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Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information

Recycling Information
Dell recommends that customers dispose of their used computer hardware, monitors, printers, and other peripherals in an environmentally sound manner. Potential methods include reuse of parts or whole products and recycling of products, components, and/ or materials. For specific information on Dells worldwide recycling programs, see

Regulatory Notices
For Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), regulatory information and Safety Best Practices information, see the Regulatory Compliance home page on at the following location: Dell has determined that this product is a Class B harmonized product. This product may contain built-in laser devices. To prevent any risk of exposure to laser radiation, do not disable or open the product assembly for any reason. The product comply with safety requirements and are classified as Class 1 Laser Products, under the US DHHS Standard and IEC/ EN60825-1 Laser Safety Standard. This device contain no user adjustments or any user serviceable or replaceable parts.

Air Travel Restrictions

Consult and abide by air travel restrictions applicable to electronic devices and the use and transportation of battery packs. For more information see the Regulatory Compliance homepage on at the following location:

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive

In the European Union, this label indicates that this product should not be disposed of with household waste. It should be deposited at an appropriate facility to enable recovery and recycling. For information on how to recycle this product in your country, please visit:

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Smrnice WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)

Tento ttek oznauje v Evropsk unii, e tento produkt nesm bt likvidovn s domovnm odpadem. Mus bt pedn specializovan sbrn pro recyklaci a dal vyuit. Pokyny o recyklaci tohoto produktu ve va zemi viz:

Direktiv for bortskaffelse af elektrisk og elektronisk udstyr (WEEE)

I den Europiske Union indikerer denne etiket, at dette produkt ikke br kasseres sammen med husholdningsaffald. Det br bortskaffes ved en egnet facilitet for at muliggre genbrug. For information om hvordan dette produkt genbruges i dit land, bedes du g til:

Richtlijn WEEE, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (afdanken van elektrische en elektronische apparaten)
In de Europese Unie geeft dit label aan dat dit product niet via huishoudelijk afval mag worden afgedankt. Het moet gedeponeerd worden bij een daarvoor geschikte voorziening zodat herstel en recycling mogelijk zijn. Raadpleeg voor meer informatie over verantwoorde recycling van dit product in uw land de website:

Elektriliste ja elektrooniliste seadmete kasutusjrgne ttlemine (direktiiv WEEE)

Euroopa Liidu riikides thistab selline silt toodet, mida ei tohi kasutusjrgselt olmejtmete hulka visata. Taoline toode tuleb viia jtmekitlusettevttesse, kus seda nuetekohaselt tdeldakse. Toote kitlemise kohta oma kodumaal leiate teavet aadressilt

Direktiivi shk- ja elektroniikkalaiteromusta (WEEE)

Euroopan unionissa tm tarra tarkoittaa, ett tuotetta ei tule hvitt kotitalousjtteen joukossa. Se tulee toimittaa asianmukaiseen paikkaan uudelleenkytt tai kierrtyst varten. Tietoja tmn tuotteen kierrttmisest eri maissa saat seuraavasta osoitteesta:

Directive sur la mise au rebut des appareils lectriques et lectroniques (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment - WEEE)
En Union europenne, cette tiquette indique que ce produit ne doit pas tre jet avec les dchets mnagers. Il doit tre mis au rebut dans un centre de dpt spcialis pour un recyclage appropri. Pour obtenir davantage dinformations sur le recyclage appropri de ce produit dans votre pays, veuillez vous rendre sur le site :

Richtlinine fr Abfall von elektrischen und elektronischen Gerten (WEEE)

In der Europischen Union wird mit diesem Etikett darauf hingewiesen, dass dieses Produkt nicht mit dem Hausmll entsorgt werden sollte. Es sollte an einer entsprechenden Einrichtung abgegeben werden, um Wiedergewinnung und Recycling zu ermglichen. Weitere Informationen ber das Recyceln dieses Produkts erhalten Sie unter:

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Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), azaz az elektromos s elektronikus berendezsek hulladkaira vonatkoz irnyelv
Az Eurpai Uniban az ilyen cmkvel jellt termket tilos hztartsi hulladkknt kezelni. Az ilyen hulladkot a helyrellthatsg s az jrahasznosthatsg rdekben a megfelel elfogadhelyre kell szlltani. A termk sajt orszgn bell rvnyes jrahasznostsval kapcsolatban informcit a kvetkez weboldalon tall:

Direttiva Rifiuti di apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche (RAEE)

NellUnione Europea, questa etichetta indica che questo prodotto non deve essere smaltito insieme ai rifiuti domestici. Deve essere depositato in un impianto adeguato che sia in grado di eseguire operazioni di recupero e riciclaggio. Per informazioni sulle procedure di riciclaggio di questo prodotto nel proprio Paese, visitare:

Direktva par elektriskajiem un elektroniskajiem atkritumiem

Eiropas Savienb is apzmjums norda, ka produktu nedrkst izmest kop ar sadzves atkritumiem. Tas ir jnodod atbilsto savkanas punkt, lai pareizi atjaunotu vai prstrdtu. Informciju par produkta prstrdes iespjm jsu valst skatiet:

