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Registered No __ _


1994 Solicitation
PF Preface
GO Glossary and Definitions
PP Planning Procedure
CC Connection Conditions
OP Operat ing Procedures:
OPl Demand Forecasting
OP2 Maintenance Scheduling
OP) Operational Planning
OP4 Operating Margin
OPS Monitor i ng and Testing
OP6 Operational Liaison
OP7 Safety Liaison
OPS Contingency Planning
sop Scheduling and Dispatch Procedures:
SOPl Generation Scheduling
SOP2 Generation Dispatch
SOP) Frequency and Voltage Control
General provisions
Grid Code Review
PF. 1.2
PF . 2.1.l
The full of interconnect ion of
individual Pover Planta with centres of Demand,
via a High volta ga Tranamission syst .. , Can only
he realised fully if the System is subject to a
certain level of central control. In particular,
(1), the development and maintenance of both the
Transmission System and the Power Plants must be
co-ordinated and (2), the powe r Plant. must be
subj e ct to Cantral, Karit order, Di.patch. The
electricity Syst-= in Thailand has been operated
by EGAT in accordance with these principles by
means of int ernal Procedures .
The introduction of Power Plants , owned and
operated by Independent Power Producers (IPPs),
on the System requires that these internal
Proceduras are published and that comp liance with
these procedura. i s .andatory for both EGAT and
IPPs. This Grid Coda represents the published
version of these Procadures.
The Grid coda consists of the following main
Glossary and Definitions
A list of technical terms used in t he individual
Proce dures, with their definitions .
Technical and design criteria and Procedure. to
be f ollowed in the p lanning of developDents to
the Trans.ission Syst.m, including information to
be provided by Ganeratora.
procedure covering :
(a) the technical r equirements which must be
met by a Generator before connection to
the Trans.isaion system is allowed ; and
the procedure to be followed by EGAT and
a Generator in seeking permission for

operating procedures
PF' - 1
PF !continued)
A series of proeeduras covering the operation ot
the Transmission Syatem, External Intarconnactora
and Ganeration, including:
(a) preparation Of Demand Foraeasta,
Sohedu1ing and Diapatch timesca1es;
(b) planning of Transmi.sion, External
Interconnaetor and Generation Maintenance
Outages; and
(c) operational liaison, covering, safety,
communications and EVent and Incident
reporting _
sohedul ing and Dispatch Proceduraa
A series of Procedures covering the Scheduling
and Dispatch of Ganerating Units, including:
(a) daily submission, by Generatora, of
information on Capaoity available and
Operating characteriatics of their Dnits;
(a) daily submission, by Externally
Interconnected Partiee, of information on
Capacity availabl. and r.ports and
Exports expected across their External
I nterconnactora;
(e) preparation Of the naily aeneration
Program; and
(d) DispatCh of Generating Units.
General conditions
The Ganeral conditions part of tho arid code is
designed to achieve three ends:
(a) A section covering general communications
between EGAT, Eternally Interconnected
Partie. and the aenerators;
(b) the rules covering nunforseen
circumstances" ;
(c) the rules covering the granting ot
derogations to the G r i ~ CodB; and
(d) the rules controlling modifications to,
and issue of, the Grid Code.
PF - 2

GD . 1
GD . 3.2
The and Definitions GD is intended to:
(a) define the rules for the construction of
references and matters ot general
interpretation Of the Grid Code; and
{h) provide a list of Dafined Taraa and the
meaning that thay take in the context of
the Grid Coda.
The objective of GO is t o reduce the chance of the
provisions of t he Grid Coda be ing mi sunderstood .
The table of contents, the preface and any headings
are inserted for convenience and Shall be ignored
in construing the Grid Code.
Unlass the context otherwise requires, all
references to a part icular paragraph, sub-
paragraph, Appendix or SChedule Shall be a
reference to that paragraph, sub-paragraph,
Appendix or Schedule in or to that part of the Grid
Code in Which the reference is made.
Unless the context otherwise requires, all
referencas to BGAT are to EGAT:
{a) in its rol e as owner and operator of the
Transmission System; and
{b) 1n its role as overall co-ordinator of the
Trans.ission System and the Pover Plants
and EKternal Interconnectors connected to
this including its role of central
scheduling and Oispatch of Generation and
Importa and across External
Unless the context otherwise requires, the singular
shall inclUde the plural and vice versa, references
to gander shall include ell other ganders and any
references to persons shall inClude any individual,
body corporate, corporation, joint venture, trust,
unincorporated association, organisation, firm,
GO - 1
GO (continued)
GO. 3 .B
partnership and any other entity, in each case
whether or not having a separate legal personality.
Reference to "in writing" or "written" inClude
typewriting, printing, l i thography, facsimile and
other ways of reproducing words in a legible e nd
non- transitory way and, where this has been agreed
by EGAT, messages sent vie a computer to computer
data link.
Where the alos,ary and Definitions refers to any
word or terril which is more particularly defined 1n
a part of the arid cOde, in the event of any
inconsistency the definition in that part of the
arid Code will prevail over the definition in the
Glossa ry a nd De finitions .
Where there is reference to an item of data being
expressed as a whole number, f ractions below 0 .5
shall be rounded down and fractions of 0.5 or above
shall be rounded up.
"11 cOlUlunications between EGAT and the Generators
or any other Usars shall be in the Thai language
unless otherwise agreed, in writing, by EGAT.
All references to time are to Bangkok time and
shall be given in the 24 hour clock notation, given
as 2 digits (giving the hours, trom 00 to 24), 2
digits (giving the minutes (rom 00 to 59) and the
term "hoursM.
The tol10wing standard multiples will be used in
expressing the values of energy (when expressed in
.att hour s or JOulel), power (when exprossed in
.atts or Volt ~ p e r e a ) and Voltaga.
Mllltjple SymboJ VI!) lle


Giga 0 1,000,000,000
Tera T 1,000,000,000,000
GD - 2

GD (continued)
In the Grid coda the following words and
expressions (which in the Grid Code are shown
emboldened) shall, unless the subject matter or
context requires otherwise, bear the following
Active paver. The product of vol tage and the in-
phase component of alternating current, measured in
Watts and standard mUltiples thereof.
APC. Automatic Frequency Control is part of AGC
function where frequency regulation is performed.
AGC. Automatic being a
computerised technique based at the EOAT control
centre which automatically enables prequenoy
regUlation and the optimization of overall
generation costs by sending the signal to adjust
the set-point adjustment of a Generating Unit's
governor(s) .
Al ternator. A device in which a group of
conductors is rotated in a magnetic fi eld for the
primary purpose of generating alternating current
ANSI . American National Standards Institute
Apparatus. Plant or equipment connected to, or
forming part of, the syst .. and which is required
for the production, control or Measurement of
electricity supplied to or through the System.
Authorised Any person that is authorised
under (Act or Statute) to Generate, transmit or
supply elect r icit y.
Automatic aene r ation Control . See AGC.
Auto.atie aeneration 6heddi nq. A computerised
system which sends out signal to trip off selected
generation units a ccording to predefined
Auto.atic Vol taqe Regul ation. See AVR.
Availabil ity . A measure of the capacity made
GO - 3
GD (continuad)
available. tor a Generating- unit within a particular
period of timB and calculatod as MW of capaoity,
multiplied by the time in hours over which it is
availablll. Given in KWb.
Availability Daclaration. A statement ot expected
AVailabi l ity, made by a Genarator in re.spect of one
of its oanerat ing Units, pursuant to Sohedulinq end
Oiapatch Procedure SOPI, paragraphs (SDP1.) . ),
SDP1.4.) or SDPl.5.l).
AVR. Automatic Xoltage Requlation, being the
continuously-acting automatic excitation control of
the Alternator of a Generating Unit which controls
the Generating Dnit terminal voltage.
Blaok start. A Generating Dnit Start-Up Which is
accomplished without any iuports ot Power to the
Power Plant within Which the Generating Dnit is
Black start Capability. The capability of a poyer
Plant to perform Black starts.
Block Load on Synchroni.ation.
output level which a Generating
The instantaneous
unit will attain on
Su.inesa Day. Any day, which i s not a Saturday or
Sunday, during which the banks are open for normal
business in Bangkok.
Capacity. The achievable power output of a
Generating un it, given in MW, and net ot any power
used solely to drive Apparatus dedicated to this
particular Generating unit and any power output
achievable as HaxiMua Generation.
Central Dispatch. The process ot Scheduling
Generation and dircot Xnat ructlona to a
Generator or othe r Authorised Operator.
Certiticate at Raadinesa. A written confirmation,
issued by EGAT to a Ganerator, that a Connection
Point has been accepted by as ready for
Connoction Point. The point at which EGAT's
and a ' . System are connected.
GO - 4
GO (continue4)
connection Conditions or CC. The part of the Grid
Code identifiod as tha Connection Condit i ons .
contingency Reserve. Reserve Capacity Which clln be
called on to operate within a period of not more
than 24 hours.
Control Telephony. Telephone system, installed
primarily f or system control purposes and linking
the Users and EGAT.
correction Factor .
Heat Rate or water
actual values.
A fraction used
Rate from design
for adjusting
values to
Daily Generation Proqra.. The daily SChedUle of
Ganeration expected t o be Dispatcbed produc ed
pursuant to scbeduling and Dispatch Procedure SOPl.
Daily Maintenance Schedule. The schedule showing
the expected Generating Unit, Power Plant, EXternal
Interoonnector and Transmission System Outages
covering a single 24 hour period.
Day Paak. The value of the highest System Demand
in the period B.OO hours t o 18.00 hours in a
particular day.
Declaration. A state ment of the expected
Availability, values of Operating Characteristics
or any other factors made by a Generator in respec t
of one ot its Generating Units, pursuant to
Scheduling and Dispatch Procedure SDP1, paragraphs
(SDP1.].], SDP1.4.J or SDP1.5.1).
Defined Tera. A term defined in this Glossary and
Definitions, GO.
De-Loading Rate. The rate at which a synchronised
Generatin9 unit can reduce out put under operator
control "'-nd 1n normal operating conditions.
D .. and. The quantity of Activa and Reactive Power
which it is expected that all customers will
require or which they actually require.
D .. and Porecast. A statement of the
Demand and pattern of Osmand which it is expected
that all customers will require.
GO - 5
GO {eontinusdl
Dependable Contracted Capacity. The maximum
continuous capacity in MW for a Generating unit tor
supply to EGAT which has been tested according to
Schedule 14 ot PPA and agreed upon by EGAT.
Da- Synchronisa. The act of shutting down a
Synchronised aenerating unit and temporarily
disconne cting it tram the Transmission Systam.
Oatailed Planning Data. Intormation and data in
respect at a Powar Plant, power Plant or
Generating Unit whiCh is provided to tor long
t erm s ystem planning purposes under Planning
Procedure PP.
Direct Customer. A customer who purchases
electricity directly (rom EGAT.
Dispatcb. The act ot issuing Instructions to
Dispatch Instruction . See Instruction.
The provi sion of an
betWeen One or more
conductors and
Earthing Device. A device whiCh is designed to
provide Earthing.
Econoaic Operating Characteristics. Operating
Characteristics which provide information on the
economics ot opera t ion of a Generating Unit ot the
cost or price of Imports over an EKternal
EOC. Economic Despatch Control is part of AGC
function where load sharing among various
generation uni ts which are on AGC is performed to
achieve the production cost takinq
Incremental Transmission Loss into account.
The Electricity Generating Authority of

BOAT Contro l Centre. EOAT's National Control
centre or r egional control centres set up for the
purposes of Scheduling and Dispatch of Generating
Onits, EKternal Interconnactors and Transmission
Syst e. control and switching.
GO - 6

GO (continued)
e O A ~ Control Enqineer. An EOAT officer authorised
to Dispatch Generatinq units and to issue
Transmiss ion syst .. switchinq instructions.
EGATCC. The EGAT Control Centre.
EGAT'. syst... The combi nat ion of Apparatu.
operated by E G A ~ and which forms part of the
Embedded Poyer Pl ant.
electricity to BOAT'.
to a USlr'e System.
A Power Plant which provides
Systam but which is connected
Eveninq Peak. The value of the hiqhest System
Demand in the periOd 18.00 hours to 21 . 00 hours in
a particular day.
EXport. A flow of electricity from the system to
an Ext e rnal System via an External Znterconnlctor.
&sternal Interconnected Party. A Party, other than
EOAT, who, either solely or jointly with EOAT, has
cont rol of an EXternal Interconnector .
External Interconnected Party Control Centre.
Control c e ntre, operated by an Bxternal
Interconnected Party, Which is used for the control
of an External Interconnector.
EXterna l Znterconnected Party Control Enqineer. An
Extern.l Znterconnected party off icer authorised to
control an &st ernal Znterconneotor.
External Interconne ctor.
between the System and an
An Interconnection
EXternal System.
External Pover Plant. A Poyer Plant which supplies
electricity to the Syste. via an External
EXternal Sys tem. An electricity system located
outside of the borders of Thailand.
Field current. The current flowinq throuqh the
f ield coil o f the stator o f an Alternator.
Final Maintenance Schedul e. The schedule showing
the expected maintenance outages which is produced
by EGAT at the end of the consultation process
GO - 7

GO (continued)
detined in OP2.4.
Fiscal The period starting at 0000 hours on
1 October in a year and tinishing at 2400 hours on
the 30 september in the next following year.
Forecast Demand. The level ot Demand that it is
expected will have to be met.
Pr Governor Action. The operation ot a
aenerat ing Unit where the level ot output is
controlled by an automatic governor.
cycles per
The number ot alternating current
second at whiCh the System is running
in a,).
General Conditions or ac. That part ot the Grid
Code identitied as the General conditions.
Oeneral Conditions 1 or Gel. That part ot the
Conditions identitied as General
General Conditions 2 or GC2. That part of the
Conditions ident itied as Grid Code Review.
unit. A combination ot Prime Mover and
Alternator (and such other apparatus as is uniquely
identitied with this machinery) which generates
alternating current electricity and which is
subject to Central Diepatcb.
Generation. The production at, or the facilities
required to produce, electricity.
Generation A transtormer, toraing
part at a Generating onit, Whose primary purpose is
to transform the voltage at the alternator output
terminals to the required voltage at the poJnt on
the By.te. to the Oanerating Unit supplies
A person which is registered with
as being the owner or, as the case may be, the
operator of a Power Plant or, in respect of
Planning Proce4ure PP, a proposed Paver Plant.
aenarator Sbe44inq The reduction in Generation
GD - 8
GD (continued)
brough by tbe controlled disconnection of the
OJ. Oiqa Joulee. to 1,000,000,000 Joules.
Glossary and Definition. or GO. The part of thG
Grid Code identified as the Glossary and
Grid Code. This collection of Procedures and other
documents, known as the Gr id Code, prepared and
issued by BOAT, as from time to time revised and
aeat aate. The amount of energy used by a
Ganerating Un i t te perform single unit ot a
part icula r ser vice. For instance, one hour of
running zero load (given in GJ/hour), the
production of lKWh of output at a partioular output
level (given in GJ/KWh) , or to perform one start-Up
(given in GJ/Start-Op).
Raat Rate Curva. A curve showing, for a particular
Generating Onit, the thermal energy consumption
per hour of operat ion at various output levels
(given in OJ/hour) .
High Frequancy EMergency. A Systam Eaergancy which
has caused syst .. Fraquency to rise above 50.5 Xe.
High voltage. Voltage of 69 IV above.
Hot Standby. The condition Of the boiler of a
aenerating Unit Where the steam is held at normal
operating temperature and pressure but the turbine
at the Gener ating Unit is not synchronised.
Hydro. Pertaining to the Generation of electricity
through water power.
Hydro Merit Order. A Merit Order ot only Hyaro
Power Plants. Based on down stream requirements
and hydrological conditions.
Hydro Power Plant. A Power Plant whose main source
of energy input for electricity Generation is water
GD - 9
Hz. Hertz. A Measure of Frequency, where 1 Ha _ 1
lEe. International Electro-technical
Institute of Electrical Electronic
Import. A flow of electricity to the System from
an Esternal SYBt.m via an External Int.roann.cter.
Incident. An unplanned occurrence on, or related
to, the System which has caused, or could have
caused, a breach of the Operating standard. or has
caused injury to an individual.
Incremental Transmission Loss.
transmission loss to the change
part icul ar uni t .
The change in
in generation
Independent Power Producer.
does not have a majority
A Generator in which
equity interest.
Instruct. The action of EOAT issuing an
In.truction to a Generator concerning some action
to be performed by a Generating unit operated by
that Generator.
Inatruetion. An instruction issued by EGAT in
respect of a Generating Unit or
Interconnector to achieve, as the case may be, a
certain Active Power, Reactive Power {or target
voltaqe levell or RS$erve Capacity level by a
ISO. International Standard Organi2ation.
Isolation. The electrical separation of Apparatus
from the system.
Isolation Oaviee. A device designed to provide
ISOlation of Apparatus from the system.
ITL. Incremantal Transmi.sion Loas is the chango in
transmission loss to the change in generation of a
particular unit.
Joule. A measure of energy equivalent to 1 Watt ot
power delivered for 1 second .
Load Pactor. The output of a Power Plant or
Ganeratinq Unit divided by the output Which it
GO - 10
GO (continued)
would have achieved had it been operated at its
tull Avai l ability over the same period.
Load Foreeaat tor the eleotrio System.
The Demand Foreeaat prepared and issued by the
Thailand Load Forecast sub-committee.
Load Sbe4dinq. The reduction in Syate. Demand
brought about by the controlled disconnection of
Load Shedding Block.
will be treated as a
A l"Iumber ot customers who
group for LOad Shedding
Loading Rate. The rate at which a synchronised
Generating unit can il"lcrease output under operator
control and in normal operating conditions.
Local Batety Procedur.s. The safety procedures
i mplemented by BOAT or a Usar to cover work carried
out 01"1 their side at a conneotion Point.
Los.... Electrical energy lost in the Transmission
Low Frequency Emergency. A System Emergency which
has caused System Frequency to fa ll below 49.5
LOW Frequency Relay. An automatic relay, which can
detect syatam Fraquency and is set to operate
whenever Systam Frequency falls below a certain
preset value.
LoW Prequency Autosatic Load
Sbeddinq which is achieved by the operation ot a
Low prequency Relay_
Maintananca outaqe. A period ot full or partial
or a Power Plant, Unit
or part of the Trans.ission System during which it
is pldnnea to carry out maintenance work.
Maintenance A SChedule by EGAT
t o OP2 showing the times at which it is
expected that Maintenance outages will take place.
Manual Load
achieved by the manual
of a breake!;".
Load whiCh is
initiation of the operat i on
GD - 11

