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FTBC Pielaunch Item Punch List

re|aunch 1arget Date 8]1]2011

Ass|gnments Chr|s 8ret

O Chrls uone Add new fleld provldersexperlencelevel LlnylnL requlred (defaulL 1)
O Chrls uone Add new fleld provlderscoachspeclalLlesLexL varchar 233 auLofllled when
speclalLles change for Lhe coach Shows speclalLy 1 name speclalLy 2 name eLc
O Chrls uone updaLe coach reglsLraLlon page so when you reglsLer as a coach Lo selecL a radlo
buLLon and Lhls puLs daLa lnLo experlencelevel (1 2 or 3)
O Chrls noL uone updaLe coach servlces Lo pull ouL experlence level and coachspecllLlesLexL
anywhere we are currenLly pulllng ouL coach educaLlon
O Chrls uone? 1lme ouL sesslons afLer 30 mln of lnacLlvlLy

,aster ty|e
O reL uone updaLe slLe masLer wlLh new logo Lop nav bar lmage
O reL uone 8emove newsleLLer slgnup from Lop nav bar durlng launch

re|aunch nome age
O reL uone 8ename currenL homepage as lndexposLlaunch" so we don'L lose lL lL wlll be
used afLer launch perlod ls over
O reL uone CverwrlLe currenL homepage wlLh new prelaunch verslon (deslgn based on
hoLoshop deslgn)
O reL noL uone llnlsh 2 secondary Labs

Coach rof||e age Crash|ng (unab|e to test)
O Chrls uone SeL 8aLe Lo be currency dlsplaylng as $12300 raLher Lhan 1230000 uo Lhls by
creaLlng an P1ML helper or global funcLlon Lo converL a number Lo Lhe currency formaL wlLh $
and all
O reL noL uone CondlLlonallze 8aLlng block Lo hlde elemenLs lf no raLlng exlsLs yeL
O Chrls uone WrlLe a vlew or oLher sLrucLure Lo show a coach's vldeos on Lhe rlghL hand slde of
page Make lL so LhaL when cllcked you go Lo Lhe vldeos and blogs page LhaL coach fed ln 8/1
updaLe l added Lwo vldeos for a coach Cn Lhe rlghL slde of hls proflle page lL shows LhaL he has
Lwo vldeos buL only puLs ouL one of Lhem uoes Lhe model on LhaL page llsL ouL Lhe vldeo
collecLlon or [usL Lhe flrsL vldeo? ln oLher words lf l wanL Lo lnserL Lhe same scrolllng" vldeo
conLrol LhaL ls on Lhe vldeos page can l? uon'L Lake Lhe Llme Lo add lL lf Lhe answer ls no ln Lhls
case l wlll probably [usL creaLe a llnk below Lhe flrsL vldeo llke See oLher vldeo(s)" leadlng Lo
Lhe vldeos page for LhaL coach
O Chrls Modlfy ul on dlsplay of coach's blogs on rlghL hand slde Agaln make lL so a cllck goes Lo
vldeos and blogs wlLh LhaL coach fed ln
O Chrls Lnsure LhaL lf raLlngs exlsL for Lhe coach Lhey are llsLed ouL aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe page as
per Lhe spec l don'L Lhlnk Lhey exlsL on Lhe proflle page currenLly 8/1 updaLe l saw one raLlng
for Coach Chrls We need Lo raLe one coach wlLh aL leasL Lwo dlfferenL raLlngs Lo make sure Lhe
averages are worklng Also l don'L see an acLual 8aLlng on Lhe coach proflle page for LhaL user ls
lL belng puL ln Lhe u and ouL Lo screen?
O Chrls (new) WrlLe a funcLlon Lo converL raLlngs Lo rounded numbers rounded Lo Lhe nearesL
23 polnL 1he coach proflle page for Coach Chrls currenLly has a 8aLlng value of 38333 whlch
geLs LranslaLed Lo 89,7 unforLunaLely Lhe lmages LhaL dlsplay Lhe raLlng are
rounded llke sLar373 sLar 400 sLar 423 eLc We Lherefore need a raLlng value llke 373 whlch
can be mulLlplled x 100 when puLLlng Lhe sLar lmage ouL Lo screen l recommend a funcLlon as
Lhe oLher raLlngs are of a slmllar naLure

I|deos 8|ogs age
O reL noL uone llnallze deslgn of small coach boxes
O reL noL uone Lnsure feaLured vldeos load mosL recenL flrsL wlLhln Lhe caLegory/fllLer uo a
selecL Lop 100 so a user can scroll Lhrough 100 vldeos no need Lo go back furLher
O Chrls noL uone aglng add paglng on blogs showlng 23 Lhen nexL (we wlll need paglng on
search pages mlghL as well lmplemenL lL now)
O Chrls uone Add fleld ln u Lo mark a vldeo and blog as unpubllshed or ueleLed l can seL LhaL
flag manually ln Lhe u updaLe lookups Lo noL lnclude Lhese vldeos

