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Bi thc hnh 5

Bi 1: Vit chng trnh giao tip gia client v server s dng giao thc TCP, thc hin cc chc nng sau: + client truyn 1 chui ln server, server nhn chui ny v chuyn n thnh ch in hoa sau gi tr kt qu cho client. Client nhn kt qu ri sau xut ra mn hnh kt qu va nhn. Yu cu: S dng Multithread server c th giao tip c vi nhiu client cng lc.
a. Bc 1: To 2 project mi l TCPServer v TCPClient

b. Bc 2: To Form frmClient c giao din nh sau:

Thm khai bo vo u lp frmClient

X l s kin cho button Truyn chui.

X l s kin cho button Thot

c. Bc 3: To lp TCPServer nh sau:

d. Bc 4: To lp ServerThread vi ni dung nh sau.

e. Bc 5: Chy th ng dng.

Bi 2: Vit chng trnh giao tip gia client v server s dng giao thc TCP, thc hin cc chc nng sau: + client truyn hai s nguyn v php ton (cng, tr, nhn, chia) ln server, server sau khi nhn c th thc hin php ton gia hai s nguyn v tr kt qu v cho client, client nhn li kt qu v xut ra mn hnh. Yu cu: S dng Multithread server c th giao tip c vi nhiu client cng lc.
a. Bc 1: To 2 project mi l TCPServer v TCPClient

b. Bc 2: To Form frmClient c giao din nh sau:

Thm khai bo vo u lp frmClient

X l s kin cho button Tnh.

X l s kin cho button Thot

c. Bc 3: To lp TCPServer nh sau:

d. Bc 4: To lp ServerThread vi ni dung nh sau.

e. Bc 5: Chy th ng dng.

Bi 3: Vit chng trnh cho php hai my chat vi nhau.

a. Bc 1: To Project mi TCPChat

b. Bc 2: To Form frmClient c giao din nh sau:

Thm cc khai bo cho frmClient

Thm s kin cho button Thot, Vit thm 1 hm Hienthi

Thm s kin cho button Send

c. Bc 4: To thm lp

d. Bc 5: Chy th chng trnh trn nhiu my. M chy formClient. Nhp a ch my cn chat, nick ca mnh. M chy frmClient trn my khc v nhp a ch my cn chat.

Bi 4. Vit chng trnh kim tra cc cng t 1024 n 65536 (hoc t 0 1024) ca Server bt k, c cng no hot ng khng?
Hng dn:

txtDomai n


Vit code chon nt kim tra:

Socket s; for(int port=1024;port<65536;port++) try { s = new Socket(this.txtDomain.getText(), port); this.txtPorts.setText(this.txtPorts.getText()+ " \n" + port); } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,ex); } catch (IOException e) { //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,e); }

Bi 5.(Tham kho thm) Vit chng trnh c thng tin Socket ti my cc b v thng tin Socket ca my kt ni trn cng 80.

Bi 6.(Tham kho thm) Vit chng trnh thc hin m phng giao thc FTP nh sau: Chng trnh client: thc hin chc nng gi yu cu ng dn tn tp tin ti Server sau i p tr t server d liu lin quan n tp tin v hin th thng tin d liu tp tin ln mn hnh v lu thnh tp tin pha my client nu tm thy ngoi ra hin th chui li. Chng trnh server: c nhim v lng nghe kt ni t client, tm v m tp tin lin quan theo yu cu ca client vit v cho client sau ng lung li.

Hng dn Vit chng trnh FTP Server trc. Bc 1. Vit chng trnh qun l user nh bi tp phn 1. Cho php thm user mi vo c s d liu user. Bc 2. Vit code cho FTP lng nghe giao tip vi client, tun t ti mi thi im x l cho 1 client.
package ftpservervd; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Scanner; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class Main { //khai bao cac hang trong giao thuc giao tiep public static final int DANGNHAP=1; public static final int KHONGLALENH=0; public static final int DANGNHAPKHONGTHANHCONG=0; public static final int DANGNHAPTHANHCONG=1; public static final int THOAT=2; //ham doi chuoi giao tiep thanh hang cho de xu ly public static int laLenh(String cmd){ if(cmd.equals("DANGNHAP")) return DANGNHAP; return KHONGLALENH; } //thiet lap port giao tiep cua ung dung, FTP co port la 20 va 21