GlO (continued)
Maximum Generat i on. For a particular aeneratinq
Unit, the level ot power output deliverabl e above
the declared capacity which i s sustainable for only
short periods of time.
MEA. The Metropolitan Electricity Authority.
Merit Order. A list ot Ganeratinq Units in
a scending order ot Eargina1 actual or avoided
operating cost t aking start-up and shutdown costs,
Minimum Up-Time and Minimua DOvn-TiJlle, tuel
constraints and other operating constraints into
cons ideration (see also Thermal Merit order and
Hydro Merit Order).
Minimum Down- Time. The mlnlmum time for which a
Generating Unit must be De-Synchronised.
Minimum Genarat i on. The mlninum output level which
a Ganerating Unit can sately maintain for an
indetinite period.
Minimum Up-Ti.a. The time tor Which a
Oenerating Unit must be Synchronised.
Monthly Operating Program. A statement prepared
pursuant to OP) and covering one month, showing the
expected Availability of Ganerating units and the
way in which they will bQ Scbeduled to meet
Foreeaat Dellland.
Mon thly Maintenance Scbedule. The schedule showi
the expected Generating unit, Power Pl.nt,
11Iterconnector and Transmisaion System Outages
covering a single month.
National Control Center or NCC See EGAT Control
NEC. Natinnal Electr i c Cod.
NZHA. National Electrical Manufacturers
N-l Criteri.. The system must be maintained stable
durinq and after the disturbance in the system
resulting in the loss ot one generating unit or one
circuit ot transmissi on lines, as well as no 1055
o f load is allowed.
GD - 12
Nominal Byetam so
Notice to The o( time required
between the notification to 8 that it i s
required to Bt&rt-Op a Generating onit and the
tiMe the Generating Unit can be

operating Characteristics. The parameters which
detine the ability ot a Ganerating unit to respond
to Instruction .
operating Margin. The available in
ope rational time scalee over and above that
actually use d to produce electricity.
Operating or OP. That part o( the Grid
Code ident i fied a s the Proc edure s.
Oper ating Procedura 1 or C1. That part or the
operating Procedura. identified as Demand
Operatinq Procedura 2 or DEZ. That part of the
operating Procedures identified as Maintenance
Operating l or QE3. That part of the
operating Proceduras identified as Operational
operating 4 That part of the
operating Proceduras identified as operating
Oparating Procedure 5 That part of the
operating identified as Testing and
Operatinq Procedure , That part o f the
operating Procedures identified as Oparationa1
Li.iaon .
operatinq Procedure 7 or QE2. That part of the
Operat inq Procedures identified a s Safety Liaison.
operatinq 9 or OP8. That part of the
operating Procedur es identified a8 contingancy
Go-' J
I __
GD (eontinued)
Operatinq Program. A statement prepared purauant
to OPl or &DP1, showing the expected
of Generating Units and the way in which they will
be Scheduled to meet porecast Demend.
Operating Reserve. The capacity available in
operational time scales, over and above that
actually used to produce electricity, which is
schedUled to provide Re,erve capacity.
Operating Standarda. Those standards relating to
System integrity, security and stability which have
been adopted by tor use in the planning and
operation of the system.
Operation. A scheduled or planned action relating
to the operation of any part of the syst8lll.
operational Effect. An effect on the operation of
any part of the Systa. which aay require BGAT or
any other to operate in a non-standard way in
order to minimise the chance of the Operating
stendarda being breaChed.
Out-of-Merit Operation. The Instructed operation
of a Genarating Unit where the output t r om that
aenerating Unit displaces soma or all of the output
of an available aenerating Unit which is higher in
the Merit Ordar (that is, has lower marginal
operating costs).
outage. A period when a Power Plant, Generating
unit or part of the Trans.ission SYlt8lll is fully or
partly non-operational to allow for construction,
maintenance or repair work.
outage proqraQ. A program showing the expected
Panel. The Grid Coda Review Panel set up pursuant
to General Condition Ge2.
Partial Sbutdown. The situation where a
significant part (but not all) of the System has
become de-energised and is shut down.
Party. A person who is bound by any of the
provisions of the Grid Coda.
PEA. The Provincial Electricity Authority.
CD - 14
Paak Oaaand. The highest Oemand which it is
customers will wish to have met.
Planned Operating Cha racte ristics . The expected
Operating characteristics ot a Ganerating as
sUbmitted to pursuant to the Planning
Procedura PP.
Planned outege The of the Generating Unit
during the period outside the available
hours, the schedule of which has been provisionably
proposed by the Generator and (inally a r ranged by
Planning procedure or if. That part o( the Grid
code identified as the Plannin9 Procedure.
Plant. Apparatus within a Paver Plant.
Plant Kargin. The difference between the total
Dependable contracted capacity and the Peak Demand.
paver Davalopment Plan. The plan, produced by
EGAT, which Shows the eKpected deVelopments on the
Bystem which wi ll be required ove r the neKt 15
powar Plant. An installation comprising one or
more Ganerating Units which can reasonably be
considered as forming a single installation for
operational purposes.
power Purchase Agraemant. An agreement between
EGAT (in its role as electricity purchaser) and a
Ganerator in respect ot a single Powar Plant tor
the Genaration and sale ot alectricity by the
Ga.arator to EGAT.
PPA. A Power Purchase Agreaaant.
Power 8yatam or PSS. A device connected
to the generator to improve damping.
Pretace or pr. The Praface to the Grid Coda, which
does not form part at the Grid Code.
prime Kover.
provides the
An engine which is connected to,
power to drive, an Altarnator.
GO - 15
Procedures. The ..-ritten procedure and other
documents (but excluding the contents page and the
Preface) included in the Grid Code, of Which this
Glo ary and Definitions, GD, is one.
Prudent Practice. The standard of practice
attained by exercising that degree of skill,
diligence, prudence and foresight Which could
reasonably be expected from a skilled and
experienced operator enqaqod 1n the same type Qf
undertakinq under the same or similar
PBS. Paver Sy.tem Stabilizer - a device CQnnected
tQ the generator to improve darnpinq.
PTT. Petroleua Authority of Thailand.
Puaped storage Plant. A Hydro pover Plant Where
water to the reservoir is, in the main, supplied by
pumping water up to this reservQir frolll a lower
ROC. Regional Control center .
Reactive Generation.
available to produce
Generation capacity which is
ReactiVe Power.
Reactive Pover. The product of Vol tage and the 90
out-of- phase component of alternating current,
measured in volt Amperes reactive (VAr) and
standard multiples thereat.
ReactiVe Re.erve. Reserve generation capacity which
is available to produce Re.ctive Paver.
Ragistered Operatinq characteristics. The
Operating Characteristics of a Generating unit as
registered with GAT pursuant to the Connection
Conditions, cc,
Reliability. The state of readiness when needed.
a e s . ~ e . Generation capacity which is availahle
for use but which is not, at that moment, producing
ActiVe Paver or Reactive Paver.
SCADA s y s t ~ . Supervisory ontrol And Data
Acquisition System". A system which gathers
operational date (such as systaa Frequency.
GO - 16
GO (continued)
voltage, Load flows, breaker positions) and
processes and displ<oYs it in the EGA.'l' control
centre .
sarety co-ordinator. The individual appointed by
either EGAT or a User to co- ordinate serety matters
across a Connection Point, including the
preparation, application, approval and revision at
Local Satety prooadures.
scheduling. The process ot compiling and issuing
the Weekly operating Program and Daily Ganeration
scheduling and Dispatch Procedures or SOP. That
part of the Grid Code identifiod as the Scheduling
and Diepatch Procedures.
Schedu!inw and Dispatc:h Procedure 1 or 80P1. That
part of the scheduling and Dispatch Prooedures
identified <08 Generation Scheduling.
Scheduling and Dispatch Procedure 2 or 8DP2. That
part of the scheduling and Dispatch Procedures
identified as Generation Dispatch.
Scheduling and Dispatch Procedure J or SDPJ. That
part of the Scheduling and Dispatch Proceduree
identified <0$ and Voltage control.
ShutdOVD. The act of shutting down a Synchronieed
Generating unit and disconnecting it from the
Syst ...
signlricant Incident. An Incident Which in EGAT'e
raas.onable opinion has caused, or could have
caused, a System Baergeney or serious injury to an
Single Line Diagran. A schemat i c representation of
an electricity syetem prepared i n accordance with
normal engineering practice and which is
generally known as a single line diagralII.
Site Responsibility schedule. A SChedule prepared
by EGAT showing the ownership and operating and
safety responsibilities in respect of a site.
spinning Reserve. That Capacity on Synchroni.ed
Generat i ng Units wtlich is not providing output but
GO - 17
GD (continued)
is realisable in Dispatch timescales.
standard Time. The time which be registered
by a clock is independant of system
Frequency. Thus, tho difference System
and Stand.rd Tiae is directly related to the
cumulative difference between actual System
Frequency and nominal System Frequancy, 50 (see
also System Time).
standard Planning Data. Informat ion and data in
respect of a Power Plant, Paver Plant or
Generating Unit Which is provided to EGAT for long
term system planning purposes under Planning
proc.dur. PP.
standing xnstruction. Instruction or prescribed
procedure requires to operate the system during
normal and adverse conditions.
start-Up. The action of taking a Genarating Unit
from Shutdown to being Syncbronisad to the Sy.tem.
station Sarvices. The services within a Paver
Plant which are necessary to allow electricity to
be Generated and whi ch consume electricity.
Synchronise. The action of carrying out the
connection of a Genarating unit to the system such
that the Prequency and phase relationship of the
Ganerating Dnit and the By_tam are identical.
Systa.. The of EGAT'a System and all
Uaer'. Systems, being the Transmis s ion system,
connected Power Plants and the EXtarnal

