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The Diaoyu Islands dispute is a significant upgrade, the Sino-Japanese economic and trade war has pushed the

policy makers and the public reception. China has the ability to make Japan more difficult and costly in economic and trade war, but we needed to be considered in the implementation of economic sanctions against Japan, Design sanctions the principle target, the end of the field, the way in order to minimize costs and maximize revenue. avoid counterproductive results. Sino-Japanese economic and trade war: Japan more expensive To be sure, China has the ability to give greater damage in Japan through trade sanctions, leaving the price they pay less than make the damage in Japan. Sino-Japanese bilateral trade share has been a marked difference in the respective total trade between the two countries, Japan, Sino-Japanese trade dependence exponentially higher than China on Sino-Japanese trade dependence. From trade in goods Overall, Japan's share in China's foreign trade tends to decline. Between 1993 to 2003, Japan has been China's largest trading partner, but beyond the European Union, the United States in 2004, later fell in ASEAN after. In 2002, China's trade with Japan was $ 101.9 billion, accounting for 16.4% of the year's total foreign trade; exports to Japan of $ 48.4 billion, accounting for 14.9% of total exports; imports from Japan was $ 53.5 billion, accounting for 18.1% of total imports that year. In 2011, China's trade with Japan was $ 342.9 billion, accounting for 9.4% of the year's total foreign trade; exports to Japan of $ 148.3 billion, accounting for 7.8% of the total exports that year; imports from Japan $ 194.6 billion, accounting for 11.2% of total imports that year. In contrast, in 2011, Japan's total exports, total imports were $ 822.7 billion and $ 854.3 billion on a daily basis to statistics, exports to China accounted for 19.7% of total exports; calculated according to Chinese customs statistics, imports from Japan accounted for 23.7% of Japan's total exports that year, exports to Japan accounted for 17.4% of Japan's total imports. Such an asymmetric dependence on less than imports from Japan, and China's exports to Japan, China has the ability to pay a higher price in a lose-lose trade and economic warfare. The same time, if blocked direct investment in China is experiencing a difficult transition to upgrade and re-layout of Japanese industry survival prospects for development will be subject to greater damage. The cost of production and technological innovation changes have made it possible once the pride of the Japanese manufacturing home appliances and other industries caught in the dilemma of the industry-wide losses, transformation and upgrading, and to the overseas re-layout to bail out. Undertake Japanese technology and capital-intensive industries, as the second largest economy in the world, as the world's sole owner of the United Nations industrial classification of all industry categories of countries, China in the domestic market size, human resources, infrastructure, public services, industry supporting and other advantages, not the other popular emerging markets and

most developed countries can be compared. Further, China as being a big country, the highest rate of economic growth, the growth rate of imports and macroeconomic stability among the highest in the country, the vast majority of industries or enterprises aiming at dominating the global market, if you can not break into the Chinese such a high growth big market, it will inevitably mean that occupy the forefront of the global industry's dream shattered. About this point, take a look at Tingyi and Want Want how early investment in the mainland and leapt to the forefront of the island of Taiwan food industry, to see how the snow Rover Group veteran German engineering machinery manufacturers since the 1990s failed joint venture with Chinese enterprises in more than 10 years after reduced to the subject of the acquisition by the Chinese construction machinery enterprises today, not difficult to understand. , After last year's devastating earthquake and resulting loss of customers and market share, many previously reluctant to move production to China, Japan technology, capital-intensive businesses, has also had to consider at least part of the shift to overseas production capacity , they were the more unbearable to be shut out of China, one of the best place for investment consideration. In practice, China initiated economic sanctions on Japan to Japan caused major destruction, thereby forcing the other to self-regulation. Japan's unilateral restrictions on exports of Chinese green onions emergency in the green onions Battle 2001, China announced a 100% retaliatory tariffs imposed on imports of Japanese cars, mobile phones and other mechanical and electrical products, has led to the Japanese industry into confusion, Japan famous construction machinery manufacturers, Kato had never layoffs Road, the bottom line is that the sanctions have to break through, the company Xiagong Group brewing joint venture also declared bathing.

