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1.What are the various registers in 8085?

Accumulator register, Temporary register, Instruction register, Stack Pointer, Program Counter are the various registers in 8085 . 2.In 8085 name the 16 bit registers? Stack pointer and Program counter all have 16 bits. 3.What are the various flags used in 8085? Sign flag, Zero flag, Axillary flag, Parity flag, Carry flag. 4.What is Stack Pointer? Stack pointer is a special purpose 16-bit register in the Microprocessor, which holds the address of the top of the stack. 5. What is Program counter?How is it useful in program execution? Program counter holds the address of either the first byte of the next instruction to be fetched for execution or the address of the next byte of a multi byte instruction, which has not been completely fetched. In both the cases it gets incremented automatically one by one as the instruction bytes get fetched. Also Program register keeps the address of the next instruction. 6.Which Stack is used in 8085? LIFO (Last In First Out) stack is used in 8085.In this type of Stack the last stored information can be retrieved first. 7.What happens when HLT instruction is executed in processor? The Micro Processor enters into Halt-State and the buses are tri-stated. 8.What is meant by a bus?Name various types of BUS used in 8085? A bus is a group of conducting lines that carriers data, address, & control signals. The various types of buses in 8085 are data bus,address bus and control bus. 9.What is Tri-state logic? Why it is needed in microprocessor system? Three Logic Levels are used and they are High, Low, High impedance state. The high and low are normal logic levels & high impedance state is electrical open circuit conditions.Tri-state logic has a third line called enable line. 10. What is register addressing? Give example. In register addressing mode the operands are in the general purpose registers. The opcode specifies the address of the registers in addition to the operation to be performed. In short, we can say that data is provided through the registers. Example: MOV A, B In the instruction MOV A, B, the data is present in the register B 11. What is immediate addressing? Give example.

In this addressing mode, we specify the data (operand) in the instruction itself. In other words, the data is present in the instruction. These instructions do not require the address of the operand. Examples: MVI R, 05H ADI 06H In the above instructions the data itself is specified in the instruction itself (05H and 06H are data)

12.In what way interrupts are classified in 8085? In 8085 the interrupts are classified as Hardware and Software interrupts. 13. What are Hardware interrupts? TRAP, RST7.5, RST6.5, RST5.5, INTR. 14. What are Software interrupts? RST0, RST1, RST2, RST3, RST4, RST5, RST6, RST7. 15.Which interrupt has the highest priority? TRAP has the highest priority. 16.Name 5 different addressing modes? Immediate, Direct, Register, Register indirect, Implied addressing modes. 17. Compare Memory mapping of I/O device and I/O mapping of I/O device. Memory Mapped 1/0 Standard 1/0 mapped 1/0 1. 16-bit address is alloted to 1. 8 -bit address is alloted to an I/O an I/O device device. 2. The devices are accessed by 2. The devices are accessed by I/O read or I/O write cycle. memory read or memory write cycle. 3. All instructions related to 3. Only IN and OUT instructions memory can be used for can be used for data transfer. data transfer. 4 . A large number of I/O ports 4. Only 256 ports can be interfaced. can be interfaced.

18.What is clock frequency for 8085? 3 MHz is the maximum clock frequency for 8085. 19.What is the RST for the TRAP? RST 4.5 is called as TRAP.

20. What are the address lines for the software interrupts?

21.What are input & output devices? Keyboards, Floppy disk are the examples of input devices. Printer, LED / LCD display, CRT Monitor are the examples of output devices. 22. Can an RC circuit be used as clock source for 8085? Yes, it can be used, if an accurate clock frequency is not required. Also, the component cost is low compared to LC or Crystal. 23 Why crystal is a preferred clock source? Because of high stability, large Q (Quality Factor) & the frequency that doesn?t drift with aging. Crystal is used as a clock source most of the times. 24. Which interrupt is not level-sensitive in 8085? RST 7.5 is a raising edge-triggering interrupt. 25.What is SIM and RIM instructions? - SIM is Set Interrupt Mask. Used to mask the hardware interrupts. RIM is Read Interrupt Mask. Used to check whether the interrupt is Masked or not. 26. What are level-triggering interrupt? RST 6.5 & RST 5.5 are level-triggering interrupts. 27 What is meant by Maskable interrupts? Give examples for Maskable interrupts? - An interrupt that can be turned off by the programmer is known as Maskable interrupt. - RST 7.5, RST6.5, RST5.5 are Maskable interrupts 28. Give the significance of SIM and RIM instructions available in 8085?

