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Slide 2: CONCEPT & PURPOSE OF ABIS OPTIMISATION :- Abis optimization gives bandwidth util ization on the Abis interface.

The BSS solution for Abis Optimization is based o n that traffic and signalling on the Abis interface are sent as LAPD frames on S UPER CHANNELS instead of using dedicated timeslots. Abis optimization feature ac hieves bandwidth savings by introducing the super channel concept. A super chann el is one E1 link, or a fraction of one E1, where 64 kbit/s consecutive A bis ti meslots can be used as a wideband connection for sending signaling and payload a s LAPD frames between BSC and BTS. As all traffic and signaling share the same w ideband connection, statistical multiplexing gains are achieved. Optimization ta kes benefit of statistical multiplexing and removes redundant information on the Abis interface to optimize the bandwidth usage. This is achieved by, for exampl e, removal of TRAU frames during silence speech periods and removal of spare bit s in CS and PS frames. Slide 3: HOW ABIS OPTIMISATION WORKS ? New Additions :- New concept of Super Channel as d escribed in the previous slide . On the H/W end , there is addition of PGW ( Pac ket Gateway ) in BSC No new H/W addition on the BTS end . What is a Super Channe l ? A SuperChannel (SC) can be perceived as a set of contiguous timeslots on a P CM link that terminate in one BTS port. The timeslots are used to create a singl e highspeed link using the HDLC protocol. Similarly to the ordinary Digital Path s, there will be up to four SCs possible to use per TG. The SCs going to one TG w ill be grouped in a Super Channel Group (SCGR). Each TG MO can be connected to o ne SCGR and each TRXC MO can be connected to one SC (there can be several TRXs co nnected to the same SC). One of the SCs belonging to the TG will always be used by CF link (regardless if theres TRXC connected to this SC or not). If the SC wit h CF link turns out to be faulty, the CF link will be moved to another SC. SCGRs are numbered from 0-511 and the SCs from 0-3, thus to find the certain SC, its SCGR number must be also known. Slide 4: Super Channel :- A SuperChannel (SC) can be perceived as a set of contiguous tim eslots on a PCM link that terminate in one BTS port. The timeslots are used to c reate a single highspeed link using the HDLC protocol. SCs belonging to the TG w ill always be used by CF link hence isolatation or localization of CF/TRX signal ing TS is not possible in this case.Bandwidth allocation is completely dynamic a mong mapped devices (RBLT & PGW devices). Slide 5: Dimensioning tool to be used :- Following are the inputs :- 1) TRX count for the sectors , numreqegprsbpc , FPDCH and Control Channels ( SD + BCCH ) 2) VAF ( Vo ice Activity Factor ) , Pure HR and FR , AMR HR and FR for the site . 3) Full ra te AMR on 8 kbps Abis to be check-marked depending on whether the feature is ena bled or not . 4) GPRS Bandwidth is decided on the following inputs :- a) Taking the trend for the sites data busy hour for some days b) FPDCH for the complete si te multiplied by 64 Preferred input is the first one .for GPRS Bandwidth . While doing so , pls remember that for BSS07B there is no reservation of 64k on Abis . So correct Setting of this value is very important . 5) Abis Threshold Paramet ers :- SDAMRREDABISTHR , SDHRAABISTHR and SDFRMAABISTHR . Slide 6: What is the Output for Dimensioning tool ? How devices ( RBLT2 & RTPGD )are calc ulated .? In abis opt , we are dealing with two device types RTPGD ( from PGW ) and RBLT2 ( Abis ) RBLT2 Devices :- From the dimensioning tool , we get the numb er of RBLT2 devices on which SEBU MBL ( Semi Permanent ) connections are made . Super channel ( RBLT2 devices ) is defined with the help of command :- RRSCI:SCG R= TG no , SC=0 , DEV1= RBLT2 NUMBER , DCP= dcp number , NUMDEV = no of devices ; RTPGD Devices :- It is actually the RTPGD devices that reflect towards the RBS . Signalling on radio with RTPGD devices is UNCONC , so devices need to be plan

