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The Author : Group 2

1. Dwi Prasetyo Utomo 2. Mega Widyadara 3. Nuzul Qodri Kurniawan 4. Bintar Try Laksono

( D100 112 011 ) ( D100 110 042 ) ( D100 110 014 ) ( D100 112 003 )


Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb Our gratitude to Allah SWT has bestowed all His blessings and guidance so that we can complete the task and make it a good technique Mathematics. However, authors realize that there are still many shortcomings in the work of Engineering Mathematics, therefore drafters hoped to get feedback from readers as well. This task may eventually be able to provide benefits to all elements of the University. Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb

EQUAL ROOTS INTRODUCTION Within this chapter will explore different methods to find the roots of an equation. For the polynomial equation of degree two can be solved with the quadratic equation is very simple. for example the form ax2 + bx + c = 0, can be searched by analytical roots with beriut formula:
b b 2 4ac 2a For the polynomial equation of degree three or four, the existing formulas are complex and rarely used. Moderate to equations with higher degrees there is no formula that can be used to solve them. Form of these equations for example; x1, 2

f(x) = x3+x2-3x-3 = 0 f(x) = x5+2x4+3x3+4x2-3x-1 = 0 f(x) = ex-3x = 0 f(x) = 3x +sin x ex = 0 Form of the equations above is difficult or impossible deselesaikan explicitly. Numerical methods provide the means to solve the approximate form of the equation to obtain exact results are close to completion. Methods that can band is used to find the roots of the polynomial equation is as follows: a. Half-interval method b. Linear interpolation methods c. Newton-Raphson method d. Secant method e. Iteration method The most efficient method is the method of iterations. but we will discuss each one of these methods.

1. Method of half-interval The method will be discussed first half interval method. This method is the simplest method and most convenient because it can use logic. The steps to find the roots of the equation is as follows: a) Calculate function on the interval by taking two points up so that when inserted in the two equations yield different results mark. Let xi and xi+1. b) The first estimate of the root xt is calculated from the average value of xi and xi+1: x xi 1 xt i 2 c) If the results when included in the equation xt almost close to zero "0" is taken to estimate the count of four with an average xt and x are of opposite signs, but close to zero. d) Experiments must be done many times so the results correspond to the desired number of decimal behind the comma. example 1 Count one of the roots of a cubic equation below. f(x) = x3+x2-3x-3 = 0 completion Calculated value of f (x) in the interval between two points, let x = 1 and x = 2. For x = 1, f(x=1) = (1)3+(1)2-3(1)-3 = -4 For x = 2, f(x=2) = (2)3+(2)2-3(2)-3 = 3 Given Functions are continuous, meaning peribahan sign of the function between x = 1 and x = 2 will cut the x axis at least once. Point of intersection between the x-axis and the function of the roots of the equation meripakan. Calculated value of xt, and then calculated the function f (xt): x x2 3 xt 1 1,5 2 2 f (x= 1,5) = (1,5)3+(1,5)2-3(1,5)-3 = - 1,875

Because the function of the sign change between x = 1.5 and x = 2, then the roots of the equation lies between two value. I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 xi 1.00000 1.50000 1.50000 1.62500 1.68750 1.71875 1.73193 1.73193 xi+1 2.00000 2.00000 1.75000 1.75000 1.75000 1.75000 1.73242 1.73218 xt 1.50000 1.75000 1.62500 1.68750 1.71875 1.73438 1.73218 1.73206 f(xi) -4.00000 -1.87500 -1.87500 -0.94336 -0.40942 -0.12479 -0.00114 -0.00114 f(xi+1) 3.00000 3.00000 0.17188 0.17188 0.17188 0.17188 0.00349 0.00122 f(xt) -1.87500 0.17188 -0.94336 -0.40942 -0.12479 0.02203 0.00118 0.00004