29. What is Multiplexing? How do the address and data lines demultiplex in 8085? Multiplexing is transferring different information at different well defined times through same lines. A group of such lines is called multiplexed bus. The advantage of multiplexing is that fewer pins are required for microprocessors to communicate with outside world. The low order address and data lines of 8085 are demultiplexed using an external 8-bit D-Latch (74LS373) and the ALE signal of 8085, as shown in fig.

8085 ADo AD7

Ao A7

D0 - D7

30. List various instructions that can be used to clear accumulator in 8085? insructions like MVI A 00H,XRA A,SUB A.... 31. When the Ready signal of 8085 is sampled by the processor? The READY signal of the 8085 microprocessor is sampled approximately one half clock after the trailing edge of ALE, on the next rising edge of CLK, and, if not asserted, repeatedly one full clock cycle later until it is asserted. 32. List out the similarities b/w the CALL_RET and PUSH_POP instructions?

When CALL is executed the microprocessor The programmer uses the instruction automatically stores the 16-bit address of PUSH to save the contents of the register the instruction to CALL on pair on the stack. the stack pointer. RET transfers the contents of the top two POP transfers the contents of the top two locations of the stack to the PC. locations of the stack to the specified register pair. Has 8 conditional RETURN instructions. No conditional POP
33. What is the need of ALE signal in 8085? The ALE (Address Latch Enable) is a signal used to demultiplex the address and data lines, using an external latch. It is used to enable the external latch. ` 34. What are the different types of addressing modes used in 8085? The different types of addressing modes used in 8085 are: (i) Immediate addressing (ii) Direct addressing (iii) Indirect addressing (iv) Register addressing (v) Implicit addressing 35. What do you mean by 16 & 8 bit processors? Mention a few 8-bit and 16-bit processors.

:Stack pointer (SP) and Program counter (PC). 36. What is implied addressing? 37. Which interrupts are generally used for critical events? Non-Maskable interrupts are used in critical events. Such as Power failure, Emergency, Shut off etc., 38. What is Non-Maskable interrupts? Give example for Non-Maskable interrupts? An interrupt which can be never be turned off (ie.disabled) is known as NonMaskable interrupt. 39. What is DMA? 40. Define machine cycle and instruction cycle? Instruction cycle is defined, as the time required completing the execution of an instruction. Machine cycle is defined as the time required completing one operation of accessing memory, I/O or acknowledging an external request. 44. What is a programmable peripheral device? If the functions performed by a peripheral device can be altered or changed by a program instruction then the peripheral device is called programmable device. Usually the programmable devices will have control registers. The device can be programmed by sending control word in the prescribed format to the control register. 41. Why address bus is unidirectional? address bus is unidirectional because the memory can be pointed with an address, but processor/controller cannot be pointer with an address by the memory device

46. Compare synchronous asynchronous data transfer scheme? It is a data method which is used when the I/O device and the microprocessor match in speed. Totransfer a data to or from the device, the user program issues a suitable instruction addressing thedevice. The data transfer is completed at the end of the execution of this instruction. It is a data transfer method which is used when the speed of an I/O device does not match withthe speed of the microprocessor. Asynchronous data transfer is also called as Handshaking. 47. What are the operating modes of 8255? The port-A of 8255 can be programmed to work in anyone of the following operating modes as input or output port. Mode-0 : Simple 1/0 port. Mode-l: Handshake 1/0 port Mode-2 : Bidirectional 1/0 port 48. What is handshake port? In handshake port, signals are exchanged between I/O device and port or port and processor for checking or informing various condition of the device. 49. Explain the working of handshake input and output port in short. In handshake input operation, the input device will check whether the port is empty or not. If the port is empty then it will load data to port. When the port receives the data, it will inform the processor for read operation. Once the data have been read by the processor, the port will signal the input device that it is empty. Now the input device can load another data to port and the above process is repeated. In handshake output operation, the processor will load a data to port. When the port receives the data, it will inform the output device to collect the data. Once the output device accepts the data, the port will inform the processor that it is empty. Now the processor can load another data to port and the above process is repeated. 50. How DMA is initiated? 51. What are the different types of DMA? Block transfer