Direktyva dl elektros ir elektronins rangos atliek (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, WEEE)
is enklas rodo, kad Europos Sjungoje io gaminio negalima imesti kartu su buitinmis atliekomis. Nebenaudojam gamin reikia atiduoti tam skirt punkt atnaujinti arba perdirbti. Informacijos apie tinkam io gaminio perdirbim js alyje rasite interneto svetainje:

Direttiva dwar Skart magmul minn Tagmir Elettroniku u Elettriku (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment - WEEE)
Fl-Unjoni Ewropea, din it-tikketta tindika li dan il-prodott mgandux jintrema ma l-iskart domestiku. Gandu jintrema ffailit adattata fejn ikun jista jii rkuprat u riiklat. Gal aktar tagrif dwar kif gandek tirriikla dan il-prodott fil-pajji tiegek, jekk jogbok ur:

Direktivet for kassert elektrisk og elektronisk utstyr (WEEE)

I den Europeiske Unionen angir dette merket at produktet ikke skal kastes sammen med husholdningsavfall. Det skal leveres til et mottak for spesialavfall for gjenvinning og resirkulering. For informasjon om hvordan du resirkulerer dette produktet i ditt land, vennligst besk:

Dyrektywa dotyczca odpadw urzdze elektrycznych i elektronicznych (WEEE)

W Unii Europejskiej etykieta ta oznacza, e tego produktu nie naley wyrzuca razem z odpadami z gospodarstwa domowego. Naley go przekaza do odpowiedniego zakadu, gdzie zostanie poddany odzyskowi i recyklingowi. Informacje o sposobie recyklingu tego produktu w poszczeglnych krajach mona znale pod adresem:

Directiva WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)

Na Unio Europeia, esta etiqueta indica que esse produto no deve ser eliminado juntamente com o lixo normal. Deve ser depositado numa instalao apropriada para recolha e reciclagem. Para obter informaes sobre como reciclar este produto de forma responsvel no seu pas, visite:

Directiva privind deeurile provenite din echipamentele electrice i electronice (WEEE)

n Uniunea European, aceast etichet indic faptul c acest produs nu trebuie aruncat laolat cu gunoiul menajer. El trebuie depozitat ntr-un loc special amenajat pentru a permite recuperarea i reciclarea. Pentru informaii privitoare la reciclarea n mod reponsabil a acestui produs n ara dvs., vizitai:

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Smernica o odpadoch z elektrickch a elektronickch zariaden (WEEE)

V Eurpskej nii tento ttok znamen, e sa vrobok nesmie likvidova ako komunlny odpad. Mus sa odovzda na prslunom mieste na obnovu alebo recyklciu. Informcie o sprvnej recyklcii tohto produktu vo vaej krajine njdete na strnke:

Direktiva o odlaganju elektrine in elektronske opreme (WEEE)

V Evropski uniji ta znak oznauje, da izdelek ni primeren za odlaganje skupaj z obiajnimi gospodinjskimi odpadki. Odloiti ga je treba na ustreznem mestu za odlaganje in reciklao. Za informacije o reciklai tega izdelka v vai dravi obiite:

Residuos de Aparatos Elctricos y Electrnicos (RAEE)

En la Unin Europea, esta etiqueta indica que la eliminacin de este producto no se puede hacer junto con el deshecho domstico. Se debe depositar en una instalacin apropiada que facilite la recuperacin y el reciclado. Para obtener ms informacin sobre cmo reciclar este producto en su pas, visite el sitio web:

Direktiv fr kassering av elektrisk och elektronisk utrustning (WEEE - Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)
Inom EU betyder den hr etiketten att produkten inte fr slngas i hushllsavfallet. Den ska lmnas in p en tervinningsstation. Information om hur produkten tervinns i ditt land finns p adressen

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Ynergeleri

Avrupa Birliinde bu etiket, rnn ev elektronii aletleri atklar ile imha edilemeyeceini gsterir. Kurtarmak ve geri dnmn salamak iin uygun artlarda saklanmas gerekir. Bu rnn geri dnmnn nasl salanaca konusunda bilgi iin ltfen u adresi ziyaret edin: EEE Ynetmeliine Uygundur Ve Elektronik Eyalarda Bazi Zararli Maddelerin Kullaniminin Sinirlandirilmasina Dair Ynetmelik.

Registration, Evaluation, Authorization of Chemicals (REACH)

REACH is the European Union (EU) chemical substances regulatory framework. Information on substances of very high concern contained in Dell products in a concentration above 0.1 % weight by weight (w/w) can be found at

REACH () . , Dell 0,1 % (w/w),

Smrnice REACH
REACH oznauje v Evropsk unii (EU) regulan rmec chemickch ltek. Informace o ltkch vzbuzujcch velmi vysok obavy, kter jsou ve vrobcch spolenosti Dell obsaeny v koncentraci vt ne 0,1 hmotnostnch procent, naleznete na adrese

Registration, Evaluation, Authorization of Chemicals (REACH)

REACH er forordningsstrukturen for kemiske substanser i den Europiske Union (EU). Oplysninger om substanser, som er af stor bekymring, og som er indeholdt i Dell-produkter af en koncentration over 0,1 % vgt for vgt (w/w) kan findes p

Registration, Evaluation, Authorization of Chemicals (REACH)

REACH is het regelgevingskader van de Europese Unie (EU) op het gebied van chemische stoffen. Informatie over zeer gevaarlijke stoffen in Dell-producten in een concentratie van boven de 0,1 gewicht per gewicht (w/w) is te vinden op

