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Chapter 30 Maxwells Equations and Electromagnetic Waves

Conceptual Problems
1 (a) (b) (c) (d) True or false:

The displacement current has different units than the conduction current. Displacement current only exists if the electric field in the region is changing with time. In an oscillating LC circuit, no displacement current exists between the capacitor plates when the capacitor is momentarily fully charged. In an oscillating LC circuit, no displacement current exists between the capacitor plates when the capacitor is momentarily uncharged.

(a) False. Like those of conduction current, the units of displacement current are C/s. (b) True. Because displacement current is given by I d = 0 de dt , Id is zero if de dt = 0 . (c) True. When the capacitor is fully charged, the electric flux is momentarily a maximum (its rate of change is zero) and, consequently, the displacement current between the plates of the capacitor is zero. (d) False. Id is zero if de dt = 0 . At the moment when the capacitor is momentarily uncharged, dE/dt 0 and so de dt 0 . 3 (a) (b) (c) (d) True or false:

Maxwells equations apply only to electric and magnetic fields that are constant over time. The electromagnetic wave equation can be derived from Maxwells equations. Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves. The electric and magnetic fields of an electromagnetic wave in free space are in phase.

(a) False. Maxwells equations apply to both time-independent and timedependent fields.



Chapter 30

(b) True. One can use Faradays law and the modified version of Amperes law to derive the wave equation. (c) True. Both the electric and magnetic fields of an electromagnetic wave oscillate at right angles to the direction of propagation of the wave. (d) True.

9 If a red light beam, a green light beam, and a violet light beam, all traveling in empty space, have the same intensity, which light beam carries more momentum? (a) the red light beam, (b) the green light beam, (c) the violet light beam, (d) They all have the same momentum. (e) You cannot determine which beam carries the most momentum from the data given. Determine the Concept The momentum of an electromagnetic wave is directly proportional to its energy ( p = U c ). Because the intensity of a wave is its energy per unit area and per unit time (the average value of its Poynting vector), waves with equal intensity have equal energy and equal momentum. (d ) is correct.

Estimation and Approximation

13 One of the first successful satellites launched by the United States in the 1950s was essentially a large spherical (aluminized) Mylar balloon from which radio signals were reflected. After several orbits around Earth, scientists noticed that the orbit itself was changing with time. They eventually determined that radiation pressure from the sunlight was causing the orbit of this object to changea phenomenon not taken into account in planning the mission. Estimate the ratio of the radiation-pressure force by the sunlight on the satellite to the gravitational force by Earths gravity on the satellite. Picture the Problem We can use the definition of pressure to express the radiation force on the balloon. Well assume that the gravitational force on the balloon is approximately its weight at the surface of Earth, that the density of Mylar is approximately that of water and that the area receiving the radiation from the sunlight is the cross-sectional area of the balloon. The radiation force acting on the balloon is given by:

Fr = Pr A where A is the cross-sectional area of the balloon.

Maxwells Equations and Electromagnetic Waves 199 Because the radiation from the Sun is reflected, the radiation pressure is twice what it would be if it were absorbed:

Pr =

2I c

Substituting for Pr and A yields:

2 I 1 d 2 d 2 I 4 = Fr = c 2c

The gravitational force acting on the balloon when it is in a near-Earth orbit is approximately its weight at the surface of Earth: Because the surface area of the balloon is 4 r 2 = d 2 : Express the ratio of the radiationpressure force to the gravitational force and simplify to obtain:

Fg = wballoon = mballoon g = MylarVMylar g = Mylar Asurface, ballon t g where t is the thickness of the Mylar skin of the balloon.
Fg = Mylar d 2 t g

d 2 I
Fr I 2c = = 2 Fg Mylar d t g 2 Mylart gc

Assuming the thickness of the Mylar skin of the balloon to be 1 mm, substitute numerical values and evaluate Fr/Fg:
kW Fr m2 = 2 10 7 m kg m Fg 2 1.00 10 3 3 9.81 2 (1 mm ) 2.998 108 s m s 1.35

Maxwells Displacement Current

15 A parallel-plate capacitor has circular plates and no dielectric between the plates. Each plate has a radius equal to 2.3 cm and the plates are separated by 1.1 mm. Charge is flowing onto the upper plate (and off of the lower plate) at a rate of 5.0 A. (a) Find the rate of change of the electric field strength in the region between the plates. (b) Compute the displacement current in the region between the plates and show that it equals 5.0 A. Picture the Problem We can differentiate the expression for the electric field between the plates of a parallel-plate capacitor to find the rate of change of the electric field strength and the definitions of the conduction current and electric flux to compute Id.


