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a- Identification b- Usage c- You would use a scale to measure a beaker, and then you would add the substance and subtract the volume of the beaker from the volume of the beaker with the substance. You could also use a graduated cylinder. d- To find a mass of a solid, you could use a scale. If it is in a substance you could subtract the substance volume by the volume of the substance and solid. e- You could use a scale or depending on its odd shape a beaker to measure like in c. f- density- the ratio of a materials mass to its volume. D=m/v g- To prepare a slide; you first get a slide, and then you get something to look at a small thing, then you put it on the slide with a drop of water, then you cover it with a slide cover, then you place it on a microscope secured under the medal holders, then you focus it with the switches and make sure the light is on, and at last it is ready. h- Rules: Broken glass- dont touch it, get a teacher and tell her Spilled substances- if not harmful clean it up with paper towels or get a teacher and dont touch it. Chemical disposal- sink What to wear- goggles at all times, hair swept back, gloves when necessary, and sleeves rolled up. II. a- Pressure- the result of a force distributed over an area. Measures- SI unit of pressure is derived from SI units for force and area force (N) area (m2) Unit of pressure (N/M2). Pressure- SI unit Paschal (Pa) or kilopascal (kPa) 1 kPa=1000 Pa b- The depth of a fluid is impacted, because the pressure increases the deeper in the water something is. Pressure varies also in air. The higher up the more pressure something has. c- Altitude is how high or low something is in the air, air pressure increases the more altitude something has. d- According to Paschals Principle, a change in pressure at any point in a fluid is transmitted equally and unchanged in all directions throughout the fluid. e- In a hydraulic lift system, an increased output force is produced because a constant fluid pressure is exerted on the larger area of the output piston. f- Speed and pressure are related because as the speed of a fluid increases, the pressure within the fluid decreases. g- buoyancy- the ability of a fluid to exert an upward force on an object placed in it. Buoyancy results in the apparent loss of weight of an object in a fluid. h- The buoyant force of an object is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. I-If an object is less dense than the fluid it is in, it will float. If the object is denser than the fluid it is in, it will sink. When the buoyant force is equal to the weight and objects floats or is suspended. When the buoyant force is less than the weight, the object sinks.

III. a- Distance is the length of a path between 2 points. Displacement- direction from the starting point and the length of a straight line from the starting point to the ending point. Speed- ratio of the distance an object moves to the amount of time the object moves. Velocity- description of both speed and direction of motion; a vector. Average speed- total distance/ total time. Acceleration- rate at which velocity changes (vf-vi/t). Momentum- product of an objects mass and velocity. Inertia- tendency of an object to resist a change in its motion. b- Displacement

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