Kemikaalide registreerimine, hindamine ja autoriseerimine (REACH)

REACH on kemikaale ksitlev Euroopa Liidu (ELi) regulatiivne raamistik. Teave ohtlike ainete kohta, mis sisalduvad Delli toodetes kontsentratsioonis le 0,1 massiprotsendi,on saadaval aadressil

Kemikaalien rekisterinti, arviointi ja lupamenettelyt (REACH)

REACH on Euroopan unionin (EU) kemiallisten aineiden puitekehys. Tietoja haitallisista aineista, joiden massaprosentti (w/w) Dellin tuotteissa on enemmn kuin 0,1 prosenttia, on osoitteessa

Enregistrement, valuation, autorisation des produits chimiques (REACH)

REACH est le programme de rglementation des produits chimiques dans lUnion europenne (UE). Vous trouverez des informations sur les substances trs proccupantes que contiennent les produits Dell en concentration suprieure 0,1 % en poids (m/m) sur

Registrierung, Beurteilung und Zulassung von Chemikalien (REACH, Registration, Evaluation, Authorization of Chemicals)
Die EU-Richtlinie REACH ist das Regelwerk der Europischen Union fr chemische Substanzen. Informationen zu bedenklichen Substanzen, die in Dell-Produkten in einer Konzentration von mehr als 0,1 Gewichtsprozent (w/w, Weight by Weigh) enthalten sind, finden Sie unter

REACH (, )
REACH . Dell 0,1 % (/)

A vegyi anyagok regisztrlsra, rtkelsre, engedlyezsre s korltozsra vonatkoz szablyozs (REACH)

A REACH az Eurpai Uni (EU) vegyi anyagokra vonatkoz szablyoz keretrendszere. A Dell termkekben 0,1% feletti arnyban tallhat veszlyes anyagokrl a kvetkez cmen tallhat bvebb informcikat:

Registrazione, valutazione e autorizzazione delle sostanze chimiche (REACH)

REACH il quadro normativo delle sostanze chimiche dellUnione Europea (UE). Le informazioni sulle sostanze estremamente problematiche contenute nei prodotti Dell in una concentrazione superiore allo 0,1% in peso per peso (p/p) sono disponibili allindirizzo

October 2010


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misko vielu reistrcija, vrtana, autorizcija (REACH)

REACH ir Eiropas Savienbas (ES) misko vielu regulanas sistma. Informciju par pai bstamm miskajm vielm, ko satur Dell produkti koncentrcij virs 0,1% svaram uz svaru (w/w), var atrast vietn

Chemikal registravimas, vertinimas, autorizavimas (REACH)

REACH yra Europos Sjungos (ES) chemini mediag kontrols sistema. Informacij apie didel susirpinim kelianias mediagas, kuri koncentracija Dell produktuose pagal svor yra didesn nei 0,1 % svorio (s/s), galima rasti adresu

Registrazzjoni, Evalwazzjoni, Awtorizzazzjoni ta Kimii (REACH)

REACH hu l-qafas regolatorju tal-Unjoni Ewropea (UE) gal sustanzi kimii. Informazzjoni dwar sustanzi li jikkawaw tassib kbir fi prodotti ta Dell fkonentrazzjoni ta ijed minn 0.1% pi bpi (w/w) jinsabu fuq

Registrering, evaluering og autorisering av kjemikalier (REACH)

REACH er Den europiske union (EU)s forskriftsmessige rammeverk for kjemiske stoffer. Informasjon om farlige stoffer i Dell-produkter i en konsentrasjon over 0,1 % vekt p vekt (v/v) finnes p

System REACH (ang. Registration, Evaluation, Authorization of Chemicals)

REACH jest rozporzdzeniem Unii Europejskiej (UE) dotyczcym substancji chemicznych. Informacje na temat istotnych substancji obecnych w produktach Dell w koncentracji przewyszajcej 0,1 % procentowego stenia wagowego (w/w) mona znale pod adresem

REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization of Chemicals - Registo, avaliao e autorizao de substncias qumicas)
O REACH o sistema regulador de substncias qumicas da Unio Europeia (UE). As informaes sobre substncias que so motivo de grande preocupao existentes nos produtos Dell numa concentrao acima de 0,1 % peso por peso (p/p) podem ser encontradas em

nregistrarea, evaluarea i autorizarea substanelor chimice (REACH)

REACH este cadrul de reglementare a substanelor chimice n Uniunea European (UE). Informaii privind substanele periculoase coninute n produsele Dell n concentraii mai mari de 0,1 % din greutate pot fi gsite la adresa web

, , (REACH)
REACH - , . , , Dell 0,1 %,

Registrcia, vyhodnotenie, autorizcia chemikli (REACH)

REACH je regulan rmec chemickch ltok Eurpskej nie. Informcie o ltkach s vysokou nebezpenosou obsiahnutch v produktoch Dell v koncentrcii vyej ako 0,1 hmotnostnch % (w/w) mete njs na adrese

Registracija, evalvacija, avtorizacija kemikalij (REACH)

