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Bui 7a: VB.

Net DataBinDing
Mc tiu ca bi: S dng c cc DataTable, DataView, DataSet, DataRelation, kt hp vi BindingSource, BingdingNavigator... : Qun l v Lin kt d liu vo cc Control c thuc tnh (Properties) Dadabinding thng dng nh:

DataGridView, TextBox, Combobox DateTimePicker RadioButton CheckBox

Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.

BindingSource: gi ngun d liu cho vic qun l v hin th d diu, thng c ly t mt DataSet; i tng c sn trong phn thit k thuc phn Data ca ToolBox hoc c to to i tng bng Code: Dim bdsTn as New BindingSource() Properties: DataSource: ly ngun d liu t DataSet DataMember: tn bng c Fill trong DataSet Filter: Lc d liu t ngun d liu c ly, iu kin lc ging i tng DataView bi trc C php: bdsTn.DataSource = <Bin DataSet> bdsTn.DataMember = <Tn table>
Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.

BindingNavigator l i tng c sn trong phn thit k thuc phn Data ca ToolBox; BindingNavigator Gip qun l vic di chuyn cc dng d liu v First, Next, Last, Previous Properties:
BindingSource: ly ngun d liu t bin BindingSource

C php:
TnbdNavigate.BindingSource = <bin BindingSource>

Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.

VD: BindingNavigator

Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.

Binding to DataGridView
C php ly d liu t DataTable: dgvTn. DataSource = <Bin DataTable> C php ly d liu t DataView: dgvTn. DataSource = <Bin DataView> C php ly d liu t DataSet: dgvTn. DataSource = <Bin DataSet> dgvTn. DataMember = <Tn Bng> C php ly d liu t BinDingSource: dgvTn. DataSource = <Bin BidingSource>
Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.

Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.

Thuc tnh v phng thc (DataGridView - dgv)

Column: tp hp (Collection) cc thnh phn d liu lin quan n cc ct ca DataGridView Column(i).Name: tn ca ct th i Column(i).DataPropertyname: tn ct th i tng ng vi tn ct ca table trong CSDL Column(i).Width: quy nh chiu rng cho ct i Column(i).HeaderText: nh li tiu ct cho i Column(i).ColumnType: quy nh ct th i l mt Textbox, CheckBox, Combobox, Button, Image hoc link
Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.

Thuc tnh v phng thc (DataGridView - dgv)

Column(i).DefaultCellStyle.Alignment:nh dng d liu trong ct l Left, Right, Center Rows(i).Cell(j).Value: Get or Set gi tr cho hng i, ct j Rows(i).Selected=True/False chn/khng chn hng i MultiSelect = True/False cho php chn hay khng cho php chn nhiu dng
Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.

S kin (Event of DataGridView - dgv)

CellClick(sender,e): Thc thi khi click vo mt Cell () bt k trn dgv CellEnter(sender,e): Thc thi khi Cell () bt k trn dgv c chn (hay focus) Tham s e ca 2 Event trn c 2 thuc tnh quan trng truy xut d liu ti Cell l: e.RowIndex: tr v th t dng ca Cell hin hnh e.ColumnIndex: tr v th t ct ca Cell hin hnh Kt hp thuc tnh Rows(i).Cell(j).Value vi 2 Event ny truy xut d liu ti Cell hin hnh (ct, dng u tin c tnh t 0).
Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.

Private Sub TaoTieuDe() dgvSanPham.Columns(0).HeaderText = "M" dgvSanPham.Columns(0).Width = 40 dgvSanPham.Columns(0).DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter dgvSanPham.Columns(1).HeaderText = "Loi" dgvSanPham.Columns(1).Width = 40 dgvSanPham.Columns(1).DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter dgvSanPham.Columns(2).HeaderText = "Tn sn phm" dgvSanPham.Columns(2).Width = 165 dgvSanPham.Columns(3).HeaderText = "VT" dgvSanPham.Columns(3).Width = 50 dgvSanPham.Columns(3).DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter dgvSanPham.Columns(4).HeaderText = "n gi" dgvSanPham.Columns(4).Width = 70 dgvSanPham.Columns(4).DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight End Sub
Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.

