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and Heritage Culture Tourism,


S c j ) l e l n b0 1 , 2 0 1 0 cr Lr.r Rurchill ic Direclorof Plaruil1gand Dcvelopmel1l CouncilI-td watc ionl DevelopDrnl ( ablc harl W lhc Slrccl I 7i I LowcrWdLcr NS IlirliLrx. B 3 JI S J I)cirfl\lr llurchlll.

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archacologrst by condrLoted a qualilied 'l'hc and ofarchaeological historical lbr Act providcs lhe ploteclion Protccli('l Places Spccial provlllccol' 10 rthich ar" consiclcl'ed be illporlant pansoflhe humdnhelitage-oflhe ,l",,rai,'rs ofa|chacoloSl0aL documcntalion will assessnrcnt prcrvide An Scotia, alchacological Nc,,,a il lllerlsufes nccessafY' lpffopriatcmitigalioD z,'rre i,r rcsur,rc"s th" cl"uclopnront itncl ot cQnccfns nrc lo do l,lcasc norhcsiLalc contdcL ilyolr ha\e dn) clucsllons

I ilur.l Bcnncll ( o o r r l i n L r l o r - P e c i a LP l a c c s S

Wl)L llcIT, Dfisdellc. (lo!c MLA Bcdlbrd-lliroh Rcgan" KelLrDivision Kerrill.Llcrilage Jessjca ScoliaNluscum Po\{'cll.Nova Stephen

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