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SPM 2005
12 The diagram shows a suction pump being pressed against a smooth wall. The pump sticks to the wall when released. Gambar rajah menunjukkan pam penyedut ditekan ke dinding yang licin. Pam itu melekat pada dinding apabila dilepaskan. 15 The diagram shows a polystyrene block being pushed to a depth of h cm from the water surface. P is the water pressure acting on surface Gambar rajah menunjukkan suatu bongkah polistirena ditekan sedalam h cm dari permukaan air. P ialah tekanan air yang bertindak ke atas permukaan Q

The pump sticks to the wall because Pam itu melekat pada dinding kerana [A] The atmospheric pressure is equal to the pressure inside the pump tekanan atmosfera sama dengan tekanan di dalam pam the atmospheric pressure is less than the pressure inside the pump tekanan atmosfera lebih rendah daripada tekanan di dalam pam the atmospheric pressure is more than the pressure inside the pump tekanan atmosfera lebih tinggi daripada tekanan di dalam pam Which graph shows the relationship between P and h when the block is pushed deeper into the water? Graf yang manakah menunjukkan hubungan antara P dengan h apabila bongkah itu ditekan lebih dalam ke dalam air?




The diagram shows four spheres P, Q,R and S, floating on water. Gambar rajah menunjukkan empat sfera P, Q,R dan S terapung di permukaan air.

Which comparison is correct about the density of spheres P, Q, R and S? Perbandingan yang manakah betul tentang ketumpatan sfera P, Q, R dan S? [A] [B] [C] [D] 14 P>Q>R>S S>Q>R>P P>R>Q>S Q>R>P>S


The diagram shows a brake system of a car. Gambar rajah menunjukkan sistem brek kereta.

Why is steam less dense than water? Mengapakah stim kurang tumpat berbanding air? [A] [B] [C] [D] Steam particles are lighter Zarah stim lebih ringan Steam particles move faster Zarah stim bergerak lebih cepat Steam particles are further apart from each other Zarah stim lebih jauh antara satu sama lain Steam particles have a higher kinetic energy Zarah stim mempunyai tenaga kinetik yang lebih tinggi

Which principle is used in this system? Apakah prinsip yang digunakan dalam sistem ini? [A] [B] [C] [D] Pascal's principle Prinsip Pascal Bernoulli's principle Prinsip Bernoulli Archimedes's principle Prinsip Archimedes Principle of conservation of momentum Prinsip keabadian momentum

Bank Soalan Fizik - SMAPT


SPM 2005
17 160 g of alcohol is mixed with 500 cm3 of water. The volume of the mixture becomes 690 cm3.Density of water is 1 g cm3. What is the density of the mixture? 160 g alkohol dicampurkan dengan 500 cm3 air. Isi padu campuran itu menjadi 690 cm3. Ketumpatan air ialah 1g/cm2 berapakah ketumpatan campuran itu? [A] [B] [E] 18 0.23 gcm-3 0.49 gcm-3 1.15 gcm3 [C] [D] 0.72 gcm-3 0.96 gcm-3 12 Diagram 9 shows a container containing mercury. Rajah 9 menuniukkan sebuah bekas yang mengandungi merkuri.

The diagram shows a block with the dimensions of 1mx2mx3 m. The weight of the block is I 000 N. Gambar rajah menunjukkan satu bongkah berdimensi 1m x 2 m x 3 m. Berat bongkah itu ialah 1000 N.

The shape of the mercury meniscus is due to the Bentuk meniskus merkari itu disebabkan oleh [A] [B] [C] [D] High density of the mercury ketumpatan merkuri yong tinggi Ability of the mercury to wet the container kebolehan merkuri membasahi bekas Cohesive force is bigger than the adhesive force daya lekitan lebih besar daripada daya lekatan Adhesive force being bigger than the cohesiveforce daya lekatan lebih besar daripada daya lekitan

What is the maximum pressure that can be exerted by the block on the floor? Berapakah tekanan maksimum yang boleh dikenakan oleh bongkah itu pada permukaan lantai? [A] [C] [E] 100.0 Nm-2 600.0 Nm-2 500.0 N m-2 [B] [D] 333.3 N m-2 166.7 Nm-2


The density of substance X is 9.00 x 102 kg m-3. In which liquid will substances X sinks? Ketumpatan bahan X ialah 9.00 x 102 kg m-3. Di dalam cecair manakah bahan X akan tenggelam? Liquid cecair J K L M Density of liquid / kg m-3 Ketumpatan cecair / kgm-3 7.90x102 9.20x102 1.03x103 I.27x103

SPM 2006
11 Diagram 8 shows four different shapes of shoe heels worn by the same lady. Rajah 8 menunjukkan empat bentuk tumit kasut yang berlainan yang dipakai oleh seorang wanita yang sama.

