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INTERNATIONAL LAW ADMIRALTY / MARITIME PROCESS ARE YOU LOST AT "Cc". AUTHORS UNNAKED TO PROTECT THEIR LIVES! 2 Admiralty Questionnaire Have you requested and acquired certified copies of the NOTIGE[S] OF TAX LIEN(S] UNDER INTERNAL REVENUE LAW[S) frea the County Recorder? (front and back of form) De you have copies of any Notices of Levy? What is the total amount (DOLLARS) of the property taken (levied) to date? How long has the IRS been making demands? (From --~-to date) Do you have or have you acquired a Certificate of Search from the United States District Court? (IN the District where you live Hes the IRS conducted a tax sale of your property’ inst your property? Has @ Quiet Title Action been filed INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND WASHINGTON DC 2043) April 12, 1995 Dear Mr. Zimmer: Re: Gase Bo We have Yeceived a Suasens in the above-mentioned civil action, signed by your deputy and dated april 3, 1995, requiring the International Monetary Fund to ansver the complaint filed See ee ee ee Article IX, Section 3 of the Monntaze Fund. vhich has been given full force and effect in the United States by the Brecton Woods Agreements Act, 22 U.S.C. Section 286h et stq., provides as follows: Section 3. Immuniry from judicial process ‘The Fund, its property and its assets, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall enjoy immmity from every form of judicial Process except tothe extent that it expressly waives its immunity for the purpose of any proceedings or by the terms of any contract.* Furthermore, Executive Order 9751 of July 11, 1946 designated the International Monetary Fund as a public international organization entitled to enjoy certain privileges, exemptions, and immunities under the International Organizations Immmities Act (Public Lav 291 - 79th Congress, 59 Statuses at Large, page 669 et seq., approved December 29, 1945; 22 U.S.C. Sections 288 to 288f). Section’? of che Act provides in part ax follows: “Sec. 2. International organizations shall enjey the status, immunities, exemptions, and privileges set forth in this section, as follows: (a) International organizations shall, fo the extent consistenc vith the inccrument cresting them, possess che capacity --

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