The choice of the field of Japanese economic sanctions

Around the world one of the best of export large country, a major importer, the introduction of foreign direct investment powers and the rapid rise of foreign investment in a large country, we in select foreign economic sanctions, can trade in goods imports and exports of trade in goods, the import of trade in services, trade in services exports select foreign market access, foreign financing and foreign direct investment. Based on their respective comparative advantages of China and Japan, and in select areas of economic sanctions against Japan, we can mainly from the following aspects: Trade in goods imports. Import capacity is power. In the general case, a country's imports as the final consumers greater the number, thus master of the country, the greater the potential influence of the exporting country, because corporate and government of the exporting country in order to keep this important market,

will often have to accept the rules of the game of the importing country, and sometimes even have to accept judicial sanctions in conflict with national laws of the importing country. This regard, we the Toyota quality storm "on the U.S. market, in the previous two years have seen a very full. Because of this, given that China is already the world's second major importer of imports in the past 10 years the average annual increase in more than twice as high as the average annual rate of increase of global imports, sustained current account surpluses and the highest level of foreign exchange reserves in the world and given to the Chinese sustained tremendous ability to import more and more companies in the world and the country hopes exports to China, China through import channels affect the ability of other countries are growing. Given that China is Japan's top export market, China's imports from Japan up to $ 194.6 billion in 2011, even though on a daily basis to statistics, when exports to China accounted for 19.7% of total exports; Therefore, the boycott of Japanese goods imports, in particular, selectively Japanese companies to resist the pro-rightist forces to cause destruction. However, such a boycott should be mainly focused on the Japanese consumer goods, especially selective boycott of its controlling shareholder, executives anti-Chinese pro-rightist forces in Japan, should not blindly boycotting Japanese intermediate inputs and production equipment, unless the domestic and international market suitable alternative sources, in order to avoid harming our own. Trade in goods exports. In this direction, we can do much, because our exports to Japan, the vast majority of products substitutability limit exports to Japan so cede the market to competitors, to export dilemma is experiencing fire poured oil. In 2011 exports totaled $ 148.3 billion, the largest of the four projects are in turn: mechanical and electrical products, audio-visual equipment, and parts and accessories, $ 54 billion; Textiles and textile products, $ 26.3 billion; base metals and their products, $ 10.2 billion; miscellaneous manufactured articles, $ 7.9 billion. The rare earth such strategic resources to control a larger share of the international market, is the most appropriate products of restrictions on exports to Japan. Trade in services. The most appropriate breakthrough reduce travel to Japan. The extremely rapid growth of China's outbound tourism, much of the attention of States. 2006-2011, the number of Chinese residents and exit, up from 34,524,000 people to 70,250,000 people the Private Purpose rose from 28,799,000 people to 64,120,000 people;, tourism spending in 2011 BoP soared to $ 72.585 billion from $ 54.88 billion in the previous year. Reduce travel to Japan, a greater fight against the Japanese tourism and related industries.

Foreign direct investment. Boycott during the Chinese enterprises in the choice of joint venture partners, under the same conditions Select non-Japanese partner. But unless extreme intensification of contradictions and Japan, or the government should not be directly expressly imposed additional restrictions on market access for Japanese. The five principles of the economic sanctions against Japan China should no doubt pursues a foreign policy of peace, but war can only make peace, we must be ready at all times maintain the struggle and courage in order to protect their own interests, and the economic sanctions in any case much more moderate than live ammunition of war. In such a dispute decisions without fear of what the WTO rules and the like (although we should and can take advantage of the WTO rules like the banner and self-restraint in order to occupy the moral high ground "and the right to speak). WTO rules to adjust the economic and trade relations between the peaceful coexistence of countries with hostile relations between the countries, the WTO rules only air. We should always respect, equal treatment of all countries and their nationals are willing to live in harmony with our country, but as a big country nationals, we need to remember, in real life led to the formulation of international rules is a big country. Nevertheless, China still needs to always bear in mind, regardless of our economic development to the level of what our political, economic and even military resources are limited and must be used in the place of benefits, can not tolerate waste, and must be prepared for unexpected side effects . So, while we should be actively thinking, to explore how the use of economic sanctions, but we can not abuse this tool. In this regard, we need to learn from the lessons of the United States. The United States is the world since the 20th century, most countries, including export controls, economic sanctions. 116 in the 1914-1990 period from the international economic sanctions led by the United States, there are 77; in the end of the Cold War in 2007, more than 80 new sanctions case, the United States to participate in more than 60 cases, involving half of the world the population over. U.S. abuse of trade sanctions tool with a variety of losses, not only in the post-Cold War economic sanctions frequent advertised contrary to the "victory of democracy and freedom" with the West, more than half the world's population is labeled as victims of economic sanctions, a more serious violation of basic humanitarian The spirit of serious damage to the moral of the American self-image of the "soft power" and essentially banished many profitable markets outside the United States itself. In view of this, we can only give full consideration to the following issues of principle on the basis of restraint use this tool: First, determine the ultimate goal. Diaoyu Islands dispute, we have to consider that we are now if get Japan surgery to achieve what? Do things which step deadline?