//vi du chon port 10000 public static final int PORT = 10000; public static void main(String[] args) { //gia su co user, pass, path //sinh vien thay 1 user nay bang cach truy xuat co so du lieu // cac user da tao ra o buoc 1 do chuong trinh quan ly user String userA="tu"; String passA="tu"; String path="C:/"; ServerSocket s; try { s = new ServerSocket(PORT); while (true) { Socket new_s = s.accept(); //nhan lenh giao tiep tu client boolean lap=true; while(lap) { String cmd; Scanner sc=new Scanner(new_s.getInputStream()); cmd=sc.nextLine(); //dieu phoi su kien yeu cau o phai client switch (laLenh(cmd)){ case DANGNHAP: String user=sc.nextLine(); String pass=sc.nextLine(); PrintWriter pw; pw=new PrintWriter(new_s.getOutputStream()); if(user.equals(userA) && pass.equals(passA)){ pw.println(DANGNHAPTHANHCONG); //mo thu muc len goi ve cho client File dir=new File(path); File dsFile[]=dir.listFiles(); if(dsFile==null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "ng dn khng ng hay khng phi th mc!"); }else{ pw.println(dsFile.length); for(int i=0;i<dsFile.length;i++) pw.println(dsFile[i].getName()); }

}else { //goi ve khong mo duoc pw.println(DANGNHAPKHONGTHANHCONG); pw.println("Dang nhap ko thanh cong"); } pw.flush(); break; case THOAT: lap=false; break; } } new_s.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex); } } }

Bc 3. To giao din chng trnh client truy cp n server.

txtDomai txtUser txtPass

lstClientPath lstPath

Bc 4. Vit code cho nt login.

Socket s; public static final int PORT = 10000; private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { //tao socket String domain=this.txtDomain.getText(); try { InetAddress ia = InetAddress.getByName(domain); try { s = new Socket(ia, PORT); //goi user, pass len server PrintWriter pw=new PrintWriter(s.getOutputStream()); //lay du lieu tu form do su dung go vao String user=this.txtUser.getText(); String pass=this.txtPass.getText(); String cmd="DANGNHAP"; pw.println(cmd); pw.println(user);

pw.println(pass); System.out.println(cmd); System.out.println(user); System.out.println(pass); pw.flush(); //client doi phan hoi tu server Scanner sc=new Scanner(s.getInputStream()); int cmdR=sc.nextInt(); if(cmdR==1){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Dang nhap thanh cong"); //luu duong dan hien tai ma list hien thi danh tap tin trong folder do. DefaultListModel dm=new DefaultListModel(); int n=sc.nextInt(); for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ dm.addElement(sc.nextLine()); } this.lstPath.setModel(dm); }else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Dang nhap khong thanh cong"); } catch (IOException ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, ex.toString()); } } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, ex.toString()); } }

Bc 5: vit code cho nt Browse

String path; private void jButton2ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { fchPath.setVisible(true); //thiet lap fchPath.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); //kiem tra form nay duoc chon nut gi? if(fchPath.showOpenDialog(this)==JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) try{ path=fchPath.getSelectedFile().getCanonicalPath(); File dir=new File(path);

File dsFile[]=dir.listFiles(); if(dsFile==null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "sai duong dan!"); }else{ try{ //luu duong dan hien tai ma list hien thi danh tap // tin trong folder do. DefaultListModel dm=new DefaultListModel(); for(int i=0;i<dsFile.length;i++){ String filename=dsFile[i].getName(); dm.addElement(filename); } this.lstClientPath.setModel(dm); }catch(Exception e) {JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,e.toString());} } }catch(Exception e) { } }

Bc 6: Vit code cho nt upload

private void jButton3ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { // TODO add your handling code here: String fileName=(String) this.lstClientPath.getSelectedValue(); String cpath=path+"\\" + fileName; System.out.println(cpath); try{ PrintWriter pw=new PrintWriter(s.getOutputStream()); //goi tin hieu lenh pw.println("UPLOAD"); pw.flush(); System.out.println("Da goi lenh upload len server"); pw.println(fileName); pw.flush(); System.out.println("Da goi ten tap tin len server"); BufferedOutputStream bos=new BufferedOutputStream(s.getOutputStream()); DataOutputStream dos=new DataOutputStream(bos);