REACH je regulativno ogrodje Evropske unije (EU) za kemine snovi. Informacije o snoveh velike zaskrbljenosti, ki se nahajajo v izdelkih Dell v koncentraciji nad 0,1 % tee po tei (t/t) lahko najdete na spletnem naslovu

Registro, evaluacin y autorizacin de productos qumicos (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization of Chemicals - REACH)
REACH es el organismo de regulacin de sustancias qumicas de la Unin Europea (UE). La informacin sobre sustancias de alto riesgo contenidas en productos Dell en una concentracin superior al 0,1% peso por peso (p/p) se puede encontrar en

REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization of Chemicals - registrering, utvdering, auktorisation av kemikalier)

REACH r den europeiska unionens (EU) regelverk fr kemikaliska mnen. Information om angelgna mnen i Dell-produkter med koncentration ver 0,1 % vikt per vikt (w/w) finns p

Kimyasal Maddeleri Kaydetme, Deerlendirme ve Onaylama (REACH)

REACH, Avrupa Birliinin (AB) kimyasal maddelerle ilgili mevzuatdr. Dell rnlerinde bulunan, arlka (w/w) %0,1in zerinde younlua sahip yksek nem arzeden maddelerle ilgili bilgi iin: sitesini ziyaret edin.

Battery Directive Information for Users

In the European Union, this label indicates that the batteries in this product should be collected separately and not be disposed of with household waste. Substances in batteries can have a potential negative impact on health and environment and you have a role in recycling waste batteries thus contributing to the protection, preservation, and improvement of the quality of the environment. You should contact your local authority or retailer for details of the collection and recycling schemes available. Alternatively please visit

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Pokyny tkajc se baterie informace pro uivatele

V Evropsk unii tento ttek zna, e baterie tohoto produktu by mly bt sesbrny oddlen a nemly by bt likvidovny s domovnm odpadem. Ltky v baterich mohou mt negativn vliv na zdrav a prosted. I vy mte svou roli v recyklaci nefunknch bateri, a pispvte tak k ochran prosted a ke zlepen jeho kvality. Chcete-li znt podrobnosti o dostupnch plnech pro sbr a recyklaci, mli byste kontaktovat orgny mstn sprvy nebo prodejce. Mete t navtvit strnky

Direktiv vedr. batteri Information for brugere

En Union europenne, cette tiquette indique que les batteries de ce produit doivent tre collectes sparment et ne doivent pas tre mises au rebut avec les dchets mnagers. Les substances que contiennent ces batteries peuvent avoir un effet ngatif sur la sant et lenvironnement. Votre rle est de recycler les batteries. Vous contribuerez ainsi la protection, la prservation et lamloration de la qualit de lenvironnement. Contactez les autorits locales ou votre revendeur pour obtenir des informations sur les procdures de ramassage et de mise au rebut disponibles dans votre rgion. Vous pouvez galement vous rendre sur :

Batterijrichtlijn Informatie voor gebruikers

In de Europese Unie geeft dit label aan dat de batterijen in dit product afzonderlijk dienen te worden ingezameld en niet met het huishoudelijk afval mogen worden afgedankt. Stoffen in batterijen hebben mogelijk een negatieve invloed op de gezondheid en het milieu. U meehelpen met het recyclen van gebruikte batterijen om een bijdrage te leveren aan het beschermen en verbeteren van de kwaliteit van het milieu. Neem contact op met uw gemeente of de winkel waar u de batterij hebt aangeschaft voor informatie over de beschikbare verzamelings- en recyclingprogrammas. U kunt daarnaast informatie hieromtrent raadplegen op

Patareidirektiiv teave kasutajatele

Euroopa Liidus thendab see mrgis, et tootes sisalduvad patareid tuleb koguda eraldi ja neid ei tohi visata olmeprgi hulka. Patareides sisalduvatel ainetel vib olla kahjulik mju tervisele ja keskkonnale ning vanu patareisid nuetekohaselt utiliseerides saate aidata keskkonda kaitsta, hoida ja selle olukorda parandada. ksikasjalikku teavet patareide kogumise ja ringlussevtu kavade kohta ksige vastavast kohalikust ametiasutusest vi edasimjalt. Vite ka klastada veebilehte

Akkudirektiivi Tietoja kyttjille

Euroopan unionissa tm tarra kertoo, ett tmn tuotteen akut tulee kert erikseen eik niit saa hvitt talousjtteen mukana. Akuissa olevat aineet voivat vaikuttaa kielteisesti terveyteen ja ympristn, ja sinun tulee hoitaa osuutesi akun hvittmisess. Nin suojelet, silytt ja parannat ympristn laatua. Ottamalla yhteytt paikalliseen viranomaiseen tai jlleenmyyjn saat tietoja olemassa olevista kerys- ja kierrtysjrjestelmist. Voit vaihtoehtoisesti kyd osoitteessa

Consignes concernant la batterie Informations pour les utilisateurs

Euroopan unionissa tm tarra kertoo, ett tmn tuotteen akut tulee kert erikseen eik niit saa hvitt talousjtteen mukana. Akuissa olevat aineet voivat vaikuttaa kielteisesti terveyteen ja ympristn, ja sinun tulee hoitaa osuutesi akun hvittmisess. Nin suojelet, silytt ja parannat ympristn laatua. Ottamalla yhteytt paikalliseen viranomaiseen tai jlleenmyyjn saat tietoja olemassa olevista kerys- ja kierrtysjrjestelmist. Voit vaihtoehtoisesti kyd osoitteessa

