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1he bas|c process

Sugar cane musL be crushed Lo exLracL Lhe [ulce 1he crushlng process musL break up Lhe
hard nodes of Lhe cane and flaLLen Lhe sLems 1he [ulce ls collecLed fllLered and someLlmes
LreaLed and Lhen bolled Lo drlve off Lhe excess waLer 1he drled cane resldue (bagasse) ls
ofLen used as fuel for Lhls process 1he remalnlng llquld ls allowed Lo seL lnLo a solld mass
known as [aggery gur chancaca or panela (Cur ls used ln Lhe resL of Lhls documenL)

1he yleld of gur from sugar cane depends mosLly on Lhe quallLy of Lhe cane and Lhe efflclency
of Lhe exLracLlon of [ulce

Plgh quallLy cane has a good [ulce conLenL wlLh hlgh sugar levels (20+) oor quallLy cane
or cane LhaL has been harvesLed early may have slmllar [ulce conLenL buL Lhe sugar levels wlll
be reduced
1he efflclency wlLh whlch [ulce can be exLracLed from Lhe cane ls llmlLed by Lhe Lechnology
used 1he slmple Lhree roller crushers used by mosL arLlsanal producers wlll never exLracL
more Lhan 30kg of [ulce from each 100kg of cane
?lelds are also lmproved by careful conLrol of Lhe bolllng process 8olllng should be
compleLed as rapldly as posslble and Lhe condlLlons kepL as clean as posslble


Cane must be crushed within 24 hours of being cut. After this time the sugar begins to 'invert' into
different sugars that will not set solid.

Crushing efficiency is the most important factor in good sugar yields. Every possible amount of juice
needs to be squeezed from the cane.

Mass baIance

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