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Virtues of Friday Mas-ala 1: The Prophet Sal-lam has said that Friday is the best of all days; Hazrat

Adam was created by Allah on Friday and was admitted to Paradise on this day. He was expelled from Paradise on this very day. The day of Judgement will also be on Friday. Mas-ala 2: Hazrat Imam says that the virtue of Friday night is more than laylatul qadr (Night of excellence). Among other grounds, its excellence is also great because on this night the Holy Prophet Sal-lam came to the womb of his revered mother and this event of his noble coming into being is superior to all the boons of the world and hereafter and is the cause of unlimited blessings. Mas-ala 3: the Holy Prophet Sal-lam has said that in Friday, there is such a moment that if a muslim prays to Allah in that moment for anything, it is sure to be accepted. Mas-ala 4: The Holy Prophet Sal-lam has exhorted the muslims to recite durood Shareef on Friday abundantly as the same will be presented to him on this day by angels. Mas-ala 5: Allah has sworn by this day thus: The above verse is from Surah Burooj and the Prophet Sal-lam has said that the word Shahid means Friday and there is no other day more virtuous and excellent than Friday. Mas-ala 6: The Holy Prophet Sal-lam is reported to have said that Friday is chief of all days and most honoured by Allah. Its virtue is greater than even Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ulAdha. Mas-ala 7: The Holy Prophet Sal-lam has said that if any muslim dies on Friday or on its night, Allah will protect him from the punishment of the grave. Mas-ala 8: Once Hazrat Ibn Abbas recited the verse: This day I have completed your religion A Jew who was sitting with him at that time said that had such a verse been revealed to them, they would have celebrated that day as Eid. Hazrat Ibn Abbas replied that the verse was revealed on two Eids that is, it was Friday and Arafa also, hence there was no need of any special celebration as Friday and Arafa were Eid in themselves. Mas-ala 9: The Holy Prophet Sal-lam has said that Friday night is a refulgent night and so is its day. Mas-ala 10: After reckoning on the day of Judgment when all would have been sent to Paradise or Hell by Allah, though there will be no day and night in the Hereafter, but the days from Friday to Thursday will be. On Friday, at the time when in the world the muslims used to assemble for Juma prayer, a caller will call all the dwellers of Paradise to assemble in large maidan (expanse) the length and breadth of which no one but Allah alone knows. There will be sky-high heaps of Mushk. All the prophets will be seated on thrones

of light (Noor) and Momins (believers) on chairs of yaqut (rubies). There on that day (Friday) Allah will appear before all of them. Mas-ala 11: The fire of Hell is stirred up everyday at noon but not on Friday because of its excellence. Mas-ala 12: The Holy Prophet Sal-lam has been reported to have said on a Friday that Allah has given the status of Eid to Friday and all muslims should take bath on this day and those who possess perfume should apply it to their bodies and clothes. Cleaning of teeth with miswak (tooth stick) should be made essential on Fridays.

Honour and Reverence of Friday Mas-ala 1: Every Muslim should start preparations for Friday from Thursday. After Asr prayer on Thursday one should seek forgiveness of Allah. He should arrange for clean clothes and perfume. If there is no perfume in the house, it should also be purchased on Thursday and no such preparation be left for Friday. Earlier Muslims saints and scholars have said that one who remains waiting for Friday and preparing for it since Thursday will get greatest benefits of Friday. How unfortunate are those who do not remember Friday and make no preparations for the same? Mas-ala 2: Every Muslim should bathe properly on Friday and clean his body and hair of head. Use of miswak (tooth stick) is also of great virtue on Friday. Mas-ala 2: One should wear best clothes available to him on Friday, use perfume if possible and get his nails clipped. Mas-ala 4: One should go very early to the Juma mosque because the earlier one goes the greater will be the reward for him. The Holy Prophet Sal-lam is reported to have said that on Friday, angels stand at the gates of mosque where Juma prayer is offered and note down the names of those who enter the mosque in serial order and those persons get credit accordingly. Mas-ala 5: If one goes to offer Juma prayer on foot, then his every step is rewarded credit equal to one year's fast. Mas-ala 6: On Friday in fajr prayer, the Holy Prophet Sal-lam sometimes use to recite Sura Alif Lam Meem Sajda and Sura Hal Ata-lal Insan So occasionally, these suras be recited in fajr prayer on Fridays. It is appreciable but should not be made a practice so that people may not begin to treat them as obligatory. Mas-ala 7: In Friday prayers, the Holy Prophet Sal-lam used to recite Sura Juma and Sura Munafiqeen or Sura Sabhe ism Rabbe kal Ala and Sura hadisul Ghashia. Mas-ala 8: The recitation of Sura Kahf on Fridays either before or after the prayer has great credit. The Holy Prophet Sal-lam has said that whosoever recites Sura Kahf on Friday a light will appear from under the Divine Throne (Arsh) as high as the sky and will serve him in the darkness of the Day of Judgement and all of his sins since last Friday will be forgiven by Allah. Scholars have commented that only minor sins will be forgiven because major sins cannot be forgiven without repentance. Mas-ala 9: Reciting of durood sharif on Friday carry great credit. It has been stressed in the Traditions to offer durood sharif abundantly on Fridays. Mas-ala 10: It is a pity that Muslims of today have greatly decreased the honour of Friday and they do not even know its importance and excellence. The blessed day which once was a day of Eid for the muslims and of which the Prophet Sall-lam was so proud, the day with

