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The Weld Defects #1

wlth 45 comments
1. Undercut
. Untuk
mengelakkan melemahkan, pengimpal dan pemeriksa kimpalan mesti
mematuhipusingan kimpal awal untuk
melihat sama ada tetapan semasa adalah
sesuai. Postpemeriksaan kimpalan boleh
mengelirukan kerana pengimpal boleh meliputi penindasan
oleh berjalan pusingan yang lain dengan
menggunakan elektrod kimpalan gred yang lebih
rendah dan rendah semasa. Melemahkan adalah berbahaya kerana i
anya menguatkanaliran tekanan yang disebabkan
oleh pengurangan dalam kawasan seksyen danpenumpuan
tegasan borang tinggi

To uvold undercut, welder und weldlng lnspector must observe lnltlul weld lup to see
whether the current settlng ls upproprlute. Post weldlng lnspectlon cun be trlcky slnce
welder cun cover undercut by runnlng unother lup uslng lower grude weldlng electrode
und low current. Undercut ls dungerous becuuse lt umpllfles the stress flow due to
reductlon ln sectlon ureu und stress concentrutlon of the notch form.

Flg. 1. Undercut und overlup.
2. Underflll und Incomplete Jolnt Penetrutlon
Another vlslble weld defect ls underflll und lncomplete |olnt penetrutlon us shown ln
Flgure 2 below. Underflll ls eusler to detect und flx. Incomplete |olnt penetrutlon ls ulso
vlslble lf welder und lnspector huve uccess to the reur slde of the |olnt. Problem urlses
when weldlng u closed structure or structure wlth llmlted spuce so thut lnspector cunnot
see the weldlng quullty behlnd the plute or lnternul purt of the closed structure. Thls fuct
should be curefully consldered ln deslgn und fubrlcutlon procedure prepurutlon. If
posslble, provlde lnternul uccess such us munhole to ullow welder to do 2-slde weldlng,
especlully when |olnlng thlck plutes.

Flg. 2. Underflll und lncomplete |olnt penetrutlon.
3. Incomplete Fuslon
The thlrd weldlng defect ls lncomplete fuslon whlch ls due to undercurrent. Arc weldlng
uses concentruted hlgh-temperuture electrlc urc to melt both buse metul und weldlng
electrode. These melted buse metul und electrode mlx und fuse together lnto weld pool
whlch subsequently bonds ud|olnlng buse metuls. If the weldlng current ls set too low,
ldeul meltlng temperuture cunnot be uchleved und buse metul doesnt melt completely.
Furthermore, weld pool muterlul ls not udequute und gup between ud|olnlng buse metuls
ls not properly fllled. Thls wlll leuve empty holes lnslde or outslde weld |olnts us shown
ln Flgure 3.

Flg. 3. Incomplete fuslon.
4. Defect Detectlon: Nondestructlve Testlng
Most lncomplete fuslon ls lnternul und lmperceptlble by the eye. Thus, we need
Nondestructlve Testlngs (NDT) to check the weld quullty. There ure muny types of NDT,
euch hus lts own udvuntuges und llmltutlons. Flgure 4 shows u technlclun performed
Mugnetlc Purtlcle Inspectlon (MPI) to check u weld |olnt. Selectlon of NDT ls bused on
how crltlcul the weld |olnt ls, cost of NDT, detectlon uccurucy, detectlon depth, etc.

