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PREPARED BY MICHAELA MONTANER Date range: 10/24/11 01/26/12

Web analytics Social Media Facebook Twitter Directions for further research


Web analytics
Obtained via Google Analytics (GA) at
All date ranges Oct 19, 2011 to March 21, 2012 unless

otherwise indicated
All calculations are GA-based unless otherwise noted

Web analytics (contd)

These slides cover Overview of web activity Website activity by region and country Traffic sources Social media referrals (abridged)

Overview of website activity (1/3)

Total Visits Unique visits Pageviews Pages/visit Time on site % new visits 40,978 29,194 93,933 2.29 3:10 71.20

Interpretation: Between launch and January 26th 2012, received 40,978 visits, 29,194 (~71%) were new visitors. On average visitors viewed 2.29 pages and spent 3:10 minutes on site sufficient time and content to learn the basic premise of the project and/or take action.

Overview of website activity (2/3)

Total Visits Unique visits Pageviews Pages/visit Time on site % new visits 40,978 29,194 93,933 2.29 3:10 71.20 Dec 1 7641 7140 15,338 2.01 2:22 87.75 Dec 1 as % of total 18.65 24.46 16.33 n/a n/a n/a

Interpretation: Traffic on December 1, 2011 (World AIDS Day) accounts for ~19% of visits to the site between launch and March 21st, 2012 and approximately a quarter of all new visits to the site.

World AIDS Day traffic as % of total

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Visits Unique visits Pageviews World AIDS Day All other days

Visits by continent (1/3)

Continent Americas Europe Asia Africa (not set) Oceania Visits 12,961 11,728 7,306 6,520 1,713 750 % of total 31.63 28.62 17.83 15.91 4.18 1.83 Pages / Visit 2.16 2.65 1.98 2.4 1.92 1.91 Average Visit Duration 0:02:16 0:03:47 0:02:39 0:04:43 0:02:56 0:01:30

Interpretation: The Americas and Europe combined generated 60.25% of all traffic to the website.

Visits by continent (2/3)

(not set) 4% Oceania 2%

Africa 16%

Americas 32%

Asia 18% Europe 28%

Unique visits by top 25 countries (3/3)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

United States United Kingdom Canada Switzerland (not set) Nigeria India Kenya Japan Mexico France Australia Germany Netherlands Nepal South Africa Spain Indonesia Philippines Norway Tunisia Brazil Italy Russia Thailand

Unique visits
7,513 3,709 2,656 1,893 1,713 1,497 1,120 833 789 703 682 620 562 539 528 527 524 500 478 454 443 421 398 398 398

Traffic sources for all visits (1/1)

Campaigns 4% Direct 20% Search 13%

Referral 63%

Interpretation: Referred traffic (i.e. traffic to the CoA website via other websites) accounted for a majority of visits to the CoA website. Direct traffic (arguably associated with people already acquainted with the project) accounted for less than a quarter of visits (20%).

The following slides are intended to provide A SNAPSHOT of

social media as a traffic source to the CoA website.

These data pertain ONLY TO A SEGMENT of referred visits to

the website.
Further analysis can be done to assess the extent to which

social media was a driver to the site and the nature of the visits it directed.
These data are not included here due to time constraints and

various methodological considerations that require brief consultation between M&E and project coordination.

Overview of top 25 sources of referred visits

20,000 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0
Social UN-family External sites Email Search

Interpretation: The top 25 referring sites account for 20,415 visits to the website (61.26% of all visits). Of those sites, 9 (36%) were social media websites and accounted for nearly half of all visits to the CoA website (48.52%).

Overview of top social media referrals (2/2)

14,000 12,000 10,000 8,088 8,000 6,198 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 Series1 all other referring sites 11,469

Interpretation: Facebook and Twitter emerged as the main sources of social media traffic to the CoA website.



Post distribution (% participant vs. facilitator)

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% Participant 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Africa English Africa French America Asia Pacific Eastern Middle East North Latina Europe North Africa America Central Central Asia Europe Portugal Brazil Main page Campaign Overall Facilitator

Average number of interactions/post

8 7

4 Average likes per post 3 Average comments per post

0 Africa English Africa French America Latina Asia Pacific Eastern Europe Central Asia Middle East North Africa North Portugal Main pageCampaign America Brazil Overall Central Europe

Regional Breakdown

Facebook Activity Report

Page name Africa English Africa French America Latina Asia Pacific Eastern Europe Central Asia Middle East North Africa North America Central Europe Portugal Brazil Main page Campaign Overall Posts n 170 135 106 81 55 135 161 41 80 964 n 91 108 68 57 44 111 129 39 59 706 Facilitator % of total 53.53 80 64.15 70.37 80 82.22 80.12 95.12 73.75 73.24 n 294 165 219 174 40 160 135 32 95 1314 Likes average per post 1.73 1.22 2.07 2.15 0.73 1.19 0.84 0.78 1.19 1.36 Comments average per n post 357 2.1 410 3.04 266 2.51 337 4.16 45 0.82 285 2.11 228 1.42 310 7.56 19 2257 0.24 2.34

Interpretation: Facilitator posts accounted for more than 50% of posts on all pages. Comments exceeded likes on every page except the campaign main page. In other words, more active vs. passive participation was seen on all CoA pages. In the case of Portugal Brazil and Africa French, comment rates more than doubled liking rates. Taken together, these data describe a scenario where facilitators were key to initiating conversation but that participants were willing to engage in a more substantive vs. superficial manner when given the opportunity.


Tweets vs. retweets

Popular content

Conversation drivers


Directions for further website-related research

Analysis assessing traffic and activity patterns related to

email communication, social media activity, promotional media, offline engagement, etc.
Analysis of web content popularity and consumption A complete analysis of referred traffic to the site to

determine the extent and and nature of traffic to the site via specific sources (esp. social media platforms, blogs, and other promotional media)

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