0.28 1.90 0.32 2.50 0.36 3.30 0.40 4.00 0.44 4.80

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V/V Graph of V against I Graf V melawan I

2. The bigger the s.w.g. number of a wire, the smaller its cross sectional area.
Semakin besar nombor s.w.g. dawai, semakin kecil luas keratan rentasnya.

3. (a) Hypothesis A: The longer the conductor, the higher its resistance. The hypothesis is supported.
Hipotesis A: Semakin panjang konduktor, semakin tinggi rintangannya. Hipotesis disokong.

(b) Hypothesis B: The bigger the cross-sectional area of the conductor, the lower the resistance. The hypothesis is supported.
Hipotesis B: Semakin besar luas keratan rentas konduktor, semakin rendah rintangannya. Hipotesis disokong.

(c) Hypothesis C: Different type of conductors with the same physical conditions have different resistance. The hypothesis is supported.
Hipotesis C: Jenis konduktor yang berbeza dengan keadaan fizikal yang sama mempunyai rintangan yang berbeza. Hipotesis disokong.








Discussion : 1. The resistance of the conductors is the ratio of the potential difference to the current.
Rintangan konduktor merupakan nisbah beza keupayaan kepada arus.

(d) Hypothesis D: The higher the temperature of a conductor, the higher its resistance. The hypothesis is supported.
Hipotesis D: Semakin tinggi suhu konduktor, semakin tinggi rintangannya. Hipotesis disokong.

For ohmic conductor, the resistance is equal to the gradient of the linear VI graph.
Bagi konduktor ohm, rintangan adalah sama dengan kecerunan linear graf VI.

4. When the current was low, the bulb was dim and the filament was reddish in colour. The current increased, the bulb became brighter and the filament changed from reddish to yellowish, and then whitish in colour.
Apabila arus kurang, mentol menjadi malap dan filamen berwarna merah. Arus bertambah, mentol menjadi lebih cerah dan filamen berubah daripada merah menjadi kekuningan, dan kemudiannya berwarna putih.

Conclusion: Physical factor of the conductor Increase in length

Faktor fizikal konduktor Panjang bertambah

Increase in cross-sectional area

Luas keratan rentas bertambah

Different type of conductor

Jenis konduktor yang berlainan

Increase in temperature
Suhu bertambah

Effect on the resistance of the conductor

Kesan rintangan konduktor



Different resistance
Rintangan berbeza


Precautions: 1. The ammeter and voltmeter were checked to prevent zero error and adjusted accordingly before carrying out the experiment.
Ammeter dan voltmeter diperiksa untuk mengelakkan ralat sifar dan dilaraskan dengan sewajarnya sebelum eksperimen dijalankan.

Untuk menyiasat hubungan antara bilangan lilitan dengan kekuatan medan magnet bagi elektromagnet

Inference: The number of turns of the windings of the electromagnet affects the strength of the magnetic field.
Bilangan lilitan elektromagnet mempengaruhi kekuatan medan magnet.

2. The readings of ammeter and voltmeter were taken with the eye directly above the indicator to prevent parallax error.
Bacaan ammeter dan voltmeter diambil dengan mata terus di atas penunjuk untuk mengelakkan ralat paralaks.

Hypothesis: The greater the number of turns, the stronger the magnetic field.
Semakin banyak bilangan lilitan, semakin kuat medan magnet.


Variables: (a) Manipulated: Number of turns

Dimanipulasikan: Bilangan lilitan

(I) Aim: To investigate the relationship between the number of turns and the strength of the magnetic field of an electromagnet

(b) Responding: The strength of the magnetic field

Bergerak balas: Kekuatan medan magnet

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(c) Constant: The current in the solenoid, the type of core used, the distance between the end of the soft iron rod and the pins in the petri dish
Dimalarkan: Arus dalam solenoid, jenis teras yang digunakan, jarak di antara hujung rod besi lembut dan jarum peniti dalam piring petri

Results: Number of turns, N

Bilangan lilitan, N

20 7

30 11

40 14

50 18

60 22

Number of pins attracted

Bilangan jarum peniti yang ditarik

Operational definition: The strength of the magnetic field produced by the electromagnet is operationally defined as the number of pins that can be attracted to one end of the core of the electromagnet.
Kekuatan medan magnet yang dihasilkan oleh elektromagnet ditakrifkan secara operasi sebagai bilangan jarum peniti yang boleh ditarik ke salah satu hujung teras elektromagnet.

Discussion: 1. The current in the solenoid produces a magnetic field which magnetises the soft iron rod to become a magnet.
Arus dalam solenoid menghasilkan medan magnet yang memagnetkan rod besi lembut untuk menjadi magnet.

2. The strength of the magnetic field

Kekuatan medan magnet

Experiment planning:
Soft iron rod Rod besi lembut Retort stand with clamp Kaki retort dengan pengapit Insulated copper wire Dawai kuprum berpenebat Pin Jarum peniti

3. The number of pins attracted increases when the number of turns increases.
Bilangan jarum peniti yang ditarik bertambah apabila bilangan lilitan bertambah.