2. Linear Interpolation Method Half-interval method is discussed in Section 2.2 sub is easy but not efficient. Linear interpolation method, which is studied in this section to cover the shortage. At first look for the value function for each interval x. The same end can be two values in the function f (x) and f (xi +1) sequence which has the opposite sign (Figure 2.4). Of both the function f (x) and f (xi +1) straight lines drawn to form a triangle. By using properties of congruent triangles, obtained the following equation: xi 1 x* f ( xi 1 ) xi 1 x1 f ( xi 1 ) f ( xi )
f ( xi 1 ) ( xi 1 xi ) f ( xi 1 ) f ( xi ) This value is used to calculate the value of f (x *), which is then used again for linear interpolation to the value of f (x) or f (xi +1) such that the two functions have different signs. This procedure repeats until the obtained value of f (x *) is close to zero. x* xi 1

example 3 Count one of the roots of the equation f (x) = x3 + x2-3x-3 = 0. completion As in Example 1, the first step is to calculate the value of f (x) in the interval between two points such that the value of f (x) at two points of opposite signs. For x1 = 1, f (x1 = 1) = -4 For x2 = 2, f(x1 = 2) = 3 By using Equation (2.2), obtained: f ( xi 1 ) x* xi 1 ( xi 1 xi ) f ( xi 1 ) f ( xi ) 3 2 (2 1) 1,57142 (3 (4)) f(x*) = (1,57142)3+(1,57142)2+3(1,57142)-3 = -1,36449

Because f (x*) is marked negative then the root lies between x = 1.57142 and x = 2. Subsequently calculated by the value of x*: 3 x* 2 (2 1,57142 ) 1,70540 (3 (1,36449 )) f(x*) = ( 1,70540 )3+( 1,70540 )2+3( 1,70540 )-3 = -0,24784 Count the above procedure at continue to use the computer program and look at the calculation results obtained on the seventh iteration, ie x* = 1.73205. Table 3 counts the results of linear interpolation. I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 xi 1.00000 1.57143 1.70541 1.72788 1.73140 1.73195 1.73204 xi+1 2.00000 2.00000 2.00000 2.00000 2.00000 2.00000 2.00000 x* 1.57143 1.70541 1.72788 1.73140 1.73195 1.73204 1.73205 f(xi) -4.00000 -1.36443 -0.24775 -0.03934 -0.00611 -0.00095 -0.00015 f(xi+1) 3.00000 3.00000 3.00000 3.00000 3.00000 3.00000 3.00000 f(x*) -1.36443 -0.24775 -0.03934 -0.00611 -0.00095 -0.00015 -0.00002

3. method of Newton-Rapshon This method is most widely used in the search for the roots of an equation. If the initial estimate is xi a tangent Gais can be made from the point (x, f (xi)). The point where the tangent intersects the x-axis usually gives a closer estimate of the value of the root. f ( xi ) 1 f ' ( xi ) xi xi 1 or f ( xi ) xi 1 xi f ' ( xi ) example 4 Solve the problem in Example 1 with the Newton-Rapshon etode. completion Equations are solved, f(x) = x3+x2-3x-3 = 0 The first derivative of the equation is: f(x) = 3x2+2x-3 By using equation (2.3), f ( xi ) xi 1 xi f ' ( xi ) At the beginning of any matter specified value of xi, ie xi = 1: f(x=1) = 13+12-3.1-3 = -4 f(x=1) = 3.12+2.1-3 = 2 4 x2 1 3 2 The next step the value x2 = 3 is used to count on the next iteration: f(x=3) = 33+32-3. 3-3 = 24 f(x=3) = 3. 32+2. 3-3 = 30 24 x3 3 2,2 30

Count continued to use the computer program and results are given in table 4. count the results obtained in ilterasi to 6. Table 4 The results of the count by the method of Newton-Rapshon I xi xi+1 f(xi) f(xi+1) 1 1.00000 3.00000 -4.00000 24.00000 2 3.00000 2.20000 24.00000 5.88800 3 2.20000 1.83015 5.88800 0.98900 4 1.83015 1.73780 0.98900 0.05457 5 1.73780 1.73207 0.05457 0.00020 6 1.73207 1.73207 0.00020 0.00020


