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SUM OF TWO SINUSOIDAL SIGNALS Experiment No: - 01 AIM: - To write a MATLAB program to find the sum of two sinusoidal

signals. PROCEDURE: PROGRAM:clc; Clear all; Close all; t=0:0.001:0.1; f1=50; x1=2*pi*f1*t; y1=sin(x1); figure; subplot (3,1,1); plot (t,y1); title('sin(x1'); f2=100; x2=2*pi*f2*t; y2=sin(x2); subplot(3,1,2); plot(t,y2); title('sin(x2)'); y=y1+y2; subplot(3,1,3); plot(t,y); title('sinx1=sinx2')

Open MATLAB Open new M-file Type the program Save in current directory Compile and Run the program For the output see command window\ Figure window

RESULTS:Thus the MATLAB program for sum of two sinusoidal signals was performed and the output was verified.

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ANALOG LOW PASS FILTER Experiment No: - 02(a) AIM: - To write a MATLAB program to plot magnitude response of analog Low pass filter. PROCEDURE: PROGRAM:clc; close all; clear all; f=100:20:8000; fh=900; k=length(f); for i=1:k; m(i)=1/sqrt(1+(f(i)/fh)^2); mag(i)=20*log10(m(i)); end; figure; semilogx(f,mag); title('magnitude response of analog of low pass filter') xlabel('frequency----->'); ylabel('magnitude in db'); grid on;

Open MATLAB Open new M-file Type the program Save in current directory Compile and Run the program For the output see command window\ Figure window

RESULTS:Thus the MATLAB program for analog Low pass filter was written and magnitude response was plotted.

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ANALOG HIGH PASS FILTER Experiment No: - 02(b) AIM: - TO write a MATLAB program to plot magnitude response of analog High pass filter.. PROCEDURE: PROGRAM:clc; close all; clear all; f=100:20:8000; fl=400; k=length(f); for i=1:k; m(i)=1/sqrt(1+(fl/f(i))^2); mag(i)=20*log10(m(i)); end; figure; semilogx(f,mag); title('magnitude response of analog of high pass filter'); xlabel('frequency----->'); ylabel('magnitude in db'); grid on;

Open MATLAB Open new M-file Type the program Save in current directory Compile and Run the program For the output see command window\ Figure window

RESULTS:Thus the MATLAB program for analog high pass filter was written and magnitude response was plotted.

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FIR LP\HP FILTER USING KAISER WINDOWING TECHNIQUES Experiment No: - 03(a) AIM: - TO write a MATLAB program to design FIR LP\HP using Kaiser window techniques. PROCEDURE: PROGRAM:clc; close all; clear all; format long; rp=input('enter the passband ripple'); rs=input('enter the stopband ripple'); fp=input('enter the passband frequency'); fs=input('enter the stopband frequency'); f=input('enter the sampling frequency'); beta=input('enter the beta value'); wp=2*(fp/f); ws=2*(fs/f); num=-20*log10(sqrt(rp*rs))-13; dem=14.6*(fs-fp)/f; n=ceil(num/dem); n1=n+1; if(rem(n,2)~=0) n1=n; n=n-1; end; y=kaiser(n1,beta); %Lowpass filter b=fir1(n,wp,y); [h,o]=freqz(b,1,256); m=20*log10(abs(h)); subplot(2,1,1); plot(o/pi,m); ylabel('gain in db---->'); xlabel('Normalised frequency---->'); title('FIR filter using Kaiser window of LPF ----'); grid on;

Open MATLAB Open new M-file Type the program Save in current directory Compile and Run the program For the output see command window\ Figure window

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%Highpass filter b=fir1(n,wp,'high',y); [h,o]=freqz(b,1,256); m=20*log10(abs(h));subplot(2,1,2); plot(o/pi,m); ylabel('gain in db---->'); xlabel('Normalised frequency---->'); title('FIR filter using Kaiser window of HPF ----'); grid on;


Thus the MATLAB program for FIR LP\HP using Kaiser Window Techniques was executed.

