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Assessment item 2 Interim Learning Evaluation and Action Plan Value: 35% Due date: 07-Sep-2012 Return date:

28-Sep-2012 Length: 1500 words for part 1 Submission method options Hand delivery (option applies to Internal only) Alternative submission method Task Assessment 2. Interim Learning Evaluation Part 1 (25 marks) Using the following questions to guide your thinking, write a 1500 word account in which you review your action plan from assessment 1. Explain what you have learnt since the first assessment. Identify how your exploration and learning, and your workrelated activities have informed your knowledge and understanding of yourself. Explain how this process has helped you towards achieving your career and working life objectives and action plan. Discuss how you would like to develop your career and working life for the future. Draw conclusions about what you need to do next towards achieving your plans. Assessment 2 Part 2: Action Plan (10 marks): Write a detailed action plan that draws on your written assessment and portfolio, that will enable you to achieve your objectives for the next part of the session. N. B. You are expected to review this action plan in assessment three and use this review as the basis for developing a new action plan that will carry you forward into BUS220 You may find the following structure helpful when writing your action plan: o Describe your current situation (Where am I now?) o Describe your ideal situation (Where do I want to be?) o How do I get there, and what skills and resources do I need? (Parts to success) o What action do I take? Rationale Assessment 2 part 1:

This assessment develops your capability of reflective, experiential learning, enabling you to form relationships between experiencing and theorising. Remember, these questions can guide your thinking: 1. What did you set out to achieve? 2. Have you achieved this? 3. What went well, and why? 4. How would you improve for next time? 5. What skills have you used and why were they needed? 6. What skills would you wish to improve on? 7. How will you improve on them? 8. How will you know you have improved? 9. What related theory have you drawn on and how did it assist your work? 10. Overall self-evaluation Assessment 2 part 2: Part one is a process that leads to the development of a plan of action that enables you to set out your desired goals and strategies for achieving them. it is important to provide as much detail as possible in order to set out a strategy for success, and to form the foundation for assessment three. Marking criteria

Assessment 2 Part 1: Written Evaluation Guidelines and Marking Schedule

Aspect Guidance of what is indicative of a good Marks /25 and comprehensive answer Explain what you have learnt At the end of your first assessment, you /5 since the first assessment. should have identified an action plan that Identify how your described your current situation (Where exploration and learning has am I now?); described your ideal situation informed your knowledge (Where do I want to be?), then identified and understanding of how you would achieve that and what yourself. skills and resources you needed (Parts to success). You would have considered what action you needed to take to achieve your plans. In this assessment, you need to re-visit the action plan, and also reflect on what else you have learnt on BUS110, including the work-related activities, about your skills, abilities knowledge and understanding in relation to the capabilities you have demonstrated so far. Explain how this process has Drawing on the process described above, /5 helped you towards you will need to provide detailed evidence achieving your objectives of what you have learnt and how you have

and action plan.

developed in relation to achieving the objectives you set yourself in your action plan. It is perfectly acceptable to have changed your mind about the objectives you set yourself, in fact, this could be as a direct result of a successful process of reflection and self-assessment. Discuss how you would like This part requires you to do some thinking to develop your career and and reflection before writing: working life for the future. 1) Draw on the outcomes identified above; 2) Look backwards, think about and reflect on the capabilities you have demonstrated, and the outcomes of your work-related activities. 3) Consider the capabilities you have yet to work on. Now you should be in a position to answer this section of the assignment. Draw conclusions about Draw your thoughts and reflections what s you need to do next together in a way that is coherent and towards achieving your succinct. If you only had one paragraph to plans. describe everything you have just written about to a potential employer, a relative or a judge for a best assignment competition, what would you write? What would be the most important points you wanted to emphasise? Go on to clarity what Parts you need to take before the next assignment to progress your plans Structure Mechanics (Correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, clarity etc) Referencing using APA




Assessment 2 part 2: Action Plan Guidelines and Markin Schedule

Guidance of what is indicative of a good and comprehensive answer Mark/10 Clear and concise identification of current situation that is backed up by /4 evidence drawn from the reflective practice portfolio. Content is detailed and coherent, drawing on the outcomes of the first stage of this assignment and on the work-based learning component. There is clear evidence to support the plan, i.e. you draw on their /2 research in relation to their ideal situation and Parts to success, and provides evidence of this. The action Parts are detailed showing clearly the Parts along the way to /2 achieving the ideal situation.

The Parts are supported by your research. Clear structure; mechanics (correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, clarity etc) Referencing using APA

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