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RSP 150412 “This tay that he prota baling pojc nmol “Cats Rl const on lt bean 5. Non 68,60 OD, 70,71. ee 19, 7a P78, UI, 95, TGP, 42, 44ND, BOMB, 52 SAAD, Sort, saza seo, banda 9A, SC, mea, 58, 6,602, ea/, ena, SOC, 612, ame, Ga, s20/e, are, 2A, 6298 62, 6296, 62H, 6A, 62/8, eREA. 6/50, 61, ‘Sombie, Gudea, Gon, e860, ena BSA G38, Svs, GOA. CaB. GO, ot 67,8, 77%, ‘Ta, Tls The, Tis, 7G, 72, Sr 02,008, VTA, B17, ez, aN, $229 6, 9 Bu, ove fr, a7, 97H, SOA, SBA, 08720, 29K, 10, 10VTA, LOVB, VIC, 10v2, oa Tose, i728, fore, Oran 107, TO7|aC, TTA. 11a, THEO, 1170 of wags {Ghost Det = Thane fr Company Nemo: Ladha Dwar Pt i, Plas on the above-sferel_propary have been approved by MMRDA vide Commencement Cortete Undor NOTCPMER-GEL OPLCCAI"G deled 01.10.2010, as Sear I of Proposed ‘egesty Proj at Vilage Ugh, Ni, Kala ana Ghasar of Talla, Kalyan, Dist. Thane ‘Based on visual inspection of tha works at i by our project nginoors long wth be canis projet fraragernont tam we cert tat th bullnge under rferanes se under consicton and wom Cormplbiod a8 on 1508 12 a los “The buldings under rfeenc are unde onstuaon and work completed as on 15.04.12 totows" S.No. ‘BuLDINGS ‘acres 1 cuter Geneve | 1s nied 2 enster Genes 8 | Pnth works progres 3 [cuter Geneve | 4 sabin progres. "Fala nated 4 Jcumters Geneve rick wv in progress at tit and 1 & 2 Nor, lab workin progress. 5 | tutors Genence ik workin peogrese at tit an 1" Moor. Pla in progress 6 | users GeneaF rick workin progress at sit 1 or. Testers GenevisG | sabin progres. 8 [eivaee SGonovat [1 abn prowess. ‘hster7Arabiara [9 slob complete hick worl in progress at lor. Intemat platring works sin progress at oor. External plastering works in progress. Seat Sl RAMEE. aap «nee «ren «te Ae RSP Sr No ‘Acres 10 ster7Aeabiam ‘Paabcomplete, Dick works in progress at 8 oor. Intra plastering works In progress at lor. eral plastering workin progress eter? Aeabians lb late. ick workisin progress a 3 8 5" or. Internal plastering works at" 82" ornate 2 er Arabien "slab complete Brick work sin progress a 3,5 & 6 oor. Internal plartering works 3.2" floor tiated a tee 7 Arabia ‘sab complete rie work isin progress a 86" oor ‘eternal paserg works at" 8.2" fer intated we Geter habia ‘9 Sab complete. ‘rick work isin progres at 8 oor. Internal plastering work sin progres 2 6" flor. Exteral platring work's in progress. 5 cluster? arabian Fb complete. Bick works in progrssat 3 8 6 lor. 16 ctuster? pean sab complete abies. rik works in progress. 2% 38 4 Noor fa ser 8 Ata Pala complete ick works in progress a2", 3 4" & 6 or hater 8 Adit ‘sth sab inte, ick works in progress at 1% 38.5" oor. 19 Cuter 8 Adriatic "slab works progres. ick waksin progress 21% 38 Alor 20 ‘ster Adit D 1 slab works progress. 21 ‘Custer Adit Scab workie mn progres 2 Custer 8 Aditi Fala uated, 2 ‘ster 20 ceara A ‘slab complete. ‘ick workat 6° & 7° faorsin progress Iota stein progress 3 8.5" fos. cluster200cear8 8 ‘sth sab compete. ick work isin progres at 6 & 7" oor Inter plstring works in progress at 38 5° Noor _ARSP sie URDINGS Fash complete. 25 Jousertooceanac | prick workin promressat & & floor. Intel plastering works nated at 1 & 3 or. SP sabcomplete, Bick worksin progress a" 85" lor. 26 |cuser100cn0n20 | eral plastering works nated at 1 6.3 lor. "slab complete. ick work sin progress at 8.5" lor. 27 [ouster 10 0%anae | inernalplstring workintiste at "8.2" for. 728 [Guster 10 demane [1 sab works in prowess. ‘SF Siab complete. ck work at sit, 2% 4°, $*&.6 Noor iin progress. 29 | cuter waa Interna plastering work nated. "Pslab works progrss. 30_| cusers1vna8 rick works in progress at "82" or. Fab complete 31 | custert1vnac Dik works in progress at "5,6 7%, 3 & teraca. Intermal plasterin work in progress at" , 2" 83" or tema plastering work sin progres. Sth dab complete, 22__| ouster11 via, rick worksin progress a1", 2% 4&5" or. slab complete 33_|ousert1vvae ick work isin progress at 1% 3 4" 8S" Moor. ab nated. 4__| cucter2Amazona&__| beikwork a st 81 floorintited. '35 | custers2Amazona 8 [1 sb worksin progress. sab nite. 36 | custer12Amazoac | tick wookisn ropes at sit sn progress 37 | custer12Amarona | 5b complete 38_|cueter12Amarona€ | 6 sab initiate. cab complete, 39_|outer12Amazenat | s*siab eomplte 120 | custer 12 amaronaG | s* sab nite. ‘SF slab works nprowres 1_|outerrsvoan | srekworktsin progress tx & 2 Noor “42 Guster 13 Volea8 [ssl work sn progres. ie work isin progress atti" 8 2" for. _} 2 ab works in progres. 42_[ewstertavorge | sekwork tiated at 1 for.

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