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Set up WATER SPORTS COMPLEX in Kerala, Mr.

Ganesh Kumar
Comment 7 Aug 2012 TOI/The Hindu G. Menachery (Thrissur) Kerala's Sports Minister Ganesh Kumar is in the Athelectics galleries of London 2012. What he has to do as soon as he returns is to straight away commence work on an all purpose water sports complex in Kerala with facilities for all the many water sports of Olympics recognition with centres at Kochi, Idukki, Trivandrum, Thrissur, Thalassery &c. with facilities for swimming, diving, kayaking, boating, rowing, synchronised diving, both for men and women BECAUSE if we concentrate on all the water related sports alone there are medals to be won by a hundred athletes or more including in 8s, 4s, 2s and so on. Look at the US which won half their medals from the water! The sea channels at Kochi Quilon Azhikode etc could be utilised at the same time to train participants from all over India. Many medals could be assured. The centre must without delay alott 500 crores to help set up such a complex in Kerala, Goa, Mumbai, or Kolkota or AP or Tuticorin.Good luck in 2016 and much much more in 2020. Prof. George Menachery

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