Conclusion: The strength of the magnetic field of an electromagnet increases when the number of turns increases. The hypothesis is accepted.
Kekuatan medan magnet bagi elektromagnet bertambah apabila bilangan lilitan bertambah. Hipotesis diterima.

Apparatus: d.c. power supply, ammeter, rheostat, petri dish and retort stand with clamp
Bekalan kuasa a.t., ammeter, reostat, piring petri dan kaki retort dengan pengapit

(II) Aim: To investigate the relationship between the size of the current and the strength of the magnetic field of an electromagnet
Untuk menyiasat hubungan antara saiz arus dengan kekuatan medan magnet bagi elektromagnet

Materials: A box of pins, soft iron rod, insulated copper wire and connecting wires
Sekotak jarum peniti, rod besi lembut, dawai kuprum berpenebat dan dawai penyambung

Inference: The size of the current in the windings of the electromagnet affects the strength of the magnetic field.
Saiz arus dalam lilitan elektromagnet mempengaruhi kekuatan medan magnet.

Method: 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram with 20 turns of wire round the soft iron rod.
Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah dengan 20 lilitan dawai rod besi lembut.

Hypothesis: The greater the size of the current, the stronger the magnetic field.
Semakin besar saiz arus, semakin kuat medan magnet.

Variables: (a) Manipulated: Current

Dimanipulasikan: Arus

2. The current was switched on. The petri dish of drawing pins was brought near the lower end of the rod.
Arus dihidupkan. Piring petri yang mengandungi jarum peniti dibawa menghampiri hujung bawah rod.

(b) Responding: The strength of the magnetic field

Bergerak balas: Kekuatan medan magnet

3. The number of pins attracted to the rod was counted.

Bilangan jarum peniti yang ditarik oleh rod dikira.

(c) Constant: The number of turns of the coil, the type of core used, the distance between the end of the soft iron rod and the pins in the petri dish
Dimalarkan: Bilangan lilitan gegelung, jenis teras yang digunakan, jarak di antara hujung rod besi lembut dengan jarum peniti dalam piring petri

4. The current was switched off to allow the pins to fall back into the petri dish.
Arus dimatikan untuk membenarkan jarum peniti jatuh kembali ke dalam piring petri.

5. Steps 2 to 4 were repeated with coils of 30, 40, 50 and 60 turns.

Langkah-langkah 2 hingga 4 diulang dengan gegelung 30, 40, 50 dan 60 lilitan.

Operational definition: The strength of the magnetic field produced by the electromagnet is operationally defined as the number of pins that can be attracted to one end of the core of the electromagnet.

A 51

Physics Form 5 Answers Kekuatan medan magnet yang dihasilkan oleh elektromagnet ditakrifkan secara operasi sebagai bilangan jarum peniti yang boleh ditarik ke salah satu hujung teras elektromagnet.

Discussion: 1. The number of pins attracted increases when the current increases.
Bilangan jaurm peniti yang ditarik bertambah apabila arus bertambah.

Experiment planning:
Soft iron rod Rod besi lembut Retort stand with clamp Kaki retort dengan pengapit Insulated copper wire Dawai kuprum berpenebat Pin Jarum peniti

2. The electromagnet is a temporary magnet and does not retain its magnetism when the current is switched off.
Elektromagnet merupakan magnet sementara dan tidak menyimpan kemagnetannya apabila arus dimatikan.

Conclusion: The strength of the magnetic field of an electromagnet increases when the current increases. The hypothesis is accepted.
Kekuatan medan magnet bagi elektromagnet bertambah apabila arus bertambah. Hipotesis diterima.

Apparatus: d.c. power supply, ammeter, rheostat, petri dish and retort stand with clamp
Bekalan kuasa a.t., ammeter, reostat, piring petri dan kaki retort dengan pengapit


Materials: A box of pins, soft iron rod, insulated copper wire and connecting wires
Sekotak jarum peniti, rod besi lembut, dawai kuprum berpenebat dan dawai penyambung

(I) Aim: To investigate the relationship between the size of the current and the magnitude of the force on the conductor
Untuk menyiasat hubungan antara saiz arus dengan magnitud daya pada konduktor

Method: 1. The apparatus was set as shown in the diagram.

Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

Inference: The size of the current affects the magnitude of the force on a current-carrying conductor.
Saiz arus mempengaruhi magnitud daya pada konduktor yang membawa arus.

2. The current was switched on and the rheostat was adjusted to obtain a current of 0.5 A.
Arus dihidupkan dan reostat dilaraskan untuk memperoleh arus 0.5 A.

3. The petri dish of drawing pins was brought near the lower end of the rod. The number of pins attracted to the rod was counted.
Piring petri yang mengandungi jarum peniti dibawa menghampiri hujung bawah rod. Bilangan jarum peniti yang ditarik ke rod dikira.

Hypothesis: The greater the size of the current, the greater the magnitude of the force
Semakin besar saiz arus, semakin besar magnitud daya

Variables: (a) Manipulated: Current

Dimanipulasikan: Arus

4. The current was switched off to allow the pins to fall back into the petri dish.
Arus dimatikan untuk membolehkan jarum peniti jatuh kembali ke dalam piring petri.