which the earlier communities were not favoured, is being so much neglected by the muslims that the great boon and blessing of Allah in the shape of Friday is being wasted thanklessly and the consequences of which are before us. The humiliation of Muslims throughout the world is on account of negligence of Islam and shariat.

Importance of Friday Prayer Mas-ala 1: Friday prayer is totally obligatory as proved by the Holy Quran, a number of Traditions and consensus of the community and scholars. It is one of the great fundamentals of Islam and its rejecter is an apostate and one who misses it without any legitimate cause is a transgressor. The Holy Quran says: When the call for Juma prayer is made, you should rush for remembrance of Allah and give up all transactions, this is best for you if you knew. In the above holy verse remembrance of Allah means Friday prayer and its sermon and rush means to go for prayer with full preparations. Mas-ala 2: The Holy Prophet Sal-lam is reported to have said that one who bathes and cleans himself as far as possible, oils his hair, perfumes his clothes and then goes for Friday prayer and after entering the mosque does not sit by removing others from their place, offers as many Nafl prayers as possible for him and sits silently when the Imam delivers the sermons (Khutba), all of his sins since the last Friday to this one will be forgiven by Allah. Mas-ala 3: The Holy Prophet Sal-lam has said that whosoever takes a bath on Friday and goes to the mosque on foot and not in conveyance, listens to Khutba (sermon), does not talk loosely or nonsense, then for his each step he will get credit and reward equal to one years prayers and fasts. Mas-ala 4: Hazrat Ibn Umar and Hazrat Abu Huraira have reported the Holy Prophet Sallam as saying that Muslims should avoid neglecting Juma prayer, otherwise Allah will put a seal on their hearts and then they will fall into absolute negligence and indifference. Mas-ala 5: The Holy Prophet Sal-lam has said that whosoever neglects THREE Friday prayers consecutively without any legitimate cause, then Allah puts a seal to this heart. In another tradition it has been said that Allah becomes disgusted with him. Mas-ala 6: Hazrat Ibn Shahab has reported the Holy Prophet Sal-lam to have said that Friday prayer in congregation is obligatory for every Muslim except: 1) slave obtained according to Shariah 2) Women 3) Minor children, and 4) A patient Mas-ala 7: Hazrat Ibn Umar has reported that about those who neglected Friday prayer the Holy Prophet Sal-lam has said that he Sal-lam wished to depute some one in his place to lead the prayer and himself sal-lam go out and burn the houses of those who did not come to offer Friday prayer. There is another similar report about neglecting the congregational daily prayer. The same has already been mentioned.

Mas-ala 8: Hazrat Ibn Abbas has reported the Holy Prophet Sal-lam to have said that whosoever avoids Friday prayers without legitimate cause, his name is entered as an atheist in a book which is immune to change or alteration and that he will be regarded as such unless he repents or the Most Merciful Allah forgives him by His Grace. Note: It does not mean that such a person actually becomes an atheist but it means that he possesses the qualities of an atheist and it is a sin to be so. Mas-ala 9: Hazrat Jabir has reported the Prophet Sal-lam to have said that whosoever believes in Allah and the day of Judgement, he must offer Juma prayer save the sick, women, traveller, a child, and a slave. If anyone at the time of Juma prayer engages himself in useless acts or business, then Allah also ignores him. Allah is without want and is PraiseWorthy. He neither cares for anyones prayers nor is benefitted by it. He is endowed with all the best qualities whether He is praised or worshipped by any one or not. Mas-ala 10: It has been reported by Hazrat Ibn Abbas that whosoever neglected consecutively several Friday prayers, has thrown Islam behind his back. Mas-ala 11: Once a person asked the opinion of Hazrat Ibn Abbas about such a person who never offered Friday prayer and had died. Hazrat Ibn Abbas replied that he was in Hell. The man continued to ask the same question regularly for one month and each time the reply was the same. Thus traditions clearly prove that Shariah has greatly stressed the importance of Friday prayer and grave warnings have come for those who deliberately neglect it. In view of these no Muslim should dare to give up or neglect this fundamental of Islam of offering Juma prayer.

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