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Cyrine Abdel Nour - If He Looked in My Eyes



Law Bas Fe Aini

if he looks in my eye

tkalim wala laa ya albi

Wala aaa'mel eih
Mosh waaef balo leh ya albi
W bi fakar leh
Dah a'ainaya w kol haga fiya
Betnadi a'alek

do i speak or not ,my heart

or what shall i do?
why his mind is not frozen?
why does he think?
my eyes and everything in me
are calling him

Law bass fi a'einy marra bas

ha yhes aawam bi shoai le
Law bass fi a'einy marra bas
ha yhes bi eni dayba fi
Law aali taa'ali albi daa
ana rohlo aawam ma aolshi laa

if he looks in my eyes only once

he'll feel my passion for him right away
if he looks in my eyes only once
he'll feel that i'm melting in him
if he asks me to come ,my heart beats
i'll come to him i won't say no

Ana hali howa bardo halo

a'ala eih mashghoul
W fi bali kol shi fi balo
Mosh lazem aaoul
Maylalo aywa moshtaaalo
hashtaa a'ala toul

my state is like his

what are he busy for?
i'm thinking what i think
i don't have to say
i'm going toward him yes i miss him
i'll miss forever

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