[A] [B] [C] [D]


Gases are more compressible than solids because Gas lebih mudah dimampatkan berbanding pepejal kerana A B size of gas molecules > size of solid molecules saiz molekul gas > saiz molekul pepejal density of gas molecules > density of solid molecules ketumpatan molekul gas > ketumpatan molekul pepejal distance between gas molecules > distance between solid molecules jarak antara molekul gas > jarak antara molekul pepejal force between gas molecules > force between solid molecules daya antara molekul gas > daya antara molekul pepejal

Arrange the heels based on the pressure exerted on the ground, in ascending order. Susun tumit itu berdasarkan tekanan pada permukaan tanah, dalam urutan menaik. [A] [C] P, Q, R, S R, P, Q, S [B] [D] S, P, Q, R S, Q, P, R

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Diagram 10 shows the flow of air in an underground tunnel. Rajah 10 menunjukkan pengaliran udara dalam terowong bawah tanah.


The pressure of sea water at the bottom of an ocean is 1.3 x 108 N m-2.. What is the depth of the ocean? [Density of sea water = 1.02 x 103 kg m-3] Tekanan air laut pada dasar sebuah lautan ialah 1.3 x 108 N m-2. Berapakah kedalaman lautan itu? [Ketumpatan air laut = 1.02 x 103 kg m-3] [A] [C] [E] 1.27 x l04 m 1.27 x I06 m 1.33 x I010 m [B] [D] 1.27 x I05 m 1.30 x I09 m

The flow of air through the tunnel from X to Y can be explained using Pengaliran udara melalui terowong dari X ke Y dapat dij elaskan menggunakan [A] [B] [C] Pascal's principle prinsip Pascal Bemoulli's principle prinsip Bernoulli Archimedes' principle prinsip Archimedes


The following information is the characteristicsof carbon based composite substance. Maklumat berikut adalah ciri-ciri bahan komposit berasaskan karbon. P : Strong Kuat Q: Resistant to heat Tahan haba R : Resistant to corrosion Tahan kakisan


What is the function of soap while washing clothes? Apakah fungsi sabun ketika membasuh pakaian? [A] [B] To increase the cohesive force of water molecules Menambahkan daya lekitan molekul-molekul air To decrease the cohesive force of molecules of clothes Mengurangkan daya lekitan molekul-molekul pakaian To decrease the surface tension of water molecules Mengurangkan te gangan permukaan molekul molekul air To increase the adhesive force between water molecules and the molecules of clothes Menambahkan daya lekatan antara molekulmolekul air dengan molekul-molekul pakaian

[A] [C]

P and Q only P dan Q sahaja Q and R only Q dan R sahaja

[B] [D]

P and R only P dan R sahaja P, Q and R P, Q dan R



The graph shows the heating curve of a substance. Which of the phases labeled A, B, C or D, shows heat is absorbed during the melting process? Graf menunjukkan lengkung pemarnsan suatu bahan. Antara fasa berlabel A, B, C dan D, yang manakah menunjukkan haba diserap semasa proses peleburan?



Diagram 11 shows the process of supplying water from a water tank on a hill to a water tank X on a tall building. Rajah 11 menunjukkan proses penyaluran air daripada tangki air di atas bukit ke tangki X di atas sebuah bangunan tinggi.

