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Fix xing t C the Comp puter Guy Pos e r y sture Low back/h st wer b hip tabilit ty

Lets look at ideal postu for a minute. Look at your profile in the t ure e mirror. Chan nces are you gonna find that your head is jutt ure r ting forward, or that your sh houlders are slumped for rward coupled with a hunchbac posture, o that your lower back is so arched t ck or s that your stomach pro otrudes forw ward, giving you the skinny gut. Pe eople are under the m mistaken imp pression that working ou hard in the gym t ut will fix this. Lets make o thing cle - what yo do in the gym one ear ou only cemen what you have. If you have bad p nts u posture, heav lifting vy makes it wo orse. If you have good po osture, heavy lifting mak it kes better. Of co ourse there a exceptio to this, but for the majority are ons of the popu ulation, thats the norm. s This pos is about an st nterior pelvic tilt, the mo common posture dys c ost sfunction. I w address will posterio pelvic tilt in another post. How do you know if you have an anterior pelvic tilt? Look at or o f your bel If you belt points towa lt. t ards the floo you have an anterior pelvic tilt. Or, look sidew or, ways in the mirror. does you butt stick o ur out? Chance are that yo have an a es ou anterior pelv tilt. Im go vic onna break ba posture in 2 sections, lower body and upper body. The lo ad n , y ower body in nfluences the upper e body, bu upper bod doesnt always influence the lower body. ut dy

The classic bad guys in APT are t s tight hip fle exors couple with a tig rectus f ed ght femoris (qua ads) and lumbar erectors (lo ower back). The weakened muscle are the glute max, ha es amstrings a the and abs (mo ostly the rect abdomin and external oblique Most peo tus nus es). ople think th the hams hat strings are tight in this position and stre t etch the hec out of them, but the h ck hamstrings a actually in a are lengthen state s ned stretching th hem will only make it wo y orse. Due to antagonist d dominance, the glute ma will not fire to its max ax ximum capac and to p up for th slack, the adductor m city pick his e magnus and the hamstrings will be force to step in. this leads to hamstring pulls and groin pulls. H ed g Have you ever hea of an ath ard hlete sufferin from glute pulls? ng e

Steps 1) 2) 3) 4) Lenghten th Hip Flexor he rs Activate and strengthen the glutes A d n Lower back stretching Strenghtening abs S

LungeSt tretch Lengthen nthehipflex xors ndsperleg 30secon

Movehip,n notlowerbac ck. Squeezebut ttoflegbehindyou. Pushhipsfo orward,rotat tehips slightlyfrom msidetoside e.

HipCircu uit HipMob bility esinbothdirections 10circle 10abductions(move elegsideway ys) rdogs(kickle egup) 10super GluteBr ridges Activate thentheglut tes. andstrengt n 15slowmovementsupanddown CookHip pLift Advance edgluteactiv vation. achleg 10forea

Movehipsupby es. squeezingglute

Kee eptennisball betweenlegand cage.Squeez zeother ribc glut te.Raiseseveral inch hes.Isolateg glute from mlower bac ck/hamstring gs. Keepyourspin nein oneline,raiseupper gfocussingo onthe leg glu utemuscles.

Clam bility HipMob achleg 10forea

HalfsquatHalfDead dlift ngposteriorchain Activatin achleg 10forea

Ben ndover/squa atdownunti illyou asu umethisposi ition.Moveu upby usin nghips.

CatandCamelStretch thelowerbac ck Stretcht 10x

Donotstretchthebac ckvia etches traditionalflexionstre likethetoetouchstretch. itisadecent tlumbar Althoughi stretch,itputsalotof f onthespinaldiscs pressureo andcanm makeabadba ack worse.

DeadBu ug Train/tig ghtenabdom minalmuscles s. 10repet titions Plank ghtenabdom minalmuscles s. Train/tig 60secon ndplank

P Pullbellybutt ton in nwards.Pullknees andarmsup.Lower eftlegandright le arm.Alternat te. Kneess shouldhaveavery slightbendinthem.You ouldbetightwitha abssho slightar rchinthelow wer backan ndthebuttshould besque eezedhard. Hips ds Quad Calve es ITBand

FoamRo olling

Fix xing t C the Comp puter Guy r y Low back/h st wer b hip tabilit ty
Before, I talked abou the anterior pelvic tilt and how to fix it. If you havent read that, pleas do. ut o d se This pos shall be ab st bout the upp body dys per sfunction tha normally accompanie the lower body at a es issues. B lets get one thing str But o raight you can fix the u upper body as much as y want, bu unless you ut the lowe body is op er ptimally align the upp body wil not be. The upper body is a slave t the ned, per ll e to lower bo Fix the l ody. lower body a the upp body get a lot bette Fix the upper body an the and per ts er. nd lower bo will not necessarily f ody follow. I hop you under pe rstand this. Most people in todays socie have the t ety Qua asimodo loo the bent upper back with ok, k slum mped shoulders and a ne that juts out. This eck can b lead to a lot of tensio in the up be on pper trap and the le ps evator scapulae, can lea to the ad open mouth bre n eathing, and in some cas can ses, lead to migraine The tight muscles in this es. t nario are usually the pec minor, the lats and scen som metimes, the upper abs. The stretch out e . hed muscles are the rhomboids, the mid and lower d traps and the th s, horacic exten nsors. Remem mber the h hamstrings f from yesterd days article? The ? levat and trap are the eq tors ps quivalent of the hamstrin as in, they are in a st ngs, tretched pos sition. Look at this picture of the hea jutting fo ad orward. The leva ators have to always be a o active, or else the head is gonna succumb to gra avity. Stretch hing them wi only make the matter worse. The t ill e trick is to ge the thoracic spine back into its nat et tural curves, a to get th head into a more neu and he o utral position floating on top of the body. n Foamro ollingThoracicSpine DeFranc co'sUpperbo odywarmup p 10times scentered 10times sleft 10times sright Separatescapula S andfoamrollupper a back,10time b es centered c

Extendin ngthoracics spine Thoracic cmobility 10reps

Extendin ngthoracics spine Thoracic cmobility 10reps

Puta armsonlowbench, push hdownthec chest.

WallPec cStretch 45secon ndseacharm m

Grab bdoorledgeo orcolumn.G Gently push hchestforwa ardduringst tretch

LatsStre etch 45secon ndsperarm

Holdbeam,lean nbacktilllats s tched. stret

ShoulderStretch Holdfor60seconds

Handsback k.Slide bodyforwa ardstill stretchyfee elingin shouldersis sfelt.

Shoulderdislocation ns 15reps

Startwide,useropeorbroomstick.Tilt chyourbutt.Grip armsaroundtillyoutuc enthingsloos senup. tighterwhe

Scapular rWallSlide Scapular rdepressionandretraction o 10reps

Mu uscleactivati ionmidback k.Get the eelbowsaslowaspossib ble wit thoutoverar rchingthelow wer bac ck.

ChinTuc ck Deepnec ckflexors 10reps

ChinTucks s:Standwith hback andheada against wall.Keep pingbackofheadto wall,rollchindowntow wards neck.Itisaverysmall t. movement

ReverseCrunch Preventlordosis/kyphosis tenAbs Strenght 3*max

Lieba ackontheflo oor.Flexyou urknees.Rai iseyourknee es again nstyourhead dbycrunchin ngyourabs.Keepfeetdo own, legss squeezedandheadonth hefloor.Putpelvisonflo oorafter eachrep.Workabs,notflexo ors.Dontletlegscomep past endicular. perpe

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