Binding to Combobox v ListBox

Khi Binding d liu Combobox hoc Listbox th d liu s c hin th t ng thng qua ngun d liu sn c ca CSDL. C php: controlTn.DataSource = <Bin DataSoucre> controlTn.DisplayMember = <Tn ct hin th> controlTn.ValueMember = <Tn ct ly d liu> Ghi ch: <Bin DataSoucre> L ngun d liu ly t DataTable, DataView, DataSet, hoc thng qua BinDingSource; <Tn ct > y l ct ca table no trong CSDL khi ta fill t DataAdapter
Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.

Binding to Combobox v ListBox (tt)

Ghi ch: Chng ta thng ly d liu ca Combobox hoc Listbox theo thuc tnh SelectedItem or SelectedText; Trong trng hp ta dng Binding hin th v ly d liu x l (vit code) t mt Combobox hoc Listbox Chng ta phi dng thuc tnh SelectedValue v lc d liu c ly l ct <Tn ct ly d liu> ca thuc tnh controlTn.ValueMember = <Tn ct ly d liu> Trong khi : controlTn.DisplayMember = <Tn ct hin th> ch d nhim v hin th thng tin trn mn hnh.
Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.

Private Sub ComboboxKhachHang()
' Khai bao Tao doi tuong trong Class clsData tai file clsData.vb

Dim objData As New clsData

' Goi ham GetDataTable trong Class clsData

cboKhachHang.DataSource = objData.GetDataTable("sp_KhachHang") cboKhachHang.DisplayMember = "TenCty" cboKhachHang.ValueMember = "MaKH" End Sub

Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.

Binding to Textbox
C php: controlTn.DataBindings.Add(Text,ds, Bang.Cot) Trong : controlTn: Tn TextBox ds: DataSet c fill t DataAdapter trc Bang.Cot: Bang l tn table c Fill vo DataSet t DataAdapter Cot l tn ct (Column) thuc table Bang
Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.

Binding to DateTimePicker
C php: controlTn.DataBindings.Add(Value,ds, Bang.Cot) Trong : controlTn: Tn DateTimePicker ds: DataSet c fill t DataAdapter trc Bang.Cot: Bang l tn table c Fill vo DataSet t DataAdapter Cot l tn ct (Column) thuc table Bang
Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.

Binding to RadioButton & CheckBox

C php: Tn.DataBindings.Add(Checked,ds, Bang.Cot) --------------------------------------------------------Ghi ch: Tt c cc control c chc nng DataBindings u c phng thc Clear xa tt c cc d liu Binding trc (thng dng chc nng ny reset li d liu). Trc khi dng Databindings.Add ta nn dng phng thc Clear trc mi control cn Binding. C php: controlTn.DataBindings.Clear()
Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.

BindingManager: qun l tt c cc i tng c gn kt (Binding) d liu trn cng mt DataSoure v DataMember thng qua i tng BindingContext Khai bo: Dim TnBin As BindingManagerBase TnBin = Me.BindingContext(ds, Table) Trong : * ds: l 1 Dataset c fill t DataAdapter * Table: l tn bng c fill trong bin ds
Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.

Thuc tnh ca BindingManagerBase

Count: Tr v s dng (Row) d liu c qun l bi BindingManagerBase Position: Get or Set v tr hin ti ca dng d liu hin hnh. Ngha l khi cc TextBox, DateTimePicker, Combobox c Binding khi Position thay i th cc d liu hin th trn cc i tng ny cng thay i theo. V tr u tin c tnh t 0->count-1

Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.


Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.


VD: Binding d liu vo cc TextBox

Gi phng thc ny trc Databindings.Add Private Sub ClearBinDingTextBox() txtLoai.DataBindings.Clear() txtMa.DataBindings.Clear() txtTen.DataBindings.Clear() txtDVT.DataBindings.Clear() txtGia.DataBindings.Clear() End Sub

Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.



VD: Binding d liu vo cc TextBox

Gi phng thc Databindings.Add Private Sub BinDingTextBox() txtLoai.DataBindings.Add("Text", ds, "SanPham.LoaiID") txtMa.DataBindings.Add("Text", ds, "SanPham.MaSP") txtTen.DataBindings.Add("Text", ds, "SanPham.TenSP") txtDVT.DataBindings.Add("Text", ds, "SanPham.DVT") txtGia.DataBindings.Add("Text", ds, "SanPham.DonGia") bdManager = Me.BindingContext(ds, "SanPham") End Sub

Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.


