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The science Behind the Thrill 1

The Science Behind the Thrill Leslie Alderman April, 10, 2012 Nova Southeastern University

The science Behind the Thrill 2

Every day individuals encounter life experiences not realizing the scientific nature of physics being involved. Physics exists all around weather one is cognizant or not. example, roller coasters have become quite the attraction at major theme parks all across the globe and operate due to physics. Many men, women, boys and girls want to experience the For

thrill of zero gravity, upside down loops, twists and curls at extremely fast speeds. However, there is another portion of the

population who does not want to go anywhere and would rather speculate from the ground. In either instance, the detailed Even though

study of physical science makes it all possible.

the physics of a roller coaster are intricate due to the composition of various forms of energy, accelerometers and gravitational forces; their makeup can be quite intriguing. The study of physics dates back several years and can be attributed to different individuals. Knowing the history of

physics will help understand general concepts and how they can be applied to creating objects such as the roller coaster. The

lessons initiated from the historical founders of physics are vitally important to apprehend the ideas of today and more importantly the direction for how they will shape tomorrow (Garcia et al., 2010). Copernicus, a prominent attributer,

initially suggested that the planets revolve around the sun and

The science Behind the Thrill 3

the Earth rotates on an axis (Britannica Biographies, 2011). The idea will later assist Galileo, another prominent Physics historian, with theories such as free fall and experimentation with pendulums. Newton followed and was able to elaborate on

the idea and further explain gravity and the concept of inertia. Einstein collaborated the theory of relativity which expounded on Newtons ideas (Dellian, 2003). The above theories are all

involved in the construction and operation of roller coasters. There is no engine that drives the roller coaster; however, physics propels roller coasters and would not run securely without it. There are two types of forms of energy composed in

the forces at work behind the roller coaster and they are kinetic and potential. Kinetic energy deals with energy that is

in motion and is subject to the how fast the object is going and the mass of that object (Jango-Cohen, 2008). Potential energy is known as energy that does not move but is rather kept in the object and can be released and turned into other kinds of energy (Jango-Cohen, 2008). To begin the ride, a chain and motor applies a force on the cars, usually to guide the train on an incline until it reaches its peak. The higher an object rises, the greater its potential

energy, therefore this process is naturally building the coasters potential energy (Jango-Cohen, 2008). Shortly

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following, the law of gravity is in full command and the ride continues with the help of different types of transformed energy. Gravity can be thought of as the force with which Earth

pulls objects on its surface downward (Dellian, 2003). Therefore, the higher up gives the potential energy further room to drop and convert to kinetic energy while it goes down. The

downward slope of the coaster depends on how fast gravity will pull it down. There are some parts of a coaster that may

consist of completely vertical falls known as free-fall. When trying to understand the physics involved with operating a roller coaster, another important aspect is being able to perceive what a G force is. A G force can be defined as

a unit of force equal to the force exerted by gravity and can indicate the force to which a body is subjected when it is accelerated (Huntington, 1998). When looking at a roller

coaster, this can be explained as the energy of the seats momentum going up on a body and if it were not present, the seat would not be able to sustain the body and the body would come through the seating. The earth and the seat have to apply

opposite but equal amounts of force so that the body does not move out of the seat (Coelho, 2007). Freefall typically happens

as a roller coaster car travels down hills because the seat is not supporting the body or force is not being applied from the

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seat to the body which equates to 0 Gs.

G-forces higher than 1

are usually felt as the coaster gets closer to the bottom of a hill and in this instance the seat has to put a much larger force on the body so that it can prevent the fall and drive the coaster in an ascending direction (Huntington, 1998). The seat

is in actuality pushing up on the body even though it seems the body is being pushed down on the seat. Newtons law of inertia plays a vital role in the physics of the roller coaster. Newtons law of inertia was previously

discussed and noted as a body that is moving, not being affected by other forces will continue traveling in a straight line (Coelho, 2007). Inertia also affects roller coasters because If

they are furthermore inspired by forces along the track.

movements are along a straight line, virtually not any force will be aimed towards the sides with the train. But if the

train goes on the curve, its going to tend to want to go straight. The particular track has to apply the sidelong The

pressure around the train to redirect it from its path. train puts a power on the people in the cars.

The faster the

actual train encircles the curve, the bigger the pressure required to keep it along the track. Banking can be defined as

the track tilting toward the inside of the turn to change the 0 G forces into greater than 1 G forces (Huntington, 1998).

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G forces will also be used whenever a coaster loops upside down. There exists an obvious outer force because the coaster

has the tendency to travel in a straight line and the track does not allow this. Positive G forces are produced which keeps the

train on its path along the track and the rider stays in the car. The actual pressure thats applied on a person from the

seat near the top of the loop is near to the ground because a positive G force implies the seat uses a force that is not near the floor of the train. To perform a vertical loop, a train has to go into the loop with sufficient kinetic energy to reach the top of the loop and still be in movement. The kinetic energy will be changed into

potential energy and also the train increases down the opposite side. Noted in Figure 1, once the roller coaster starts the

twist, momentum and gravity bring the coaster out so the way the track is built gives the centripetal force. Columbia Electronic

Encyclopedia defines centripetal force as the force that brings a coaster car through a circle by tugging the car to the center of the circle (2011). The shape of a vertical loop, in most instances, is not circular but elliptical and in a clothoid shape which means the loop is not tight at all as the coaster enters the loop extremely fast (Brandse, 2007). The coaster then moves slowly

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at the top of the loop because the loop is tighter which allows G forces to be balanced easier than in a circular loop. According to the research, there are many difference principles and forces that control the way roller coaster work. Such forces are banking, inertia, energy, centripetal forces and G forces. It is an extremely intricate system of energies and

forces when combined creates excitement, a sense of danger and evident thrills. Simultaneously, roller coaster rides are Physics is

supposed to be safe for healthy individuals.

definitely attributed to the safe yet thrilling ride.

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Appendix Figure 1

(Buggey, 2007)

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Garcia, S., Hankins, A., & Sadaghiani, H. (2010). The Impact of the History of Physics Student Attitude and Conceptual Understanding of Physics. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1289(1), 141-144. doi:10.1063/1.3515182 Copernicus, Nicolaus. (2011). Britannica Biographies, 1.


Dellian, E. (2003). Newton on Mass and Force: A Comment on Max Jammer's Concepts of Mass (1961; 2000). Physics Essays, 16(2), 264-276. gravitation. (2012). In Encyclopdia Britannica. Retrieved from Jango-Cohen, J. (2008). Scream Machines. Scholastic Superscience, 19(8), 12. Huntington, S. (1998, August 11). The roller coaster's twisted story. Christian Science Monitor. p. 8. Coelho, R. (2007). The Law of Inertia: How Understanding its History can Improve Physics Teaching. Science & Education, 16(9/10), 955-974. doi:10.1007/s11191-006-9042-x Centripetal force and centrifugal force. (2011). Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition, 1. Brandse, J. J., Mulder, M. M., & van Paassen, M. M. (2007). Clothoid-Augmented Trajectories for Perspective Flight-Path Displays. International Journal Of Aviation Psychology, 17(1), 1-29. doi:10.1207/s15327108ijap1701_1 Buggey, T. (2007, Summer). Storyboard for Ivan's morning routine. Diagram. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 9(3), 151. Retrieved December 14, 2007, from Academic Search Premier database.

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