//mo tap tin ra BufferedInputStream bis=new BufferedInputStream (new FileInputStream(cpath)); //lap doc noi dung tap tin va goi lieu len server byte buf[]=new byte[bis.available()]; //tao bo dem doc het du lieu tu tap tin vao bo dem roi day //vao luong len server. bos.write(; System.out.println("da goi du lieu tap tin len server"); bos.flush(); //bis.close(); //doi nhan danh sach tap thu cua folder o server voi tinh trang moi Scanner sc=new Scanner(s.getInputStream()); String cmd=sc.nextLine(); System.out.println("da nhan dap tra tu server"); if(cmd.equals("DANHAN")) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, " gi tp tin thnh cng"); else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Gi tp tin tht bi"); //nhan update updateFolderServer();

}catch(Exception e){ System.out.println(e); } }

Hm cp nhn danh sch tp tin trong Folder ca server sau khi upload
public void updateFolderServer(){ try{ BufferedInputStream bi=new BufferedInputStream(s.getInputStream()); Scanner sc=new Scanner(bi); DefaultListModel dm=new DefaultListModel(); //server goi ve so luong tap tin thu muc sau khi upload int n=sc.nextInt(); System.out.println("Da nhan duoc so luong tap tin goi tu server"); //nhan ten tung tap tin thu muc for(int i=0;i<n;i++)

{ String filename=sc.nextLine(); dm.addElement(filename); } System.out.println("Da hien thi xong danh sach tap tin"); //hien thi len form this.lstPath.setModel(dm); //ve lai giao dien this.validate(); }catch(Exception e){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Li", e.toString(),JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } }

Bc 7: Vit code server p tr li client sau khi nhn tp tin upload thnh cng. nh ngha thm hng pha server.
public static final int UPLOAD=3;

Cp nht li hm nh x lnh dang chui sang s.

public static int laLenh(String cmd){ if(cmd.equals("DANGNHAP")) return DANGNHAP; if(cmd.equals("UPLOAD")) return UPLOAD; return KHONGLALENH; }

B sung vo lnh x l switch ca server.

case UPLOAD: System.out.println("Da vao lenh upload"); String fileName=sc.nextLine(); System.out.println("Da lay ten tap tin"); try{ String path2; //kiem tra chuoi duong dan co dau / cuoi cung hay ko? //va gan ten tap tin tu client vao tuong ung if (path.lastIndexOf("/")>=path.length()-1) path2=path + fileName; else path2=path + "/" + fileName;

System.out.println(path2); FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream(new File(path2)); BufferedOutputStream bos=new BufferedOutputStream(fos); BufferedInputStream bis; bis=new BufferedInputStream(new_s.getInputStream()); byte buf[]=new byte[bis.available()]; bos.write(; bos.flush(); bos.close(); pw=new PrintWriter(new_s.getOutputStream()); pw.println("DANHAN"); pw.flush(); //yeu cau update lai listbox o server //mo thu muc ra va tra ve noi dung thu muc o phia server Main.traThuMucClient(path,pw); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } break;

on code gi danh sch tp tin ca th mc server sau khi upload.

static void traThuMucClient(String path, PrintWriter out) { try{ File dir=new File(path); File dsFile[]; System.out.println("Dang doc tap tin"); try{ dsFile = dir.listFiles(); System.out.println("da la ds tap tin"); out.println(dsFile.length); for(int i=0;i<dsFile.length;i++){ String filename=dsFile[i].getName(); out.println(filename); } out.flush(); System.out.println("da goi client"); }catch(Exception e)

{JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,e.toString());} } catch(Exception e){ System.out.println(e.toString()); } }