Chapter 30
E= Q

(a) Express the electric field strength between the plates of the parallelplate capacitor: Differentiate this expression with respect to time to obtain an expression for the rate of change of the electric field strength:

0 A

dE d Q I 1 dQ = = = dt dt 0 A 0 A dt 0 A

Substitute numerical values and evaluate dE/dt:

5.0 A dE = = 3.40 1014 V/m s 2 12 2 2 dt 8.854 10 C / N m (0.023 m )

= 3.4 1014 V/m s (b) Express the displacement current Id: Substitute for the electric flux to obtain: I d =0 I d =0 de dt d [EA] =0 A dE dt dt

Substitute numerical values and evaluate Id: I d = 8.854 10 12 C 2 / N m 2 (0.023 m ) 3.40 1014 V/m s = 5.0 A

19 There is a current of 10 A in a resistor that is connected in series with a parallel plate capacitor. The plates of the capacitor have an area of 0.50 m2, and no dielectric exists between the plates. (a) What is the displacement current between the plates? (b) What is the rate of change of the electric field strength r r between the plates? (c) Find the value of the line integral B d l , where the

integration path C is a 10-cm-radius circle that lies in a plane that is parallel with the plates and is completely within the region between them.
Picture the Problem We can use the conservation of charge to find Id, the definitions of the displacement current and electric flux to find dE/dt, and r r Amperes law to evaluate B d l around the given path.

(a) From conservation of charge we know that:

I d = I = 10 A

Maxwells Equations and Electromagnetic Waves 201 (b) Express the displacement current Id: Substituting for dE/dt yields:
I d =0 de d dE =0 [EA] =0 A dt dt dt

I dE = d dt 0 A

Substitute numerical values and evaluate dE/dt:

10 A dE = dt C2 8.85 10 12 N m2 V = 2.3 1012 m s

0.50 m 2

(c) Apply Amperes law to a circular path of radius r between the plates and parallel to their surfaces to obtain: Assuming that the displacement current is uniformly distributed and letting A represent the area of the circular plates yields: Substitute for I enclosed to obtain:

B dl = I

0 enclosed

I enclosed I d r2 Id = I enclosed = A A r2

r r r2 B dl = 0 Id C A

Substitute numerical values and evaluate

B dl :

r r 4 10 7 N / A 2 (0.10 m )2 (10 A ) B dl = = 0.79 T m C 0.50 m 2

Electric Dipole Radiation

27 A radio station that uses a vertical electric dipole antenna broadcasts at a frequency of 1.20 MHz and has a total power output of 500 kW. Calculate the intensity of the signal at a horizontal distance of 120 km from the station. Picture the Problem The intensity of radiation from an electric dipole is given by C(sin2)/r2, where C is a constant whose units are those of power, r is the distance from the dipole to the point of interest, and is the angle between the antenna r and the position vector r . We can integrate the intensity to express the total power


Chapter 30

radiated by the antenna and use this result to evaluate C. Knowing C we can find the intensity at a horizontal distance of 120 km. Express the intensity of the signal as a function of r and : At a horizontal distance of 120 km from the station:

I (r , ) = C

sin 2 r2 sin 2 90 (120 km )2 C = (120 km )2

I (120 km,90) = C


From the definition of intensity we have:

dP = IdA and Ptot = I (r , ) dA

where, in polar coordinates, dA = r 2 sin d d Substitute for dA to obtain:


Ptot =

I (r , ) r
0 0 2

sin d d

Substitute for I(r,):

Ptot = C sin 3 d d
0 0

From integral tables we find that:


d = 1 cos (sin 2 + 2)] 0 = 3

4 3

Substitute and integrate with respect to to obtain: Solving for C yields:

