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The Right to Vote

We are still living in a new era of human history. There are spiritual and social questions that are precipitously debated in society. This generation has interesting, diverse music and an eclectic cultural framework. Yet, in any generation, there are always people who love freedom and respect peace. Notorious evils from war to discrimination plague the world over. Like in the Vietnam War, the war on terror is presented by the establishment as a means to promote the essence of democracy, but the Western elite allies with some of the most anti-democratic regimes on Earth (while executing this nefarious war on terror). In America, political divisions are blatantly apparent and complex issues are the order of the day. Voting is an excellent human right. Real voting rights inside of the United States of America were birthed out of the defeat of the Jim Crow caste system. Dedicated human beings among a myriad of backgrounds and creeds collaborated in nonviolent protest throughout the nation of America in order to give all citizens the right to vote nationally. For if ones human rights are restricted, and then all of mankind is not truly free. In our generation, apathetic citizens make the claim that voting is futile. They lack enthusiasm, because of the horrendous matrix of corporate influence in the corporate, mainstream political system. This apathy is understandable. Yet, they are still in error. Back centuries ago, people thought that slavery would last forever in America. During one time, people disbelieved the view that man could travel into space. Even decades ago, there were infamous doubters that didnt believe that the Voting Rights Act would be passed by Congress and signed by the President in that time period. Centuries ago, some people doubted other cultural advancements would come about. The common theme among these doubters was that these people were wrong. They were wrong, because the truth will persist forever. They were

wrong since they underestimate the power of humankind and the power of real movements for social change. They are in error, because all successful revolutionary movements spanning human history were not successful via apathy or non-involvement in battling the system. Extreme, isolating asceticism is not revolutionary. Ascetic deeds and apathy are counterrevolutionary deeds that will not make the human future wonderful. Change can only come by confronting the system and actively promoting human freedoms. Real change doesnt involve allying or supporting the system though. The system is corrupt and we shouldnt be in league with the system at all. We should oppose the system and call for real improvements in society. Massive structural changes in the system can merit societal reforms ranging from increasing civil liberties to the building up of the environment. It is direct, self-transforming, and structural changing action that is necessary to build up our communities. The skeptics talk eloquently about the corruption found in the voting system, which is accurate. Although, to this day, there are organizations who are fighting against all of evils in the voting infrastructure of the United States. They are entities that are working all of the time in handling voter registration drives and protecting the human right to vote. So, if you oppose the errors in the voting system, you have the right to make change by making your voice known via activism. You should at least speak out if voting fraud exists. Fundamentally, you definitely deserve equality and dignity no matter how you physically look like, no matter your creed, no matter your gender, no matter your nationality, no matter your ideological positions on issues, no matter your ethnicity, and no matter who you choose to love for loving legitimately is never a sin. All men are created equal. Love is a most powerful force. When I get older, I am figuring out that it is only by real love can real solutions can come about. Love is holy, transcendent communication and genuine goodwill towards all people. For human connections can never come about by intentional isolation or a permanent sense of cynicism. It can only come via working with dedicated human beings that seek progressive action. If action must come, we have to be honest about reality. We have no choice but to expose stereotypes, materialism, and the sick polarization that are harming our modern cultural system. Even if the voting system isnt perfect, the right to vote ought not to be eliminated from a reasonable society. Also, you cant run from yourself. Its better to be who you are and be out to have a peace of mind than to live a lie. The truth doesnt need a rein check, but its open, full of soul, and is incorruptible. Not to mention that token middle class values can never extinguish poverty. Poverty should be fought and defeated by a radical redistribution of economic and political power including raising the minimum wage too. In this fight for economic justice, we should oppose the bourgeoisie class trying to make massive cuts to pensions and retirement benefits as a means to promote privatization schemes in our rural & urban communities. The tyrannical usage of attack dogs and water houses by crooked police officers didnt stop us and certainly the evil, reactionary voter ID laws will not stop us from voting in this era too. Thinking internationally is a very vital perspective as well. Our problems and our interdependence with the human race make our inherit concerns to be both national and international. This doesnt omit the need to understand the agenda of the new world order. The new world order agenda is wrong, because its proponents seek to institute an Utopian global system irrespective of the consent of the governed. The new world order is wrong for its dogma regularly harms the individual freedoms of the worlds inhabitants. There is nothing wrong with international cooperation as a means to deal with problems. For our allegiance to each other is not just national, they are international for we are all human beings. There is a problem with internationalists creating policies that explicitly violate national sovereignty though. Massive,

