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Phenomenology as a Mirror of Light of Hermeneutics

Introduction The science that frees the soul. Therefore, it is not surprising to us that the color development of human civilization from ancient times to the new era is always met by thunderous melee surrounding the science. This dilatarbelakangai by primal human nature itself that thirst for knowledge. 'Thirst' is felt greatly restrain or imprison the soul.If we compare it with the panorama of natural philosophy to post-modern, science quest will appear here. In addition, for the philosopher of science is true wisdom. The more a person's control and know a lot of knowledge, he will be more familiar with his life and the environment. That is, science will deliver someone in appreciation for life. The above explanation to say that science is very important in human life and can not be released. Humans are not the search for knowledge is not directly deny its existence, more than it denies the existence and essence as rational creatures. Transformation Hermaneutika Behind Phenomenology Recent years is the development of science is progressing very rapidly, especially in the field of technology. So many new things popping up in science. Thanks to these developments, the world is getting to us 'handheld'. However, behind all the new things that we should be aware that not all of it is completely new as there is a saying 'there is nothing new on this earth. " This fact is going to make us aware that our world is saved 'legacy' science very rich. I say 'legacy' because the ancestors, thinkers or scientists begin also leave a 'legacy' in the form of science that we must go on, we realized, so useful for our lives today. As we are now, when we want to start the search for knowledge, we have dreams and hope that our efforts will be useful for our future children and grandchildren, as well as the early thinkers who sought good things for us, his successors. Disciplines interpretation presented for us to be a way to dig and find the 'heritage' it. Basically, science was born to address the difficulties faced concrete everyday human. For example, the means of communication was born because of the difficulty in communicating over long distances, it gives birth to letters, telegrams, and even telephone. Science is an overview of the experience at any age. That is, the experience of having a very significant contribution to the birth of science. From experience, people can dream and dream or assumption or hypothesis is the starting point when I started looking for a person of knowledge. The symptoms appear or phenomena that occur on earth interesting people on the 'thirst'. Because people always ask. Man asks phenomena that exist in his side. For example, starting with the philosophy of natural philosophy. That is, the natural human urge to understand either nature itself as part of or in conjunction with other humans because humans are a part of nature. Before the birth of disciplines interpretation, the science of life phenomena had already been born. Implicitly, the actual natural philosophy disciplines including land about a phenomenon later called phenomenology. Birth of hermeneutics can be said to be a consequence of the continuation of phenomenology. From the beginning I told you so considering the direction that would be achieved this science is as above; explore and realize the 'legacy' into our lives. Phenomenology 'planting' hermeneutics 'reap'. Perhaps this is an appropriate adage to connect both of which would later be called hermeneutic phenomenological.

In another way, hermeneutic phenomenology back, ie by taking the distance to the source to the core of the experience of ownership. [2] Statement of Paul Ricoeur's going to explain that in the interpretation to produce a correct understanding, one way to get back on the phenomenology . Back on the phenomenology of phenomenology as a means to put an element that shed light on the meaning. It is necessary to remember the object of interpretation is not free from symptoms ever born of an experience. In another sense, the true understanding of the background to the interpretation of the object will result interpretation closer to the truth. In addition, discipline Ricoeur Phenomenology help in making the distance to the object of interpretation. Dealignment attitude would lead us to the point of an objective interpretation of something. That is, the subjects had to perform pure without any ties to the object of interpretation. Before interpreting, the subject away from the object in order to see the object as a whole and most importantly, the interpretation of the results in the form of objective data. In other terms, making the object distance will release the influence of the subjects. For example, to get a sense of the glass, the subject must put yourself out a glass and then interpret it. To understand the human heart, the heart that he must issue later learned, this is a ballpark. By relying on the phenomenology, hermeneutics want to dive deeper and not just interpret the phenomena of the past. That is, with phenomenology as a source, hermeneutics was about to enter the most experience or the core of the kepamilikan.This effort can be called as decision-making within the hermeneutical done within the framework of theoretical hermeneutics. That is, we must remember that these disciplines also offers a lot of ways that can be adopted to the interpretation closer to the truth. For example, in a previous discussion Dilthey offering donations of human sciences, including psychology. Taking this hermeneutical distance removed from his day. Released from his day was done so the period is placed behind the next element, whatever it takes, including hermeneutical period. It aims to see the intent of the motion aspect of consciousness. This aspect is very important because it is the basis of the birth of meaning. In addition, all sense of awareness regarding the time of taking the distance from the 'lived experience'. That is, we can associate a period with the intention of meaning when we are able to solve problems about the lived experience. Here 'lived experience' has an important role. Because, in the lived experience of consciousness elements have a place. What does it mean consciousness? I appear for the query so that the value of a consciousness that appears Ricoeur become rich.Consciousness so meaningful when we see Rene Descartes thought, where consciousness to be the cornerstone of thinking modern philosophy. Cogito Ergo Sum - I Think therefore I am Ada. Think here it means nothing is consciousness itself. In consciousness, humans appear as His nature, that is in integrity as a human being. Lived experience that will memiki meaning when experienced in consciousness. That means that without awareness of the lived experience of an empty and useless experience.Object of knowledge would not be able to start from things that never came. Thus fostered a close relationship between the awareness of the meaning of 'lived experience'. This phenomenon is seen in matters relating to the science of language used as a sign. To interpret a heavy object or text and apart from us, first we must look at the object or text that is. And the first step is easiest if we look at things related to the science of language. Although the truth and accuracy of course is still questionable, but at least pay attention to the language contained in the object is a good start. Signs associated with the language sciences can maintain the sense of an object but can also obscure. In this case, we find