Calculate the pressure of the water at X. [Density of water = 1000 kg m-3] Hitung tekanan air di X. [Ketumpatan air = 1000 kg m-3] [A] [C] [E] 1.0 x 105 N m-2 1.6 x 105 N m-2 3.0 x 105 N m-2 [B] [D] 1.4 x 105 N m-2 2.6 x 105 N m-2

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SPM 2007
12 Which of the following wooden rods exerts the highest pressure on the floor if each load and each wooden rod has the same mass respectively? Antara rod kayu berikut, yang manakah mengenakan tekanan paling tinggi pada lantai jika setiap beban setiap rod kavu masing-nta.sing mempunyai jisim yang sama? 15 Diagram 7 shows toothpaste being squeezed from the tube. Rajah 7 menunjukkan ubat gigi keluar dari apabila dipicit.

Which principle explains the situation above? Prinsip yang manakah menerangkan situasi atas? [A] [B] [C] 16 13 Diagram 6 shows a fish in the sea. Raiah 6 menunjukkan seekor ikan di dalam laut. Pascal Bernoulli Archimedes

Diagram 8 shows icebergs floating on the surface of the sea. Rajah 8 menunjukkan bongkah ais terapung di permukaan laut

Which of the following statements is correct? Antara pemyataon berikut, yang manakoh betul? [A] Weight of iceberg Berat bongkah ais [B] Volume of iceberg Isipadu bongkah ais [C] Density of iceberg = = = = = Weight of sea water displaced Berat air laut tersesar Volume of sea water displaced Isipadu air laut tersesar Density of sea water displaced Ketumpatan air laut tersesar

What is the pressure exerted by the water on the fish? [Water density = 1 000 kg m-3] Berapakah tekanan yang dikenakan oleh air ke atas ikan itu? [Ketumpatan air = 1 000 kg m-3] [A] [B] [C] [D] 14 6x103Pa 6x10rPa 6x103Pa 6x104Pa

Which of the following situations only occurs due to atmospheric pressure? Antara situasi berikut, yang manakah hanya berlaku disebabkan oleh tekanan atmo sfera?

Ketumpatan bongkah ais =

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SPM 2008
17 Diagram 9 shows two similar ping-pong balls suspended on strings of the same length. Rajah 9 menunjukkan dua biji bola ping pong yang serupa tergantung pada tali yang sama panjang. 13 Diagram 7 shows two identical containers containing liquid P and liquid Q. Rajah 7 menunjukkan dua bekas serupa yang mengandungi cecair P dan cecair Q.

Which of the following diagrams shows the condition of the ping-pong balls when air is blown between them? Antara rajah berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan keadaan kedwa-dua bola pingpong apabila udara ditiup di antara kedua-duanya?

When the height of liquid P is 15 cm and the height of liquid same. Q is 20 cm, water spurt is the same. The density of liquid P is 2.0 g cm-3. What is the density of liquid Q? Apabila ketinggian cecair P ialah 15 cm dan ketinggian cecair.Q ialah 20 cm, pancutan air adalah sama. Ketumpatan cecair P ialah 2.0 g cm-3 .Berapakah ketumpatan cecair Q? [A] [C] 0.67 g cm-3 1.50 g cm

[B] [D]

1.30 g cm-3 2.10 g cm-3



Diagram 10 shows a simple barometer. The difference in height of the two mercury levels is h. Rajah l0 menunjukkan sebuah barometer ringkas. Perbezaan ketinggian bagi aras dua merkuri itu ialah h.

A suction pump is pulled upwards to remove dirt lrom a blocked sink pipe. Which diagram shows the pressures correctly? Sebuah pam penyedut ditarik ke atas untuk mengeluarkan kekotoran di dalam sebatang paip sinki yang tersumbat. Rajah manakah yang betul untuk menunjukkantekanan?

What happens to the value of h when mercury is added to the container? Apakah yang akan berlaku kepada nilai h apabila merkuri ditambah ke dalam bekas? [A] [C] Increases Bertambah No change Tidak berubah [B] Decreases Berkurang

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Diagram 8 shows a hydraulic brake system. Rajah 8 menunjukkan suatu sistem brek hidraulik.


Diagram 10 shows the water piping system of a house. Rajah l0 menunjukkan sistem paip air di sebuah rumah.

A driver steps on the brake pedal. Which relationship is correct? Seorang pemandu memijak pedal brek. Hubungan manakah yang betul?