Secant method Deficiency-Newton method is the necessity Rapshon first derivative (differential) of f (x) in the matter. sometimes difficult to find the derivative of the equation solved. For that purpose, different forms of differential . As shown in Figure 2.8. Gais tangent at the point xi approximated by the following form f ( xi ) f ( xi 1 ) f ' ( xi ) xi xi 1 If the form above in subsitusikan into equation (2.3), obtained: f ( xi )( xi xi 1 ) xi 1 xi f ( xi ) f ( xi 1 ) In this method of approach requires two initial values of x, which is used to estimate the slope of the function. example 5 Solve the problem in the previous example with the secant method. completion The first iteration, taken two initial values are x = 1 and x = 2. For x1 = 1, f(x1=1) = -4 x2 = 2, f(x1=2) = 3 By using equation (2.4) is calculated: f ( xi )( xi xi 1 ) 3(2 1) x3 x 2 2 1,57142 f ( xi ) f ( xi 1 ) 3 (4) In the second iteration, the count conducted by the value of x2 = 2 and x3 = 1.57142: For x2 = 2, f(x1=2) = 3 x3 = 1,57142, f(x1=1,57142) = -1,36449 By using equation (2.4) is calculated: f ( xi )( xi xi 1 ) 1,36449 (1,57142 2) x3 x 2 1,57142 1,70540 f ( xi ) f ( xi 1 ) 1,36449 3

Count with the procedure as described above followed by using Program 2.4., And the results in table 5. The results obtained in the iteration count to five, namely x = 1.73205. Table 5. The results of the count with Secant method I xi-1 xi xi+1 f(xi-1) 1 1 2.00000 1.57143 -4.00000 2 2.00000 1.57143 1.70541 3.00000 3 1.57143 1.70541 1.73514 -1.36443 4 1.70541 1.73514 1.73200 -0.24775 5 1.73514 1.73200 1.73205 0.02926

f(xi) 3.00000 -1.36443 -0.24775 0.02926 -0.00052

f(xi+1) -1.36443 -0.24775 0.02926 -0.00052 0.00000

5. Metode Iterasi In this iteration method is used an equation to estimate the value of the roots of the equation. Equations were developed from the function f (x) = 0 so that the parameter x is located on the left side of the equation, namely: x = g (x) This transformation can be done by algebraic manipulation, or by adding the parameter x on both sides of the original equation. For example, the following equation: x3+x2-3x-3=0 can be written x3 x2 3 x 3 Thus giving an initial estimate of value can be calculated estimate of the root xi and xi+1 bar, with the following iterative formula: Xi+1 = g (xi) Xi+1 = g (xi) The magnitude of the error calculated by the following formula: x x a i 1 i 100 0 0 xi 1

example 6 Calculate the roots of the equation x3 + x2-3x-3 = 0 with the iteration method. completion These equations can be written in the form: x3=-x2 + 3x+3 = 0 x = (-x2 + 3x+3 )1/3 In the form of equation (2.6), the above equation becomes: Xi+1 = (-xi2 + 3 xi +3 )1/3 If the specified initial estimates obtained x1 = 2: X2 = (-x12 + 3 x1+3 )1/3 = (-22 + 3.2+3 )1/3 = 1,70998 Large errors:

xi 1 xi 1,70998 2 100 0 0 100 0 0 16,9607 0 0 xi 1 1,70998

Furthermore, the value of x2 = 1.70998 is used to calculate the value of x3 in the next iteration, so that: X3 = (-x32 + 3 x3+3 )1/3 = (-1,709982 + 3. 1,70998+3 )1/3 =1,73313
xi 1 xi 1,73313 1,70998 100 0 0 100 0 0 1,34 0 0 xi 1 1,73313 Count with the procedure as mentioned above in the Program continue to use computers and the results given in Table 2.6. The results obtained in the iteration count to five, namely x = 1.73205.

I 1 2 3 4 5 6

Table 6. The results of the count by iteration method xi xi+1 a (%) 2.00000 1.70998 16.96071 1.70998 1.73313 1.33621 1.73313 1.73199 0.06579 1.73199 1.73205 0.00340 1.73205 1.73205 0.00018 1.73205 1.73205 0.00001

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb Thank God we pray for Allah SWT have mercy on his taufik and guidance to all of us so that we can complete this task with good technique Mathematics. Finally, we thank you profusely. Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb

REFERENCE|en| Bambang, Triatmodjo, 1992, Metde Numerik , Beta Offset, Yogyakarta.

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