Akku/Batterien-Richtlinie Informationen fr Benutzer

In der Europischen Union weist dieses Etikett darauf hin, dass die in diesem Produkt verwendeten Batterien getrennt gesammelt und nicht zusammen mit dem Haushaltsmll entsorgt werden sollen. Die in den Batterien vorhandenen Materialien und Substanzen knnen eine gesundheits- und umweltschdliche Wirkung haben. Wenn Sie leere Batterien ordnungsgem dem Recycling zufhren, leisten Sie einen Beitrag zum Schutz, zur Erhaltung und zur Verbesserung der Qualitt unserer Umwelt. Weitere Informationen zu Abholung/Sammlung und Recycling von verbrauchten Batterien erhalten Sie bei der zustndigen Behrde Ihrer Gemeinde bzw. Stadt oder bei Ihrem Hndler. Alternativ knnen Sie auch diese Website aufrufen:

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Directiv privind bateria Informaii pentru utilizatori

n Uniunea European, aceast etichet arat c bateriile din acest produs trebuie colectate separat i nu eliminate la un loc cu reziduurile menajere. Substanele din baterii pot avea un impact negativ potenial asupra sntii i mediului i v revine rolul de a recicla bateriile uzate contribuind astfel la protecia, pstrarea i mbuntirea calitii mediului. Trebuie s contactai autoritatea local sau comerciantul cu amnuntul pentru detalii asupra schemelor de colectare i reciclare disponibile. Alternativ, v rugm s accesai

Direttiva sulle batterie Informazioni per gli utenti

NellUnione Europea, questa etichetta indica che le batterie in questo prodotto vanno raccolte separatamente e non smaltite con i rifiuti domestici. Le sostanze nelle batterie possono avere un potenziale impatto negativo sulla salute e sullambiente, e lutente svolge un ruolo nel riciclo delle batterie da smaltire, contribuendo cos alla protezione, alla conservazione e al miglioramento della qualit dellambiente. necessario contattare lautorit locale o il rivenditore per dettagli sulla raccolta e sui programmi di riciclaggio disponibili. In alternativa, visitare il sito

Bateriju direktva informcija lietotjiem

Eiropas Savienb is apzmjums apzm to, ka aj produkt lietots baterijas jsavc atsevii, nevis kop ar mjsaimniecbas atkritumiem. Baterijs esos vielas var negatvi ietekmt veselbu un vidi, un pareizi izmetot baterijas atkritumos, js veicint vides aizsardzbu, saglabanu un kvalittes uzlaboanu. Lai uzzintu par atkritumu savkanu un pieejamajm utilizcijas sistmm, sazinieties ar vietjo varas iestdi vai mazumtirgotju. Varat ar apmeklt vietni

Baterij direktyva informacija naudotojams

Europos Sjungoje i etiket reikia, kad io produkto baterijas reikt surinkti atskirai ir neimesti su nam atliekomis. Baterijose esanios mediagos gali turti neigiam poveik sveikatai ir aplinkai, o js atliekate vaidmen perdirbant nenaudojamas baterijas, taip prisiddami prie aplinkos apsaugos saugojimo ir puoseljimo. Nordami gauti informacijos apie galimas surinkimo ir perdirbimo schemas, susisiekite su vietiniu galiotu asmeniu ar prekiautoju. Taip pat galite apsilankyti adresu

Direttiva dwar il-Batteriji Informazzjoni gall-Utenti

Fl-Unjoni Ewropea, din it-tikketta tindika li l-batteriji fdan il-prodott gandhom jinabru separatament u mhux jintremew mal-iskart domestiku. Il-kimii fil-batteriji jista potenzjalment ikollhom impatt negattiv fuq is-saa u l-ambjent u inti gandek irwol fir-riikla ta batteriji uati u galdaqstant tkun qed tagti sehmek gall-protezzjoni, il-preservazzjoni, u t-titjib tal-kwalit tal-ambjent. Gandek tikkuntattja lill-awtorit jew lill-aent lokali tiegek gal dettalji dwar il-bir u skemi ta riikla disponibbli. Inkella, jekk jogbok ur

Batteridirektiv Informasjon for brukere

I Den europeiske union viser denne merkingen at batteriene i dette produktet br samles inn separat og ikke kastes i husholdningsavfallet. Stoffer i batterier kan ha potensiell negativ innvirkning p helse og milj. Du spiller en rolle i resirkuleringen av batterier, og bidrar dermed til vern, bevaring og forbedring av miljkvaliteten. Kontaktlokale myndigheter eller selgeren for informasjon om tilgjengelige innsamlings- og resirkuleringssteder. G alternativt til

Batteridirektiv Informasjon for brukere

I Den europeiske union viser denne merkingen at batteriene i dette produktet br samles inn separat og ikke kastes i husholdningsavfallet. Stoffer i batterier kan ha potensiell negativ innvirkning p helse og milj. Du spiller en rolle i resirkuleringen av batterier, og bidrar dermed til vern, bevaring og forbedring av miljkvaliteten. Kontaktlokale myndigheter eller selgeren for informasjon om tilgjengelige innsamlings- og resirkuleringssteder. G alternativt til