VD v di chuyn d liu theo BindingManagerBase

Private Sub btnFirst_Click(sender, e) Handles btnFirst.Click bdManager.Position = 0 End Sub Private Sub btnPrevious_Click(sender, e) Handles btnPrevious.Click bdManager.Position -= 1 End Sub Private Sub btnNext_Click(sender, e) Handles btnNext.Click bdManager.Position += 1 End Sub Private Sub btnLast_Click(sender, e) Handles btnLast.Click bdManager.Position = bdManager.Count End Sub
Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.


Content Component:
DataRelation: cha cc mi rng buc trong CSDL, c th cha: * Unique Constraint or Primary Key Constraint: m bo tnh duy nht v gi tr ca mt ct trong table * Foreign Key Constraint: rng buc kha ngoi

Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.


DataRelation & DataSet

DataRelation: cho php thit lp mi quan h rng buc gia 2 i tng DataTable. Vic to quan h ny phi tha mn iu kin sau: Ct ca bng Cha (mt) c quan h vi bng Con
(nhiu) phi l kha chnh (Primary Key) hoc phi tha mn yu cu v tnh duy nht (Unique) Ch c th thit lp mi quan h gia 2 bng trong cng mt DataSet

Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.



DataRelation & DataSet

C php khai bo DataRelation: Dim BienQH as new DataRelation (Tn,CtCha, CtCon) Trong : Tn: l tn Bng quan h c t ty theo lp trnh vin CtCha: L mt DataColum c ct quan h vi Table Con CtCon: L mt DataColum c ct quan h vi Table Cha C php a DataRelation vo DataSet:
Gi d ds l bin DataSet c khai bo Gi l bi b

ds. Relations.Add(BienQH)

Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.


Gi s bin ds bin dataset, cn bin kt ni CSDL c khai bo

Private Sub TaoQuanHe() Dim daCha As New OleDbDataAdapter("select * From Khoa, cn) Dim daCon As New OleDbDataAdapter("select * From SinhVien, cn) daCha.Fill(ds, Khoa") daCon.Fill(ds, SinhVien") Dim CotCha, CotCon As DataColumn CotCha = ds.Tables(Khoa").Columns(MaKH") CotCon = ds.Tables(SinhVien").Columns(MaKH") Dim QHe As new DataRelation(KhoaSV",CotCha,CotCon) ds.Relations.Add(QHe) End Sub
Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.


Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.


Xem Code

Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.



Bui 7b: Kim sot nhp liu

Mc ch ca 2 Event trn l kim sot vic nhp d liu ng n theo tiu ch ca ngi lp trnh, thng dng cho TextBox kt hp vi phng thc Focus v cc Event nh: Validting, LostFocus, TextChanged, KeyPress v phng thc Focus: chuyn cursor v ng v tr ca TextBox cn nhp. Focus: Khi c gi Cursor s t ng nhy v v tr ca TextBox . C php: tnTextBox.Focus
Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.

Kim sot nhp liu LostFocus: Event t ng pht sinh khi cursor c di chuyn sang control khc KeyPress: Event t ng pht sinh khi chng ta g phm bt k vo TextBox TextChanged: Event t ng pht sinh khi chng ta gi tr trong TextBox c thay i Validting: tng t nh LostFocus, nhng s pht sinh ra mt Icon i km vi thng bo li c kt hp vi i tng ErrorProvider
Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.


V d: v Event LostFocus v Method Focus

Private Sub txtMa_LostFocus(sender, e) Handles txtMa.LostFocus txtMa_LostFocus(sender, If txtMa.Text = "" Then MessageBox.Show("D liu khng c rng", "Cng bo", MessageBox.Show("D li r "C b MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) txtMa.Focus() End If End Sub

Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.


V d: v Event TextChanged
Private Sub TextBoxName_TextChanged(..) Handles TextBoxName_TextChanged( ..) txtGia.TextChanged, txtDVT.TextChanged, txtMa.TextChanged, txtTen.TextChanged Dim KiemSoatNhap As Boolean KiemSoatNhap = txtGia.Text = "" Or txtDVT.Text = "" Or txtMa.Text = "" Or txtTen.Text = "" If KiemSoatNhap = True Then btnLuu.Enabled = False Else btnLuu.Enabled = True End If End Sub
Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.