systae D-=and. The actual or forecast Demand on
the system.
systae E=erqency. A situation where the
aatQty or stability o[ all or part of the System is
system Emergancy Aotion Shaat. Tha written
procedure, not being part of the Grid Coda, issued
by EGAT tn Authorised operator, which defines the
actions to be t aken during an actual or potential
systa. Emergency.
GD - 18
GO Icontinued)
sy.tom The actual Frequeney of the
syat .. The ti.e which would be registered by
a clock whose is to
Syet.. Frequaney. Thus, the difference between
syetem Time and Stenderd T1=e is directly related
to the cumulative difference between actual system
Vrequency and Nominal Sy.te. Frequeney, 50Hz (see
also Standard Tae) .
syat .. Voltage. The Voltage at which the relevant
part or parts of the System is operating.
Target Frequency. Tho target for Syst .. Vrequency,
as set from time to time by EGAT.
Target Time. The time by which the carrying out of
a Dispeteh Instruction must be completed.
Therm.l. Pertaining to the Generation of
electricity through the use of heat.
Thermal Merit Order. A Herit Order of only Thermal
power Plents.
Thermal Power Plant. A Power Plant whose main
source of energy for electricity Generation is
Three Year Operating PrograJI. A statement pt'epat'ed
put'suent to OP2 and covering three years, showing
the expected Availability of Generating Vnits and
the way in which they will be Scheduled to meet
Foreca.t Demand.
Total Shutdown. A situation where the By.tOG has
been totally dc-energised.
system. The High Voltage electricity
network operated by EGA-T.
TransGisaioD MaintenaDce Schedule. The schedule
showinq the expected Outages at the Transmission
Turbine Head. The distance, in netre9, between the
mean surface level of water above the inlet to a
turbine of a Hydro Povu, Plant and tho horizontal
centre line of the turbine.
GO - 19
GO (continued)
Onder Frequency Automatic Load Sheddinq. Load
Shedding which is achieved by the operation or a
Under prequency Relay.
Undar prequenc:y Baergency. A Syetem Baergency
which has caused Syetem Frequency to tall below
49.5 Hz.
Under Prequency Relay. An automatic relay, which
can detect system Frequency and is set to operate
whenever Syatem FrequeDcy ta1ls below a certain
pre-set va lue .
Unscheduled SreakdoVD. The unexpected failure of a
Generating Unit, Bxternal lnterconnector or part of
the Tranellliasion Syatea.
User. Any person, other than BGAT, making use ot
the Trensaiaaion syetam.
Veer '. S1st... The combination ot Apparatus
operated by a and which rorms part ot the
syst ...
V. Volts
VA. Volt Amperes.
VAr. Volt Amperes reactive, a measure of Reactive
Voltage. The measure of electrical potential
between two connected points of the System.
Volta. A meas ure of Voltage.
Volt Amperee. The product of the maximum Voltage
and maximum current, irrespective of phase angle.
.... ...att.
"'armth Condition. The heat condition of a Thermal
aenerating' Unit, expressed as ftHot", Warm" or
Co-ld", related to the time since it was last
Warmth varying Operating' Characteristics. The
Operatinq Characteristics of a Thermal Generating
unit, the value of which varies with the
Condition of the Generating Unit.
GO - 20
Rata . The amount of water (ml /sec.) used by a
hydro generating unit generation a single unit at
particular output.
Watt. A measure of electrical power equal to the
in-phase product of 1 Volt and 1 Ampere.
Watt hour .
product of
(in hours)
A measure of energy, calculated as the
the Aetiv. Power (in Watts) and the time
ror which it is produced.
Weekly opsratinq Program. A statement prepared
pursuant to SDPl and covering one week, showing the
expected Availability of Genarating and the
way in which they will be schaduled to meet
Foracast De ..
Weekly Ma intananoe The schedule showing
the expected Genarating unit, Power Plant,
Intarconnector and Transmiseion Syetam Outaqas
covering a single week.
Whr. Watt hour .
Yearly Operatinq Program. A statement prepared
pursuant to OP3 and covering one year, showing the
expected Availabil i ty of Genarating Units and the
way in which they will be Scheduled to meet
Foracast Demand.
GD - 21
PP . 1.2
PP . 2. 1
Planninq Procedura PP lays do .... n the procedurQs to
be adopted to ensure that BGAT obtains the
required tram Generator$ to plan the
future developments ot the Syatam.
In respect of this PP it is that any
planning data .... ith r ete rence to pr oposed Ezterna1
Intareonnactora .... il1 be obtained by EGAT using
procedures .... hich are out side of this PP.
The Ga narator shall inform BOAT .... ithout delay ot
II ny actual or IInticipated changes to any ot the
supplied unde r PP .3.
The objective o f this PP i s to ensure that
Generators provide EGAT .... ith timely and accurate
data and intormation to allo .... BGAT to plan the
future development of the System.
PralL.inary data and intormation
A Oanarator shall provide to EGAT, in writing, the
Standard Planning Oata list ed i n Appendix 1 to this
PP in respect o f any proposed Power Plant or, as
the case may be, proposed Generating Unit .... ithin an
existing Povar Plant:
(a) at the tias it has been agr eed, in
principle, with EGAT (ac ting in i ts role. of
e le.ctricity purchaser) that the proposed
Power Plant or Generating Unit will be
constructed and operate d against a Power
Purcbase Aqreelllent or "PPA" entered into
bet .... een t he Generator and but before
;;uch ag:r- .. elllcnt is "iqne<J; or
(b) f or a proposed Paver Plant or Ganerating
unit Which will not opera te under a PPA
with SGAT:
(i) at the t ime an appl ication is made
to EGAT to allo .... the proposed Power
Plant or Generating Unit to be
connected t o EGAT's System but
PP - 1
PP (continued)
PP.3 . 2
where no such agreement has been
reached; or
(ii) at the tiMe an application is made
to a User to allow the proposed
Power Plant or Generating Unit to
be connected to the user'. syat ..
(where the Power Plant concerned
will be referred to as an Eabedded
Powar Plant) but where no such
agreement has been reached.
A Ganerator shall provido to in writing, tha
standard Planning Data and the Detailed Planning
Data listed in Appendix 1 co this PP i n respect ot
any proposed power Plant or, as the case may be,
proposed Genaratin9 Unit within an existing Power
(a) at the time a Power Purcbase Agreemant (in
respect of the proposed powar Plant or
Generating Unit) has been concluded with
EOAT (acting in its role of electricity
purchaser) but before such powar Plant or
Ganerating Unit has been declared as ready
to commence commissioning; or
(b) for a proposed Power Plant or Ganarating
unit which will not operat e under a PPA
with BOAT:
(i) at the time an agreement has been
reached with EOAT to allow the
proposed power Plant or aanerating
Unit to be connected to
System but before such power Plant
or Ganeratinq Unit has been
declared as ready to commenca
(i1) at the time an agreement has bean
reached with a Ussr to allow the
proposed power Plant or Generatinq
Unit to be connected to the Usar ' a
Syste= (where the Powar Plant
concerned will be raferred to as an
Embeddad Powar Plant) but before
such power Plant or Generatinq unit
PP - 2
PP (continued)
has been declared as ready to
comme nce commissioning.
Connected Dota and InformotioD
A Generotor shall provide to EGAT, in writing, the
stondord Plonning Dato and the Detoiled Planning
Data listed in Append ix 1 ~ o thi s PP in respect of
any Paver Plant or, as the case may be, Generating
Unit within an existing power Plant for which such
information has been submitted under PP.J.l and
PP.l.2 but has not previously been submitted under
thi s PP.l.J a t a time Which is no less then 10
working days betore the tirst day on which the
r e levant connection Point is energised by means of
the aenerating Unit produoing electricity.
pp - )
Each Generator will submit the inrormation detailed
below in accordance with the provisions ot this Pl'.
The toll owing Standard Planning Data s hall bo
SUbmitted according to the requirements ot this PI':
(a) name of the person making this SUbmission;
[SGAT to provide nama, address, telephone
nuntber. )
( b) name or the Power Plant to which these data
(c) location o f the Power Plant to which these
data refer; ( EGAT to provide map.)
(d) type ot Power Plant and technology proposed,
(1) Thermal, Hydro, pumped storage,
wind, other;
(ii) it Tharmal, then open cycle gas
turbine, combined cycle gas turbine,
steam turbine, reciprocating engine,
emission control technology. source
ot cooling water, cooling water
requi r ement s as m' jhour at full
load ;
( ii i ) Black s tart capabi lity of pover
(e) identification of each Generating Onit to
which these data refer;
(t) for each Genarating On it identified under
Pl'A1.2 (d):
( ii)
( iii)
rated KVA and MWi
short circuit ratio;
inertia constant (HWseconds/KVA);
aenerating unit step- up transformer
PP"l - 1
PP - APPENDIX 1 (continued)
( vi)
KVA rating, reactance and tap
expected date for start of
expected fuels to be used;
model of machine and parameters;
(viii) incremental Heat aate/Watar Rate and
Correction to adjust overall
efficiency from time to time .
( iix) Black start capability details.
The following Detai1ed Planning Dat. shall be
submitted according to the requirements of this PP:
Ca) n a ~ e o f the person making this submission;
(b) name of the Power Plant to which these data
ee) identification of each Generating Unit to
which these data refer,
(d) for each Generating- Onit ident ified under
PPAl.l (c) giving values of the expected
Operating Cbaraeteristics other than the
Economic Operating Cheracteristics (a8 given
in SDPlAl) which shall, tor the purpose at
this SUbmission, be classed as the Plartned
Operating Cbaraoteristics;
Ce) information on the Generation and station
(f) details ot all protection equipment and
(g) 8in91e Line Di a9ralll ot the power Plant;
PPAl - 2
pp - 1 (continued)
(h) A protective device. to
prevent short circuits, overcurrent,
undervoltaqe or ovcrvoltaga, under trequency
or over frequency, out-ot-phase reclosinq,
and distribution of electricity to
sy.t when there is no current in the
interconnecting line;
(h) Confirmation that the power Plant can fOrDS
in all res pects with the t echnical standards
laid down in the Connection Conditione, CC.
PPAl - 3
The Connection Conditions CC specifies the
minimum technical requirements to be met by a
in respect of its Generating Units,
wishing to connect to the and the
to be followed to ensure compliance
with these conditions.
The objective of CC is to ensure that:
(a) the technical and operational conditions
which must be met by a aenerat or for
connection to the System are
stated; and
(b) Power Plant and aenerating Unite are only
connected to the System if the technical
and operational conditions, laid down in
this CC, are met.
BGAT will ensure that, subject to the provisions Of
eC.3.2, the conditions on BGAT ' S System, if
energised, at the point where it forms a connection
point with a ueer' . system, will comply with the
following operational criteria:
(a) system shall be nominally 50Hz
end wil l not be less than 49.5Hz
or more t han 50 . 5NZ (although in
exceptional circumstances it could fall to
47Hz or r ise to 528s);
(b) System Voltag_ will normally be maintained
within 5\ of the noftinal Syst .. Voltage
(although in exceptional circumstances may
be +/-lU' or nominal voltage);
(c) the total levels ot
distortion on EGAT ' s system under normal
operating conditions and under both planned
and unplanned Outage conditions (other than
for infrequent short duration peaks) shall
cc - 1
cc (continued)
CC. J .2
CC .4.2. 2
Level (RV) Total Distortion Individual Distortion
000 'VEN
" "
1. 5'
0 . 5'
(d) under normal operation and planned Outaqe
conditions, the Daximum negative phase
sequence conponent of the phase voltage on
BOJ.T'. 8yst sh ... ll not exceed l' other
than for infrequent short duration peaks
with a value of 2' .
The exceptional circumst ances referr ed to in CC.J .l
will relieve EGAT ot the obligation to comply with
the sy.tea conditions referenced therein. Such
exceptional circumstances may occur in the event of
there being insufficient active and/or reactive
power capacity av".ilable on the 5ystelll or where an
rncidant has taken place which, other than solely
on the grounds of injury to an individual, could be
classed as a Siqnificant Incident.
Generator's Apparatus (that is plant or equipment,
owned and/or operated by a Generator, which forms
part of a Powar Plant and is connected to the
Sy.ta. and which is required for the production,
control or measurement of electricity supplied to
or through the System) shall in all respect s comply
with the requirements down in this CC.4 .
General Requirements
All Apparatus will be designed and constructed and
at all tillles .aintained and operated in accordance
with prudent Practice a nd be ot
operating under the Systl>ll\ conditions defined in
Notwithstanding the requirements in CC.4.2.1, all
Appar atus shall comply with the and/or
standards as are specified in Schedul e 1 .
CC - 2
CC (continua")
Each Generating Unit be:
(al able to accept the signal (4-20 mAl
from EGAT's AGC to adjust the set-point 1n
order to regulate the Frequency and
optimise the overall production cost;
(b) fitted with a rast acting proportional
turbine governor which, when the Generating
Unit becomes temporarily isolated from the
r e st of the System will allow the
aanerating Unit to meet customers' demandS
and control System Fraquency to 52Hz or
( c ) fitted with Automatio Voltage Requlation
equipment to control Generating Vnit
terDinal voltage without instability over
the full operating range of the Generating
Cd) fitted with Fover System Stabilisers.
Each Ganarating unit must be capable of operating
at its t hen current Capacity:
Ca) at any System Frequency in the range 49 . 5HZ
to 50. 5Hz, and any decrease in Activa Pover
output at Systam Frequencies less than
49.5Hz but not less than 47HZ shall be no
greater than pro rat a with
Frequency; and
(b) et any power tactor between 0.85 lagging
and 0.95 leading.
co_unieation Equipment at .. Power Plant
The Generator shall install, maintain and operate
two indDp"ndent voice communication links between
the Ganerator's Pover Plant control room and the
EGAT Control cantra. These voice linkS Shall be
the control Talephony associated with this Pov .. r
Plant and shall be used for system operational
purposes on ly.
The Generator shall install, maintain and operat e a
facsimile with a dedicated telephone line
and number, located in the Ganerator'. Power Plant
CC - 3
CC (cont.inued)
control room shall inform EGAT of the t elephone
number of this machine and shall have
obtained from EGAT the telephone number of the
facsimile machine or machines installed in the
Control Centre for operational purposes (the supply
of Which numbers, will not unreasonahly
delay) .
CC.4 .3.3 The Cenerator $hall install, maintain and operate
equipment at the Power Plant to provide the EGAT
Control Centre with the continuous relllOte
indications, measurements and data as are
specified in Schedule 2.
CC.4.3.4 The CeDeretor shall install, lDainta in and operate
equipment at the connection point Which will
provide the EGAT Contr o l Centra with such remote
indications, .easurelDents, telemetry data and
remote control of circuit breakers, Isolatinq and
Eartbinq Devicea and other devices as are specified
in Schedule 3.
CC.S.l Sllblllbsion of Data and Intoraation
CC.5.1 . 1 Responsibilities at the Canerator
CC. At least 10 work i ng da ys prior to the date on which
energising t he connection point is requestad, the
Generator shall have, in respect of this Po r
Plant and its associated Connection point:
(a) complied tully with the requirements of
Planning Procedura, PP and shall, in
particular, have submitted the data and
intormation required pursuant to Planninq
Procedure PP. J. 3 "Connection data and
intormation" ;
(b) complied tully with the requirements ot
Oper ating i':rocedu:re, OP7 ("Safety
Liaison") ;
(c) submitted to BGAT a written request for
energising of the Connection Point a nd the
earliest date on which the Ganarator would
wish this to take place;
(d) submitted to EGAT the information necessary
cc - 4
CC (continued)
for EGAT to prepare a Site aesponsibility
Bcbedule, giving, tor the Power Plant:
(i) a schedule of all Apparatus;
(ii) a list of the individuals employed
by the aenerator who will be
responsible fol:' giving and
I:'eceiving data and information
required under Grid Code Procedure.
SDP] giving theil:' names, job
titl e s, I:'espons ibiliti es and, if
not at the Pover Plant, their
normal working location;
(e) submitted to BOAT written confirmation that
its pover Plant for which agreement for
connection is s ought conforms fully with
the requirements of CC.4 (subject to any
derogations gl:'anted by BGAT under Gel).
CC. On or before the date ot first enerqising of tho
Connection Point, (but before the CODDection Point
is energi sed) the GeDerator shall have satisfied
EGAT, by the provision of evidence to BOAT in a
form which BGAT sha ll I:'easonably require, that the
aenerator has obtained all necessary
authorizations I:'equil:'ed to be obtained by the
aenerator for the construction and operation of the
Power Plant in accordance with the provisions of
all applicable Laws.
CC.S.I.2 Responsibilities of EGAT
CC . S.I.2.1 prior to the date on which energising the
Conn.etion pQint is request ed, EGAT shall have,
without unl:'easonable delay and in respect of this
pover Plant and its associated Connection Point:
(a) complied fully with the requirements of
operating procedure, OP7 ("Satety
Liaison") ;
(b) prepared, agreed with and submitted to tho
Gener ator a site Responaibility Schedule
giving the following information (and,
where appropriate indicating ownership and
responsibility for control), for the PQwer
Plant and on side ot the Conneetion
CC - 5
CC (continued)
CC.5 . 2. 1
Point at the Connection point site:
( i )
( ii)
( iii)
(i v)
a o t Apparatus;
a list ot services;
a sChedule ot telecommunications,
measurement, telemet ry and control
a list of the individualS in EGAT
who will be responsible tor giving
and rece iving data and
required under Code Procadures
OP2, OPS, OP6, OPS, SOPl , SOP2,
SDP3 giving their names, job
t itles, responsibilities and, i f
not at the EGAT control cantra or,
as the caSe may be, the Power
Plant , t hai r normal working
(c) details at t he Local Safaty
agre ed and t he names of the Satety Co-
ordinatora, pursuant to the requirements of
Ins pection ot connection point
EOAT shall agree a date for the inspection at the
Connaotion Point with the Generator (wh iCh date
shall not be earlier than the date requested by the
Generator under CC.5.l.l, but Shall not be
unreasonably delayed by BGAT beyond that date) to
carry out an inspection (and such tests as are
required) of the Connaction Point, and any
associated Apparatus , to the extent that it
reasonabl y considers that this is necessary to
ensur e that e nergiaing the connection Point will
not jeopardise the sare and secure operation o f the
EGAT systu.
When EGAT reasonably considers that the connection
point is in all ways ready for the energising, it
shall issue to the Generator a or
Readiness.In all other ca s es EGAT shall report the
results ot this inspection, in writing, t o the
Ganer ator. This report shall detail any areas
whero, in EGAT's reasonable opinion, the Connection
Point or any associat ed Apparatus is not ready to
CC - 6
cc (continuGd)
CC.S . 2.3
CC .5 .3
a llow enorgisinq of the Connection Point.
In t he case EGAT has reported that the
Connection Point or any associated Apparatus i s not
ready for the enerqising of the c onnec tion point to
go ahead, the Generator Shall make such changes to
the Apparatus and/or ConnectioD Point as are
r equired and shall inform EGAT when a f urther
inspection can take place. EGAT and the Generator
s hall aqree a date f o r this inspection (such
not to be unreasonably withhel d).
Enerqisinq the Connection
Followi ng the issue by EGAT to the Generator of a
[Certificat e of Read iness], the Connection point
sha l l be energised at a date agreed between EGAT
and the Generator , such agreement not t o be
un reasonably withheld.
Information wh ich is requi r ed to be submitted as
pa r t Of the Detailed Planning Intormation and is
clas si f ied as Planned Operating Characteristics
(under the provi sions of Planning procedure, PP)
will be revised as necess ary f ollowing the
energising of the relevant Connection point and
commissioning of each new Generating Vnit within
the Pover Plant. The r evis ed val ue s o f the Planned
Operating Character i s tic. will be taken as the
Regi s tered Operating Chracteristics of the
Generating Unit (which value shall reflect the true
operating charcteristics of the Generating Unit,
in accordance vith Prudent Practice) .
,.J All circuit breakers, switch disconnectors.
disconnectors, Earthing Devices, power
transformers, voltage trans for mers,
r eactors, current tra nsforme rs, surge
arresters, bushings, neutral equipMent,
capacitors, line traps, coupl i ng
d evices, externl heavy polluted
condi t ion insulation and insulation
co- or dination at the Oeneretor/EGAT
cc - ,
cc (continued)
CC . 7.2
connection Point shall comply with the
ANSI / IEEE standards or NEel NEKA codes.
except for certain devices whore other
standards are pre ferred and explicitly
(b) Plant and Apparatus Shall be designed,
manufactured and tested in premises
certi fied in accordance with the
quality assurance requirements of ISO
9000 as current at the Transfer Date (or
equivalent as reasonably approved by
Requirements relatiDg to Connection
CC.7 .2.1 Each connection bstween a Ganerating Unit and the
EGAT Tran s.issioD System must be controlled by a
circuit breaker capable of interrupting the
maximum short circui t current at the point of
connection. EGAT will supply on request to a
gener ator valuss of short circuit current and the
rating of EGAT circuit breaksrs at existing and
committed Connect ion Points for future years.
CC.7 . 2 . 2 Genarating unit and powar station Protection
CC. 7.2 . 2.1 Minimum requirelllents protection of GenerAting
Unita and the ir connections to the EGAT
Transmission syst Dust meet the minimum
requirements given below. These are necessary to
reduce to a practical minimum impact on the EGAT
Transmission Syate. of faults on circuits owned by
CC . 7 . 2.2.2 Fault Clearing Times
(al The fault clearance times for faults on the
Generator ' s equipment directly connected
t o the EGAT Transmisaion syate. and
for faults on the EGAT Transmiss i on System
directly connacted t o the Genarator'.
equipment, from fault inception to the
circuit breaker arc extinction, shall be:-
(I) 80ms at 500 kV
(ii) lOOms a t 230 kV
(iii) 140ms at 115 kV and below
CC - 8
CC (continued)
For the event of failure of the protection
system provided to meet the above fault
cloarance time requirements, back-up
protection shall be provided by the
Generator with a fault clearance time not
slower than 300 illS for faults on the HV
Generator connections. EGAT will also
provide back-up prot ection, which will
result in a fault clearance time slower
than that specified for the Generator back-
up protection so as to provide
discrimination. Generation back-up
protection will also be required to
withstand, without tripping, the loading
incurred during the clearance of a fault
on the EGAT Transmission System by
breaker fail protection or back- up
prot. e ction. This will permit
discrimination between Generator back-up
protection and back-up Protection
provided on the EGAT Transmission System.
When the Generating Unit is connected to
the EGAT system at 230 kV or
115 kV and a circuit breaker is provided
by the Generator, or EGAT, as the case
be, to interrupt fault current
i nterchange with the EGAT Transmission
Syste., or Ganerat.or's System, as the
case may be, circuit breaker fail
protection shall be provided by the
Generator, or EGAT, as the case be, on
this circuit breaker. In the event of a
failure to interrupt fault current by these
circuit breakers, the circuit breaker tail
protection shall all the necessary
alectrical l y adjacent circuit breakers
connected to the EGAT Transmission system
wit.hin 250 ms of such a tailure to trip.
The tarqet perform"nC9 for the> protectiun
Depundability lndux shall be not less than
99.5 ". Th is is a measure of the abil i ty
of protection to initiate successful
tripping of circuit breakers which are
associated with the faulty item of
Apparatus .
CC.7.2.l Equipment to be provided
CC - 9
cc (continued)
CC. Protection of Interconnecting connections
The reguirement s for the provision of protection
eguipment for i nterconnecting connections will be
specified as follow:-
Transmi ssion Line Protection
(a) 230 kV Ljne Protecti on. The protection of
each line shall be a distance protection
scheme, for use in conjunction with power
line carrier signalling equipment. Each
protection shall utilize directional
comparison overreaching transfer trip
scheme with backup relaying to achieve
primary and secondary protection. There
shall be high speed directional distance
relays as primary pilot relaying,
protection for both phase and ground
faults. For backup protection against
phase faults there shall be first, second,
and t hird zone distance relays.
For backup against ground faults there
shall be_a dual-polarized directional over
current relays, inverse time with
instantaneous trip attachment. Each
distance relay shall be o f the non-
switched type. Out - of- step relays shall be
provided with both primary and backup
relaying to block the operation of distance
relays for a power swing condition. Each
relay line terminal shall be provided with
breaker (ailure protection for each circui t
breaker . ' Each set of backup relays shall
be furnished with a separate timing relay
that will provided time trip for zone 2 and
zone J .
Each relay line terminal shall include
single pole and threa-pole tripping and
reclosing protection scheme. The three
pole reclosure snall be done through a
synchro-check relay.
(b) 115 kV Line Protect ion . The 115 kv line
protection shal l be the static distance
protection scheme with carrier transfer
trip. It shall be of the permissive under-
reaching scheme. Zone 2 and Zone 3 delayed
trip shall also be included in the same
CC - 10
Each 115 kv l ine protection shall be thre e-
pole t ripping and reclosing. The three-pole
reclosure shall be done through a synchro-
check r elay .
CC . 7 . 2.l.2 Circuit- breaker failure Protection
The circui t breaker f ai lure protection
will be i nstalled tor eve ry ci r cuit
CC.7 . 2.l.l Pole-slipping Pr otection
The pole- slippi ng protection will be fitt ed on
every g enerating unit.
CC.7.2.l.4 Tariff Metgring
Generators will install current and voltago
transformer s supplying all t ariff met ers according
to Appendix 1.
CC - 11
CC (continued)
CC .8.1
CC. 8 .1.1
CC. 8 .1. 2
Genarator'$ Power Plant must provide the remote
terminal unit to send the signals for monitoring
and control to National Control Centre ( ~ N C C " )
and lor Regional Control Centre ("RCC") where the
requirements are:-
Monitoring signal to NCC and/or Ree
Binary signals
Generator circuit breaker status ("a"
Gonerator " Remota/local control " (irlf
control) switch
Generat.or "Fixedl free" Governor Operation
Analogue signal (4-20 mAl
Real p010ler (MW)
Reaotiva power (MVAR)
Generator voltage (XV)
Set- point feed-back (HWI
Upper MW regulation limit (KW)
Lower KW regulation 1iait (MVAR)
Loading rate (MW/min)
Deloadinq rate (HW/min)
Prequency (Hz I
Analogue signal to Power Plant (4 - 20 mAl
Real power output target set-point
Reactive power output target set-point
cc - 12
CC.'. 1.l.
The signal which must be sent t o NCC
and/or RCC are as tollows
signal to NCC and/or RCC
Binary &igna19
Circuit breaker status (-a" contact)
Line ground switch status
Analogue signals 1
Bus voltage
Bus frequency
Line power !'low (KW)
React i ve pover flow (HVAR)
Energy sale
Energy transact ion (KWh)
Loss ot potential alarm
CCAl. . 1.
ceAl . 2
CCA1. ..
The metering and its facilities shall comprise the
Instrument Transformers
Instrument transformers tor revenue purposes shall
have the accuracy class 0 . 2, rEe Standard 30 VA
class 0.2 for C.T.and 15 VA class 0.2 tor P.T.
IS il owatt-houT Met ers (Active Meters)
Each kilowatt-hour meter shall be t hree-current
element, single tariff, solid-state, and export and
import energy registration type. Each meter Shall
have the accuracy class 0 . 2S . Each shall be
equipped with puls e devices for re-transmitting the
measured electrical energy to the universal
telecount i nq instrument specified in Ite. 4 of this
Appendix 1.
Kiloyar _ hgl!r HeteTs (Reactive Meters)
Each kilovar-hour meter s h ~ l l be threo-current
element, single tariff, solid-state and export and
import energy registration type. Each meter shall
have the accuracy class 0.55. Each shall be
equipped with pulse devices tor re-transmitting the
measured e lectrical energy t o the universal
telecounting instrument specitied in Item 4 ot this
Appendix 1.
Universal Telecoyntj ng Instrument
The universal telecounting instrument shall have
the fol lowing featUres:
24 telecountlng inputs;
8 control inputs;
8 output contacts;
1 datacard module with SRAM;
1 thermal printer modu l e;
1 coamunication module, and complete with COHo
CC - ll.PPEND:IX 1 {Colltinu.cSJ
CCAl . 7
CCAl . 8
and service module;
1 - lot ot thermal printing paper (tor two
years' supply).
Watttynr Transduc@r;
E3ch watt/var transducer shall be combined in the
same enclosure. Each shall be 3-phase, J-wire, and
2-element type. Each shall be designed tor remote
telemetering purpose.
Loss-of-potential Alarm Relays (27XM)
Each k ilowatt -hour and ki l ovar-hour matar
shall be provided with a loss-ot-potential alarm
relay tor monitoring availability ot the potential
ot the meter potential circuits.
Test Switches
Each kilowatt-hour meter, kilovar-hour meter and
each watt/var transducer Shall be individually
provided with a test switch for testing either trom
an external source ot energy or frOm the
transformers by means of .ultipole test plugs,
whiCh shall be provided for the purpose.
Stat ic :Inyerter
Each static inverter shall convert direct current
power to essential l y sinusoidal AC power with
maximum of fivs per cent harmonic distortion . All
components of tho inverter shall be static devices
and the major power components Shall be silicon
contrOlled rectifiers. Each inverter shall inclUde
equipment to protect it tram overloads
that occur on the output side of the inverter.
Each shall be short circuit proof. In the event of
a short circuit on the output side, no damage will
occur to the static inverter.
Each inverter shall contain equipment necessary to
protect it from eurges and spikes which are
normally encountered on the DC systems in the
substations . EaCh shall be designed and
CC - 1 (Continued)
constructed so as not to cause interference with
radio reception or telephone
circuits, in wi t h good modern practice.
Each inverter shall be provided with a contact for
remote annunciation of output voltage failure.
Each inverter shall be furnished in conformance
with the following characteristics and
rated output 100 VA
output vol t age 2]0-/ + 5 t VAC
input voltage
(battery voltage)
- voltage regulation
- frequency
dut y
harmonic content
ambi e nt temperature
80 to 1 20% of
rated voltage
specified in bill
of materials
: +5% no load to
full load at O.S P F
laggi ng.
+/ -5t DC input
voltage, variation
from SO to 120t rated
voltage as specified
in bill of materials
: 50 -/ + 0.05 Hz under
all load condition
natural convection
single phase
5 deg. C to 50
deg . C
a to 95t
The inverter will be used as standby AC soUrce to
the univer sal telecounting inst rument in item 4.
OPl. 1. 1
OP1. Z
OP1. 3
OPl.] . l
Operating Procedure 01'1 covers the preparation of
D e ~ n d Forecasts for the following purposes:
(.) Preparation of the Three Year operating
(b) Preparation of the Yearl.y operating
(0) Preparation of the Monthl.y operating
(') Preparation of
Weekl.y Operating
( ")
Preparation of tho Dail.y Generation
The objectives of 01'1 are to :
(a) define the main sources of information to
be used by EGAT in the preparation of the
D ~ a n d Forecasts;
( b) describe the factors to be taken account by
EGAT in the preparation of the DeMand
Forecasts; and
(c) lay down procedures which will ensure that
the Demand Forecasts for different
timescales are produced on a consistent
For each year of the Three Year Operating Program,
the value of the Day Peak and Evening Peak and
Reserve requirements for each month will be
forecast by EGAT, taking account of:
(a) the annual Demand Forecasts and annual Load
Factors extracted from the Load Forecast
for t he Thail.and Electric System;
(b) historic records of Day peak and Evenin9
Peak values;
OFl - 1
OPL 4.1
OP1. 5
(c) thB R.serve. policy as determined under OPf;
(d) lIny other int'ormation that EOAT, in its
reasonable opinion, believes is relevant .
For each of the Yearly Opsratinq Program, the
following values shall be forecast by EGAT:
(a) the volume at' electricity sales to MEA, PEA
and Direct customers;
(b) the volume of electricity used in station
Servic.s a nd Tra nsmission System Losses;
(e) the Day Peak and Evening Peak; and
(d) the Reserva required.
In producing the se for e cas ts, EGAT shall
Ca) the Dama nd Forecasts used in the production
ot the Three Year operating pr ogram;
(b) the Annual Demand Porecasts and Load
Pactors extracted tram the Load Poracast
tor tb. Thailand Electric System;
(c) historic records o f electricity sales to
KEA, PEA and Direct
(d) historic records of Day Peak and Evening
(e) the Raserva policy as determined under OP4;
(t) any other int'ormation that EOAT, in its
reasonable opinion, believes is relevant.
The Demand Poreeest. defined In OP1 . 4.1 shall be
completed by the beginning of January ot' the year
preceding the year tor which the Yearly Operating
Program is to be produced.
OPI - 2
OP1.S .l
OP1.6 .1
For each day of the Monthly operating Program, the
following values shall be forecast by EGAT:
(a) the volume of e lectr icity sales to MEA, PEA
and Direot CUstomers;
(b) the vol ume of electr icity used i n Station
Services and Transmission System L018es;
(c) the Day Peak and Evening Peak ; and
(d) the Reserve required .
I n produc ing these forecasts, BGAT shall take
account of:
(a) the Demand Porac.sts used in the p roduction
of the Yearly operating Prograa;
(b) h istoric records of electricity sa les t o
MEA, PEA and Direct Customers;
(c) historic recordS of Day Peak and Evaning
Peak values;
(d ) t he Reserve policy a s determined under
(e) any other information that EGAT, in its
reasonable opinion, believes is relevant.
The Damand porecas t s d e f ined in OPl. S.l shall be
completed by the e nd of third week ot the month
preceding the month for Which the Montbly operating
Program is to be produced.
For aach day of tho Weekly opera LIng program, the
following val ues shall be torecast by
(a) the volume o f olactricity sales t o MBA, PEA
and Direct Customers;
fb) the volume ot electricity used in Station
services and Transmission sys tem Lo s;
(c) the Day Peak and Eveninq Peak; and
OPl - 3
OPl. (continued)
OP1. 7
OP1.7 . l
(d) the required.
In producing t hese torecasts, EGAT shall take
account of,
(a) the Deaand Forecasts used in the production
of the Montbl.y operating program;
(b) historic records of electricity sales to
MEA, PEA and Direct customers and, in
particular, the records tor the latest week
for which values are available;
(c) historic records of Day Peak and Eveninq
Peak values and, i n particular, the records
for the latest week tor which values are
(d) the Reserve policy as determined under OP4;
(e) any other informat ion that EGAT, in its
reasonable opinion, believes is relevant.
The Demand Forecast, dofined in OPl.6 . l shall be
compl e ted prior to the end of the week preceding
the week for which the Wsekly operating Program is
to be produced.
For each hour of t ho Daily program, the
following values shall be forecast by EGAT,
(a) the total Demand to be met, including the
volume of electricity sales to MBA, PEA and
Direct Customers and the volume of
electricity used in station service. and
Transmi.9ioD System Loss.s; and
(b) the Reserve
In addition, EGAT shall forecast the value of the
Oay Peak and t he Evening peak, and the hours in
which they will fall.
In producing these forecasts, BOAT shall take
account ot,
(a) the Oemand Forecasts used in the production
OPl - 4
OPl (continued)
of the Waakly Oparating Program;
(b) historic of electricity sales to
MEA, PEA and Diract CUsto rs and, in
particular, the records for the latest day
for which values are available;
(c) historic recorda of Day Peak and Eveninq
Peak and, in particular, the records
for the latest day for which values are
the forecast of weather for
Which the Daily Ganeration
be prepared;
the day for
PrograJII is to
(e) the Resarve policy as determined under OP4;
(f) any other information that EGAT, in ite
reasonable opinion, believes is relevant.
The Demand Por.casts defined in OPl.6.1-0Pl. 1 .1
Shall be completed by 1000 hours on the day
preceding the day for which the Daily aenaration
Program is to be produced .
OPl. - 5
OP2 . 1.2
Operating Procedure OP2 is concerned with the co-
ordination of the Generating Unit, Power Plant,
EXternal Interoonnactor and Tran,qissioD Bystea
maintenance and the r elease or Generating units and
pover Plant. tor constrUction, repair and
maintenance purposes.
The resulting Kaintenance Schadule produced by EGAT
will have been prepared with full regard to the
contents of the relevant Operating Programs and the
Oaily Ganeration Program to ensure the matching ot
generation output with t Demand (including
an allowance for operating Reaerve) produced in
accordance with OPI.
In this Procedura OP2, Year 0 means the current
Fiscal Year, Year 1 .eans the next Fiscal Year,
Year 2 means the Fiscal Year after Year 1, and so
Where must, in accordance with OP2, be
SUbmitted on a particular day and that day i8 not a
BU:llines8 Day, the infonnation shall be submitted en
the last Businass Day before the due day.
Whilst BGAT will make every reasonable ende avour to
acco=modate the Generators' requests for Outages at
particular dates , considerations of System
stability and economics may mean that such requests
cannot be granted_ All Generators must accept
that, where their request has not been granted and
the_ conSUltation and dispute procedure described in
this OP2 has been exhaus ted, EOAT ' s decision on
outage dates is final and binding.
The objective ot OP2 is to seek to to
harmonise the Outages of all Ganerating Dnits or
Power Plants, SZternal Interconnectors and the
Transmission Bystem, whilst:
(a) maintaining sufficient available Generating
Dnit, External Interconnector and
Transmission Syatem Capacity to meet the including operating
Reserve; and
OP2 - 1
OP2 (continued)
OP2 . 3.l
(b) paying attention to the need to minimise
the cost to the System of releasing II
Generating unit or power Plant for OUtage.
On the first day of each of Fiscal year each
Oenerator will provide EGAT, in writing, with a
provisicnal outage program for Fiacal Years 1 to 7,
giving for each of ite Generating units,
(a) the identification of tha Gener ating Unit;
(b) the HW of Capacity involved;
(cl where the out age is for sta tutory or
insurance inspection reasons, the reason
for the OUtaga and the date by which the
work must be completed;
(d) the expected duration of the Outage, in
days and weeks;
(oj the preferred start date for the OUtaga;
(f) where there is a possibility of flexibil ity
in the dates, the earliest start date and
the latest finish date.
On the first day or each or Fiscal Year each
Sxternally Interconnected Party will provide EGAT,
in writing, with a provisional outage Program for
Piscal Years 1 t o 7, giving for each of its
Int. reonnectora:
(a) the identification of the External
(b) tho HW of involved;
(c) the eXPQcted duration of the outaqe, in
days and weeks;
(d) the preferred start date for the Outage;
(e) where there is II possibility of flexibility
in the dates, the earliest start date and
OP2 - 2
OP2 (continued)
the lateat finish date.
Betwee n the first day o f each Fiscal Year and the
end o f week 12 or the Year EGAT will:
(a) prepare a Maintanance schedule for Piscal
Y.ars 1 to 7 , taking account of the
( iii )
the Forecast Demand as laid down in
the Load Forecast tor the Thailand
El eotric System;
the Maintenance schedule prepared
in t he previous Fiscal Year for
Years 2 to 7 (which, by the passaqe
of time, now represents the
previously agreed Kaintanance
schadule tor Years 1 to 6);
the SUbmi ssions from the Generators
made under OP2.3.1 and from
E_ternally Interconnected Parties
under OP2 .3 . 2;
(iv) the requirements tor Transmi ion
Syst .. outages ;
(v) the need to minimise, as far as is
practicable, the total costs to the
Sy.tem ot the required outaq ; and
(vi ) II ny other factors which, in EGAT'S
reasonabl e opinion, are relevant;
(b) provide each Generator, i n writing and in
respeot ot each of its Generating units for
whi ch a n Outaqe was requested under
OP2.3.1, with the dates on which it i s
proposed the outaqes will start and f i nish;
(c) provide each Externally Interconnecte d
party, in writing and in respect of each of
its EXternal for which an
Outa9. was requested under OP2 . 3.2, with
the dates on which it is proposed the
Outaqe. wi l l start and finiSh .
OP2 - 3
OP2 (continued)
Wher e a User (other than EGAT) is unhappy with the
outaqe Proqram allocated to any of its Generating
Dnits or, as the ease may be, EXternal
rnterconnectora, it may contact EGAT, in writing
and no later than the end of week 16 ot the 'iscal
Year, to explain its concerns . EGAT and the u r
shall discuss the its concerns and seek to rasolve
the problem. Where, in EGAT's reasonable opinion,
the change requested by the User does not threaten
System seourity or cause unreasonabl e additional
costs to the syst .. , EGAi' shall agree to the
change. I t the possible resolution at the problem
requires the involvement of other Users, EGAi' may
call a Deeting at the Users involved.
By the end of week 26 ot the Fiscal Year:
ell) each Ganerator will submit to EGA'l' an
updated provisional outage Proqram, in the
same torm and covering the same intormlltion
as that submitted under OP2.3.1, which
shall take account of any revisions to that
Ganarator's outage requirements and any
revisions to the Outaqa Proqram aqreed
under OP2.3.4; and
(b) each Extarnally Interconnected Party will
Submit to BGA'l' a n updated provisional
OUtaqa Proqraa, in the samo form and
coverin9 the saae information as that
submitted under OP2.3 . 2, which shall take
account of any revisions to that Bxtarnally
Party ' s Outaqe requirements
and any revisions to the Outaqe Proqraa
aqreed under OP2.3 .4.
By the end of weeK 32 of the Fiscal Ye.r, EGAT
(a) revise the Maintenance tor Fiscal
Yaar. 1 to 7 . taking account or,
( i ) the Maintenance schedule produced
under OP2.3 . 3;
( iii)
any changes to the Maintanance
agreed under OP2.3.4i
sny revisions to a Ganarator'. or
!xternally Party'.
OP2 - 4
OP2 (continued)
provisional outag-e Program
submitted under OP2.J.5;
(iv) the requirements for Transmission
System outages;
(v) the need to minimise, as f(l.r (l.S is
practicable, the total costs to the
System of the requested outages;
. nd
(vi) any other factors which in EGAT's
reasonable opinion are relevant ;
(b) provide each Generator, in writing and in
respect of each o f its Generating c nits for
which an outage was requested under
OP2.3.5, with the dat es on which it is
proposed the Outages will start and fini sh;
(c) provide each Externally Interoonnected
party, in writing and in respect of each of
its External Interconnectors [or which an
outage was requested under OP2.J.5, with
the dates on which it is proposed the
Outages will start and finish.
Where a User (other than EGAT) is unhappy with the
Outag-8 Program allocated to any of its Generating
Units or, as the case may be, External
Interconnectors, it may contact EGAT, in writing
and no lat er than the end of week 36 of the Fiscal
Year, to explain its concerns. EGAT and the user
shalr discuss the its concerns and seek to resolve
the problem. Where, in EGAT's reasonable opinion,
the change requested by the User does not threaten
security or cause unreasonable additional
costs to the System, EGAT Shall agree to t he
change. If the possible resolution of the
r"''l"irt;'s involv .. ", .. nt of other U".r", EGAT may
call a meeting of the Users involved.
By t he end of week 44 of the Fiscal Year shall
(a) produced a f inal of the Maintenance
schedule ( the Final Maintenance Schedule)
for Viscal Years I to 7, based upon the
Maintenance Schedule produced under OP?'.J.5
OP2 - 5
OP2 (continued)
OP2.4 . 2
and incorporating any changes agreed under
(b) provide each Generator, in writing and in
respect ot each of its Generatillg onite tor
which an outage was reque sted under
OP2.J.5, with the dates on which it is
proposed the Outages wi ll start and finish;
( c ) provide each EXternally Interconnected
Party, in writing and in respect of each o f
its EKt.rDal Intercollllectors tor which an
OUtage was requested under OP2.J.5, with
the dates on which it is proposed the
Outages wi ll start a nd finiSh.
The basis for the Maintenance Scbedule for Piscal
Year 0 will be Phc.l Year 1 of t he pinal
Maintenance Schedule produced and issued at the
end of week 44 of the previous Fiscal Year in
accordance with OP2 . J . 8 .
I n respect of outage. in Piscal Year 0 Which a r e
either not included in the Final Kaintenance
Schedule or for which some parameter has changed,
e ach Generator will promptly infora EGAT, in
writing. with the fo llowing details for each of its
Generating Units concer ned:
( a ) the identitication at the Genera ting Unit.;
(b) the MW ot capacity involved;
(e) where the out.age is for statutory or
insurance inspection reasons, the
tor the Outage and the date by which the
work must be completed;
Cd ) tho expected dur a tion ot- the outage, (and
the agreed duration, as shown in
t he Final Maintenance Schedule, if
appropriato) in days and weeks;
( e l the preferred start date tor the OUtag.;
(and the original agreed start data, as
shown in t.he Pinal Maintenance Schedule, if
appropriata); and
OP2 - 6
OP2 (continued)
(fl where there is a possibility at flexibility
in the dates, the earliest start date and
the latest finish date.
In respect of outages in Fiscal Year a which are
either not included in the Final Maintenance
or for Which some parameter has changed,
each EZternally Interconnected Party will promptly
inform BOAT, in writing, with the following details
for each of its External Interconnactors concerned:
(a) the ide ntification of the Externa l
(b) the XV of Capacity involved;
(c) the expected duration of the Outage, (and
the oriqinal aqrluld duration, as sho",'n i n
the Pinal Kaintenance Schedule, if
appropriate) in days and weeks;
(d) the preferred start date tor the Outaga;
(and the original agreed start date, as
shown in the Vinal Maintenance schedule, if
appropriate); and
(e) where there is a possibility of flexibility
in the dates, the earliest start date and
the latest finish date.
Montbly Maintenanoe Schedule
In respect of outage, in Piscal Year 0 Which are
either included in the Pinal Haintenance SchedUle
or for Which a request for Outage has been .ade
under OP2.4.2, each Generator will, by the end ot
week 2 of each month provide EGAT, in writing, with
the following details tor the next two complete
months and for each of its Generating units for
which an Outaqe is required:
(a) the identification of the Generating Unit;
(b) the KW of capacity involVed;
(c) where the Outage is tor statutory or
insurance inspection reasons, the reason
for the Outage and the date by which the
work must be completed;
OP2 - 7