extreme globalization and disruptive breakdown of fair trade has caused a negative effect on numerous nation-states. We need national sovereignty or territorial integrity to be enhanced. Yet, a jingoistic form of nationalism ought to be rejected. This form of extremist nationalism believes in the archaic philosophy that we must support the countrys policies unconditionally no matter how abhorrent or how egregious it is. This philosophy believes that one nation is superior to all cultures of the world. Far too often, this incorrect ideological perspective (of jingoistic patriotism and xenophobic, extremist nationalism) has been utilized as a sick justification to justify the obsolete act of war. Its an idea that believes in the worship of national sovereignty instead of the total worship of the living Most High God. That is a false philosophy to embrace, yet Mitt Romney accepts the false notion that America must not apologize for its sins against other countries. America must apologize in order for its soul to be born again. America must be born again. Likewise, countries have the right to work together in order for those nations to institute constructive means & ends (like eliminating complications or to focus on legitimate issues). You cant give up on life. That is why I will not give up. The huge arc of righteousness is ingrained in my thinking and the dream persists in my heart. The dream shall never die.

I first registered to vote in about 2002. I first voted for the Presidency back in 2004 when George W. Bush was politically battling against John Kerry. For the most part, I voted for local and state elections. I will definitely vote in the 2012 Presidential election too. Recently, I voted for local primaries in Virginia. For the record, a lot of people like us living in Southeastern Virginia know a lot about political subjects, acquire a huge amount of vivid, intellectual strength, and are very reasonable folks too.

We have every right to fight against fascism in the world. Fascism is still expressed in America. Fascism is when you have an authoritarian power structure that harms the collective and individual rights of the human race. Fascism hasn't died yet in America. This fascism against America has been executed by imperialists during the 15th century. There was the European terrorist Christopher Columbus who arrived in the region of Dominican Republic and Haiti. Papal bulls, from the Papacy, (including other religious groups) sanctioned land theft, slavery against black people, the destruction of the Native American peoples, and other imperialist schemes of some Europeans. Today, the Western Empire has harmed many nations like Vietnam, El Salvador, the Congo, Laos, Indonesia, Peru, Chile, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, and many other places in the four corners of the Earth. On numerous occasions, some foreign nations instituted free education, free health care, and other public resources to the people directly (including nationalization of resources without Western control). Then, the West sought to invade or install puppet regimes in order to control that foreign country's resources and political power. The suffering of those people in those countries can't be minimized or denied at all. That is why Dr. Martin Luther King said that America must be born again, because of some of the American mistreatment of God's children throughout the globe via terror, voting manipulation, torture, and other crimes against humanity. We have to have empathy for our fellow man beyond misguided and a reactionary form of nationalism. The suffering of another person ought not to be reviled. The hatred of someone for being different or unique ought to be denounced and opposed. Empathy entails that we put ourselves in the position of another person and express opposition to injustice, war, racism, and any forms of oppression in the world society. Empathy is not expressed via the record amount of bullying against children and adults in American society including Western society. It is not expressed when CFR member Madeline Albright (or Bill Clinton's Secretary of State) declared that killing more than 500,000 Iraqi children during the Clinton's sanctions was worth the cost. Depleted Uranium is a reality in war and it's barbaric. Far too often, in some quarters of the West people worship capitalism, consumption, and obedience to the will of popular opinion. Sometimes, the majority is wrong on issues, so the truth is not based on a poll. It's based on logical information and real, universal moral principles. The truth is that there are things more important than self-gratification. Naturally, we are communal not materialistic. The anti-tax movement of the reactionary counterrevolution (that was modernized in the late 1970's) created a breakdown of public education, public libraries, public recreation areas, public health, and the general welfare in the world. It is easy to see that the War on drugs is front for a war on black human beings, indigenous human beings and all other human beings. The human right of us being violated extends beyond the Patriot Act via the spying even on innocent citizens via the NSA, the CIA, and the FBI. There are checkpoints all across America that come about without warrants and militarized police in major metropolitan urban communities. In foreign locations, AFRICOM and NATO desire to recolonize the great continent of Africa. The glamorization of privatization and the hatred of public programs are sick