Second, to prevent sanctions to promote the reality in China, potentially hostile states Baotuan alliance to contain China, especially to prevent the struggle and sanctions become hegemonic state intervention and the opportunity of organizing anti-China united front. Diaoyu Islands dispute, we have to consider is how to ensure to take Japan to act as a deterrent after the surgery, but not so to promote neighboring countries to invest in the United States embrace? Third, the sanctions and the struggle to prevent a hegemonic country an opportunity to direct military intervention. Diaoyu Islands dispute, we have to consider is how to ensure that the United States does not directly intervene in the related dispute? After all, the first in the world, the second largest country in the case of no direct territorial disputes rush to war, not only their irresponsible of the two countries, but also of the world irresponsible. Fourth, how to grasp the sense of proportion, to ensure that we moderate use of economic means to frighten opponents who will not cause too much impact on the international economic and trade order, temporary disturbance of the economic sanctions on international economic and trade order in exchange for a much longer and more stable, to ensure other countries' trade and economic uncertainty will not rise, the vast majority of our trading partners are still willing to trade with China? Fifth, how to grasp the sense of proportion, to ensure that our economic sanctions on China's own economy running interference minimized? Specific to the Sino-Japanese economic and trade, Japan's exports is mostly intermediate inputs and production equipment; Japan in the world's advanced manufacturing sector occupies a key intermediate inputs the key position of the main suppliers of goods and production equipment, and this place in automotive, electronics and other industries was particularly prominent, most of the products that we import from Japan is not easy to find an alternative supply many products even no alternative supply. Last year, the reason why the Japanese earthquake trigger a major shock in the global electronics market, the root cause lies in this. In this case, to boycott some imported Japanese goods is bound to make our own industry, export, employment has suffered heavy losses. Only to a certain extent in the development of the advanced manufacturing in China, the boycott of Japanese goods in these areas, it will not harm our own, but to help the development of China's advanced manufacturing. Overall, the achievements of China's manufacturing and export, a considerable part thanks to the deeply embedded "Japan's core components - China composed of processed products - the global market," so that a chain of international division of labor, the result is a large number of imported Japanese high technology products, upstream intermediate products and equipment to meet the production needs of the domestic market and export, the formation of a huge surplus of trade with the United States and Europe, mainland China, Japan, South Korea, China Taiwan and some raw materials, energy exporters deficit pattern, which Japan, South Korea, China Taiwan region has for many years swept the top three sources of trade deficit of goods of mainland China.