Bc 6: Vit code cho nt download

private void jButton4ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { //lay tap tin can download String fileName=(String) this.lstPath.getSelectedValue(); System.out.println(fileName); try{ PrintWriter pw=new PrintWriter(s.getOutputStream()); //goi tin hieu lenh pw.println("DOWNLOAD"); pw.flush(); System.out.println("Da goi lenh download len server"); pw.println(fileName); pw.flush(); //doi server goi noi dung tap tin ve System.out.println("Doi server goi noi dung tap tin ve"); String cpath=path+"\\" + fileName; FileOutputStream fos; fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(cpath)); BufferedOutputStream bos=new BufferedOutputStream(fos); BufferedInputStream bis=new BufferedInputStream(s.getInputStream()); byte buf[]=new byte[bis.available()]; bos.write(; bos.flush(); bos.close(); pw=new PrintWriter(s.getOutputStream()); pw.println("DANHAN"); pw.flush(); //cap nhat lai thu muc client vua download this.capNhatClientFolder(cpath); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex); }

} private void capNhatClientFolder(String cpath) { //mo thu muc voi duong dan path ra File dir=new File(path); File dsFile[]=dir.listFiles(); if(dsFile==null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, " Duong dan sai!"); }else{ try{ //luu duong dan hien tai ma list hien thi danh tap tin trong folder do. //path=txtPath.getText(); DefaultListModel dm=new DefaultListModel(); for(int i=0;i<dsFile.length;i++){ String filename=dsFile[i].getName(); dm.addElement(filename); } this.lstClientPath.setModel(dm); this.validate(); }catch(Exception e){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, e); } } }

B sung hng server:

public static final int DOWNLOAD=4;

Cp nht hm nh x lnh dng chui sang s:

public static int laLenh(String cmd){ if(cmd.equals("DANGNHAP")) return DANGNHAP; if(cmd.equals("UPLOAD")) return UPLOAD; if(cmd.equals("DOWNLOAD")) return DOWNLOAD; return KHONGLALENH; }

B sung trng hp download cho lnh switch

case DOWNLOAD: //lay ten tap tin do client goi len System.out.println("Da vao lenh download"); String fileNameD=sc.nextLine(); System.out.println("Da lay ten tap tin"); try{ String cpath; //kiem tra chuoi duong dan co dau / cuoi cung hay ko? //va gan ten tap tin tu client vao tuong ung if (path.lastIndexOf("/")>=path.length()-1) cpath=path + fileNameD; else cpath=path + "/" + fileNameD; System.out.println(cpath); //mo tap tin ra BufferedInputStream bis; bis=new BufferedInputStream (new FileInputStream(cpath)); //lap doc noi dung tap tin va goi lieu len server byte buf[]=new byte[bis.available()]; //tao bo dem doc het du lieu tu tap tin vao bo dem roi day //vao luong len server. BufferedOutputStream bos; bos=new BufferedOutputStream(new_s.getOutputStream()); bos.write(; System.out.println("da goi du lieu tap tin ve cho client"); bos.flush(); //doi nhan danh sach tap thu cua folder o server voi tinh trang moi Scanner scRequest=new Scanner(new_s.getInputStream()); String cmdRequest=scRequest.nextLine(); System.out.println("da nhan dap tra tu server"); if(cmdRequest.equals("DANHAN")) System.out.println(" gi tp tin thnh cng"); else System.out.println("Gi tp tin tht bi"); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println(e); } break;

Bi 7. Vit chng trnh cho php hai my chat vi nhau.

Bi 8. Vit chng trnh client/server cho php cc my chat vi nhau trn mng. Trong , mt my ng vai tr server qun l thng tin ngi dng ng nhp v cho php hai user hai my khc nhau chat vi nhau.

Bi 9. Vit chng trnh chi game Caro trc tuyn trn mng (Yu cu vit ch cho 2 ngi chi vi nhau- Mt phn mm client gi yu cu chi ti Server v mt phn mm Server i kt ni t client v thc hin knh trao i chi vi mt client). Game gm 2 ngi chi, mt trng v mt en. Mi ngi chi hai my khc nhau. Mi ngi chi ln lc chn con c t ln bn c ca mnh v bn c cng ca ngi chi th 2 cng c cp nht theo. Ngi chi thng nu anh ta c 5 qun c thng hng ngang, dc hoc ct cho.

HNG DN Chng trnh hot ng theo m hnh client/server. Gm mt phn mm CaroServer ci t my ch v phn mm CaroClient ci t my ngi chi.