reminders that we have a long way to go in order to see the Promised Land. Still, there is hope in the world. Tons of people understand the truth. There are untold amounts of human beings of every background that genuinely want freedom, justice, and equality for all people. There are still folks day in and day out who have participated in real charities, real organizations, and real activist efforts in promoting voting rights. Still, there are people focused in promoting real human rights for communities all over the world (not only in America). So, the lesson here is that we should never give up here. I will keep fighting and keep striving to make the world better.

I wrote about the following issue for years even here. Now, some Republicans claim that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican. This is false for numerous reasons. One reason is that Dr. King was a nonpartisan man in that he was politically independent. He voted for both major parties, but he would not accept the reactionary agenda of numerous Republicans in our modern period. One such Republican existed back in the day. His name was Barry Goldwater. Barry Goldwater wasnt a racist and he was a truly principled conservative (and he was a true libertarian). Dr. Martin Luther King disagreed with him philosophically because of his militaristic foreign policy agenda back then and his domestic approach to civil rights. Barry Goldwater wanted equality to be granted state by state in a gradual process, while Dr. King wanted the weight of the federal government to guarantee human and civil rights for all people in America. The truth is that the Federal Bill of Rights is part of the federal Constitution and these federal laws are permanently superior to states rights. Human rights are superior to states rights indeed. Dr. King voted for JFK and LBJ in the 1960s. In one of his final interviews in 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King said that he would support either Robert Kennedy or Eugene McCarthy for President if either of them would have won the nomination. See, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was not a conservative, but he was a strong progressive. Dr. King believed in reparations, he wanted an end to war, affirmative action (via his Operation Breadbasket program), the value of labor & union power, and he wanted a radical redistribution of political and economic power. These concepts would be opposed by Republicans today including by people like Kamau-Imani, who is the head of the partisan organization called Raging Elephants. Raging Elephants allowed the construction of billboard speaking of Dr. King being a Republican, which is an old deception perpetrated by reactionaries (as a means to intimidate and falsely shame black Americans into accepting the medieval philosophy of reactionary tyranny). In 1958, Dr. King said the following: "I don't think the Republican party is a party full of the Almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses. And I'm not inextricably bound to either party. Im not concerned about telling you what party to vote for. But what Im saying is this, that we must gain the ballot and use it wisely..." These are his words. Historical revisionism is always foul, but people like me will always be around to set the record straight. It is also true that people from across ideological backgrounds do share many beliefs. We share the ideas of justice, equality, truth, and human freedom. We may disagree on numerous issues, but we all believe in the fact that everybody should have the opportunity to live a more enriching standard of living. Regardless of someones political views, a person should not be left out of discussions and humane debates.

