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Effect Doppler
Sound is a mechanical wave or longitudinal wave. Just like all longitudinal waves, sound waves possess a velocity, frequency, wavelength,phase, period, and amplitude.

Sounds are produced by vibrating matter. When things vibrate, the energy move on the air and create sound waves. sound will not travel through a vacuum. Sound can travel in solid, liquid and in air. Sound wave is faster travel in solid than others. The audio spectrum extends from approximately 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. When the sound under 20 Hz it called infrasonic sound and when above 20.000 Hz it called ultrasonic sound. If we meet the police, we can hear the siren. Why the pitch seem to drop as the car passes? It is effect doppler phenomena. when source of sound and a listener are in motion relative to each other, the frequency of the sound heard by listener is not same as the source frequency. The Doppler effect explain why the siren has a high pitch (fL>fs) when it is approaching you (vs<0) and low pitch (fL<fs) when it moving away (vs>0).

In the picture, the girl stand behind the car. And the car moving towards to the boy. The girl can hear low frequency because there are longer wavelenght in behind police car. We can explain so , because wavelenght in behind is bigger ( fbehind > f infont) so

the frequency that enter to girls ear is low and frequency that enter to the boys ear is high. This is Dopplers Formula

Where : v = sound velocity in the air (m/s) vL= velocity of listener (m/s) vs= velocity of sorce (m/s) fL = Listener frequency (Hz) fs = source frequency (Hz)

v vL fs v vs

The most important in this case is giving symbols plus and minus. When the listener approach to the source, we give +vp . When listener moving away from the source, we give vp. when the source approach to the listener, so we give - vs. and the last when source is moving away from listener, we give + vs. Example :

in this case, the source is in the rest. When the observer or listener are: towards :
fL v vL fs v

go away :


v vL fs v

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