Phn mm CaroClient M hnh thit k lp i tng: gm cc lp Bn c, c, Ngi chi, FrameCaroClient. OCo: JButton - int d; - int c; - int trangThai; - FrameCaroClient fcc; + OCo(int, int, int); + capNhatTrangThai(int); + xuLyNutDuocNhap(); X l nt nht xy ra khi ngi chi nhp vo button ny. Khi , hm ny s thc hin cc chc nng nh: cp nht trng thi bn c v tr c ta d, c. Sau , gi hm cp nht trng thi ca i tng bn c. Cp nht giao din pha client. To kt ni ti Server. Gi ID cp ngi chi v i tng bn c ti Server. NguoiChoi - String ten; - String pass; - int trangThai; - boolean choiCo; //choi, hoac khong choi //cha chi c hoc chi

+ NguoiChoi(String, String); + capNhatTrangThai(int); + capNhatChoiCo(boolean);

Lp Frame s hin th giao din cho ngi s dng chi v c nhim v kt ni ti server ng k chi. Mi ln c mt qun c c t, th lp ny s phn ng nh, cp nht trng thi bn c,

kt ni ti server, gi thng tin bn c ti server, cho server cp nht bn c ca cp ngi chi c s hiu ID. ng thi, pha client cng cp nht li trng thi bn c cho ngi dng xem. BanCo //3: trng, 0: trng, 1: en; - int oCo[][]; - int n; //kch thc

- NguoiChoi nc1, nc2; - boolean trangThai; //thng true, thua false

+ BanCo(int); + OCo(int d, int c):int; + NC1(): NguoiChuoi; + NC2(): NguoiChuoi; + TrangThai():boolean + capNhatTrangThai(); + N(): int; //tr li kch thc bn c

FrameCaroClient: JFrame //phan du lieu xu ly - BanCo bc; - OCo oCo[][]; - JPanel PBanThongTin; //hin th thng tin ngi chi - JPanel PBanCo; - JBarMenu bm; - JMenu mDangky; - JMenuItem miDangKy; - Socket s; //kt ni ti Server - String domain; - int port; //hin th thng tin bn c

+ FrameCaroClient(BanCo); + dangKyChoi(); + chapNhanChoi(); + napBanCo(BanCo); + luuServerNgungChoi();

Bi 10. Vit chng trnh FTP x l a tin trnh.

Hng dn: Tng t bi 6, nhng b sung thm vic x l a tin trnh Server v x l truy xut h qun tr c s d liu mySQL.

B1:To ra 2 project FTPClient v FTPServer

B2: Pha Client to ra 3 form: frmDangNhap, frmFTPClient, frmHienThi

B2.1 To frmFTPClient: k tha lp JFrame Form

Thm i tng Desktop Pane v t tn bin l: dspane

B2.2 To frmDangNhap: k tha lp JInternalFrame

B2.3 To giao din cho Form ng nhp nh sau

B2.4 To frmHienThi: lm nh frmDangNhap, k tha lp JInternalFrame

B3: Pha Server to ra cc lp: Cc lp giao din v cc lp thao tc trn CSDL v cc i tng x l d liu ca server. B3.1: To CSDL MySQL
Ci wampServer

Sau khi ci WampServer ta vo StartProgram file Start Server

Vo trnh duyt (Firefox) g a ch vo trang phpmyadmin

To database quanlytaikhoan

Vo database quanlytaikhoan, To bng taikhoan

To cc thuc tnh cho bng d liu:

B3.1: To ra cc lp i tng thao tc truy xut CSDL. Chng ta s thao tc truy xut trn CSDL thng qua cc lp ny. Gm c 2 lp l to kt ni v lp truy xut CSDL (Ta c th thm 1 lp User vic truy xut CSDL r rnh v chuyn bit hn).

Lu ta phi add thm driver nu mun kt ni CSDL. Ta lm nh sau: Click phi vo Library Add JAR/Folder.

