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Company Ana|ys|s by Annua| keports

CaranLl and Akbank

Sercan SA8l


1hls paper represenLs an analysls of Lhe company sLraLegy
behavlour goals by Akbank and CranLl banks annual reporLs
CaranLl 8ank 2001
CaranLl's vlslon also Lhe maln goal ls Lo be Lhe besL bank ln Lurope whlle Lhey already
call Lhemselves as 1urkey's besL bank" As a parL of sLraLeglc plan Lhey merged wlLh CLLoman
8ank under Lhe CaranLl umbrella 8efore LhaL flrsL krfezbank was merged lnLo Lo CLLomanL
bank uue Lo economlcal crlsls ln 1urkey Lhls sLraLegy ls based on Lo survlve under Lhe raLe of
CaranLl ls generally focused on markeL share Lechnologlc lnfrasLrucLure human
resources dlsLrlbuLlon channels proflLablllLy and advanLage of flrsL move ln key segmenLs Lo
geL lnvesLors lnLeresLs LongLerm goal of Lhe CaranLl ls global growLh
We can say LhaL nelLher proflL nor revenue maxlmlzaLlon weren'L CaranLl's flnanclal goal
because of Lhe economlcal evenLs ln 1urkey by Lhe sLaLemenL of CLC ln 2001's alLered and
volaLlle landscape CaraLl 8ank chose Lo avold rlsk and sacrlflce proflLablllLy ln favour of llquldlLy
managemenL rudenLly we concenLraLed on cuLLlng cosLs preservlng equlLy safeguardlng
asseL quallLy and resLrucLurlng for greaLer efflceny raLher Lhan on revenue or neL lncome
growLh" CaranLl ls focused on llquldlLy and exposure managemenL durlng Lhe crlsls
8y cosL reducLlon CaranLl saved uS$83 mllllon and lncreased LoLal proflLablllLy wlLh
opLlmlzlng human resources Lrlmmlng unnecessary expends and geLLlng cusLomers lnLeresLs
on alLernaLlve dellvery channels
AcLlve bank reducLlon ln segmenL enabled CaranLl Lo lncrease cusLomer and markeL
share growLh
ln Lhe aspecL of corporaLe soclal responslblllLy CaranLl ls almed Lo preserve herlLage of
CLLoman bank whlch has an lmporLance on boLh 1urkey's and CLLoman Lmplre's flnanclal
hlsLory CLLoman 8ank head offlce Lurned lnLo museum and Lhe archlves opened for
academlclans CaranLl has kepL supporL for WWl 1urkey and lsLanbul !azz lesLlval WlLh Lhe
sponorshlp of Lhe naLlonal 8askeLball 1eam CaranLl achleved very favourable publlclLy
Company Ana|ys|s by Annua| keports
CaranLl and Akbank
Sercan SA8l


CaranLl 8ank 2010
ln 2010 annual reporL Lhe CaranLl ls sLaLed as Lhe mlsslon ls Lo conLlnuously and
noLlceably lncrease Lhe value Lhey creaLe for Lhelr cusLomers shareholders employees Lhe
socleLy and Lhe envlronmenL by uLlllzlng Lhelr lnfluence aglllLy and organlzaLlonal efflclency
and Lhe sLraLegy ls Lo malnLaln longLerm susLalnable growLh by conLlnuously creaLlng value
CaranLl's sLraLegy whlch baslcally asslgns unlL goals focuses on cusLomers conLlnulLy of
Lechnologlcal lnnovaLlon compeLenL human resources operaLlonal efflclency dlsclpllned
growLh susLalnable lncome resources and proflLablllLy sLrong dlsLrlbuLlon channels rlsk
managemenL and audlL corporaLe governance and soclal responslblllLy
1urklsh economlc growLh ln 2010 and recovery on global economy had an poslLlve effecL
on banklng lndusLry
CaranLl has focused on core banklng acLlvlLles and managed Lo grow wlLhouL enLerlng
lnLo any lrraLlonal compeLlLlon 8y lncreaslng neL lncome lL conLlnued Lo be mosL proflLable
bank ln 1urkey We can say LhaL Lhelr maln goal ls Lo maxlmlze proflLs
CaranLl conLlnued Lo launch pro[ecLs LhaL add value Lo socleLy ln educaLlon sporLs Lhe
envlronmenL culLure and Lhe arLs LhaL LargeL personal and soclal developmenL
Akbank 2002
Akbank ls one of Lhe largesL prlvaLe secLor bank ln 1urkey Akbank almed Lo have low
fundlng cosL low operaLlng expenses and sLrong asseL growLh LhaL lL seems proflL maxlmlzaLlon
was Lhelr sLraLegy
Akbank's sLraLeglc LargeL was Lo creaLe shareholder value Lhrough conLlnuous growLh
and proflLablllLy 1he key word of LhaL sLraLegy was our cusLomers" LhaL means Lhey focused
on undersLandlng cusLomers Lhelr needs even before Lhe cusLomer glve feedback abouL whaL
Lhey need Lo Akbank 1haL's why Lhelr goal was Lo move away from classlcal banklng producLs
Lo lnnovaLlve new producLs on a wlde scale
Akbanks preLax proflL lf 233 Lrllllon and asseL growLh by 22 ls a resulL of LhaL proflL
maxlmlzaLlon sLraLegy uue Lo 2001 crlsls uncerLalnLy rlsk managemenL and regulaLlons forced
by governmenL also prevenLed banks and helped Lo achleve Lhose resulLs
Company Ana|ys|s by Annua| keports
CaranLl and Akbank
Sercan SA8l


Akbank has lnvesLed necessary amounLs for new producLs and pro[ecLs whlch resulLed
lncrease on markeL share and revenues
Akbank ls conLrlbuLlng Lo Lhe well belng of Lhe socleLy wlLh supporLlng arLlsLlc culLural
and soclal acLlvlLles
Akbank 2010
Akbank has declded Lo dlsLrlbuLe 1L370 mllllon as dlvldend Lo shareholders and 1L620
mllllon Lo chalrman and member of boards Akbanks neL proflLs was 1L 3010 mllllon and LoLal
consolldaLed asseLs were 1L 120070 mllllon
Akbank's sLraLeglc goals sLaLed ln annual reporL are Lo achleve long Lerm susLalnable
reLurn on equlLy of aL leasL 18 Lo be Lhe leadlng bank ln 1urkey ln Lerms of crlLlcal markeL
shares Lo be Lhe besL bank ln Lurkey ln Lerms of cusLomer saLlsfacLlon and experlence Lo be
Lhe mosL valuable bank ln 1urkey
Akbank almed effecLlve rlsk managemenL by malnLalnlng confldence durlng uncerLaln
and challenglng Llmes Akbank's robusL caplLal sLrucLure wlLh caplLal adequacy raLlo of 199
whlle Lhe requlred raLlo was 12 lncreases repuLaLlon of Akbank and glves more power durlng
Lhe global crlsls Llmes
Akbank's sLraLegy was based on proflL maxlmlzaLlon LhaL Lhey were focused on
susLalnable proflLablllLy Akbank also lnvesLed on Lechnology lnfrasLrucLure Lo ralse quallLy of
producLs Lhey offer ln Lerms of phllosophy Lhey agreed called as for you"
ln Lerms of corporaLe soclal responslblllLy Akbank supporLed Carbon ulsclosure ro[ecL
LhaL resulLed lL Lo be more respecLed Akbank Look parL ln Cancun Communlque and declared
lrs commlLmenL for Laklng acLlon Lo prevenL cllmaLe change

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