01'2 (continued)
(d) the expected duration of the Outaqe, (and
the duration agreed with EGAT, if
appropriate) in weeks, days and hours;
(e) the preterred start time and date for the
outaqe; (and the start time and date agreed
with EGAT, it appropriate); and
(f) where there is a possibility of flexibility
in the times or dates, t he earliest star t
time or date and the latest finish tine or
In respect at Outages in Piscal Year 0 which are
either included in the Final Maintenance Schedul e
or for which a request for Outage has been .ade
under OP2,4.3, each Interconnected Party
will, by the end oC week 2 ot each month provide
EGAT, in writing, with the f ollowinq details for
the next two complete months and for each ot its
EXternal Inta r connaetors for whiCh an Outa9a is
(a) the identification of the External
Interconna ctor;
(b) the HW of Capacity involved;
ecl the expected duration of the outaqa, (and
the dur ation agreed with EGAT, if
appropriate) in weeks , days and hours;
(d) the preferred start t ime and date for the
outaqe; (and the start time and date agreed
with BGAT , it appropriate) ; and
Cel where there is a possibil jty of flexibility
in the timos or dates, the earliest start
time or date and the latest finiSh time or
uuring tne 4tn week of each mont h of Pisoal Year 0,
EGAT will examine the Maintenance Schedule for the
next following month and revise it as necessary,
taking account ot:
Ca) the Pinal Maintenance Schedule for the
relevant qonth at Piscal Yaar 0;
OP2 - 8
Oi'2 (continued)
(b) any rev!.sions to the Demand Foracalt for
the month as produced in
accordance with OPl .5;
(c) any requests for either new outaqa. or
revisions to Planned Outages made by the
Ganeratora under OP2.4.2, OP2.4.J,
OP2 . 4.4.1 or OP2.4.4.2;
(d) any other factors which, in EGAT's
reasonable opinion, are relevant .
OP2.4.4.4 By the end of 4th week of each month EGAT shell
(a) produced a tinal version ot the Maintenance
Sch"uSula (the Monthly Maintenance Schedule)
for the next following month, based upon
the Kaintenance Schedule produced under
(b) provide each Generator, in writing and in
respect of each of its Generating Units for
which an outage was requested under
OP2.4.4.1, with the dates on Which it is
proposed the outages will start and finish;
(c) provide each Externally Interconnactad
Party, in writing and in respect of each of
its External Interconnectors for which an
OUtage was requested under OP2.4.4.2, with
the dates on Which it is proposed the
OUtaqes will start and tinish.
Weekly Maintanance Schedule
In respect of Outages in Year 0 which
includea in the Monthly Kaintenanca Schedule
and which dates have been agreed under
OP2. 4.4.4 or tor which" rP'l\!pst for out .. qe h.c
been made under OP2.4.2, each Generator will, by
1600 hours each Wednesday provide EGAT, in writing,
with the following details for the next two
complete calendar weeks and for each at its
Generatinq Units tor whiCh an outaqe is required:
(a) the iaentification of the Generatinq unit;
( b) the HW at Capacity involved;
OP2 - 5:1
OP2 {c:ontinued)
OP2.4.S . 3
(C) where the O\ltaga is for statutory or
insurance inspoction reasons, the reason
tor the outage and the date by which the
work be completed;
(d) the eXpe cted dUration ot the O\ltaq" , (and
the duration agreed with EOAT, it
appropriato) in weeks, days and hours;
(e) the preferred start time and date for the
outage; (and the start time and date agreed
with EGAT, it appropriate); and
(f) where there is a possibility of tlexibility
in the times or dates, the .. arliest start
time or date and the latest finish time or
date .
In respeot of outages in piscal Year 0 which are
either included in the Konthly Maintenance Schedule
and for which dates have been agreed under
OP2.4 .4.4 or for which a request for Outage has
been made under OP2.4.3, each Externally
Intarconnactad Party will, by 1600 hours each
Wednesday provide }:GAT, in writing, with the
following details for the next two complete
calendar weeks and for each of its .. ternal
Intarconnactors for an outage is required:
(a) the identification of the EXtarnal
(b) the KW of capac:ity involved;
(c) the e:ocpected duration of the outage, (and
the duration agreed with it
appropriate) in weeks, days and hours,
(d) the preferred start time and date for the
Outage; (and the start time and date agreed
with EGAT, if appropri"t.); and
(e) Where there is a possibility of flexibility
in the times or dates, the earliest start
time or date and the latest finish time or
dat ...
During the period from 1600 hours on Wednesday to
1600 hours on Friday of the weak concerned, EGAT
will examine the Maintanance Schedule for the next
OP2 - 10
OP2 (continl.led)
following week and revise! it as necessary, taking
account of :
( a ) the Monthly Maintenance Schedl.lle for the
relevant week of Fiscal Year 0;
1 b)
1 c)
any revisions to the Demand Forecast for
the r elevant as produced i n accordance
with OPl. 6;
an estimate of thle current Capacity
available from Generating Units, External
Inte rconnectors and t he Transmission system
and an <lssessment
Of this capacity which
may become for unplanned
(d) any r equests for outages made by the
Generators or Externally Interconnected
Parties under OP2.4.2, OP2.4.3, OF2.4.5. 1
01: OP2.4.5.2;
(e) any other factor s Which, in EGAT's
reasonable opi nion, are relevant.
By 1600 hours on each Friday or the last working
day of a week. shall have:
1 a)
1 c)
produced a final version of the Maintenance
Schedule (the Weekly Maintenance Schedule)
for the next follbwing week, based upon the
Monthly Maintenance Schedule produced under
OP2.4 .4. 4;
provide each Generator, in writing and in
respect of each o'f its Generating units for
which an Outage was requested under
OP2.4 . 5.l, with the dates on which it is
proposed the outages will start and finish;
prOvide each Externally Interconnected
Party, in writing and in respect of each of
its External Interconnactors which an
Outage requested under OP2.4.5.2, with
the dates on which it is proposed the
outages will start and finish.
OP2 - 11
OP2 (cont.inued)
OP2 . '
In respect at Outages in Piscal Year 0 which are
either included in the Weekly MaintenancQ schedule
and for which dates have been agreed under
OP2 .. 5.4 or tor which a request tor OUtage has
been aade under OP2.4.2, each Generat.or will,
between 1000- 1200 hours each day provide in
writing, with the rollowing details for the next
following day and for each of its onit.s
tor which an Outage is required:
(a) the identification of the aenerating Unit;
(b) the KW of capacity involved;
(c) the expected dut:ation of the Outaqe, (and
the duration agreed with EGAT, it
appropriate) in weeks, days and hours;
(d) the preferred start time and date tor the
Outaqe; (and the start time and date agreed
with if appropriate); and
(e) where there is a possibility of flexibility
in the times or dates, the earliest start
time or date and the latest finish ti.e or
In respect of outages in piscal year 0 which are
either included in the .eekly Maintenance Sehadule
and for whiCh dates have been agreed under
OP2.4.4.4 or tor which a request for OUtage has
been made under OP2.4.3, each Externally
Party will, between 1000-1200 hours
each day provide in writing, with the
following details for the next tollowing day and
tor each at its EXternal Interconnectors for Which
an OUtage is required:
(a) the identification of the External
(b) the KW of capacity invol ved;
(c) the expected duration of the outage, (and
the duration agreed with if
appropriate) in weeks, days and hours;
(d) the preferred start time and date for the
OP2 - 12
OP2 (eontoiD.lled)
OP2.4.6.4; (and tohe stoart toime and date agreed
yith EOAT, it appropriate); and
(e) yhere there a possibility of f l exibility
in the times or r ates, the earliest start
time or data and the latest finish time or
During the period from 1200 hours to 1600 hours on
each day, EQAT w111 Qx;!tmine the Kaintenaru;:!e
Schedule for the next folloYing d;!ty and revise it
as necessary, taking account at:
(a) the .aekly Maintenanca Schedule tor the
relevant day;
( b ) any r evisi ons to the Demand Porecant f or
the relevant week as produced in accordance
with OPI. 7;
(c) an estimate of the current capacity
available from Generatinq Units, External
Intereonnectors and the Transmi.sion System
and an assessment of this capacity whiCh
become unavailable for unplanned
Cd) any requests tor outages made by the
Oaneretors or EXternally Interconnected
Partie. under OP2.4.2, OP2.4.3, OP2.4.6.1
or OP2.4.6.2;
Ce) any other factors which, in EGAT'S
reasonabl e opinion, are relevant.
By 1600 hours on each day EGAT shall have:
Cal produced a final version at the Maintenance
Schadula (the Maintanance Sehedule)
for the next followinq day, based upon the
kly Haint e nAnce Schedule undgr
(b) inform any Generator for which an Outage
has been agreed for any ot its Genarating
unit. in respect at the next following day
as to Whether or not the Genaratinq unit
can be rel.a$9d tor its outaga; and
(c) inform any Externally Interconneetad party
OP2 - 13
OP2 ( continued)
for which an outaqe has been agreed tor any
ot its EXternal Interconnactors in respect
ot the next following day as to whether or
not the External Interconnactor can be
released for its outaga.
OP2 - 14
Operating Procadura OPl is concerned with the
production of the operating Programs over the
timescales ot 1 year and 1 The praparation
of the Oparatinq Programs requires the matching ot
torecast generation output with the Porecaat
ORmand, including Operating RRserve, produced under
OP1. The Operating Programs (described in this
OPl) and the Maintenance Schedules produced under
OP2, are developed in parallel.
The obligation in t his OP3 to tnke account ot
irrigation requirements and reservoir levels reters
only to such .atters within Thailand.
The objective of this Procedure OP] is to allow the
production or Operating Programs Which:
Ca) show the Porecast Demand and torecast
Generation Cincluding Ieports and aports
across External Interconnections), allowing
the adequacy ot the Plant Margin to be
(b) allow the Generation, ExtRrnal
Interconnactor and Transmission outaqas to
planned taking account of the overall
acono.ies ot Systam operation and the need
to maintain system stability;
(c) a110w the optimisation of the Hydro and
Thermal regimes, taking account of any
f orecast fuel restrictions,
environMental restrictions and the need to
provide irrigation water from the dams; and
(d) assist in the identitication and solution
of operational problems and to allow the
e ffect i veness ot Procedures to
these problemS to be assessed.
OPJ - 1
OP3 (Continued)
OPl .3