For a man like Robert Gibbs to defend the killing of a 16 year old American boy and said that he was some military threat to America is bogus. The war on terror is truly despicable. We know what the war on terror is about. It's about Western interests trying to control and steal resources of foreign nations at the expense of the blood and treasure of America plus other lives. The Geneva Convention means something and the rule of national law plus international law mean something. Imperialism is wrong whether it's shown by a Democratic or a Republican face. Imperial war doesn't work to increase the improvement of basic international relations. It can only exacerbate tensions in the world and only prolong the power of the oppressor. It is not right to see these covert bomb attacks being dropped in Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. The anti-war movement is still strong, but some of them should more publicly oppose the pulverization of Libya (Gaddafi wasn't captured. He was murdered without trial by U.S. backed thugs). It's really hypocritical for the same establishment liberals to claim to act so wise and tolerance when they support the same corporate imperialism that the Republicans love to adhere to. Mitt Romney is also wrong on many issues as well. He seems to forget that the government has enriched society when it is utilized in the right fashion. The government created jobs throughout human history which refutes Romney's lie that the government can't create a single job. Both the President and Mitt Romney are identical ideologically on foreign policy. It's interesting that Mitt Romney is a Mormon since that religion has a reactionary bent since its inception. Many people join Mormonism (even those folks of color) because of it supposed promotion of traditional values, but its values deal with religious deception and a strange treatment of the human family. Theocratic notions loom over not only the Dominionists, but the Mormons too. Mormonism was created by the false prophet & Freemason Joseph Smith. The Imperial Lodge (of loving targeted killing as agreed by White House counter terrorism adviser John O. Brennan) of the two party system is truly shameful. Both of the candidates believe in the austerity ridden Grand Bargain. The Grand Bargain is more like the Grand Charade. Romney is wrong to assume that Bush era economic policies can massively lower unemployment and solve the complex issue of poverty in the world. If you want fight against unemployment, you need a national plan where the private and public sector can engage in constructive programs to fight economic configurations (which include not only investments, but a growing of the minimum wage, the ending of the War on Drugs, a public program of employment, and even a guaranteed annual income as Dr. Martin Luther King & Henry George proposed). Its bigger than President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney though. We understand that globalists and internationalists (making up of the elite) ultimately caused a great deal of our issues long before the President was elected back in 2008. The good news is that we can improve ourselves. We can win.
The Election is coming to be over in less than 2 weeks. The top Democrats and the top Republicans are competing for votes. Both parties have major problems and the third parties seem to have more comprehensive, better solutions than both of the major parties completely. The election now is at a neck to neck race. President Barack Obama is fighting for his political job. The President has supported many centrist policies and Mitt Romney is a blatant, pathological liar. Mitt Romney tries to say almost anything in order for him to try to gain more votes for the 2012 election. This 2012 election is one of the most contentious, hateful, and racist election in recent history. The lives of both the President and Romney have been threatened. I abhor that completely. That is completely wrong. So far, the President has enough electoral votes to win the election. Mitt Romney has made a political comeback in winning some polls in some battleground states. Mitt Romney is a liar, but he is intelligent enough in trying to use slick political calculations as a means to gain political power. Romney is gaining, but he isn't leading the total race. The country is running around and is divided heavily on political issues. The President has the map and the Mitt Romney team has some momentum. The overall arching theme of the election is that the 2

major choices represent imperfection. The President proclaims himself as a progressive, but he passed a centrist private insurance bailout ACA law (not Medicare for all. The ACA is better than the status quo though). He bailed out banks to about 16 trillion dollars. Even during the three Presidential debates, both President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney showed more agreement with each other than disagreement. For example, each man agreed with austerity cuts to the social safety net (even disagreements on how much it should be). Both men love the foreign policy of Empire involving the crushing of the Iranian peoples via sanctions, drones, and the civil war in Syria. The Presidential kill list program is blatantly immoral including the Patriot Act. Assassinating human beings without due process is wrong and I don't care which party supports it. I reject isolationism, but we don't need an Empire. We need to end these wars as soon and as reasonable as possible. We should build up international relationships with other nations and continue foreign policies that work (while ending foreign policy actions that are wrong or don't work). The Democrats in recent years have gone rightward to accept similar positions on issues as the Republicans (except on two social issues. We know what these social issues are). So, this is the choice that we have. As Cornell West said, what a choice indeed. Although, we shouldn't be like the reactionaries and slander the President. The President Barack Obama is one of the most intelligent Presidents in American history. He's one of the greatest orating Presidents in history. We should offer respect for the office and still fight for justice and peace in society at the same time. We don't have to slander and be disrespectful toward anybody. I believe that disrespect against President Barack Obama is truly offensive and blatantly repugnant. Yet, I will mention that the brother President needs to realize that imperial empire policies, unjust surveillance, laws that violate human civil liberties, and other evil policies are wrong. He ought not to follow that course at all. People have the right to be courageous and not only call out Mitt Romney when he's wrong (including Paul Ryan who is wrong to advocate a voucher plan for part of Medicare since Wall Street or private insurance shouldnt control the benefits of the elderly at all then, now, or in the future), but legitimately criticize the President's policies even he's wrong too. That's fair and being a real human being. The reality is that the political system is heavily controlled by globalists and pro-banker internationalists. The only thing we have to do is to help our neighbors, show the truth, fight for freedom, and oppose any form of injustice in the world. It is ironic that the corporate Republican/Democratic debates didn't talk about poverty, the evil War on Drugs (we don't send nicotine addicts to jail and we don't send alcohol addicts to jail. So, people addicted to hard drugs who are nonviolent ought to experience rehabilitation not massive, extended periods of incarceration), ending corporate person hood, and increasing the minimum wage. Also, every time when there is a conflict between property rights and human rights; human rights must prevail since property is not man. I do believe in voting. Even if you choose not to vote for whatever reason, you shouldn't restrict people's right to vote. People died and shed blood for that right and we should use every ounce of our being to protect voting rights period.