orgot password
O Chrls noL uone Ask one remlnder quesLlon Lhen Lhe nexL noL boLh aL same Llme !usL scroll
Lhrough each ln Lurn 8/1 updaLe 1he behavlor here ls noL whaL l had lnLended lL ls flrsL asklng
CuesLlon 1 lf you geL Lhe answer wrong lL keeps asklng CuesLlon 1 lf you geL lL rlghL lL goes on
Lo CuesLlon 2 WhaL l was asklng for was Lo sLarL off asklng CuesLlon 1 Lhen lf Lhe user geLs lL
rlghL reseL Lhe password rlghL away lf Lhe user falls Lhen ask Lhem quesLlon 2 lf Lhey can'L geL
elLher Lhen Lell Lhem Lo conLacL supporL
O Chrls noL uone llx Lhls page lL crashes afLer answerlng Lhe securlLy quesLlons Make sure lL
works as well as shows Lhe user Lhelr password or sends lL Lo emall on flle so Lhey can
successfully log ln 8/1/ updaLe l can'L geL lL Lo submlL aL Lhe momenL Answerlng boLh
quesLlons correcLly [usL leads Lo a submlL buLLon aL Lhe end LhaL doesn'L do anyLhlng

Dser keg|strat|on
O reL noL uone WrlLe ouL Lhe Lerms of use
O reL noL uone WrlLe ouL Lerms 2
O reL noL uone Add LexL above capLcha descrlblng lL

Dser keg|strat|on workspace vers|on
O reL noL uone Modlfy ul dlsplay of Lhe Add conLacL" feaLure
O Chrls noL uone user AccounL Logln block rlghL slde add **** for password and puL a llnk
Change assword" whlch goes Lo a dlalog wlndow Lo reseL your password user should enLer
currenL password whlch musL be correcL Lhen enLer and conflrm new password
O Chrls uone llx empLy buLLon capLlon aL boLLom of page

Coach keg|strat|on
O reL noL uone Spoken languages seL defaulL Lo Lngllsh so lL shows lnlLlally
O reL noL uone Make Lhe dropdown less Lall and modlfy lnsLrucLlons LexL
O Chrls uone 8emove Lralllng comma afLer concaLenaLed sLrlng add lL back ln backend lf
O reL noL uone hoLo modlfy ul appearance of fleld (color capLlon) Also add lnsLrucLlons Lo
help choose flle for upload and add no phoLo" blank lmage lf null Also make sure Lo add a
Lhlrd Lhumbnall lf necessary need 200 90 43 wlde verslons
O uLLL1L reL noL uone My SLory ersonal lnLeresLs lull uesc make lL so when you mouse
lnLo Lhese flelds Lhey geL 23 Llmes Laller Lo Lype lnLo easler 1hen shrlnk agaln on exlL
O Chrls noL uone (crashes wlLh large amL of LexL) All LexL flelds lf llmlLed ln lengLh seL lL
longer 1here should be no llmlLaLlon of whaL users puL ln SeL Lo 3000 lf necessary uo noL alerL
users lf Lhey Lype Loo much SeL Lo a value LhaL ls reasonably sure llke 3000
O Chrls uone Servlce lee replace Lhls secLlon wlLh cholce of Coachlng Lxperlence a new fleld
provlderscoachlngexperlence LlnylnL 8adlo buLLon values 13 Wlll deslgn ul

Jorkspace Nav
O reL noL uone 8emove llnk for messages appLs cllenLs earnlngs charges
O reL noL uone 8ename 8esources Lo My vldeos logs

kesources age
O reL noL uone 8edeslgn ul

Add 8|og age
O reL noL uone SeL edlLor Lo be wlder
O reL noL uone 8edeslgn ul (purpose beneflL lnsLrucLlons layouL)

Add I|deo age
O Chrls uone Wlden LlLle
O Chrls uone 8emove ckedlLor go Lo small plaln LexLbox
O Chrls uone SeL so refresh vldeo ls launched auLomaLlcally when u8L changes remove Lhe
O reL noL uone 8edeslgn ul

Jorkspace nome
O reL noL uone CreaLe welcome message nexL sLeps markeLlng copy for new coaches
O reL noL uone Same for new raLers

New C||ent Inv|tat|ons age
O reL noL uone Modlfy label CllenL" Lo show number eLc
O reL noL done Modlfy ul Lhls page
O reL noL uone Modlfy fleld wldLhs more space on emall
O Chrls noL uone Add fronLend valldaLlon Lo ensure flrsL name lasL name are noL null and LhaL
emall ls a valld address CurrenLly lf you puL ln a fake emall Lhe page crashes
O reL noL uone 8ewrlLe ouLbound emall
O reL noL uone Make sure ouLbound emalls noL caughL as spam

keg|ster kater age Crash|ng Dnab|e to 1est
O Chrls SeL defaulLs on values hlnL quesLlons Lerms newsleLLer Lo be same as on Lhe coach
verslon of reglsLer user
O Chrls llx bug Lhe page crashes when you hlL SubmlL on Lhe raLer reglsLraLlon (user reg) page
for a raLer

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