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Making Madison's Gardens Work A community garden takes a lot of work to run well, and everyone is expected to participate

(many hands make light work). From the work of many volunteers, each according to their ability, Madison s community gardens survive and thrive. The g ardeners in Madison are a remarkable mix of people from many backgrounds, so the gardens function as some of the most multicultural places in the city. This handbook has been prepared to help community garden volunteer organizers ma nage their gardens. With a few exceptions, documents are provided in both fixed (Adobe) and editable (Word) formats, so you may use them as-is, or change them f or your purposes. Please contact Nicole Craig at (608) 246-4730 ext. 208 for Sp anish versions of some of these documents, or with ideas or edits. Garden Organizer's Handbook --------------------------Handbook for Starting a Community Garden (Adobe) City of Madison Gardens Committee Reports --------------------------Community Gardens Universal Design Madison Community Gardens Committee Update Report for 2003-2007 20Update%20for%202003-2007.pdf CAC Guidelines For Community Garden Organizers --------------------------Descriptions Of Volunteer Positions %20.pdf Role Of CAC In Your Community Garden 0Garden.pdf Supplies You Can Order Through CAC CAC.pdf Funding For Garden Projects Compost & More: Materials for Gardens Accessible Raised Beds %20Raised%20Beds.pdf More Resources: Books & ACGA Listserve,%20Books%20&%20ACGA%20Li stserve.pdf

Garden Event Outlines --------------------------Planning Your Community Garden Year ar.pdf Spring Registration Opening Day & Closing Day Spring Registration Documents --------------------------Registration Form Spanish Registration From Sliding Scale Plot Fees Welcome Packet Documents This is a set of materials handed out to gardeners at Spring Registration. Selec t from these materials to create a packet for your garden. To eliminate wasted s pace and save paper, you may wish to cut and paste information from multiple doc uments into a single document. --------------------------* Welcome Packet Instructions (Adobe / Word) * Welcome Packet Cover Letter (Adobe / Word) * Garden Leaders Contact List & Calendar (Adobe / Word) * Frequently Asked Questions (Adobe / Word) * Community Garden Rules (Adobe / Word) * Community Garden Security (Adobe / Word) * Volunteer Opportunities (Adobe / Word) * Protect Your Plants From Bugs (Adobe) * Planting Guide (Adobe)

* What Supplies Can I Order At Registration? (Adobe / Word) Working with a Special Needs Population: Click here for more resources. --------------------------Example Documents These documents were created by individual gardens for various purposes, and hav e been shared here with you to provide guidance and inspiration. You may edit th em for your purposes. --------------------------* Potential New Gardener Letter: Generic (Word) * Registration Day Postcard: Gammon (Word) * Sign-Up Meeting: Atwood (Word) * Neighborhood Outreach Article: Quann (Word) * Invitation To Garden Flyer: Marlborough Park (Word) * Expectations & Information: Saint Paul (Word) * Plot Assignment Criteria: Quann (Word) * Sign To Discourage Theft: Quann (Word) * Why Use Mulch: Quann (Word)

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