My Voting Experience in 2012: This time was my third time voting for the President of the United States. I came into a local polling place to vote early in the morning. I was at the location very close to 6:00 am. It was windy and cold outside being about 44 degrees. Even when I was there, the line was rather long. I wore a huge coat outside, because I always like to wear a huge coat in cold weather. It wasnt too long, but a lot of people waited in line too to vote. There were Obama campaign workers camping outside and passing around pieces of papers that tried to encourage people to vote for their ticket. I waited in line for about 30-45 minutes in order for me to vote. The event started with me showing my drivers license to the official in confirming my identity. Then, I had to tell the official my name and address. After my ID was confirmed, they gave me a plastic card. This plastic card was used in order for me to utilize the electronic voting machine. The electronic voting machine has Presidential candidates, Senate candidates, House candidates, and 2 questions on the Virginia ballot (pertaining to eminent domain and another issue). I voted for all of the selections and left the place. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and a lot of people wanted to vote. When I

left the location, the line of people increased. Ive seen a lot of brothers and sisters feeling joyful and happy in expressing their right to vote. I keep hearing stories of a lot of people voting all throughout the state of Virginia. Virginia seems to be a state in the political headlines just like Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, New Hampshire, and other great states of the Union. The million dollar question is who did I vote for? Well, I am a mysterious brother at times, so I will give you a riddle. I voted for different Presidential candidates in 2004, 2008, and 2012. I didnt vote for Romney obviously (because of his extreme economic views, his flip flopping, and allying with bellicose, war mongering neo-cons. You know my views about Mormonism). So, you can make up your mind in which person that I voted for as a riddle. Its certainly a historical time to be alive. 2012 is the beginning of a new era of human consciousness indeed.

*Regardless of who you vote for, make sure that you make an educated decision and its the best decision for you. I cant tell you who to vote for since you are a free thinking human being. Although, you have the right to vote your conscience.

The interaction of disparate cultures, the vehemence of the ideals that led the immigrants here, the opportunity offered by a new life, all gave America a flavor and a character that make it as unmistakable and as remarkable to people today as it was to Alexis de Tocqueville in the early part of the nineteenth century. John F. Kennedy, A Nation of Immigrants

On the Issue of Immigration:

It is easy to see that our immigration system needs to work for real and it needs to be reformed. I agree with those that want real comprehensive reform and even some Evangelical Christians are on the real immigration reform train. I oppose Arizona's SB 1070. Obsolete immigration laws are not going to cut it in a demographically diverse American society. Now, immigration reform should be strong and fair to all human beings in America, especially citizens now living here that suffer unemployment, poverty, and other socioeconomic hardships. This means that I don't want undocumented workers to be placed in a superior economic and political state in society as a naturally born American citizen. I don't believe in immigration reform at the expense of workers here. The GOP is divided. Some Republicans sincerely want a bipartisan immigration reform policy with compassion and border security too. Others want the reactionary policy of self-deportation and draconian laws that violate human civil liberties. I believe in compassionate action toward immigrants whether they are U.S. citizens or not here (and have legitimate border security in Canada and Mexico). It is important to help our neighbor out and to assist foreign human beings since they are our neighbors too. Immigrants now are from Africa, Asia, Europe, and throughout the Earth not just from Mexico or Latin America. Illegal immigration has decreased radically since a few years ago, so we don't have record illegal immigration in America at all now. Tea Party members are divided on this issue. Some