4 4 8 2 Ptot = C d = C [ ]0 = C 3 0 3 3
3 Ptot 8 3 (500 kW ) = 59.68 kW 8 59.68 kW (120 km )2

Substitute for Ptot and evaluate C to obtain: Substituting for C in equation (1) and evaluating I(120 km,90):


I (120 km,90) =

= 4.14 W/m 2

Maxwells Equations and Electromagnetic Waves 203

Energy and Momentum in an Electromagnetic Wave

31 The amplitude of an electromagnetic waves electric field is 400 V/m. Find the waves (a) rms electric field strength, (b) rms magnetic field strength, (c) intensity and (d) radiation pressure (Pr). Picture the Problem The rms values of the electric and magnetic fields are found from their amplitudes by dividing by the square root of two. The rms values of the electric and magnetic field strengths are related according to Brms = Erms/c. We can find the intensity of the radiation using I = ErmsBrms/0 and the radiation pressure using Pr = I/c.

(a) Relate Erms to E0:

Erms =

E0 2

400 V/m = 282.8 V/m 2

= 283 V/m (b) Find Brms from Erms:


Brms =

E rms 282.8 V/m = c 2.998 108 m/s

= 0.9434 T = 943 nT (c) The intensity of an electromagnetic wave is given by: Substitute numerical values and evaluate I:
I= Erms Brms


(282.8 V/m )(0.9434 T )

4 10 7 N/A 2

= 212.3 W/m 2 = 212 W/m 2 (d) Express the radiation pressure in terms of the intensity of the wave: Substitute numerical values and evaluate Pr: Pr = I c

Pr =

212.3 W/m 2 = 708 nPa 2.998 108 m/s

(a) For a given distance from a radiating electric dipole, at what angle 35 (expressed as and measured from the dipole axis) is the intensity equal to 50 percent of the maximum intensity? (b) At what angle is the intensity equal to 1 percent of the maximum intensity?


Chapter 30

Picture the Problem At a fixed distance from the electric dipole, the intensity of radiation is a function alone.

(a) The intensity of the radiation from the dipole is proportional to sin2: For I = 1 I 0 : 2 Solving for yields: (b) For I = 0.01I 0 : Solving for yields:

I ( ) = I 0 sin 2


where I0 is the maximum intensity.

1 2

I 0 = I 0 sin 2 sin 2 = 1 2

= sin 1

( )=
1 2


0.01I 0 = I 0 sin 2 sin 2 = 0.01

= sin 1 0.01 = 5.7

37 An electromagnetic plane wave has an electric field that is parallel to the y axis, and has a Poynting vector that is given by r S ( x, t ) = 100 W/m2 cos2 [kx t ] i , where x is in meters, k = 10.0 rad/m, = 3.00 109 rad/s, and t is in seconds. (a) What is the direction of propagation of the wave? (b) Find the wavelength and frequency of the wave. (c) Find the electric and magnetic fields of the wave as functions of x and t.

Picture the Problem We can determine the direction of propagation of the wave, its wavelength, and its frequency by examining the argument of the cosine r function. We can find E from S = E 2 0 c and B from B = E/c. Finally, we can r use the definition of the Poynting vector and the given expression for S to find r r E and B .

(a) Because the argument of the cosine function is of the form kx t , the wave propagates in the +x direction. (b) Examining the argument of the cosine function, we note that the wave number k of the wave is: Examining the argument of the cosine function, we note that the angular frequency of the wave is: k= 2 = 10.0 m 1 = 0.628 m

= 2f = 3.00 10 9 s 1

Maxwells Equations and Electromagnetic Waves 205 Solving for f yields:

3.00 10 9 s 1 f = = 477 MHz 2

r (c) Express the magnitude of S in terms of E:

r E2 r S = E = 0c S 0c

Substitute numerical values and evaluate E:


(4 10

N/A 2 2.998 10 8 m/s 100 W/m 2 = 194.1 V/m



Because r S ( x, t ) = 100 W/m2 cos2 [kx t ] i r 1 r r and S = EB: 0

r E ( x, t ) = (194 V/m ) cos[kx t ] j

where k = 10.0 rad/m and = 3.00 109 rad/s.