Meanwhile, in the new round of global industrial transfer and the wave of China's industrial upgrading in China with good human resources, a complete industrial system, excellent infrastructure, a high political and macroeconomic stability and become emerging industry investment hotspot, as overseas advanced manufacturing transfer of preference; event blindly boycotting Japanese or other goods, it is entirely possible to damage the multinational industrial chain normal operation to improve the production and operation of China's advanced manufacturing uncertainties, the transfer of advanced manufacturing hesitant, and will harm China potential for sustainable development. We should actively explore the use of economic instruments to combat the hostile forces, but you can not choose to self-injury; we have to realize our own strength growth, we must clearly recognize that the weakness of their own forces, not force growth prospects for the future as the reality of the moment. Overall, in the brutal international competition, blazing patriotic enthusiasm and calm to the the cold point where the sensible contemplating missing one not designed to safeguard the territorial integrity and sovereignty struggle in particular, need to grasp the sense of proportion, so that the result is counterproductive to our expectations. Sino-Japanese economic and social fundamentals determine the trend of the development of the comprehensive national strength of the two countries more conducive to China, as long as we can maintain domestic political stability, time is on our side. We strive to select the most favorable time for us, but not forced to choose between the impulse to fall into the trap of others, unfavorable time. The same time, we also need to be concerned about, the U.S. Ambassador to Libya Stevens tragic death will lead to the adjustment of U.S. policy on the Arab Spring, will lead the United States to reassess its global military diplomacy layout, and then shrink to concentrate on dealing with the layout in East Asia Middle East and other extremist forces? If this happens, the Sino-Japanese dispute is certainly cool, and may even appear dramatic screeching halt. Of data Japanese economy dependence Chinese tourists to contribute 350 million yuan a month In January this year, the number of Taiwan's visit to Japan was $ 25.4 million, accounting for 43.7% of the total number of foreign tourists. Chinese visitors to Japan per capita consumption of 160,000 yen (about 14,000 yuan), the highest in Japan "tourism promotion of national first. It is estimated that in January alone, Chinese tourists to Japan tourism to contribute 356 million yuan. Japanese car sales in August declined sharply Japanese cars in global sales in August, down 2%. The China Association of Automobile Manufacturers said, "Japanese cars in the Chinese market sales in August poor, related to the Diaoyu

Islands issue." Toyota and Mitsubishi Motors 4 and compared to the same period last year, the decline in sales. Nissan to maintain high double-digit growth for five consecutive months ended June increased by only 0.6%. (According to public information finishing)

Japan flagrantly the "Share island six

Deputy director of the Foreign Affairs University Center for Japanese Studies Yong-Sheng Zhou The beginning of 012 years, Japan on the Diaoyu Islands issue provocative, constantly creating friction, including affiliated islands named as the Diaoyu Islands, which allows members of Congress to land on the island, allowing local councilors landed on the island, fishing contest held in the nearby waters; summer and since they force intercept and arrest the Chinese Diaoyu indulgence Japanese right-wing groups, who landed on the island oath sovereignty, allowing the Tokyo Metropolitan Government measure and geographic resources survey along the Diaoyu Islands and surrounding. On September 10, the Japanese government held a meeting and decided that the government invested 2.05 billion yen (about 166 million yuan), purchased from the so-called "the island main" in the hands of "the Diaoyu Islands. Yoshihiko Noda government by Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara, "bought" the planning of the Diaoyu Islands, in the fall of 2012, vigorously and strongly promoted the so-called process of "nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands to strengthen control over the Diaoyu Islands, has seriously damaged China's Diaoyu Islands territorial sovereignty, and create the actual control of the Diaoyu Islands, a new legal case. So, why Made in Japan over the Diaoyu Islands friction? Transfer the domestic line of sight, Enhance the rate of public support of the ruling party The Noda Cabinet ruling since with no success in the internal affairs caused by a domestic political crisis, and instead passed a bill raising the consumption tax. Especially in terms of economic development, the 2011 economic institutions forecast that Japan relief construction in full swing in 2012, can stimulate Japan's economic growth rate of up to 3%. However, in August 2012, the Japan forecast only reach about 2% growth than last year, is expected to be reduced. The Noda Cabinet-led recovery meal nuclear power plant operators also provoked widespread protests and objections of the people. In diplomacy, because everywhere passive Russia and South Korea territorial dispute at a disadvantage to attract the public eye of Japan, only tough action on the Diaoyu Islands, transfer the attention of the voters.

