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WRIT 3001 Career Research Report 50 Points

Draft Due Dec. 5, Workshop Dec. 7 Final Due Dec. 14 Assignment description Create a career research report based on the sources and plan described in your proposal. Your main goal is to investigate the area(s) of technical communication that you are interested in pursuing, to research options, to report yoru findings, and cite your reflections on what you discover. Review the following website for guidelines on report sections: http://owl.English.purdue/workshops/hypertext/reportW/index.html Include the following: Introduction to your report; background and overview of your purpose, and research findings Body: Findings from at least 4 sources; i.e., interviews (e-mail or in person), Internet, field observations, texts, organizational or industry information At least one visual; i.e., a table, chart, graph, or illustration Conclusion: Summary of major findings; what you learned and future plans for your career, your reflection A works cited page that conforms to APA or MLA style Example topics Technical writing Graphic design Biotech Writing for the military Web design Writing for the sciences Magazine writing Healthcare professions, Environment, Grant writing, Usability testing, Project Management Audience Your audience for this document is me and the other students in WRIT 3001 Format Use proposal style with a title, headings, and a visual(s). Length: Approximately 6 pages Margins: 1-inch top, bottom and sides Font: 12-point; serifed typeface, Spacing: 1 or double spaced Style: Proofread for grammar and sentence structure

Grading Criteria Report Clearly articulates area of interest and shares details of findings Report reflects integration of four different sources used to support the research Report is free of grammatical and mechanical errors Report reflects professional layout and appropriate heading structure Creating Your Report Before you write, consider the following questions: What do I know and what do I not know about my chosen area before I start searching? Why this specific area? What is the purpose/function of the search? What do I hope to accomplish? Use the following questions to guide your research What is involved in this field? What would you do on a day-to-day basis? What are the backgrounds and education requirements of the people in this field? What additional education/training might be needed? What did you find that surprised you? To conclude your report, consider the following: What did I find on my search? What did I learn? What didnt I learn? What are my plans for going forward in this profession?

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