Directiva sobre baterias Informaes para utilizadores

Na Unio Europeia, este rtulo indica que as baterias deste produto devem ser recolhidas separadamente e no devem ser eliminadas com o lixo domstico. Certas substncias das baterias podem ter um impacto potencialmente negativo na sade e no meio ambiente e vossa responsabilidade reciclar baterias usadas, contribuindo assim para a proteco, preservao e melhoramento da qualidade do meio ambiente. Deve contactara sua autoridade ou revendedor local para obter detalhes sobre os planos disponveis de coleta e reciclagem. Como alternativa, visite

Directiv privind bateria Informaii pentru utilizatori

n Uniunea European, aceast etichet arat c bateriile din acest produs trebuie colectate separat i nu eliminate la un loc cu reziduurile menajere. Substanele din baterii pot avea un impact negativ potenial asupra sntii i mediului i v revine rolul de a recicla bateriile uzate contribuind astfel la protecia, pstrarea i mbuntirea calitii mediului. Trebuie s contactai autoritatea local sau comerciantul cu amnuntul pentru detalii asupra schemelor de colectare i reciclare disponibile. Alternativ, v rugm s accesai

, , , . , , . , . -.

Smernica o batrich Informcia pre pouvateov

V Eurpskej nii oznauje tento ttok, e batrie v tomto produkte by sa mali samostatne odovzdva do zberu a nelikvidova s domcim odpadom. Ltky v batrich mu ma potencilne negatvny dopad na zdravie a ivotn prostredie a treba, aby ste star batrie recyklovali a prispeli tak k ochrane, zachovaniu a zlepovaniu kvality ivotnho prostredia. Mali by ste kontaktova miestne daje alebo predajcu, ktor vm poskytn podrobn informcie o zbere a recyklanch schmach. Mete tie navtvi strnku

Direktiva o akumulatorjih Informacije za uporabnike

V Evropski uniji, te oznaka oznauje, da je baterije oz. akumulatorje v tem izdelku potrebno zbirati loeno, in se jih ne sme zavrei skupaj z gospodinjskimi odpadki. Snovi v akumulatorjih lahko imajo potencialno negativen uinek na zdravje in okolje, in vi imate odgovornost pri recikliranju odpadnih akumulatorej saj s tem prispevate k zaiti, ohranjevanju in izboljevanju kakovosti okolja. Prav tako, kontaktirajte svojo lokalno upravo ali prodajalca za podrobnosti dostopnih nartih zbiranja in recikliranja. Drugae obiite spletni naslov

Directiva sobre bateras Informacin para usuarios

En la Unin Europea, esta etiqueta indica que las bateras de este producto deberan ser recogidas por separado y no desechadas con la basura domstica. Las sustancias en las bateras pueden tener un impacto negativo para la salud y el medio ambiente. Usted juega un papel importante en el reciclado de bateras de desecho, contribuyendo de ese modo a la proteccin, conservacin y mejora de la calidad del medio ambiente. Deberaponerse en contacto con su autoridad local o con el fabricante para obtener detalles acerca de la recogida y los esquemas de reciclaje disponibles. De manera alternativa, visite

Batteridirektiv Information till anvndare

I den Europeiska Unionen betyder denna etiketten att batterierna frn den hr produkten br samlas upp separat och inte kastas i hushllssoporna. Vissa mnen i batterierna kan vara skadliga fr hlsan och miljn och du br terananvnda gamla batterier och p s stt hjlpa till att skydda, frvara och frbttra miljn. Du br kontakta lokal myndighet eller affren fr mer information om insamling och tervinning. Du kan ven g till

Pil Direktifi Kullanclar iin Bilgi

Avrupa Birliinde bu etiket, bu rndeki pillerin ayr olarak toplanmas, ev atklaryla birlikte atlmamas gerektiini belirtir. Pillerde kullanlan malzemeler salk ve evre zerinde kt bir etkiye sahip olma potansiyeli tayabilir. Bu nedenle, atk pillerin geri dnmn salayarak evre korumas ve gelitirmesine katkda bulunabilirsiniz. Uygulanabilir geri dnm planlarndan haberdar olmak iin yerel yetkiliniz veya sat sorumlunuz ile iletiim kurun. Ayrca ltfen adresini ziyaret edin.

CAUTION: There is a danger of battery exploding if it is incorrectly installed. Replace the battery only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Do not dispose of the battery along with household waste. Contact your local waste disposal agency for the address of the nearest battery deposit site. A damaged battery may pose a risk of personal injury. Damage may include impact or shock that dents or punctures the battery, exposure to a flame, or other deformation. Do not disassemble the battery. Handle a damaged or leaking battery pack with extreme care. If the battery is damaged, electrolyte may leak from the cells or fire may result which may cause personal injury. Do not expose (store or place) your portable device or battery pack to a heat source. When heated t o excessive temperatures, battery cells could vent or explode, posing risk of fire. Keep the battery away from children.

United States, FCC Notices FCC Radiation Exposure Statement

WARNING: The radiated output power of Dell Bluetooth/wireless devices is far below the FCC radio frequency exposure limits. Nevertheless, Dell Bluetooth/wireless devices should be used in such a manner that the potential for human contact during normal operation is minimized. This device has also been evaluated for and shown compliant with the FCC RF exposure limits under portable exposure conditions (antennas are within 20 cm of a persons body) when installed in certain specific OEM configurations. Details of the authorized configurations can be found at by entering the FCC ID number on the device.