To lp MyConnection c ni dung nh sau:

To lp DBAccess c ni dung nh sau:

package ftpserver; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; public class DBAccess { private Connection con; private Statement stmt; public DBAccess() { try { MyConnection mycon=new MyConnection(); con = mycon.getConnection(); stmt=con.createStatement(); } catch (Exception e) { } } public int Update(String str){ try{

int i=stmt.executeUpdate(str); return i; }catch(Exception e){ return -1; } } public ResultSet Query(String srt){ try { ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery(srt); return rs; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } }

B 3.2: Tip n, ta to cc lp i tng qun l ti khon bn pha server

B 3.2.1 To form

B 3.2.2 To

B 3.2.3 To

B 3.3 Bt u vit s kin cho cc form B 3.3.1 S kin click vo itemmenu ng k

S kin click vo itemmenu Xem ti khon

S kin click vo itemmenu Thot

B 3.3.2 S kin click trn button Tm duyt

X l s kin click trn button Thot

X l s kin click trn button to li

X l s kin click trn button ng k

private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { String username=txttaikhoan.getText(); String password=new String(txtmatkhau.getPassword()); String xnPassword=new String(txtxacnhanmatkhau.getPassword()); int per=0; if(this.rdread.isSelected()) per=0; if(this.rdwrite.isSelected()) per=1; if(this.rdfull.isSelected()) per=2; if(!password.equals(xnPassword)){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, " loi mat khau "); }else{ try{ //Ly ng dn ca project hin hnh File directory = new File (""); String path = txtduongdan.getText(); if(path.equals("")){ //Nu khng nhp dng dn th s to ra 1 th mc // trng tn vi username v cho user qun path=directory.getCanonicalPath ()+"\\"+txttaikhoan.getText(); (new File(path)).mkdir(); path=path.replace("\\", "/"); }else path=path.replace("\\", "/"); System.out.print(path); DBAccess acc=new DBAccess(); String query="insert into taikhoan (username,password,path,per) values('"+username+"','"+password+"','" + path + "',"+ per + ")"; System.out.println(query);

if(acc.Update(query)>0){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"ng k thnh cng!"); xoa(); }else{//ng nhp tht bi JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "ng k tht bi!"); } }catch(Exception e){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e.toString()); } } }

B3.3.3 frmHienThi S kin click trn button Thot

Vit thm code vo hm dng ca lp

public frmHienThi() { initComponents(); //ket noi csdl hien thi ds tai khoan try{ DBAccess acc=new DBAccess(); String query="select * from taikhoan"; ResultSet rs; rs=acc.Query(query); if(rs.wasNull()){ System.out.println("rong"); return; } Vector row; DefaultTableModel dm; dm=(DefaultTableModel) this.tableDSUser.getModel(); while ({

String user=rs.getString("username"); String pass=rs.getString("password"); String path=rs.getString("path"); int per=rs.getInt("per"); row=new Vector(); row.add(user); row.add(pass); row.add(path); row.add(per); dm.addRow(row); } this.validate(); this.setVisible(true); }catch(Exception e){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e.toString(),"Li",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } }

B3.3 Ta tip tc to cc lp x l d liu t client chuyn ti B3.3.1

package ftpserver;

import*; import java.util.*; import*; import java.sql.ResultSet; //import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class ServerThread implements Runnable{ private Scanner in=null; private PrintWriter out=null; private Socket socket; private String name; public ServerThread(Socket socket,String name) throws IOException{ this.socket=socket;; Scanner(this.socket.getInputStream()); this.out=new PrintWriter(this.socket.getOutputStream(),true); new Thread(this).start(); } //cac cau lenh giao tiep voi client public static final int DANGNHAP=1; public static final int DOWNLOAD=2; public static final int NOCMD=-1; public static final int UPLOAD=3; public int lenh(String strcmd){ if(strcmd.equals("dangnhap")) return DANGNHAP;//Client yeu cau dang nhap if(strcmd.equals("upload")) return UPLOAD;//client upload file len sver if(strcmd.equals("download")) return DOWNLOAD;//client yeu cau download file return NOCMD;//client khong c yu cu g } private void traThuMucClient(String path, PrintWriter out) { try{ File dir=new File(path);