Noda Cabinet to speed up the process of the the "Share island" in order to improve itself and the Democratic administration in the short-term interests of the public support rate, expect that they will obtain some votes, at least, will not let the support of a further decline. With the United States strategic eastward shift, restricting China The eastward shift of one of the goals of the U.S. strategy to contain China's rise, in order to reduce the resistance of the United States on international issues, to maintain U.S. hegemony dominance. The Noda Cabinet figured out the strategic intent of the United States, the U.S. position on the Diaoyu Islands issue several times, "Japan-US Security Treaty," to restrain China. With the support of the United States, look through the so-called "private land nationalization of the Diaoyu Islands" policy, to further strengthen the actual control of the Diaoyu Islands, so that the first island chain that extends southward from Kyushu, Japan to maintain continuity in the waters of the Diaoyu Islands and Japan have nothing to fear, continuation so tight closure channel in an attempt to make the Chinese navy is not much room to maneuver out of the Western Pacific. Creation of the legal case of actual control over the Diaoyu Islands Japan, the growth of China's economy and military, under the clamor of politicians and public opinion, almost in a panic state. They are most afraid of Chinese troops occupied the Diaoyu Islands, but also want to purchase through the National Diaoyu Islands "private land" way, as soon as the Diaoyu Islands complete control in the hands of the State. Diaoyu Islands of land in private hands "of Japan has a lot of inconvenience, because the public authority can not arbitrarily interfere with private rights, which affected the implementation of the Government of Japan on the Diaoyu Islands policy. Therefore, as soon as complete control in the hands of the government, is the Noda Cabinet urgent "Share island" is another important reason. Japan's national interests "Share island", always is the the Noda Cabinet to consider the long-term objectives and fundamental pointer. Trading and trading procedures in the, "Share island behavior, equal to the creation of a so-called real effective control of the Diaoyu Islands major legal principles Case vain attempt in the future if the ruling by the International Court of Justice or international arbitration institutions, in accordance with the actual control of the principles of the Diaoyu Islands contracting to Japan. "Share island, however, can not change the premise of" stealing "the Diaoyu Islands, the premise does not re-creation of a legal basis does not make sense. Take advantage of China's internal affairs needs stability and the timing "Eighteen held soon, need to remain stable domestic. Noda select the right this time, that the Chinese to busy internal affairs, time to his care, will not take strong counter-measures on Japan. Therefore, after the end of August to speed up the negotiations and the so-called "island main, at the same time, and Shintaro Ishihara secret collusion, consultation, in order to form a joint force.

Japanese national character consistently and unanimously tradition. Whether Shintaro Ishihara how much you want to shine, the so-called "the island main" how just the right to stand for the state government reluctant to sell to raise the asking price, but, when it comes to their national interests, they will soon eliminate differences collusion in together to take the attitude of co-ordination in order to catch up in China, "18 large" prior to the convening of this favorable opportunity, and quickly realized the "transaction", hoping to counter efforts to minimize. The Noda cabinet and the Democratic Party Opportunity to large fishing political capital Regardless of the Noda cabinet and the Democratic Party how policy, Japan's domestic and foreign policies are difficult to be a big improvement. The Noda cabinet eager to achieve the Diaoyu Islands in the so-called "private land nationalization" to Noda unnamed colleagues in the Cabinet and the ruling Democratic Party legacy. Noda even if forced to step down, also equal to the a no white dry. For the Democratic Party, also accumulated political capital of the LDP lost power, even in the new elections, because of this capital will be left in the Japanese public reputation, favorable to regain political power in the future. China usual duplicitous means Noda vowed on the one hand, to steadfastly push forward Sino-Japanese relations, on the one hand, it strengthened against China's territorial sovereignty by speeding up the so-called process of "nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands. In the end of August, Noda sent a special envoy to China to transmit their own personal letter, trying to ease Sino-Japanese relations, and the establishment of a calm and rational dialogue channel, and reaffirmed the importance of Sino-Japanese strategic and mutually beneficial relations between the two countries. On the Special Envoy stranded in China during the Japanese Senate plenary session by the Coast Guard and foreign ships sailing the amendments to the Act, given the maritime security official surveys on the islands crime and arrests powers. The purpose is to strengthen the actual control of the Diaoyu Islands, the scope of enforcement of maritime security officer to the island by the sea to expand, can perform on behalf of the Police Authority, the implementation of the search and arrest. The Noda Cabinet this approach, the full performance of the two sides of its China policy and the Japanese Foreign. Showing double-dealing tactics cast a smokescreen on the surface to ease the confrontation, secretly speed up the process of the the "Share island", an attempt to make the Chinese too late opposition and reaction to minimize the negative effects and the possibility of restricting. Noda Cabinet has been established, the modus operandi of Chinese diplomacy, is on the one hand a