Regulatory Information
Dell Bluetooth/wireless devices must be installed and used in strict accordance with the manufacturers instructions as described in the user documentation that comes with the product. Dell Inc. is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by unauthorized modification of the devices included with this Dell Bluetooth/wireless device kit, or the substitution or attachment of connecting cables and equipment other than that specified by Dell Inc. The correction of interference caused by such unauthorized modification, substitution or attachment is the responsibility of the user. Dell Inc. and its authorized resellers or distributors are not liable for any damage or violation of government regulations that may arise from the user failing to comply with these guidelines.

Interference Statement
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the manufacturers instruction manual, may cause interference with radio and television reception. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: This device may not cause harmful interference. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. NOTE: The FCC regulations provide that changes or modifications not expressly approved by Dell Inc. could void your authority to operate this equipment. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference with radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, you are encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient the receiving antenna. Relocate the system with respect to the receiver. Move the system away from the receiver. Plug the system into a different outlet so that the system and the receiver are on different branch circuits. If necessary, consult a representative of Dell Inc. or an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. NOTE: Dell Bluetooth/wireless devices must be installed and used in strict accordance with the manufacturers instructions as described in the user documentation that comes with the product. Any other installation or use will violate FCC Part 15 regulations. Modifications not expressly approved by Dell could void your authority to operate the equipment.

Restrictions dutilisation en France

Pour la France mtropolitaine 2.400 - 2.4835 GHz (canaux 1 13) autoris en usage intrieur 2.400 - 2.454 GHz (canaux 1 7) autoris en usage extrieur

Pour la Guyane et la Runion 2.400 - 2.4835 GHz (canaux 1 13) autoris en usage intrieur. 2.420 - 2.4835 GHz (canaux 5 13) autoris en usage extrieur

Limitazioni duso per lItalia

Unautorizzazione generale chiesta per uso esterno in Italia. Luso di queste apparecchiature regolato vicino: - 1.8.2003, n. 259, article 104 (activity subject to general authorization) for outdoor use and article 105 (free use) for indoor use, in both cases for private use. - D.M. 28.5.03, for supply to public of RLAN access to networks and telecom services. Luso degli apparati regolamentato da: - 1.8.2003, n. 259, articoli 104 (attivit soggette ad autorizzazione generale) se utilizzati al di fuori del proprio fondo e 105 (libero uso) se utilizzati entro il proprio fondo, in entrambi i casi per uso privato; - D.M. 28.5.03, per la fornitura al pubblico dellaccesso R-LAN alle reti e ai servizi di telecomunicazioni.

Brasil Aviso da Anatel

Este equipamento opera em carter secundrio, isto , no tem direito a proteo contra interferncia prejudicial, mesmo de estaes do mesmo tipo, e no pode causar interferncia a sistemas operando em carter primrio.

Canada, Industry Canada (IC) Notices

This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003 and RSS-210. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

Canada, avis dIndustry Canada (IC)

Cet appareil numrique de classe B est conforme aux normes canadiennes ICES-003 et RSS-210. Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) cet appareil ne doit pas causer dinterfrence et (2) cet appareil doit accepter toute interfrence, notamment les interfrences qui peuvent affecter son fonctionnement.

European Union, R&TTE Compliance Statement

Hereby, Dell Inc. declares that this Dell Bluetooth/wireless Device is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.

, (R&TTE)
Dell Inc. , Bluetooth/ DELL 1999/5/EC.

Prohlen o shod se smrnic R&TTE - Evropsk unie

Spolenost Dell Inc. tmto prohlauje, e tento Bluetooth/bezdrtov produkt spolenosti Dell vyhovuje zkladnm poadavkm a ostatnm nleitm ustanovenm smrnice 1999/5/ES.

Europiske Union, R&TTE Overensstemmelseserklring

Dell Inc. erklrer hermed, at dette Dell Bluetooth/trdlse udstyr er i overensstemmelse med de ndvendige krav og andre relevante regler i 1999/5/EF-direktivet.

Verklaring van overeenstemming van de R&TTE-richtlijn van de Europese Unie

Hierbij verklaart Dell Inc. dat dit Dell-apparaat met Bluetooth/ draadloze functionaliteit in overeenstemming is met de essentile vereisten en andere relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EC.

Euroopa Liit, R&TTE-direktiivile vastavuse kinnitus

Kesolevaga kinnitab Dell Inc., et see Delli Buetooth-seade/ juhtmevaba seade vastab direktiivi 1999/5/E phinuetele ja muudele asjakohastele stetele.

Euroopan unionin radio- ja teleptedirektiivi koskeva vaatimustenmukaisuusilmoitus

Dell Inc.vakuuttaa tten, ett tm Dellin Bluetooth- tai langaton laite vastaa oleellisin osin direktiivin 1999/5/EY vaatimuksia ja muita trkeit ehtoja.

Union europenne, Dclaration de conformit R&TTE

Par la prsente, Dell Inc. dclare que cet appareil sans fil /Bluetooth est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la Directive 1999/5/EC.