ned accordingly . RTPGD devices are allocated with the help of command :- RXAPI : MO = RXOTG - .., NUMDEV = no of devices ; Slide 7: ETC PGw GS RTPGD RTPGD RTPGD RTPGD RTPGD RTPGD RTPGD RTPGD RTPGD RTPGD RTPGD RTP GD RTPGD RTPGD RTPGD Superchannel definition RRSCI:SCGR=.... ; Uses one set of P Gw devices RBLT RBLT RBLT RBLT RBS Concen- trator TRA TRH PGW device definition RXAPI:MO=xxx,DEV=.... ; Uses another set of PGw devices. Devices used for 64k ED GE must be defined . (Only Logical, the actual data will be sent over the Ethern et backplane) Ethernet backplane GPH / PCU TG to Superchannel connection RXMOC:M O=xxx,SCGR=.... ; RTPGD RTPGD 3 key definitions RXAPI RRSCI RXMOC PGw Device Con nections for Abis Opt Slide 8: DT for Configuration :- Attached is the DT for Abis Opt done on one of the sites in Idea Mumbai . Important parameters on Abis Opt :- PACKALG Package Algorithm to be kept 1 . SDHRAABISTHR - This parameter defines a threshold value for start ing and stopping the allocation of AMR HR and HR channels, in case of high trans mission load on a TG. The allocation is stopped when the threshold value is set to 100%. SDAMRREDABISTHR - This parameter defines a threshold value for starting and stopping the allocation of AMR FR channels with reduced codec set, in case of high transmission load on a TG. The allocation is stopped when the threshold value is set to 100%. The parameter is set per TG. SDFRMAABISTHR -This parameter defines a threshold value for starting and stopping of move from FR to HR chann els, including AMR, in case of high transmission load on a TG. The moving of cha nnels is stopped when the threshold value is set to 100%. The parameter is set p er TG. ATHABIS & DAMRCRABIS to be kept ON in RLDAP command . Slide 9: Implementation in Idea Mumbai :- Following are the scenarios :- There has been v ery exhaustive implementation for Idea Mumbai of Abis Opt :- High Traffic ( voic e and data ) site with two E1s 2111 expanded site ( B sector split ) with single E1 in cascading . 2111 expanded site ( B sector split ) with two E1s ( on differe nt TGs ) Two different sites in cascading ( single E1 ) Abis Opt on site with two E1s ( creating two super channels on same TG ) All these have been successfully implemented with huge B/W reduction seen . In some cases with two E1s , there has been saving of a complete E1 also . 5th case that has been mentioned was two su per channels created on same TG . For its implementaion , total TRXs were divided in two sets and subsequent super channels created . Slide 10: Problems faced and solutions :- Implementation of 5 th case i.e creation of seco nd super channel on same TG gave the following Fault code :- RRSCI:SCGR=15,SC=1, DEV1=RBLT2-3777,DCP=287,NUMDEV=23; NOT ACCEPTED FAULT CODE 172 NO MORE SCS ALLOW ED FOR THE TG DUE TO HARDWARE LIMIT Solution :- All RTPGD devices in PGW have to be in Idle state ( i.e properly in-service and de-blocked ) All the other cases were implemented with relatively greater ease . Slide 11: How Abis Opt is monitored ( KPIs and counters ) ? Voice KPIs :- TCH & SD Drop TCH & SD Blocking TASR , TCH Congestion , HOSR , SQI All have to be within the decid ed & agreed limits . Data KPIS :- DL EDGE Throughput DL GPRS Throughput Total GPR S Data Total EDGE Data Total Data Transfer Others :- Super Channel Utilisation ( has to be always less than 70% ) . In case it case exceeds re-dimensioning woul d be required . Overloadrejcon - counts number of rejected new CS connections du e to Abis overload per cell. This counter is stepped when an attempt to allocate an idle TCH fails and Abis overload is indicated in the cell. Object name is CL TCH

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