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MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER SYSTEM (NEW) Question Bank UNIT-1 ORANGE-31 [ 1) Draw and explain the architecture of 8085 microprocessor 2) A) Explain following instructions: a) DAD ip b) RAL ©) LHLD addr ) CALL )XTHL B)Write an ALP to add two numbers stored at memory location 2400H and 2401H ,store the result at Memory location 2500H and 2501H. 3) Write an ALP to transfer block of data . The length of the block is stored from memory location C200H . Actual data is stored from memory location C201 H . The data is to be transfered to memory Location C301 H and onwards . Do not shift the block or part of the block ‘anywhere else in the Memory. KEKAWALE-32 pes 1. What are the addressing modes of 8085 microprocessor . Explain with suitable diagram. 2. Explain demultiplexing of address and data bus using the latch 74LS373 3. Explain the following instructions. a) STAX rp b) ANAM c) POP rp = d) IPE e) CNZ lculate the sum of series of numbers .The length of the series is in memory location C200H ‘eries itself begins from memory location C201H store the result at C300H and carry rated at C301H. CHITRARATH-035 \);) Explain demultiplexing of low order address bus of 8085, 4 ii) Explain the following instructions 6 a) PCHL b) cc ©) RRC By Explain Flag register structure of 8085. 4 | | i) Explain different addressing modes of 8085 to eliminate the blanks from the string. 6 | Also draw flowchart (C) A string of data bytes is stored starting from memory location 8051H. Length of the string is, |__ stored in memory location 8050H. The string includes some blanks (Bytes with zero values i. | 00H). Write a program for 8085 to eliminate the blanks from the string. Also draw flow chart. 0 JAYA-030 ) i) Explain generation of control signals using 3:8 decoder in 8085 microprocessor based system. 6 ii) Explain demultiplexing of low order address bus of 8085 microprocessor. 4 ) A four digit BCD number is stored in HL register pair Write assembly language program of 8085 With appropriate comments to find its equivallent and store it in two consecutive memory locations. Also draw flow chart 10 © Five BCD numbers are stored in memory locations BOOOH, BOOSH, BOO9H, BOOAH and BOOEH. Write assembly language program with appropriate comments to separate each BCD. digit and store them in 10 consecutive memory location s starting at BIOOH. Write suitable subroutine and raw flow chart. a APR/MAY -2010 CHAROLI A) i) Draw and explain functional pin diagram of 8085 microprocessor. 6 (Gi) Explain the following instructions. 4 a) PUSH b) STAX : |B) i) Explain generation of control signals in 8085 microprocessor based system. 4 ii) Write a program for 8085 to add five data bytes stored in memory locations starting from 8060 H_ : and store the result in memory locations 8100 H and 8101 H. Also draw flowchart, 6 ©)Data bytes are stored in memory locations from 8050 H to 805F H .To insert an additional five data bytes , it is necessary to shift the data string by five memory locations . Write a program for 8085 to shift the data string by five memory locations .Write a program for 8085 to shift the data string by five memory the data string to memory locations 8055 H to 8064 H Do not locations . Write a program for 8085 to s aaa shift data bytes anywhere else in the memory .Draw flowchart . 10 SAMARTHA- 30 ‘A) i) Draw and explain functional pin diagram of 8085 microprocessor . ii) Explain following instructions of 8085 microprocessor in detail . DLDAX 2 ANI B) Write assembly language prog of 8085 with appropriate comments to find largest no. ina omen r—

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