great show of great importance to Sino-Japanese relations, and sincerely promote the improvement of relations between the two countries, and etiquette courtesy to a very high specification. Submitting the Prime Minister a personal letter, for China sent its minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a special envoy, made a special trip to China messenger of Korea by its Foreign Ministry summoned the Minister of the South Korean Embassy in Japan to win the trust of the Japanese Foreign Ministry. The large of etiquette Specifications difference is staggering. You can even spend the tension in the capital of Japan about $ 10 billion, to take the lead in the bulk purchase of RMB bonds in China, in order to express the support of fiscal and monetary policy in China, of course, move for Japan's foreign exchange reserves to find a new way out of safety. At the same time, however, Noda unequivocally called for strengthening of China's military preparations, the Self-Defense Forces also quoted the ancient Chinese classic, "forget the war will be dangerous" (Editor's note: from the ancient Chinese book on military strategy, "Sima Law"), sensational argument , where it comes to the core of Japan's national interests, the tough tough never begrudge no punches. Greatly increasing the possibility of the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese conflict Diplomatic Academy of the Strategy and Conflict Management Research Center, Ren Suhao On September 10, the Chinese government announced that the the Chinese Diaoyu islands baselines of the territorial sea. This is taken by China against the Japanese the "Share island" behavior "action for action, the legal response to the law". Sea-based line management Diaoyu Islands Legal basis The so-called sea-based line is a country of operator starting line and the basic line of the breadth of the territorial sea, the sea-line within a country's inland sea (or water), equivalent to the lakes of the country's sovereign status of the inland sea; 12 sea miles beyond the sea-line called territorial waters, the status and functions of the territorial waters of the same territory, and the violation of the territorial waters of a country is equivalent to a violation of its territory. Turn the contiguous zone and the exclusive economic zone beyond the territorial sea. National delineation of sea-based line, truly reflect the behavior of the effective jurisdiction of the territorial sovereignty of the national territory. This time, China has delineated the Diaoyu islands, sea-based line, strengthen the judicial jurisdiction of the Chinese territory. That jurisprudence embodies China's sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands. In fact, as early as in 1996, China promulgated a part of the sea-based lines. At that time the reason

is "part of the sea-line, as the Diaoyu Islands and Nansha Islands sea-based line is blank. The Chinese Diaoyu islands, sea-based line, making China's sea-based line more complete (only the Nansha Islands sea-based line is not announced), a more complete legal system of marine management, and Japan, the so-called "nationalization" Diaoyu Islands tit-for-tat in our the judicial again strengthen the management of the Diaoyu Islands. The future, the sea-line to become the legal basis for China to manage the Diaoyu Islands, advocates of sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands, we can take legal action. Future, the Japanese landed on the island, Is my territory violations From the point of view of the Japanese domestic law, the Diaoyu Islands into a "state-owned" from privately owned, which is a crucial step to Japanese control over the Diaoyu Islands. However, after the implementation of the so-called "nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands, Japan, the Diaoyu Islands issue between China and Japan have turned into the official level, the central government level. Before Japan was landed on the island, the government can be said to "personal behavior, does not mean that the government", but in the future, if the Japanese landed on the island, it is certainly the Japanese government behavior, personal behavior, does not mean that the government "excuse will not make sense. Once the Japanese landed on the island, that is, the Government of Japan on the Diaoyu Islands, China, a violation of Chinese territory, China is completely at the national level to respond to, the use of Chinese enforcement vessels to fight back behavior violated China's sovereignty, China can as aggression on Chinese territory, by any means, including military means can be taken to protect the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands to protect our territory from encroachment. China needs the Diaoyu Islands issue externalization This year is the 40th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations, in such a special year, and Japan because of the Diaoyu Islands issue renewable discord, the escalation of conflict, it is not normal. Originally, the Chinese would like to take the 40th anniversary of the Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations as an opportunity to promote the further development of Sino-Japanese relations. However, the desire of the Chinese government and people have become Japan Diaoyu Islands strategic opportunities. Obviously, Japan believes that the time of the 40th anniversary of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations on the Diaoyu Islands issue, accounting for some cheap, China will certainly be patient, so it dare so brazenly. Japan seriously hurt the feelings of 1.3 billion Chinese people, Japan underestimated the determination and will of the Chinese to protect their territorial sovereignty. After the beginning of the year in Japan, the so-called "named" affiliated islands the Diaoyu Islands and the surrounding activities, the State Oceanic Administration of China, the Ministry of Civil