want immigration reform and others don't. Wall Street Democrat and corporate Republicans are exploiting this issue as a means to drive down domestic wages and weaken the trade political union movement (instead of just focusing on giving human rights to immigrants). Fundamentally, human beings need education and economic opportunities. Xenophobia is out of the question when we deal with this complex issue. Without immigration, America would surely have a huge demographic crisis as Japan, Western Europe, Russia, and other parts of the world are experiencing in 2013. Real immigration reform can cause America to meet the labor force necessary to handle international economic growth in the 21st century. There are an estimated 5 million children who were here and those under the real parts of the Fourteenth Amendment would be U.S. citizens automatically. These are the intended beneficiaries of the still-pending federal DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors), and of the twelve DREAM Acts which have passed in states from Texas and California to New York and Maryland. This legislation grants improved access to education and social services, and is long overdue. There are millions of undocumented foreign workers in America now. Those who are undocumented workers should have citizenship in a real process. They can have access to social opportunities so national wealth can increase. This can improve public health if they come out of the shadows and have checkups and other forms of medical care. Politicians will protest about the short-term costs, but if undocumented immigrants are kept marginalized, denied basic health care, shut out from educational opportunity, and otherwise discriminated against, how can the United States ever hope to keep pace on the world market? Yet, we still have complex economic issues. We need an increased minimum wage that can benefit all Americans. Legalization will decrease the actions of corporate exploitation and harm. The reactionaries are right that if a living wage won't occur in conjunction to just legalization, then cheap labor, busting unions, and low wages could increase. We had a peak of a federal minimum wage of about 12 dollars in today's money in 1968. Many states have minimum wages which are already higher than the federal norm, such as $8.60 per hour in Vermont, $9.19 per hour in Washington, $8.50 per hour in Connecticut, and $8.00 per hour in California and Massachusetts. Raising the federal minimum wage represents a decision to assign a greater share of the national income to wages. The measures of immigration reform and a national recovery program can do a lot to help all Americans. America is a nation of immigrants. We have the right to be a high wage country. The GOP is divided on this issue. Some Republicans sincerely want immigration reform. Other Wall Street financiers want to use immigration as a means to drive down wages and undermine collective bargaining. The more militant Republicans are filled with the scapegoating or hatred of foreigners, which is called xenophobia. You cannot solve this issue with self-deportation or domestic totalitarianism with police state deportation by the police either. During recent years, the one million deportations of immigration, the splitting up of families, etc. prove that the current President is not for amnesty. The truth is that welfare is nearly destroyed by Bill Clinton from 1996. We need to defeat poverty. As one great leader once wrote decades ago:

Immigration policy should be generous; it should be fair; it should be flexible. With such a policy we can turn to the world, and to our own past, with clean hands and a clear conscience. John F. Kennedy, A Nation of Immigrants

My Thoughts of the Re-Election of President Barack Obama The reelection of President Barack Obama is a historic time. The reactionaries predicted that the President will lose the election, but they were wrong completely. There was more of turnout of people because there was anger over the voter suppression efforts made by numerous reactionaries (or some Republicans). This election represents the continued support of many for the President and the massive demise of the influence of GOP in numerous quarters. The GOP has been so extreme on some issues that many people opposed them. Especially, the Tea Party types were rejected ideologically. The Tea Party's promotion of militarism, anti-immigrant xenophobia, poor scapegoating, the removal of nearly all regulations on businesses, etc. are