The Yearly Operating Program is prepared On a
Fiaeal Yaar basis. It will show the following:
(a) a statement of monthly Generation output
and. Demand;
(b) a Generation, EXtarnal Interconnactor and
Transmi ion Systam Outage program,
prepared in accordance with OP2; and
(e) monthly reservoir operation and irrigation
The timetable for producing it is laid down below.
Between the beginning Of the riscal Yaar and the
beginning of January, EGAT will:
(a) obtain the relevant Demand Forecasts 1n
accordance with OP1;
(b) produce .. draft of the expected Generation,
EXternal Interconnector and Transmission
HaiDtenanoe Sohedule for the year in
accordance with OP2i
(c) determine, in diacus$ion with EXtarnally
Interconnected Parties, forecasts of
Import s and Exports and the cost of Imports
across the EXtarnal Intarconnectors;
(d) determine irrigation demand for each month
from historic and climatic data and through
discussions with the Royal Irrigation
(e) forecast reservoir levels for each month at
the year from considerations ot, amongst
other hiotoric Gnd climatic udLd
and expected irrigation requiraments for
its Plants. Independent power Producer,
shall forecast reservoir levels tor their
respective Plant. and provide the f orecasts
to EGAT within this same time period;
(f) establish a Marit Order of all Paver
Plants, in accordance to the rules laid
down in SDPl. 6, and taking into account
OP) - 2
OPl (Continued)
OPl .]. ]
OP].] . 5
their forecast Cuel avai l ability and
the beginning of January and the end of
May, EGAT will:
(a) take of any proposed or agreed
changes to the Demand Porecast (produced
according to OP1) and the MaintenancB
scbedule (produc ed according to OP2);
(b) optimise, as far as is practicable, the
parallel operat i on of Hydro and Thermal
Pover Plante, taking account o f any
Imports , irrigation r equire nts,
environmental restrictions and fuel
(e) dete rmine the total System costs, including
the costs of Generetion, the costs of
Import. , the cost s of restrictions
resul ting from Generation, External
and Transmission System
OUtage s and the cost s of out- of- Merit
operation of Thermal Power Plants; and
(d) Prepa re a tirst draft of the Yearly
opsratinq Proqra. for internal review.
BetWeen the beginning of June and the Bnd of
August, EGAT will:
(a) finalise the Yeerly opera ting
taking a ccount of any factors that EGAT, in
its reasonable opinion, believes are
relevant; and
(b) issue the Yea rly Operating PrQqram.
EGAT shall continually moni t or the Yearly Operating"
P,"ogra .. la9di " .. l " "y .tltpected changeS to
program. In the case of signiricant problems whi ch
will have, or Day have, an effect on the expected
oper a tion, EGAT will consider it, in i ts reasonabla
opi n i on, the Year ly Ope rating Proqram will nQed to
be revised and re-issued. In such a case, EGAT
will carry out such investigat ions and actions, as
laid down in OPJ.l.2, OP] . l.l and OP].l.4, as it
deems necessa,"y .
OPl - J
OPJ.4 . 2
Examples ot thCl "significant problellufI;" mentioned in
OP] . ].5 be:
(a) the long term breakdown ot a Generating
lIni t;
(b) the long tel;"ID breakdmm of an External
(c) abnormal Hydro run-off conditions;
(d) significant postponement of Oeneretion or
TransmissIon systum invest.ents.
The Konthly Opsrating Program is prepared on a
calendar month basis and is based upon the relevant
month of th4 Yearly Oparat ing Program. It will
show the following:
(a) a statemant ot daily Generation output,
Imports and Demand;
(b) a Generetion, Exter nal Intereonneetor and
Trans.i.sion System outage program,
prepared in accordance with OP2; and
(c) daily reservoir operation and irrigation
The timetable fOl;" pl;"odueing it is laid down below.
Between the start at week 3 of the preceding month
and the end at that month, EGAT will:
(a) obtain the l;"cievant DeQanrl Forecasts in
accordance with OPI;
(b) produce a dratt of the expected Generation,
lntereonneetor and Trans.ia.ion
Maintenance Schadule for the month in
accordance with OP2;
(e) determine, in discussion with
Interconnected Parties, forecasts ot
OPJ - 4
OP3 (Continuad)
across the Rat.rnal
(d) determine irrigation tor each week
at the month from historic and cliaatic
data and through discussions with the
Royal Irrigation Department;
Ce) torecast reservoir levels tor each week at
the month from considerations at, amongst
other things, historic and climatic data
and expected irrigation requirements;
(f) optimise, as tar as is practicable, the
parallel operation of Hy4ro and Tbe .. al
pover Plants, taking account ot Imports,
irrigation requirements, environmental
restrictions and fuel restrictions;
(9) establish a Karit Or4.r of all Pov.r
Plants, in accordance to the rules
down in SDPl.6, and taking into account
their (orecast fuel ava ilability and costs.
(h) determine the total System costs, including
the costs o f Generation, t he costs ot
restrictions resulting tram Oeneration and
Transmission By.tea outages and the costs
ot out-o(-Kerit operation of Thermal paver
Plants; and
(i) issue the Montbly Operating Program.
OP3 - 5
OP4 . ]
OP4.3 . ]
Opereting procedure OP4 sets out the rules tor
determining the Operating Margin to be Scheduled
and Dispatcbed on the system.
The objective of OP4 is to set out and describe t he
operating Margin which may be utilised by EGAT
pursuant to the operation of Operating Procedure.
OP2 and OP) and Scheduling and Oispatch Procedures
The Operating Margin comprises Contingency Reserve
and Operating Reserve.
Contingency Ressrve
Contingency Reserve is the margin of Generating
Unit forecast ava il abilit ies over Forecast Demand
which is required in the period from 24 hours ahead
down to real time to cover against uncertainties in
Generating Unit aVailabilities and Forecast Demand
errors. It is provided by Generating Units Which
have not been Instructed to Synchronise but which
are available to Synchr on ise within the required
timescale and may addi t ionally be prOVided through
additional Imports or decrease Export across an
External Interconnector.
The amount ot contingency required will be
determined by EGAT on the basis of historic trends
in unplanned reductions at Generatinq Unit
availabilities or Imports and unplanned increases
in Poreca. t Demand.
Operating Reserve
Operating ReBer ve is the additional output
a vailable from units or acros s an
EXt.rnal Int.rconnector (which is operatinq as a
synchronous interconnector) or the reduction in
Demand Which is available in real time operation to
contribute to containing and correcting any
redUction of system Prequency reSUlting from an
unplanned los& ot Generation or Imports or an
Increase in Demand.
ON - 1
0514 (cont inued)
OP4.4 . 1
OP4 .4. 2
amount ot Op.ratin9 Reserve required will be
dete r mined by EGAT havi ng regard to historic trends
in unplanned redu cti ons o f Generating unit
availabilities, the largest secured l oss ot
Generation (or, it greater, loss at Import from or
s udden BXport to an Ezternal System via an EXternal
Interconnector) and unplanned increases in
In preparing the Damand Porecaste (as laid down in
OPl.) , t he Maintana.nca Schedules (as laid down in
OF2), the Operating Programs (as laid down in OF3
and SOP1) and the Daily Generation Program (as laid
down in SDP1 ) and in Di s patching GeDer.tion,
Imports or Demand Cas laid down in SDP2 and SDPl) ,
EGAT shall set the l evels of Reserve and cons ider
the requirements for in accordance with the
requirements of th is 0514.
In Scbeduling and Dispatch ot Ganerating Units or
Imports (or, as the case be, Demand), EGAT, to
the eKtant tha t it bel ieves t hat it is reasonable
so to do, shall account of the total tuel cost
at the Tbermal aenerating Units, any restrictions
on Pover Plant operation, the Operating
cbaracte tistics at the Generating Units and any
othet constraints On System operation.
OF4 - 2
... =,
I ____ '
OP5 ,1. 2
OPS . 2
opereting procedure OPS is concerned with the
monitoring of Generating Unit performance and the
calling f or specific tests of Generating Units,
The moni toring of Generating unit performance will
be carried out to allow BGAT to ascertain i f there
is reason to belieVe that a aanerating unit cannot
operate in compliance with its operating
Charaoteri stics.
The testing of Generating unit performance .ay be
carried out:
(11) at IIny time, subject to cert",in
restrictions, by EGAT to confirm the values
of the Generating Unit's Operating
(b) if EGAT reasonably believes, following
monitoring Of the aenerating Unit's
performance, that it cannot operate in
compliance with its operating
Characteristics; or
(e) if Ganerator wishe s a test performed on its
own Generating Unit following the
correction of a problem which, following
previous monitoring or a previous test, had
caused a n Operating Characterietic Of that
Gene rating Unit to be revised.
In this OPS, the term Operating Character istio
exclUdes all Econoaic operating Character istics
(which shall not be subject to moni toring or test).
The objective nf t.h\ fII OP5 i .. to:
(a) ensure that a means oxis ts tor EGAT to
confirm the actual value of any Opera ting
Char acteristic in respect ot any Generating
(b) provide a meChanism Which obliges a
Generator to revise the value of any
operating Characteristic where monitoring
or testing suggests that the current
OPS - 1
OP5 (continued)
oP' . ) . ]
offered value is incorrect; and
(e) provide a mechanism which allows a
Generator to call for a test ot its own
Generating unit when a problem which has
caused it to revise the value of any
Operating Characteristic has been
E G ~ ' l ' may at any time monitor the performance of a
Generatinq onit by comparing its actual output (or
response) with the output (or response) whiCh it
should achieve according to its then current
Declaration of Operating Characteristic. (made
pursuant to SDP1) and the Dispatch Instruotions to
which it should comply (save only that, if the
extent of f ailUre to follow the Instruction is
within the allowable tOlerances given in
SDP2.S.2.2 , then no failure will be assumed).
If, through its monitoring of a Generating Unit's
perfonnance, 8GAT deterlllines that, in its
reasonable opinion:
(a) the GaDerating Unit is failing persistently
to meet any of its t hen current operating
Characteristics; or
(h) the GeDerating unit has failed to meet its
then current Operating Characteristics in a
way, liS de fined in OPS. 3.S, which requires
action to be taken even thought the failure
is not persistent;
then EGAT shall notify the relevant Generator
giving detai l s of the monitoring Which has been
carried out and the results of this moni toring.
upon receipt of the notification issued under
OPS.3.2, the Generator will, as soon as possible,
provide EGAT with:
(a ) an explanation of the failure;
(b) revised values of the relevant opsrating
Charaoteristios which it proposes to
include in its Declarations made under
SDP1; lind
OPS - 2
OP5.4.1 .1
(c) its proposals to rectify the proble
EGAT and the Generator will discuss the Generator'.
made under OPS.l.) and will try to reach
agreement about the Generator's proposals and the
revised values of the operating Characteristics.
If such agreement is reached then the Ganerator
will declare such revised value or values (under
SOPl) until such time as the problem causing the
revision to the Oparating characteristic has been
solved and tha Generator has provided such evidence
to as EGAT may reasonably require (which may
inclUde a test of the Ganerating Dnit). If no such
agreement i s reached within l working days then
EGAT reSerVeS the right to call for a test at the
Genarating unit.
The types at tailure which are ot such severity
that evi dence ot persistent failure is not required
(as required by OPS.3 .2 (b)) are:
(a) failure to Synchronise when
(b) Da-Synchronising when not so
Testing procedure
All tests (ather than those concerning automatic
frequency response, the noti fication procedure for
Which is laid down in OPS.4.1 . 2) shall be initiated
by EGAT issuing the relevant Dispatch Instructions
under SDP2. On issuing of the first
Instruction at a test, EGAT will intorm the
Generator that this Instruction is for a test. On
issuing the final Xnstruction at a test (or with
the first Instruction it the test requires only one
Instruction), EGAT will inform the Generator that
this Instruction is the last one in thA and
wili also the Generator of the time at which
the monitoring of the performance of the Genarating
Unit will cease for the purposes of the test.
Testing of the autonatic response to variations in
Bystam Frequency at a Ganerating unit will be
carried out during the normal operation of the
Syst .. and no special Xnstructions will be issued.
The Generator wil l, however, be informed by 1600
hours that such a test of its Generating Dnit will
OPS (continued)
OPS .4.l. l
OPS.4 . l.S
OPS.4 .1. 6
take place during the next fol lowing day .
A test will only be valid if it requires the
Generating Unit to perform a duty or duties which
are within i ts capabilities a s given by its
operating which were current at the
time of the issue o f the first Dispatoh Instruction
of the test (or , in the casa of a test of automatic
fr equency response, at the time the Generator was
informed that a test would be c a rried out). If,
atter receiving the first Dispatoh Instructio n ot a
test (or, in the case of a test of automat ic
f requenoy responsQ, a ft er the Generator was
informed that a test would be carried out ), a
Generator dec lares revised values o f the Operating
Ch.ra cteris tics which were t o be t est od , a nd s uch
revision reduces the capability of the Generating
unit to perform any relevant duty, then EGAT may
assume that the t e st has been, or will be , tailed.
Any test will be o f up to 60 minutes duration.
Ouring the monitor ing of the test , EGAT will keep a
record the pertor.ance of the Generating unit in
Such a way as to allow independent ver ification of
the resul ts. In addition, where the response at
the Generating Unit requires System Preque ncy or
system Voltage to he examined, EOAT will keep
recor ds of these values tor the per iod of the test.
I f, through its testing ot a Generating Unit's
performance, BOAT determine s that, in its
reasona ble opi n ion, the Generating Unit is tailing
to meat any of the Operating Characterietio. which
are being test ed t hen BGAT shall notify the
relevant Oenerator giving details of the t esting
which has been carried out and the results of this
Upon receipt of the not ification issued under
OPS.4.l.S, the Oenerator will, a s soon poooible,
provide BGAT with:
(a) an explanat ion ot t he fa ilure;
(b) r evised values ot the r e levant Operating
Characteristics whiCh it propoees to
inclUde in i t s Oaclarations made under
SOPi; and
(e) its proposals to rectify the probl em.
OPS - 4
OPS .4.1. 8
EGAT and the will discuss the
submission made under OP5.4.1.6 and will try to
reach agreement about the Generator', proposals and
the revised values of the operating
Characteristics. If such is reached then
the Genarator will declare such revised value or
values (under SDPl) until such time as the proble.
causing the revision to the Operating
Characteri stic has been solved and the
has provided such evidence to EGAT as EGAT may
reasonably require (which may include a re-test of
the aanerating Onit). I f agreement cannot be
reached within 3 working days then EGAT shall
initiate a re-test and both Parties will abide by
the results of this re-test.
rf, as the results of a test (or re-test) initiated
by BOAT, the operating Characteristies of a
aanarating On it must be revised pursuant to
OP5.4.l.7, OAT ahall be entitled to take the
following actions:
Ca) if the test was called other than as the
result of monitoring or the failure of the
Generat in9 unit in a previous test (and was
not a re-test caused by a failure to agree
revised operating Characteristics), then
EGAT may assume that the operating
Characteristics Which reguire revision will
take the revised values (which were agreed
under 0<'5. 4. 1. 7) trom t he issue time of the
first Inat.ruct.ion of the test (or, in the
case of a test of automatic trequency
response, at the time the Ganerator was
informed that a test would be carried out);
(b) it the test was called as the result of
ot the Generatinq Unit, then
EGAT may assume that the operating
Characteristics which require will
take thc revised value(s) tl:om the time at
notitication to the Generator undel:
(c) if the t est Was a re-test caused by a
failure to ag ree revised Operatinq
Characteristics, then EOAT may assume that
the operating Characteristics which require
revision will take the revised values
(which were agreed under OP5.4.1.7) from
OPS - 5
OPS (continued)
OPS . 4.2
the time which would have applied if the
results of the original test (of which this
is the re-test) had been accepted.
Following a test (or re-test) initiated by the
Generator, the values of the Operating
Characterietice of a Generating Unit agreed under
OPS .4.l. 7, shall be assumed by EGAT to have applied
from the time Which the Generator had not ified EGAT
u nder OPS.4.3 that i t was ready f or the Generating
Unit to be tested.
EGAT's right to initiate teata
EGAT may test a Generating unit at any time and
that test may he of anyone or a c ombination of
Operating Cbaracteristics, provided that EGAT does
not test any s ingle Generating unit more t han three
times in anyone calendar year except in the
following circumstances:
(a) the results of the test showed that the
value of one or more Opera ting
Cheracteristics (whether or not the test
was speci fi cally designed to test this
Operating Chara cterietic) was not as
dec lared by the Generator; or
(h) conditions on the System were such that the
test had t o be abandoned and it is
reasonable to assume that EGAT could not
have predicted that such conditions would
occur (in which case the test is declared
void); or
(c) the test i8 called as a result or
monitoring Of the Generating unit
porformance and EGAT notified the
Generator, under OPS.3.2 that it believes
that one or more of the rplevant
Dnit Operating characterietics needs
r evision and EGAT and the GeDerator tail to
reach agreement, under OPS.3 .3, of the
appropriate value ot the operating
Characteristic; or
(d) the test of the Gensrating Dnit is called
in r esponse to a request , under OPS.4.3,
for a test, trom the Generator who owns (or
operates) this Generating Unit.
OPS -6
OPS.4 . l.1
Generator's right to request tasts
A Geuarator may only request B test of a Generating
Unit in the following circumstances:
(a) the Generating Onit f or which the test is
reqUested is owned (or operated by) the
Ganaratori and
Cb, (i) the Operating Characteristics ot
the Genarating Unit have been
revised following a problem in
respect of the Generating unit, the
problem has now been solved and the
Genarator wiShes to obtain proof of
the impr oved operat ing
Charactaristics; or
(ii) the test is a commissioning test of
the Generating onit following its
first construction or any major
maintenance, al teration,
modification or re-conetruction.
A Genarator will, subject to the provisions of
OP5.4.3.1, request a test ot a Ganarating Unit by
submitting a written test request to EGAT,
containing the following intoraation:
(a) the date of submission of the request tor
{b) the earliest date a t which t he test can
commence (which date shall be no earlier
than 2 working days later than the date ot
submission of the test request);
Ie) the identification ot the Generating Unit;
(d) t he which to
be tested; and
(e) the values of the Operating Characteristics
which the test is expected to verify.
EGAT will .ake all reasonable to schedule
the test to start within 2 working days of the
earliest dat e given by the Generator on Which the
test can start. In the event that EGAT is unable
to schedule the test within this time period, both
OP5 - 1
OP5 (continued)
EGAT ~ n d the Generator will essume that the
Generating Unit has bee n tested and that this test
has veritied that the values ot the Operating
Characteristics given in the test request are
correct .
OPS - 8

