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ARE YOU A HIGH ACHIEVER? One of the most important characteristics of a successful entrepreneur is the desire to be a high achiever.

The following ten questions are designed to help identify your achievement drive. Write the letter preceding your answer in the blank to the left of each. NO ITEMS ANSWER 1. An instructor in one of your college classes has asked you to vote on three grading options: a) Study the course material, take the exams, and receive the grade you earn b) Roll a dide and get an A if you roll an odd number and a D if you roll an even number c) Show up for all class lectures, turn in a short term paper, and get a C. Which of these option would you choose? 2 How would you describe yourself as a risk taker a) High, b) moderate, c) low 3. You have just been asked by your boss to take on a new project in addition to the many tasks you are already doing. What would you tell your boss? a) Since Im already snowed under, I cant handle any more. b) Sure, Im happy to help out; give it to me. c) Let me look over my current workload and get back to you tomorrow about whether I can take on any more work. 4 Which one of these people would you most like to be? a) Steve Job, founder of Apple Computers b) Lee lacocca of Chrysler fame c) Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric. 5

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