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Research Portfolio

Reviewer Guidelines

Does this section serve as a guide for the portfolio? Does the author reflect on his or her experiences
transitioning to doctoral studies? What could be improved?

Uyen`s introduction starts out with what her interests are. I get a sense oI what the rest oI her portIolio
will entail. I suggest that she reIlect a bit more on her own experiences and transition to doctoral studies.

Intellection Identity
Do you get a sense of what the authors area of expertise is? Does the author provide a clear, concise
explanation of his or her emerging intellectual identity? What could be improved?

I see more oI this in the introduction. I suggest that Uyen takes the pieces she put in her intro and add it to
this section. I think it will make it stronger. She could add about her expertise. She does describe her goal
oI being a teacher, and discusses her belieIs about teaching clearly.

Research Interests
Do the research interests clearly connect with the authors intellectual identity? Does the author review
and properly cite a minimum of ten references? Is a clear hole in the research identified? Do the research
questions address that hole? Do the research questions connect with each other and the authors
intellectual identity? Is the significance argument significant? What could be improved?

Uyen`s research interests are clearly connected with her intellectual identity. She has plenty oI reIerences.
She clearly identiIies the hole in the research. The research questions that she developed are the same
questions that I was asking myselI as I was reading. She does an excellent job oI laying the Ioundation Ior
Iuture research. There is signiIicance in her work and Iuture endeavors. Technology is only going to
change, improve and develop. The need Ior the inclusion oI education regarding technology in teacher
education is only going to increase. There were a Iew structure and grammar errors that will be
communicated to her through email. Other than Iixing these small errors, I do not see how her research
should improve. She made several changes Irom her Iirst draIt. This draIt has a stronger voice!

%heoretical Framework
Does the author provide an adequate summary of the theoretical framework? Does the theory connect
with the authors intellectual identity and research interests? What could be improved?

Uyen describes the Iramework clearly and makes connections to her identity. Her research interests are
also connected in a meaningIul manner. I do not see where she should improve with her theoretical
Iramework piece.

iases, Assumptions and Ethics
Is the IRB certificate completed? Does the author discuss issues related to his or her area of interest in a
clear and logical manner? Are there additional issues that author has not discussed? What could be

It is evident that Uyen has had to eliminate or change preconceived notions about education and politics
and Iamily values. She has acknowledged her assumptions, and it seems as though she has grown Irom
her realizations. The only thing that I suggest is that she may want to include any possible ethical
concerns that she may Iace conducting her research.

Resume and Vita
Is the vita complete and professional? What could be improved?

Resume is complete with all components. I do not see a need Ior improvement other than to continue
building on her prior accomplishments and education.

ourse Plan
Is the course plan completed? Does the authors plan clearly reflect his or her research and theoretical
interests? What could be improved?

I really like how Uyen has her course plan. I want mine to look like that! This is exemplary!

Reflective 1ournal
Does the fournal demonstrate critical reflection throughout the course? Are there issues in the fournal
that should be included elsewhere in the portfolio?

Uyen shows growth as I read through her reIlections. She had commented that she had a hard time Iinding
her voice. She has shown through her reIlections and her research interests that she is Iinding her voice.
Her hard work is paying oII. Her voice is becoming clear and audible! Her portIolio addresses the issues
and interests that she reIlects on throughout her journal.

Does the author critically reflect on his or her strengths and weaknesses? Does the author discuss faculty
members who may help address these issues or help develop his or her intellectual identity? What could
be improved?

Uyen is clear about her strengths and weaknesses, although she could add a bit more about her strengths.
She underestimates her abilities as a writer. She is very articulate and able to write her thoughts clearly.
She also mentions Iaculty members with whom she has worked and how they have helped shape her

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