Oparatinq Procedure OP6 sets out:
the requi remants for the exchange of
inform5tion concerning Operations which
h5ve an Operational Bffect and/or
Incidents ; and
(b) the rules for the investigation of a
Significant lnc ident .
The terms bel ow have the following me5nings:
Ca) an Oparation is a schedu led or planned
action relating to the operation Of any
part of the sy,tem;
an oparational Bffect is an etfect on the
operation of any p5rt of the System which
may requi re EGAT or any other vssr to
operata in a non-st5ndard way in order to
minimise the ch5nce of the Operating
Standards being br eached;
(c) an Inc ide nt is 5n unplanned occurrence on,
or relatad to, the Syat .. Which has caused,
or could h5ve caused, a breach of the
Ope r ating St5ndarda or which has caus ed
injury to any individual; and
(d) a Significant Incident is an Incident which
in EGAT's reasonable opinion has caused, or
could have caused, a syate. Emergancy or
serious injury to 5n ind ividual.
The objectives of this OP6 are to define procedures
the implications of Operations which may
have en operational Bffect can be
cons ide red in advance and the appropri5te
actions taken; and
(b) Incide nts and the reason for their
occurrence can be ident ified and, where
necessary, investigated.
OP6 - 1
In the case of an operation on any part of the
System which has had or may have an
Operational Effect, EGAT will notify any U.ers
Whose operation may, in EGAT's reasonable opinion,
be affected by the Operation, as soon as is
reasonably practical (and, in any before the
Operation is initiated, unless such delay would
itself increase the risk of an operational Effect
or an rncident) of the operation in accordance with
the proviaions of OPS.J.5.
In the case ot an operation on any Power Plant or
External rnterconnector Which has had or may have
a n operational Btfect , t he relevant Gener ator or,
as the case may be, Externally Interconnected Party
will noti fy EGAT, as soon as is reasonably
practical (and, in any event, before the Operation
is initiated, unless such delay would itself
increase the risk of an Operational Effect or an
Incident) of the operation in accordance with the
provisions of OP6.J.5.
In the case of an operation notitied to under
the provisions of this OP6 . J.2, BGAT shall itself
not i fy any Usera Whose operation may, in
reasonable opinion, be affected by the Operation,
as soon as is reasonably practical, ot the
Operation in accordance wi t h the provisions of
On receipt of any notification of an operation
issued pursuant to this OP6.J, and subject to the
provisions of OP6 . J.6, any recipient may contact
the issuinq the notification to seek
c laritication and that U r, in so far as it is
able and the request for information from the
recipient is reasonably required for the recipient
ton decide upon wh",t action l L coulO take, will:
(al provide the anSWers required; and
(b) circulate copies of the questions and
answers to all recipients cf the
A notification and any respons e to any questions
asked under OP6.J.4 will, subject to the provisions
of OP6.J.6:
OP6 - 2
OP6 (continued)
(a) contain the name, position and organization
ot the individual i ssuing the notification
and the date and t ime of issue;
(b) be of sutticient detail to enablo the
recipient of the notification reasonably to
consider and assess the risks to its own
operation and to put in place any
reasonable plans which may be applicable to
reduce this risk.
Where EGAT is notified by a Us.r, under OP6.3.2, of
an OperatioD and, under ops.3.3, notifies other
V.era of thia Operation, EGAT will include the name
and organization of the individual reporting the
Operation on behalf ot the User. Recipients of
such a notification May seek clarification as if
this individual had issued the notification to
other Dsers .
Examples of operat i ons which are reguired to be
reported under this OP6 include, but are not
limited to, the following:
Ca) the withdrawal of any item Of Power Plant
equipment fr om service for Outage or
Testing (other than as approved by EGAT
pursuant to the provisions of OP2 or OPS),
which may reduce the Reliability of the
Syst.lI; or
Cb) the withdrawal of any item of Transmission
systea or equipment
from service for Outage or Testinq (other
than as approved by EGAT pursuant to the
provisions ot OP2 or OP5) ,which may reduce
the aeliability of the System; or
(e) the carrying out of Tests on any Pover
l'l .... t Int.erconnector equipment
even when this does not require the removal
from service of this equipment; or
(d) the operation ot any circuit breaker or
Isolating Device or Earthinq Device, other
than under Instruction from BGAT; or
(e) any other instance of non-standard
operation Which the Dser has to instigate,
other than when it is so Instructed by
OP6 - 3
OP6 (continued)
OP6 .... 1 Initial reportinq ot an Incident
OP6.4 . 1.1 In t he case of a n Incident on any part at the ion System which has had or may have had
an Operational Etrect, includinq an Incident which
was itself caused by an Incident on a power Plant
or EXternal Interoonnector, EGAT will notity any
Us.r. whose operat ion, in EGAT's reasonable
opinion, had been or may have been affected by the
Incident , as soon as is reasonably practical, in
accordance wi t h t he provis i ons of OP6.4.l.4.
OP6.4 .l. 2 In the case of an Incident on any Power Plant or
EXternal Interconnector whiCh has had or may have
had an Operational Effect , the r e levant Generator
or, as the case may be, EKternally Interconnected
Party will notify EGAT , as soon a s is reasonably
practical, of the Incident in accordance with the
provisions ot OP6.4.l.4.
OP6.4 .l. J On receipt of any report of an Incident issued
pursuant to this OP6.4.1, any recipient may contact
the User issui ng the report to seek clarification
and that User, in so tar a s it i s able and the
request f or information from the recipient is
reasonably required for the reci pient to a s sess the
implications and riSks arising from the Incident ,
wil l provide t he answers required.
OP6.4 . 104 The report of an Incident and the answars to any
questions aris ing r rom t hat report may be given
orally or in writing and ~ u s t :
(al contain the name, position and organization
of the individual i ssuing the report and,
1n the c a s ~ at a written report, the date
and time of issue;
(b) Where an Incident has caused injury to any
individUal, details o f t he injuries caused ;
(c) include, sO far (15 this is possible,
SUfficient detail t o allow t he recipi e nt to
assess the operational implications and
risk arising from the Inc ident.
OP6 - 4
OPILI (continued)
When a report of an Incident is given orally:
(al it will be dictated by the sender to the
recipient, and,
(h) unless the nature of the requires
immediate action to be taken, the recipient
will record and repeat each phrase as it is
received and on completion o f the report
the recipient shall read back the complete
report to the sender who shall contir. that
it is accurate; or
(c) if the requirement to take immediate action
has meant that the confirmation of the
report required by 01>6.1 . 1 . 5 (b) hos not
been obtained at the time the report was
giVen, such confirmation must be sought
from the sender by the recipient as soon as
is reasonably possible.
Significant Incident Reporting
If, in EGAT's reasonable opinion, the Incident has
caused, or could have caused, an Operational
Bttect, or has caused, or could have caussd,
serious injury to an individual, then EGAT aay
classify the Incident as a Significant Incident.
In such case BGAT may seek additional written
reports from the User reporting the Incident or,
where the primary cause of the Incident was within
the Transmie8ioD System, EGAT will prepare such a
report itself. Such a report will contain
of the initial report given of the Incident and
such other information as EGAT reasonably considers
is necessary and haa so informed the producer of
the report.
A report produced pursuant to OP6.4.2 . l shall be
classed as a 8ign1ticant Incident Report and shall
be produced and issued to EGAT as soon as is
reasonabl y practical. EGAT will issue copies ot
any such report to any User who, in EGAT's
reasonable opinion, has been, Or CQuid have been,
affected by the IDcident.
Significant Ineid.nt meeting
Where a Significant Incident Raport has been
produced and issued, the issuer or any recipient of
OP6 - 5
OPS Icontinued)
that report may, if it believes that it is
necessary, request EGAT, in writing, to convene a
meeting or all interested parties to discuss the
I ncident (which request EGAT shall not unreasonably
refuse) .
Where there have been a series at Significant
Incidents and the party reques t ing the meeting
under OP6.4.3.1 believes that they may be
connected, that party may request that the meeting
considers all such Significant Incidents.
Where it has been agreed that a meeting will be
convened to discuss one or more Significant
Incident s, EGAT will COnVene SUch a meeting as soon
as reasonably practicable. All affected Users will
be invited to send a representative to the meeting,
which EGAT will Cha ir. The procedures and rules o!
conduct of the meeting will be decided by the
User s shell treat all intormation r e ceived under
this OPt as confidential and shall only release
this information to third parties:
CaJ Where required to do so under any provision
o! the Grid Codei
(bJ where:
(i) a contr act between the User and the
third party requires such
disclosure; and
( iii)
the third party is connected to the
syst only via some facility owned
by the U r and Which is itsol!
conn .. c t .. d to, Or i .. par:-t or, Lhe
syst ; and
had the third party been connected
directly to the System, it would
have received the information in
its. own right.
(c) where required to do so under any law or
OP6 - 6
OP' (continued)
where the inrormation has entered the
public domain other than by this User
broaching the conditions of this OP6.5.1.
01'7 2
Operating Procedure 01'7 specities the procedures
to be used by EGAT and Oaera for the
establishment and maintenance of switching and
clearance pr ocedures to ensure that work on HV
in EGAT', or a user's Systems can be
c<lrried out safely. It applies only When work
and/or testing (other than system Tests covered
by 01'5) is to be carried out and where the satety
of personnel or plant requires EGAT and a User
(or users) to liaise .
This 01'7 does not detine the s<lfety rules to be
adopted by EGAT or any user but simply lays down
the preparation of procedures which will govern
the interface between them. In part i cular i t
lays down the. rules for agreeing the safety
procedures (the Local Safety procedures) which
will be adopted on either side of a connection
point between BOAT and any user.
Where the pr ovisi ons of this 01'7 require a Party
t o approve the Local Safety Procedur es of another
party, such approval does not imply that the
approving Party takes any responsibility for the
adequacy or otherwise of the Local Safety
Procedur e. The approval in such case only
implies that there is nothing in the Local Safety
procedures that negates or frustrates any
provision of the Local Safety procedure. of the
approving Party for the relevant connection
The objective of this OP7 is to ensure that the
safety proceaures adopted on ei ther side of a
connection Point work together in such a way as
t o ensure the safety of personnel ana/or plant at
any time that work and/or testinq is carried out
at or near the connection point.
Approval of Local Safety procedures
Prior to the energising of a new connection Point
(or, for a Connection Point which has been
energised before the procedure laid down in this
OP7 has been adopted, as soon as reasonably
practicable), and the relevant User will
each supply the other with a copy at the Local
Safety procedures which it intends to adopt on
OP7 - 1
OP7 (
OP7 .3.1. 3
its side of the Conneetion Point.
The Party from whom approval is sought will,
within 7 days ot receipt of the Loeal Satety
Proeedure, send written comments to the issuing
Party giving:
fa) its approval of the Local satety
procedure; or
(b) its reasona for refusing to give approval
and the changes which it would wish to
see to enable it to grant approval .
If the Party trom whom approval 1s sought
requires mor e stringent Isolation and lor Eartbin9
provisions then, to the extent that these
provisions are not unreasonable, then the other
Party will make such changes to its Loeal Safety
Procedures as soon as is reasonably practicable.
If, subsequent to the approval of any Loe.l
Safety Proeedura, the issuing party wiahes to
change any provision of the procedure, it will
prepare a version at the procedure showing the
original text and c learly indicating the changes
required to this text and will seek approval of
this procedure as if this procedura had not
previously been approved. Subject to the
provisions of OP7.3.l.S the revised procedure
shall not be implemented until the necessary
approvals have been received.
If an approved Loeal Safety Procedure has been
found to be unsound, revisions to this procedure
(only to the extent that these are required to
ensure the safety ot personnel or plant) may be
implemented i mmediately , subject only to the
Safety co-ordinators of the other Party or
Parties having been informed of those changes and
having confirmed that the changes do not increase
the risk to their own personnel or plant and are
understood .
Prior to the energ1sing ot a new connection Point
(or, tor a Connection Point which has been
energised before the procedure la1d down in this
OP7 has been adopted, as soon as reasonably
practicable), EGAT and the relevant user will, in
respect of this Conneetion point, each appoint an
individual to act as Safety Co-ordinator and a
second individual to act as safety Co - ordinator
OP7 - 2
OPS.1.2. 1
Operating CPS defines the Procedures to
be followed in the event ot an exceptionally
serious breakdown on the system. It covers:
(a) priority Load Shedding and Load
restoration; and
(b) Generator Shedding;
(0) Black start .
The Procedures to be followed by Generators in
support of System Frequency are covered in SDP3.
System Emergency Action Sheets
Whilst this OPS lays down the basic rules for
Load Shedding, Generator Shedding and Black
Start, additional details are given in the
appropriate System Emergency Action Sheets which
shall be i ssued from time to time by BOAT to
Authorised operators.
The following details are set out in the
appropriate system Emergency Sheets:
(a) details of all Load Shedding
(b) telephone numbers and means of
communication between the relevant
Parties (as laid down in OP6);
(e) action to he taken following a loSS of
communications (as laid down in OP6);
(d) Generation and special Procedures where
The objectives of this OPS are:
(a) to ensure that rules are established
which al'low independent action by
appropriate Authorised Operators to avoid
a complete breakdo .... n of the System; and
(b) to describe the Procedures to be followed
to restore the system following a Under
Prequency Emergency, partial Shutdown or
Total Shutdown;
OPS - 1
OP8 ( continued)
OPS . l.l
OP8 . J.4
OPS . 4 .1. 1
OPS . 4 . 1.2
OPS . 4.1.3
(c) to install the protection system to avoid
cascade tripping .
A Vnder Frequency z.ergency shall occur when the
By.tea Frequency falls non-transiently to or
below 49Hz.
A Partial Shutdcwn occurs when a section of the
System becomes dis connected from the remainder at
the System, forming a Power Island.
A Total ShuLdown when all Generation has
ceased and there is no electr icity supply from
External rnterconnections.
Ouri ng a under Prequency Emergency, Partial
8hutdown or Total Shutdown and the period
following such an OCCUrrence during the
restoration of the system, the System may be
operated outside of System Frequency a nd system
Voltage standards and the Scheduling a nd Dispatch
of Generating Onits in accordance with the Merit
Order may ceaSe.
Load Shedding Blocks
Arrangements shall be made whereby , in a System
Emergency, Load can be shed in Load Shedding
Blocks. The Load Shedding Blocks for each
individUal location Shall be allocated, where
appr opriate, betwsen Under Prequenoy Automatic
Load Shedding and Manual Load Sheddinq.
Under Prequency Load Sheddinq shall be
effected by the operation of Onder Pre quency
Relays, installed at appropriate points
throughout the system. The settings at the Under
Frequency Relays and their locations shnl l be
detailed on the appropriate system Emergency
Action Sheets.
The settings on the Under Frequency Relays shall
al l ow for Load 8bedding i n steps at the following
Frequencies and according to EGAT's Instruction:
Step 1 49. 0 BZ
Step 2 48.8Hz
Step 3 48.6Hz
Step 4
Step 5
- ,
OP7 (continued)
OP7 . 5
OP7 . S.2.2
at any time t hat the first named individual is
EGAT and the relevant User will each inform the
other, in writing and without delay, of the
identity of the individuals appointed by them as
Satety Co-ordinators. In the event of an
intention to replace the individual appointed as
Safety Co-ordinator the other Party to the
connection point will be notified of identity of
t he new safety co-ordinator without delay.
The safety co-ordinators will be responsible for
co-ordination of all matters concerning safety
across the Connection Point, including (but not
limited to) the approval of Local Safety
Procedures. A Satety Co- ordinator may be
res pons ible for mo r e than one connection Point
Without prejudice to the need t o prepare and
agree Local Safety Procedures for u ~ e at each
connection Point site, it would be expected that
the Isolation and Earthing principles no less
s tringent than those out lined in OP7 . S.2 below
will be adopted.
Isolation and Earthing principles
< ., Where Iso1ation is achieved by means of
an Isol ation Device, the isolating
position will be maint ained in such a way
as to minimise the risk of inadvertent,
accidental or unauthorised operation and
that when put in this position, a notice
or "tag" to this effect will be a ttached.
(b) Clearance to work on any Apparatus which
requires this I solation to be achieved
will only Ile issued when the pro<.:e<1un, in
OP7.S.2.1 (a) has been completed .
( .,
Where Earthi ng is achieved by means of an
Earthing Device, the Earthing position
wi ll be maintained in such a way as to
minimise the risk of inadvertent,
accidental or unaut horised operation and
that when put in this p osi tion, a notice
or " tag" to t his effect will be attached.
Clearance to work on any Apparatus which
requires this Earthing t o be achieved
OP7 - J
- LdO
uaaq (v)
uT pans Sr aq 111M

01'8 (continued)
OP8.4.1.4 The instructions to be followed to effect Kanual
Load Shedding shall be detai led on the
appropriate Systam Emergency Action Shaats.
01' I n certain circumstances Load Shedding by stages,
normally Instruot.d by EGAT may not be adequate
fcr relieving dangerous System conditions. In
these circumstanoes, BOAT may Instruot Load
Shedding at any Prequency and, for this purpose,
Shall use the System Eaerqency Action Shests as a
guide to priority.
OP8.4.2 Load Restoration
01' As soon as Frltquanc:y has risen to the value
specified in the appropriate System Emergsncy
Action Shaat, the Dispatcher shall start
restoring Load, through the normal operational
channels (as specified in 01'6) .
01'8.5.1 EGAT uses N-l design criteria f or planning and
operation. In sOme circumstances where N-2
happened which may cause cascade tripping on
generating units, transmission lines or even
system seperation. To prevent the serious problem
after N- 2 incident EGAT preserve the right to
install the protection system such as ~ u t o a a t i c
Generation Shedding if it is necessary.
OPS.6.t Certain power Plant. are registered under
Connection Conditions cc a s having the capability
of starting without any external electricity
supply ("Black Start Capability").
OPS.6.2 In the eVent of a Total or Partial Shutdown
Generator, with Pover Plants regis tared as having
a Black Start Capability may be Instructed by
EGAT to perform a Black start. rn giving this
InstrUction, EOAT Qay give to the Generator such
other InstrUction' as, in its reasonable opinion,
are necessary to accomplish a restoration of the
System. In such a case, a Generator may not
refuse such Instructions, even when they require
operation of the Generating Unit outside of its
current Operating Characteristics, other than for
reasons of safety, ot either personnel or Plant.
OPS - 3
OPB (continued)
QPS.6 .J Upon receiving an Instruction to perform a Black
Start, the Generator shall initiate the Start-Up
as soon as possible and shall inform EGAT when
this has been accomplished . Following such
confirmation EGAT will endeavour to stabilise the
operation of the Generatinq unit by the
establishment of appropriate loads and the Start-
Up and ot other Ganeratinq units.
If during this restorat ion period any Generator
experiences difficulties in maintaining the
operation of any o f its Units within
safe operating limits, it shall inform EGAT of
this fact without delay and EGAT will, where
possible, take such actions as are necessary to
alleviate the problem.
OPS - 4
SDPI.I . 4
Scheduling and Dispatcb Procedure SDPl set out the
Procedure for the production of the Weekly
Operating Program and the Daily Generation Program.
It covers :
(a) the submission to EGAT by the Generators of
an Availability Declaration and i n f o ~ a t i o n
on their current Operating Characteristics;
(b) the submission to EGAT by the Externally
Interconnected Parties of information
concerning the available Capacity of t he
External Interconnectors;
(c) the agreement between BGAT and the
Ext ernally Interconnected Parties
concerning Imports and Exports across the
External Interconnectors; and
(d) the production and issue of the Weekly
operating program and the Daily Generation
Program by EGAT.
Where, in accordance with SOP!, information must be
submitted or issued on a particular day and that
day is not a Business Day, the intormation Shall be
submitted or issued on such other day as EGAT shall
have informed the User or Users, in writing, not
less than 7 days prior to this revised day.
In this SOPl, other than in Appendix I, the term
operating Characteristics includes all operating
Characteristics other than capacity (which is in
all cases treated separately).
The obligation in this SDPl to take account of
irrigation requirements and reservoir levels refers
only to such matters within Thailand.
This Procedure SDPl is intended to enable EGAT to
ensure that it receives SUfficient information, in
a timely manner, to allow for the production of
optimal Operating Programs tor 1 week ahead and 1
day ahead, taking account of:
(a) Generatinq Unit availabilities and
SOPl - 1
SDPl.. J. 2
SDPI. 3.3
Operating Characteristics;
(b) Imports across lnterconnectors;
(e) Demand Forecasts;
(d) System economics;
(e) Pumped Storage Plant pumping conditions.
Pumped storage plant means the pumping
programme required for the Pumped storage
plant s.
(tl requirements, environmental
restrict ions and fuel supply restrictions;
(g) any constraints on the Transmission syatem.
The Weekly Operating Program is prepared on a
calendar week basis and is based upon the relevant
week o f the Monthly Operating Program. It will
show the following:
(al a statement of expected daily pover Plant
pro'duction, Imports and Demand;
(b) a Generation, External Intereonneetor and
Transmission System outage program,
prepared in accordance with OP2; and
(c) daily reservoir operation, including Pumped
storage Plant pumping conditions, and
irrigation requirements .
The Weekly Operating Program shall be prepared by
EGAT in accordance with the rules laid down below.
Between 1000-1200 hours on each Wednesday, each
Generator shall submit to EGAT by facsimile (or by
s uch other means as have been agreed by EGAT) the
following information, in respect at. each at. their
Generating units and for the next following
calendar week, the following information:
(a) an Availability Declaration stating the
capacity at which t he Generating Unit may
be operated in any time period (given in a
SDPl - 2
SDPl (continued)
whole number of MW) and the start and
finish times f or each such time period;
(b) for any Generatinq unit which has been
declared as Available and tor which any
Operatinq Characteristic (as listed in
Appendix I to this SDP1) has a value Which
is different from the value o f the
equivalent Registered Operating
Char acteristic or has a value which is
different from that declared by the
Generator in its previous Declaration made
under this SDPl.3.3, the Generator shall
give the following:
(i) identificati on of the Operating
Charact eristic (as shown in
Appendix 1 to this SDP1);
(ii) the new value of the operating
(iii) the time from whe n this naw value
will apply; and
(iv) the time tor whiCh the new value is
expected to apply;
(c) In the event of no Declaration being made
in respec t of an Operating Characteristic,
EGAT shall assume that the last valid
Declaration for this Operating
Characteristic shall apply, or, if no
previous val id Declaration has been made,
that the va lue of the Registered operating
characteristic shall apply;
(d) any r estrictions on operation which may
arise from environmental considerations.
1000-1200 on each e ach
Externally Interconnected Party shall submit to
EGAT by facsimile (or by SUch other means as have
been agreed by EGAT) the following information, in
respect of each of their External Interconnectors
and for the next following calendar week, the
following information:
(a) requested, expected or agreed (as
appropriate) Imports and Exports;
SOP1 - J
SOPl (continued)
SDPl. 3.5
(b) a Declaration stating the Capacity
available at any time; and
(c) In the e vent ot no Declaration having been
made in respect ot an _EZternal
Interconnector, EGAT shall make an estimate
at the values and restrictions which will
(d) any restrictions on operation which may
arise tram environmental or other
By 1600 hours on the Friday or the last working day
at the week bet ore the stat"t at the WOlilk to which
the Weekly operating Program will refer, EGAT will:
(al obt ain the relevant Dea&nd Forec.sts in
accordance with OP1;
(b) produce a dratt ot the eXpecte d Generation,
External Interconnector and Transmission
xaintenanee schedule for the week in
accordance with OP2;
ee) determine irrigation demand, in respect ot
Hydro pover Plants tor each day at the week
tram historic and climatic data and through
discussions with the Royal Irrigation
(d) forecast reservoir levels for each day at
the wee k from considerations ot, amongst
other things, historic and climatic data
and expected irrigation requirements;
(e) optimise, as far as is practicable, the
parallel operation ot Hydro and Thermal
Power Plants and I.ports and Pumped storage
Plant p u ~ p i n g requirements, taking account
( i)
irrigation requirements;
Generating unit Availebility
Declazations and Operatinq
Operatinq Re.erve requirements
SOPl - 4
(lv) tuel and environmental
restrictions; and
(v) information from the Externally
(tl establish. Merit Order of all Generating
units as defined in SDPl.6 helow.
(9) determine the total System costa, including
the costa of Generation and I _porta, the
costs of restrictions resulting from
Generation, EKtarnal IntercODnector and
Transmission system outaga. and the costs
of out-of-Merit Operation of Thermal power
Plants and the costs of pumping tor PUmped
storage plant;
(hJ Subject to the provisions of SOP1.3 . 6,
prepare the Weekly operating proqraa end
issue it internally within EGAT and to each
aenerator and Externally Interconnected
Party .
In the event that, in BGAT's reasonable opinion,
the rlexibility ot operation or the
units (as by their then current
Characteristics) is such that
the Scheduling of 6urticient operating R is
not possible, then EGAT may take the actions
envisaged under SDP3.J .J. 5 and the results of such
actions will be reflected in the weekly operating
The Daily Generation is prepared on a daily
basis and is based upon the relevant day o f the
weekly Progra.. I t will show the
(0) a of hourly plant production and
(b) a Generation, External lnt.rconneetor and
Transmission System Outage program,
prepared in accordance with OP2; and
(e) hourly reservoir operation, including
Pumped storage Plant conditions,
SDPl - 5
SOPl (continued)
SDP1 . 4.2
SDP1 . 4.3
and irrigation requirements.
The Daily Ganaration Proqram shall be prepared by
BGAT in accordance with the rules laid down below.
Between 1000-1200 hour& on each day, each Genarator
shall SUbmit to EOAT by (or by such other
means as have been a greed by EOAT) the
information, in respect of each their Ganarating
Unita and for the next following day, the following
(a) an availability Dec1aratioD stating the
Capacity at which the Generating Unit may
be operated in any time period (given in a
whole number of HW) and the start and
finish times tor each such time period;
(b) tor any Generating Unit which has been
declared and tor which any
operating Characteristic Cas listed in
Appendix 1 to this SOPl) has a value Which
is different from the value of the
equivalent Registered Operating
characteri.tic or has a value Which is
different from that declared by the
Generator in its previous Declaration made
under this SDP1.4.3, that no
revisions to any Bconoaic Operating
characteristic wil l be accepted) the
oenerator give t he following:
identification of the opereting
Characteristic (as shown in
Appendix 1 to this SDP1);
the new val ue of the Operating
the time from when this new value
will apply; and
(iv) the time for which the new value is
eXpGcted to apply;
In the event of no Declaration being .ade
in respect ot an Operating Chareoteri.tic,
EGAT shall assume that the last valid
Declaration for this Operating
Characteriatic shall apply, or, if no
SDPt - 6
SDPl (continued)
previous valid Declaration has been made,
that the value or the Registered Opereting
Characteri.tic shall apply;
(d) any restrictions On operation which may
ariae froft environmental considerationa.
Between 1000-1200 hours On each day, each
EXternally Interconnected Party shall submit to
EGAT hy facsimile (or by such other means as have
been agreed by EGAT) in respect of each of their
External Interconnectora and for the next following
day, the following information (save that no
revisions to any Economic Operating Characteristic
will be accepted) :
(al requested, expected aT agreed ( ~ S
appropriate) Imports and Exports;
(b) a Declaration stating the capacity
available at any time, and
(e) In the event of no Daclaration having been
made in respect of an EXternal
Intercoonector, EGAT Shall make an estimate
of the values and r estrictions which will
(d) any restrictions on operation Which may
arise from environmental or other
By 1600 hours on the day before the start of the
day to which the Daily Oeneration Proqram will
refer, ZGAT will:
(al obtain the relevant Oe .. od Porecasts in
accordance with OPl,
(b) produce a draft of the expected Generation,
EKterftal Intaroonneotor and Tron ission
Maintenance Schedule tor the day in
accordance with OP2,
(c) determine irrigation demand, in respect Of
Hydro Power Pl ants located within Thailand,
for each hour of the day from historic and
clieatic data and through discussions with
the Ministry of Agriculture and the Royal
I r rigation Department;
SDPl - 7
SOPI. 4.6
(d) torecast r eservoir levels (for reservoirs
located within Thailand) tor each hour at
the day from considerations of, amongst
other things, historic and c limatic data
and expected irrigation requirements;
(e) optimise, far as is practicable, the
parallel operation of and Thermal
Power Planta and and Pumped storage
Plant pumping requirements, taking account
irrigation requirements;
Generating Unit Availability
Declarations and Operating
Cha racteriatics;
Operating Reserve requirements
tuel and environmental
restrictions ; and
information from the EZternally
Interconnected parties;
(fl e s t abl i sh a Herit Order at a ll Generating
Units as defined in SDPl.6 below.
(g) the t otal System costs, including
the costs ot Generation, the costs of
restrictions r e sulting from Generetion and
Trens.ission System Outage. and the costs
of Out-of- Xerit operation of Ther l Paver
Planta; and
(h) Subject to the provisions ot SOP1.4.6,
prepare the Daily Operating Program and
issue it internally within EGAT and to each
Generator and Interconnected