Cycle stealing Interleaved DMA. 52. What is cycle stealing DMA? This is a word-by-word transfer based on CPU cycle stealing. When DMA steals a cycle, CPU is stopped completely for one cycle. Cycle stealing is not an interrupt. CPU pauses for just one machine cycle. This type of transfer takes a period of time. 53. What is Block and Demand transfer mode DMA? DMA controller takes the bus control by CPU. CPU has no access to bus until the transfer is complete. During this time CPU can perform internal operations that do not need bus. This is a common and popular method with modern microprocessors. 54. What are programmable registers of 8237?

55. What is baud rate ? The baud rate is the.rate at which the serial data are transmitted. Baud rate is defined as l/(The time for a bit cell). In some systems one bit cell has one data bit, then the baud rate and bits/sec are same.

57. What is USART? USART is a Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter. It is mainly used for serial communication. It converts parallel data into a serial stream of bits suitable for serial transmission. It also receive a serial stream of bits and convert it into parallel data bytes to be read by a microprocessor. 58. What are the control words of 8255 A and what are its functions? 59. What are the control words of 8251 and what are its functions? The control words of 8251A are Mode word and Command word. The mode word informs 8251 about the baud rate, character length, parity and stop bits. The command word can be send to enable the data transmission and reception. 61. What is debouncing? When a key is, pressed it bounces for a short time. If a key code is generated immediately after sensing a key actuation, then the processor will generate the same keycode a number of times.(A key typically bounces for 10 to 20 msec). Hence the processor has to wait for the key bounces to settle before reading the keycode. This process is called keyboard debouncing. 62. What is scanning in keyboard and what is scan time? 63. What is multiplexed display? What is its advantage? 64. List the functions performed by 8279. 65. What are the programmable display features of 8279? 66. What are the different scan modes of 8279? The different scan modes of8279 are decoded scan and encoded scan. In decoded scan mode, the output of scan lines will be similar to a 2-to-4 decoder. In encoded scan mode, the output of scan lines will be binary count, and so an external decoder should be used to convert the binary count to decoded output. 67. What are the operating modes of timer 8253? Each of the three counters of 8253 can be operated in one of the following six modes of operation. 1. Mode 0 (Interrupt on terminal count) 2. Mode 1 (Programmable monoshot) 3. Mode 2 (Rate generator)

4. Mode 3 (Square wave generator) 5. Mode 4 (Software triggered strobe) 6. Mode 5 (Hardware triggered strobe)

68. What is the function of GATE signal in timer 8253? The gate input acts as the clock input line, or it can act as a start pulse, depending on the programmed mode of the counter. 69. What will be the frequency of square wave generated by 8253 timer in mode-3? 70.Draw the timing diagram of mode-o of 8253.