Flg. 4. Mugnetlc Purtlcle Inspectlon (MPI).
5. Weld Defect Fuctor ln Deslgn
Most of the tlme, we should uccept und llve wlth the fuct thut weld defects exlst ln
structures. Thls should be curefully consldered ln deslgn phuse by glvlng Fubrlcutlon
Defect Fuctor to cover thls defect. For exumple, lf we ussume there exlsts undercut wlth
depth 1 mm ln 12 mm plutes, the remulnlng strength ls (12 1)/12 or 0.9167 of orlglnul
strength. Furthermore thls undercut ulso produces stress concentrutlon fuctor of, suy,
Pow Lo prevenL

To minimise these problems the Iollowing points should be considered:-
1. Design oI the weld based on the loading condition(s) the joint will carry
2. Accessibility to enable ease oI welding
3. Control oI distortion

4. CareIul consideration oI the welding environment
5. Matching welding process with materials
6. A Iactor oI saIty applied to the design stress oI the weld which should be
based on the consequance oI weld Iailure and the level oI non destructive
testing that is to be carried out.

Pazard and rlsk

Heot, Light, ond Mechonicol 1njuries
Arc welding involves ultraviolet light. If welding is done near solvents
containing chlorinated hydrocarbons, the ultraviolet light can react with
the solvents to form phosgene gas, which is deadly in even small amounts
(Welding Hazards, AFSCME Fact Sheet). Do not take a chance-never do
arc welding near degreasing equipment or solvents.
Looking at ultraviolet light without proper eye protection may lead to
"welders flash, which is damage to the cornea of your eye (Ultraviolet
Keratitis, Reed Brozen, M.D.). You may already know about this problem.
Symptoms include blurred vision and a burning sensation in your eyes.
Although the condition takes about a week to heal, you risk permanent
eye damage if you are often exposed to ultraviolet light for long periods of
time, so it is important to wear your face shield and goggles.
Constant loud noise from machinery is another on-the-job hazard. It can
lead to hearing loss and stress. Your employer must keep your exposure
to noise at certain levels specified by law. For more information about
safety standards, see Welder Safety Tips. That section discusses how to
reduce exposure to welding fumes and other welding hazards.

aba, Cahaya, dan Kecederaan Mekanikal
Kimpalan arka melibatkan cahaya
ultraungu. Jika kimpalan dilakukan berhampiran pelarutyang mengan
dungi hidrokarbon berklorin, cahaya ultraungu boleh bertindak
balas denganpelarut untuk membentuk gas phosgene, yang maut dal
am sejumlah kecil (BahayaKimpalan, Lembaran
Fakta AFSCME). Jangan mengambil peluang tak pernah
melakukan arka kimpalan berdekatan dengan
peralatan pelarut atau degreasing.
Melihat cahaya ultraungu tanpa pelindung
mata yang betul boleh membawa
kepada "kilat,pengimpal" yang kerosakan
kepada kornea mata anda (keratitis Ultraviolet, Reed Brozen,MD). An
da mungkin sudah tahu tentang masalah ini. Tanda-
tanda termasuk penglihatan kabur dan rasa seakan terbakar di mata
anda. Walaupun keadaan itu mengambil masa kira-
kira seminggu untuk sembuh, anda menghadapi risiko kerosakan
mata yang tetapjika anda sering terdedah kepada cahaya
ultraungu untuk jangka masa yang panjang, jadiadalah penting
untuk memakai perisai muka dan cermin mata anda.
Malar bunyi kuat dari jentera bahaya lain di tempat kerja. a boleh
menyebabkankehilangan pendengaran dan tekanan. Majikan anda
mesti menyimpan pendedahan anda kepada bunyi bising pada
tahap tertentu yang dinyatakan oleh undang-
undang. Untukmaklumat lebih lanjut mengenai standard
keselamatan, lihat Tips KeselamatanJurukimpal. Seksyen
itu membincangkan bagaimana untuk mengurangkan pendedahan
kepada wasap kimpalan dan lain-lain bahaya kimpalan.

Mongonese in Welding 1umes
Your biggest on-the-job risk is exposure to the manganese contained in
fumes that are given off during welding. Inhaling manganese can cause
very serious damage to your brain and nervous system.
Many workers who are exposed to welding fumes suffer from Parkinsons
disease, a major disorder affecting movement and balance. They often
develop "manganism, a disease closely related to Parkinsons, that also
makes it difficult to walk and move properly. Both manganism and
Parkinsons disease cause tremors, shaking, and loss of muscle control.
These conditions can become more severe as time passes.