INPUT:enter the pass band ripple 0.02 enter the stop band ripple 0.01 enter the pass band frequency 1000 enter the stop band frequency 1500 enter the sampling frequency 10000 enter the beta value 5.8

OUTPUT: Page No 8

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FIR LP\HP FILTER USING TRIANGULAR WINDOWING TECHNIQUES Experiment No: - 03(b) AIM: - TO write a MATLAB program to design FIR LP\HP using Triangular window Techniques. PROCEDURE: PROGRAM:
clc; close all; clear all; format long; rp=input('enter the passband ripple'); rs=input('enter the stopband ripple'); fp=input('enter the passband frequency'); fs=input('enter the stopband frequency'); f=input('enter the sampling frequency'); wp=2*(fp/f); ws=2*(fs/f); num=-20*log10(sqrt(rp*rs))-13; dem=14.6*(fs-fp)/f; n=ceil(num/dem); n1=n+1; if(rem(n,2)~=0) n1=n; n=n-1; end; y=triang(n1); %Lowpass filter b=fir1(n,wp,y); [h,o]=freqz(b,1,256); m=20*log10(abs(h)); subplot(2,1,1); plot(o/pi,m); ylabel('gain in db---->'); xlabel('Normalised frequency---->'); title('FIR filter using Triangular window of LPF ----'); grid on;

Open MATLAB Open new M-file Type the program Save in current directory Compile and Run the program For the output see command window\ Figure window

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%Highpass filter b=fir1(n,wp,'high',y); [h,o]=freqz(b,1,256); m=20*log10(abs(h)); subplot(2,1,2); plot(o/pi,m); ylabel('gain in db---->'); xlabel('Normalised frequency---->'); title('FIR filter using Triangular window of HPF ----'); grid on ;

RESULTS:Thus the MATLAB program for FIR LP\HP using triangular window Techniques was executed. INPUT:enter the passband ripple enter the stopband ripple enter the passband frequency enter the stopband frequency enter the sampling frequency 0.04 0.02 1500 2000 8000

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FIR LP\HP FILTER USING RECTANGULAR WINDOWING TECHNIQUES Experiment No: - 03(c) AIM: - TO write a MATLAB program to design FIR LP\HP using Rectangular window Techniques. PROCEDURE: PROGRAM:
clc; close all; clear all; format long; rp=input('enter the passband ripple'); rs=input('enter the stopband ripple'); fp=input('enter the passband frequency'); fs=input('enter the stopband frequency'); f=input('enter the sampling frequency'); wp=2*(fp/f); ws=2*(fs/f); num=-20*log10(sqrt(rp*rs))-13; dem=14.6*(fs-fp)/f; n=ceil(num/dem); n1=n+1; if(rem(n,2)~=0) n1=n; n=n-1; end; y=boxcar(n1); %Lowpass filter b=fir1(n,wp,y); [h,o]=freqz(b,1,256); m=20*log10(abs(h)); subplot(2,1,1); plot(o/pi,m); ylabel('gain in db---->'); xlabel('Normalised frequency---->'); title('FIR filter using Rectangular window of LPF ----'); grid on;

Open MATLAB Open new M-file Type the program Save in current directory Compile and Run the program For the output see command window\ Figure window

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%Highpass filter b=fir1(n,wp,'high',y); [h,o]=freqz(b,1,256); m=20*log10(abs(h)); subplot(2,1,2); plot(o/pi,m); ylabel('gain in db---->'); xlabel('Normalised frequency---->'); title('FIR filter using Rectangular window of HPF ----'); title('Magnitude response of high pass filter'); grid on;

RESULTS:Thus the MATLAB program for FIR LP\HP using rectangular window Techniques was executed. INPUT:enter the passband ripple 0.04 enter the stopband ripple 0.05 enter the passband frequency 1500 enter the stopband frequency 2000 enter the sampling frequency 9000

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LINEAR CONVOLUTION USING MATLAB Experiment No: - 04 AIM: - TO write a MATLAB program to compute linear convolution of two given Sequences. PROCEDURE: Open MATLAB Open new M-file Type the program Save in current directory Compile and Run the program For the output see command window\ Figure window


clc; clear all; close; disp('enter the length of the first sequence m='); m=input(''); disp('enter the length of first sequence x[m]='); for i=1:m x(i)=input(''); end disp('enter the length of the second sequence n='); n=input(''); disp('enter the length of second sequence h[n]='); for j=1:n h(j)=input(''); end y=conv(x,h); figure; subplot(3,1,1); stem(x); ylabel ('amplitude---->'); xlabel('n---->'); title('x(n) Vs n'); subplot(3,1,2); stem(h); ylabel('amplitude---->'); xlabel('n---->'); title('h(n) Vs n'); subplot(3,1,3); stem(y); ylabel('amplitude---->'); xlabel('n---->'); title('y(n) Vs n'); disp('linear convolution of x[m] and h[n] is y');