71. Draw the timing diagram of mode-1 of 8253.

72. Draw the timing diagram of mode-2 of 8253.

73. Draw the timing diagram of mode-3 of 8253.

74. Draw the timing diagram of mode-4 of 8253.

75. Draw the timing diagram of mode-5 of 8253.

76. Draw the pin diagram of 8255.

77. Draw the pin diagram of 8237.

78. Draw the pin diagram of 8253.

79. Draw a simple circuit to decode three control signals RD, WR, M/IO signals in 8086 based systems. 80. What are the three major types of data transfer between the microcomputer and an I/O device? 1. Programmed I/O 2. Interrupt I/O 3. Direct memory acess(DMA) 81. What is a programmed I/O? Programmed I/O (PIO) refers to data transfers initiated by a CPU under driver software control to access registers or memory on a device. 82. What is interrupt driven I/O? The interrupttechnique requires more complex hardware andsoftware, but makes far more efficient use of thecomputers time and capacities. In an interrupt drivenI/O the I/O section itself is capable of accessingmemory via the computer communication buses. 83. List out the five categories of the 8085 instructions. Give examples of the instructionsfor each group. Data transfer group MOV, MVI, LXI. Arithmetic group ADD, SUB, INR. Logical group ANA, XRA, CMP. Branch group JMP, JNZ, CALL. Stack I/O and Machine control group PUSH, POP, IN, HLT. 84. Explain the difference between a JMP instruction and CALL instruction. A JMP instruction permanently changes the program counter. A CALL instruction leaves information on the stack so that the original program execution sequence can be resumed. 85.. How many address lines in a 4096 x 8 EPROM CHIP? 12 address lines. 86. List the four instructions which control the interrupt structure of the 8085 microprocessor. DI (Disable Interrupts) EI (Enable Interrupts) RIM (Read Interrupt Masks) SIM (Set Interrupt Masks) 87. Explain priority interrupts of 8085. The 8085 microprocessor has five interrupt inputs. They are TRAP, RST 7.5, RST 6.5, RST 5.5,and INTR. These interrupts have a fixed priority of interrupt service. If two or more interrupts go high at

the same time, the 8085 will service them on priority basis. The TRAP has the highest priority followed bye RST 7.5, RST 6.5, RST 5.5. The priority of interrupts in 8085 is shown in the table. Interrupts Priority TRAP 1 RST 7.5 2 RST 6.5 3 RST 5.5 4 INTR 5 88. Basic concepts in memory interfacing The primary function of memory interfacing is that the microprocessor should be able to read from and write into a given register of a memory chip. To perform these operations the microprocessor should Be able to select the chip Identify the register Enable the appropriate buffer 89. Explain LDA, STA and DAA instructions LDA copies the data byte into accumulator from the memory location specified by the 16-bit address. STA copies the data byte from the accumulator in the memory location specified by 16-bit address. DAA changes the contents of the accumulator from binary to 4-bit BCD digits. 90. What is the use of bi-directional buffers? It is used to increase the driving capacity of the data bus. The data bus of a microcomputer system is bi-directional, so it requires a buffer that allows the data to flow in both directions. 91. Define stack and explain stack related instructions The stack is a group of memory locations in the R/W memory that is used for the temporary storage of binary information during the execution of the program. The stack related instructions are PUSH & POP 92. Compare CALL and PUSH instructions CALL PUSH

93. Define Flags The flags are used to reflect the data conditions in the accumulator. The 8085 flags are S-Signflag, ZZero flag, AC-Auxiliary carry flag, P-Parity flag, CY Carry flag D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 S Z X AC X P X CY 94. Compare RET and POP

95. What is interrupt service routine? Interrupt means to break the sequence of operation. While the CPU is executing a program an

interrupt breaks the normal sequence of execution of instructions & diverts its execution to some other program. This program to which the control is transferred is called the interrupt service routine. 96. What are the advantages of using 8259? 1. It is designed to minimize the software and real time overhead in handling multi-level priority interrupts. 2. The 8259 can be programmed to accept either the level triggered or the edge triggered interrupt request. 3. With the help of 8259 user can get the information of pending interrupts, in-service interrupts and masked interrupts. 97. List any two applications of microprocessor. microprocessors is used in a variety of applications such as appliances, automobiles, industrial process and control applications. 98. What is the instruction used to add two 16 bit numbers? DAD(Double addition) instruction is used to add two 16 bit numbers. 99. What happens when HLT instruction is executed in processor? The Micro Processor enters into Halt-State and the buses are tri-stated. 100. What is subroutine? What are the instructions which implement subroutine? A subroutine is a group of instructions that will be used repeatedly in different locations of the program. Rather than repeat the same instructions several times, they can be grouped into a subroutine that is called from the different locations. In Assembly language, a subroutine can exist anywhere in the code. However, it is customary to place subroutines separately from the main program. The 8085 has two instructions for dealing with subroutines. The CALL instruction is used to redirect program execution to the subroutine. The RET instruction is used to return the execution to the calling routine.

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