Use B = E/c to evaluate B:


194.1 V/m = 647.4 nT 2.998 10 8 m/s (647 nT )cos[kx t ] k

r 1 r r Because S = E B , the direction

r of B must be such that the cross r r product of E with B is in the positive x direction:

r B ( x, t ) =

where k = 10.0 rad/m and = 3.00 109 rad/s.

39 A pulsed laser fires a 1000-MW pulse that has a 200-ns duration at a small object that has a mass equal to 10.0 mg and is suspended by a fine fiber that is 4.00 cm long. If the radiation is completely absorbed by the object, what is the maximum angle of deflection of this pendulum? (Think of the system as a ballistic pendulum and assume the small object was hanging vertically before the radiation hit it.)


Chapter 30

Picture the Problem The diagram shows the displacement of the pendulum bob, through an angle , as a consequence of the complete absorption of the radiation incident on it. We can use conservation of energy (mechanical energy is conserved after the collision) to relate the maximum angle of deflection of the pendulum to the initial momentum of the pendulum bob. Because the displacement of the bob during the absorption of the pulse is negligible, we can use conservation of momentum (conserved during the collision) to equate the momentum of the electromagnetic pulse to the initial momentum of the bob.

L cos

m h

Ug = 0

Apply conservation of energy to obtain:

K f Ki + U f U i = 0
or, because Ui = Kf = 0 and K i =

pi2 , 2m

Uf is given by:
Substitute for Uf:

pi2 + Uf = 0 2m

U f = mgh = mgL(1 cos )

pi2 + mgL(1 cos ) = 0 2m

Solve for to obtain:

pi2 1 = cos 2m 2 gL
U Pt = = pi c c where t is the duration of the pulse. pem wave =

Use conservation of momentum to relate the momentum of the electromagnetic pulse to the initial momentum pi of the pendulum bob: Substituting for pi gives:

2 P 2 (t ) = cos 1 2 2 2m c gL 1

Maxwells Equations and Electromagnetic Waves 207 Substitute numerical values and evaluate :

= cos 1 1

= 6.10 2 2(10.0 mg ) 2.998 108 m/s 9.81m/s2 (0.0400 m )

(1000 MW )2 (200 ns )2


Remarks: The solution presented here is valid only if the displacement of the bob during the absorption of the pulse is negligible. (Otherwise, the horizontal component of the momentum of the pulse-bob system is not conserved during the collision.) We can show that the displacement during the pulse-bob collision is small by solving for the speed of the bob after absorbing the pulse. Applying conservation of momentum (mv = P(t)/c) and solving for v gives v = 6.67 107 m/s. This speed is so slow compared to c, we can conclude that the duration of the collision is extremely close to 200 ns (the time for the pulse to travel its own length). Traveling at 6.67 107 m/s for 200 ns, the bob would travel 1.33 1013 ma distance 1000 times smaller that the diameter of a hydrogen atom. (Because 6.67107 m/s is the maximum speed of the bob during the collision, the bob would actually travel less than 1.33 1013 m during the collision.) 41 (a) Estimate the force on Earth due to the pressure of the radiation on Earth by the Sun, and compare this force to the gravitational force of the Sun on Earth. (At Earths orbit, the intensity of sunlight is 1.37 kW/m2.) (b). Repeat Part (a) for Mars which is at an average distance of 2.28 108 km from the Sun and has a radius of 3.40 103 km. (c) Which planet has the larger ratio of radiation pressure to gravitational attraction. Picture the Problem We can find the radiation pressure force from the definition of pressure and the relationship between the radiation pressure and the intensity of the radiation from the Sun. We can use Newtons law of gravitation to find the gravitational force the Sun exerts on Earth and Mars.

