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The2ndOctober2012AssamEarthquake(ML5.5)anditsaftershock(ML4.5):recorded atBroadbandseismicobservatoriesofGeologicalSurveyofIndia
by Amoderateearthquakeoflocalmagnitude(ML5.5)occurredon2ndOctober2012at18hrs.37min.and 39.3sec.(UTC)(Lat:26.9950N;Long:93.0580E)followedbyanaftershockoflocalmagnitude(ML4.5),at 18hrs. 51min. 40.4 sec (UTC) (Lat: 26.9430N; Long: 92.9630E), in the north eastern part of Assam. The earthquake was felt in almost all states of NorthEast India. There is no report of any casualty /major damageduetothisearthquake.Thelocationofthemoderateearthquakeanditsaftershockareshown onthetectonicmapoftheregion(Fig.1).Thewellrecordedseismogramofthismoderateearthquake obtained from Broadband seismic observatory Adampool, East Sikkim of GSI, Short period temporary seismograph of GSI at Umiam, Meghalaya, and its location parameters are shown in Fig 2 and 3 respectively. The parameters of the earthquake are estimated using two stations method with 1D velocitymodelofMishra(2004)andarecomparablewithlocationparametersasobtainedbyUSGSand IMD. The seismogram of the aftershock and its location parameters are shown in Fig. 4 and 5 respectively. The earthquake and the aftershock are located near the EW trending MBT (Main BoundaryThrust).Thedetailedstudyisinprogress.

Fig.1.TectonicmapofAssamValleyregionanditssurroundingwithlocationofearthquakeand aftershock.Redstar(big&small)representstheearthquakeandaftershockrespectively, locatedbyGSI,Bluestar(USGS)andGreenstar(IMD).RedtriangleslocationofBroadband seismicstationsatAdampoolandItanagar,pinktrianglelocationoftemporaryShortperiod seismicstationatUmiam. 1

Contributed by: G. K. Chakrabortty; K. K. Mukherjee, O. P. Singh, Bahadur Ram M. K. Bhowmic, Ranjan Mukherjee, M. Mahadeva, A.Selinraj and Kalyan Mukhrjee,




Fig. 3. Location of parameters of 2nd October 2012 moderate felt Assam earthquake (ML 5.5) usingtwostationsmethod.

Contributed by: G. K. Chakrabortty; K. K. Mukherjee, O. P. Singh, Bahadur Ram M. K. Bhowmic, Ranjan Mukherjee, M. Mahadeva, A.Selinraj and Kalyan Mukhrjee,



Fig. 4: Seismogram of aftershock (ML4.5) of 2nd October 2012 moderate felt Assam Earthquake recordedafter14min.

Fig.5.Locationofparametersofaftershock(ML4.5)of2ndOctober2012moderatefeltAssam Earthquakeusingtwostationsmethod. References: Mishra,O.P.,LithosphericheterogeneitiesandseismotectonicsofNEJapanforearcandIndianregions, D.Sc.thesis,EhimeUniversity,223p,2004.

Contributed by: G. K. Chakrabortty; K. K. Mukherjee, O. P. Singh, Bahadur Ram M. K. Bhowmic, Ranjan Mukherjee, M. Mahadeva, A.Selinraj and Kalyan Mukhrjee,


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