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sinus rhythm

sinus brady

sinus tachycacrdia

sinus arrhythmia

sinus arrest

sinus exit block

premature atrial contraction

atrial flutter

atrial fibrillation

junctional rhythm

accelerated junctional rhythm

premature junctional contraction

junctional escape beat

junctional tachycardia

1st degree heart block

2nd degree heart block type 1 (wenkebach) mobitz 1

2nd degree heart block type 2 (mobitz 2)

3rd degree heart block

ventricular fibrillation

Bundle branch block

Abnormal conduction through the bundle branches will cause a depolarization delay through the ventricular muscle, this delay shows as a widening of the QRS complex. Right Bundle Branch Block (RBBB) indicates problems in the right side of the heart. Whereas Left Bundle Branch Block (LBBB) is an indication of heart disease. If LBBB is present then further interpretation of the ECG cannot be carried out. Looking at the ECG you'll see that: Rhythm - Regular Rate - Normal QRS Duration - Prolonged P Wave - Ratio 1:1 P Wave rate - Normal and same as QRS rate P-R Interval Normal PVC

Ventricular tachycardia

idioventricular rhythm

accelerated idioventricular rhythm


pulseless electrical activity

myocardial infarct

Looking at the ECG you'll see that: Rhythm - Regular Rate - 80 Beats per minute QRS Duration - Normal P Wave - Normal S-T Element does not go isoelectric which indicates infarction

Atriaventricular pacing

Ventricular pacing

Atrial pacing

failure to capture

failure to sense

failure to pace

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