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Earlier we have learned to find the area of the rectangle and the square with the help of the graph paper. The rectangle, square , triangle, etc are all closed figures. Closed figures have 3 parts : 1.The Edge or the boundary of the figure. 2.The interior of the figure 3.The exterior of the figure

Edge Interior and Exterior

Interior Edge


Each figure occupies some place on the flat surface. The measure of this place occupied on a flat surface is the area of the figure.

When Solving Problems

When solving problems relating to the length of the edges, we have to find out the Perimeter. For example, the length of a fence, the distance run, laps around a ground, etc. When the measure of the figures entire surface is to be considered, we find out the Area. For example, while tiling a floor, sowing seeds in afield, covering the floor with mats, painting the roofs or walls, etc.

If the length of the rectangle=l, breadth=b and the side of the square = x, then

Area of a rectangle= length X breadth= l X b Area of a Square= side X side= side2= x2

Solved Problems
Ex. 1: Find the area of a rectangle ABCD if its length is 15cm and breadth is 8.5cm? Given: Length of the rectangle (l)= 15cm Breadth of the rectangle (b)= 8.5cm Area of the rectangle =l X b =15 X 8.5 = 127.5

Word Problems
Que.: Find the cost of painting the rectangular roof of a shed 6m long and 3m broad, at the rate of Rs.26.50 per square metre. Given: Length of the roof (l)=6m Breadth of the roof (b)=3m Rate of painting= Rs.26.50 per sq. m Method: To find the cost of painting the roof, we must find out the area of the roof and multiply that by the cost of painting each square metre

Area Of the Roof= l X b =6 X 3 =18 sq. m =Rs. 26.50( cost of painting 1 sq.m) =Rs. 26.50 X 18 (cost of painting 18 sq. m) =Rs. 477.00 Cost of painting the roof : Rs. 477.00

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