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INPUT:-Enter the length of the first sequence m= 6 Enter the length of first sequence x[m]= 1 2 3 4 5 6 Enter the length of the second sequence n= 6 Enter the length of second sequence h[n]= 1 2 3 4 5 6

OUTPUT:Linear convolution of x[m] and h[n] is y= 1 4 10 20 35 56 70 76 73 60 36

RESULTS :- Thus the program for linear convolution is written using MATLAB and verified. Page No 17

CIRCULAR CONVOLUTION USING MATLAB Experiment No: - 05 AIM: - TO write a MATLAB program to compute Circular convolution of two given Sequences. PROCEDURE: Open MATLAB Open new M-file Type the program Save in current directory Compile and Run the program For the output see command window\ Figure window


Thus the program for circular convolution is written using MATLAB and verified.

INPUT:enter the 1st sequence[1 2 3 4 5 6 ] enter the 2nd sequence[1 2 3 4 5]

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OUTPUT:Circular convolution of x(m) and h(n) is y= 59 62 59 50 35 50

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BUTTERWORTH LOW PASS FILTER Experiment No: - 06(a) AIM: - TO write a MATLAB program to Amplitude response and response of Butter worth Low pass filter PROCEDURE: PROGRAM:clc; close all; clear all; format long; rp=input('enter the passband ripple'); rs=input('enter the stopband ripple'); wp=input('enter the passband frequency'); ws=input('enter the stopband frequency'); fs=input('enter the sampling frequency'); w1=2*wp/fs; w2=2*ws/fs; [n,wn]=buttord(w1,w2,rp,rs,'s'); [z,p,k]= butter(n,wn); [b,a]=butter(n,wn,'s'); w=0:0.01:pi; [h,om]=freqs(b,a,w); m=20*log10(abs(h)); an=angle(h); subplot(2,1,1); plot(om/pi,m); ylabel('gain in db--------->'); xlabel('(a) normalized freq------>'); subplot(2,1,2); plot(om/pi,an); ylabel('phase in db--------->'); xlabel('(b) normalized freq------>');

Open MATLAB Open new M-file Type the program Save in current directory Compile and Run the program For the output see command window\ Figure window

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INPUT:enter the enter the enter the enter the enter the RESULTS:-

passband stopband passband stopband sampling

ripple.15 ripple60 frequency1500 frequency3000 frequency7000

Thus the Amplitude response and phase response of Butter worth Low pass filter was verified.


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BUTTERWORTH HIGH PASS FILTER Experiment No: - 06(b) AIM: - TO write a MATLAB program to Amplitude response and response of Butter worth high pass filter PROCEDURE: Open MATLAB Open new M-file Type the program Save in current directory Compile and Run the program For the output see command window\ Figure window

PROGRAM:clc; close all; clear all; format long; rp=input('enter the passband ripple'); rs=input('enter the stopband ripple'); wp=input('enter the passband frequency'); ws=input('enter the stopband frequency'); fs=input('enter the sampling frequency'); w1=2*wp/fs; w2=2*ws/fs; [n,wn]=buttord(w1,w2,rp,rs,'s'); [z,p,k]= butter(n,wn); [b,a]=butter(n,wn,'high','s'); w=0:0.01:pi; [h,om]=freqs(b,a,w); m=20*log10(abs(h)); an=angle(h); subplot(2,1,1); plot(om/pi,m); ylabel('gain in db--------->'); xlabel('(a) normalized freq------>'); subplot(2,1,2); plot(om/pi,an); ylabel('phase in db--------->'); xlabel('(b) normalized freq------>');

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INPUT:Enter the Enter the Enter the Enter the Enter the RESULTS:-

passband stopband passband stopband sampling

ripple.2 ripple40 frequency2000 frequency3500 frequency8000

Thus the Amplitude response and phase response of Butter worth high pass filter was verified. OUTPUT:

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Experiment No: - 07 AIM: - TO write a C- program to find linear convolution of given two sequences Procedure to Work on Code Composer Studio To create the New Project Project New (File Name. pjt, Eg: Vectors.pjt) To create a Source file File New Type the code (Save & give file name, Eg: sum.c). To Add Source files to Project Project Add files to Project sum.c To Add rts.lib file & Hello.cmd: Project Add files to Project rts6700.lib Library files: rts6700.lib (Path: c:\ti\c6000\cgtools\lib\ rts6700.lib) Note: Select Object& Library in (*.o,*.l) in Type of files Project Add files to Projecthello.cmd CMD file- Which is common for all non real time programs. (Path: c:\ti \ tutorial\dsk6713\hello1\hello.cmd) Note: Select Linker Command file (*.cmd) in Type of files Compile:To Compile: Project Compile To Rebuild: project rebuild, Which will create the final .out executable file. (Eg.Vectors.out). Procedure to Lode and Run program: Load the Program to DSK: File Load program Vectors.out To Execute project: Debug Run Page No 24

PROGRAM:#include<stdio.h> int m=6; int n=6; int i=0,j; int x[15]={1,2,3,4,5,6,0,0,0,0,0,0}; int h[15]={1,2,3,4,5,6,0,0,0,0,0,0}; int y[20]; main() { for(i=0;i<m+n-1;i++) { y[i]=0; for(j=0;j<=i;j++) y[i]+=x[j]*h[i-j]; } for(i=0;i<m+n-1;i++) printf("%d \n",y[i]); }

RESULTS:- Thus the C- Program for Linear convolution was written and the output was verified OUTPUT:4 10 20 35 56 70 76 73 60 36

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CIRCULAR CONVOLUTION Experiment No: - 08 AIM: - TO write a C- program to find Circular convolution of given two sequences Procedure to Work on Code Composer Studio To create the New Project Project New (File Name. pjt, Eg: Vectors.pjt) To create a Source file File New Type the code (Save & give file name, Eg: sum.c). To Add Source files to Project Project Add files to Project sum.c To Add rts.lib file & Hello.cmd: Project Add files to Project rts6700.lib Library files: rts6700.lib (Path: c:\ti\c6000\cgtools\lib\ rts6700.lib) Note: Select Object& Library in (*.o,*.l) in Type of files Project Add files to Projecthello.cmd CMD file- Which is common for all non real time programs. (Path: c:\ti \ tutorial\dsk6713\hello1\hello.cmd) Note: Select Linker Command file (*.cmd) in Type of files Compile:To Compile: Project Compile To Rebuild: project rebuild, Which will create the final .out executable file. (Eg.Vectors.out). Procedure to Lode and Run program: Load the Program to DSK: File Load program Vectors.out To Execute project: Debug Run

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PROGRAM:#include<stdio.h> int m,n,x[30],h[30],y[30],i,j,temp[30],k,x2[30],a[30]; void main() { printf("enter the length of the 1st sequence\n"); scanf("%d",&m); printf("enter the length of the second sequence\n"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("enter the 1st sequence\n"); for(i=0;i<m;i++) scanf("%d",&x[i]); printf("enter the second sequence\n"); for(j=0;j<n;j++) scanf("%d",&h[j]); if(m-n!=0) { if(m>n) { for(i=n;i<m;i++) h[i]=0; n=m; } for(i=m;i<n;i++) x[i]=0; m=n; } y[0]=0; a[0]=h[0]; for(j=1;j<n;j++) a[j]=h[n-j]; for(i=0;i<n;i++) y[0]+=x[i]*a[i]; for(k=1;k<n;k++) { y[k]=0; for(j=1;j<n;j++) x2[j]=a[j-1]; x2[0]=a[n-1]; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { Page No 29

a[i]=x2[i]; y[k]+=x[i]*x2[i]; } } printf("the circular convolution is\n"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) printf("%d\t",y[i]); } INPUT:enter the length of the 1st sequence 5 enter the length of the second sequence 5 enter the 1st sequence 1 2 3 4 5 enter the second sequence 1 2 3 4 5 OUTPUT:the circular convolution is 45 50 50 45 35 Page No 30

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RESULTS:- Thus the C- Program for Circular convolution was written and the output was verified

