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Noise Pollution - nhim ting n ng bi gacdem lc 7/05/2010 10:45:00 CH // When unwanted sound created by human beings hits our

r ears and disturbs the environment, noise pollution is created. Chiefly, noise pollution comes from barking dogs, loud music, vehicles, aircraft and rail transport, air-conditioners, factories, amplified music and construction work. Khi nhng ting n khng mong mun c to ra bi con ngi, tc ng ti tai ca chng ta v nh hng n i sng, lc nhim ting n sinh ra. Ch yu ting n n t ting ch sa, ting nhc ln, my bay v giao thng ng st, h thng iu ha, cc nh my, m nhc khuch i v cng trnh xy dng. Sources of noise: All transportation systems create noise pollution. With residences created adjacent to factories, they experience noise pollution and its adverse effects. Besides transportation noise, noise can come from factory appliances, power tools and audio entertainment systems. Ngun gc sinh ra ting n: Ton b h thng giao thng vn ti u to ra nhim ting n. Vi nhng ngi nh gn cc khu cng nghip, h phi tri qua nhim ting n v mt s nh hng khc ca n. Bnh cnh ting n do giao thng vn ti, m thanh cn c th n t cc nh my sn xut thit b gia dng, dng c in v h thng m thanh gii tr. Measures of noise: Noise pollution is measured in decibels. When noise is at 45 decibels, no human being can sleep, and at 120 decibels the ear is in pain and hearing begins to be damaged at 85 decibels. n v o ting n: Mc nhim ting n c o bi dexiben. Khi ting n mc 45 dexiben, khng ai c th ng c v ti 120 dexiben, tai au v kh nng nghe b tn hi ti mc 85 dexiben. Effects of noise pollution Nhng nh hng ca nhim ting n Human health: Noise pollution disturbs our health and behavior in a number of ways including deafness, causing lack of sleep, irritability, indigestion, heartburn, high blood pressure, ulcers, and heart disease. Just one noise explosion from a passing truck drastically alters our endocrinal, neurological and cardiovascular functions in many individuals. If this is prolonged or frequent, the physiological disturbances become chronic and contribute to mental illness.

Sc khe ca con ngi: nhim ting n nh hng ti sc khe v hnh vi ca chng ta theo nhiu cch khc nhau gm c ic, thiu ng, kh chu, kh tiu, nng, huyt p cao v bnh tim. Ch cn ting n t mt chic xe ti i qua mnh lm thay i ti nhiu ngi tuyn ni tit, h thn kinh v tim mch. Nu iu ny ko di hoc thng xuyn, s ri lon sinh l tr thnh mn tnh v gp phn to nn bnh tm thn. Annoyance: Sometimes, even low levels of noise are irritating and can be frustrating, and high volumes can be annoying. Natural sounds are less irritating than those we find uncontrollable but intermittent sounds such as a tap dripping water can be more irritating than the sound of falling rain. S quy ry: i khi, ting n mc thp rt kh chu v gy bc bi v mc cao c th gy phin nhiu. Cc m thanh t nhin th t kh chu hn nhng g chng ta khng th kim sot nhng cc m thanh lin tc nh vi nc nh git c th kh chu hn nhiu so vi m thanh ca ma ri. Speech interference: Noise more than 50dB can be very difficult to hear and interpret and cause problems such as partial deafness. nh hng ti qu trnh giao tip: Ting n trn 50 dexiben c th gy kh nghe v gii thch, c th gy ra vic ic mt phn. Sleep interference: Very high levels of noise can wake people from their sleep with a jerk and keep them awake or disturb their sleep pattern. This could make them irritable and tired the next day. nh hng ti gic ng: Mc ting n rt cao c th nh thc mi ngi khi gic ng mt cch t ngt v lm h thc hoc lm quy ry gic ng ca ngi k bn. iu ny c th lm cho h rt kh chu v mt mi vo ngy hm sau. Decreased work performance: Increased noise levels gives rise to a lack of concentration and accuracy at work, and reduce ones productivity and performance. Difficult tasks can be impaired, and instructions or warnings difficult to be heard and interpreted, causing accidents. Gim nng sut lm vic:Mc ting n tng ln dn ti s thiu tp trung v chnh xc trong cng vic, lm gim hiu sut v nng sut sn xut. Cng vic nguy him cng vi ch dn v cnh bo kh c thng tin c th dn ti tai nn. How to avoid sources of noise pollution Lm cch no trnh cc ngun gc ca nhim ting n