In the event that, in EGAT ' B reasonable
the tlexibility ot operation of the
units (as demonstrated by their then current
Declared Cbaracteristics) is such that
the Scheduling ot SUf f icient Operatinq Reserve is
not possibl e, then EGAT may take the actions
envisaged under SOP3.3.J.5 and the results of such
actions will be reflected in t he Daily operatinq
SDPI - 8
SDPl (continued)

SDP1.5.l If at any time a Generatol: or externally
Interconnected party finds that, in respect of any
of its Generatinq unit a or , as the case may be,
EXternal Int_reonneetora, any part of the last
Declaration made SOPl.4.3 or SDP 1.4.4 or
this SDPlo5.1 is no lonqer valid, it shall inform
EOAT of this fact and the revised value or values
(and the times for which they shall apply) without
delay, by Control Te l epbony or such other means as
BGAT miqht from time to time aqree, and Shall
confirm the same writinq within [1) hour (save
that nO rovisions to any Sconomio opoJ:atinq
Chataoteriatie wil l be accepted) .
SOPl.6.1 Thermal power Plaut Herit Or der BGAT will calculate a position in the TheI'lllIll. Power
Plant Merit Or der for each TheI'lllal Generatinq Onit.
A Generatinq vuit's position in the Kerit Order is
based upon its operat inq cost per KWh of
electricity sent out, as determined in accordance
with SDP1.6.1.3 and SDP1.6.1.4 and the effect ot
transmission losses from that unit t o the l.oad
SDP1.6.1.2 It is important that the Harit Order be updated
frequently to take account of changes to the value
of the Economic Operatinq ChaJ:acteristics submitted
in respect o f the Generatinq Onits pursuant to this
SP01. EGAT will, therefore, update the KeJ:it order
liS frequently a5, in its reasonable opinion, is
required and, in any case, as part of the process
of pr.,parinq .,,,0.;11 .eekly operatinq ProqraJlli.
SOP1.6.I . J Where in respect Of a Generatinq vuit the Economic
Operating Charaeter isite. are submitted in terms of
tuel type and energy requirements (as laid down in
SDPIAl.2.2.3) the operatinq C05t (per KWh s ent out)
of each aanaratin9 Unit will be calculated as
follows (each value being that related to the
SDPl - 9
SOP1 (continued)
Generating unit in question):
Ca) The cost ot tuel, in Baht/unit quantity,
(b) The caloritic value of the fuel, in GJ/unit
queantity - C;
fc) The aeat Rate ot the Generating Unit at
full load, in OJ/hour = H;
Cd) The tull load capability of the unit, in KW
- H;
opcri:lting cost (Baht per KWh) = F/e) * II)
SPDl . 6.1.4 Where, in respect ot a Generating Unit, the
EconoDic Operating Characteristics arc in
terms of tuel type and energy requirement (as laid
down in SPDIAl.2.2.4), the operating cost (per KWh
sent out) of each Generating Unit wil l b.
calculated as follows (each value being that
releated to the Generating Unit in question):
Ca) The No-load price, in Baht/hour, - Ni
(b) The incremental price, in Baht/KWh, - P;
fc) The capacity, in n, - C;
Operating cost (in Baht/KWh) = (N/C) + P
SDPl.6.2 Hydro Pover Plant Xerit OroSer
SOPl .6. 2.1 Tho effic iency of a Hydro turbine is affected by,
amongst other things, the Turbine Head and the
Active ana Reactive Pover output. In the setting
of the Hydro Power Plant Merit Order will
prepare, for each Hydro Power Plant and, as
appropriate, for each Hydro Generating Unit within
the Power Plant, a loading chart , a reservoir
characteristic curve and a discharge curve. These
will be used to shOW the relationship between
ef ticiency and output over a range of Turbine Head
values which can occur due to tluctuations in water
storage tailrace levels. A further factor to
SDPl - 10
be taken account of in setting the HydJ:o Pover
Plant Herit Order is the downstream irrigation

SOPl - 11
SOPlAl.l. 1 Each Generator ..,ill make Declarations in
accordance with this SOPl at the values of the
Operating characteristics listed in SOPlAl.2 in
respect of each of its Generat ing Units (which
value shall reflect the true operating
character istics at the Generating unit,
deter.ined in accordance with Practice).
SDPlAl. 1. 2 In respect ot any Hydro Ganerating unit, warmth-
varying values ot Oparating Charact a ri,tics have
no meaning and only the "cold " value at the
Oparat ing Charactaristic shall be given.
SOPIAl.I. ) In respect ot PUmped storage Plants, the
capabilit y ot pumping will be classed as an
Operating charaotari.tic and, as required the
term Generating unit will be applied, to the
extent required, t o a pump in such a plant.
SOPIAl. l. 4 In respect of any Ganarating Unit the
Generator shall notity EGAT or the detinitions ot
Warmth Condition which shall apply t o a ll Warmth-
varying Oparating characteristics and whiCh were
submi tted by Generator pursuant to the
Connection Conditions, ce. The notitication ot
those Warmth conditions wi ll be as laid down i n
SDP1Al.2.l and may only be changed with EGAT'e
written permission.
SOP1Al.l. 5 Each Externally Interconnected Party will make
Decl'rations in a ccordance with this SDPl of the
capability or each ot its Eatarnal
Intarconnaetore to Import or EXpor t electricity
or provide Raserve (which values shall reflect
the true operating Characte r istics of the
Eata rnal Inta rconna ctor, determined in accordance
with Pruda nt Practice), the expected or required
1mports and Exporta and the I.port price of
electricity as qiven in SDP1A l .1 .
SDP1A1.2.l .armth Conditions
SOPlAl .2.l.l " cold- and "hot" condit ions
Condition Time since last
SOP1Al - 1
SDP1 - 1 (continued)
cold more than [ 1 hours
hot less t han [ 1 hours
SDPl.Al. 2: .1. 2 "warm" condition
Warm - not hot or cold
Operating Characteristics
SDPIAl.2.2.1 The first set of operating Characteristics
COnCern t he output of the Generating Unit and its
ability to change its output l evel of active or
reactive power and, in the case of Pumped storage
Plant only, its ability to pump water from the
lower to the upper reservoir.
(a) Capacity. The achievable power output of
the Generating Unit, given in KW, and net
of any power used solely to drive
Apparatus dedicated to this particular
Generating Unit and any power output
aChievable as MaKimum Generation.
(b) Minimum Generation. The minimum output
leve l, given in KW, which a Generating
Unit can safely maintain for an
indef inite period.
[c) Maximum GeneratiOD. The level of power
output above the declared capacity, given
in MW, which is sustainable for only
short periods of time.
(d) Reactive Power capability. The levels of
Reactive Pover, bot h l e ading and lagging,
deliverable at specified output levels.
Reactive Pover = V * I * sinp, where p is
the phase angl e .
(0) spinning Rasarve '''''p"bility. The ability
of the Generating Unit, when part-loaded,
to increase its output under governor
control in certain time scales.
(fl Notice to Synchronise. The period of
time, given in hours, required between
the notification to the Generator that it
is required to Start-Dp the Generating
Unit and the earliest time the Generating
SDP1 - APPENDIX 1 (cont inued)
( i)
- O( j )
Unit can be Synchronised in the fol lowing
Warmth Conditions: Cold (with boiler
cold), cold (with boiler on Hot Standby),
warm and hot.
Block Load on Synchronisation. The
instantaneouB output l evel , in MW, which
the Gemerating Unit wi ll attain on
Sytlcbroni.ation. !lot, warm and cold
values may be give n.
Loading Rate. The maximum rate at which
the Generating Unit, when synchron ised,
can increase output under
cont r ol and in normal operating
conditions. GiVen in "/min for
output levels and different
Warmth Conditions.
Da-Loading Rate. The maximum rate at
whiCh the Generating Unit, when
synchronised, c an decrease output under
control and in normal operating
conditions. Given in KW,mi n for different
output levels and ditferent Warmth
Condition .
Minimua Up-Time.
f or which
be. synchronised.
The minimum time, in
the Generating onit must
(k) Minimum Down-Time. The minimum time, in
for which t he Generatinq onit must
be De-Synchronised.
(1) Maximum fuel changes. The maximum number
of f u el changes that a Generating unit
can be required t o do in a 24 hour
pe riod .
(m) Turbino hood. (For all
Plants) the expect ed Turbine Haad. Where
a ppropr i ate thi s may be given on a Power
Plant basis.
(n) River flow rate . (For run- ot-river Hydro
Po. er Plant only) the expected flow rate
ot the river (i n m
per hour). Where
appropriate this may be given on a pover
Plant basis.
SDPIAl - 3
SDPl - 1
(0) Res ervoir capacity. (For reservoir
pover including
only) the volume of water
currently held in the r e servoir .
(p) Pumping capability. (For
Plant only) the Volume of water which CAn
be pumped (in m' per hour). Where
appropriate this may be given on a Pover
(q) pumping availability. (For
Plant only) the times during
which the pumps are available to pump
water and the KW levels power
required. Where appropriate this .ay be
given on a Pover Plant basis .
SDPIAl .2.2.2 The second sat of Oparating Characteristios
concern the e conomi c s of operation ot the
Generating unit. Subject to agreement, in
writing, from EGAT (such agreement not to be
unreasonably withheld), a Generator may SUbmit
information about the economics of operation of
its Generating unit in accordance with the
provisions of either SDPIA1.2.2.l or
SDPIA1.2 . 2.4. These Operating Characteri.tics
are known as Economic operating Charaoteristics.
SOPlAl.2.2. l The option requires the Generator to
provide the following tor of it.
Generating Unit.:
(a) Fuel. A statement ot the type or types
of tuel used by the Generatinq unit.
(b) specitic energy content of fuel . The
number of GJ of energy in each standard
unit (volume or Weight) of a tuel.
( c) tlp heat. l 'he energy, i n GJ/llta.rt-
op, required to perform a Start-Up, cold
(with boiler cold), cold (with boiler on
standby), warm and hot conditions.
(d) No-load heat. The energy, in GJ/hour,
required to keep the UDit
Syncbronised to the System, but at zero
KW output.
SOP1Al - 4
- -
BDPl - APPENDIX 1 lcontinued)
(e) Incremental heat. The energy. in OJ/KWh,
r equired to produce net output from the
Genar"ting Unit.
If) St andby st"rt up heat. The energy, in
GJ, required to bring the boiler from
cold or warm to Ho t standby.
(g) Hot Standby h e a ~ . The energy, in
OJ/hour, required to maintain the boiler
at Bot standby.
( h) Start 0 and H costs.
Baht/Start-Op, of the
and maintenance costs
with !'I start-up.
The cost, in
non-fual operation
associated solely
(i) output 0 and M costs. The cost, in
Baht/KWh, of the non-fuel operation and
maintenance costs associated solely with
producing power output.
(j) standby start up 0 and M costs. The
cost, in Baht/start, of the non-fuel
operation and maintenance costs
associated solely with bringing a boiler
to Hot Standby condition.
(k) Hot Standby 0 and H costs. The cost, in
Baht/hour, of the non-fuel operation and
maintenance costs associated solely with
keeping a boiler at Hot Standby
SOPlAl.2.2.4 The second option requires the Ganerator to
provide the following infonlation for each of its
Ganarating Units:
(a) A Btart-Up price. The price to Bt"rt-cp
the Genarating Unit, in Baht/hour, cold
(with boiler eold), cold (with boiler on
aot standby), warm and hot conditions.
(0) A No-load price. The price. to maintain
the Generating unit Synohronised to the
System but producing no output, in
(c) An incremental price. The price for each
MWb of output, in Baht/KWh, and is
SDPIAl - 5
SDPllU .3
( oJ
ndditionBl to the no-load price.
A standby start price.
Baht/start, to bring a
or cold to Bot Standby
The price,
boiler trolll
A Hot standby price.
Baht/hour, to keep a
Tho prico, in
boiler at Hot
The operatinq Charaoteri.tics, including the operatinq Characteristic., of an
Eztern.l Interconnector define its ability to
Import or Export or provide Re.erv. or other
services, the cost (or price) of Imports and the
expected volume and tillling of I.port. and
Export.. For any EXternal Int.rconnecter , BGAT
will aqr ee with the EXternally Interconnected
Party whnt operating Characteristic. should be
inCluded in the Declarations required under thia
SDP1Al - 6
----- !
SDP2.1 . 2
SDP2.1. 3
Scbedul iD9 and Dispatch Procedure SDP2 is
complementary to SDPl and SDP]. It sets out the
Procedures for EGAT to:
(a) issue Dispatcb Instructions to Oenerators;
(b) give permission tor a Generator or
Externltlly Interconnected. Party to take its
Ganerating Unit or, as the case l1Iay be, its
External Intarconnector, out on Planned.
outaqe; and
(e) re-optimise the Daily Ganeration Program.
Dispatch Instructions concerning the Dispstch of
Imports or Bxports or any ,other .services deliV4iIled
across an Ezternal Interconneotor will be agreed
betWeen EOAT and the EZtarnally Interconnected
All Instructions shall be given in the Thai
language .
The objectiVe at this SDP2 is to enable, as tar as
is possible , EGl'oT to match continuously Generation
and Imports and Demand (together with an
appropriate level or Re.erve) in an economic way,
taking account at:
(a) the intentions expressed in the Daily
Generati?n Program., including the
requirements to reledse Oenerating units
and EKtarn.l Intarconnactors Oil Planned;
(b) the Merit Ordera as derived under SDP1;
(e) the preservat ion of the integrity of the
System; and
(d) the Oparatinq to be adopt ed tor
8yst_ Prequency and Syst_ Voltage.
III making decisions on which Ganarating Units to
SDP2 - 1
SDP2 (continue!!)
SDP2 ...
on the Imports and Exports to init i ate
li nd on the prudence o( releasing Generatinq Units
and External IntercolIDectors (or Planned Outag.s ,
EGAT will take account of the following information
to the extent that, in its reasonabl e opinion, is
appropr iate:
(a) the Daily Ganeration Prograa, produced and
issued in accordance with SDP1, for the day
in question;
(b) the latest Availability Declaration or
Declaration o( Operating Characteriltics
made in respect of any Generating unit
under SDPl.4.3 or SOPl.5.l;
(c) the oxpect ed capabilities of any External
Interconneotora and Imports and EXports
across them as declared by the Externally
Zntercottnect.4 Parti.. to EOAT under
SDP1.4.4 and SOPl.5.l;
Cd) the systam Frequency and system Voltage a s
known to EGAT via the SCADA System; and
(e) any other such inf ormation as EGAT, in its
reasonable opinion, considers to be
Outage optimization model de t e r.ine the opti mal
schedule based on:
(a) l evelhing reserves
fb) mini.izing production cost
SOI'2.S.1 :Issue ot Dispatch Instructions
SDP2 . 5 .1.1 Oispatch Instruetions relatinq to a particular day
may be issued at any time during that day or, when
operational reasons so dictate, at a betore
the start of the day.
SDP2.S.l.2 Dispatch Instruction. will be issued by EGAT
directly to tho Generator at the relevant pover
Vlant and will i nclUde an exchange of opera tor
SDP2 - 2
SDP2 (continued)
nanes. They be issued by control Telephony or
( by such other means as has been aqreed between EGAT
and the Generator. Whenever possible, the Dispatch
Instruction will be qiven in the form laid down in
Appendix 1 to this SDP2.
SDP2.5.1.3 The receipt of a Dispetoh Instruction must be acknowledqed immediately by the Generator
indicatinq the Genarator's acceptance or non-
acceptanco of the Inetruotion. A Generator may
only refuse to accept an lnatruction properly qiven
by "tGAT:
Cal on the qrounds of safety of personnel or
Planti or
(bl because the Instruction requires tha
Generatinq unit to pertora outside of its
capability as Declared under SDP1.4.3 or,
as the case Day be, SDP1.5.1 and:
(i) EGAT has not stated that the
Instruotion is issued under
conditions of a System EaerqencYi
(ii ) in respect of Instructions to
operate at less than the current
declared Capacity
when only the reason qiven in sOP2.5.1.3{a)
is a Valid r eason for non- acceptance.
SOP2.S.1.4 In thB event that a aenerator experiances unforseen
difficulties in carrying out the Inatruction, it
shall inform EGAT of this fact without delay.
SOP2.S.1.5 In addition to Dispatch relatinq to
the provision of Activa Pover, Dispatch
Inatructions may include:
(s) Instructions to switch in or switch out
control ot the Generatinq Unit by