that any sign that is used also has a negative side or have limitations. [3] This drawback can be the difference arises because the sign. That is, we must realize that in matters relating to any linguistic changes may occur, both in terms of the notion as well as by the influence of the times. All of it should be disclosed back with the same sign or signs commonly used and understood by all human beings. In this way, then everything will be clear and understanding of an object was solved because there is no 'empty space'. Denagn Thus, epoche (a period of) a reality that actually happened and not just a figment of the past that has no meaning. Here, phenomenology becomes like a revival confirmation of the events that actually took place that gave birth to a precious value of the experience. Hermeneutic phenomenology in conjunction with a direction that shows the dignity of the action (The dignity of the act) , this is the peak of that reality has noble values. Ricoeur calls the philosophical cues (the Philosophical gesture) . Furthermore, Ricoeur m enampilkan one thought that so great r pemahamnnya meanings in interpreting and explaining the 'lived experience'. According to him, the reality of the past is often an obstacle in interpreting art as kekaburannya can be expressed with this in mind. Bringing back the past experience means take back everything up to the level of memory and make it as 'belonging' (belonging) us. That is, the reality of it is in a position close to us. Proximity is a good first step to begin to interpret events. From here, the interpretation would be closer to the truth of reality because it makes 'lived experience' as 'belonging' is a form of historical truth, fidelity to history. Paul Ricoeur sees 'lived experience' as important as Hegel. For Ricoeur, 'belong' to the human is the most valuable personal experience internalized by the subject. And Hegel saw it as 'nature' of the moral life. That is, the core of the subject property lies in the moral way of life. Why Ricoeur phenomenology attention in hermeneutical science? Because, phenomenology here is able to present 'lived experience'. 'Lived experience' in phenomenology have in common with the hermeneutics of consciousness that can not be hidden by history though. For Paul Ricoeur, hermeneutics in order to develop properly, there are times when hermeneutics experiencing difficult times that may be able to shake the entire principle of thought exist. Since thoughts F. Schleiermacher to Ricoeur's description will evolve if the whole idea of hermeneutics experiencing a storm of other sciences such ideological criticism, psychoanalysis, and others. Because of moments like this are able to bring hermeneutics in terms of right and return to the basic principles of hermeneutics itself. With the help of phenomenology, hermeneutics can hold a 'free space' (empty space) . The empty space here does not mean releasing an understanding of the meaning of hermeneutics, but just the opposite was about to get a proper understanding and comprehension. Procurement 'empty space' can be regarded as understanding the meaning of purification. Indeed, the idea of 'free space' in the whole of science is not a new thing.However, the new thinking that Ricoeur show is that it provides an objective essence of philosophical decisions pegalaman true. Ricoeur wants to say to us, that to get a true sense, we should be in a state of 'empty'. That is, we have to take a distance(distanciation) of the object and release all the 'attributes' that exist in our minds. This is done so that all internal criticism (which our own understanding have) and criticism ektern (any form of criticism from outside such ideologies sciences) is pervasive and affects a philosophical decision.

Furthermore, Ricoeur to the historical tradition (historical tradition) through the provision of 'free space'. That is, the provision of 'free space' allowing the subject to mark dihidupinya and ownership experience as a phenomenon of his life. Paul Ricoeur in this section show you his thoughts on one of the stages towards panoramic hermeneutic phenomenological hermeneutics. The core rationale in section b.This is a collaboration with phenomenological hermeneutics. The search for an understanding of the meaning of diving into the fundamentals of the human experience that actually happens (virtual act) and the empirical. This method is used to progress further in understanding the value of any ontological sense which is always a barrier to interpretation. The value for us, interpreting it as an entry in the wilderness and phenomenology offers a discipline as a direction. Critical Review and Relevance First , it is difficult to understand directly the thought of a philosopher. So far I understand the thought of some philosophers in a very simple preparations presented by the lecturers. However, the difficulty I got a lesson in following Paul Ricoeur was a very valuable experience. Just as Ricoeur displays a brilliant idea by anxiety or daily difficulties he experienced, I hope, too, the daily difficulties that I find to be the starting point for thinking. Second , Paul Ricoeur is a brilliant personal and creative in conveying his thoughts. The lived experience of human virtue, it show as a battering ram of truth. He looked at the experience as something meaningful at all time. One challenge he offers to us, whether we are now 'live'? That is, life truly realized and not just live 'float' without footing as Heidegger called the Metaphysics . How important awareness and history for Paul Ricoeur. Third , Paul Ricoeur gives a new color on the notion of 'space' as a good way of interpretation. Through this thinking, Ricoeur would convey objective truth, which is produced in a pure understanding without any influence of such experiences, preconceptions or hypotheses, sciences or the other. Relevance for us, gossip or issues and others that are not born out of pure understanding.

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