opposed by the vast majority of Americans (as proven by the polls). Now, I do believe that the President made an excellent reelection speech about unity and power of activism in our communities. His reelection speech was much better than the speech that he gave to the National Democratic Convention. There are positives and negatives in both parties. The reality is that the President can go into the path of pragmatic centrist or real, radical, and just reforms in society. The future will tell us which direction that the brother President Barack Obama will go. Clearly, Mitt Romney was roundly defeated, because some of his economic views were too extreme and he made numerous political miscalculations. Virginia (or my home state) voted mostly for the President. The previous polling polls mostly presented what the reality is. There are some great news now. The Reagan Revolution is history. The demographics are rapidly changing in America. People of color are increasing in population and political power (which is evolving into alliances). These changes are permanent and even reactionary people will have no choice, but to accept the fact that America is a very diverse nation. Diversity is beauty and diversity is strength. The GOP as a whole will have to be more ideologically reasonable or they will be a permanent minority party. I think it was good to see people voting, even if you didn't vote for the President. The right to vote is a precious human right. This is a new era and it's great for people to stand up to voter suppression. Mitt Romney gave his concession speech in a conciliatory fashion. Now, this doesn't mean that everything is peaches and cream. There is still the threat of the Great Charade (or the Grand Bargain that threaten the social safety net). We still have the administration who executed extreme foreign policy policies (from drone attacks to targeted assassinations). It was just that Romney was even more extreme than the President on economic and foreign policy matters. Although, the President is still wrong on foreign policy matters. He is wrong to support the imperialist Africom clique, he's wrong in supporting a puppet regime in Libya, and he's wrong on drone attacks against men, women, and children too. Like I have always mentioned, we should respect the President and his beautiful family as human beings. Also, we should use our voice to disagree with the White House when it's wrong. We should continue to fight for truth, justice, and freedom for all people (irrespective of who is in the White House). There have been ballots initiatives as well. There was the unfortunate defeat of Proposition 37 in California (which called for GMO labeling), but the genie is out of the bottle. In other words, GMO labeling awareness is still strong. We won't rest until real GMO labeling is available in the four corners of the world. Monsanto and others may have won the battle in California via them spending over 40 million dollars, but they will lose the war in a few years (and decades from now. That's a promise). Also, controversial marijuana policies have been passed in numerous states except in Arkansas. More states promoted same sex marriage or rejected bans on same sex marriage like Maryland, Maine, Minnesota, etc. So, society is changing. We may disagree on some issues. Yet, most of us agree with equality. We agree that human rights are superior to states rights. We agree with love for America and we agree with trying to give people opportunities as a means for jobs to grow, education to be improved upon, and the establishment of a peaceful, reasonable foreign policy to reign. My state of Virginia is still Blue, but we are still in the United States of America. What's most important is for us to defend the rights of workers, to adhere to freedom, and to love the right to vote purely. One positive outcome of this election was the defeat of the voting suppression efforts made by numerous reactionaries. This election is an opportunity to see what the real legacy of President Barack Obama is all about.

I do hope that America can be better. I don't agree with him on all issues, but I don't have animus or hatred for the President at all. The people have spoken with their feet in this election. Reactionaries may lie and obsess with welfare, but they ignore corporate welfare including economic inequality. They may lie and talk about free items, but ignore how some corporations pay 0 percent in income taxes. We accept the truth that when you fight, you can win. We accept the truth that despite huge odds, with talent, with strength, and with progressive insight, mountains can be moved. That is why we will never give up for true love for humanity is not wrong and true adherence to the general welfare of the people is always just. That's the point. Now, I have hope. I have hope for a brighter future since I am an optimistic type of man. Yet, if we want that bright future, then we are going to have to make demands and fight for it. Now, we still have discrimination and oppression based on race, gender, class, national origin, and other characteristics. Therefore, we should continue in fighting for the defeat of the system of white supremacy completely. That is why that there are people of every color who want liberty and are in love with the truth. Imperialism is still here and the struggle continues. Fighting for freedom is a great means in getting the real reforms that we all seek. Therefore, we should pray for the moderate Black President & our brother Barack Obama (who is a great intellectual and family man) and hope that this country of America will become much better than the previous four years.

By Timothy

You know I am going to make it plain. We should shine bright like a diamond, but our light must be real without corruption. In the final analysis, we should all shine bright like a diamond. A person needs allies, tolerance, and strength not allegiances to immature cliques. Its okay for us to versatile, not hostile, and fully able in the realm of being mobile to execute solutions in our lives. In the final analysis, dont be bamboozled and VOTE for real. I still have faith. I still believe in my faith and I am not ashamed of it. Although, I will bow down like a house slave to a hypocritical nation. There is nothing wrong with being aggressive, since begging and having token concessions will never cause real victories. Only by demanding and fighting for truth will cause victories to transpire. There is a time to be nice which is great and theres a time to be more aggressive too. I will condemn oppression in any nation and I will bow at the altar of God. I will respect my own ancestors too.

Your vote matters One vote matters One People and One Voice are Real Ideals to adhere to.

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