[A] [B] [C]

Pressure on P < Pressure on Q Tekanan pada P < Tekanan pada Q Pressure on P = Pressure on Q Tekanan pada P = Tekanan pada Q Pressure on P > Pressure on Q Tekanan pada P > Tekanan pada Q

What is the water pressure in the tap? [Density of water = 1 000 kg m-3 and atmospheric pressure = 1.0 x 10s Pa] Berapakah tekanan air di dalam pili itu? [Ketumpatan air = | 000 kg m-3 dan tekanan atmosfera = 1.0 x 105 Pa] [A] [C] 8.0 x 103 Pa 1.08 x 105 Pa [B] [D] 5.8 x 104 Pa 1.58 x 105 Pa


Diagram 9 shows the readings of a compression balance and a spring balance. Rajah 9 menunjukkan bacaan neraca mampatan dan neraca spring.


Diagram 11 shows the roof of a house being lifted by strong winds. Rajah 11menunjukkan bumbung sebuah rumah terangkat semasa angin bertiup dengan kencang.

What happens to the reading of the compression balance and the reading of the spring balance when the load is immersed in the water? Apakah yang berlaku kepada bacaan neraca mampatan dan bacaan neraca spring apabila beban direndam ke dalam air?

Which explains the above phenomenon? Manakah yang menerangkan fenomenon itu? [A] [B] [C] [D] Pascal's Principle Prinsip Pascal Bernoulli's Principle Prinsip Bernoulli Archimedes' Principle Prinsip Archimedes Newton's First Law Hukum Pertama Newton

Bank Soalan Fizik - SMAPT


SPM 2009
12 Butene gas leakage happens in a laboratory preparation room. A teacher in the adjacent laboratory smells the odor even though no wind is blowing.This phenomenon happens because of Kebocoran gas butena telah berlaku di bilik persediaan makmal. Seorang guru yeng berada di makmal bersebelahan terhidu bau tersebut walaupun tiada tiupan angin. Fenomena ini berlaku disebabkan oleh condensation kondensasi evaporation penyejatan [B] [D] diffusion resapan expansion pengembangan 15 What happens to the gas molecules in a balloon at room temperature when the balloon is placed inside a freezer? Apakah yang terjadi kepada molekul gas di dalam sebiji belon pada suhu bilik apabila belon itu diletakkan ke dalam peti ais? [A] [B] [A] [C] The kinetic energy of the gas molecules decreases Tenaga kinetik molekul gas berkurang The potential energy of the gas molecules increases Tenaga keupayaan molekul gas bertambah The distance between the gas molecules increases Jarak antara molekul gas bertambah The size of the gas molecules decreases Saiz molekul gas berkurang

[C] [D]


Diagram 6 shows a container filled with water. Raiah 6 menunjukkan sebuah bekas berisi air. Which is the correct comparison of the pressures at P and Q? Perbandingan manakah yang betul mengenai tekanan di P dan di Q?


Diagram 8 shows a simple hydraulic system in equilibrium. A1, A2 and A3, are the areas of the piston. F1, F2 and F3, are the forces which act on the piston. RajahB menunjukkan suatu sistem hidraulik ringkas dalam keseimbangan. A1, A2 dan A3 adalah luas omboh. F1, F2 dan F3 adalah daya-daya yang bertindak ke atas omboh.

[A] [B] [C]

Pressure at P > Pressure at Q tekanan di P > tekanan di Q Pressure at P = Pressure at Q tekanan di P = tekanan di Q Pressure at P < Pressure at Q tekanan di P < tekanan di Q

Which comparison is correct? Perbandingan manaknh yang betul? [A] [B] Pressure at A1= pressure at A2 = pressure at A3 Tekanan di A1 = tekanan di A2 = tekanan di A3 Pressure at A1> pressure at A2 > pressure at A3 Tekanan di A1 > tekanan di A2 > tekanan di A3 Pressure at A1< pressure at A2 < pressure at A3 Tekanan di A1 < tekanan di A2 < tekanan di A3 Pressure at A1> pressure at A2 = pressure at A3 Tekanan di A1 > tekanan di A2 = tekanan di A3


Diagram 7 shows a mercury barometer. Rajah 7 menunjukkan satu barometer merkuri.

