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Pave you read more Lhan 6 of Lhese books?

1he 88C belleves mosL people wlll have read only 6 of Lhe
100 books llsLed here

lnsLrucLlons Copy Lhls lnLo your nC1LS 8old Lhose books youve read ln Lhelr enLlreLy lLallclze Lhe ones
you sLarLed buL dldnL flnlsh or read an excerpL 1ag oLher book nerds 1ag me as well so l can see your

1 rlde and re[udlce !ane AusLen
2 1he Lord of Lhe 8lngs !88 1olklen
3 !ane Lyre CharloLLe 8ronLe
4 notty lottet setles Ik kowlloq
S 1o k||| a Mock|ngb|rd narper Lee
1be 8lble
WuLherlng PelghLs
Nloeteeo lqbty loot Ceotqe Otwell
9 Pls uark MaLerlals hlllp ullman
10 CreaL LxpecLaLlons Charles ulckens
11 LlLLle Women Loulsa M AlcoLL
12 1ess of Lhe u'urbervllles 1homas Pardy
13 CaLch 22 !oseph Peller
14 complete wotks of 5bokespeote
13 8ebecca uaphne uu Maurler
16 1he PobblL !88 1olklen
1 8lrdsong SebasLlan laulk
Catcher |n the kye ID Sa||nger
19 1he 1lme 1raveler's Wlfe Audrey nlffenegger
20 Mlddlemarch Ceorge LlloL
21 Cone WlLh 1he Wlnd MargareL MlLchell
22 1he CreaL CaLsby l ScoLL llLzgerald
24 War and eace Leo 1olsLoy
23 1he PlLch Plker's Culde Lo Lhe Calaxy uouglas Adams
2 Crlme and unlshmenL lyodor uosLoyevsky
28 Crapes of WraLh !ohn SLelnbeck
29 Allce ln Wonderland Lewls Carroll
30 1he Wlnd ln Lhe Wlllows kenneLh Crahame
31 Anna karenlna Leo 1olsLoy
32 uavld Copperfleld Charles ulckens
33 Chron|c|es of Narn|a CS Lew|s
34 Lmma !ane AusLen
33 ersuaslon !ane AusLen
36 1he L|on 1he W|tch and the Wardrobe CS Lew|s
3 1he klLe 8unner khaled Posselnl
38 CapLaln Corelll's Mandolln Louls ue 8ernleres
39 Memolrs of a Celsha ArLhur Colden
40 Wlnnle Lhe ooh AA Mllne
An|ma| Iarm George Crwe||
42 1he ua vlncl Code uan 8rown
43 Cne Pundred ?ears of SollLude Cabrlel Carcla Marquez
44 A rayer for Cwen Meaney !ohn lrvlng
43 1he Woman ln WhlLe Wllkle Colllns
46 Anne of Creen Cables LM MonLgomery
4 lar lrom 1he Maddlng Crowd 1homas Pardy
48 1he Pandmald's 1ale MargareL ALwood
Lord of the I||es W||||am Go|d|ng
30 ALonemenL lan McLwan
1 llfe of ll ooo Mottel
32 uune lrank PerberL
33 Cold ComforL larm SLella Clbbons
34 Sense and SenslblllLy !ane AusLen
33 A SulLable 8oy vlkram SeLh
36 1he Shadow of Lhe Wlnd Carlos 8ulz Zafon
3 A 1ale Cf 1wo ClLles Charles ulckens
38 8rave new World Aldous Puxley
S 1he Cur|ous Inc|dent of the Dog |n the N|ghtt|me Mark naddon (must read!)
60 Love ln 1he 1lme Cf Cholera Cabrlel Carcla Marquez
61 Cf Mlce and Men !ohn SLelnbeck
62 LollLa vladlmlr nabokov
63 1he SecreL PlsLory uonna 1arLL
4 1be lovely 8ooes Allce 5ebolJ
63 CounL of MonLe CrlsLo Alexandre uumas
66 Cn 1he 8oad !ack kerouac
6 !ude Lhe Cbscure 1homas Pardy
68 8rldgeL !ones's ulary Pelen lleldlng
69 MldnlghL's Chlldren Salman 8ushdle
0 Moby ulck Perman Melvllle
1 Cllver 1wlsL Charles ulckens
2 uracula 8ram SLoker
3 1he SecreL Carden lrances Podgson 8urneLL
4 noLes lrom A Small lsland 8lll 8ryson
3 ulysses !ames !oyce
6 1he Inferno Dante
Swallows and Amazons ArLhur 8ansome
8 Cermlnal Lmlle Zola
9 vanlLy lalr Wllllam Makepeace 1hackeray
80 ossesslon AS 8yaLL
81 A ChrlsLmas Carol Charles ulckens
82 Cloud ALlas uavld MlLchell
83 1he Color urple Allce Walker
84 1he 8emalns of Lhe uay kazuo lshlguro
83 Madame 8ovary CusLave llauberL
86 A llne 8alance 8ohlnLon MlsLry
8 CharloLLe's Web L8 WhlLe
1he I|ve eop|e ou Meet In neaven M|tch A|bom
89 AdvenLures of Sherlock Polmes Slr ArLhur Conan uoyle
90 1he laraway 1ree CollecLlon Lnld 8lyLon
91 PearL of uarkness !oseph Conrad
1he L|tt|e r|nce Anto|ne De Sa|ntLxupery
93 1he Wasp lacLory laln 8anks
94 WaLershlp uown 8lchard Adams
93 A Confederacy of uunces !ohn kennedy 1oole
96 A 1own Llke Allce nevll ShuLe
9 1he 1hree MuskeLeers Alexandre uumas
nam|et W||||am Shakespeare
Char||e and the Choco|ate Iactory koa|d Dah|
100 Les Mlserables vlcLor Pugo

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