Mangan dalam Wasap Kimpalan
Terbesar anda on-the-kerja risiko pendedahan kepada mangan yang
terkandung dalamasap yang diberikan semasa kimpalan. Menyedut m
angan boleh menyebabkan kerosakankepada otak dan sistem
saraf yang sangat serius.
Ramai pekerja yang terdedah
kepada wasap kimpalan mengalami penyakit Parkinsongangguan uta
ma yang mempengaruhi pergerakan dan keseimbangan. Mereka
seringmembangunkan "manganism," penyakit yang berkait
rapat dengan Parkinson, yang juga membuat ia sukar
untuk berjalan dan bergerak dengan betul. Kedua-
dua manganism dangegaran menyebabkan
penyakit Parkinson, berjabat, dan kehilangan kawalan otot. Syarat-
syarat ini boleh menjadi lebih teruk apabila masa berlalu.

Hozordous Cootings
Welding on some plated or painted metals may be especially hazardous
(Welding Fumes Sampling, Mine Safety and Health Administration).
Cadmium is often used as a coating on steel to prevent rust. However,
cadmium in welding fumes causes the lung disease, emphysema, as well
as kidney failure (Cadmium Exposure from Welding, American Welding
Society; Welding Health Hazards, OSHA).
If you cut a metal that has been coated with paint that contains lead, it
may give off welding fumes containing lead oxide. Inhaling these welding
fumes can cause lead poisoning, a condition in which you become weak
and develop anemia (a low red blood cell count). Lead also harms your
nervous system, kidneys, and reproductive system (Lead, ATSDR

Coatings berbahaya
Kimpalan pada
beberapa logam bersalut atau dicat terutamanya berbahaya (Kimpala
nWasap Persampelan,
Peti Mine dan Pentadbiran Kesihatan). Kadmium
pula seringdigunakan sebagai salutan pada keluli untuk
mengelakkan karat. Walau
bagaimanapun,kadmium dalam wasap kimpalan boleh menyebabkan
penyakit paru-paru, emphysema,serta kegagalan buah
pinggang (Pendedahan Kadmium dari Kimpalan,
AmericanWelding Society; Bahaya Kesihatan Kimpalan, OSA).
Jika anda memotong logam yang telah disalut
dengan cat yang mengandungi plumbum, iaboleh
memberikan wasap kimpalan yang mengandungi oksida plumbum. M
enyedutwasap kimpalan boleh menyebabkan keracunan plumbum,
satu keadaan di mana andamenjadi lemah dan
membangunkan anemia (bilangan
sel darah merah yang rendah).Lead juga memudaratkan sistem saraf,
buah pinggang anda, dan sistem pembiakan(Plumbum, ATSDR).


This is not a comprehensive guide. There are many ways in which welding
can damage your health. The main points are:
O Protect all skin from UV light
O Closing your eyes for a few sneaky tacks will not prevent arc eye
O Work in a well ventilated area (extraction fans not blowing fans as
those would blow your shielding gas away).
O Wear a vapour mask if your extraction isn't great.
O Be careful not to have flammable stuff nearby. Welding and grinding
sparks can travel a long distance.

W Melindungi semua kulit daripada cahaya UV
W Tutup mata anda untuk tacks beberapa sneaky tidak
akan menghalang mata arka
W Kerja-kerja di kawasan yang mempunyai ventilasi yang
baik (peminat pengekstrakantidak meniup peminat sebagai orang-
orang akan meniup gas anda melindungi).
W Pakai topeng wap jika perahan anda tidak besar.
W Berhati-hati untuk tidak mempunyai barang-barang mudah
terbakar berhampiran.Kimpalan dan bunga api pengisaran boleh
melakukan perjalanan jarak jauh.

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