(a) The radiation pressure exerted on Earth is given by:

Fr, Earth = Pr, Earth A A where A is the cross-sectional area of Earth. Pr, Earth = Pr, Earth = I c I R 2 c

Fr, Earth

Express the radiation pressure in terms of the intensity of the radiation I from the Sun: Substituting for Pr, Earth and A yields:

Fr, Earth =


Chapter 30
Fr, Earth =

Substitute numerical values and evaluate Fr:

(1.37 kW/m 2 )(6.37 10 6 m )

2.998 10 8 m/s

= 5.825 10 8 N = 5.83 10 8 N

The gravitational force exerted on Earth by the Sun is given by:

Gmsun mearth r2 where r is the radius of Earths orbit. Fg, Earth =

Substitute numerical values and evaluate Fg, Earth:

Fg, Earth =

(6.673 10


N m 2 / kg 2 1.99 10 30 kg 5.98 10 24 kg

(1.50 10 m)



) = 3.529 10


Express the ratio of the force due to radiation pressure Fr, Earth to the gravitational force Fg, Earth:

Fr, Earth

Fg, Earth or Fr, Earth = (1.65 10 14 )Fg, Earth Pr, Mars = Fr, Mars

5.825 10 8 N = 1.65 10 14 22 3.529 10 N

(b) The radiation pressure exerted on Mars is given by:

Fr, Mars = Pr, Mars A A where A is the cross-sectional area of Mars.

Pr, Mars = I Mars c
2 I Mars RMars c

Express the radiation pressure on Mars in terms of the intensity of the radiation IMars from the sun: Substituting for Pr, Mars and A yields:

Fr, Mars =

Express the ratio of the solar constant at Earth to the solar constant at Mars: Substitute for I Mars to obtain:

r I Mars rearth I Mars = I earth earth = r I earth rMars Mars

Fr, Mars

I R2 = earth Mars c

rearth r Mars

Maxwells Equations and Electromagnetic Waves 209 Substitute numerical values and evaluate Fr, Mars:

Fr, Mars =

(1.37 kW/m 2 )(3.40 10 3 km ) 1.50 1011 m


2.998 10 m/s

7 2.28 1011 m = 7.18 10 N

The gravitational force exerted on Mars by the Sun is given by:

Gmsun mMars Gmsun (0.11mEarth ) = r2 r2 where r is the radius of Mars orbit. Fg, Mars =

Substitute numerical values and evaluate Fg Fg, Mars

(6.673 10 =


N m 2 / kg 2 1.99 10 30 kg (0.11) 5.98 10 24 kg

(2.28 10 m)


= 1.68 10 21 N Express the ratio of the force due to radiation pressure Fr, Mars to the gravitational force Fg, Mars:
Fr, Mars

Fg, Mars or Fr, Mars =

7.18 10 7 N = = 4.27 10 14 21 1.68 10 N

(4.27 10 )F

g, Mars

(c) Because the ratio of the radiation pressure force to the gravitational force is 1.65 1014 for Earth and 4.27 1014 for Mars, Mars has the larger ratio. The reason that the ratio is higher for Mars is that the dependence of the radiation pressure on the distance from the Sun is the same for both forces (r2), whereas the dependence on the radii of the planets is different. Radiation pressure varies as R2, whereas the gravitational force varies as R3 (assuming that the two planets have the same density, an assumption that is nearly true). Consequently, the ratio of the forces goes as R 2 / R 3 = R 1 . Because Mars is smaller than Earth, the ratio is larger.

The Wave Equation for Electromagnetic Waves

Show that any function of the form y(x, t) = f(x vt) or 45 y(x, t) = g(x + vt) satisfies the wave Equation 30-7
Picture the Problem We can show that these functions satisfy the wave equations by differentiating them twice (using the chain rule) with respect to x and t and equating the expressions for the second partial of f with respect to u.


Chapter 30
f u f f = = x x u u and f u f f = = v t t u u

Let u = x vt. Then:

Express the second derivatives of f with respect to x and t to obtain: Divide the first of these equations by the second to obtain:

2 f 2 f 2 f 2 f = = v2 and x2 u 2 t2 u2
2f x2 1 2 f 1 2 f = 2 = 2 x2 v t 2 2f v t2
f u f f = = x x u u and f u f f = =v t t u u
2 2 f 2 f 2 f 2 f = =v and x2 u 2 t2 u2

Let u = x + vt. Then:

Express the second derivatives of f with respect to x and t to obtain: Divide the first of these equations by the second to obtain:

2f x2 1 2 f 1 2 f = 2 = 2 x2 v t 2 2f v t2

General Problems
47 A circular loop of wire can be used to detect electromagnetic waves. Suppose the signal strength from a 100-MHz FM radio station 100 km distant is 4.0 W/m2, and suppose the signal is vertically polarized. What is the maximum rms voltage induced in your antenna, assuming your antenna is a 10.0-cm-radius loop?

