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s by Sumeyra Sakall

PROBLEM 1 (20 points): Prove or disprove: If F : M N is a smooth map, c N , and F 1 (c) is an embedded submanifold of M whose codimension is equal to the dimension of N , then c is a regular value of F . Solution: Consider the smooth map F : R2 R such that F (x, y) = x3 y 3 . Then F 1 (0) is the line x = y which is an embedded submanifold of R2 . But, 0 is not a regular value of F , since (0, 0) F 1 (0) and rank of F which can be represented by the matrix [3x2 3y 2 ] is equal to 0 at the point (0, 0) R2 . Hence F is not surjective implying that (0, 0) is critical point and that 0 is not a regular value. PROBLEM 2 (20 points): a) Prove that a submersion : M N is an open map. b) Let P be a smooth compact manifold. Show that there is no submersion F : P Rk for any k > 0. Solution: a) Let q (W ) and p 1 (q). Since has constant rank n = dim N , there exist smooth coordinates (x1 , ..., xm ) centered at p and (y1 , ..., yn ) centered at q in which has coordinate representation: (x1 , ..., xm ) = (x1 , ..., xn ). Now, for > 0, consider an open neighborhood C = {x : |xi | < , i = 1, ..., m} of p. Then (C ) = {y : |yi | < , i = 1, ..., n} is also open and contains q. This implies that is open map. b) Suppose that F : P Rk is submersion for some k > 0. Since F is open map by a), F (P ) is open in Rk . Furthermore, as a continuous image of compact space P , F (P ) is compact in Rk . Therefore we get that F (P ) is both open and closed in Rk . However, Rk is connected and F (P ) = so we must have F (P ) = Rk . This gives a contradiction as F (P ) is compact, but Rk is not. Hence we conclude that there is no such submersion. PROBLEM 3 (20 points): Let M be a nonempty smooth manifold of dimension n 1. Show that the space of all smooth vector elds on M is innite-dimensional. Solution: Take m distinct points p1 , ..., pm in M . Then there exist m mutually disjoint open sets U1 , . . . , Um in M such that pi Ui . Now, for each pi , take a nonzero vector Xi Tpi M . This vector can be extended to a smooth vector eld Xi on M whose support is contained in Ui using a smooth bump function i on M such that i (pi ) = 1 and supp i Ui . We claim that the smooth vector elds {X1 , . . . , Xm } are linearly independent on M . Assume that


ci X i = 0

for some real numbers c1 , ..., cm . Then Xpj = n ci Xi |pj = cj Xj = 0 and hence cj = 0 for any 1 j m. Since m i=1 was arbitrary this proves that the space of all smooth vector elds on M is innite-dimensional.

PROBLEM 4 (20 points): Prove that S 3 is parallelizable. Solution: To show that S 3 is parallelizable, we will nd a smooth global frame for T S 3 . Consider the following smooth vector elds on R4 : X = x2 x1 + x4 x3 x1 x2 x3 x4 x4 x1 + x2 x1 x2 x3 x4 + x3 x2 x1 x1 x2 x3 x4

Y = x3

Z = x4

Let : R4 R be the function dened by (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) = i=1 x2 . Then 1 (1) = S 3 , and thus is a global dening i map for S 3 . Therefore, for any p S 3 , Tp S 3 = ker , where is represented by the matrix [2x1 2x2 2x3 2x4 ]. One can easily verify that Xi ker , which implies that X, Y and Z are tangent to the unit sphere S 3 in R4 . Moreover, since we have < Xp , Yp >=< Xp , Zp >=< Yp , Zp >= 0 with respect to the standard Euclidean metric induced from R4 , the vectors {Xp , Yp , Zp } are linearly independent on Tp S 3 for each p S 3 . Problem 5 (20 points): Let F : M N be a diffeomorphism. Show that F : T N T M is a smooth bundle map. Solution: Let q N , and let F 1 (q) = p. For a smooth covector eld w on N , F w is a smooth covector eld on M which is dened as (F w)p = F (wq ). Hence M (F (q )) = p = F 1 (N (q )), which implies that the diagram below commutes, i.e., F covers the diffeomorphism F 1 .

N F 1 N M

Moreover, the restriction of F to each ber is linear. Indeed, F : Tq N Tp M is dual to the pushforward map F : Tp M Tq N . Finally we need to show that F : T N T M is a smooth map between smooth manifolds. Suppose that T M has smooth local coordinates (xi , i ) and T N has smooth local coordinates (yj , j ). Then the coordinate representation of F from Rn Rn Rn Rn can be given as follows: ( 1 F 1 , (F )T ), where = (xi ) and = (yj ). This proves that F is smooth since 1 F 1 : Rn Rn is the coordinate representation of the smooth map F 1 and (F )T : Rn Rn is linear and hence smooth.

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