You are on page 1of 1 Since 1990 we are in healing system & profession with Alternative Medicine .

Imm ense God gifted nowledge & experiences of Occult Science for the services of h umanity & to all living being, By healing, counselling & consultancy to people all over world & in India. Even free treatment to poor & the needy people. Occu lt Science, Spiritual science & Rei i since childhood is in my blood. Immense nowledge Blessing provided by Guru Granth Sahib & spiritual Guru. Thous ands of people who can not meet me personally can solve their problem related a rmic, medical, Spiritual ,business, job, husband wife relation & even those case s who are in ICU or in hospital can ta e benefit, etc through Cosmic Rays thera py, Distance healing & Spiritual sciences. Any body can ma e their life Paradise or heaven if they live there life accordi ng to law of Nature,Vedas, Holy boo s & GURU GRANTH SAHIB. World with any proble m can be sovled or cured with the help of Spiritual Sciences. Rei i is a spiritual healing system discovered by Dr.MIKAO USUI in 1800. Re i is a genric word in Japan and is used to describe any type of healing wor based o n life force energy. also called prana ,chi energy etc. Dr.Usui s method was called the usui system of natural healing or Usui Shi i Ryo o. So now called Rei i. Rei is a spiritual wisdom. i is the life force energy. Rei i is a spiritually guided life force energy. Some spiritual healers say tha t there are other bodies in our body that must be healed to get 100% result li e Physical body, Mental body, Auric body, Cosmic body, Ethric body ,Spiritual bo dy, Karmic body etc. SO HEALING IS NOT ONLY RELATED TO PHYSICAL BODY. Rei i heals by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field, cha ras, meridians & nadis, charging them positive energy .It raises the vibratory level ,wave length & frequency of the energy field in & around the physical body call ed AURA (electro- magnetic feild ), where the nagative thoughts, feelings & nega tive energy are attached . Re i clear negative energy, negative garma, negative thoughts etc. Re i clears, boosts, straightens & heal the the energy path ways, diseases etc t hus allowing the life force to flow in a healthy & natural way. Rei i increase spiritual aura & clear physical aura. Rei i raises the vibration level of the energy field. Rei i balance seven major & also minor Cha ras. Rei i balances analytic & emotion brain. Rei i can open 3rd eye ,increase awarness, psychic abilities, super consciousnes s, telepathy, aura seeing, astral traveling etc. Rei i & 3rd eye meditation can increase brain power, unlimited spiritual growth etc. Rei i is cures all medical Problem. Rei i is powerful, wonderful ,spiritual & gentle. Rei i ma e us feel li e a wonderfulglowing radiance & unlimited benefits. Rei i altered state of consciousness, spiritual experiences. Rei i elimnates pain ,suffering, reduces stress & create optimism. Rei i reduces virus in mind, body & soul also in aura. Rei i is alife force enegy norishes the every cell, organs & tissue of the body ,supporting them in their vital funtions. Rei i attunement is a very power full, spiritual experience, 3rd eye opening, he aling, reveals past life experience ,increase awarness etc. Rei i can also do distance healing for all li e adults, children, pets, plants, past, present & future etc.

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