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Dropshiment test case

From the OM responsibility, Create a sales order for line item with Source type of External

Save and Book the Order

Write down the SO number

From the OM responsibility Run the Workflow Background Process (FNDWFBG)

You may check the log to check if you have any error

Switch to the Purchasing responsibility

From Purchasing, run the Requisition Import concurrent request to generate purchase requisitions for the processed order lines

Note : If there is no item for the Order Entry in the Import Source LOV, it means no rows were inserted into the Purchasing interface tables and you need to review the setup under Order Management

You may view the output and log to check the number of passed requisition

Switch back to the OM responsibility and navigate to the order organizer to check the drop shipment info associated to the order line

9 Write down the requisition number

Switch back to the Purchasing responsibility to create a po from the requisition

1- A new PO will Autocreated 2- Write down the PO number 3- Check the PO shipments
and the drop Ship info

2- Status get changed to approved

1- Approve the PO

Switch back to OM and check the order organizer to verify the status of the SO and check the associated info to its line

You will find the PO number

Return the Purchasing responsibility and change the Organization to the receiving Org

Write the PO number

We did the following steps

Created SO Submitted the Workflow Background Processor from OM Submitted the Requisition Import from PO Created PO

Will do the following steps

Change the Org to the Receiving Org from the Purchasing responsibility Create a receipt from the Purchasing responsibility Run the Pay On Receipt AutoInvoice from the Purchasing responsibility Check the Organizer from Run the Auto Invoice Master Program

Verify the receiving data , then Save

A receipt number will be generated

Switch back to the OM- Order Organizer, you will find the Status changed to Shipped instead of waiting receipt

Switch to the Purchasing responsibility and run the Pay On Receipt Autoinvoice

Switch to the Oracle Receivables responsibility and run the Autoinvoice Master Program from

Switch back to the OM- Order Organizer, you will find the Status changed to Closed instead of Shipped

-Oracle Purchasing Users Guide. Purchase Orders (Ch4) . Drop Shipments -Oracle Order Management Users Guide. Order Processing (ch3). Drop Shipment Processing Note 566616.1 :How to Diagnose Issues Related to the Drop Shipment Process and the Interface Between Order Management and Purchasing ?

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