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Introduction: This BBC series explores the origins of the Universal Declaration of Human

Rights. The Vietnamese version produced by Xuan Hong explains the most important articles of
the Declaration - freedom of opinion and expression, the right to take part in government, the
right to a fair trial, freedom of thought, conscience and religion, etc. The complexity of each right
in the Declaration is explored via different cultural, political and economic perspectives. Apart
from airing the views from international experts, Xuan Hong also asks prominent Vietnamese to
comment on the state of human rights in Vietnam.

Audio files
• Human rights part 1 - Introduction
• Human rights part 2 - Freedom of opinion
• Human rights part 3 - Political freedom
• Human rights part 4 - The rights to work
• Human rights part 5 - Fair trial
• Human rights part 6 - Freedom of religion
• Human rights part 7 - Discrimination
• Human rights part 8 - Torture
• Human rights part 9 - Asylum
• Human rights part 10 - Slavery
• Human rights part 11 - The Death Penalty
• Human rights part 12 - Final

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