Maxwells Equations and Electromagnetic Waves 211

Picture the Problem We can use Faradays law to show that the maximum rms voltage induced in the loop is given by rms = AB0 2 , where A is the area of

the loop, B0 is the amplitude of the magnetic field, and is the angular frequency of the wave. Relating the intensity of the radiation to B0 will allow us to express rms as a function of the intensity.

The emf induced in the antenna is given by Faradays law:

= d m

d r d B An = (BA) dt dt dt dB d = A = R 2 (B0 sin t ) dt dt 2 = R B0 cos t = peak cos t =



= R 2B0 and R is the

radius of the loop antenna..

rms equals peak divided by the

square root of 2: The intensity of the signal is given by:

rms =


R 2B0


E 0 B0 2 0 or, because E 0 = cB0 ,

cB0 B0 B02 c I= = 2 0 2 0
Solving for B0 yields:

B0 =

2 0 I c

Substituting for B0 and in equation (1) and simplifying yields:


rms =

R 2 (2f )

2 0 I c

= 2 2 R 2 f

0 I

Substitute numerical values and evaluate rms:

2 2 7 rms = 2 2 (0.100 m )2 (100 MHz ) (4 10 N/A )(84.0 W/m ) =

2.998 10 m/s

2.6 mV


Chapter 30

51 The electric fields of two harmonic electromagnetic waves of angular r j frequency 1 and 2 are given by E1 = E1,0 cos(k1x 1t ) and by r E2 = E2 ,0 cos(k2 x 2 t + ) . For the resultant of these two waves, find (a) the j instantaneous Poynting vector and (b) the time-averaged Poynting vector. (c) Repeat Parts (a) and (b) if the direction of propagation of the second wave is r j reversed so that E2 = E2,0 cos(k2 x + 2t + ) . Picture the Problem We can use the definition of the Poynting vector and the r r relationship between B and E to find the instantaneous Poynting vectors for each of the resultant wave motions and the fact that the time average of the cross product term is zero for 1 2, and for the square of cosine function to find the time-averaged Poynting vectors.

(a) Because both waves propagate in the x direction: Express B in terms of E1 and E2:

r r r E B = 0 Si B = Bk


1 (E1 + E2 ) c

Substitute for E1 and E2 to obtain:

r 1 B ( x, t ) = [E1, 0 cos(k1 x 1t ) + E 2,0 cos(k 2 x 2 t + )]k c

The instantaneous Poynting vector for the resultant wave motion is given by:
r 1 (E1,0 cos(k1 x 1t ) + E2,0 cos(k 2 x 2t + )) S ( x, t ) = j

= 1

1 (E1,0 cos(k1 x 1t ) + E2,0 cos(k 2 x 2t + ))k c

1, 0 2 cos(k1 x 1t ) + E 2,0 cos(k 2 x 2 t + )) k j



[E c

2 1, 0

cos 2 (k1 x 1t ) + 2 E1, 0 E 2, 0 cos(k1 x 1t )

2 cos(k 2 x 2 t + ) + E 2,0 cos 2 (k 2 x 2 t + ) i

(b) The time average of the cross product term is zero for 1 2, and the time average of the square of the cosine terms is :

r Sav =

[E 2 c

2 1, 0

2 + E2 , 0 i

Maxwells Equations and Electromagnetic Waves 213

r (c) In this case B2 = Bk because the wave with k = k2 propagates in the i direction. The magnetic field is then:
r 1 B ( x, t ) = [E1,0 cos(k1 x 1t ) E 2,0 cos(k 2 x + 2 t + )]k c

The instantaneous Poynting vector for the resultant wave motion is given by:
r 1 (E1,0 cos(k1 x 1t ) + E2,0 cos(k 2 x 2t + )) S ( x, t ) = j