File dsFile[]; try{ dsFile = dir.listFiles(); if(dsFile==null) out.println(0); else{ out.println(dsFile.length); for(int i=0;i<dsFile.length;i++){ String filename=dsFile[i].getName(); out.println(filename); } } out.flush(); }catch(Exception e) {JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,e.toString());} } catch(Exception e){ System.out.println(e.toString()); } } public void run(){ Scanner sc=null; DBAccess acc=null; String filename; String path; File f; byte[] mybytearray; try{ while(true){ String s=in.nextLine().trim(); sc=null; String cmd=""; String data=""; try{ sc=new Scanner(s); sc.useDelimiter("@");;; }catch(Exception e){} //dieu phoi su kien tu client

switch(lenh(cmd)) { case DANGNHAP: acc=new DBAccess(); ResultSet rs=acc.Query(data); if({ out.println("OK"); //out.println("\n"); path=rs.getString("path"); //mo thu muc ra va tra ve noi dung thu muc o phia server this.traThuMucClient(path,out); }else out.println("NOTOK"); break; case UPLOAD: int bytesRead; int current=0; int doDaiFile=0; rs=acc.Query(data);; doDaiFile=Integer.parseInt(;; path=rs.getString("path"); f=new File(path+"/"+filename); if(!f.exists()) f.createNewFile(); mybytearray = new byte[doDaiFile]; InputStream is = socket.getInputStream(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f); BufferedOutputStream bos; bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos); bytesRead =,0,mybytearray.length); current = bytesRead; while(current!=doDaiFile){ bytesRead =, current, mybytearray.length-current); if(bytesRead>=0) current+=bytesRead; } bos.write(mybytearray, 0, current); bos.flush(); bos.close(); this.traThuMucClient(path,out);

break; case DOWNLOAD: rs=acc.Query(data);;; path=rs.getString("path"); f=new File(path+"/"+filename); out.println(f.length());//truyen do dai file mybytearray = new byte[(int) f.length()]; BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f));, 0, mybytearray.length); OutputStream os = socket.getOutputStream(); os.write(mybytearray, 0, mybytearray.length); os.flush(); bis.close(); } } }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println(name+" has departed"); }finally{ try{socket.close();}catch(IOException e){} if(sc!=null)sc.close(); } } }

B3.4 Thm cc s kin cho cc form bn pha client B3.4.1 S kin cho itemmenu ng nhp

S kin cho itemmenu Thot

Thm cc hng s

Vit thm 1 hm chun b cho vic to form Hin th

B3.4.2 Khai bo thm cc th vin v cc bin

Khai bo s kin click cho button Thot

Khai bo s kin cho button ng nhp

B3.4.3 Vit thm hm loadlist

Vit thm constructor v cc thuc tnh

X l s kin click trn button Thot

X l s kin click trn button browser

X l s kin click trn button upload

X l s kin click trn button download

private void btnDownloadActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { String str="download@"+"select * from taikhoan where username='"+username+"'@"; String filename; try{ //Truyn lnh ln server yu cu file filename=listUserFolder.getSelectedValue().toString(); str=str+filename; out=new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(),true); out.println(str); //Nhn file t server v lu trong path BufferedInputStream bi=new BufferedInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); in=new Scanner(bi); int doDaiFile=in.nextInt();//lay do dai file if(path.equals("")){ this.fileChooserClient.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); if(this.fileChooserClient.showOpenDialog(this)==JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) path=this.fileChooserClient.getSelectedFile().getCanonicalPath(); } int bytesRead;

int current=0; File f=new File(path+"\\"+filename); byte[] mybytearray = new byte[doDaiFile]; InputStream is = socket.getInputStream(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f); BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos); bytesRead =,0,mybytearray.length); current = bytesRead; while(current!=doDaiFile){ bytesRead =, current, mybytearray.length-current); if(bytesRead>=0) current+=bytesRead; } bos.write(mybytearray, 0, current); bos.flush(); bos.close(); File dir=new File(path); File dsFile[]=dir.listFiles(); DefaultListModel dm=new DefaultListModel(); for(int i=0;i<dsFile.length;i++){ String name=dsFile[i].getName(); dm.addElement(name); } this.listClientFolder.setModel(dm); listClientFolder.setSelectedIndex(0); }catch(Exception e) { try{if(socket!=null)socket.close();}catch(Exception ex){e.printStackTrace();} e.printStackTrace(); } }

B3.5 By gi ta tin hnh chy chng trnh B3.5.1 Start Wamp server B3.5.2 chy to ti khon mi. B3.5.3 Chy B3.5.4 Chy file kim tra cc chc nng download v upload .

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