Traffic: Dont live or work near major intersections or roads, shopping centers and sporting facilities. Valleys and falls are noisier than flat roads. Giao thng: ng sng gn nt giao thng ln, trung tm mua sm hoc cc c s th thao. Khu vc thung lng v thc nc th n hn so vi ng bng. Barking dogs: As a dog owner, you should take care to see that your dog doesnt annoy the neighbors with its barking and yowling. Ting ch sa: Nu l mt ngi ch ch, bn nn mt ti ch ch ca bn, ng ch lm bc mnh hng xm vi ting ch sa v ting tru. Aircraft: Before buying a home, see how far it is from the local airport. My bay: Trc khi mua nh, hy xem xt n cch xa bao nhiu so vi sn bay a phng. Neighbors: Be a good neighbor by not annoying those who live next door with your music or lawn mowing. Hng xm: Hy l mt ngi hng xm tt bng cch khng lm bc mnh nhng ngi sng cnh nh bn bi m nhc hay my ct c. Solving noise problems: Many noise problems can be prevented by considering others and talking through problems. Be a good and concerned neighbor by discussing a common problem calmly and in a collaborative spirit to find a common solution. Gii quyt cc vn ting n: Mt s vn c c ngn chn bng cch thng lng vi nhng ngi khc v ni r vn . Hy l mt ngi hng xm tt v c lo lng bng cch tho lun cc vn chung mt cch bnh tnh v trn tinh thn hp tc tm gii php chung. Ngun Ngi dch - Hunh Hng Quc Anh - STSV c thc hin bi STSV- Noise pollution By Green Living Tips | Published 03/27/2012 | home , business Noise pollution - an underrated environmental problem First published April 2008, last updated March 2012 Long gone are the days of pumping Metallica through my skull. To me, silence is golden nowadays - not necessarily total silence, but an environment free of mechanical, electrical and other forms of human generated noise as much as possible.

I feel I can think more clearly in a relatively noise-free environment and to be able to hear natural sounds that I otherwise wouldn't is wonderful. Many people haven't experienced this and I believe they are really missing out. Unfortunately, I will never be totally free from noise due to tinnitus (the perception of a constant ringing/buzzing and other various sounds) thanks to the time I've spent around industrial noise - and Metallica I guess :). In the days when I was a fisherman and pre-tinnitus, I experienced what would possibly be the closest thing to total silence. We were over 30 miles out to sea, so there was no land in sight and just drifting along with our lines. It was a flat calm day, the rest of the crew were sleeping; engines and other equipment were shut down and there wasn't even a sound of water lapping on the hull. No insects, no birds. It was quite an experience, one that gives the term "the silence was deafening" real meaning. I could hear my heart beating and every breath I took sounded like a shout. But that experience was an overkill of silence - some level of background sound is needed. Noise pollution however is a growing environmental problem it's far from just being an annoyance as it has very real negative effects on humans (beyond tinnitus) and animals. The effect of noise on humans In humans, it's been shown that exposure to moderately high levels of noise for an eight hour period can increase blood pressure and cause other cardiac issues - even if the person is not particularly consciously disturbed. Noise pollution can also cause gastric problems. Sometimes a person doesn't even realize their body is stressed by noise until the noise is no longer present - they just feel a sudden sense of relief. Exposure to excessively loud noise over long periods can also lead to partial deafness. Approximately 10 percent of people living in industrialized areas have substantial hearing loss and youngsters in the USA have an impaired hearing rate 250%

higher than their parents and grandparents. Noise also lies at the root of some violence - many assaults and murders can be attributed to a noise issue that spiralled out of control. Where noise is used to irritate or disrupt others, in my opinion it's also a form of assault. The effect of noise on the environment In nature, noise causes many adverse effects on animals and even plants - here are some examples:

Birds in a city need to call longer and louder than their country counterparts Birds that rely on hearing to help locate prey are seriously disadvantaged by industrial noise Noise disturbs feeding and breeding patterns of some animals and has been identified as a contributing factor of the extinction of some species. Aircraft noise and sonic booms have been implicated as a cause of lowered reproduction in a variety of animals. Military sonar has been responsible for the deaths of possibly thousands of dolphins and whales. Even outboard motor noise can confuse some whales and dolphins. In dairy cows, excessive noise reduces feed consumption, milk yield, and rate of milk release Noise causes increased incidence of miscarriages in caribou Intense noise can affect growth of chickens and egg production Canaries can suffer hearing damage at relatively low decibel levels if the noise is sustained Noise has also been shown to have a detrimental effect on the reproduction of some plants through interfering with pollinator or seed spreading activity. Traffic noise could be hampering the reproductive process of frogs in metropolitan areas by drowning out the mating calls of males. When squid, octopus and cuttlefish are subjected to low frequency sound, sever lesions can develop in their auditory structures

Imagine a world without noise I've often wondered how much quieter the world would be if every single combustion engine was switched off and all electrical equipment shut down for a few minutes simultaneously. After all, noise doesn't really disappear, like all energy it just changes form or dissipates. Given this, even if you're out in the middle of nowhere, does the sum total of all the human-generated noise in the world still affect that area? I suspect it does, even if it's only to a small degree - like pointing a torchlight at the moon. The light does hit it, but just so widely spread it's hardly detectable. Perhaps if all combustion engines were silenced briefly we may all fling ourselves off cliffs in blind panic? It's certainly something that most of the humans living on the planet today wouldn't be accustomed to. We are very noisy creatures and the din we create in its various forms is just another layer between us and fully appreciating the beauty of the natural world. Finding easily accessible quiet places, really quiet places, where the only noises are those of nature, is becoming increasingly difficult. Noise is very much underrated when it comes to environmental issues. We have our "turn out the lights" days, "don't drive" days - I'd love to see a "no noise" hour initiative. Unfortunately, most people don't know what quiet is and if we don't teach our children, they will never appreciate the concept of a noise-free experience. Our usual reaction to dealing with noise is to add more noise for example, turning up the TV or yelling. We simply don't know what we're blocking out, and what we don't know, we don't miss. Playing your part in reducing noise Noise is something we can all do something about; whether it's fixing a faulty muffler on your car, turning down our music a little so our neighbors don't have to listen to it or making the

effort when out in the wild not to yell and shout unnecessarily. Here are some other tips for noise reduction:

Cell phones ringing annoy the hell out of many people keeps yours to the lowest level practicable If you have to raise your voice to have a conversation, something is wrong; so see what noise sources around in your immediate environment that you have control over. Discourage your dogs from barking unnecessarily for extended periods. Barking dogs feature heavily in disputes between neighbors. Institute a quiet time in your household's routine Make special efforts to keep noise to a minimum at night and early in the morning as these are times when people are trying to unwind or sleep Believe me, very few people want to hear your music, no matter how cool you think it is. There's other ways to make social statements that are likely more effective and will have a more positive response :) If you do want to turn your stereo up; ensure the doors and windows are closed and reduce the bass levels as bass travels even through brick walls quite easily. If your lifestyle is a particularly rowdy one, consider planting more shrubs and trees around your property. Not only will this reduce noise affecting your neighbors, you'll provide shelter and food for animals (if they can tolerate the din) and also play a part in greenhouse gas reduction. Swapping over a car or motorbike muffler to something that increases the noise substantially as a result isn't cool; it's irresponsible and inconsiderate. A four-cylinder car will still sound like a 4 cylinder car that is now trying too hard to be something it isn't. A dirt bike with this sort of modification could attract the wrong sort of attention and a loud exhaust will set fauna in a wide area on edge. It's been my unfortunate experience most dirt-bike riders are pretty much oblivious to just how far sound carries out in the boonies; or they simply don't care.

Teaching our kids about quiet If you have children, please take them out into the woods or forests, as far away from human activity as possible and get them to sit and just listen for a while. It may not have much

effect on them immediately, but it's something they may remember and cherish years later - a point of reference for what a more environmentally harmonious life should be. Also do it just for yourself from time to time - it can be a very soothing experience in what is becoming an increasingly complicated existence.

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