(b) Instructions to act in support ot sy.tam
Frequancy through the provision of aeserve;
{cj to act in support of System
Voltaqe throuqh the Generation or
SDP2 - 3
SDP2 (continued)
consUMption of Raactive power;
(d) notice snd changes of notice to Synchronise
by a given time:
(e) InstrUctions to Synchronisa or Da-
{fl InstructioDs relating to the energising or
tap positions of a Generation
(g) Instructions relating to the operation of
any protection equipnent relating to the
intarface between the Plant and the
Tranamiasion system;
(h) Instructions relati ng to cperation of
any control equipment relating to the
interface between the Plant and the
Transmission System; (where this duty has
been given to the Generator through an
agreement between the Ganerator and EGATl;
(i) Instructions to change fuel (where this
right is conferred on EGAT through an
agreement between EGAT and the Generator);
Cj) Instructions to a Generator with a Hydro
Pover Plant to release water tor irri gation
Ck) For PUmpad Storage Plant only, Instructions
to commence or to cease pumping.
SDP2 . 5.2 Action requirad trom Generators
SDP2.5.2.1 A Ganerator will comply with any Instruction
properly given by EGAT without delay, other than
when, in accordance with the provisions of
SOP2.S.1.3 it has deCl ined to accept tha
Instruction or when, under the provision of
SDP2.5.1.4. it has registered a difficulty in
complying with the Instruetion.
SDP2.5.2.2 Subject to the provisions of SDP2.5.2.1, a
Generator will be required to achieve the following
Dispatcb accuracies in the operation of its
Generating units:
Cal Synchronised or within 5
SDP2 - 4
SDP2 (continued)
minutes of the Target Tille.
(b) Where no specific Target T ~ e is given
then, other than for a synchronisation or
de- synchronisation Instruction, the output
level to which it is Instructea will be
achieved within ~ 2 minutes of the time it
should have achieved if it changed output
at its Loading, or, as the case may be, 0.-
Loading Itate.
(c) Where a specific Target Tiae is given then,
other than for a synchronisation or de-
synchronisation Instruction, the output
level to which it is Instruoted will be
achieved within ~ 2 minutes of the Target
Where Instruoted to a particular output
level, that level should be achieved
(subject to any necessary adjustments to
take account of any differsnce between the
Target Prequenoy and the system Frequenoy)
with an accuracy of the greater of 1 HW or
2' of the capacity ot the aenerating
Unit, as given in its Registered operating
Character istics.
EGA'l' will re-optimise the Daily aeDeration Prograa
it, in its reasonable opinion, this is necessary.
In carrying out are-optimisation EGAT will take
account ot those tactors laid out in SDP1.4 and
SDPl.5 as it reasonably considers are necessa ry.
SDP2 - 5
SDP2Al. 1. 1
SDP2Al . l . 2
SDP;!:Al.2 . 1-
Dispatch will normally be given in
the following form:
(a) exchange of operator namesi
(b) identification of the specific Generating
unit or, in the case of a pumping
Instruction to a PuJIIpe<l Plant,
the identification of the spacific pump
(if this is not the same as the
identification of the relevant aanarating
unit) to which the Instruction applies;
(c) the duty whiCh the unit is to
perform OJ:" the output level to Which it
is instructed:
(d) the start time at which the aanarating
unit is to start complying with the
(if this is different from
the Instruotion issue time);
(e ) where necessary, II. Target Time by which
the output level must be reached or the
Instruction must be completed;
( f ) the issue time of t he In.truction.
Examples of tha main types of Instructions to be
given are shown below. In each example it is
assumed that the required exchange of names has
taken place. An Instruction can have both II.
start time and a Targat Ti.e, although not all
possible combinations of these dates have been
Instruction to change output 1evGI
In ..,,,en ..,xample th ... In .. is tor Unit :J to
change output to 2000, wi th the In.truction
given at 1300 hours:
(a) In this first version, the implementation
of the Instruction starts immediately:
"Unit 3 to 2000, instruction timed at
1300 hOUT""
SOP2Al - 1
801'2 - APPENDIX 1 (cont.inued)
SDP2Al. 3.2
(b) In this next version, the implementation
of the Inst.ruct.ion starts in one hour:
"Unit 3 to 200n, start time 1400 hours,
instruction timed at 1300 hours"
(c) Finally, the Instruct.ion is to Qchieve
the Instruct.ed level by 1330 hours:
"Unit 3 to 200n at 1330 hours,
instruction timed at 1300 hours"
Inst.ruct.ion to Syncbronise
In the case ot a Synchronise Instruction, it
would be normal to issue a loading Instruction at
the same time . It such a loadinq Instruotion is
not included then the Ganerat.inq unit should be
Synchronised and loaded (in
accordance with its current Loading Rates) to its
Kinimum Ganaration level (at which point, the
Generator will report to EOAT that it has
achieved this level). In giving a
syncbronisation Inst.ruction, EGAT shall always
due regard tor the to Synchronis. time
given by the Generator and, tor this Instruction,
will always give a Tarqat Time.
In the example below, unit 2 has bee n Inst.ructed
to Syncbronise, with the Inst.ruct.ion issued at
0800 hours. The Hotice t.o Synohronise time for
the Generator is 4 hours:
(a) In this f i rst example, the required
synchronisation time is in line with the
Notice to syncbronis. time:
"Unit 2 synchronise at 1200 hours,
instruction at 0800 hours"
(b) It tha synchronisation time is
later than required by the Not.ic. to
Synchronies time, the Instruotion
be of the form:
"Unit 2 synchronise at 1400 hours,
instruction timed at 0800 hcurs"
SDP2Al - 2
SDP2Al . 5
rnstcuctiOD to De-Synchronise
In the case ot an Instruction to De-Synchronise,
(or "Sbut4own") the required d .. -loading
Instruction is assumed to be incLuded . In the
case where the Generating unit is not required to
de-load end come ott, a Target Time
will be given.
In the examples below, Unit 1 is running at 60MY
and has a Oe-Loa4inq Rate of 6MW/minute. It is
given a de-synchronisation Instruction at 1100
hours. Based upon its De-LoBelinq ht. it can De-
Synchroni by 1110 hours.
(a) If Unit 1 is required to De-Synchronise
liS soon as possible, the Instruction is:
"unit 1 shutdown, instruction timed at
1100 hours"
(b) If, however, unit 1 is required to De-
synchronise by 1200 hour$, the
Instruction will be:
"Unit 1 shutdown at 1200 hours,
instruction timed at 1100 hours
Prequency control
Inatructiona to change the Targat Prequency by
!GAT's National Control centre to units in AGC
and for use by units to be switched in AGC. This
can be controlled via the BCADA computer under
the control of the National Control Centre.
Example instructions for switching in or out AGC;
SB Unit 1 on AGe at 1200 hours, instruction
timed at 0800. n
"SB Unit 1 off AGe at 1200 hours, instruction
timed at 0800."
Instruction to provide operating Reserve
The Instruction to provide Operating Re.erve will
normally be given as part ot a loading
Instruction. An example would be:
SDP2Al - 3
SDP2 - APPENDIX 1 (continued)
" Unit 4 to 100KW and 10Kll Operating Re"arve,
instruction timed at 1330 hours"
1 l1Dtr\lctioD to provide Volt&ga support
To provide voltag_ support to the Systam, EGAT
may Instruct Ganerator s in a number ot ways .
. Unless the voltaga support Inatruction has with
it an Active Pover loading Instruction, the
Generator must maintain the Activa Pover output
ot its Ganerating Unit at the eurrant Instructed
level. Examples ot Voltage support Instructions
"unit 1 inerease Reaetive Pover output by
10MVAr, instruction timed at 1200 hours"
(b) Unit 2 maximum Reactive pover output,
instrueti on timed at 1200 hours"
SOP2A1 - 4
SDPJ.l.l Schedul inq and Diepatch Procedure SDPJ sets out the
Procedure for EGAT to use to undertake the
direction of Sy.t .. Frequency and voltaqa control
and lays down the duties of the Oenarators in this
SOP3.1.2 The maintenance of Sy.t .. Frequency and Vcltaga is
a major factor in the Scheduling and Dispatch of
Generation, covered in Schedulinq and Dispatcb
procadure. SOP1 and 8DP2. This Procedura SOP] is
therefore complementary to Procedure. SDP1 and
SDP3.1 . 3 During. Under Prequency e.argency, partial
Shutdown, Shut4own, or High Fr4qUency
e.erqancy and the period following such an
occurrence during the restoration of the sy.tem,
the systea may be operated outside of systea
Prequency and Syetam Voltage standards and the
Scheduling and Oiepatch of Oeneratinq units in
accordance with the Merit Order may cease.
SOPJ.2 .l The objective of SOP] is to l ay down the Procedure
to enable to maintain, as far as is reasonably
poeaible, System Frequency and Voltage within the
required operational limits.
SDP].l.l aaeponeibilities
SDP3.l.l.l BOAT shall be responsible tor co-ordinating the
Schedulinq of the operation of Ganerating Units
I.ports and EXports acr oss the Bzternal
Interconnsctors, in accordance with SDPl, and
isauinq Dispatch Instructions, in accordance with
SDP2, to control the Prequency of the BGAT System
and shall ensure that, as far as is practicable,
sufficient Op.ratinq ae rve as laid down in OP4,
has been Scheduled and Dispatched.
SDPl.l.2 Automatic Frequency Control
SDPl.3.2.1 A System Praquency of 50Hz shall maintained
utilising the Automatio Frequancy Control Co=puter
SOP] - 1
SDP3 (continued)
System owned and operated by EGAT.
SDP3.3.2.2 Generators must allow their GeDerating units to
operate under Automat ic Frequency control at all
times unless technical reasons preclude this mode
ot operation (which f act must be reported to EGAT
wi t hout delay, as l a id down in SDP1 and SDP2) or
unless relieved ot this obligation by BOAT.
SDP3.3.3 merganoy Action
SDP).J.).l It System Frequency falls, not transiently, to or
below 49.25Hz and no specitic Despatch Instruction
to the contrary is issued within 1 minute, then all
Generators Shall allow the output ot their
Synchronised Generating Units to increase under
Free Governor Aotion (which i ncrease not be
overridden other than for reasons ot safety, ot
either personnel or Plant.
SOP) . J . ].2 It System Frequenoy rises, not transiently, to or
above 50.75Kz and no specific Deepatch Instruction
to the contrary is issued within 1 minute, then all
Generators shall reduce the output of their
synohronised Generating units, either manually or
aut omatically, by a minimum of 2' o f Generating
Unit output per 0.lH8 deviation from Target
Praquaney . At Systam Frequenei above 50.5 Hz,
EGAT .. y declare a Higb Frequency System
SDPJ .3.3. 3 SUch changes in output required in SOPJ.J.J.l and
SDP J.3.3.2 shall be made without reterence to EGAT
and shall be maintained until Syatea Frequency has
returned to syst.. Frequency or the
Genarator has received a revised Dispatch
InstrUction under SDP2. In order to assist EGAT in
its control ot system Frequency, EGAT shall be
informed of the action taken dS 800n dS
practicable, and in any event within 5 minutes,
atter the change in System Frequency to the
defined level.
SOP3 - 2
SOPJ (continued)
SOP3.3 . 3.4 During a High Prequency System Emergenoy Generating
Unite may be Instructed to De-synchronise even if
this breaches the requirements at their then
current Dec1aration ot Minimum and refusal
ot such Instruction i. only allowed on the grounds
of aatety to personnel or Plant.
SDP3.3.J.S It, in the preparation ot the Weeltly or Da.i1y
aeneration Program, or during the Oiapatoh ot
Generating Unita, the tlexibility ot operation of
the Generating Unita (as demonstrated by their then
current Oec1ared Operating Characteristica) is, in
EOAT's reasonable opi nion, such that the Scheduling
of sutticient Operatin'i! Reaerve is not possible,
then BOAT will:
contact any oenerator in respect of any ot
its Generating Unite for which the then
current Declared operating Charaoteristios
provide 1ess f l exibility ot operation than
the Registered Operating Cbarectaristics
and request that the Generator provides
revised values where appropriate (and such
revised values, to the extent that they are
otfered shall tora the basis of such
I decision makinq on Schedu1ing and Dispatch
as EGAT ia required to perror.J;
SDP3.4.1 F,GJ\.T will endeavour ($0 far as it is able and it is
reasonable so to do) to control Frequency by
specifyinq changes in Tarqet Prequency and by the
Diepatch ot Generatinq Onits so that System is
within plus cr minus lO seconds ot standard Time.
SDP3.5 . 1 On an J\..c. System it is necessary not only to meet
the Power requirements of the System, but
also the Reactive Power requirements.
SOP].5.2 Responsibilities
50P3.5.2.1 EGAT will decide on the R"ctive Generation and
ae.ctive Reserve capacity required and sha11 take
account of such requi rement s in the Scheduling and
SDP3 - 3
SOP3 (continued)
Dispatch at Genlrating Units under SUFI and SDP2.
SDPJ.5 . 2.2 Generatora shall ensure that their Synchronised
Oenerating Dnit. are operated to maintain the
Voltage level and provide the Rlaotive Generation
and Reaotive required by EGAT at all times
unl ess technical reasons preclude this mode of
operation (which fact must be reported to EGAT
without delay, as laid down in 80Pl and SOP2) or
unless relieved of this obligation by EGAT.
SDP3. 5.3 Baergenc), Action
SDP3.5.l.I To maintain stable conditions throughout the systam
under Emergency Conditionl'l, Generatora will take
the following actions in respect of their
Synchronised Generating Units.
SDPl.5.l .2 In the event of a SUdden drop in System Voltage and
a corresponding rise in Reactive Generation,
o,nerators must ensure that the additional kVAR
output ot their G,nerating unita must be maintained
and they lIIust not reduce Pieid Current until so
Instruct,d by BGAT under SOP2 other than tor
reasons of safety, of either personnel or Plant.
G'nerators must increase the output of their
Synchronis,d G'n,rating Onit. to the
capability of the Unit when so 1nstruct,d by EGAT
under SOP2.
SOP3 .5. 3.3 1n the event of a SUdden rise in System Voltage and
a corresponding tall in a,activI O,neration,
Generators must not take action to recover
output lost on their Gln,rating Onits and they must
not increase pi,ld currant until so Instructed by
EGAT under SDP2 other than for reasons of safety,
of either personnel or Plant.
SOP) - 4
GC1 . 3
Whilst each Procedure in the Grid Code contains the
rules and provisions relating specifically to that
Procedure, there are provisions which are ot more
general application. These are covered in this
Procedure OC1.
The General ProvisiODs (Gel) are ot general
application to all provisions of the Grid Code.
Their objective is to ensur e, to the extent
possible, that the various sections ot the Grid
Cod. work toget her in practice and tor the benefit
ot all Osers.
The General Provisions apply to gGAT and all
Generators .
If circumstances arise which the provisions ot the
Grid Code have not toreseen, EOAT shall, to the
extent reasonably practicable in the circumstances,
consult promptly and in good faith all affected
users in an eftort to reach agreement as to what
should be done. If agreement between BGAT and
those Users as to what should be done cannot be
reached in the time available, EGAT shall deter.ine
what is to be done. Wherever EOAT makes a
determination, it shall be having regard, wherever
possible , to the views expressed by Users and, in
any event, to what is reasonable in all the
circumstances. Each user shall comply with all
instructions given to it by EGAT following such
determination provided that the instructions are
with thO thcn ourrent technical
paraaeters of the particular User's System
registered unde r the Grid Code . COAT shall
promptly refer to all such untoreseen circumstances
and any such determination to the Panel for
consideration in accordance with G02.
If a User finds that it ia, or will be, unable to
comply with any provision of the Grid Code, then it
GCl - 1
GCl (continued)
GCl.S . 2
GCl . S .4
shall , without delay, report such non-compliance to
GAT and, subject to the provisions ot paragraphs
GC1.5.2 and GCl . S . 3, make such reasonable etforts
as are required to remedy such non-compliance as
soon as reasonably practicable.
When the non-compliance is with reference to
Apparatus connected to the System and is caused
solely or mainly as a result of an amendment to the
Gri4 Co4e, issued pursuant to GC2.2.4 ot GC2, and
the User believes that it would either be
unreasonable to require it to remedy such non-
compliance or that it should be granted an extended
period to reaedy such non-compliance, it shall
promptly to EGAT a request, in writing, tor
a derogation trom such provision in accordance with
the requirements of paragraph GC1. S .4.
When the non-compliance is in respect of Apparatus
for which approval to connect to the system is
being sought, and the beli eves that it would
either be unreasonable to require it to remedy such
non- coapliance or that it should be granted an
extended period to remedy such non-compliance, it
shall promptly submit to EGAT a request, in
writing, for a derogation from such provision in
accordance with the requirements of paragraph
A request tor a derogation from any provision of
the Gri4 co40 shall contai n tho following
i n formation;
(a) the issue number and date of the co4e
agai nst whiCh the present or predicted non-
compliance was identified;
(b) identification of the Apparatu., if any, in
reapect of which a derogation is sought;
(e) identification of the provision of the Grid
Co4e with which the User is, or will be,
to comply;
(d) the reason tor non-compliance with the
provi sion; and
( e ) if the User is seeking a delay in achieving
the date by which such
will be aChieved.
GCl - 2
On receipt ot any request for a derogation made to
it pursuant to paragraph GCl.5.4, GAT shall
consider such request and shall grant such
derogation only it, in its reasonable opinion, the
derogation can be granted without it having an
adverse material impact on the s ecurity, stability
or economics of syst operation. In its
considerations, EGAT contact the relevant Oser
to request claritication or the consideration ot
changes to the request. Once BGAT has come to a
decision on the request it shall promptly intorm
the Oser ot its decision and, in the event that it
refuses to grant the derogation, its reasons for
sueh refusal. EOAT Shall table any such requests
which have been granted at the next following
meeting of the Penel.
Unless otherwise specitied in the arid Code all
g i ven by EGAT and communications
(other than relating to the submission of data and
notices) botween and Users shall take place as
(.) where the user is a Generator
shall take place between the
BGAT Control Engineer based at the EGATCC
notiLied by EGAT to eaCh Genarator trom
time to time, and the Generator'. pover
Plant; and
(b) where the User is an Externally
rnterconnected Perty communicat ions shall
take place between the EGAT Control
Enqineet based at the EGATCC notified by
EGAT to each EXternally Interconnected
Party from time to t ime, end the Extetnelly
Interconnected Party Control Engineer based
at the EXternally Interconnected Party
Control cantre notified by the Externally
Interconnected Perty t o EOAT time to
unless otherwi se specified in the Grid Code, all
instructions given by EGAT and communications
(ot her than relating to the submiseion ot data Bnd
notices) between and User. will be given by
means of the Control Telephony.
GCl - 3
GCl. (colLtio\.led)
GCl. 6.3
Gel.. 7
Gel.7 . 3
It the EGAT Control Centre is moved to another
location, whether due to an emerqency or for any
other reason, EGAT shall notify the Ussrs of the
new location and any changes to the control
"elephony necessitated by SUch IPove, as soon as
practicable following the move.
If the EXternally Interconnected Party'e control
centre not i fied to EGkT by an EXterna lly
Interconnected Party is moved to another location,
Whether due to an emorgency or for any other
reason, EGAT shall be notified by the EXternally
Interconnected Party of the new locaticn and any
changes to the Control Telephony necessitated by
such move, as soon as practicable fol l owing the
The recording (by whatever means) ot instructions
or communicat ions given by lPeans of Control
Telephony will be accepted by EGAT and Users
evidence of those instructions or communications.
Data and notices to be submitted to EGAT \.lnder the
Grid code (other t han data Which is the subject of
a specific requirement of the Grid Coda as to the
manner or its shall be delivered in
writing either by or sent by registered first-
class, pre-pa id post, or by telex or facsimile
Data delivered pursuant to paragraph Gel.7.l, in
the case of data being submitted to EGJlT, shall be
addressed to BGATCC at the address notified by EGAT
to each from time to time, or to such other
Department within EGkT or address, as EGAT may
notify each User from time to time, and in the case
o f notices to be to users, shall be
addressed to the chief executive of the addressee
(or such othar as may be notified by the
Users in writinq or fr om time to time) at its
address(es) notified by each User to EGAT in
writing from time to t i me for the SUbmission of
data and service of notices under the Grid C04a (or
failing which to the registered or principal orfice
of the addressee).
All datil items, wher .. applicable, will be
r e ferenced to noainal voltaqe and Prequeacy \.lnless
GCl - 4
GCl (continuad)
otherwiaa stated.
References in the Coda to Plant and/or
Appar atus of 8 Usar include Plant and/or Apparatus
uaed by a U$ar under any agreement with a third
Where a User's Syetea (or part thereof) is, by
agreement, under the control of saAT, than for the
purposes of communication and co- ordination in
operational timascales BGAT can (for those purposes
only) treat that Ueer 's System (or part thereof) as
part of the EGAT Transmiss i on &yetom, but , as
between BGAT and the Ueer , it shall remain to be
treated as tha Usar ' s aystam (or part thereof).
users should note that tha provisions of the
Coda may be suspended pursuant to any dira ctions
given and/or orders made by Cabinet resolution
and/or National Energy Policy council.
EGAT and Ueara Shall treat all information received
under this as confidential Shall only
release this information to third parties:
( a) Where required to do so under any provision
ot the Gr id Code;
(b) Wher e required to do so under any law or
(e, where the information has entered the
public domain other than by BGAT or this
Ueer breaohing the oonditions of this
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Grid
GCl - 5
GC1. ll

(a) any review by EGAT of any material,
designs, drawings, schedules,
design data or other information submitted
by a Gunerator concerning any of its Power
Plants or the Apparatus therein or
Appar atus at the User's side of a
Connection Point under this Grid Coda; and
(b) any inspection or testing by BGAT ot a
pover Plant, the Apparatus therein or
Apparatus at the's side of a
conneotion Point, undertaken pursuant to
this Grid Code;
shall not be deemed t o constitute an endorsement or
a warranty or other assurance by SGAT of the
safety, durability or reliability of the Pover
Plant or the Apparatlls therein or Apparatus a t the
User', aide of a Connection point.
In t he event of any conflict between the provisions
o f any direct ion of t he National Energy Pol icy
Offico and any provisions of the Gr id Code, t he
provisions of suoh direotion shall prevail
(provided that suoh direotion is binding upon t he
person to whom it is addressed), and neither EGAT
nor any User shall be l iable for tailing to comply
with the oonfl icting provision ot the Grid Code.
In the event of any conflict between the provisions
of the Grid Code a nd the provisions of any
contraot , agreement or between EGAT
a User, then, subject to the provis i ons ot
GCl .l2.l, the provisions of the Shall
Where tor an EXternal :tnt.rconnector there exists a
opcciJ'ic writ t en agre"IIl""L between EGAT an<1 the
Externally Interconnected Party covering any matter
included in this Grid COde, then this agreement
shall apply and, tor the purposes of this Grid
Code, EGAT shall treat the External Interconnector
as if it were part of the Transmission system. In
all other cases the provisions of the Grid Code
concerning External Znt e rconoectors shall apply.
GCl - 6
GCl (oontinued)
G C ~ . 1 4 . 1
If any provision of the Grid Code should become or
be declared unlawful or partially invalid for any
reason, the validity of all remaining provisions of
the Grid Code shall not be affected.
If part of a provision of the Grid code is invalid
or unlawful but the rest of such provision would
remain valid if the wording were deleted, the
provision shall apply with such modifications as
may be necessary to aake it valid and effective but
without affecting the meaning or validity of any
other provision of the Grid Code.
GCl - 7
= 7= -=

GC2.J . J
It i$ accepted that circumstances may arise which
will require changes to the Grid Cod.. This
procedure provides a tramework within which the
relevant changes can be made.
The Grid Coda Review Procedure (GC2) defines the
framework which has been adopted to keep under
review the rules end provisions contained in the
Grid Coda, to allow consideration by all users of
suggested changes to the Grid Coda and to allow
tor 81l1endments to the ariel Coda to be
BGAT shall establish and maintain the panal ,
which shall be a standing body to carry out the
functions referred to in paragraph GC2.3.2.
The PaDel shall:
(a, keep the Grid Coda and its working under
[b) review all suggestions (or amendments to
the Grid Code which the National Energy
Policy Counci lor any U r _ay wish to
subiDit to EGAT for consideration by tha
Pan.l from time to time;
(c) publish recommendations as to amendments
to the Grid Cod. that BGAT or the PaD.l
feels are necessary or d esirable and the
reasons for the recommendations;
(d) issue guidance 1n r elation to the Grid
Cod. and i ts implementation, performance
and interpretation when asked to do so by
any U r;
fe) consider what changes are necessary to
the Grid Coda arising out of any
unforeseen circumstances referred to it
by BGAT under GC1.4i and
[fl note all derogations granted to Users in
respect of the Grid Co<1e.
The Panel shall consist of the (ollowing persons
[each o( who shall have a vote):
GC2 - 1
GC2 (continued)
GC2. "
(a) a Chairman appointed by BGAT;
(b) [4] persons repr .. senting EGAor (as
System operator);
(c) (2] persons representing Gsnerators;
(d) [1] person representing smsll paver
(e) [1] person representing Externally
Interconnected Parties;
(t) [1] person appointed by, and
representing, the National Energy Policy
each of whom shall be appointed in accordance
with the rules issued pursuant to GC2.3.4 below.
The Panel shall establish and comply at all times
with its own rules and procedures relating to the
conduct of its business, Which shall be approved
by the Nat ional Energy Policy council .
EGAT shall submit all proposed amendments to the
Grid Cads (regardless o f which party proposes
such aaendMent) to the Panel for discussion prior
to fulfilling any obligations under its Licence
in relation to wider consultation.
EGAT shall, from time to time, prepare and issue,
or make available for issue (and shall publish
that such Grid Code is available). amended
versions of the Grid code containing such
amendments as have been discussed and agreed by
the Pansl.
Ge2 - 2

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