Konformittserklrung zur FuTKEE-Richtlinie der Europischen Union

Hierbei erklrt Dell Inc., dass dieses Bluetooth/Wireless-Gert von Dell mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und anderen relevanten Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EC bereinstimmen.

, Dell Inc. Bluetooth/ Dell 1999/5/.

Eurpai Uni, R&TTE megfelelsgi nyilatkozat

Ezttal a Dell Inc. kijelenti, hogy a Dell Bluetooth/vezetk nlkli eszkz megfelel az Eurpai Uni 1999/5/EK szm irnyelveinek s ms vonatkoz elrsoknak.

Unione Europea, Dichiarazione di conformit R&TTE

Con la presente, Dell Inc. dichiara che questo dispositivo Bluetooth/ wireless Dell conforme ai requisiti essenziali e ad altre disposizioni pertinenti della Direttiva 1999/5/CE.

Eiropas Savienba, R&TTE atbilstbas deklarcija

Ar o Dell Inc. pazio, ka Dell Bluetooth/bezvadu ierce atbilst Direktvas 1999/5/EK galvenajm prasbm un citiem svargiem nosacjumiem.

Europos Sjunga, Radijo rengini ir komunikacij galini rengini (R&TTE) pareikimas

iuo Dell Inc. pareikia, kad is Dell Bluetooth / belaidis renginys atitinka pagrindinius 1999/5/EB direktyvos reikalavimus ir kitas svarbias jos nuostatas.

Unjoni Ewropea, Dikjarazzjoni ta Konformit R&TTE

Unjoni Ewropea, Dikjarazzjoni ta Konformit R&TTE Hawnhekk, Dell Inc., tiddikjara li dan it-Tagmir Dell Bluetooth/ wireless hu konformi mal-tiijiet essenzjali u provvedimenti rilevanti orajn ta Direttiva 1999/5/KE.

Samsvarserklring for Den europeiske union, R&TTE

Dell Inc. erklrer hermed at dette Dell Bluetooth-/trdlse produktet etterfllger hovedkravene og andre relevante bestemmelser i direktiv 1999/5/EC.

Samsvarserklring for Den europeiske union, R&TTE

Dell Inc. erklrer hermed at dette Dell Bluetooth-/trdlse produktet etterfllger hovedkravene og andre relevante bestemmelser i direktiv 1999/5/EC.

Unio Europeia, Declarao de conformidade (R&TTE)

Pelo presente, a Dell Inc. declara que este dispositivo Bluetooth/sem fios da Dell est em conformidade com os requisitos essenciais e outras clusulas relevantes da Directiva 1999/5/EC.

Uniunea European, Declaraie de conformitate privind echipamentele radio i echipamentele terminale de telecomunicaii
Prin prezenta, Dell Inc. declar c acest dispozitiv Bluetooth/wireless Dell este n conformitate cu cerinele de baz i cu alte prevederi relevante ale Directivei 1999/5/CE.

, -
Dell Inc. , Bluetooth/ Dell 1999/5/EC.

Vyhlsenie o slade Eurpskej nie a R&TTE

Spolonos, Dell Inc. tmto vyhlasuje, e toto zariadenie Dell Bluetooth/bezdrtov zariadenie je v slade so zkladnmi poiadavkami a inmi relevantnmi poiadavkami smernice 1999/5/ES.

Evropska unija, izjava o skladnosti R&TTE

S tem, durba Dell Inc. izjavlja, da je ta Dell Bluetooth/brezina naprava v skladnosti z osnovnimi zahtevami in ostalimi relevantnimi doloili direktive 1999/5/EC.

Unin Europea, Declaracin de conformidad R&TTE

Por la presente, Dell Inc. declara que este Dispositivo inalmbrico/ Bluetooth Dell cumple con los requisitos esenciales y otras provisiones pertinentes de la Directiva 1999/5/CE.

EU, meddelande om verensstmmelse med R&TTE

Dell Inc. deklarerar hrmed att denna Bluetooth/trdlsa Dell-enhet verensstmmer med de viktiga kraven och andra relevanta bestmmelser i direktivet 1999/5/EC.

Avrupa Birlii, R&TTE Uygunluk Bildirimi

bu belgede Dell Inc., bu Dell Bluetooth/kablosuz Aygtn 1999/5/EC numaral Direktifin gereklerine ve dier ilgili hkmlerine uygun olduunu beyan eder.


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1. / : M-RCG-DEL6 2. : DZL-M-RCG-DEL6 3. : LOGITECH INC. 4. : 5. / : Logitech Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd /

Importador: Dell Mxico S.A. de C.V. Paseo de la Reforma 2620 - 11 Piso Col. Lomas Altas 11950 Mxico, D.F.

Nmero de modelo reglametario: M-RCG-DEL6

Voltaje de alimentacin: 3.0V

Frequencia: CC

Consumo elctrico: 100mA

Voltaje de salida: N/A

Intensidad de salida: N/A

__________________ Information in this document is subject to change without notice. 2010 Dell Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of these materials in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of Dell Inc. is strictly forbidden. Trademarks used in this text: Dell and the DELL logo are trademarks of Dell Inc. Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to refer to either the entities claiming the marks and names or their products. Dell Inc. disclaims any proprietary interest in trademarks and trade names other than its own.

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