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To whom it may concern Dear Sirs I am writing regarding the Ph.D.

Position with reference NPA 2011/341, about the project involving development of neutrondetection techniques , published at the lund University web site. During my grade studies, I acquired a depth knowledge on detector cosmic rays because I was research assitant in cosmic ray laboratory by Chacaltaya, La Paz - Boliva. this laboratory es the most highest in the world, in special in neutron monitor 12NM64 where I did a barometric correction software, among other research projects, this laboratory is of Mayor de San Andres Unversity. Since I am keen to continue my studies in this area, I found that the position offered by the division of nuclear physics is a unique opportunity to start a Doctoral grade on MAX IV laboratory In master grade in Salamanca University-Spain, I acquired the skills in computer programming and computational simulation, I'm sure will be very useful in the PhD course. I am certainly convinced that my background and experimental skills will fulfill the requirements highlighted at the position's announce, and thereof I would appreciate if you could consider my application. Yours Faithfully, Belial

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