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8 FFT Experiment No: - 09 AIM: - TO write a C- program to compute 8 FFT of given sequences using DIF FFT algorithm Procedure to Work on Code Composer Studio To create the New Project Project New (File Name. pjt, Eg: Vectors.pjt) To create a Source file File New Type the code (Save & give file name, Eg: sum.c). To Add Source files to Project Project Add files to Project sum.c To Add rts.lib file & Hello.cmd: Project Add files to Project rts6700.lib Library files: rts6700.lib (Path: c:\ti\c6000\cgtools\lib\ rts6700.lib) Note: Select Object& Library in (*.o,*.l) in Type of files Project Add files to Projecthello.cmd CMD file- Which is common for all non real time programs. (Path: c:\ti \ tutorial\dsk6713\hello1\hello.cmd) Note: Select Linker Command file (*.cmd) in Type of files Compile:To Compile: Project Compile To Rebuild: project rebuild, Which will create the final .out executable file. (Eg.Vectors.out). Procedure to Lode and Run program: Load the Program to DSK: File Load program Vectors.out To Execute project: Debug Run

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PROGRAM:#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> #define N 8 #define PI 3.14159 typedef struct { float real,imag; } complex; main() { int i; complex w[N]; complex x[8]={0,0.0,1,0.0,2,0.0,3,0.0,4,0.0,5,0.0,6,0.0,7,0.0}; complex temp1,temp2; int j,k,upper_leg,lower_leg,leg_diff,index,step; for(i=0;i<N;i++) { w[i].real=cos((2*PI*i)/(N*2.0)); w[i].imag=-sin((2*PI*i)/(N*2.0)); } leg_diff=N/2; step=2; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { index=0; for(j=0;j<leg_diff;j++) { for(upper_leg=j;upper_leg<N;upper_leg+=(2*leg_diff)) { lower_leg=upper_leg+leg_diff; temp1.real=(x[upper_leg]).real+(x[lower_leg]).real; temp1.imag=(x[upper_leg]).imag+(x[lower_leg]).imag; temp2.real=(x[upper_leg]).real-(x[lower_leg]).real; temp2.imag=(x[upper_leg]).imag-(x[lower_leg]).imag; (x[lower_leg]).real=temp2.real*(w[index]).real-temp2.imag*(w[index]).imag; (x[lower_leg]).imag=temp2.real*(w[index]).imag+temp2.imag*(w[index]).real; (x[upper_leg]).real=temp1.real; (x[upper_leg]).imag=temp1.imag; } index+=step; }

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leg_diff=(leg_diff)/2; step=step*2; } j=0; for(i=1;i<(N-1);i++) { k=N/2; while(k<=j) { j=j-k; k=k/2; } j=j+k; if(i<j) { temp1.real=(x[j]).real; temp1.imag=(x[j]).imag; (x[j]).real=(x[i]).real; (x[j]).imag=(x[i]).imag; (x[i]).real=temp1.real; (x[i]).imag=temp1.imag; } } printf("the fft of the given input sequence is \n"); for(i=0;i<8;i++) { printf("%f %f \n",(x[i]).real,(x[i]).imag); } } OUTPUT:the fft of the given input sequence is: 28.000000 0.000000 -4.000012 9.656858 -4.000005 4.000000 -4.000010 1.656851 -4.000000 0.000000 -3.999998 -1.656858 -3.999995 -4.000000 -3.999980 -9.656851

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FFT 1-D Experiment No: - 10 AIM: - TO write a C- program to compute FFT of the given 1- D signal and plot

Algorithm:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Select no. of points for FFT Generate a sine wave of frequency f. Take sampled data and apply FFT algorithm. Use Graph option to view the input and output. Repeat step 1to 4 for different no. of points and frequencies.

PROGRAM:#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> #define N 32 #define PI 3.14159 typedef struct { float real,imag; } complex; float iobuffer[N]; float y[N]; main() { int i; complex w[N]; complex x[N]; complex temp1,temp2; int j,k,upper_leg,lower_leg,leg_diff,index,step; for(i=0;i<N;i++) { iobuffer[i]=sin((2*PI*2*i)/32.0); } for(i=0;i<N;i++) { Page No 36