(b) Responding: Magnitude of the force on the conductor

Bergerak balas: Magnitud daya pada konduktor

(c) Constant: The strength of the magnetic field

Dimalarkan: Kekuatan medan magnet

5. Steps 2 to 4 were repeated with values of current, I = 1.0 A, 1.5 A, 2.0 A, 2.5 A and 3.0 A.
Langkah-langkah 2 hingga 4 diulang dengan nilai arus, I = 1.0 A, 1.5 A, 2.0 A, 2.5 A dan 3.0 A.

Operational definition: The height of the swing of a copper wire frame represents the magnitude of the force on it.
Ketinggian ayunan rangka dawai kuprum mewakili magnitud daya padanya.

Results: Current, I / A
Arus, I / A







Method: 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram.

Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.

Number of pins attracted

Bilangan jarum peniti yang ditarik





2. The rheostat was adjusted to maximum resistance.

Reostat dilaraskan kepada rintangan maksimum.

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Physics Form 5 Answers

3. The current was switched on. The height of the swing of the copper wire frame was measured with a halfmetre rule.
Arus dihidupkan. Ketinggian ayunan bagi rangka dawai kuprum diukur dengan pembaris setengah-meter.

Results: (I) Rheostat adjustment

Pelarasan reostat

4. The rheostat was adjusted to minimum resistance and step 3 was repeated.
Reostat dilaraskan kepada rintangan minimum dan langkah 3 diulang.

Height of swing Current in the of the copper wire conductor frame / cm

Arus dalam konduktor Ketinggian ayunan bagi rangka dawai kuprum / cm

Maximum resistance
Rintangan maksimum


(II) Aim: To investigate the relationship between the strength of the magnetic field and the magnitude of the force on the conductor
Untuk menyiasat hubungan antara kekuatan medan magnet dengan magnitud daya pada konduktor

3 5

Minimum resistance
Rintangan minimum


(II) Magnets used

Magnet yang digunakan

Inference: The strength of the magnetic field affects the magnitude of the force on a current-carrying conductor.
Kekuatan medan magnet mempengaruhi magnitud daya pada konduktor yang membawa arus.

Height of swing of the Strength of the copper wire frame / cm magnetic field
Kekuatan medan magnet Ketinggian ayunan bagi rangka dawai kuprum / cm

1 pair
1 pasang


2 4

Hypothesis: The greater the strength of the magnetic field, the greater the magnitude of the force.
Semakin besar kekuatan medan magnet, semakin besar magnitud daya.

2 pair
2 pasang

Lebih kuat

Discussion: 1. The current in the copper frame produces a magnetic field. The interaction between this magnetic field and the magnetic field from the magnadur magnets produces a force on the copper wire frame.
Arus dalam rangka kuprum menghasilkan medan magnet. Interaksi antara medan magnet ini dengan medan magnet daripada magnet magnadur menghasilkan suatu daya pada rangka dawai kuprum.

Variables: (a) Manipulated: Strength of the magnetic field

Dimanipulasikan: Kekuatan medan magnet

(b) Responding: Magnitude of the force on the conductor

Bergerak balas: Magnitud daya pada konduktor

(c) Constant: Current in the conductor

Dimalarkan: Arus dalam konduktor

Operational definition: The height of the swing of a copper wire frame represents the magnitude of the force on it.
Ketinggian ayunan bagi rangka dawai kuprum mewakili magnitud daya padanya.

2. The height of the swing increases.

Ketinggian ayunan bertambah.

3. When the current increases, the magnitude of the force also increases.
Apabila arus bertambah, magnitud daya juga bertambah.

4. The height of the swing increases.

Ketinggian ayunan bertambah.

Method: 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram in (I).

Radas disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah di (I).

5. When the strength of the magnetic field increases, the magnitude of the force also increases.
Apabila kekuatan medan magnet bertambah, magnitud daya juga bertambah.

2. The rheostat was adjusted to medium resistance.

Reostat dilaraskan kepada rintangan sederhana.

3. The current was switched on and the height of the swing of the copper wire frame was measured.
Arus dihidupkan dan ketinggian ayunan bagi rangka dawai kuprum diukur.

Conclusion: The magnitude of the force on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field increases when the current increases and when the magnetic field becomes stronger. The hypotheses are accepted.
Magnitud daya pada konduktor yang membawa arus dalam medan magnet bertambah apabila arus bertambah dan apabila medan magnet menjadi lebih kuat. Hipotesis diterima.

4. Another pair of magnadur magnets were added to increase the strength of the magnetic field. Step 3 was repeated.
Sepasang lagi magnet magnadur ditambah untuk menambahkan kekuatan medan magnet. Langkah 3 diulang.

Precaution: Switch off the current after an observation has been made so that the copper wire frame will not become too hot.
Matikan arus selepas membuat pemerhatian supaya rangka dawai kuprum tidak menjadi terlalu panas.

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