[C] [D]

Which change increases the height, h, of the mercury? Perubahan manakah yang menambahkan ketinggian, h, merkuri itu? [A] [B] [C] [D] Add more mercury in the container Tambahkan merkuri dalam bekas itu Place the barometer at the seaside Letakkan barometer itu di tepi pantai Place the barometer below sea-level letakkan barometer itu di bawah paras laut Place the barometer to the top of a mountain Letakkan barometer itu ke puncak sebuah Sunung

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SPM 2010
12 Diagram 8 shows two divers in a lake and a diver in a sea. The pressure of water at T, S and U is Pt, Pr and Pu respectively. Rajah 8 menunjukkan dua orang penyelam di dalam tasik dan seorang penyelam di dalam laut. Tekanan air pada T, S dan U adalah Pr, Ps, Pu masing-masing. 14 Diagram 10 shows a manometer connected to a balloon. Rajah 10 menunjukkan sebuah manometer yang disambung kepada sebiji belon.

Which of the following comparisons is correct about the pressure exerted on the divers? Antara perbandingan berikut, yang manakah betul tentang tekanan yang dikenakan ke atas penyelampenyelam itu? [A] [B] [C] [D] 13 Pu>Pr>Ps Pu<Pr<Ps Pu=Pr>Ps Pu=Pr<Ps

What is the pressure, Ps, inside the balloon? Apakah tekanan, Pu, di dalam belon itu? ( = density of mercury, g = acceleration gravitation, Patm = atmospheric pressure) ( = ketumpatan merkuri, g = pecutan graviti, Patm = tekanan atmosfera) [A] [B] [C] PB = gh PB = Patm - gh PB = Patm + gh

Diagram 9 shows water spurting out from a container at different depths. Rajah 9 menunjukkan air memancut keluar dari sebuah bekas pada kedalaman yang berbeza.


The following diagrams show four different postures of an elephant performing in a circus. Which posture exerts the maximum pressure on the floor? Rajah berikut menunjukkan empat postur yang berbeza bagi seekor gajah dalam pertunjukkan sarkis. Poster manakah yang mengenakan tekanan yang maksimum ke atas lantai?

Which graph shows the correct relationship between the pressure exerted by the water, p and the depth of the water, h? Graf manakah yang menunjukkan hubungan yang betul antara tekanan yang dikenakan oleh air, p dan kedalaman air, h?

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Diagram 11 shows the shovel and the arm of a digger lifting a heavy load. Rajah 17 menunjukkan penyodok dan lengan bagi satu penggali yang mengangkat beban yang, berat.


Diagram 13 shows an object with an aerofoil shape plced in a wind tunnel. Rajah 13 menunjukkan satu objek berbentuk aerofoil yang diletakkan dalam satu terowong angin.

Which principle is used in the arm of the digger? Prinsip manakah yang digunakctn pada lengan penggali itu? 19 [A] [B] [C] [D] Pascal's prinsiple Prinsip Pascal Bernoulli's principle Prinsip Bernouli Principle of equilibrium of forces Prinsip keseimbangan daya Principe of conservation of momentum Prinsip keabadian momentum

Which position, A, B, C or D, experiences the lowest pressure? Antara kedudukan A, B, C dan D, yang manakah mengalami tekanan yang paling rendah? Diagram 14 shows two identical test tubes, P and Q, containing ball bearings X and Y. All the ball bearings have the same size but different densities. Rajah 14 menunjukkan dua tabung uji yang serupa, P dan Q, masing-mnsing mengandungi alas bebola X dan Y. Semua alas bebola itu mempunyai saiz yang sama tetapi ketumpatan yang berbeza.


Diagram 12 shows an airship floating at a constant height. Rajah 12 menunjukkan sebuah kapal udara terapung pada ketinggian yang tetap.

The up thrust exerted on the airship is equal to Daya tujah ke atas kapal udara itu adalah sama dengan [A] [B] [C] [D] The mass of the airship jisim kapal udara itu The weight of the airship berat kapal udara itu The density of the airship ketumpatan kapal udara itu The volume of air displaced bye the airship isi padu udara yang disesarkan oleh kapal udara itu

The up thrust on test tube P and Q are FP and FQ respectively. Which comparison is correct? Daya tujah ke atas tabung uji P dan Q, masingmasing adalah FP dan FQ. Perbandingan manakah yang betul? [A] [B] [C] FP = FQ FP < FQ FP > FQ

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