x[i].real=iobuffer[i]; x[i].imag=0.0; } for(i=0;i<N;i++) { w[i].real=cos((2*PI*i)/(N*2.0)); w[i].imag=-sin((2*PI*i)/(N*2.0)); } leg_diff=N/2; step=2; for(i=0;i<5;i++) { index=0; for(j=0;j<leg_diff;j++) { for(upper_leg=j;upper_leg<N;upper_leg+=(2*leg_diff)) { lower_leg=upper_leg+leg_diff; temp1.real=(x[upper_leg]).real+(x[lower_leg]).real; temp1.imag=(x[upper_leg]).imag+(x[lower_leg]).imag; temp2.real=(x[upper_leg]).real-(x[lower_leg]).real; temp2.imag=(x[upper_leg]).imag-(x[lower_leg]).imag; (x[lower_leg]).real=temp2.real*(w[index]).real-temp2.imag*(w[index]).imag; (x[lower_leg]).imag=temp2.real*(w[index]).imag+temp2.imag*(w[index]).real; (x[upper_leg]).real=temp1.real; (x[upper_leg]).imag=temp1.imag; } index+=step; } leg_diff=(leg_diff)/2; step=step*2; } j=0; for(i=1;i<(N-1);i++) { k=N/2; while(k<=j) { j=j-k; k=k/2; } Page No 37

j=j+k; if(i<j) { temp1.real=(x[j]).real; temp1.imag=(x[j]).imag; (x[j]).real=(x[i]).real; (x[j]).imag=(x[i]).imag; (x[i]).real=temp1.real; (x[i]).imag=temp1.imag; } } for(i=0;i<N;i++) { y[i]=sqrt((x[i].real*x[i].real)+(x[i].imag*x[i].imag)); } for(i=0;i<N;i++) { printf("%f\t",y[i]); } return(0); } OUTPUT:-

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POWER DENSITY SPECTRUM Experiment No: - 11 AIM: - TO write a C- program to compute power density spectrum of given one dimensional signal and plot.

Algorithm:1 2 3 4 5 6. Select no. of points for FFT Generate a sine wave of frequency f.(Sampling rate = No. of points of FFT) Compute the Auto Correlation of sine wave. Take output of auto correlation, apply FFT algorithm. Use Graph option to the PDS. . Repeat step 1to 4 for different no. of points and frequencies.

PROGRAM:#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> #define N 16 #define PI 3.14159 typedef struct { float real,imag; } complex; complex x[N]; float iobuffer[N]; float x1[N],y[N]; int i; main() { complex w[N]; complex temp1,temp2; float sum=0.0; int j,k,n,upper_leg,lower_leg,leg_diff,index,step; for(i=0;i<N;i++) {

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iobuffer[i]=sin((2*PI*2*i)/15.0); } for(n=0;n<N;n++) { sum=0; for(k=0;k<N-n;k++) { sum=sum+(iobuffer[k]*iobuffer[n+k]); } x1[n]=sum; } for(i=0;i<N;i++) { x[i].real=x1[i]; x[i].imag=0.0; } for(i=0;i<N;i++) { w[i].real=cos((2*PI*i)/(N*2.0)); w[i].imag=-sin((2*PI*i)/(N*2.0)); } leg_diff=N/2; step=2; for(i=0;i<4;i++) { index=0; for(j=0;j<leg_diff;j++) { for(upper_leg=j;upper_leg<N;upper_leg+=(2*leg_diff)) { lower_leg=upper_leg+leg_diff; temp1.real=(x[upper_leg]).real+(x[lower_leg]).real; temp1.imag=(x[upper_leg]).imag+(x[lower_leg]).imag; temp2.real=(x[upper_leg]).real-(x[lower_leg]).real; temp2.imag=(x[upper_leg]).imag-(x[lower_leg]).imag; (x[lower_leg]).real=temp2.real*(w[index]).real-temp2.imag*(w[index]).imag; (x[lower_leg]).imag=temp2.real*(w[index]).imag+temp2.imag*(w[index]).real; (x[upper_leg]).real=temp1.real; (x[upper_leg]).imag=temp1.imag; } index+=step; }

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leg_diff=(leg_diff)/2; step=step*2; } j=0; for(i=1;i<(N-1);i++) { k=N/2; while(k<=j) { j=j-k; k=k/2; } j=j+k; if(i<j) { temp1.real=(x[j]).real; temp1.imag=(x[j]).imag; (x[j]).real=(x[i]).real; (x[j]).imag=(x[i]).imag; (x[i]).real=temp1.real; (x[i]).imag=temp1.imag; } } for(i=0;i<N;i++) { y[i]=sqrt((x[i].real*x[i].real)+(x[i].imag*x[i].imag)); } for(i=0;i<N;i++) { printf("%f\t",y[i]); } return(0); }

OUTPUT:Page No 42

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