Private Sub TextBoxName_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal TextBoxName_TextChanged( Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtGia.TextChanged, txtDVT.TextChanged, txtMa.TextChanged, txtTen.TextChanged Dim KiemSoatNhap As Boolean = False Dim ctrl As Control For Each ctrl In Me.GroupBox1.Controls Me.GroupBox1.Controls If (TypeOf ctrl Is TextBox) Then If CType(ctrl, TextBox).Text = "" Then KiemSoatNhap = True Exit For End If End If Next If KiemSoatNhap = True Then btnLuu.Enabled = False Else btnLuu.Enabled = True End If End Sub
Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.

V d: v Event KeyPress
Private Sub txtGia_KeyPress (sender, e) Handles txtGia. KeyPress Dim c As Char ' khai bo bin c l kiu k t b bi l ki t c = e.KeyChar ' Char.IsDigit(c) ch nhn k t t 0-9; Chr(8) k t xa tri ch nh t t tr If Not Char.IsDigit(c) And c <> Chr(8) Then Char.IsDigit(c) ' e.Handled Remove the character khng hin k t hi t e.Handled = True MsgBox(Phi nhp s nguyn > 0") MsgBox( Ph nh s End If End Sub
Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.


V d: v Event KeyPress
Private Sub txtGia_KeyPress (sender, e) Handles txtGia. KeyPress Dim c As Char ' khai bo bin c l kiu k t b bi l ki t c = e.KeyChar ' ch nhn k t t 0-9 v k t xa tri l phm BackSpace ch nh t v t tr l ph If ( c < Chr(48) Or c > Chr(57) ) And c <> Chr(8) Then e.Handled = True ' Remove the character ErrorProvider1.SetError(sender, "Nhp s nguyn >0") ErrorProvider1.SetError(sender, "Nh s Else ErrorProvider1.SetError(sender, "") ' Reset no Error ErrorProvider1.SetError(sender, End If End Sub ' Trong VD ny dng ErrorProvider1.SetError cnh bo thay v n d ErrorProvider1.SetError b v dng MessageBox
Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.

Bng Char cc phm

Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.



i tng ErrorProvider
ErrorProvider: l i tng dng cnh bo li c 2 phng thc t d b l c th thng dng l SetError v GetError th d l SetError: cho hin th thng bo li v mt Icon xut hin ngay SetError: hi th b l v xu hi cnh control C php: TnErrorProvider. SetError(Control, Thng bo) ph b VD: ErrorProvider1.SetError(sender, "Nhp s nguyn >0") ErrorProvider1.SetError(sender, "Nh s VD: ErrorProvider1.SetError(sender, "") ErrorProvider1.SetError(sender, C php: TnErrorProvider. GetError(Control) ph VD: ErrorProvider1.GetError(sender) ErrorProvider1.GetError(sender) ' Reset no Error GetError: Ly gi tr chui thng bo trong SetError GetError: gi tr chu b

Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.


Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.



V d: v Event Validting
Private Sub txtMa_Validating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles txtMa.Validating 'If CType(sender, TextBox).Text.Trim = "" Then If sender.Text.Trim = "" Then ErrorProvider1.SetError(sender, Khng c rng") ErrorProvider1.SetError(sender, r e.Cancel = True Else ErrorProvider1.SetError(sender, "") ' Reset no Error ErrorProvider1.SetError(sender, End If End Sub Ghi ch: c php e.Cancel = True trn s kha ton b chc nng ph kh to b ch ch ca chng trnh (ngoi tr Application.Exit) cho ti khi nhp tr (ngo tr t nh ng d liu theo yu cu ca lp trnh lc chng trnh mi d li c c l tr l tr m ha ng tip tc ti t
Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.

V d: v Event Validting tng qut

Private Sub txtName_Validating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles txtMa.Validating, txtDVT.Validating, txtTen.Validating, txtGia.Validating If CType(sender, TextBox).Text.Trim = "" Then CType(sender, ErrorProvider1.SetError(sender, Khng c rng") ErrorProvider1.SetError(sender, r e.Cancel = True Else ErrorProvider1.SetError(sender, "") ' Reset no Error ErrorProvider1.SetError(sender, End If End Sub
Windows Form programming with VB.Net 2005.


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