= 1

1 (E1,0 cos(k1 x 1t ) E2,0 cos(k 2 x + 2t + ))k c



2 1, 0

2 cos 2 (k1 x 1t ) E 2,0 cos 2 (k 2 x + 2 t + ) i

The time average of the square of the cosine terms is :

r Sav =

1 20c


2 1, 0

2 E2 , 0 i

55 A conductor in the shape of a long solid cylinder that has a length L, a radius a, and a resistivity carries a steady current I that is uniformly distributed r over its cross-section. (a) Use Ohms law to relate the electric field E in the r conductor to I, , and a. (b) Find the magnetic field B just outside the conductor. (c) Use the results from Part (a) and Part (b) to compute the Poynting vector r r r r S = E B 0 at r = a (the edge of the conductor). In what direction is S ?

show that the rate of energy flow into the conductor equals I2R, where R is the resistance of the cylinder.

(d) Find the flux S n dA through the surface of the cylinder, and use this flux to

Picture the Problem A side view of the cylindrical conductor is shown in the diagram. Let the current be to the right (in the +x direction) and choose a coordinate system in which the +y direction is radially outward from the axis of the conductor. Then the +z direction is tangent to cylindrical surfaces that are concentric with the axis of the conductor (out of the plane of the diagram at the location indicated in the diagram). We can use Ohms law to relate the electric field strength E in the conductor to I, , and a and Amperes law to find the r r magnetic field strength B just outside the conductor. Knowing E and B we can r find S and, using its normal component, show that the rate of energy flow into the conductor equals I2R, where R is the resistance.


Chapter 30
y r B
r E

x I

Axis of the conductor

(a) Apply Ohms law to the cylindrical conductor to obtain:

IL I = L = EL A a2 I . where E = a2 V = IR =

r Because E is in the same direction as I:

r E=

I i where i is a unit vector a2


in the direction of the current. (b) Applying Amperes law to a circular path of radius a at the surface of the cylindrical conductor yields:
Solve for the magnetic field strength B to obtain: Apply a right-hand rule to determine r the direction of B at the point of interest shown in the diagram:

B d l = B(2 a ) = I

0 enclosed

= 0 I


0 I 2 a

r 0 I B= where is a unit vector 2 a

perpendicular to i and tangent to the surface of the conducting cylinder.
r 1 r r S= EB

(c) The Poynting vector is given by:

r r Substitute for E and B and simplify to obtain:

r 1 I 0 I i k S= 0 a 2 2 a 2 I = 2 3 j 2 a where k has been substituted for because the calculation is being done at the point where the axes are drawn in the diagram.

Maxwells Equations and Electromagnetic Waves 215

Letting r be a unit vector directed radially outward from the axis of the cylindrical conductor yields.

r I 2 S = 2 3 r where r is a unit 2 a vector directed radially outward away from the axis of the conducting cylinder.

(d) The flux through the surface of the conductor into the conductor is: Substitute for Sn, the inward r component of S , and simplify to obtain: Because R =

S dA =S (2 aL )

Sn dA =
S dA =

2 I 2 (2 aL ) = I L a2 2 2 a 3


L : a 2

I 2R

Remarks: The equality of the two flow rates is a statement of the conservation of energy. 59 An intense point source of light radiates 1.00 MW isotropically (uniformly in all directions). The source is located 1.00 m above an infinite, perfectly reflecting plane. Determine the force that the radiation pressure exerts on the plane. Picture the Problem Let the point source be a distance a above the plane. Consider a ring of radius r and thickness dr in the plane and centered at the point directly below the light source. Express the force on this elemental ring and integrate the resulting expression to obtain F.

The intensity anywhere along this infinitesimal ring is given by:

P 4 (r + a 2 )


Chapter 30

The elemental force dF on the elemental ring of area 2 rdr is given by:

dF = =

P rdr a 2 2 c(r + a ) r 2 + a 2 Pardr c(r 2 + a 2 )


where we have taken into account that only the normal component of the incident radiation contributes to the force on the plane, and that the plane is a perfectly reflecting plane. Integrate dF from r = 0 to r = :
F= Pa rdr r 2 + a2 c 0


From integral tables:



+ a2


1 = = 2 2 r + a 0 a 1

Substitute to obtain:


Pa 1 P = c a c 1.00 MW = 3.34 mN 2.998 10 8 m/s

Substitute numerical values and evaluate F:


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