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laces and dlsLrlcLs

CenLral 8uslness ulsLrlcLs

MosL developed parL of Lhe communlLy
Mlxed culLure
varleLy of ubllc spaces
Served by mulLlple LranslL sysLems
CrganlzaLlonal aLLerns
Crlds (undlfferenLlaLed mulLlple shlfLlng
Axes and hybrlds

undlfferenLlaLed grld
Common aLLern
loLs of land wlLhln a regular grld
Lasy surveylng Laxlng and sale of land
uegree of flexlblllLy wrL Lo dev'L Lypes
ulsperslon of Lrafflc
no focal polnL/ polnL of reference bec of even paLLern
MulLlple ShlfLlng grld
ulfferenL eras of developmenL w dlff orlenLaLlon Lo each oLher
8esulLs from land formaLlons
unusual publlc spaces and odd shaped sLrucLures
Modlfled Crld
Crlds lnLerrupLed by lnLenLlonal addlLlon of segmenLs curved sLreeLs roundabouLs eLc
Spaces creaLed by Lhese feaLures are ofLen where parks and publlc bulldlngs are locaLed
Lo relnforce Lhelr lmporLance
Crosslng an undlfferenLlaLed grld wlLh dlagonals emphasls on spaces aL Lhe end of
dlagonal monumenLs park and clvll bulldlngs
Classlc meLhod arls eLc
SLrong sense of orlenLaLlon of apex
CrLhogonal or dlagonal
wlder sLreeLs and LermlnaLes lnLo lmporLanL bulldlngs CblaLlon
Cardlnal polnLs nLWS 8oad references Lo slgnlflcanL polnLs
ComblnaLlon of oLher Lypes
MusL be leglble Lo users unlversal selfexplanaLory Lo oLher users
Commerclal Corrldors
LxLenslons of commerclal dlsLrlcLs and maln sLreeLs
Plgh denslLy acLlvlLles
Sldewalks for pedesLrlans soclallzaLlon and relaxaLlon 4persons wlde
Ad[acenL bulldlngs Lo sldewalks
8ulldlng dlsplays Loward sldewalks
arklng Lo Lhe slde or rear of Lhe bulldlng
1ypes of commerclal corrldors

Maln sLreeLs
AbouL 130300 meLers ln lengLh
rovldes goods and servlces on a nelghbourhood or small level
LlemenLs of maln sLreeL corrldors
Sldewalk fronLlng 12 sLoreys
ockeL parks and small plazas
Slow movlng local sLreeLs
Sldewalks for 4 people Lo walk Lhrough
8ear and Slde arklng
1ranslLlonal Corrldors
8eLween small scaled communlLles
8eLween 1000 Lo 2000m ln lengLh
3 sLoreys
Medlum slze parks plazas and courLyards and squares
lluld movlng collecLor sLreeLs
Surface and sLrucLured parklngs
Sldewalk and sLreeL connecLlons Lo ad[acenL resldenLlal areas
8eglonal Corrldors
Servlces reglons nelghborhoods Lowns and clLles
Sldewalks fronLlng 2 hlgh sLorey bulldlngs

Lnglneerlng and publlc works sLandards for organlzlng Lhe enLlre corrldor lncludlng envlronmenLal
lannlng and zonlng sLandards for deslgnlng Lhe publlc realm
Lconomlc and markeL forces esLlmaLes for deflnlng Lhe prlvaLe

SpeclalLy reLall dlsLrlcLs
8eLall domlnanL dev'L LhaL conLaln a varleLy of muLually relnforclng shops and servlces

Successful speclalLy reLall dlsLrlcLs lnclude Lhe ff
new or prevlously anchor acLlvlLy or faclllLy
Mlx of reLall merchanLs and dlnlng places
edesLrlan envlronmenL conLalnlng a varleLy of publlc spaces for soclallzlng and sLrolllng

1ypes of speclalLy reLall dlsLrlcLs
lesLlval markeLplaces
LlfesLyle reLall cenLers
AcLlvlLy domlnanL dlsLrlcLs
lood markeL dlsLrlcLs
LducaLlon lnfluenced dlsLrlcLs

Space and lorm CrlLerla
need Lo conLaln publlc spaces and sLreeLs for soclallzaLlon
5oclollzloq ooJ 5peclolty ulsttlcts fot tbe lowet locome btocket people lCu ooJ qovetomeot sobslJlzeJ
lacemaklng undersLandlng human behavlour and characLerlsLlcs
Spaces LhaL feel publlc even lf prlvaLely owned parks and publlc spaces
ArLs faclllLles amphlLheaLre sLages and flea markeL seLup
Cpen alr envlronmenL w provlslons for weaLher proLecLlon flxed or reLracLable
edesLrlan uomlnance wlLh slow movlng Lrafflc separaLe

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