Affairs announced the standard name of the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands, Pinyin and location. Beginning in April this year, Ishihara the "Share island" farce staged, the Chinese government has expressed serious protest. The Chinese announced the baselines of the territorial sea of the Diaoyu Islands, the attitudes and behavior of the Japanese side is not responsible for the continuous, rhythmic, targeted response. 46 ocean surveillance ship, the China Marine Surveillance 49 boats in the morning of September 11, has arrived in peripheral waters of the sacred Chinese territory Diaoyu Islands the ocean surveillance departments as appropriate to carry out activism, to proclaim sovereignty. This is a major blow to Japan's attempt to cure the issue of sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands, reflects the firm determination of the Chinese government to safeguard the territorial and national sovereignty. Past, "shelving disputes and seeking common development" as the processing of the basic principles of the Diaoyu Islands issue, we adhere to the principle, but Japan did not keep their promises, but do a lot of little tricks. China has been considered the spirit of maintaining the overall situation of SinoJapanese relations, is not the escalation of conflict, is basically to deal with the principle of the "status quo". However, not only did not realize that China's good intentions and their own mistakes, but intensified even more brazenly violated China's sovereignty and to challenge the limits of patience in China. Twentieth APEC informal leadership meeting held recently during Chinese President Hu Jintao and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda conversation, and that China's stance on the current SinoJapanese relations and the Diaoyu Islands issue, he stressed that the Japanese side to take in any way. " purchase Island "is illegal, invalid, and China is resolutely opposed. Since then, the NPC Standing Committee Chairman Wu Bangguo, Premier Wen Jiabao and Vice Premier Li Keqiang has position on the Diaoyu Islands issue. So dense stand of the Central Political Bureau Standing Committee of the Diaoyu Islands issue, as part of the the Japanese aggressive acts of stealing Island is endure the ultimate breakthrough in China, the Chinese side had to re-examine the principle of "shelving disputes and seeking common development", between externalization and urgency of. It can be said that a change in the approach taken on the Diaoyu Islands issue, China's attitude has become more resolute and clear in safeguarding national sovereignty. Greatly increasing the possibility of conflict In Japan over the Diaoyu Islands "farce" reached a climax when the Japanese cabinet decided to replace the post of Ambassador to China Niwa Uichiro. In fact, the issue of the Japan "Share island" Niwa Uichiro has issued a relatively rational voice, so he has been criticism of the Japanese government. For now, the Ambassador Niwa Uichiro retire may mean that the Government of Japan on the Diaoyu Islands issue, and will take a tougher approach to deal with China. As a result, between China and Japan on the Diaoyu Islands issue a

