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420, problem 9) An important observation: The delivery time is less than all of the processing times, so we dont have to worry about scheduling the delivery process. If this were not true, it would be necessary to treat the problem as a two-machine problem. Rearranging jobs in EDD sequence: Job 2 3 1 5 4 6 time 40 min 2.2 hrs 1.2 hrs 3.1 hrs 30 min ___25 min 8:05 hrs due date (departure time) 9:45 am 10.45 11.15 11:45 12:45 pm 1:45

(a) SPT (b) Using Moores algorithm, we discover that the first tardy job is job 3, which we place at the end of the sequence. With the new sequence, the first tardy job is job 5. Once we place it at the end of the sequence, all of the remaining jobs are on time. (c) EDD (d) The sequence 3-5-1-2-4-6 leads to job 3 (the largest order) being on time, job 5 (second largest order) being 1:35 tardy, and job 1 (third largest order) being 3:15 tardy. This is not exceptional performance but it is better than EDD, which causes job 5 to be very tardy. 2. (p. 428, #14) The extension of Johnsons rule to the three-machine problem is applicable here and produces the optimal sequence. Job 1 2 3 4 t1 6 5 11 7 t2 8 10 11 12

The smallest time is 5, corresponding to machine 1, so job 2 goes first. The next smallest time is 6, again corresponding to machine 1, so job 1 goes in the second position. The next smallest time is 4, corresponding to machine 1, so job 4 goes in the third position. Job 3 goes last.

3. (p. 450, problem 35) (a)SPT (b)Moores algorithm will produce the optimal sequence Rearranging jobs in EDD order and assuming that we have to clean for one day prior to each job (even the first one), we have: Job vanilla strawberry chocolate peanut time 5 3 6 3 due date 3 6 8 12

The first tardy job is vanilla and there is no job before it, so we place it at the end of the sequence. With the new sequence, chocolate will be the earliest tardy job, and its processing time is larger than that of strawberry (the only other job in front of it), so we select chocolate to be tardy The remaining jobs are then on time. 4. (p. 452, problem 40) Johnsons rule applies here. Job 1 2 3 4 5 6 t1 1.2 1.6 2.0 1.5 3.1 0.5 t2 2.5 4.5 2.0 6.0 5.0 1.5

Sequence is 6 1--4--2--35. (Method was explained in answer to question #2.)

6. (p. 453, problem 42) 1(4) 4(12)



9(2) 2(38) 5(10) 7(12)


3(45) Task time indicated in parentheses (b) minimum cycle time is maximum task time =45 total processing time is 185, so 5 stations would be required (c) Ranked positional weight method Task 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 RPW 78 136 79 74 68 62 58 54 46 44 34 Stn1 2 38 1 4 Stn2 3 45 Stn 3 4 12 5 10 6 8 7 12 Stn 4 8 10 9 2 10 10 Stn 5 11 34


(task index and processing times shown above)

(d) Four-station Balance (cycle time = 50) Stn 1 1 4 3 45 Stn 2 2 38 4 12 Stn 3 6 8 5 10 7 12 8 10 Stn 4 9 2 10 10 11 34

(e) If one unit is produced every 50 seconds, then in a 6-hour workday, we could produce 6*3600/50 = 432 units (ignoring start-up and shut down, which would cause a reduction of 6 units in total) For a higher rate, we would need more stations, or if possible, we could probably find a better balance if we could divide the long tasks into smaller ones. If we could make the tasks very, very small, we could have a 4-station cycle time of 185/4= 46.5 seconds.

7. (p. 530, problem 27) A (2) F (2.5) B (4.5) I (2) C (1) H(2) G (2) D (0.5) E (1.5) J (3.5) K(1.5)

Critical path is B-C-F-I-J-K (total of 15 time units) 8. (p. 530, problem 29) Using Beta distribution: Task F I J K subtotal mean time 4.33 2.83 4.83 2.67 14.66 variance 100/36 49/36 49/36 36/36 6.5

(a) New critical path time (average) = 4.5+1.0+14.66=20.16 (c) 95% confidence interval is 20.16 1.96*sqrt(6.5) Alternate interpretation 95th percentile of the distribution is 20.16 + 1.65*sqrt(6.5) (there is a 95% chance that the duration will be less than this value)

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