state of tension will be long-term sustainability. From the Chinese point of view, we announced the baselines of the territorial sea of the Diaoyu Islands, and improve the "Diaoyu Islands are an integral part of Chinese territory," the legal system. Future, to defend the Diaoyu Islands, China legal basis, have a management operability range. Although the Diaoyu Islands or under the control of Japan, but the legal basis for Chinese vessels will be in accordance with the law to the Diaoyu Islands law enforcement. This means that the future and Japan on the Diaoyu Islands issue, the possibility of conflict greatly increased. The current situation, Japan will monitor enters the Diaoyu Islands, 200 nautical-mile ocean surveillance ship in China. Japan expulsion and other measures necessary to take into the 12nautical-mile. Even so, China ocean surveillance ship several times into the Diaoyu Islands and surrounding waters, and once even broke through the 12 nautical miles limit. The China Marine Surveillance 46 boats, the China Marine Surveillance 49 boats arrived in peripheral waters of the Diaoyu Islands, as the case may carry out activism oath sovereignty. Future, China is bound to increase in the waters of the Diaoyu Islands cruise, ocean surveillance ship not only to enter the waters of Diaoyu Islands exclusive economic zone, but also normalized into the Diaoyu Islands territorial waters, the best regular patrols in the waters of the Diaoyu Islands. Although the landing on the island remains to be seen, but the ocean surveillance ship at least want to enter the Diaoyu Islands territorial waters of 12 nautical miles. This is our country's territorial waters, territorial waters and the equivalent of the territory. Corresponding constraints on the U.S. On the Diaoyu Islands issue, the United States had to consider factors. Been on the Diaoyu Islands issue, the United States has taken the attitude of favoritism and even connived Japan. Instance, in recent U.S. State Department spokesman Newland title of the Diaoyu Islands have been using the title of the Japanese side of the Senkaku Islands ", instead of" Diaoyu Islands ". Future, some of the acts of the United States constraints prevent the United States to take further action on the Diaoyu Islands issue. Although the United States should Diaoyu Islands be included within the scope of the US-Japan Security Treaty, but whether the United States intervened militarily on the Diaoyu Islands issue, it seems there is still great uncertainty. First, the treaty truly implemented, and there are certain conditions, restrictions, say, the U.S. Congress on whether to approve, the United States is how to define the legal status of the Diaoyu Islands. Safeguard the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands in China Steps do not slow down Diaoyu Islands crisis is on the rise, the likelihood of conflict increases, but for now, within the scope

of the crisis is still in control of the Diaoyu Islands. Despite steps to safeguard the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands in China can not slow down. With better legal basis, we do put laws implemented in accordance with the law to take action management Diaoyu Islands waters. First, our nation's fishermen, fishing boats often go to the Diaoyu Islands waters economically productive activities. At the same time, China's fishery boat fishing protection escort, the effective protection of life and property safety of the fishermen, once the fishermen threatened fishery boats to timely provide security for the fishermen. In addition, if we find Japan violations of the Diaoyu Islands, a 12-nautical mile exclusive economic zone, China ocean surveillance ship will be carried out to prevent even snatch personnel violated China's territorial waters in accordance with the law. If Japan dares in the construction of ports and other facilities on the Diaoyu Islands, according to the law to give a strong comeback. Finally, greatly increasing the possibility of friction upgrade, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces do not rule out the possibility of intervention on the Diaoyu Islands issue, therefore, our armed forces, especially the Navy should make full preparations. Japanese the "Share island" whole story In 2012 April 16 Japan's Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara made government stepped in to "buy" the proposal of the Diaoyu Islands. July 7 Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda declared that the government is to purchase the island and to achieve the "nationalization" of a comprehensive study. July 24 Noda said that in Japan the Senate to answer questions, the government has begun to raise the budget, the official start of the Diaoyu Islands "nationalization" program. September 2 Tokyo, Japan-finding mission of 25, and that the implementation of the plan of the purchase Diaoyu Islands "to prepare the ground to commence in the waters of the Diaoyu Islands by boat illegally investigation. September 3

The Government of Japan and the Diaoyu Islands in the so-called "island main commence formal negotiations of the" Share island ", the Japanese government intends to bid for 2.05 billion yen. September 10 The Japanese government has decided nationalized by the government "bought" the Diaoyu Islands, North Island and the South island, ". September 11 The Japanese government signed with the Diaoyu Islands in the so-called "island main the" Share island "contract.

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